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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burzadurr


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The wind strengthened, a thick shroud of mist had neared World's End. A slight rumbling sound and then a moment of silence... Gushing wind, big flapping and then the mist slowly started to clear up again. From the mist a tough looking man marched forward.

'That dragon never ceases to amaze me with it's magic.' Montis thought. Walking towards World's End.
He had already projected his divine thought to the gods that were already present at the festival; "Dear friends, and fellow gods, can someone tell me why in the name of unholy fire I recieved a bunch of coins bearing my mark?!"

He took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of burning pine and so much more only his divine nose could percieve, and quickened his pace, he was excited to see some people again after all these dwarves.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Burzadurr said
The wind strengthened, a thick shroud of mist had neared World's End. A slight rumbling sound and then a moment of silence... Gushing wind, big flapping and then the mist slowly started to clear up again. From the mist a tough looking man marched forward. Montis thought. Walking towards World's End. He had already projected his divine thought to the gods that were already present at the festival; He took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of burning pine and so much more only his divine nose could percieve, and quickened his pace, he was excited to see some people again after all these dwarves.

Two crows, both white as snow descended from the skies and landed on the shoulders of the god's disguise.
By their silver bells and by their presences he recognized them as unfettered.

"In the name of the god from above we welcome you, god from below."
One whispered in his ear.
"We have been appointed by the council to meet you, the shaper of minerals here, and answer any question."
The other one followed.
"We are Mahue and Matau. We will provide council when requested."
Their voices were respectful, yet not submissive. Something playful and rebellious shone trough their polite words.
"The coins are trophies. Tonight many new champions will take rise, they will be tested."
The left one sang.
"The heroes will seek out the other gods and challenge them. The gods will test their rival's champions"
The right one continued.
"Anyone able to beat a god in a game of his choosing will deserve one of these coins. As proof of skill, power or cunning."
It was clear by the sound of their voices that they were exited.
"If you wish to play with your peers then choose a fitting human among those that bring sacrifices, should they accept your grace..."
"You will have your protege, and you will grant them the abilities they need to challenge the gods!"
"It is spoken that the hero that collects the most trophies will receive a special prize"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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LordMarwain said
"Yes please," Tarvin whispered, realising he might just have peed in his pants.

A ghostly hand reached out and grabbed Tarvin's. He was pulled into the stormy walls of wind and rushed upwards.
He saw the earth beneath him spin and become vaguer and smaller.
The world around him blurred and the winds were all that he could percieve.
An exiting feeling filled Tarvin's every being. A feeling of energy, one of power, and one of freedom.

When time resumed the people that had crowded around him saw nothing in their midst.
To them it has seemed as if Tarvin had been struck by lightning, and nothing, not even a pile of ash remained.
"That's what happens when you disrespect the gods by offering stolen goods." One said sternly. The others nodded or looked away in fear.

Swirling colors of bright light disoriented Tarvin, he was still being dragged along by whoever pulled him trough, whatever it was he was going trough.
Suddenly he landed. With a thunderous shock nova he hit the hard ground standing. He felt the sparkling energy sink away into the ground.
As he collected himself he looked around. He was standing at the highest point: on a tall and slim mesa, a rocky pillar in the middle of a red desert. Everywhere he saw long ridges rocky spikes, some had large rocks balanced on them. The skies where a pure blue, and the vegetation dry and alien. The air was warm, dry, and constantly shifting.

But when he looked up he saw a crowd of people. They circled the pillar around him in a twisting pattern reaching far into the skies. They moved rapidly, yet somehow they seemed calm and reserved. As fast as their movements, they had a magical grace and peace to them. All looked down at him.
They looked human at first sight, but they were taller, slimmer. Their hair was bright white and their faces had an aerie and unnatural beauty to them.
All were dressed in extravagant clothing. Loose fitting and with many ribbons. The rich cloths were painted in bright colors and embroidered in gold and silver. Each wore a bell around their neck. He saw various noble metals shine trough the torrent of winds and faces that looked upon Tarvin with burning curiosity.

Then Tarvin noticed he was still holding someone's hand. Beside him stood a young man, white haired and slender like those that flew above them. He wore a white golden bell around his neck, and a white golden crown upon his head. The prince looked at Tarvin as if they knew each other.
Before Tarvin could ask what was going on the prince raised Tarvin's hand as he addressed the twister of creatures above.

"If it pleases the unfettered court, I would introduce to you!"

"It has been a long time since a champion has been chosen. What has this mortal done to deserve our recognition?"
A voice echoed from the crowd

"This man has brought a worthy sacrifice. This man is honest and pure. This man was offered the world and said no... To my father!"

The tempest stopped. Each and every creature was still and silent. Their shocked faces stared at Tarvin, looked him up and down in disbelief.
"This mortal denied the storm tyrant?"

"Brothers and sisters! Friends! I present to you. Tarvin the incorruptible!"

"We trust your judgments prince Āwhātama. If he has indeed resisted the lure of power, then he is worthy of our respect, and more."
"Speak up, Tarvin. To reject the son is to accept the father. You have Mawhiti in your heart and we will stand by you. Will you stand by us?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Wodgev said
Vizlin nearly kicked the door of his house out of it's hinges in anger as he stomped towards the stairs. On the second floor, he made his way to the balcony overlooking the great square filled with pyres."How dare you interfere in my town!" he shouted at the top of his lungs. "For years you ignore our pleas for help, and you decide to show yourselves?"Vizlin ranted on for several minutes, not hearing the door of to the balcony behind him, not hearing the hesitant footsteps behind him, not hearing the gasps of the townsfolk below, and realising too late, that his time had come."I will not be a prisoner to your tyranny any longer." Leann whispered, "It's time that I stood up for me."With a push, Vizlin tumbled over the balcony, and into the flames of the large pyre below.Leann didn't look at what she had done, and did not see how Vizlin caught flame, but rolled out of the pyre itself. Screaming in agony and confusion, he ran away from the pyre, away from the square. A path formed wherever he ran, but no soul offered to help, whether in confusion, fear, or hate for the fallen mayor. On and on he ran, until he reach the cliffs, and seeing the ocean below, he jumped. On and on he fell, until his body broke on the rocks below.

The old priest sat on his high chair, two young men stood beside him.
"By the gods! Did you see that?" One exclaimed.
"Shouldn't we help him?" Asked the other, his voice betrayed doubt.
"It is too late for him, the man will meet his fate. He is in the hands of the gods now." The old priest said slowly.
"So this was a sacrifice right?"
"Yeah, I saw her push him into the fire."
"Pretty sure that's murder though."
"Oh I don't know. Human sacrifice is known to happen from time to time."
"Yes but those are slaves."
"Are you saying you value the life of a man you hate over that of an innocent man, just because he has a chain on his wrists?"
"No I... I don't know man. I bet it's above our jurisdiction anyways."
The two men argued until the priest cut in.
"True, it is a matter for the gods to decide her punishment or reward. Morality is a difficult thing, have faith."

The tree stood silent for a while, as they watched other people bring their sacrifices.
"So..." one of the young ones broke the silence. "If that does count as a sacrifice. Who would accept it?"
"Arcturius the god of war I assume." The other replied.
"War? Why?"
"Well.. killing people and stuff."
"You Idiot, that's not what war is about."
"What else is war about?"
"Fine, then what god or goddess would you think likes murdering people."
"Well he was a bit of a tyrant right?"
"Yeah, so maybe he was oppressive and cruel to his wife as well. If she did this to achieve freedom.."
"She'd be bringing a sacrifice to Mawhiti!"
The priest sighed.
"A sacrifice requires the giver to compromise. You give up something dear to you, or future choices, a promise or a choice.
To bring a sacrifice means to willingly abandon something you would fight to keep."

The two looked at each other, not sure what the priest meant.
"So... what did she give up then?"
"Her husband, duh."
"So it's a sacrifice to the marriage breaker then!"
"Isn't he the god of bad luck? That looked like it was on purpose though."
"You really are an idiot."
"Never mind, I'm getting another drink. You want some?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MasterOfMetal


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Wodgev said
In the past minute, Vizlin had been chased by wolves, lions, bears, and even an very angry pigeon. In fact, the pigeon had been one of the most mean because it had blocked his only path the the light between the trees. But after he had gotten his leg stuck between the roots of a scary looking tree, he had been certain it was all over. But then a shadow had appeared and pointed a spear at him, and he nearly fainted. The sound of wind rushing through leaves in an endless chant filled the air, and Vizlin knew it to be a command. Bidden to speak, he did so, unknowing of what was in store for him. "I was the Mayor of Travel's End, Lord of the common people, and Leader of the rabble. They listened to me when I spoke, and they followed my commands without doubt. And then the Gods came and brought chaos to my order. They took my power and my life from me. They cursed me, spit on me, and threw me off my own balcony! Then there was a die and a voice, and next thing I know, I'm being chased by lions!"Tears streamed down Vizlin's cheeks as he finished his lament.

The Keeper of the untamed looked down at the pitiful creature.
"You were not meant to live in my realm. yet here you are.
You were sent by chance, not strength or devotion."
If Erä's current form had a face, it would be smiling.
"I will grant you a chance. The opportunity to go back, and make a choice."
The wild wanderer took a step back.
"However, there is a condition.
You can return to the mortal realm, but you will stay by her side."
Erä had stepped to the side and was now pointing to Lyah.
"You were sent to my realm, so you are mine now, and I command you to accompany Lyah, my kin.
You do however have a choice when you are back there.
You can search for revenge, to punish your killer and the one who sent you here,
or you can change your ways, be a better man then you were."
Erä held his spear high, and then plunged it into the soft ground.
A small pool of reflective water welled up.
"Come, little one" he said upon the pig "Come and see."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MasterOfMetal


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Wodgev said
The cat cried out in surprise. This wasn't the plan."What the... hey, stop that!"

Zaya was surprised to say the least, but she was young enough to know talking animals were real, they were in all the stories.
Not that anyone had ever told her a bed time story, but she had listened underneath the windows of the children in town around bedtime.
"Oww we are going to have fun playing little kitty!"
Zaya started making her way to the edge of the fairground, the same quiet place she led that dumb boy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burzadurr


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Montis had expected as much from the gods, always coming up with some game, even the gods need their pass-time. He also thought about how he would need to find himself a hero, a champion that fit his standards. A man that is down to earth and man who seeks not much but to create something which he thinks grants beauty to the world, just like he himself does.

"I get the idea now, so I will find my champion, will you stay on my shoulders? Won't that attract attention towards me? Not that I really mind."

As he spoke these words slightly lowering his voice he had entered the town.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burzadurr


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Gardìmn had finished both his drink and his conversation with the innkeeper. He walked out stating he would be back with nightfall and requesting his door to be locked.

'AY'L SEE YER 'ROUND' the Innkeeper shouted. The dwarf wandered around a bit thinking about a sacrifice that would not make him regret giving it, but was also something of value to him in such a way that it was sufficient to the gods.
He did not notice a man close to the fire disappearing and ignored the astonished mumbling of the audience that followed.

Then it struck him, he had an idea!
"I'll sacrifice my first hammer" he thought. It was something of great nostalgic value to him but it was not something he would miss out of his 'small' amount of equipment.

He alway had it with him, and now he was walking over to the fire, grabbing his own talisman, he took a last look at it and threw it into the fire.
"I respect all gods, and I want only that my respect is acknowledged for this gift."
He softly mumbled.
As soon as the little hammer came into the fire it didn't fall down entirely to the ashes on the ground, it floated somewhat and then fell apart in small red glowing particles that flew up to the skies, dissolving.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LordMarwain


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akje said
Lyah decided her curiosity overcame her interest in the divine meal.She got up and thanked her father. "I'm going to test my new-found abilities, let's see if I can find my uncle." As she directed her gaze at the edge of the woods she concentrated. The same feeling overcame her again and the world turned darker. As a black sky filled with stars, some brighter than others. Far away she saw the bright light she was looking for, a similar light to the blinding light right behind her.The way to her uncle was untamed and ever changing. But the undergrowth made way for her stride and the creatures circled at a distance.In the distance she saw and heard the little pig. As it cried and raged his little heart out she felt pity on the little creature.Hearing his voice she noted the little swine with the golden tusk was distressed and panicked. Hearing his words she drew the conclusion who he was.She waited at a small distance, curious how the wild one was going to deal with this. Maybe he'd know how he'd died, and how he'd ended up in this domain of all places.

MasterOfMetal said
The Keeper of the untamed looked down at the pitiful creature."You were not meant to live in my realm. yet here you are.You were sent by chance, not strength or devotion."If Erä's current form had a face, it would be smiling."I will grant you a chance. The opportunity to go back, and make a choice."The wild wanderer took a step back."However, there is a condition.You can return to the mortal realm, but you will stay by her side."Erä had stepped to the side and was now pointing to Lyah."You were sent to my realm, so you are mine now, and I command you to accompany Lyah, my kin.You do however have a choice when you are back there.You can search for revenge, to punish your killer and the one who sent you here,or you can change your ways, be a better man then you were."Erä held his spear high, and then plunged it into the soft ground.A small pool of reflective water welled up."Come, little one" he said upon the pig "Come and see."

From a distance Tavon watched Lyah walk to the forest of his brother. He schrug his shoulders, sat down and started to eat. A few druids gathered, also sat down around the table. They remained completely silent, although some started to make smacking noised while they were eating.

"It is important that she learns to be independent." Tavon started his monologue. "Or else she might end up like her mother. I really loved that woman, until she started to call me for every small task. Not that she couldn't handle it, but she wanted me to be with her all the time. Still I think I could have handled the break up a little better."

Tavon fell stilent for a couple of minutes, looking at Lyah standing in the forest. "My daughter is quite the looker."

"What do you guys think about all that?" Tavon spoke against the druids, knowing they wouldn't answer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LordMarwain


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akje said
A ghostly hand reached out and grabbed Tarvin's. He was pulled into the stormy walls of wind and rushed He saw the earth beneath him spin and become vaguer and smaller.The world around him blurred and the winds were all that he could percieve.An exiting feeling filled Tarvin's every being. A feeling of energy, one of power, and one of freedom.When time resumed the people that had crowded around him saw nothing in their midst.To them it has seemed as if Tarvin had been struck by lightning, and nothing, not even a pile of ash remained."That's what happens when you disrespect the gods by offering stolen goods." One said sternly. The others nodded or looked away in fear.Swirling colors of bright light disoriented Tarvin, he was still being dragged along by whoever pulled him trough, whatever it was he was going trough.Suddenly he landed. With a thunderous shock nova he hit the hard ground standing. He felt the sparkling energy sink away into the ground.As he collected himself he looked around. He was standing at the highest point: on a tall and slim mesa, a rocky pillar in the middle of a red desert. Everywhere he saw long ridges rocky spikes, some had large rocks balanced on them. The skies where a pure blue, and the vegetation dry and alien. The air was warm, dry, and constantly shifting.But when he looked up he saw a crowd of people. They circled the pillar around him in a twisting pattern reaching far into the skies. They moved rapidly, yet somehow they seemed calm and reserved. As fast as their movements, they had a magical grace and peace to them. All looked down at him.They looked human at first sight, but they were taller, slimmer. Their hair was bright white and their faces had an aerie and unnatural beauty to them.All were dressed in extravagant clothing. Loose fitting and with many ribbons. The rich cloths were painted in bright colors and embroidered in gold and silver. Each wore a bell around their neck. He saw various noble metals shine trough the torrent of winds and faces that looked upon Tarvin with burning curiosity.Then Tarvin noticed he was still holding someone's hand. Beside him stood a young man, white haired and slender like those that flew above them. He wore a white golden bell around his neck, and a white golden crown upon his head. The prince looked at Tarvin as if they knew each other.Before Tarvin could ask what was going on the prince raised Tarvin's hand as he addressed the twister of creatures above.A voice echoed from the crowdThe tempest stopped. Each and every creature was still and silent. Their shocked faces stared at Tarvin, looked him up and down in disbelief.

"Weird," Tarvin thought, while holding the hand of the god. "It almost feels human, just a bit warmer."

He looked at the people walking on the pillars. Walking with such grace it almost made Tarvin feel jealous. Suddenly the god raised his hand.

"If it pleases the unfettered court, I would introduce to you!"

Shouldn’t the god say his name if he was going to introduce him.

"This man has brought a worthy sacrifice. This man is honest and pure. This man was offered the world and said no... To my father!"

That other god was his father. Did that made this man a demigod or was this just some of the odd etiquettes among the gods. Honest and pure? No one had ever called a thief that before.

"Brothers and sisters! Friends! I present to you. Tarvin the incorruptible!"

The god finally spoke his name, but incorruptible? Sure he had refused a god, but he couldn't say he hadn't been tempted.

To reject the son is to accept the father

This god seemed nice and listened to other beings, while the other had indeed sounded like a tyrant. Making a choice wasn't difficult for Tarvin.

"I will stand by you," he spoke. He wondered if just saying that was enough.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Burzadurr said
Montis had expected as much from the gods, always coming up with some game, even the gods need their pass-time. He also thought about how he would need to find himself a hero, a champion that fit his standards. A man that is down to earth and man who seeks not much but to create something which he thinks grants beauty to the world, just like he himself does.As he spoke these words slightly lowering his voice he had entered the town.

"Very true"
"Very true indeed."
"Even if the mortals can't hear us..."
"They will see."

The two white crows took to the sky and circled their shrouded ward from above.

"We are your eyes."
"We see the sacrifices well underway."
"Our maker has chosen a human."
"The human came to our home."
"We can feel the presence of a new champion."
"Your dwarves will soon know the same joy."
"But have patience."
"Yes. Patience."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

LordMarwain said
Tarvin thought, while holding the hand of the god. He looked at the people walking on the pillars. Walking with such grace it almost made Tarvin feel jealous. Suddenly the god raised his hand.Shouldn’t the god say his name if he was going to introduce him.That other god was his father. Did that made this man a demigod or was this just some of the odd etiquettes among the gods. Honest and pure? No one had ever called a thief that before.The god finally spoke his name, but incorruptible? Sure he had refused a god, but he couldn't say he hadn't been tempted. This god seemed nice and listened to other beings, while the other had indeed sounded like a tyrant. Making a choice wasn't difficult for Tarvin. he spoke. He wondered if just saying that was enough.

The crowd cheered.
The winds laughed.
The air celebrated the coming of their first champion in a long, long time.

"We welcome you Tarvin."
"Soon you will represent us in the games."
"As the champion of Mawhiti!"

Each time the crowd spoke the words came from another mouth.

"You are free to come and go in this domain."
"And this freedom is your gift from us to you."

Āwhātama looked at Tarvin with an exited smile.
"I'll show you."
He placed his hands on Tarvin's shoulders.
"The power to go where you want is already inside of you. Tap into it. Learn to feel free and careless, and when you get it, grab a hold of that feeling, don't think..."

Āwhātama pushed Tarvin away, sending them both falling off the opposing sides of the pillar they where standing on.

As Tarvin fell there was a feeling. Like words without sound that echoed from his core.

I am Tarvin.
I am the thunder.
I am lightning.
I am free.
I am me.

The world around him faded to a spinning blur.
A whirling energy welled up from within and took over.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LordMarwain


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akje said
The crowd cheered.The winds laughed.The air celebrated the coming of their first champion in a long, long time.Each time the crowd spoke the words came from another mouth.Āwhātama looked at Tarvin with an exited smile.He placed his hands on Tarvin's shoulders.Āwhātama pushed Tarvin away, sending them both falling off the opposing sides of the pillar they where standing on.As Tarvin fell there was a feeling. Like words without sound that echoed from his core.The world around him faded to a spinning blur.A whirling energy welled up from within and took over.

Wind whistled past his ears. He could see the earth beneath him coming closer quickly. A weird sensation took hold of him. It was same sensation as when he was standing at the top of a building in the dead of night. Like standing tall on the edge of a sword. His zone. Total control. He started to speed up, crashing with lightning speed towards the surface. With a loud banging noise he crashed into the ground.

Through the clouds of dust a beam shot into the sky. Tarvin laughed wildly while he was riding on pure lightning. He was free. High above the ground he stopped. For a second he was stationary in the air. Then he started to fall. Steadily gaining more and more speed. Lightning started to crackle around him. Less than a second before he could touch the ground he made a sharp turn. Now he was flying between the pillars, making maneuvers so he wouldn't collide with them. A worthy challenge at such high speed. Soon before a certain impact with a pillar he changed his course to the clouds. Tarvin reached out for the power inside him and sped up some more. Away from the earth. Up became down.

Close to the village, a bolt of lightning crashed into the ground.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Misha stood near the altar of one of the fires. Staring into the cinders.
He took a deep breath and clenched his fist around the goat's leash.
Solemnly he stepped forward, he took the satchel from the goats back and put it down beside the altar.
From it he pulled the beautifully decorated dagger he had been given by Tarvin, he put it in front of him on the altar.
He placed the goat on the altar, ignoring the animal's struggles, and looked up at the sky.

"To all the divines!" Misha said in a booming voice. "I bring you a sacrifice of future! This goat has served me well for some time and would for years, it is my future milk and cheese that I give up, as well as companionship. It is a timeless classic! I present to you: A goat!"
In the distance a lightning bolt hit a tree. Followed by a thunderclap that made Misha pause. Did the gods not like goat? Well too bad, there was more. Show must go on!
With a wide gesture Misha grabbed took the knife from it's hilt, it glimmered in the light of the fire.
"But there's a twist." His eyes glimmered like the knife in his hands as he slid it along the creature's throat.
"I shall also give you a presentation of skill." The razor sharp knife flashed as it slid across the carcass. Quickly skinning it.
"It will not be raw meat that I shall give you.." With expert eyes the prize bits of meat where cut out and placed upon the altar before him.
"But a meal that would befit a god." From the satchel Misha procured some spices and marinated the fresh meat.
With a grand gesture he placed the meat on a grill he put over the sacrificial pyre. The fire flared up as he blew into them.
Silently he stood as he watched the meat slowly cook, sometimes flipping it over.
He was awaiting an answer, trying to hide his nervousness by focusing on the meat.

The scent of the roasting meat became stronger, and to Misha's content it started to drown out the other lingering scents of burnt offerings.
A white crow sat on a pillar and looked at him and the meat.
"Shoo bird, this is not for you." Misha whispered at it, as he made a waving motion with the knife he accidentally splashed some blood in it's direction.
Gracefully the bird evaded the drops and laughed. Not that Misha could hear the laugh. In fact, if he had known he'd almost soiled the feathers of Matau, and if he could recognize Matau for the unfettered it was. Misha would have been a lot more nervous.

"Humans entertain me." Matau mused to Montis and Mahue.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wodgev


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MasterOfMetal said
Zaya was surprised to say the least, but she was young enough to know talking animals were real, they were in all the stories.Not that anyone had ever told her a bed time story, but she had listened underneath the windows of the children in town around bedtime."Oww we are going to have fun playing little kitty!"Zaya started making her way to the edge of the fairground, the same quiet place she led that dumb boy.

The cat struggled silently, but was unable to escape from the girl's remarkably firm grasp. For some reason, the cat knew that this meant trouble, and not the kind that she liked. Looking around to make sure they couldn't be overheard, the cat said: "I know a great game, and I'm sure you'll love it."

While the little girl walked through the alleys of Travel's End, she was too preoccupied with the struggling cat to notice a minor change in her surroundings. Nothing remarkable to the mortal eye, but significant in the eyes of the Gods: she had been transported to the Realm of the Unlikely. Here, they wouldn't be overheard talking, and Vryad could unveil the plans to the little girl.

The blood of mortals is red,
Although some claim it's blue,
But for better or for worse,
I have chosen you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MasterOfMetal


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Wodgev said
The cat struggled silently, but was unable to escape from the girl's remarkably firm grasp. For some reason, the cat knew that this meant trouble, and not the kind that she liked. Looking around to make sure they couldn't be overheard, the cat said: "I know a great game, and I'm sure you'll love it."While the little girl walked through the alleys of Travel's End, she was too preoccupied with the struggling cat to notice a minor change in her surroundings. Nothing remarkable to the mortal eye, but significant in the eyes of the Gods: she had been transported to the Realm of the Unlikely. Here, they wouldn't be overheard talking, and Vryad could unveil the plans to the little girl.

Zaya bit her lip.
She was not surprised her cat had turned out this way, after it had talked, it could just as well have turned into a winged white horse with light refracting behind it's path.
But this was better. She did not like he responsibility it offered her, all this talk about gods,
hen again, it did offer her the power to mess with others, and never go hungry.
"I do want to have some fun"
She dropped to her knees and looked up at the black creature.
A wide grin on her face and her eyes sparking with malevolence,
there was no shroud of kindness left.
"I like you kitty, and I want to stay to have fun."
She raised her hand and touched the creature's nose gently.
"I want to play your game"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burzadurr


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akje said
Misha stood near the altar of one of the fires. Staring into the cinders.He took a deep breath and clenched his fist around the goat's leash.Solemnly he stepped forward, he took the satchel from the goats back and put it down beside the altar.From it he pulled the beautifully decorated dagger he had been given by Tarvin, he put it in front of him on the altar.He placed the goat on the altar, ignoring the animal's struggles, and looked up at the sky."To all the divines!" Misha said in a booming voice. "I bring you a sacrifice of future! This goat has served me well for some time and would for years, it is my future milk and cheese that I give up, as well as companionship. It is a timeless classic! I present to you: A goat!"In the distance a lightning bolt hit a tree. Followed by a thunderclap that made Misha pause. Did the gods not like goat? Well too bad, there was more. Show must go on!With a wide gesture Misha grabbed took the knife from it's hilt, it glimmered in the light of the fire."But there's a twist." His eyes glimmered like the knife in his hands as he slid it along the creature's throat."I shall also give you a presentation of skill." The razor sharp knife flashed as it slid across the carcass. Quickly skinning it."It will not be raw meat that I shall give you.." With expert eyes the prize bits of meat where cut out and placed upon the altar before him."But a meal that would befit a god." From the satchel Misha procured some spices and marinated the fresh meat.With a grand gesture he placed the meat on a grill he put over the sacrificial pyre. The fire flared up as he blew into them.Silently he stood as he watched the meat slowly cook, sometimes flipping it over.He was awaiting an answer, trying to hide his nervousness by focusing on the meat.The scent of the roasting meat became stronger, and to Misha's content it started to drown out the other lingering scents of burnt offerings.A white crow sat on a pillar and looked at him and the meat."Shoo bird, this is not for you." Misha whispered at it, as he made a waving motion with the knife he accidentally splashed some blood in it's direction.Gracefully the bird evaded the drops and laughed. Not that Misha could hear the laugh. In fact, if he had known he'd almost soiled the feathers of Matau, and if he could recognize Matau for the unfettered it was. Misha would have been a lot more nervous. Matau mused to Montis and Mahue.

Montis had made his way to the fire to observe the people make their offerings. He went a little bit warmer on the inside as he saw all these mortals praising him and his brothers and sister, the divine rulers. Besides the warmth he also felt something else, but it was not familiar.
Could it be... A new feeling? he saw a man that had sliced up a goat with a fine precision, he was now cooking it. How original!
The smell had made its way to Montis' nose. Perhaps that was causing the weird feeling.. The goat smelled really good, Montis suddenly realized, it was hunger!
The mortal made him hungry with his cooking. He wanted to taste the meat, as it smelled delicious.
He softly spoke into the mind of Misha, and Misha's only:

"Young man, what you are cooking is making me hungry, I would like to have a bite."

His deep voice resonated through thin air and in Misha's mind, as if someone was whispering over his shoulder. But nobody was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Burzadurr said
Montis had made his way to the fire to observe the people make their offerings. He went a little bit warmer on the inside as he saw all these mortals praising him and his brothers and sister, the divine rulers. Besides the warmth he also felt something else, but it was not familiar. he saw a man that had sliced up a goat with a fine precision, he was now cooking it. How original! The smell had made its way to Montis' nose. Perhaps that was causing the weird feeling.. The goat smelled really good, Montis suddenly realized, it was hunger!The mortal made him hungry with his cooking. He wanted to taste the meat, as it smelled delicious.He softly spoke into the mind of Misha, and Misha's only:His deep voice resonated through thin air and in Misha's mind, as if someone was whispering over his shoulder. But nobody was.

Misha abruptly looked over his shoulder only to see no one there.
He looked around, it seemed no one else was looking, he drew the conclusion the voice was in his head and thus not human.
He also felt that whatever the voice was it demanded respect somehow. Perhaps it was the tone of voice.
He nodded as he took the meat from the fire and placed it on a silver plate he assumed was meant to make sacrifices on.

"If the scent makes you hungry the meal is meant for you. Please have some." He said while looking into the fire, not knowing where else to look.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wodgev


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MasterOfMetal said
Zaya bit her lip.She was not surprised her cat had turned out this way, after it had talked, it could just as well have turned into a winged white horse with light refracting behind it's path.But this was better. She did not like he responsibility it offered her, all this talk about gods,hen again, it did offer her the power to mess with others, and never go hungry."I do want to have some fun"She dropped to her knees and looked up at the black creature.A wide grin on her face and her eyes sparking with malevolence,there was no shroud of kindness left."I like you kitty, and I want to stay to have fun."She raised her hand and touched the creature's nose gently."I want to play your game"

"Then let us seal this deal." the cat purred. The hand against her nose was pleasant, and she wanted more. Maybe the girl could scratch behind her ears? Not really knowing what 'sealing the deal' meant, the cat enveloped the girl with her wings. Suddenly, without warning, the world melted away before the cat's eyes, and she felt herself shrinking against her will.
The cat became a black liquid that seeped into every inch of the girl's skin, filling her mouth, ears, and nose, and choking the girl. The discomfort the girl felt paled, however, in comparison to the agony the cat was feeling, as she was sucked into a mortal vessel. The joining lasted less than a minute, but when it was over, the cat was still screaming inside the girl's head, making it hard to concentrate.
"My first gift to you is the power to elude the Gods. It is a necessity that will serve you well I think. The divine, other than myself but including my servants, will not be able to perceive you from this point on. To them, you will not exist. And for those with divine blood, you can disappear at will."
The voice came from everywhere and nowhere at once, filling the air around Zaya, and overpowering the screaming of the cat inside her head.
"To help you in the fun, Rada..."
That's me! the cat inside Zaya's head suddenly said, as the screaming was abruptly silenced.
"Rada will guide you as is needed, and will answer any questions you have. Maybe."
One question?
Why is my tail still here?
Zaya could suddenly feel a soft tail brushing her leg.
"What? Erhm... I mean... tails are useful. It's my second gift. You're here to answer questions, not ask them!"
Sorry. Rada cringed.
"And for my sec... third gift, I grant you this."
As if it had always been there, a small die made of bone lay in front of Zaya.
"If you're in need of help, or get bored, roll it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wodgev


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MasterOfMetal said
The Keeper of the untamed looked down at the pitiful creature."You were not meant to live in my realm. yet here you are.You were sent by chance, not strength or devotion."If Erä's current form had a face, it would be smiling."I will grant you a chance. The opportunity to go back, and make a choice."The wild wanderer took a step back."However, there is a condition.You can return to the mortal realm, but you will stay by her side."Erä had stepped to the side and was now pointing to Lyah."You were sent to my realm, so you are mine now, and I command you to accompany Lyah, my kin.You do however have a choice when you are back there.You can search for revenge, to punish your killer and the one who sent you here,or you can change your ways, be a better man then you were."Erä held his spear high, and then plunged it into the soft ground.A small pool of reflective water welled up."Come, little one" he said upon the pig "Come and see."

Once again bidden by this figure that frightened Vizlin to the core, he waddled to a little pool of water that had not been there before. Looking into the water, Vizlin got a bigger scare than he had thought possible. He was a pig! If he had been alive, he would have died of shock then and there. But he was not alive, and even managed to stay conscious.
"I... I..." Vizlin started, attempting to form a coherent sentence.
"I will d-d-do as y-you s-say." looking to Lyah, he added, "You look f-f-familiar, d-dear. Ha-have we met b-before?"
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