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Gorbo Grandman said
An old man, his face so full of wrinkles it looked like a plum, walked down the road towards the radiating temple. In his right hand he was holding the arm of a young boy. The old man walked bent under the weight of his age, but walked steadily regardless. The young boy's short legs weren't nearly long and strong enough to keep up with the old man's pace, and he was almost skipping alongside the old man's saunting steps. He looked a little concerned and nervous, but excited nonetheless. The old man was smiling, almost just as excited as the young boy."See Ronnie? Over there. That's where the great pyre is burning. Ooh I can already feel it's warmth. Your old pop used to light those things back in the day you know..." The old man said nostalgically. Pausing his steady tread, he was about to lift the little boy on his shoulders to help him see, but immediately felt his back refuse. A bit awkwardly they continued making their way to the pyre.A bit concerned, Ron looked up at his grandfather. "Why are we going here gramps?" he knew already, because his grandfather had explained him over a million times now, but he was still very nervous about the grand sacrificial celebration. "Because I went here when I was your age, and so did your father. It's tradition!" He said with a happy smile, but with a strictness in his voice that made certain that Ron would go to the pyre, wether he wanted it or not. "And I'm sure there's nothing to worry about. Ne'er in me life have I seen a god extend his torn upon a sacrificer." He assured his grandson, this time with sincere empathy in his voice. "Who knows!? Perhaps one of the gods will even choose you!" Ron wasn't convinced "But grampa!" he said softly. "That's what I am worried about!" Relentlessly the old man paced onwards to the temple, his concerned grandson in his wake. When they finally did reach the temple, the old man scurried through the crowd, making sure his little boy could sit as close to the action as possible. "Now don't you worry Ronnie, you'll be just fine if you sit right here!" The old man whispered as he put him down with a few other children attending to the sacrificial feast. He then walked off to meet some of his old pals who were within the crowd, leaving Ron sitting timidly between the younglings, staring at the pyre with great eyes.

Gorbo Grandman said
Ron looked up, in his eyes there was still the fear and embarrassment that had been there a moment ago, but as he slowly took the cloak from the man he smiled lightly, as if trying to show him some thankfulness. He didn't know who this man was, and he sure didn't know if he could trust him, but he small act of kindness showed that the man's intentions weren't inherently bad... as far as Ron knew. "Thank you sir..." He mumbled softly, and he wrapped the coat around himself. The shivering slowly stopped, and his teeth weren't clattering that much anymore."The girl..." He hesitated. Would he want to betray her? Of course he didn't owe her anything, and she had just threatened his life. While he did feel bad for the girl a moment ago, he couldn't come up with some kind of excuse, so he decided to tell the truth, or at least half of it. "She tricked me. She took my clothes and ran off. I don't know who she was, and I don't know where she went..." After explaining his situation, he looked up at the other man who had just approached and awkwardly asked him how he was doing. "Not too well sir... My clothes have just been stolen." He looked down to the ground and sighed. "Grampa is going to be so angry with me." Then a roar of noise and music blasted through the street. The silence that came afterwards was almost as deafening. Ron could feel the sudden tension in the atmosphere. It was as if the world had suddenly fallen silent. For a moment, Ron wondered if he had gone deaf, but then the voice of Āwhātama sounded, and as he brought his message Ron's concerns about this evening realized. "Champions? Tests? Did you hear that as well?" He said loudly, almost completely forgetting the situation he had been in a moment ago. This was huge, and even though Ron was young he knew it. Gods, speaking openly to the mortals like this? It was legendary, and utterly terrifying to Ron.

With all the commotion, the old man had lost track of time, and decided that it was time for Ron to join him in the sacrifices. Returning to where he had left his grandson, the old man found Ron wasn't there.
"Ronnie?" he called, "Ronnie!"
He sighed.
"Now where did that boy run off to this time?"
MasterOfMetal said
The Keeper of the untamed looked down at the pitiful creature."You were not meant to live in my realm. yet here you are.You were sent by chance, not strength or devotion."If Erä's current form had a face, it would be smiling."I will grant you a chance. The opportunity to go back, and make a choice."The wild wanderer took a step back."However, there is a condition.You can return to the mortal realm, but you will stay by her side."Erä had stepped to the side and was now pointing to Lyah."You were sent to my realm, so you are mine now, and I command you to accompany Lyah, my kin.You do however have a choice when you are back there.You can search for revenge, to punish your killer and the one who sent you here,or you can change your ways, be a better man then you were."Erä held his spear high, and then plunged it into the soft ground.A small pool of reflective water welled up."Come, little one" he said upon the pig "Come and see."

Once again bidden by this figure that frightened Vizlin to the core, he waddled to a little pool of water that had not been there before. Looking into the water, Vizlin got a bigger scare than he had thought possible. He was a pig! If he had been alive, he would have died of shock then and there. But he was not alive, and even managed to stay conscious.
"I... I..." Vizlin started, attempting to form a coherent sentence.
"I will d-d-do as y-you s-say." looking to Lyah, he added, "You look f-f-familiar, d-dear. Ha-have we met b-before?"
MasterOfMetal said
Zaya bit her lip.She was not surprised her cat had turned out this way, after it had talked, it could just as well have turned into a winged white horse with light refracting behind it's path.But this was better. She did not like he responsibility it offered her, all this talk about gods,hen again, it did offer her the power to mess with others, and never go hungry."I do want to have some fun"She dropped to her knees and looked up at the black creature.A wide grin on her face and her eyes sparking with malevolence,there was no shroud of kindness left."I like you kitty, and I want to stay to have fun."She raised her hand and touched the creature's nose gently."I want to play your game"

"Then let us seal this deal." the cat purred. The hand against her nose was pleasant, and she wanted more. Maybe the girl could scratch behind her ears? Not really knowing what 'sealing the deal' meant, the cat enveloped the girl with her wings. Suddenly, without warning, the world melted away before the cat's eyes, and she felt herself shrinking against her will.
The cat became a black liquid that seeped into every inch of the girl's skin, filling her mouth, ears, and nose, and choking the girl. The discomfort the girl felt paled, however, in comparison to the agony the cat was feeling, as she was sucked into a mortal vessel. The joining lasted less than a minute, but when it was over, the cat was still screaming inside the girl's head, making it hard to concentrate.
"My first gift to you is the power to elude the Gods. It is a necessity that will serve you well I think. The divine, other than myself but including my servants, will not be able to perceive you from this point on. To them, you will not exist. And for those with divine blood, you can disappear at will."
The voice came from everywhere and nowhere at once, filling the air around Zaya, and overpowering the screaming of the cat inside her head.
"To help you in the fun, Rada..."
That's me! the cat inside Zaya's head suddenly said, as the screaming was abruptly silenced.
"Rada will guide you as is needed, and will answer any questions you have. Maybe."
One question?
Why is my tail still here?
Zaya could suddenly feel a soft tail brushing her leg.
"What? Erhm... I mean... tails are useful. It's my second gift. You're here to answer questions, not ask them!"
Sorry. Rada cringed.
"And for my sec... third gift, I grant you this."
As if it had always been there, a small die made of bone lay in front of Zaya.
"If you're in need of help, or get bored, roll it."
MasterOfMetal said
Zaya was surprised to say the least, but she was young enough to know talking animals were real, they were in all the stories.Not that anyone had ever told her a bed time story, but she had listened underneath the windows of the children in town around bedtime."Oww we are going to have fun playing little kitty!"Zaya started making her way to the edge of the fairground, the same quiet place she led that dumb boy.

The cat struggled silently, but was unable to escape from the girl's remarkably firm grasp. For some reason, the cat knew that this meant trouble, and not the kind that she liked. Looking around to make sure they couldn't be overheard, the cat said: "I know a great game, and I'm sure you'll love it."

While the little girl walked through the alleys of Travel's End, she was too preoccupied with the struggling cat to notice a minor change in her surroundings. Nothing remarkable to the mortal eye, but significant in the eyes of the Gods: she had been transported to the Realm of the Unlikely. Here, they wouldn't be overheard talking, and Vryad could unveil the plans to the little girl.

The blood of mortals is red,
Although some claim it's blue,
But for better or for worse,
I have chosen you.
In a well written way.
MasterOfMetal said
The boar had gotten his hoof stuck in a cluster of roots, and was frantically pulling on it, only making it worse.Erä got a closer look of the little beast.It was small for a boar, but considerately well fed, he was nearly hairless, so he almost looked like a farmer's pig. His small tusks were golden.
Erä was amused by the crying creature, he pointed his spear at the pig. "Speak" he commanded "tell me your tale, for you are not of this place."

In the past minute, Vizlin had been chased by wolves, lions, bears, and even an very angry pigeon. In fact, the pigeon had been one of the most mean because it had blocked his only path the the light between the trees. But after he had gotten his leg stuck between the roots of a scary looking tree, he had been certain it was all over. But then a shadow had appeared and pointed a spear at him, and he nearly fainted. The sound of wind rushing through leaves in an endless chant filled the air, and Vizlin knew it to be a command. Bidden to speak, he did so, unknowing of what was in store for him.
"I was the Mayor of Travel's End, Lord of the common people, and Leader of the rabble. They listened to me when I spoke, and they followed my commands without doubt. And then the Gods came and brought chaos to my order. They took my power and my life from me. They cursed me, spit on me, and threw me off my own balcony! Then there was a die and a voice, and next thing I know, I'm being chased by lions!"
Tears streamed down Vizlin's cheeks as he finished his lament.
MasterOfMetal said
Zaya saw the cat, even before she started walking.She had gotten quite good at acting like she didn't see small animals, it was easier to capture hem that way.This cat however, acted almost as if it wanted to be caught, moving so close to her own path.When the cat was close enough for zaya's liking, she lunged, grabbing the unsuspecting animal by the neck."Come with me little thing." she whispered to the cat with the sweetest voice she could muster. She smiled, but in her big eyes, a spark of malevolence glimmered.

The cat cried out in surprise. This wasn't the plan.
"What the... hey, stop that!"
Vizlin nearly kicked the door of his house out of it's hinges in anger as he stomped towards the stairs. On the second floor, he made his way to the balcony overlooking the great square filled with pyres.
"How dare you interfere in my town!" he shouted at the top of his lungs. "For years you ignore our pleas for help, and now you decide to show yourselves?"
Vizlin ranted on for several minutes, not hearing the door of to the balcony behind him, not hearing the hesitant footsteps behind him, not hearing the gasps of the townsfolk below, and realising too late, that his time had come.
"I will not be a prisoner to your tyranny any longer." Leann whispered, "It's time that I stood up for me."
With a push, Vizlin tumbled over the balcony, and into the flames of the large pyre below.
Leann didn't look at what she had done, and did not see how Vizlin caught flame, but rolled out of the pyre itself. Screaming in agony and confusion, he ran away from the pyre, away from the square. A path formed wherever he ran, but no soul offered to help, whether in confusion, fear, or hate for the fallen mayor. On and on he ran, until he reach the cliffs, and seeing the ocean below, he jumped. On and on he fell, until his body broke on the rocks below. Barely alive, he slowly burned, unable to scream.

Vizlin awoke as if from a dream. Blackness surrounded him like a cloak. He felt weightless as if he was floating in water, but without the sensation of swimming.
Out from the darkness, a voice spoke.
"Hey, you made it."
Disoriented and more than a little intimidated, Vizlin looked to the source of the sound.
"Wh... who's there?" he asked, his voice cracking.
"That's not important right now." the voice answered from a different direction, "What is important, is that you roll the die."
"What die?" Vizlin asked. Looking around, he still saw nothing, not even his own hands."
"Oops, my bad."
Suddenly, there was a small die in front of Vizlin. I must be dreaming, he thought, as he saw no light source to illuminate the die, yet there it was, casting no shadows, yet clearly visible as if in daylight. Vizlin grasped at it with unseen hands. He felt the die, but could not see his own hand.
"And now?"
"You roll it."
Hesitantly, with no comprehension of why he was doing this, or what he was even conversing with, Vizlin threw the die.

"What does that mean?" Vizlin asked uncertainly.
The voice remained silent for a moment.
"Hmmm... that's... oh... ermmm... that's a bad place, let's not send you to him. Try again."
The die reappeared in front of Vizlin, and he picked it up again.

"That's worse, isn't it?"
"No, no, no. This one is okay. A bit of a challenge, but I'm sure you'll fit right in.
"What does that even mean?" Vizlin asked as he felt his surroundings change.
Suddenly, Vizlin was in a dark forest. All around him he heard the sounds of animals.
What was that?
A twig snapped behind him.
"On second thought... perhaps Cre’oan Mal would have been a better choice..."
Vryad turned back to the world of the living.
"Ah, well..."
MasterOfMetal said
Zaya walked through the fairground, content in her warm clothes and with a filled belly.She was halfway her fifth cake slice, stolen of course, when she walked past one of the smaller pyres.'I'm filled up anyway.' she shrugged, and she tossed the last half of the treat into the flames.It was just a jest, she didn't believe in Gods, only in her own abilities.And besides, if they real, why would they pick a stray like herself?But what if one did? Zaya let her mind wander as she stopped to stare at the flames.

A small black cat sat near the pyre, glancing up at the little girl who walked past. With a sad expression the cat followed the arc the cake made, how it flew into the flame, and was instantly burned to a crisp. The girl had made a sacrifice without intent. The girl was scruffy, though well dressed, and obviously trouble. The gods would scoff at a champion of her stature, of her demeaner. She didn't even believe in the gods.
But that's the thing about gods; even if you don't believe in them, they can still believe in you.
The cat made a path to intercept the girl as she rounded a corner. Away from the fires. away from prying eyes. Away from the center of attention. The cat noted how another thief made a speech on rejecting society. He too would have been interesting, although he was way too certain of himself. Besides, this girl could be trouble. The cat loved trouble. It's the primary reason she was chosen to find a champion for the most unlikely of deities. Chosen to guide, train, empower and distract the champion. Mostly distract now that she thought about it.
The cat stopped right in front of the girl, in an attempt to trip her.
Oh, right. I see. My confusion came because she's talking about the fires as if they're there.
Ehm... the wind can still pick up, and it'll only become relevant when she returns to the mortal realm, after which it could just happen to be relevant. I'll remove the official reason.
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