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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Berdagon


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No light
No air
Only stone and water

That is how it should’ve been
But one god thought it was wise
To open a gateway to the depths

He did not look
His concentration was elsewhere
But he felt the air bubbles on his skin

It infuriated him

He would punish the trespasser

These coins, he would deal with later

Without breaking his concentration
Without looking away from the bright light above him
He put the nail of his finger trough the portal

As he kept it open, he called for one of his servants

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burzadurr


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From the highest peak sounded a rhythmic sound of steel on steel. Montis was laying his last hand on a new piece. When he had cooled it for the last time and inspected it's shape, he heard a tinkling noise. His divine ears and ages of experience told him it was gold, some sort of coins.
He turned around and looked, there lay a pile of gold coins. He knew some other god had sent this. he walked over to the pile and put down the masterwork on his way. He crouched beside the coins and saw his emblem on every piece. He knew the sacrificial feast was about to start and he would go there after he had finished his piece, which he just did. He now threw of his leather apron, grabbed a sack and took all of the coins with him because he knew something was up with them, and wanted to investigate this further. He took his human form, stepped out of his forge and called out for his friend and helper: 'RODAIKAR!'. his voice sounded mighty and deep, it echoed far and made the mountain tremble slightly.
Almost immediately after a black dragon appeared in sight and it flew down in circles.

Montis mounted the mighty beast and said: 'I'm sorry to denigrate you like this, but I just had to finish that last piece, it is for you after all.'
The dragon eased a little bit and took off, he knew exactly where to go for Montis had planned it all.

'To the celebration' he thought.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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LordMarwain said
“But Erä don’t you see it? These are not coins used to make payments. These are trophy’s worthy of the strongest hunter. They are shaped round as a symbol of the sun, an object no mortal can reach. They are golden, for that is the earth’s most precious metal. And lastly, they wear your symbol. It would be an insult to refer to anything with your symbol on it as a currency. Do you think Mawhiti wanted to offend you?The flames eagerly started to eat the cloth away till the last thread. After that, for a few moments, nothing happened.A spark rose on from the pyre and shot in the sky. High above the crowd it exploded, showing a large flaming rose. Its petals started to rain down in the direction of the village, leaving a trail of sparkles, disappearing long before they could reach the town. Grass and flowers started to grow on the street around Lyah. Next to her the flowers started to grow larger and larger, forming a framework. In it a door appeared. Slowly it opened, showing a garden she had seen just a few minutes ago. But this time, the place of the garden she saw was decorated with red and golden flowers. Petals of all colors were swirling around. She could feel the warmth of the garden reaching her.Tavon, who was talking with another person, turned around and smiled at her. He gestured her to come inside.

Lyah stepped off the edge confidently. Instead of a long drop into a fiery pit, she stepped onto soft grass. She was almost getting used to this.
She stood in the garden and tried to make sense of what she saw before her. The figure standing before her father was beyond description.
Not so much a person, or a creature even. The shifting forms caught the light in a way impossible to understand to mortal eyes.
Lyah realized that, if it wasn't for the divine blood that ran trough her veins, the sight of this entity would have driven her to madness.
As she stared into the impossible she thought she recognized something. Not an image, a feeling. A feeling of calm, something natural and true.
A similar feeling to what seemed to echo of her father.

She drew the conclusion that they must be the same. This was the true form of the divine.
A shiver went down her spine.
Maybe it was her heretige, maybe she was starting to get used to understanding the impossible, but something gave her the courage to speak.
"H-hello. I am Lyah... Are you my uncle?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MasterOfMetal


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akje said
Lyah stepped off the edge confidently. Instead of a long drop into a fiery pit, she stepped onto soft grass. She was almost getting used to this.She stood in the garden and tried to make sense of what she saw before her. The figure standing before her father was beyond description.Not so much a person, or a creature even. The shifting forms caught the light in a way impossible to understand to mortal eyes.Lyah realized that, if it wasn't for the divine blood that ran trough her veins, the sight of this entity would have driven her to madness.As she stared into the impossible she thought she recognized something. Not an image, a feeling. A feeling of calm, something natural and true.A similar feeling to what seemed to echo of her father.She drew the conclusion that they must be the same. This was the true form of the divine.A shiver went down her spine.Maybe it was her heretige, maybe she was starting to get used to understanding the impossible, but something gave her the courage to speak."H-hello. I am Lyah... Are you my uncle?"

Erä instantly took a form understandable to mortals, that of the bronzed hunter with the beast's skull.
The lord of the hunt felt something he did not feel very often. Surprise.
This mortal had seen his true form, without going utterly insane. Would she be able to understand his voice?
'I.. I suppose so, child.'
Erä looked at Tavon.
He had a child.. that meant in some way, Erä had a child as well.
Emotion was not something the Wild Wanderer was used to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LordMarwain


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akje said
Lyah stepped off the edge confidently. Instead of a long drop into a fiery pit, she stepped onto soft grass. She was almost getting used to this.She stood in the garden and tried to make sense of what she saw before her. The figure standing before her father was beyond description.Not so much a person, or a creature even. The shifting forms caught the light in a way impossible to understand to mortal eyes.Lyah realized that, if it wasn't for the divine blood that ran trough her veins, the sight of this entity would have driven her to madness.As she stared into the impossible she thought she recognized something. Not an image, a feeling. A feeling of calm, something natural and true.A similar feeling to what seemed to echo of her father.She drew the conclusion that they must be the same. This was the true form of the divine.A shiver went down her spine.Maybe it was her heretige, maybe she was starting to get used to understanding the impossible, but something gave her the courage to speak."H-hello. I am Lyah... Are you my uncle?"

Tavon winked at Lyah. "Welcome to the family my champion." He went over to her and took her by the hand.

"Since your my champion now, I suppose I should give you some powers. How about I give you the ability to bend the shape of nature to your will." Tavon grasped Lyah’s hand tightly and she could feel the warm energy flow inside her. She started to see the plants around her differently.

"This should be enough, but as my daughter let me give you something special. You should be able to handle it with me as your father." With his other hand he touched her forehead. Another kind of force started to stream inside her. A more primal energy. "This should give you the ability to change other energies into nature energy."

Tavon took a step back and looked at her. He saw the energies mix up with her own energy. "Let me give you a warning about your new powers, don't try to use them at their full capacity right now. They are very tiring to use. Over time you will grow more accustomed to them and they will get easier to use."

"So now that is done, let's get something to eat and maybe you can tell me more about your past. I want to know how life has been for you." He snapped his finger and a wooden table with chairs around it appeared. On the table were all kinds of food and drinks. There was mozzarella and winter fruit salad, beetroot carpaccio, apples drenched in honey, roasted meat, cold water and wine of godly quality. "You're dining with us brother?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LordMarwain


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The flames were dancing in the pyre. Tarvin followed their movement with his eyes to calm his mind. He had his sacrifice ready, but still didn’t feel at ease. Was it enough to attract the attention of the gods? This was something Tarvin was not familiar with. He was good at taking important stuff away, not at giving it. Sure he had some experience with giving coins to the poor, but he couldn’t possibly compare this to the giving to the gods. There was a whole religious aspect at giving offers to the gods. No, he shouldn’t worry about that. He just had to present his offer to the gods. No one was offering right now. Tarvin stood up and walked to the pyre, while opening his backpack.

“Gods,” he started his sentence. “for years I have lived on my own. I learned how to live independent. I kept myself to my own moral standings. I saw this society from the side it doesn’t want to present itself. People filled with greed and hate walk with a smile on their faces over the streets. People who like taking from others. Who enjoy standing above others. I took from them.” Tarvin took the trophies he gathered from the mayors and threw them one by one in the fire. “And I gave some back to the ones they took from. Not because that is what I should do. Not because it is what others think that is right. I did it because I am free to make my own choices. I did it because they were wrong and doing it felt right to me. I did it because I felt myself that this was the right thing to do.” Tarvin was shouting right now. He knew he was gathering more attention than he should. That he should be planning his escape right now. To disappear in the crowd. But he didn’t want to stop yet.

“Please accept my offer. Not just the trophies, but also I will show the world what it means to be free. I will not be held down by the standards and moral choices of others. I will find out for me myself what is right and wrong and tell other to do the same.” He saw the circle close. His way to escape had closed when he tried to express his feelings to the gods. A lot of unwanted attention had focused on him. He heard the people whisper to each other. A few man in fine clothing were giving him mean looks.

Tarvin looked at the sky. “Please gods help me,” he whispered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

LordMarwain said
The flames were dancing in the pyre. Tarvin followed their movement with his eyes to calm his mind. He had his sacrifice ready, but still didn’t feel at ease. Was it enough to attract the attention of the gods? This was something Tarvin was not familiar with. He was good at taking important stuff away, not at giving it. Sure he had some experience with giving coins to the poor, but he couldn’t possibly compare this to the giving to the gods. There was a whole religious aspect at giving offers to the gods. No, he shouldn’t worry about that. He just had to present his offer to the gods. No one was offering right now. Tarvin stood up and walked to the pyre, while opening his backpack.“Gods,” he started his sentence. “for years I have lived on my own. I learned how to live independent. I kept myself to my own moral standings. I saw this society from the side it doesn’t want to present itself. People filled with greed and hate walk with a smile on their faces over the streets. People who like taking from others. Who enjoy standing above others. I took from them.” Tarvin took the trophies he gathered from the mayors and threw them one by one in the fire. “And I gave some back to the ones they took from. Not because that is what I should do. Not because it is what others think that is right. I did it because I am free to make my own choices. I did it because they were wrong and doing it felt right to me. I did it because I felt myself that this was the right thing to do.” Tarvin was shouting right now. He knew he was gathering more attention than he should. That he should be planning his escape right now. To disappear in the crowd. But he didn’t want to stop yet. “Please accept my offer. Not just the trophies, but also I will show the world what it means to be free. I will not be held down by the standards and moral choices of others. I will find out for me myself what is right and wrong and tell other to do the same.” He saw the circle close. His way to escape had closed when he tried to express his feelings to the gods. A lot of unwanted attention had focused on him. He heard the people whisper to each other. A few man in fine clothing were giving him mean looks.Tarvin looked at the sky. “Please gods help me,” he whispered.

... ... "Does this boy claim to know better than the law?" ...
... "Are those stolen goods he's sacrificing?" ... ...
... ... ... ... "If he's a thief he's a hypocrite. Talking about right and wrong like that." ...
... "Just arrogant fool." ... ... "A criminal!"

Murmurs and whispers arose from the crowd that slowly formed tighter around Tarvin.
He could see their disapproval. Their fear. Their malice.

A peal of thunder crashed down from the skies upon Tarvin. A low and heavy voice made the earth tremble.
"Finding the right gift is difficult isn't it?"
Looking around it was clear none of the people around him had heard the thunderclap nor the voice. This was just for him.

"You humans were created equal to animals, but a difference was made. Or at least.. Attempted." The voice continued.
Time seemed to slow down as the voice spoke. There was time for this. A strange calm. Everything seemed loaded, strung tight. As if ready to jump into action.
The mob around Tarvin stood almost frozen in place, but on their faces it was clear they would jump him the moment time would reset to normal.

"At great risk, at great expense. Humans were granted the chance to decide their own fate. Free from the shackles of animistic thought. Unbound by the laws of nature, merciless as they are." The voice raised, it's tone dripping with bitterness.

"But guess what they did with it? With this divine gift? They made laws, and they kept each other to them. Anyone who tried to use their divine gift was punished by another. They fought and they bickered. They squandered their free will." The voice bellowed with anger. Growing more frighting and dangerous.

"But you! You! You understand what it means to take matters into your own hands! To make the decisions these sheep can't. Reach up and take my hand! I will give you the means to decide for them. Choose their will for them."

A thin swirling cyclone came down from the heavens, crackling with energy. It changed shape, forming a hand at the bottom. An open hand with a white-golden ring on it.
"Take my hand and they shall think like you. They shall think with you. As you think for them."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

'I.. I suppose so, child.'
MasterOfMetal said
Erä instantly took a form understandable to mortals, that of the bronzed hunter with the beast's skull.The lord of the hunt felt something he did not feel very often. Surprise.This mortal had seen his true form, without going utterly insane. Would she be able to understand his voice?'I.. I suppose so, child.'Erä looked at Tavon. He had a child.. that meant in some way, Erä had a child as well.Emotion was not something the Wild Wanderer was used to.

Lyah's expectations were suddenly matched as the shapes shifted and took a form she was familiar with. He took a shape similar to the statue of Erä as she'd seen him in depicted in the temple. When she stared into the eye sockets of the bleached bone feline face, she saw the impossible reality in the darkness.
A sound glamered from the skull, and echoed from every direction. It was a sound Lyah had never heard, and struggled to describe. She liked to imagine this was the sound tree's would make if they could sing.

Somehow though, she could understand the meaning. Her mind converted the swirling notes to words. 'I.. I suppose so, child.'
She smiled at the confirmation. This truly was Erä.
Not as she had expected. But then, she had no idea what she should have expected.

LordMarwain said
Tavon winked at Lyah. "Welcome to the family my champion." He went over to her and took her by the hand. "Since your my champion now, I suppose I should give you some powers. How about I give you the ability to bend the shape of nature to your will." Tavon grasped Lyah’s hand tightly and she could feel the warm energy flow inside her. She started to see the plants around her differently. "This should be enough, but as my daughter let me give you something special. You should be able to handle it with me as your father." With his other hand he touched her forehead. Another kind of force started to stream inside her. A more primal energy. "This should give you the ability to change other energies into nature energy."Tavon took a step back and looked at her. He saw the energies mix up with her own energy. "Let me give you a warning about your new powers, don't try to use them at their full capacity right now. They are very tiring to use. Over time you will grow more accustomed to them and they will get easier to use.""So now that is done, let's get something to eat and maybe you can tell me more about your past. I want to know how life has been for you." He snapped his finger and a wooden table with chairs around it appeared. On the table were all kinds of food and drinks. There was mozzarella and winter fruit salad, beetroot carpaccio, apples drenched in honey, roasted meat, cold water and wine of godly quality. "You're dining with us brother?"

As her father touched her she felt a pulse of energy run trough her. Suddenly she felt every blade of glass beneath her shiver. She felt the might of the trees around her. She felt the temptation in the flowers everywhere. She felt the ambition to grow. As she took a breath the garden moved with her.

Lyah looked up to say her thanks. Suddenly he touched her forehead. The world around her faded, lines became blurry, she saw the true form of her father and uncle before her. No, it was more primal than that. What she saw was the energy that they held. The force that made them what they were. Shaped by nothing but their will.
As she looked down she saw her hands as flowing lines of translucent lightning. She saw the earth as a sky full of stars and clouds of light. The plants around her lit up brightly. The sky above her was pierced with rays of pure power. She could feel the energy flow of everything around her.
With her will she moved the flow of energy from one plant to another, one wilted and the other grew beyond it's natural form.
"Let me give you a warning about your new powers, don't try to use them at their full capacity right now. They are very tiring to use. "
These words returned her sight and mind back to the ground. Dazed she looked at her father, who suddenly started to discuss dinner.

Lyah blinked at the table full of food. "Uhm.. what? I..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burzadurr


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Carefully stepping around the bedding Gardìmn continued his way to the center of the town, he was certain he could find someplace to drink and ask around about what is going on.

After a few streets, some weird looks and sometimes hasty people almost walking into him a few times he finally saw the fire which warmth he had already felt and which scent he had already smelt. He spotted the inn and walked over there, disregarding the vast number of people already gathered around the fire. Some tossing in some of their personal belongings.

'Strange habits those humans have.' he thought.
He had just entered when the innkeeper shouted at him: 'Be welcome sir, but what arr ye draggin' that colossus in here fer!?'
And when he took a better look at the bearded fellow in front if him he also looked a little bit more inspecting.
This was a very short man, dark blonde hair which in bright light might look a little red, the man had a lot of facial hair and a big beard, he wore dirty leather boots which contrasted with his beautiful signet ring, pure craftman's work you could tell by looking at it from a distance.
"could this be a dwarf?" the man thought..."why no.. But maybe... yes, whatever, I'll find out.."

Gardìmn simply answered;
'Well you see, I am traveling and these are my belongings, I wouldn't want people off the street nosing about my stuff. You wouldn't likely have any place I could leave it without it attracting too much attention and without it being inconvenient for you, would you?'

'AYE!' the innkeeper answered, 'Ay do have myself an empty room awn the grouwnd floor fer ye, but it ain't fer nuffin' ehh'
Gardìmn said;'please, name your normal price, I would like to sleep in that room at least tonight, and I could use something to drink.'

The innkeeper showed him to his room and they discussed and settled the price and Gardìmn left the not so important stuff behind, taking only what mattered to always have with him. He sat down at the bar, or actually, he felt like he had to climb the seat.. But he eventually made it up. His beer was not strong enough, and he would ask for the strongest drink there was next time. He asked the innkeeper his most burning question; 'say, what is going on outside? What's all the fuzz about, something important happening?'
The Innkeeper laughed and said: 'Yer not from 'rouwnd here arr ye? It's the sacrificial feast, we townsfolk throw our stuffs into the big fire to honor the gods. It's said that sumtimes they walk here, amongst us puny men, in disguise and looking.'

Gardìmn wondered if Montis would be here as well, he wondered if he would be able recognize him.
'yeah, you're right, I'm from Borìn Fraethr, or as you maybe know it, 'The Elder Mountain' I'm as you maybe saw, a dwarf.'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MasterOfMetal


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Zaya walked through the fairground, content in her warm clothes and with a filled belly.
She was halfway her fifth cake slice, stolen of course, when she walked past one of the smaller pyres.
'I'm filled up anyway.' she shrugged, and she tossed the last half of the treat into the flames.
It was just a jest, she didn't believe in Gods, only in her own abilities.
And besides, if they were real, why would they pick a stray like herself?
But what if one did? Zaya let her mind wander as she stopped to stare at the flames.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wodgev


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MasterOfMetal said
Zaya walked through the fairground, content in her warm clothes and with a filled belly.She was halfway her fifth cake slice, stolen of course, when she walked past one of the smaller pyres.'I'm filled up anyway.' she shrugged, and she tossed the last half of the treat into the flames.It was just a jest, she didn't believe in Gods, only in her own abilities.And besides, if they real, why would they pick a stray like herself?But what if one did? Zaya let her mind wander as she stopped to stare at the flames.

A small black cat sat near the pyre, glancing up at the little girl who walked past. With a sad expression the cat followed the arc the cake made, how it flew into the flame, and was instantly burned to a crisp. The girl had made a sacrifice without intent. The girl was scruffy, though well dressed, and obviously trouble. The gods would scoff at a champion of her stature, of her demeaner. She didn't even believe in the gods.
But that's the thing about gods; even if you don't believe in them, they can still believe in you.
The cat made a path to intercept the girl as she rounded a corner. Away from the fires. away from prying eyes. Away from the center of attention. The cat noted how another thief made a speech on rejecting society. He too would have been interesting, although he was way too certain of himself. Besides, this girl could be trouble. The cat loved trouble. It's the primary reason she was chosen to find a champion for the most unlikely of deities. Chosen to guide, train, empower and distract the champion. Mostly distract now that she thought about it.
The cat stopped right in front of the girl, in an attempt to trip her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gorbo Grandman

Gorbo Grandman

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akje said
"Good luck. I'm sure someone will love it." Misha replied as he put the bell on a string and hung it around his neck. He wasn't sure what it was but it seemed valuable.He then looked at Vincus. Unknowing who Vincus really was, but somehow suspicious. This man could sing, and as they had sung together he'd noticed something off.He couldn't place his finger on it, but there was something. Some spark."My name is Misha by the way." He stuck out his hand "Are you here for the sacrifices as well? Or just to see the sights, hear the music and taste the food?"

Picking up his own reward, he looked at the mortal who had adressed him. The idea that he could have a casual conversation with one seemed appealing to him, so he kept up the illusion. "Both... In a way." He said mysteriously. Walking up to Misha and taking his hand with both of his own. "Nicely sung Misha. Very nicely sung. Might I say you have quite a talent for singing?" He said gratiously. Letting go of Misha's hand he turned to look at the pyre in the distance. "It looks like the sacrificing has begun. We wouldn't want to miss that would we!" He urged Misha to come with him towards the celebration while he began walking there himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wodgev


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Vizlin nearly kicked the door of his house out of it's hinges in anger as he stomped towards the stairs. On the second floor, he made his way to the balcony overlooking the great square filled with pyres.
"How dare you interfere in my town!" he shouted at the top of his lungs. "For years you ignore our pleas for help, and now you decide to show yourselves?"
Vizlin ranted on for several minutes, not hearing the door of to the balcony behind him, not hearing the hesitant footsteps behind him, not hearing the gasps of the townsfolk below, and realising too late, that his time had come.
"I will not be a prisoner to your tyranny any longer." Leann whispered, "It's time that I stood up for me."
With a push, Vizlin tumbled over the balcony, and into the flames of the large pyre below.
Leann didn't look at what she had done, and did not see how Vizlin caught flame, but rolled out of the pyre itself. Screaming in agony and confusion, he ran away from the pyre, away from the square. A path formed wherever he ran, but no soul offered to help, whether in confusion, fear, or hate for the fallen mayor. On and on he ran, until he reach the cliffs, and seeing the ocean below, he jumped. On and on he fell, until his body broke on the rocks below. Barely alive, he slowly burned, unable to scream.

Vizlin awoke as if from a dream. Blackness surrounded him like a cloak. He felt weightless as if he was floating in water, but without the sensation of swimming.
Out from the darkness, a voice spoke.
"Hey, you made it."
Disoriented and more than a little intimidated, Vizlin looked to the source of the sound.
"Wh... who's there?" he asked, his voice cracking.
"That's not important right now." the voice answered from a different direction, "What is important, is that you roll the die."
"What die?" Vizlin asked. Looking around, he still saw nothing, not even his own hands."
"Oops, my bad."
Suddenly, there was a small die in front of Vizlin. I must be dreaming, he thought, as he saw no light source to illuminate the die, yet there it was, casting no shadows, yet clearly visible as if in daylight. Vizlin grasped at it with unseen hands. He felt the die, but could not see his own hand.
"And now?"
"You roll it."
Hesitantly, with no comprehension of why he was doing this, or what he was even conversing with, Vizlin threw the die.

"What does that mean?" Vizlin asked uncertainly.
The voice remained silent for a moment.
"Hmmm... that's... oh... ermmm... that's a bad place, let's not send you to him. Try again."
The die reappeared in front of Vizlin, and he picked it up again.

"That's worse, isn't it?"
"No, no, no. This one is okay. A bit of a challenge, but I'm sure you'll fit right in.
"What does that even mean?" Vizlin asked as he felt his surroundings change.
Suddenly, Vizlin was in a dark forest. All around him he heard the sounds of animals.
What was that?
A twig snapped behind him.
"On second thought... perhaps Cre’oan Mal would have been a better choice..."
Vryad turned back to the world of the living.
"Ah, well..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MasterOfMetal


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Wodgev said
A small black cat sat near the pyre, glancing up at the little girl who walked past. With a sad expression the cat followed the arc the cake made, how it flew into the flame, and was instantly burned to a crisp. The girl had made a sacrifice without intent. The girl was scruffy, though well dressed, and obviously trouble. The gods would scoff at a champion of her stature, of her demeaner. She didn't even believe in the gods.But that's the thing about gods; even if you don't believe in them, they can still believe in you.The cat made a path to intercept the girl as she rounded a corner. Away from the fires. away from prying eyes. Away from the center of attention. The cat noted how another thief made a speech on rejecting society. He too would have been interesting, although he was way too certain of himself. Besides, this girl could be trouble. The cat loved trouble. It's the primary reason she was chosen to find a champion for the most unlikely of deities. Chosen to guide, train, empower and distract the champion. Mostly distract now that she thought about it.The cat stopped right in front of the girl, in an attempt to trip her.

Zaya saw the cat, even before she started walking.
She had gotten quite good at acting like she didn't see small animals, it was easier to capture hem that way.
This cat however, acted almost as if it wanted to be caught, moving so close to her own path.
When the cat was close enough for zaya's liking, she lunged, grabbing the unsuspecting animal by the neck.
"Come with me little thing." she whispered to the cat with the sweetest voice she could muster.
She smiled, but in her big eyes, a spark of malevolence glimmered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MasterOfMetal


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LordMarwain said
Tavon winked at Lyah. "Welcome to the family my champion." He went over to her and took her by the hand. "Since your my champion now, I suppose I should give you some powers. How about I give you the ability to bend the shape of nature to your will." Tavon grasped Lyah’s hand tightly and she could feel the warm energy flow inside her. She started to see the plants around her differently. "This should be enough, but as my daughter let me give you something special. You should be able to handle it with me as your father." With his other hand he touched her forehead. Another kind of force started to stream inside her. A more primal energy. "This should give you the ability to change other energies into nature energy."Tavon took a step back and looked at her. He saw the energies mix up with her own energy. "Let me give you a warning about your new powers, don't try to use them at their full capacity right now. They are very tiring to use. Over time you will grow more accustomed to them and they will get easier to use.""So now that is done, let's get something to eat and maybe you can tell me more about your past. I want to know how life has been for you." He snapped his finger and a wooden table with chairs around it appeared. On the table were all kinds of food and drinks. There was mozzarella and winter fruit salad, beetroot carpaccio, apples drenched in honey, roasted meat, cold water and wine of godly quality. "You're dining with us brother?"

Wodgev said
Suddenly, Vizlin was in a dark forest. All around him he heard the sounds of animals. A twig snapped behind him.""Vryad turned back to the world of the living.""

Erä had been silent while his brother and niece spoke.
It had been a strange meal. Erä was not used to personally dealing with people besides the other gods, and his animals, of course.
This girl, this demigod, confused Erä.
Erä ate, standing besides the two, sitting seemed silly.
Suddenly, Erä heard something, a small sound, coming from his forest.
He took a step back into the shadows, and he was gone, leaving the two to talk.

When he stepped onto the soft woodland floor, he witnessed the following:
A pink, fat, little boar ran past, squealing like he was being gutted already.
From the direction the boar came from a small pack of wolves emerged, they were not even hunting, just toying with the pink creature.

Erä raised his hand, and immediately, the wolves stopped, looking very distraught their plaything had been taken.
The wild God followed the squealing creature, which was not hard to track, if you consider the sounds it was making.
The boar had gotten his hoof stuck in a cluster of roots, and was frantically pulling on it, only making it worse.
Erä got a closer look of the little beast.
It was small for a boar, but considerately well fed, he was nearly hairless, so he almost looked like a farmer's pig.
His small tusks were golden.
Erä was amused by the crying creature, he pointed his spear at the pig.
"Speak" he commanded "tell me your tale, for you are not of this place."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LordMarwain


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akje said
...Murmurs and whispers arose from the crowd that slowly formed tighter around Tarvin.He could see their disapproval. Their fear. Their malice.A peal of thunder crashed down from the skies upon Tarvin. A low and heavy voice made the earth tremble.Looking around it was clear none of the people around him had heard the thunderclap nor the voice. This was just for him. The voice continued.Time seemed to slow down as the voice spoke. There was time for this. A strange calm. Everything seemed loaded, strung tight. As if ready to jump into action.The mob around Tarvin stood almost frozen in place, but on their faces it was clear they would jump him the moment time would reset to normal. The voice raised, it's tone dripping with bitterness. The voice bellowed with anger. Growing more frighting and dangerous.A thin swirling cyclone came down from the heavens, crackling with energy. It changed shape, forming a hand at the bottom. An open hand with a white-golden ring on it.

Tarvin stared at the hand. He was still dazzled by the fact that a god had answered his prayer. Only what was this god offering him? Forcing his thought upon others? Sure, he had promised that he would show the people of this world what it means to have a free will. But taking the free will of others, that sounded wrong to him.

He looked around him. The people standing around the fire. They looked displeased at him. He knew they would start hurting him as soon as time would continue. Eyes filled with hatred stared at him. Looking at him with contempt. Suddenly he knew why he donated some of his money to the poor. It was with those eyes the rich looked at the poor. If this power could change that, he would take it. It wasn’t right that they dared to look with those eyes at the ones that made them rich. Now he had a change to make a difference, even if that would mean using such a power.

Tarvin stretched out his arm and grabbed the hand. “All men must be equal, until then none are truly free. As long as some are oppressed, bound by others, they can never feel what it means to be human. And the oppressors will teach others to be the same. That circle must be broken. Only then they can start to learn what it means to be free. But the power you suggest my god, would make me an oppressor. I can’t accept to take the will of others, for I won’t allow anyone to take mine.” Tarvin, staring into the place where the hand came from, let go of the hand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wodgev


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MasterOfMetal said
Zaya saw the cat, even before she started walking.She had gotten quite good at acting like she didn't see small animals, it was easier to capture hem that way.This cat however, acted almost as if it wanted to be caught, moving so close to her own path.When the cat was close enough for zaya's liking, she lunged, grabbing the unsuspecting animal by the neck."Come with me little thing." she whispered to the cat with the sweetest voice she could muster. She smiled, but in her big eyes, a spark of malevolence glimmered.

The cat cried out in surprise. This wasn't the plan.
"What the... hey, stop that!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wodgev


Member Offline since relaunch

MasterOfMetal said
The boar had gotten his hoof stuck in a cluster of roots, and was frantically pulling on it, only making it worse.Erä got a closer look of the little beast.It was small for a boar, but considerately well fed, he was nearly hairless, so he almost looked like a farmer's pig. His small tusks were golden.
Erä was amused by the crying creature, he pointed his spear at the pig. "Speak" he commanded "tell me your tale, for you are not of this place."

In the past minute, Vizlin had been chased by wolves, lions, bears, and even an very angry pigeon. In fact, the pigeon had been one of the most mean because it had blocked his only path the the light between the trees. But after he had gotten his leg stuck between the roots of a scary looking tree, he had been certain it was all over. But then a shadow had appeared and pointed a spear at him, and he nearly fainted. The sound of wind rushing through leaves in an endless chant filled the air, and Vizlin knew it to be a command. Bidden to speak, he did so, unknowing of what was in store for him.
"I was the Mayor of Travel's End, Lord of the common people, and Leader of the rabble. They listened to me when I spoke, and they followed my commands without doubt. And then the Gods came and brought chaos to my order. They took my power and my life from me. They cursed me, spit on me, and threw me off my own balcony! Then there was a die and a voice, and next thing I know, I'm being chased by lions!"
Tears streamed down Vizlin's cheeks as he finished his lament.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Gorbo Grandman said
Picking up his own reward, he looked at the mortal who had adressed him. The idea that he could have a casual conversation with one seemed appealing to him, so he kept up the illusion. "Both... In a way." He said mysteriously. Walking up to Misha and taking his hand with both of his own. "Nicely sung Misha. Very nicely sung. Might I say you have quite a talent for singing?" He said gratiously. Letting go of Misha's hand he turned to look at the pyre in the distance. "It looks like the sacrificing has begun. We wouldn't want to miss that would we!" He urged Misha to come with him towards the celebration while he began walking there himself.

"Wait for me!" Misha shouted as he pulled the leash of the struggling goat.
He was exited that he was going to have an audience for his sacrifice.
Even if the gods wouldn't appreciate it, maybe the bard would at least find it funny and make a song about it.
After checking his bags if he had everything he thought he needed, he dragged the goat along to the fires.
MasterOfMetal said
Erä had been silent while his brother and niece spoke.It had been a strange meal. Erä was not used to personally dealing with people besides the other gods, and his animals, of course.This girl, this demigod, confused Erä.Erä ate, standing besides the two, sitting seemed silly.Suddenly, Erä heard something, a small sound, coming from his forest.He took a step back into the shadows, and he was gone, leaving the two to talk.When he stepped onto the soft woodland floor, he witnessed the following:A pink, fat, little boar ran past, squealing like he was being gutted already.From the direction the boar came from a small pack of wolves emerged, they were not even hunting, just toying with the pink creature.Erä raised his hand, and immediately, the wolves stopped, looking very distraught their plaything had been taken.The wild God followed the squealing creature, which was not hard to track, if you consider the sounds it was making. The boar had gotten his hoof stuck in a cluster of roots, and was frantically pulling on it, only making it worse.Erä got a closer look of the little beast.It was small for a boar, but considerately well fed, he was nearly hairless, so he almost looked like a farmer's pig.His small tusks were golden.Erä was amused by the crying creature, he pointed his spear at the pig."Speak" he commanded "tell me your tale, for you are not of this place."

Wodgev said
In the past minute, Vizlin had been chased by wolves, lions, bears, and even an very angry pigeon. In fact, the pigeon had been one of the most mean because it had blocked his only path the the light between the trees. But after he had gotten his leg stuck between the roots of a scary looking tree, he had been certain it was all over. But then a shadow had appeared and pointed a spear at him, and he nearly fainted. The sound of wind rushing through leaves in an endless chant filled the air, and Vizlin knew it to be a command. Bidden to speak, he did so, unknowing of what was in store for him. "I was the Mayor of Travel's End, Lord of the common people, and Leader of the rabble. They listened to me when I spoke, and they followed my commands without doubt. And then the Gods came and brought chaos to my order. They took my power and my life from me. They cursed me, spit on me, and threw me off my own balcony! Then there was a die and a voice, and next thing I know, I'm being chased by lions!"Tears streamed down Vizlin's cheeks as he finished his lament.

After a second or two debating herself Lyah decided her curiosity overcame her interest in the divine meal.
She got up and thanked her father. "I'm going to test my new-found abilities, let's see if I can find my uncle."
As she directed her gaze at the edge of the woods she concentrated. The same feeling overcame her again and the world turned darker. As a black sky filled with stars, some brighter than others. Far away she saw the bright light she was looking for, a similar light to the blinding light right behind her.
The way to her uncle was untamed and ever changing. But the undergrowth made way for her stride and the creatures circled at a distance.
In the distance she saw and heard the little pig. As it cried and raged his little heart out she felt pity on the little creature.
Hearing his voice she noted the little swine with the golden tusk was distressed and panicked. Hearing his words she drew the conclusion who he was.
She waited at a small distance, curious how the wild one was going to deal with this. Maybe he'd know how he'd died, and how he'd ended up in this domain of all places.
LordMarwain said
Tarvin stared at the hand. He was still dazzled by the fact that a god had answered his prayer. Only what was this god offering him? Forcing his thought upon others? Sure, he had promised that he would show the people of this world what it means to have a free will. But taking the free will of others, that sounded wrong to him. He looked around him. The people standing around the fire. They looked displeased at him. He knew they would start hurting him as soon as time would continue. Eyes filled with hatred stared at him. Looking at him with contempt. Suddenly he knew why he donated some of his money to the poor. It was with those eyes the rich looked at the poor. If this power could change that, he would take it. It wasn’t right that they dared to look with those eyes at the ones that made them rich. Now he had a change to make a difference, even if that would mean using such a power.Tarvin stretched out his arm and grabbed the hand. “All men must be equal, until then none are truly free. As long as some are oppressed, bound by others, they can never feel what it means to be human. And the oppressors will teach others to be the same. That circle must be broken. Only then they can start to learn what it means to be free. But the power you suggest my god, would make me an oppressor. I can’t accept to take the will of others, for I won’t allow anyone to take mine.” Tarvin, staring into the place where the hand came from, let go of the hand.

For a moment the world was frozen. A silence had fallen, but moments later:
The weather broke it.

Faster than a lightning bolt the storm whipped up around Tarvin. The world around him faded away as they became invisible trough the rushing winds.
The voice bellowed with rage.

"You DARE deny me?!"

Peals of thunder pelted the earth around Tarvin, knocking him down on his back.

"If you will not stand by me as a king..."

The hand turned and grasped at him. Between it's fingers white energy crackled and danced.

"Then you shall die as a sheep like the others!"

Tarvin was trapped, forced to the ground and about to be crushed by a fist of storms.
The moment all hope was lost he felt a slender hand on his shoulder. He heard something whispered.
Something that seemed to come from his own mouth.
"Hello again Tarvin. Do you need a ride?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LordMarwain


Member Offline since relaunch

akje said
For a moment the world was frozen. A silence had fallen, but moments later:Faster than a lightning bolt the storm whipped up around Tarvin. The world around him faded away as they became invisible trough the rushing winds.The voice bellowed with rage.Peals of thunder pelted the earth around Tarvin, knocking him down on his back.The hand turned and grasped at him. Between it's fingers white energy crackled and danced.Tarvin was trapped, forced to the ground and about to be crushed by a fist of storms.The moment all hope was lost he felt a slender hand on his shoulder. He heard something whispered.Something that seemed to come from his own mouth.

"Yes please," Tarvin whispered, realising he might just have peed in his pants.
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