In the Elven province of Alpheyr, the various citizens go about their daily lives, primarily unaware of the goings on in other regions. Being elves, they rely heavily on their skills with nature, making a living by trading the fruits of their animals and crops for manufactured objects. Still, even with this trade, the local elves needed an outsider's help with smithing tools, trinkets, and other metallic objects. That assistance came in the form of a human foreigner, a man who appeared out of seemingly nowhere. At first, the elves were suspicious, afraid of this stranger. It was not until a young elven woman, Ancora, made friends with the poor man that the rest of her people warmed to him. For several months, Ancora and the man's friendship grew, until present day.
This will be a romantic roleplay! As stated in the summary, I am looking for someone to play as a male human. Some ideas for his background I've had are amnesia, going into hiding, etc. Something secretive. The man may have fantastical powers, as well, to spice things up a bit. I will post a CS outline, and my character's (Ancora's) as well if you are interested. As you can probably tell, this is a "Middle Earth"-like roleplay, so magic and various races may come into play. I'd prefer proper grammar and punctuation, but I know mistakes happen! Please, at least one paragraph (4-5 sentences) per post if accepted.
This will be a romantic roleplay! As stated in the summary, I am looking for someone to play as a male human. Some ideas for his background I've had are amnesia, going into hiding, etc. Something secretive. The man may have fantastical powers, as well, to spice things up a bit. I will post a CS outline, and my character's (Ancora's) as well if you are interested. As you can probably tell, this is a "Middle Earth"-like roleplay, so magic and various races may come into play. I'd prefer proper grammar and punctuation, but I know mistakes happen! Please, at least one paragraph (4-5 sentences) per post if accepted.