Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Imagination

The Imagination

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~ Warhammer 40,000; Vigil ~


"The answer you seek, Lord Admiral, is within the the problem of the question itself. You cannot simply inquire about the survival odds of the Imperium for it is already long doomed to fail. It is a question of whether or not pure and faithful humanity can prevail..."

"And what are your thoughts on that particular matter, Lord Commander?"


"Lord Commander...?"

"Even though...every single threat before us is infallible proof of our mutually assured destruction or indoctrination...every victory behind us proves otherwise. Our race is an impossibility of imperfection perfected, Admiral. Wherever pure, untainted humanity will go to from here is anyone's guess."

"Farewell...Lord Commander..."

We find ourselves perched along as observers to the dawn of the forty-second millennium. The Imperium of Man, in all of it's grim and tainted glory, has crumbled into thousands of splintered factions. It began on Cadia, when Abaddon sacrificed his physical form to become the living vessel to a massive warp storm. The entire sector was swallowed whole as the Eye of Terror grew larger than ever before. Meanwhile, tragedy befalls upon Terra as the Golden Throne rusts into a dysfunctional state. The entire planet trembled with quakes as what little remained of the Emperor began erratically twitching, and in the very blink of an eye it all happened. An electrical surge of psychic energy transformed a home into a graveyard for hundreds of billions of citizens, ranking from the most powerful and influential to the most pathetic scum in the galaxy. Thousands of Imperial ships traversing the Immaterium had been lost forever, and the true time of ending had begun.

~ I feel a minimum of one post, roughly two to three paragraphs, per day is achievable and you're all capable of that. If any special regulations need to be made i'll comply so long as it works out for everyone. If you're not able to post on any day just give us all a heads up. Depending on your length of absence I may take temporary reign over characters to move things along. Don't worry, i'll do my best to stay true to them.

~ Being OP isn't quite a problem with me on this particular roleplay. I've set out to make a badass game and I feel the players should be equally badass. I don't want players to have to worry about being super realistic when it comes to battles.

~ I'll be the judge of PvP, and while I'm a lax GM in most areas, this is where i'll put my foot down. No pissing matches, i'll make the PM arrangements and you guys make the plans. Once I've decided the outcome, the both of you can than make a collaborative post or simply write your own viewpoints of the battle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LupusIntus
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LupusIntus Your Inner Wolf

Member Seen 12 days ago

Whoooray for OOC's!

I'll finish up my submission for the Siphon of Blood today.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Imagination

The Imagination

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I look forward to it!

I just put up Matt's sheet in the first post with his army. Whew! While creatively easy, writing up all these units and codes and pictures on my phone takes a lot of time! I'll get the rest up tomorrow, along with any other future finished/accepted sheets
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

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["I'm So Excited" plays in the distance]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LupusIntus
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LupusIntus Your Inner Wolf

Member Seen 12 days ago

That IS quite impressive!
I hope you don't mind, but only know the basics of the tabletop game/ruleset (played a handful of small army battles many years ago). I've read a dozen of the 40k novels though, so I feel I have a pretty good grasp on the lore and whatnot.
I'll do my best to create a balanced 'army' from eyeballing the other CS's.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flagg
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Flagg Strange. This outcome I did not foresee.

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Billions will bow before him, pleading for his mercy.

Title: The Harbinger of Decay

Name: Lord Athanagoras Fel

Equipment/Weapons Loadout

A corrupted rosarius.

Plague Staff: a powerful force stave.

Psychic amplifier: An alpha/alpha-plus psyker, Lord Fel relies on his considerable warp-powers along with the durability and strength granted by the wasting powers of Nurgle in combat. His ornate helmet is inscribed with powerful warp-runes designed to augment his power.

Psychological Profile

Lord Fel reflects the dark beneficence of his master Nurgle, manifesting kindness, humor, generosity and even honor- all, of course, irredeemably twisted by the dark power of the Warp into perversions of their true forms. Beneath a mask of unflappable amiability and politesse lies cold cunning and megalomaniac ambition. Fel is driven by the desire to freeze the universe into a decayed, diseased stasis, a twisted image of the Imperium of Man, ruled by himself as its god-king. Convinced that in the eternal stagnation granted by the lord of decay lies the salvation of mankind, Fel is believes his work is the only possible salvation of the Imperium.

A shrewd manipulator, Fel is intensely hostile towards the other chaotic powers- though pragmatic enough to work with them when he must. Still considering himself a servant of the late Emperor and an Inquisitor, Fel possesses a certain admiration and fondness towards the servants of the Imperium- a fondness, it must be said, that does not prevent him from unleashing horrifying disease and destruction upon the dead Emperor's servants when it suits his purposes to do so.

Brief Biography

Athanagoras Fel was once an Inquisitor in the service of the Imperium of Man, and for centuries hunted down the servants of the dark gods he would eventually come to serve. The scion an aristocratic family on Scintilla, Fel's intellectual curiosity and psychic power naturally inclined him toward radical philosophies within the Holy Ordos. He was famous within the Inquisition for his incredible charisma and ambition, as well as for his psychic talents.

Aware for many years of the failing mechanisms of the Golden Throne, Fel devoted ever more time and energy into seeking out solutions to the approaching doom, dabbling in secret and forbidden arts....

Fel disappeared with his entourage some seventy years before the coming of Abaddon, after an expedition to a pre-Imperial xeno-archeological site on Ploutus II. He was presumed dead by the Holy Ordos, which was anyway preoccupied with the mounting crises throughout the Imperium.

Reappearing in dramatic fashion within the disintegrating Imperium following the Emperor's demise, Fel contacted old Ordos colleagues and announced that he had found the path to the salvation of man. He declared himself the Emperor reborn, using his tremendously enhanced psychic abilities as evidence, and gathered vast armies of the deluded and despairing under his power...

[sorry for the short bio, i suck at writing those. I plan on fleshing out his past as the rp progresses, esp. his doings in the Ruinous Pact in the lead-up to Vigil]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Imagination

The Imagination

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Heh, if you want to make your own army to save me some time, I'll review it and either accept it or tell you to revise it. Truthfully i've never played tabletop, my knowledge comes from extensive research, playing video games, and roleplaying. It is definitely one of my favorite sci-fi/fantasy universes.

I should make note that Player vs. Player (Likewise, player army vs. player army) combat will be judged by me. Any other battle scenarios can be made by you, or will be conducted by me. My favorite rule to this game is that you all have a certain degree of plot armour, all NPC forces i'll be throwing at you guys I encourage to be taken care of most creatively. I won't be asking you guys to tone down the OP unless you're facing each other or we've reached a certain plot point.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by docblargle


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Just making sure that you intentionally left me without crisis suits. I'd imagine a scouting force would probably have one 4 man command squad of XV8s, but I understand if you deliberately left them out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LupusIntus
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LupusIntus Your Inner Wolf

Member Seen 12 days ago

Okay, I think I'm finished... Whew! Took me long enough; and sorry but I didn't include an army! -_-

P.S. mattmanganon: if you'd like to work out any sort of collaborative part of our back-stories (Leonothas was originally a Space Wolf), feel free to let me know!

Title: The Siphon of Blood
Name: Leonothas Kargan, the Red Wolf
Appearance: Standing nearly seven and a half feet tall, his body is a hulking mass of bulging muscles with long, powerful limbs and thick hands that could easily crush a man's skull with minimal effort. The nails of his finger have grown rather large and dark, each forming into a sharp point. They bear a striking resemblance to claws. His skin is a light olive and is covered in thick patches of coarse black hair; around his chest, back, arms, and hands especially; though recently areas of hard red-brown scales have begun to appear on the base of his neck and around his shoulders and thighs. His scalp is the only part of his body that is hairless, though dozens of outdated implant cables meant to connect to his power armor and similar interfaces almost give him the appearance of having silver dreadlocks. Thick jagged eyebrows are angled over his bright golden eyes and his thin-lipped mouth, which droops at the edges to form a perpetual grimace, is filled with several sharpened fangs.

In his power armor, his physique becomes all the more terrifying. Giant plates of jagged red and black metal adorn his body, each outlined in rusted, stained brass. Upon his shoulders and his knee plates is the terrifying symbol of his chapter: the circle of chaos becoming an inhuman fanged maw that is closing upon an indistinct world. Twisted metal spikes line his jump-pack and each of his forearms is wrapped in thick metal chain that extends around his weapons of battle; a simple, but effective way to make sure they are not lost when the blood rage fills his mind.

Equipment/Weapons Loadout: Mark VI Veteran Power Armor, Valkyris Pattern Jump Pack, Umbra-Pattern Bolt Pistol, Corrupted Frost Blade: Khornesgrin.
All equipment was ‘stolen’ from the Space Wolves Chapter and have thus become tainted by the ruinous powers, in particular the chain sword. It was once known as ‘Wintermaw’, a relic Frost Blade made of an ancient alloy decorated in icy blue power runes made from energy crystal that glowed with power and fitted with the teeth of a Fenrisian Ice Kraken. Its hilt was formed into a wolf’s head, large jaw seeming to bear the blade between its fangs. Truly, it was a prized weapon of the Space Wolves and was thus bestowed upon Leonothas with great honors.
It has since succumbed to the dark blood rituals of Chaos: the teeth and runes of the weapon now bare a sinister crimson glow and the wolf’s head hilt has lost its noble air, becoming a fierce and feral creature with slathering mouth hanging open in twisted rage. When used in combat, one would swear it drips with vile spittle as if the weapon itself craves blood and flesh.

Psychological Profile: When out of combat, Leonothas is surprisingly calm and collected; a shrewd commander and cunning tactician. He rarely displays emotion besides annoyance or anger and looks to those he determines to be ‘weak’ with disdain, while simultaneously hating those who prey on such weakness. This air of a noble and honorable warrior is often shaken, however, when he becomes inflicted by vivid hallucinations of people from his past: usually his dead wife and son. Unable to tell the difference between them and reality, their presence is a powerful corrupting influence on his mind and sanity. In his more controlled times, he believes that through a warriors death he can someday join them within the Blood God and so seeks to best as many warriors as possible.
”You say that my God is one of murder… of war… of death incarnate… Yet I say he a God of life, for all that truly lives can bleed and that blood is precious to them. It is precious to Him also. He holds the blood of my family, now, and someday he will hold mine as well. Until then… you will make a worthy sacrifice.”

When battle is joined, an entirely different side of Leonothas is shown: one of pure bestial fury and rage, of red-hot burning hatred for any and all things, and a sadistic joy in the sight of the spray of blood. Hallucinations and delusions run rampant as the monstrous warrior cuts a swath through anything that is foolish enough to stand before him, becoming stronger and stronger the longer combat lasts. Even his own warriors know better than to approach Leonothas when he falls into such a way for they are well aware that his murderous intent will only abate when no more victims are left breathing.
”Hack! Slash! Burn! Bleed! Kill them all, leave none standing! KILL! KILL! KILL!”

Brief Biography:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Imagination

The Imagination

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docblargle said
Just making sure that you intentionally left me without crisis suits. I'd imagine a scouting force would probably have one 4 man command squad of XV8s, but I understand if you deliberately left them out.

Heh, to be entirely honest i'm not quite done adding to armies. I just wanted to put all the major fluff up first and than go back in and add some of the finer detailed units.

I'm reading your app now, Lupus

I get a few chills reading over that, definitely accepted Lupus! Now, as it is early in the morning and i'm fighting allergy attacks i'll wait until later today to get some work done with a clear head.

Note: So as I continue thinking about the course I wish to take this RP in, I just want to let all of you guys know that the command forces I tally out and give to you guys are all sort of meant to serve a purpose, or be 'served' by you, the players, for a purpose. Plot wise some units might be more involved than others, and player vs. player combat will likely be plot-crucial events set up by me, and wont always end in death or defeat for either player.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LupusIntus
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LupusIntus Your Inner Wolf

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Made a few small edits to the backstory: mostly lore-friendly tweaks. (Leonothas was now stationed on Korolis, an Industrial world in the Cadia system, when Abaddon started his 13th Black Crusade and was still on that planet when the Eye expanded and engulfed it)

I'm very much looking forward to this RP. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Imagination

The Imagination

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I'm having some fun making your army, which in turn allows me to have more fun tweaking other's armies. I actually plan on starting this game within the next day or two, if any titles are left unfilled anyone with a pre-existing character can take up a second one if they wish. If not, i'll simply take control of them and fill out some sheets for them.

Another Note: The way i've been setting up armies appears to be complicating, er, maybe over-simplifying the course I plan on this RP going. I'll be modifying what i've done, adding descriptions as to why they are apart of your command force and perhaps making number counts a little more vague. That way they actually tie in better with the plot. And you actually have an idea of why you're either fighting with them, commanding them, using them tactically, and so on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flagg
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Flagg Strange. This outcome I did not foresee.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

updated my CS.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Imagination

The Imagination

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I like his background, very intriguing. I look forward to seeing him in the RP!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flagg
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Flagg Strange. This outcome I did not foresee.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Yeah, sorry it's so poorly written and vague. I wrote it super quickly (and at work!) just to get my general sense of him down, but I imagine his history will be fleshed out in the RP. Im also not quite sure how the RP will be starting, so i figured i'd leave plenty of wiggle room for what he's been doing in the lead-up to Vigil.

Looking forward to the start of this!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Imagination

The Imagination

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I was planning on starting the first post off with a prologue to the current day (The orbital battle, the plague hulks crash landing, other key events left unsaid.) than building up how each force has been doing for the proceeding two months and ending it with current events (possibly immediately proceeding Operation October Rain.)

I updated/modified Pathfinder's forces. My phones on low battery, so i'll later today i'll update-add to all accepted character's forces and what not. Everything is looking good so far!

Update: I don't want to rush you guys or rush myself, or rush into anything really. I feel like saturday morning is a perfect time to start this, so thats the deadline. By the end of tomorrow if no one expresses interest in any available roles than if anyone wants a second character thats fine. Any unfilled roles will simply be taken over by me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flagg
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Flagg Strange. This outcome I did not foresee.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Awesome lineup for Fel! Tomorrow I'll touch up his CS a bit to make it, you know, barely passable as english and also add some more color and detail. I wonder how Kargan and Fel will get along...probably not well at all, lol.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

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I could take "The Envious One" position since nobody put any interest in it before.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LupusIntus
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LupusIntus Your Inner Wolf

Member Seen 12 days ago

I have no objection. Due to the size and scope of this RP (and my already busy schedule) I will only stay with the one character, for now.

@Flagg - considering that Fel himself seems to hate the other servants of the ruinous powers and how Kargan would see the his use of civilians (though zombified) and psychic powers as 'weak and cowardly'... I'm thinking they wont be big fans of one another... XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

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Title: The Envious One

Name: Leonus Arcadia, "The Screaming Eagle"

Equipment/Weapons Loadout:
-The Screaming Eagle: A chainsword tailor made and daemonically altered to release a high pitched wail instead of the roar of an engine.
-Wailing Banshee: An handheld Sonic Blaster that can is just as dangerous as its larger brethren if not a little more focused.
-Raptor Set: Power armor cursed and enchanted by the ruinous powers. When flying through the air, the engines from the jump growl with a deep base note that tears across the sky and switches into the screech of a hundred thousand innocents when he descends upon his pry with the Eagle in hand and talons at the ready.
-Arcadia Surprise: A set of chem pumps set up to inject a random combination of drugs in his system every battle as to not gain a tolerance.

Psychological Profile: (A brief explanation of their personality and any quirks they might have.)

Brief Biography: (Notable battles fought, events witnessed/participated in, strange happenings, contacts or relationships made, etc.)
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