Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Andrea


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Kitt licks her lips, picking up her clothes and quietly wriggling back into the important bits. Her shoes and armour bundled in her hand, she tries to silently leave the room. It had been a few days and she had come back to meet Trizz each night, but that still did not mean she wanted to be caught in her quarters. She bites her lip, trying to slip through the door as stealthily as possible as her cheeks flush. She had slept longer than intended tonight even and she needed to get back to her own quarters. Hopefully, Azazel would not notice... Not that it was likely. The Sith had been holed up with Andrea in the woman's den now for days. A tinge of bitterness begins to sweep through her before being crushed down by the shame of her own actions. She was certainly not one to be talking at this moment.

"Going so soon?" Came the voice from behind Kitt, Trizz stretching in the door frame of her bedroom, wearing nothing.

Kitt looses a squeak of surprise and nearly fumbles everything out of her arms as she quickly turns about. “Ah, n-no! I was, uhm, just going to fetch... breakfast! Yeah, you must have worked up an appetite too after last night.” The door beside her begins to open, someone to check up on the noises outside. Kitt kicks the door back closed, her cheeks a bright red, frazzled at being caught again.

Chuckling she walked forwards and presses herself against the young echani, kissing lightly over her cheek. "Still shy and embarrassed huh... careful, unless you want to be dragged back to bed again..." She ginned and winked, "Want to grab some food together?"

Kitt squirms and lets out a small whine, “Yes, but you have to get some clothes on!”

She let out a laugh, "Of course, I will so be patient, and that gives you time to put the clothes you did put on the correct way, your pants are inside out dear." She smirked and went to grab her clothes and armour, taking time to put them on.

Kitt looks down, noticing the error now. She flushes and follows Trizz, not wanting to be caught in the hallways in an indecent way. Getting her clothes on, correctly, and donning her armour once more, she tries to smooth out her wild hair in the mirror, eyes flickering over to Trizz. Breakfast together could be nice... And it could make her look better, saying she was up early and came over to eat and await orders from Azazel... She frowns, biting her lip. This was some very lowly behaviour from herself.

"So..." Trizz began, after she made clear the hallway was clear for Kitt's benefit and they started walking to a nearby mess hall. "Any regrets?"

Kitt pauses, a million things racing through her head before she coughs, “That new crick in my neck between that one thing... and that other thing...”

She let out a bark of laughter and grinned, "Noted, you did seem to enjoy the massage I gave afterwards, with the oils...." She trailed off with a purr as they reached the mess, she nodded to some of the Korriban personal but mostly they ignored her, she was one of the elite, Andrea's command circle after all.

She flushes and nods, still smelling a little... fruity from that. “I imagine they do wonders after a rough training session,” she winces, rolling her shoulder where she still had a sizable bruise. She still wasn't sure if that was from her first rough and tumble with the Zabrak or from the training mats, but it did feel a little easier after last night. She looks at the various plates of food before the Sun Guard soldiers. Curiosity hits her as to just what the appeal was to what they were eating. They were supposed to be of the same race, after all. “You know what, I'm not so sad about never being to my homeworld now. Not if I would have to eat that... weird... slimy... thing... Wait-- is that still wiggling...” She shudders and looks at Trizz, “Please tell me there is other food than that here.”

Meanwhile In Andrea's Chambers...

She traced her lips over Azazel's and then kissed her deeply, sharing the icecream she had taken in her mouth and passed it to her lover before pulling back with a chuckle and then settled back against her, scooping some icecream for herself from the bucket wedged between them, gesturing to the holographic images of Hutts in Love. "So... you and... Hakkri... really watched my series, like this? Huh... well have to admit." She smiled and licked some of the cream from her spoon. "With company it is actually fun to watch that old show of mine again..."

Azazel licks her lips and giggles, leaning in and licking the corner of Andrea's lips. “You should see it with Hakkri. He might know every episode by heart, but he allows himself to be sucked into the drama every time. And the commentary,” she smiles and nuzzles against Andrea's side, twining her fingers with hers.

She squeezed Azazel's hand back with a smile. "Hmmm I see..." She traced over the side of her lover, "Glad to see you... got over the shock of some of my... more adult films, though you have to admit, after a while... you really got into the mood of it, wanting to act out scenes." She smirked.

“Mmhmm...” she smiles slightly, fingers tracing over Andrea's front before she lowers her hand, looking at her face, “With Gra'tua coming, I really do think the three of us... Need sit down and talk...”

Azazel barely said that or a alarm was heard, Andrea recognizing it to be the alarm she had set up in case of the sensors registering ships exiting hyperspace that were not scheduled to arrive.

Andrea blinked and cursed, "Well, it's time." They were luckily dressed already so all Andrea needed at least was to put on her new armour, which had been adjusted for her new frame. "Are you going to your ship or join me in my Academy command center?"

Azazel pauses for a moment, reflecting on this. She grimaces and stands, going to get on her own armour, “I will need to attend to my ship. My captains are each otherwise gone and my crew performs better with an active presence.” She moves over, before donning her helmet and tugs Andrea closer to give her a deep kiss. “I will return to you once these insects are dealt with... And we will resume this talk.”

She kissed back and smiled, "We definitely will, now stay safe you and don't get in the way of my ion cannon." She smirked, walking together with Azazel before they had to part ways, a nervous looking Kitt joined her mistress while Andrea hurried to her command center, a hologram of her captain on the Dark Rebirth, Reneva was already present, a holographic pad for Azazel also ready so they could remain in contact.

"What do we have?" She asked the room.

A sensor operator looked up, they were expecting this so he showed no panic or even nervousness, "Unidentified contacts, multiple, they are at the edge of the system and closing, we will get a closer look of them as soon as they are in range."

"Very well, launch all fighter squadrons, better have them in space than in their hangars and establish contact with Azazel as soon as she is on her bridge."

As Azazel reaches her brig, before even reaching the pad, she begins barking out orders. “Launch all fighter squadrons, establish defensive ship patrols and ready LS teams to launch when I give the signal.” She steps onto the projector at the command center and takes a deep breath as a line is established and she would appear to Andrea. Kitt was already about to race off to join a potential boarding party but is held off by a raised hand from Azazel, “You... stay here, for now.” She turns her attention to Andrea and bows her head, “Well, hello there.”

She nodded to Azazel, her facial features serious, anxious. "Multiple unidentified contacts approaching, thinks it's that force Traiserus send?"

Azazel offers a wry smile, “Unless I've not been the only one blabbing about secret planets...”

She let out a snort, "Remind me that my next secret base is only known to myself." She turned to Karis, her commander on the ground. "I want the Sun Guard on the perimeter, patrols around the clock." She then turned to Khanna and smirked, "You seem to have a way with the Tuk'ata... go to them and prepare them to hunt in case some kind of ground force breaches our defenses."

Khanna smirked and went off to the Tuk'ata grounds of the academy, Andrea turned back and looked at the sensors, willing their foes to reveal themselves.

Andrea growled, "Well there they are, power the ion cannon and be ready to fire, Azazel are you seeing what I am seeing? Three cruisers from what it looks like and... two support ships?"

Azazel furrows her brow, looking at the sensors. “The order was for three, so that sounds correct...” She checks the readings, “Undetermined number of support vessels, I am willing to bet there are more...”

It seemed the intruding vessel had detected the numerous squadrons in space and were launching their own as they steadily approached.

Once their squadrons were launched the ships... simply stopped.

Andrea blinked, "They stopped? After launching all those fighters..." She turned to Azazel's image, "What are they up to?"

Azazel pauses before leaning forward, “How about I just ask...” And that was her genuine intention as she sets her comm-officers to set up a line with the vessels, fully intent on making only herself to appear, in order to keep Andrea's pure-blood nature a secret.

After a moment a link was established as the hail was accepted and a hologram appeared of a handsome looking man in what appeared to be some kind of combat uniform or outfit, his hands behind his back. He narrowed his eyes and then nodded to himself, "Lady Kurkova... or should I say Lady Azazel?" He smiled, narrowing his eyes. "We were not expecting you here, a added bonus. Ah but how rude of me, I am Marcus, a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

She mocks a curtsy. “Tis my name, was that meant to be a revelation of some secret revelation? I'm afraid it is quite old news. After all, everyone appears to know my name these days. Such growing popularity, whatever will I do, unable to hide away from the adoring masses.” She levels her gaze with Marcus. “Colour me curious, I know why I am here, but why are you, Master Marcus. A bit far off from common trade routes, is it not? Did you get lost? I am sure I can refer you to an excellent navigator were it the case.”

Marcus made a show to look surprised, "Oh? No, not lost, we are just part of a small expedition you see, exploring hyperspace routes and look and behold we found ourselves this system. As far as our records show it is on no recorded map, so we thought to claim it, yet you are here. Would you have a problem if we approach and make planet fall?"

Azazel looks taken aback, “It's not on records? Well, my my my, there seems to be a problem with that, dear Marcus. This planet has already had claim laid to it some time ago. Now, as far as touching dirt, I'm afraid I can't answer that quite this moment. You see, first I must know by who your expedition was funded.”

Marcus muted the sound for a moment and seemed to confer with someone who was no in view before he turned back to Azazel and resumed sound. "Shall we put an end to the charade? We both know why we are here, that world is Korriban, tombworld of the first Sith and I represent a power you have recently had a meeting with, my father sends his regards..."

Azazel smirks and leans forward, “And whose bastard son do you happen to be, I wonder. The lickspittle Jehemath or the foolhardy Traiserus, hmm? Come now, don't be shy, fess up.”

"Well my father did mention you were a arrogant one, he never said you were rude. Jehemath is nothing but a puppet, a infertile puppet at that, there's your answer. Now then... while I am happy to talk to the servant, where is your mistress, hmm? You yourself informed the Mecrossa Order that another sith was in control of Korriban, so where is she, hmm?"

Andrea was listening and remained silent, she turned to her people, "Find out from which ship that bastard is broadcasting." She simply said before returning her attention to the conversation.

The signal was coming from one of the bigger cruisers but which one was unclear.

“Anyone could have told you I'm rude. Didn't the lady of the resort tell Jehemath? She really did not like me last we talked,” she appears to take on an aloof expression, “Now, now, she's just shy. What about your father, though? Is that who you were talking to a moment ago? Why doesn't he show off that pretty little face of his, instead of sending a child to talk to the grown-ups.” She shakes her head, clearly disappointed. “Is he there with you? Mind telling him our dance back at the resort really was fun, I was hoping he would give chase... Of course, not one for fun and games, is he? Spoilsport.”

"No that was one of my officers informing me someone on the surface of Korriban was listening in on this conversation, my father is not here, he apparently needed some time in a bacta tank and some facial reconstruction after your encounter with him. Nicely done I must say, I have hardly seen him quite enraged like that... apparently he wants me to cut out your heart if I had the chance." He paused and smiled, "And the hearts of your unborn children."

Azazel fumes at that comment, fists clenching as she leans in, “I will see this Galaxy burn to ash before I allow harm to my children.” She closes her eyes, allowing herself to recompose, “But that does, give me quite the idea... Enough hiding between holographs and ships... Why don't you launch off in another vessel, we can leave our ships where they are if you desire, and you shall reach the surface unharmed. Then, we can cross swords if you wish. Like true warriors of the Sith. You may stand a chance then. Because I assure you, challenge me now and you will be naught but drifting debris.”

"Oh I think I am more than comfortable here to talk, don't you agree? Coming alone, into the den of a dragon? Do you think me a fool?"

“No, simply a coward and one who does not understand honour. After all, I did much the same. Funny, you know, I made it out unscathed to boot. Are you admitting I am better than you? And your father?”

Suddenly a sensor operator on the Dark Rebirth looks surprised, he had contacts, new contacts almost right on top of them, a squadron of fighters, that were even for their sensors hard to detect.

When Reneva heard that she interrupted the call, "Cloaked fighters!" She shouted, "Open fire with our flak batteries, now!"

Marcus frowned, "Well I suppose that is a begin to hostilities, see you soon." With that he cut the transmission.

Azazel growls, “Backblasted, inbred, bantha-dung hut'uun.”

Andrea growled, "I want sensor scans, now! If there are more stealth capable squadrons out there then I need to know!"

Meanwhile Reneva had ordered the Flak Batteries to fire while the interceptors set up a wall, looking for movement among the stars that might reveal more threats.

While it was difficult to get a lock sporadic fire in the area the enemy squadron was detect did score some hits but some craft were still flying, but no more than 4.

Azazel furrows her brow, seeing nothing on the sensors before giving out a command, “Advance interceptor units, eyes on the skies for stealth units.” She looks at the scanner information from Andrea and instructs, “Lock on targets, fire turbolaser batteries.” She feels uncomfortable back at the helm of the ship, really wishing she had Ibeth or Ilo and one of her pilots here.

The turbo laser fire, as expected went wide of their targets.

Azazel offers a small smile and shrugs, “At least I tried?”

Andrea frowned, "I've always wondered... what happens if a planetary ion cannon blasts hits a group of fighters.... planetary ion crew, target a enemy group of interceptors as best you can... and fire."

While the gunnery crew of the planetary ion cannon wondered if their mistress had gone bonkers, expecting them to hit interceptors, it did reveal to the invaders that there was a planetary weapon on the surface.

The sensors of the Academy did discover two more enemy squadrons, deep within their defenses.

It seemed that stealth was their only advantage because their aim was embarrassing, Azazel's people on the bridge of the Daghda saw how the nearest squadron... seemed to launch a volley of torpedoes... that hit each other and detonated prematurely. The other two squadrons simply missed.

Azazel raises her brows in alarm at the display. “And I thought I had the worst pilots in the business.”

Reneva looked at the situation, "Make sure the sensor data from the base is shared with Azazel, I want flak cannons to target the stealth bombers in the middle of us... Interceptor wings 1 and 2 deal with the last remains of the first enemy squadron."

The sixty interceptors swooped in and just obliterated the remaining vessels of the first stealth bomber squadron, while the flak batteries of the Rebirth also managed to take out some craft from the second squadron.

Azazel calls out, “Target the stealth units dead ahead. Mk2 squads Alpha, Beta, Charlie, turn about and engage bombers. Mk1 Charlie, Delta, advance and give them support.”

The second squadrons manages to evade the flak coming from the Daghda and continues on it's way, straight for the Daghda. Meanwhile the third squadron had a little bit of trouble as the entered a dogfight with multiple enemy squadrons, narrowly missing weapons fire. Azazel's MK2 squadrons swerve to the side, avoiding a near collision with the enemy craft and their own but manage to close the gaps.

"Targets in range, your orders?" A officer asked Andrea.

She smirked, "Target the enemy cruiser in the middle, disrupt their formation... and have the flak batteries open fire at that squadrons that conveniently is within range of our base defenses."

The flak batteries of the base are unable to hit anything, they had failed to calculate the speed of their projectiles with the atmosphere and attempted to correct that mistake if they were required to fire again.

The blast of the ion cannon impacted the cruiser in the middle head on, the massive blast of ion energy almost entirely depleting the cruiser's shields and having it's crew scrambling to try and get power back to said shield in case the planet defenses fired on them again.

Meanwhile the enemy interceptors seemed to have received order to close in quickly and speed ahead of the formation, closing in on the defender positions.

The formation of cruisers, support ships and remaining fighter squadrons follow steadily, Azazel's sensor crew reporting rapid fluctuations of their shields as they desperately try to restore their shields to full strength.

The stealth bombers continued their attack runs, the second squadron still having problems with their targeting computers and fail, but loop around, out of range of the guns of the Dark Rebirth. The third squadron... tries to fire but due to the overwhelming numbers of interceptors their torpedoes go wide and impact somewhere in the wastes of Korriban, while doing this they gave opportunities to Azazel's MK2 squadrons who happily blasted a few of the bombers apart.

Trying a gamble, Reneva ordered the starfighters and bombers to loop around and either divert some of the enemy interceptors or successfully evade them and launch bomber runs on the enemy capital ships. While also ordering the remaining interceptors to pull back and remain at station, but giving her flak batteries ample room to open fire at the approaching wall of enemy craft.

The remaining Mark Is who had not yet engaged take the initiative as they spy the stealth bombers slip about and turn to engage it. The remaining Mark Is and Mark Iis continue on their strike, reinvigorated for the fight after landing chance strikes on the bombers who dared ignore them. The ISF VIs retreat back to assist with the forming wall as Azazel takes Reneva's lead and fires her flak weaponry, few as they may be at the approaching wall of interceptors.

While the MK2 squadrons distract the bombers, one squadron of MK1 fighters swoops in and just destroys every remaining bomber in it's path, inspiring Azazel's pilots with their show of dedication and skill in destroying whoever dares to stand in Azazel's way. The last remaining bombers fare just as well as they get destroyed by interceptor fire.

Andrea watched the approaching wall of enemy squadrons, biting the inside of her cheek. "There's so many of them... inform the gunnery crews, aim for the middle of that approaching wall... and fire... I imagine even if the blast only graces some of those enemy fighters the immediate effects... will be interesting to see."

The blast was utterly accurate and sped forth... going right through the middle of the formations of interceptors... and it's effects... those squadrons that were hit full on, simply ceased to exist as they exploded when their systems just couldn't handle the massive amounts of ion energy.

Those graced by the blast crashed into each other, leading to more explosions in space as literally Andrea's ion cannon set off fireworks in space.

Andrea smirked and ignored the cries of joy and jubilation for the moment, "Right this battle isn't over, my compliments to the gunners of the ion cannon." She turned to Azazel's hologram, "I think my people can do a good fireworks show." She said with glee at the destruction.

The cruisers closed in still, the one in the middle managing to get some of it's shields back but still not at full strength.

While ordering the interceptors to engage the enemy craft Reneva made the calculating gamble to move forwards and open fire with her spinal laser at the already weakened enemy cruiser in the middle.

The spinal laser went wide and the squadrons managed to score some hits and glancing blows on the enemy craft but nothing stellar.

Azazel opens her mouth, about ready to order to divert power away to power the hypervelocity cannon before thinking twice. Instead, she orders the advancement and firing of the spinal cannon upon the ship with the shield fluctuations. Meanwhile, fueled on by a rush, her ships advance to engage the enemy interceptors.

Enemy squadrons were obliterated by overwhelming numbers, the spinal laser of the Daghda however had some trouble as it overheated and the crews reporting it needed to be cooled down before they could fire again.

After the success of the gun against the enemy interceptors she told them to aim for the middle cruiser once more and fire.

The blast graced the cruisers shields, doing minimal hurt but it was still telling since their shields were already sapped from the first hit.

The fury interceptors who were evenly matched against the enemy interceptors incurred some losses, 4 interceptors being destroyed by enemy fire and others damaged.

The ones in the grand melee did surprising well despite being outnumbered and their numbers not at maximum, destroying nine fury interceptors. Azazel's fighters meanwhile, still inspired by the actions of one of their squadrons, dodged every attack and only closed the net around the enemy interceptors.

The bombers and starfighters sped off, going for their targets, while the cruisers... were now in range, spinal lasers became active and sought targeting solutions, while the middle cruiser, also revealed a mass driver cannon, aiming it straight at Andrea's Dark Rebirth.

As the cruisers fired, both Andrea and Azazel could see that each cruiser had at least 2 spinal lasers, the first cruiser missing, barely. But the other two managed to score successful hits, before the round of the mass driver slammed into the Rebirth's shield, taking a good chunk out of them, reports coming to captain Reneva Shitha that that volley alone had brought her shields down by 30%.

Reneva narrowed her eyes, "That's fine, we can take that..." She was reluctant to get closer but smiled, "We may only have one spinal laser... but..." She turned to a pit with some gunnery crews. "Are missiles and torpedoes loaded?"She received confirmation. "Very well... fire away."

Meanwhile Annihilator wing 2 engaged the approaching enemy starfighters while wing 1 and the bombers started their attack runs on the nearest enemy cruiser.

It seemed that during all those battle simulations and drills the maintenance crews neglected to go over the spinal laser and as a result overheated and key parts fused together as circuits simply melted due to a overload and the heat.

A volley of missiles and proton torpedoes sped forth but their aim was somewhat poor and their trajectory easily spotted by the cruisers who would be able to shoot them down with their flak easily when the time came.

The dogfighting was fierce still between fury wing 1 and the enemy interceptors, neither side giving ground or allowing the other to take down some of their fighters. Wing 2 managed to eliminate the remains of one enemy squadron... leaving one squadron surrounded by angry Andrea squadrons.

While they weren't made to engage other fighters, the Annihilators of wing 2 managed to down some enemy craft and engage them on even ground. The attack runs of the other starfighter wing and the bombers was nothing to write home about however.

Azazel checks the status of the turbolasers and it was still down. However, given the time passed, Traiserus' bastard was now in range of her mass drivers and she instructs them to fire. Her fighters continue to push on to destroy the last of the interceptors as other move on to engage the starfighters.

The mass driver rounds... barely miss the cruiser, it did notify them that the Daghda was indeed a threat however.

Azazel's interceptors managed to detain the enemy starfighters, making them unable to attack runs to the capital ships of the sith.

Meanwhile the new squad leader of Bezol's former squadron was doing rather well, he led the squadron to greatness as his squadron wiped out two enemy squadrons without effort.

Andrea saw the damage being dealt to her flagship and cursed, "Fire the ion cannon! I want at least one of those cruisers disabled!"

They however missed again, perhaps their efforts had been concentrated on destroying tiny fighters with their oversized gun.

One interceptor squadron of Andreas was destroyed, their screams unheard as the pilots were blasted apart with their fighters.

One squadron of anihilators, ceased to exist as assault laser fire from the Traiserus star fighters obliterated them under a massive onslaught.

The bombers loyal to Traiserus launched a volley of electromagnetic plasma missiles which impacted hard upon the shields of the sith capital ships, giving them some hurt. Especially to Andrea's already weakened shields.

Another volley of spinal lasers impacted upon the Dark Rebirth, bringing it down even more, the shields were now at 40%. And the support ships, revealing themselves to be missile corvettes, launched a volley of concussion missiles towards the dark rebirth as well.

The flak batteries seemed eager to not have those missiles hit them and blew them up.... the explosions of the concussion missiles also blowing up two enemy bomber squadrons who were too close to comfort.

Otherwise the gunnery crews were half asleep.

The furies did their work, keeping enemy squadrons at bay and engaging enemy bombers.

The Annihilators had more success, those engaging other star fighters manged to wipe out the two damaged squadrons they were battling to avenge their fallen comrades, while some torpedoes of the other wing impacted on the shields of one of the enemy cruisers.

Azazel takes a deep breath and steps up. Her crew fidgets for a moment, still uncertain after the last time she had taken command so. “We are staggering our attack. I want heavy weapon fire and mass cannons divided between those bomb carrying supports. Heavy spinal laser target and fire the central cruiser...” They begin to exhale, believing her done before she picks up, “Reneva, Andrea, I'll see you a few moments. When the initial barrage is finished... Fire the hypervelocity cannon. Make it count.”

Kitt grabs her arm and gives her an angry expression, hissing, “What are you doing. You know what happened last time!”

Azazel offers a faint smile, “A leap of faith,” she murmurs, silencing the feed. “I am the Sith'ari.”

Azazel's people were just... they were inspired to great lengths by their ace squadron, who just wiped out three enemy squadrons, with the assistance of the other squadrons naturally, shouting over the comms. "For Alor and Clan!"

One blue squadron however did not far so well and was obliterated in the return fire, and caught one of the errant missiles of the missile corvette.

It seems the missile corvettes did not have much shields as the heavy turbo lasers of the Dagha wreaked havoc to them.

The Mass Drivers and spinal laser went wide of their target and then Azazel ordered to fire the hypervelocity gun...

Just before her systems gave out as all power was used for the planetary based weapon, sensors registered the concussion missiles launched earlier by Andrea's Dark Rebirth going through the flak barrage and impact on the shields, depleting them... just before the hypervelocity projectile impacted on the cruiser and a flash was registered as the cruiser suffered internal explosions and broke apart.

Andrea watched the screen as the middle cruiser was destroyed and smiled, frowning when she noticed all power had gone from Azazel's vessel... and her hologram was gone too, the call had died. "Ferglutz. Fire the Ion Cannon on the next target, Azazel's vessel is a sitting target now." She growled and stared at the sensor reading. "Those cruisers are a pain... Reneva disable the current target... and ready boarding craft, just in case."

The Ion Cannon fired and managed a glancing blow to the cruiser it was targeting, soaking away some of it's shield strength.

The bombers attempted a attack run on the powered down Daghda, but two of their number were destroyed by Andrea's interceptors and those that survived missed by a narrow margin.

The starfighters had more success, destroying 6 of Andrea's Anihilator craft. Some of the interceptors squadrons, while surrounded, managed to destroy several of Azazel's MK2 ships.

The missile frigates seemed to have some shoddy aiming going on as their missiles spreads would not fare well against any flak barrage that might come their way.

The two remaining cruisers however, noticed that the Daghda was without power and turned their weapons towards her, firing.

Azazel was illuminating the bridge with her pyro abilities when she stiffened, eyes wide as the force warned her, grabbing Kitt without warning she just ran from the bridge, opening the elevator doors with the force and jumped down, closing the doors behind her as she took Kitt with her, using the force again, tapping into the force powers of her unborn children briefly to save herself and her Echani lieutenant.

The crew on the bridge saw this happen, two operators, who had been in the middle of a rock, paper scissors game blinked and also just ran for it, managing to jump through the elevator doors before they closed and hold on for dear life since neither of them had force powers to save themselves from the drop down. Why they did this became clear... as spinal laser fire impacted upon the bridge... and blew it apart entirely.

More damages were incurred by more spinal laser fire as two shield generators and 2 turbo laser batteries were utterly destroyed.

Andrea watched with wide eyes as she saw the invasion force obliterate the bridge of the Daghda,"No, no, no, nooo. Contact the Daghda, contact her at once! NOW!"

"We cannot my lady, it's simply.. we cannot establish a-"A operator began before with a sudden hiss and smell of ozone Andrea ignited her saber and cut off his head and started marching out, snapping her fingers at her disciples. "Everyone to the Hydra gunboats, we are going up there... and if she is not alive I want every single son of a bitch on those cruisers exterminated, DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!" She snarled, "Continue firing the ion cannon at them and don't stop until I give the order or all their ships are destroyed!"

Meanwhile Reneva also stared at what happened to the Daghda and had a more worldly view, it wasn't destroyed and could still fight and she continued to calmly give orders. Ordering the flak cannons to open fire at some of the missiles heading the Daghda's way while also ordering some of the interceptors to do the same. Meanwhile she continued having her launchers to open fire too.

More enemy interceptors blew apart now that Andrea's Furies had been reinforced by a second wing of furies. The most notable pilots however were those of the bombers... who wiped all the flak batteries on the left side of the vessel with their proton rockets and torpedoes, but this also made their magazines empty and they would need to reload their supplies.

It seems Dark Rebirth's crew were on a roll, the flak battery crew managing to take out the missiles headed for the Daghda and a few enemy bombers to boot as well, missing Azazel's fighters entirely.

The concussions missiles they were launched were easily noticed... but the torpedoes following in their wake were masked by this launch and would almost surely slip through the enemy's defenses.

Azazel's flames were soaring high, to light the engine room. The light she gave off and the prior drills after the last use of the hypervelocity gun had her crew more easily running through and making things happen. The lights begin to flicker on and Azazel severs her draw on her force powers, unwilling to keep drawing upon it. Kitt looks at Azazel with wide-eyed shock and apparently had with the anger expressed on Azazel's face. “What?” she snaps, clenching her fists as she stares back at the Echani.

“I thought you hated this ship,” she smirks and shakes her head.

“It was a gift from Solomon and has been my home since I was a child, they have defiled my home.” Kitt simply continues to shake her head as Azazel moves, standing atop a crate as she cups her hands over her mouth, “The bridge is destroyed. Until future notice, this is now the command center of the ship! Determine all systems are back online! I want someone running me sensor reports regularly! Electronic Warfare Suites are to be online and scrambling enemy communications. If they don't already know we're still alive and kicking, then let them think they've won! LET THERE ARROGANCE BE THEIR DOWNFALL.”

She directs her attention to the weaponry specialists, as far as she could tell from their markings down here. “Heavy weapons target bomb carriers! Mass Drivers and Spinal lasers fire upon the battle cruisers!” She points at the communication specialists rappelling their ways down after someone set a grapple hook to lower them after the fall of the bring, “You two, get my communications back online and let them know the Dark Lady lives on!” She stops and cries out, “AND SOMEONE BRING ME MY HOT CHOCOLATE!”

Witnessing the destruction wrought upon their home, especially noticing the bridge was just... gone. It demoralized Azazel's pilots and their attempts to take down enemy craft was barely yielding results. Except for a number of interceptors engaging the last enemy interceptors, wiping them out in retaliation.

The crew on the jamming suite reported being successful though I might be difficult to notice any changes in the actions of their foes, meanwhile most of the Daghda's fire missed or went wide, probably due to their need to adjust on confirming their orders, the spinal laser fired, but not on the cruiser it was supposed to, at one of the missile frigates, taking a huge hit to their shields.

Azazel snorts and calls back, “Her and I will have to talk about her apparent lack of faith in me. Later, though. For now, let her rage on. The hut'uun and his crew must be prone to error at this point, sure of their own victory. Let her go in for the slaughter. If she brings me the bastard child that I might deliver him to his father in pieces, I will show her just how much I appreciate the gesture.” Even though they could not see it, a nasty sneer was upon her face, fueled with malignant intent. If they captured the creature alive, his death would be a long, drawn out affair.

Karis nodded, "I will pass that on."She then focused back on the overall battle.

The ion cannon missed again, again barely glancing the enemy cruiser.

Azazel's fighters were still mucking about as the enemy bombers tried to attack again, but were gunned down by Andrea's furies without mercy.

The starfighters fared a little better, those engaged with Andrea were neither losing or gaining ground, the ones battling with Azazel's itnerceptors managed to take out seven fighters. Five MK1 class and 2 ISF 6 interceptors.

The last remaining interceptor squadron... just fled.

More missiles were launched, one volley scattered wide so a flak volley wouldn't take them out so quickly as before...

The enemy cruiser fired their spinals at the Daghda still, it had regained it's power but it's shields were still the lowest due to the power reboot, taking it entirely down, once again, Azazel and the Daghda needed to rely on their armour to save them from destruction for a next barrage.

Just after their barrage the cruiser that saw incoming missiles opened fire with what flak batteries they had left but failed to take them down and the missiles damaged one of their spinal laser batteries, enough so it would not fire.

Interceptor squadrons were ordered to try and take out enemy concussion missiles, the bombers with their payloads gone retreated while it's accompanying starfighter escorts joined the dogfighting battle of the other starfighter wing.

Reneva frowned, "Bring the Dark Rebirth forward, let's see if we can make ourselves a target so the Daghda can recover. Fire any and all weapons, heavy ions on the cruiser... everything else... I want to see one of those missile corvettes destroyed.

The interceptors of wing 2 manage to destroy the incoming missiles, all of them, the other squadrons and starfighters did nothing remarkable, except still being locked in battle.

The Dark Rebirth, fired it's weapons... and that was about all that could be said about it.

While the interceptors were not made for it, the missile corvette's shield had already taken a beating and their continued fire dropped those shields entirely.

The hyper velocity gun fired and hit the third cruiser full on, taking a massive hit to their shields, that would make it's crew perhaps a tad worried.

Andrea was fuming still, she had gathered all her disciples and her most elite forces as she held on to her seat, her eyes closed, centering solely on her rage and hatred that was building up, directed at these sniveling cowards who dared to make a attempt to take HER world from her! She had barely registered Karis reporting that Azazel was alive, her relief had been quickly squashed under her anger.

meanwhile Karis looked at the holographic image of the head operator of the planetary ion cannon. "Now then... if you could hit the cruiser this time... it would help a lot."

It seemed they took those words to heart and the ion cannon blast hit the third cruiser, depleting it's shields completely and causing malfunctions all over the ship... temporarily disabling everything it seems.

The lone squadron engaging four squadrons of Andrea's tried to make a run for it, but the squadron was wiped out by the pilots of Annihilator wing 1 who took the opportunity to reap more souls in retribution for their fallen comrades.

The other starfighters engaging a majority of Azazel's forces managed to take out a damaged squadron of MK1 fighters and completely destroy them.

The missile frigates opened fire with turbo lasers, or at least tried to, the first missing the rebirth while the second seemed to have trouble charging their laser weaponry. Their missiles looked like they would impact on the rebirth but it's flak batteries managed to make good save, barely.

Cruiser 1, badly damaged and harassed had it's crews fucking up, firing wildly but not hitting anything, it's heavy ion weapon overcharging and needing to cool down before they could fire.

The third cruiser... was drifting idly in space, no sign of power.

A series of explosions come from Cruiser 1, as the last remainder of its flak batteries were destroyed by the torpedo barrage.

Reneva saw the gunboats soar past, headed directly for the damaged cruiser, "Well that will be taken care off, focus all regular weapons on the nearest missile corvette, I want all heavy and higher weaponry open fire on the disabled cruiser, they seem fond of shooting ships that are without power, let's return the favour."

Outnumbered and outgunned two enemy squadrons were just plain overwhelmed by the number of interceptors going at them and blowing them out of the stars.

Rebirth's turbo weapons fail to land hits on the missile corvette but it's ion weapons... completely disable the shields, it was now vulnerable, even to interceptor attacks...

The heavy weapons of the Rebirth opened fire on the disabled cruiser, scoring deep hits and inflicting damage, the heavy turbo lasers opening a gap in it's hull... a gap for where the utterly accurate torpedoes were racing straight towards to...

Azazel sips idly from her mug of hot chocolate with a satisfied groan. She trusted Andrea and Reneva to capitalize on the last hit she had landed. Hopefully they were out of range of return fire still as well. She smiles, one hand raised high again to create an impromptu torch as apparently glowsticks had been passed about the crew as well to illuminate the depths of the ship. She looks amused about the ship as someone grumbles about their party materials being broken into, earning a small chuckle from Kitt who was sitting on the box Azazel was standing upon. “It's like they're getting used to working in no power. Think they'll be able to go back when Xen brings the generator?”

Meanwhile, the interceptors, cheered on by Starbuck Ace, the mandalorian squad leader, begin to close in for the kills. On both carriers and the remaining squadron.

The last star fighter squadron tried to give a good fight but they were outnumbered 5-to-1 and as the last one was hunted down the pilot's voice shouted out over the public channels. "Whyyyyy!" Was his last word as his starfighter was destroyed by four of Azazel's interceptors.

The missile corvette was turning to run but the interceptors would have none of it, firing away their shots punching through the hull as if it had no armour to withstand it, some internal explosions happened, followed by some of Azazel's pilots strafing towards the bridge and riddling it with fire, destroying the corvette.

Again the planetary ion cannon fired, hitting the damaged first cruiser, it's shields gone it had no defense and one by one, systems shut down, making it dead in space like the Daghda...

The last remaining interceptor squadron of the big wave flees further, energy spikes indicating they had hyperdrives.

The last remaining missile corvette escort to the cruisers had it's crew panicking, enemy interceptors were all around it and a capital ship was opening fire at it, i na desperate attempt they launched their last missiles by a... dedicated... group of Azazel's pilots made kamikaze runs on the missiles, shouting their loyalty and dedication to the sith'ari on all channels before they died.

As this happened a spread of torpedoes reached the third cruiser, going for the gap in the hull the heavy turbolasers of the Rebirth had opened up, just as the cruiser's energy flickered back to life... giving the crew aboard a glimmer of hope, before they all died in a fiery explosion as the torpedoes detonated close to a number of power cores, breaking the mighty cruiser literally in half.

Reneva smiled and joined in with the cheer of her crew as she saw one of the enemy cruisers break apart due to the torpedo barrage. "We are not done yet ladies and gentlemen, please, all weapons, fire at will on the last remaining corvette."

On the bridge of the corvette a lieutenant turns to his captain, as several concussion missiles and torpedoes could be seen racing straight towards the observation window of the bridge. "Sir... I just wanted to let you know, I've always-" And then the bridge exploded, along with the rest of the ship.

Azazel looks up, curious at the sudden sparks of light before the engine room thrums to life once more. “Oh, I was expecting it down a tad longer.”

One of the crew grimaces, “Well, Dark Lady, if you wish we can turn it off again to give you your quiet time? If it pleases you?”

“No, no, just pleasantly surprised.” She looks at her comm wristlet as data streams at her. She raises her brows curiously, “Re-establish communications and focus all energy on restoring shields.”

After a moment, the comm-officers, shoving each other forward in a stumbling display finally agree to both say it, “Communications back online, Azazel. Ready to patch you through.”

Azazel nods and calls out to Karis, “Sorry, back again. How fares the battle?”

Azazel just asked that as a familiar male voice comes over the call, "The battle fares very well for you, it seems my father was mistaken that this world was easy conquest. I thankfully figured as much." Marcus's voice... was strangely happy despite the fact that his fleet seemed to have been all but wiped out.

Azazel raises her brow, “Ah, I wondered if you still lived. Very good. Come to swoop in now that both are vessels are heavily damaged and our squadrons depleted, hmm? Quite the cunning rat, I admit.”

"I am many things lady Azazel, but suicidal is not one of them. No my father gave me this task to prove myself, but I had a feeling things might go bad, how fortunate then that the force you just destroyed were utterly loyal to my father, while those loyal to me are still alive. My thank for that." He let out a chuckle that was quite filled with sadistic mirth as he so casually glossed over the fact that hundreds of people had just died. "Enjoy your victory, you and that mistress of Korriban. I have no doubt we will meet again, either due to my father, or no doubt your own crusade against my good old dad." With that his voice vanished and the Korriban Academy's sensors would see the fleet it had discovered at the edge of their sensor range, turn about and heading towards a vector that would take them to a safe hyperspace lane.

While this conversation took place Andrea and her squads boarded the sole remaining cruiser, stalking it's dark corridors, killing those who stood in their way. Engineering was soon in the hands of her people whiel Andrea fought towards the bridge, encountering a group of figures, whose attire would later be recognized by Azazel when showed to them as what Zarra was wearing, Mecrossa assassins. Breaking through the bridge Andrea faced and defeated a black robed figure, a force adept whose skill did not match hers in the slightest and she brutally killed him without mercy.

Turning off life support to kill the last hoards of resistance on the ship and the cruiser was hers now.

Andrea went straight towards the Daghda after she left her people in charge of rounding up survivors of her newly acquired cruiser. Escorted straight towards engineering where apparently Azazel had her new command center with her bridge destroyed. When she laid eyes on her she marched straight towards her and before Kitt and Azazel's crew she cupped her cheeks and kissed her deeply with a growl. Pulling away, "Don't ever make me worry like that again! Especially since we just got each other back!"

Azazel blinks and draws Andrea close, kissing her back. “If I didn't scare you sometimes, how ever would you be able to show you love me, hmm?” She purrs and nuzzles in against Andrea's neck, smelling of heavily of smoke. “It was so sweet you rushed like that to avenge me, love.”

Kitt clears her throat and shuffles her feet, perhaps feeling a bit embarrassed for earlier claims she had made against Andrea, slightly inclining her head respectfully to the pureblood.

Andrea huffed but smiled, "Well it felt good... there was a force adept on the bridge, thought in my rage it was that Marcus guy, but have since been informed the coward had a second fleet and was just watching from the sidelines?"

“Yes, I am afraid so. A cowardice play, sacrificing so many... But it goes against his father's will,” the was a light of curiosity in her face, she was obviously planning something. “Traiserus just took a great blow to his forces. I have no doubt those were his puppets of the Mecrossa believing him to be their rightful master. If I were to assume he held a force user and forces of the order in each of those cruisers, that must be a crippling loss, while those still loyal to me are still alive and ready to heed my command.” She touches her brow to Andrea's, whispering, “Thank you, please, keep that cruiser safe, I will have Xen take any information he can from them as soon as he arr—”

She is interrupted as a new feed comes through, barking out with a metal ring through the intercoms set up in the engine room. “Xen Grian, returning from the Wheel. We have picked up Zarra, Gra'tua's disciples and the reactor core as you desired and without incident.”

Azazel flushes and calls back, “Welcome back, Xen. I am afraid you will be quite busy here soon. But good news, you and Bezol both can collaborate to see the ship upgraded as you desired! I've even begun breaking down the walls for such installments. You're welcome, no need to thank me.”

No reply comes back, as the Kubaz was just standing there at the helm of the returning Aberrancy, dumbfounded and wondering what in the name of the Sith Gods he had just missed.

Andrea chuckled, "The cavalry has arrived, huh?"

Azazel rolls her eyes and shrugs, “Just a bit late. But, always a bright side, right?”

She smirks and nods, "I suppose so... let's see about cleaning up my system and salvage what we can... and then... well I feel a dire need to release some stress... what about you?" She said, all but purring.

Azazel smiles and is ready to speak up before Kitt clears her throat again, “Would you happen to know where Trizz is?”

Andrea blinked and looked towards Azazel's bodyguard, frowning as she thought for a moment. "I think she is still on the surface of Korriban... why do you ask?"

Kitt pauses, trying to think of an excuse. “Training,” she finally decided. She thumps her armour to overemphasize it. Azazel furrows her brow, “We are on vacation of sorts. You can relax, little dove.” Kitt frowns, “No, no. I think I need a good training session. Trizz... offers very vital skills I could definitely use some learning on.”

Andrea blinked, but did not question it, nodding. "I'll have her see you, she is a very valued member of my circle. Her medical expertise for one helped me during my... transformation." She nods and turned to Azazel, grinning. "So... shall we?"

Kitt flushes and bows her head dismissing herself, turning away to get ready for departure. Azazel watches after the girl, uncertain, “She seems different. I almost get the feeling she is lying to me. That cannot be so, it is Kitt.” She shrugs and lightly takes Andrea's hand, “But yes, let's go. I do not know about you, but I am still feeling quite a rush.”

"Then by all means... let's take advantage of that while you have your Xen plunder the data aboard the cruiser." Andrea said with a smirk, taking Azazel's arm in her own and guided her away to the hangars with Kitt in tow.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Selvi


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Kwenn System,
Nova Retreat

"Soooo....." Came the voice from the doorway, making Neia look up and see her twin standing there, beginning to frown when she saw the amused smirk on her face. "You and... the angel jedi, huh? Weird, I thought she'd fall for a white haired and dark skinned dominatrix or something."

Neia sighed and leaned back in her chair, looking at Maia. "Is it a problem with who I see or not?"

Maia's first response was a chuckle and then ebgan to shake her head. "Oh not all sis, just making a observation. She's quite cute from what I saw, think she is interested in..." Maia faltered, seeing the look her twin was giving her and it made her shiver. "I... ah... nevermind... so that's the look you ended up with? Heard you were practicing."

Neia kept looking at Maia for a moment longer then smiled and nodded, "Well it seems to be working, you shut up at once, so did you came to be the annoying sister or was there more?"

"A shuttle came in, got a guy aboard, Rodian by the name of Goddor, says he is a friend of Tohkrans. was about to drop by sheer exhaustion from the looks of it so put him and the shuttle crew in some chambers to let them rest, he did say he wanted a meeting or summit with all the fancy jedi and you gathered in one room. Seemed important the way he kept prattling about it." She shrugged.

"Yes, Thrall had called ahead that Goddor would be coming, along with the request for that summit, all we need is Cyphor for that and I understand he will be arriving shortly as well." Neia replied, distracted. "Have the explorers arrived as well?"

"Huh now that you mention it, they did, they immediately went to the cantina, taking advantage of those free drinks you serve to off-duty employees of yours. Should I get them?"

"No, that isn't necessary, they can relax for a while." Neia said, still distracted and rummaged through some files before producing a datapad, handing it to Maia. "Can you deliver this to them however, their next task, now that the Sarka system is made secure I need them to prospect potential mining sites. Now that both the CIS and Republic have been made aware I have staked a mining claim on the asteroids there." She resumed working, frowned and looked up again, seeing Maia was still standing there. "What?"

Maia smirked again, "So how good is she-"

"Out!" Neia shouted, pointing at the door.

She laughed and turned around. "I'm going, I'm going."

Shaking her head she watched her twin go. "Why wasn't I born a only child..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tempest
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Tempest Feminazi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

A Day at the Nova Retreat
A Kahleesi Twins and Jedi Adventure

Ba'alkyri makes her way back from the medical wing, after checking up on her friends in recovery. It was pleasant to see they were taking to the cybernetics so well, but even now, she had the desire to spend time with Neia before her duty as a Jedi called her off once more. So, with this in mind, she went to the officer's lounge looking for her. She blinks her eyes at when she finds her, clearing her throat at the strange attire she had seen fit to don. “Well, is there some function going on? I admit, the outfit looks... becoming on you, but I was not expecting it.” Ba'alkyri smiles, slipping her arm about the Nautolan and leaning in to give her a peck on the cheek.

Maia blinked, she had just finished her fourth glass and glanced, seeing a lovely creature with her arm wrapped around her, she vaguely considered that this must be the angel jedi her sister was seeing and decided to have a little fun. "Oh you like it, do you?" She said with a low purr, licking her lips.

Ba'alkyri blushes faintly and beams, “Well, perhaps a little... Were you wearing it just for me, hmm?” She winks playfully, waving at the bartender to bring her a drink as well... who was giving her a strange look at that very moment.

She looked her over and grinned, "And what if I am... hmm...?" She couldn't help it, she was feeling good and feeling in a teasing mood. "Think you might enjoy it?" She purrs, leaning in and lightly touches her behind her ear with the tip of her tongue. "Also have a whip to go along with the outfit..."

The Jedi splutters, nearly spilling her drink just as it arrived, if not for the observant bartender who sweeps it away just in time. “I... I might,” she murmurs with a shudder, eyes scanning over the others in the room and feeling a bit embarrassed. She knew Neia was forward, but not so openly like this. She swallows back and raises her cup with a lightly quivering hand, sipping from it. “A whip, you say?...” she inquires, moderately intrigued by the notion.

Maia had trouble preventing herself from laughing out loud, her sister really knew how to find the cute ones... "Mmmhmm... a whip... capable of delivering electrical shocks even... with various power settings..."

Ba'alkyri's eyes widen and she ends up gagging in surprise just as she was taking another drink. “I... You... Ah... I had no idea you were into such things,” she murmurs, raising a napkin to dab over her mouth as she eyes the Nautolan with an equal mix of surprise and uncertainty. She was not sure if she was so ready for such a wild... leap into unknown territory. “If, ah... you are, though... I suppose... that it... could be... worth a try,” she swallows nervously, offering an awkward smile.

She couldn't help it anymore and let out a laugh, pecking her on the cheek and quickly spoke to prevent any misunderstanding or hurt feelings. "I would love to... but I am sadly not who you think I am."

"She is not." Came Neia's voice from behind the two of them.

Ba'al jumps at the new location of the voice and drops her glass as she turns about. Her jaw opens agape as she sees Neia there... and then... She turns back to the other Nautolan as her eyes flicker and begin to glow as she draws upon her Shadow vision. Her brow knits together in confusion as she stares at the two of them, mouth moving to speak words, but none quite coming to her as she could scarcely tell the difference between the two of them even with this sight on her side. She purses her lips, “I... ah... Was not aware...” She frowns, pointing between the two in confusion. “Okay, someone needs to tell me what is going on. This is hardly a dignified position for a Jedi to be caught in.” She sniffs indignantly, letting her vision fade, knowing they were both equally true.

Neia sighed, not smiling but her eyes were and gestured to Maia, "Ba'al, meet my twin sister, Maia. Maia, meet Ba'al... no need to apologize I know my sister."

Maia chuckles and snuggled against Ba'al. "Couldn't resist sis... she's gorgeous... and cute... wrapping a arm around me and pecking me on the cheek when she thought I was you. Also... I think I need you to loan my whip." She grinned.

Neia blinked and looked at Ba'al with a surprised look. "I... what?"

Ba'al slips away from Maia, her cheeks scarlet as she raises a hand, pinching the bridge of her nose. “You are too cruel, Lady Maia... To go along like that, knowing...” She opens in eye, gazing at Neia as she smiles sheepishly. “I... Truly had no idea... but... it was an... intriguing notion, when she brought it up... but ah, perhaps... that is... for another time.” She clears her throat, trying to stand up straight and regain her composure.

Her face broke into a smile, "I'll keep that in mind." She then looked at Maia and glared, "As for you..."

"I know, I know, I am sorry sis but it was hard to resist." She smirked and winked at Ba'al.

Neia sighed and rolled her eyes, "It is always hard to resist with you." She wrapped her arms around Ba'al and kissed her on the lips before the eyes of anyone paying attention to them in the officers lounge. "Don't mind her, she enjoys teasing far too much."

Maia licked her lips. "We have shared before though sis... so if... she is interested and you are ok with it..." She trailed off.

She groans and kisses Neia back softly, reaching out with her sense of the force and trying to memorize herself with each of their different presences so this would not happen again. After a moment, she draws back, giving Maia a wary look as she turns back to Neia, “Is this another joke of hers, or does she genuinely think...” she frowns, placing an arm loosely about Neia's waist.

Neia was back to looking neutral again, "Assuming she isn't joking, what would you answer with?"

Ba'alkyri looks sidelong at Neia, her brow raised as she tries to skillfully tap into the force to use her sense of people. Of course, apparently she was so addled at this very moment that she was drawing nothing. She furrows her brow, looking between the two and just decides to answer the best she could, regardless of potential hurt feelings on either part, “While your sister is... an interesting woman from what I can see... I do believe I have already been ensnared by a lovely woman.” She nuzzles against Neia's cheek, “I could not rightly engage anything with the two of you. As I am sure, you are both equally different in your own regards and I find myself quite attached to Neia here.”

"Aww..." Maia began and smiled, "Guess you got a keeper sis." She stood up and walked past, pinching the jedi's tush on her way out. "If you two change your minds, let me know and I will bring over the whip along with myself." She laughed and went out of sight.

Neia shook her head but chuckled, "Not exactly the way I wanted to introduce you to my twin sister but I think it shows what a... character she is." She smiled and looked at Ba'al, letting out a pleased sound. "Quite attached to me, huh?"

She jumps at the pinch, but visibly relaxes as she seems to have said the right thing. Her arm tightens a little, drawing Neia closer to herself as she looks back and purrs out, “Indeed. I truly hope I did not upset you with that... embarrassing display on my part. It... might have been useful information to know you did have a twin earlier, though.” She smiles and kisses Neia upon the nose.

She bit her lip, showing Ba'al the amused twinkle in her eyes. "So... tell me... if she had kept things going... and I hadn't come in when I did... would I have found you and Maia in a... compromising situation?" She asked while guiding her away from the lounge into the corridor.

Ba'al tenses, a sense that she was not clear of the woods yet. She bites her lip, turning her head away briefly before sighing. “Ah, that may very well have been a possibility. I hope you are not too upset with me for that.” She looks back at Neia, “But I cannot help but feel you are both getting quite a good laugh in at my expense now.” She snorts, giving Neia a light spank.

She chuckles, "Possibly, hmm? Still, does prove Maia definitely approves of you." Smiling she kissed the jedi. "I hope you and your people have been enjoying the stay so far, my medical staff informed me your people under their care are showing steady progress."

She smiles against her lips before answering, “Yes, quite. Admittedly, I've never seen someone quite so excited over the colour blue before. I am happy Writh enjoys his newfound, sight, though.... Of course, this means we will have to better hide the salt or be done with it all together.” She makes a pathetic pout at the thought of all the bland dishes yet to come at this rate.

She blinks, "Huh, so it's true about their species and salt addiction? Is it that bad?"

Ba'alkyri grimaces, “Its one thing to try to lock it away in the pantry. Try doing it with a Jedi without having him on total lockdown, though. We walked in on him with an entire bag of the stuff mostly gone one night.” She shakes her head, “He was in the medical center for near a week, sick as a dog and going through withdrawal.”'

“We've tried to break him of it in the past. He's been doing better recently, since he's become a Knight himself. He wanted to be a better example, but it is still hard on him and easier not to tempt him,” she furrows her brow, “It might do to try something else... But, I do request no one gives him those little salt packets with his trays any more. I've barely caught them the last few times.” She shakes her head.

"I'll make sure to inform the mess halls scattered about my station when he comes to ask for some food." She nods slowly, then seemed to falter, perhaps hesitating a little. "So... how long will you be staying actually?"

Ba'alkyri frowns, stopping in her own steps. “I... honestly do not know. At least until my friends are well and the Jedi meeting has commenced... I do.. have my duty to attend to, and the Galaxy, with the Sith presence only growing... Needs us Jedi more than ever.”

She nods slowly, "I understand... though... if, ah." She looked nervous for a moment before her confidence returned. "You even are close by, need to resupply or anything, you are more than welcome to use my facilities, any time."

She reaches out, cupping Neia's cheek and leans in, kissing her delicately. “I will return to you, do not worry... That much I am sure.”

She kissed back and smiled, "I'm glad. Now then... I have trained with a jedi before, so I was wondering, care to be in a mock battle with me on the training mats?"

Ba'alkyri considers it before nodding, “That sounds like it could be fun. I warn you, I am no slouch in the training room, though.” She smirks and winks, “That, at least, is grounds I am familiar with.”

"Well I admit I am not much of a combatent but I know how to defend myself... and it serves to work up a sweat... and ah... show you just how much I am in my element in the baths... with me able to hold my breath for a very long time." She bit her lip and winked.

The Diathim raises a brow, before chuckling out, “I suddenly see a family resemblance between you and your sister... But come, lead me to the mats... And would you prefer live training or practice weapons?”

"Since you wield a lightsaber and I usually wield a shock staff or a blaster, I think it's best we stick to practice weapons." She grinned, "Besides, wouldn't want to hurt each other, now do we?"

“Very good point,” she furrows her brow, looking over Neia. It was quite strange not constantly being more in the company of force-users, “Assuming you have the proper equipment for such.”

"I have two jedi as my close friends, I think I have the proper equipment." She grins and led the way, reaching the training floor, heading straight for the section reserved for Mirelle and Gaarwarr, taking a training staff from a rack and twirled it in her hands. "Take your pick." Gesturing to the training sabers.

She reaches out and grasps two of the training sabres. She tests them in her hand curiously before nodding, tapping lightly against her armour. “Now, just think don't think because you're my lover I will go easy on you,” she chuckles, waving one of the sabres at her as she with a slight flux of the force bounds back gracefully.

She grins, "Neither will I." And with a flick of her wrist she pressed a control on her gauntlet and activated her cloak belt, vanishing before the eyes of her lover. "I do appreciate you called me your lover after such a short time though..." Came her voice out of nowhere.

She closes her eyes before opening them once more, her gaze alight once more with the light of the force. “Hmm...” She pauses, acting as if she was simply trying to hone into the force as she just barely tracks Neia out of the corner of her vision. “And why would I not?... It is what we are, after all... or have I made a false assumption?”

She decloaked as she lashed out with her staff, "Oh we are, just very happy to hear you think the same." She said, grinning as she made the motion as if to sweep her legs away from under her.

She flicked the weapon away with ease, knowing full well it was coming as she jumps back and over the leg of Neia's, cloaking herself in the force as she prowls around with featherlight steps. “I would not deny what was the truth,” she calls out, watching Neia's motions to get a sense of her in combat before she drops her stealth, casting out a sabre with a push of the force to send it spiraling.

She barely blocks to thrown training saber when she heard it wooshing in the air, turning around in the nick of time. "Glad to hear it... speaking of the truth. Did what Maia said to you really sound something you'd like?"She was both interested in the answer, and thinking it might surprise Ba'al so she could close in and attack again

She blinks with surprise as Neia closes in, “Wait, which thing that she said?” She draws the other sabre back with the force and barely raises both overhead in time to stop the shock staff from colliding. “Y-you two don't actually share, do you?” her eyes were wide with confusion.

Neia smiled and winked, "We have, in the past." She started pushing, trying to keep the jedi off-balance. "It wasn't a test, it was a genuine question from her." She flashed a predatory smile, courtesy of Maia teaching her how to smile like that.

Ba'alkyri flushes and her grip slips, the staff connecting with her with a jolt. “I...” She shudders, pushing the training staff away with a grunt and roll of her shoulder, “That is... surprising. You... Do you honestly fancy such an idea?” There was confusion in her eyes as she tries to work out just what she had gotten herself into with the twins.

She let out a brief cheer of victory and placed the staff down, leaning on it, watching Ba'al with a amused twinkle in her eyes. "I can live without it, Maia seems to find you cute though and from what I gathered you liked what she was saying about her whip... so..." She shrugged and kept smiling.

Ba'al furrows her brow, deactivating one of the sabres and slipping it through her sash as she rubs over her shoulder. The armour had taken most of the jolt, but it was still leaving her arm tingling. “Ah... It... is not an entirely upsetting idea... Perhaps if I were come to know her better and we were all in agreement... But I meant what I said, I am yours.”

"Well if that is so, and I just won this bout." She walked over and gently grabbed Ba'al by her armour. "Time to hit the baths and peel off that armour and clothes and show you, just how long I can breathe underwater..."

She coughs and nods, her fingers lightly going to her belt and running over her stun cuffs curiously before following Neia's lead. “Yes... Among other curiosities I suddenly have, perhaps...” A small smile plays over her lips.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarzu


Member Offline since relaunch

In the life of two Sith and their Minions.

Gra'tua was once again suffering another humiliation in order to become a better warrior, his blaster pistol had been traded in for a rifle and he was lying on his stomach looking down the sight and the barrel at the distant targets while his taskmaster, Goran, was standing behind him, with the controls that gave him the means to change the distances between the targets or have target drones fly up from hidden niches and open fire at him. The scion of clan Silas seemed to take a sadistic delight in using those controls to make this training bout a living hell for him.

He let out a curse and quickly rolled to the side as three such practice target drones opened fire on him, nearly hitting him and he looked up and back, glaring at Goran. "You enjoy this far too much."

"And you are not enjoying it enough, it will be five of them next time if you miss the target." Goran replied dryly, his finger hovering over the button.

Muttering under his breath he once again lined up the shot, aimed and fired. The blastershot was aimed true and flew forth to the holographic target easily and just before it would have hit it the target flickered and vanished. Gra'tua blinked, staring open-mouthed at where the target was and then glanced back, observing a smirking Goran Silas. "You son of a-" He managed to say right before the target drones appeared and opened fire, making him shudder and trash as the surges of electricity coursed through him.


"Is that normal?" Lena asked, gesturing vaguely in the direction of her fellow sith who was thrashing on the training ground floor.

Andrieke let out a snort, "It is since Goran Silas came to instruct him to use a blaster." She replied and twirled the blade in her hand before stabbing it down in the checkered board. "Your move."

Frowning she picked up a blade, still looking at Gra'tua. "Is that really a proper way to instruct someone in the use of a blaster? Perhaps i should have warned Gra'tua when that Goran expressed a great deal of interest in the way my training facilities are set up. But then I admit I wouldn't know, I prefer to stay away from firearms both in my hands and the ones held by my enemies." She then turned to look at the blade in her hand and frowned. "What was this game called again?"

"Cu'bikad, and it is still your move." Andrieke replied, tapping the board which already had several blades stabbed into the board by them both. "Must I go over the rules again? I warned you that a game such as this is better not played by non-mandalorians."

"Well the matter is, I asked you to instruct me in some methods of strategy, I was not expecting a game that involved stabbing a checkered square." She looked at the blade again, shrugged and stabbed it down in a position she deemed it would benefit her.

"But it is, the blades." Andrieke raised her next blade and gestured over the board. "The blades represent your troops and borders, the initial phase is us marking our territory, the second phase to find opening in the others defenses... and third and final phase." She stabbed the blade down to stress the point of her words, "To find the exposed weakness of your foe and stab it right in the heart."

"I see." Lena said calmly. "I think I would have preferred Dejarik however, or just some regular strategy games or instructions." She tapped the pommel of her next blade on the board, "This seems a bit too stabby, stabby for me."

"That or you prefer to do things your way in the shadows?" Andrieke asked, not judgmental, simply curious.

Lena paused, glancing at the general in the service of her fellow sith. "I won't deny that my preferred ways of doing things... leave less of a mess to clean up. A assassination here, a sabotage attempt there... a focused and calculated strike elsewhere, it could make armies, planets, systems, governments fall with only a few number of specialists and hidden strikes to eliminate key components. Grand battles might have a certain romance and glory to it, but the destruction it brings are difficult to repair and recover from. Not to mention the bodycount." She stabbed the blade down finally, "Besides I believe even the Mandalorian people know this, you do wage your battles, for honour, for glory, for your clan. Grand battles, sure but the Mandalorians also have a certain... code of honour involving personal duels between champions or clan leaders to settle matters I gathered. Those battles only end with, well usually from what I understand, one casualty but it would settle the most grievous of injustices, insults or feuds."

Andrieke hardly seemed to consider her next move and stabbed her blade down. "We have those, but we do not kill in secret, yes we have clans who... specialize using cloaking technology, they are our scouts, our high risk commandos infiltrating enemy lines. But our foes will always know it was a Mando'ade blaster or blade that ends their lives. You prefer to not have people find out that you were behind the strike, correct?"

"Correct." Lena stabbed down and looked at the board. "Hmm... it seems I have created a wedge within your defenses, which I can capitalize upon with my next moves."

Blinking Andrieke looked down at the board and let out a curse.

Chuckling Lena leaned back, this game wasn't so hard after all.
Sometime later Shadow's Regret,
Conference Room.

Lena placed the cup of tea in front of Gra'tua and grabbed her own as she sat down opposite him and took a sip. "Are you alive still? Your training instructor seemed to like pushing you to your limits."

Gra'tua let out a snort and looked at the cup of tea, "I don't suppose you have dark beer?" He lifted the cup, sniffed it and decided to take a sip, grimacing at the taste. "To answer your question, I am alive still and Goran... while his sadistic tendency to push me to my limits and test my patience might need to be questioned at times. He is doing his job, instructing me to use a blaster and so far he has proven to be... adequate... in teaching me, I can... apparently hit a target the size of a barn, but that is about it, according to him at least." He let out a grumble and frowned, "You seem to spend time with my general however, how did that happen I wonder?"

Lena smiled, "I deemed I needed to learn more about strategy and tactics, asking lessons from a Mandalorian general, a warleader, in your service, seemed like the right person to ask. Besides with our little agreement I figured we could use each other's resources freely, especially since we are travelling towards Korriban on my ship. Remind me again why we are not contacting them ahead of our imminent arrival?"

"Because the only thing we know there is some supposed invasion planned for Korriban, if we contact them we could potentially endanger them by letting this enemy know reinforcements are on their way. Intercepting our transmissions is unlikely but it is still a possibility." Gra'tua paused and shrugged, "I prefer to have the element of surprise on our side if we are entering a combat situation... I just wish I had my ship and most of my troops with me. If something happens to her..." He growled.

She leaned back, looking at Gra'tua with raised eyebrows, "With 'her' I assume you mean Azazel, I think she will be fine. She is fairly powerful in her own right, she has her people with her, not to mention Korriban is Andrea's seat of power. I think whatever happens, those that invade that region of space have a rather fierce battle on their hands, which they will have great difficulty to come out alive." She smiled, "I think you should be more worried about whoever is thinking they can kill not one sith... but a alliance of sith."

"Hmpf, you are smarter and more collected than you make yourself appear to be." Gra'tua, grudgingly admitted.

"I thank you for the compliment." She seemed to think for a moment, "It is interesting however, these kind of situations will reveal... if we are indeed a alliance of sith, able to work together, or are nothing more than a sham. Actors playing a role, hiding ourselves as wolves wearing nerf-clothing who are about to turn on each other and attempt to rip each other's throats out." She paused and then chuckled. "I prefer to not see that particular scenario happen, compared to you, Azazel, Andrea and Jacoiba, I am small fish in a sea of sharks." She still chuckled once she said that.

"You do that often." He said after a moment once she was done talking and chuckling. "Make yourself appear as if you are lesser, weaker. I may not know all your assets or abilities Lena, but you have a rather devious mind and a cunning intellect which you use to advance your goals. Not that I complain, this partnership we have agreed upon, certainly has it's advantages to me, I managed to obtain several living, actual living and breathing Taung, the first Mando'ade, the creator race of my culture and heritage." He paused, "But... I need to inform Azazel about our little arrangement. She is my partner... and the mother of my children to be, she should know everything that involves me and her."

"I disagree, this arrangement is between you and me, I am not threatening her, or your relationship with her. I am also not asking you to spy on her for me... or try to pry you away from her to pursue something with you myself." She smiled and shrugged, "No offense but you are not my type." She turned her chair, facing Gra'tua. "This arrangement I made with you is because I was impressed with your growth, you have come far from the... well, originally mindless warrior persona you have. So in my opinion she has nothing to do with what is purely a business agreement between two individuals."

"Sounds to me you just want to keep this secret from Azazel, or just all of the other sith." He said as a observation.

"Perhaps, or perhaps I just want to make sure this sith alliance stays in one piece and my arrangement with you is my method of achieving that and it's secrecy is what keeps our arrangement, and possibly the alliance, intact." She shrugged, "But that is my opinion, I can't tell you what to do or say to Azazel and I won't stop you. I only say I would prefer to keep this arrangement we have between the two of us."

Letting out a snort he closed his eyes, why were women in his life so confusing and frustrating, he let out a sigh and grumbled again. "Hmpf, fine, I will see what I will tell her once I see her right before me in the flesh and are certain she is fine."

"That is all I ask, but it is late and I will retire to my chambers, a good night to you Gra'tua." With that she stood up, bowed her head and left the conference room to retire for the night.

"I'll remain here for a moment, I seem to have a lot of my mind." He bid goodnight to Lena and remained alone, lost in thought.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tempest
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Tempest Feminazi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

A Trip to the Good Ole Doc

Azazel sits upon the exam table, wiggling her toes and making the chimes at her ankles jingle in a simple rhythm. Her eyes close as she sighs and lays back, wearing a gaudy hospital gown. She frowns as her side begins to feel numb with how she was laying and shifts over, a wave of nausea hitting her. Kitt sits with a holo-novel in her hands, rubbing her eyes as she sets it against the armrest for a moment and peeks over the corner of the curtained area to see if the medic was coming yet. “This is taking forever...”

Azazel arches a brow, “Of course... They've been having to see to those who made it out of the damaged ship areas with mere injuries.”

Kitt scrunches her nose, “Yeah, but you're the boss. Shouldn't they rush you through?”

“It's nothing life-threatening. Basic check-up. I can wait,” Azazel wrinkles her nose and raises her feet up, trying to tuck her knees against her chest and finding herself struggling given the size of her belly. She curiously pokes her own abdomen and smiles fondly as she feels a responding kick. “Why exactly are you here again? I could have brought Andrea, after all.”

The Echani, who had just picked up the tablet let's it drop, giving Azazel an unamused look. “Because it was what Xen requested. He hardly trusted that you would make it to your appointment, leave alone follow the instructions... He wants someone to listen and who will enforce them with you.”

Lydavis peeks around the corner, a nurse outfit donned as she beams. “How's the momma to be?”

Azazel arches a brow, directing at the costume.

Pausing for a moment, the Twi'Lek looks down upon herself and seems to be taking in the outfit for the first time. “This? Doc said it was mandatory for assistants.”

“Xen doesn't have to wear any costumes when he's in here...” Kitt pipes up.

Azazel snorts and shakes her head, “That too, but I was wondering more why you are here.”

“Oh, well, since you're apparently down for the count lately, I've taken to helping out with the little things. There are a few serious cases that I'm using that trick you showed me to help out. Some people are going to need new limbs. Others, we're not even sure if they're going to make it. That's where I come in. I've managed to jump-start a few back up and clear up some of the real touch-and-go cases,” Lydavis shrugs and looks over her costume. “It isn't bad, is it?”

Rei'Ki pops up behind her, grabbing her hips. With a purr, she leans in and answers before anyone else, “Not at all. See if you can keep it later.” Rei'Ki herself was wearing a clean suit intended for medical staff. A medical mask was lowered about her neck. Lydavis giggles and squirms at the comment and touch, trying to break free while in front of her master.

Azazel looks down at herself, just barely covered by her gown and quickly readjusts herself. “Okay, getting a bit crowded... Now why are you here?”

Rei'Ki shrugs, “Doc says he'll be a few minutes. He's cleaning up after another patient. Personally, I'm just giving a hand and doing go-for tasks. They're feeling awfully short-staffed.”

The Sith Lady furrows her brow, “Then why isn't Xen helping instead of you?”

“He's assessing damages to the ship. We're going to have to lay down somewhere for awhile to get the repairs done and the reactor installed, I guess. He also wants to take the Aberrancy and fit it with some of the salvage on top of other installments. He says the information recorded from your battle, it checks up with Ibeth's simulator runs. He has some improvements in mind that could do a world of good on the beasts. Speaking of... Ilo is already thrilled. He plans on taking the data and, from his ranting that I could take away, he plans on putting in some new training simulations,” Rei'Ki answers, her chin on Lydavis' shoulder and arms wrapped about her.

The Twi'Lek nods and places her arms alongside the Dathomiri woman's. “Yeah. He's going a bit crazy. Since he got this droid from... Some salesman, he's started reprogramming all the droids and installed training protocols. He also wants to find some specific file for the thing? I don't know, he's just been far too gung-ho.”

A shrill beeping noise begins to go off and Rei'Ki grimaces before tugging at Lydavis' shirt, “Come on. Just in case its not some grunt work.” Lydavis nods before giving a humble curtsy to Azazel and skittering off.

Kitt was leaning over the edge of the privacy screen, watching them go with a curious expression before resituating herself into her chair with a roll of her eyes. “I am not playing nurse,” she announces after a moment of quiet.

“Fair enough.... You could always see to working with the troops, though. Basic defensive skills would do some good, I imagine. Keep them in shape and make sure they might be able to defend themselves if they lose their weapons or they are caught off guard,” Azazel shrugs, tugging Kitt's holobook away with a draw on the force. The book slams into her hand and she winces, making an apologetic face as her hand goes to her belly. “I need to break myself of these habits...” She looks at the book, skimming over the title and a few passages. “How... interesting...”

Kitt flushes and gets up, going to retrieve her slate. “It's a romance story. Hush.”

Azazel chuckles and shakes her head, “Oh. Those things. So you mean smut by that, right?”

Kitt is ready to answer before a medic walks into the room. “So, what seems to be the problem?”

“Oh, no problems, just your average che--” Azazel begins before being interrupted.

“She's not sleeping well, and she's been having issues with her side going numb. Mood swings too,” Kitt answers, raising her chin challengingly.

Azazel purses her lips before nodding, “What she said...”

The doctor nods slowly, “Right, we'll see what we can do. Also, I managed to find you some information you need to follow in the meantime to ensure everything goes as well as possible...” He narrows his eyes, prodding at Azazel's belly. “We should also check your weight... You've been really putting it on.”
Tannus at Bpfassh

Tannus rubs his eyes as he finally lands the OS-80 outside of the Bpfassh darksider enclave. “Right, we're landed. Ready?”

The loremaster adjusts his robes and looks out the window nervously. “Are you sure they will not be hostile... Even I have heard of the events with the Mecrossa of late...”

Tannus shrugs, “If they are, I will handle them.” He looks back at the ship at the chosen ready to go. He smirks and makes a sharp whistle. The Chosen all raise their heads and look at him silently, faces masked over with reflective helmets. “Get ready. You're playing royal guard.”

The Chosen glance at each other without making a sound before raising up. The carefully check their weapons before slinging them over their shoulders and filing out in two even rows, awaiting Tannus and the Loremaster to exit before they set up a procession behind them.

The 'enclave' turned out to be one of the most sought after exclusive restaurants and at the entrance the maitre-de looked at them, somewhat intrigued and condenscending looking at the same time. "You have a... reservation?"

The Loremaster looks at Tannus, before clearing his throat. “Are you certain in your navigational capabilities?...”

Tannus looks at the maitre-de, sizing him up. “Either this is a terrible joke on the part of the Bpfasshi I have encountered... Or I must have had in the wrong coordinates...”

Tannus clears his throat before attempting, unsure if this was just asking for trouble, “A reservation for Sith.”

The maitre-de blinked, "Ah, my apologies I thought I knew all the vip regulars, please come in, straight through the corridor and take the gilded double-doors to your right, a server will be with you momentarily."

The Loremaster offers in a squeaky tone, “Well, I am quite famished?...”

Tannus simply grunts and grabs the Loremaster by the scruff of his shirt, leading him in and through the double-doors.

With Tannus leading the way, mostly dragging the loremaster along, four guards followed, as they walked through the corridor they saw large dining areas on either side where the rich and hungry were talking among themselves as well as enjoying luxurious food. Two bouncers stood at the gilded doors, apparently they had been given a heads up because both bowed and the doors opened, allowing the party of sith in.

Inside the most luxurious dining room of all was revealed to the group, even the loremaster would admit the contents of this room... modeled after a sith tomb interior, were rather posh and grand. The presence of people were fewer here but there were at least a average group of people, between 12-16 people dining. A server approached and bowed. "A table is ready for you, are you expecting someone? Or were you hoping to meet a certain member?"

The Loremaster perks up, taking in a deep breath to savor the scent of the food. He began to salivate as his stomach gurgles hungrily. Tannus shoots him a glare before surveying the room. The interior was impressive and certainly was giving him flashbacks of Korriban and the tombs he had been within. It was off not having to use lightsabres for light, casting long haunting shadows about the place, though.

The Sith straightens himself up, regarding the server as he shrugs a shoulder, “I wish to meet with the head of this establishment. Its a matter of business...” His eyes dart over to the Loremaster and he sighs, “If you would be so kind as to fetch us some of today's special, that would be appreciated as well.”

The server blinked, "I... you... who should I say there is?"

“A representative of one Tikyba,” Tannus says casually, remembering Azazel's sith name just barely.

"One moment please." He bowed and retreated, following where he went the group could see him go to one of the tables, leaning over to whisper something in the ear of a older looking gentleman, who at one point turned to look at Tannus.

A few more words were exchanged and then the gentleman dismissed the server who went straight back to Tannus and his party. "If you would follow me?" He turned and looked back, making sure they followed. As the yreached the table the dining guests of the gentleman the server spoke to finished saying their goodbyes and left without further word or glance at Tannus and his party.

The man, graying evident in his beard had aged well as he looked Tannus over as he stood up and extended a hand. "Rikyos Lantos, you wished to see me? Please let your party be seated, I understood you were famished and have instructed, thank you you may leave." The server bowed and quickly left while Rikyos continued, "As I was saying, I have instructed the kitchen to prepare some meals."

Tannus nods and takes a seat politely, gesturing for the others to sit. The Loremaster uneasily seats himself, nearly falling out of the chair. The Chosen appear to wait, staying standing but with a look from the Sith take their seats as well. Tannus leans forward, placing his elbows upon the table as he glances over the table at Rikyos. “I am Tannus Velle. I was with the previous party of Tikyba, Lady Azazel, on her meeting with your people in the past. I've two requests this day of your faction.”

He pauses, raising a single finger, “First, my friend here is on the verge of a breakthrough for my mistress and needs supplemental information on a particular field that he might continue in his research in a meaningful way that would assist my Mistress.” With that, he raises a second finger, “Secondly, I wish to peruse those specially talented. If they are deemed worthy, I would ask they be released to my authority, that they might continue to work on such skills in a suitable environment with tutors capable of giving them all the opportunities they could wish for to hone such skills.”

"Straight to the point I see, I can appreciate that." Rikyos said after a moment, lowering his raised eyebrows. Right at the time some servers arrive, setting down plates of food. "But I would need... elaboration on what you ask... and what exactly, we get in return?"

Tannus nods to the Loremaster, who clears his throat nervously, “I am unsure if its anything yet, but I hoped to have additional information on either sith or jedi and the force in general. It would prove very vital to my research so far...”

Tannus nods and settles back, stretching his arms behind his head, “Consider it a collective sharing of information. We have access to other darkside orders with their own bank of information, a collective of Sith and have been known to take excursions into places that this very room is modeled after. Share what you have with us, we will be happy to share what we are to find with you. Things I am sure you otherwise would have limited chances to acquire.” Tannus pauses, “As for a potential disciple... It is advancement opportunities. They would have exclusive access to what we pass down to our apprentices. As well, it would be a favor to myself and the Lady Azazel. With that, obviously we would owe a debt to you as well. A favor that may be called in at a later time if you so need.”

"I see..." He paused, "Well then, correct me if I am wrong, but." He raised one finger, "First, you wish to access and look into our collected knowledge." He raised a second finger. "Second, you wish to potentially take a force sensitive individual of our collective with you, which could harm our own operations to ensure the safety and security of our corner of this galaxy. That sounds liek quite a deal you are asking for, something that warrants more than just one favour, don't you agree?" Rikyos cut off a piece of the meat dish he had and took a nibble of it. "That you came here practically demanding for it without offering compensation is already a sign of some degree of arrogance, rather rude, wouldn't you say?"

“Hardly. We are Sith,” Tannus shrugs, “There is simplicity in this. Straight to the point and you have no false-giving of what I want. We made an agreement in the past that we would work together. This is my collecting upon the promise. You think one favor is unfair, but the scope of what may be done with that one favor is hardly anything to question. It is more than fair.” He closes his eyes, rolling his shoulders trying to get comfortable against the posh chair as the Loremaster digs into his meal. “If you want games of words, that is something to speak with another, my Mistress maybe. I am just a representative of her will. I act, not idle about needlessly like the nobles you are apparently growing far too accustomed to lounging about with in this establishment.”

"Nobles? Where do you think you are? Kuat? Or the Tapani Sector?" He let out a amused chuckle. "Most of the people out there are big busienss people, who surprisingly reveal a lot of confidental information about their business practices over dinner. Reminds me to give the chef a raise... anyway."

He leaned back and looked at Tannus. "Owing your mistress a favour suits us but we could use something else too. I will grant your request, both of them, in return for said favour in the future... and if you can have... certain intelligence gathering resources of your mistress to be loaned to us for a short period of time."

Tannus considers it, furrowing his brow, “I would agree to such, first upon knowing what the task you have for them and, that we know of the information retrieved by them for your order. No offense to the secrecy of your order and operations, but if we if they could be potentially risking their lives for this information, lives we must recruit for and inhibits us for a time to replace, then it is simply a matter of business. Of course, with our information gathering resources, the very head of it is Azazel's second in command. You would be drawing him away from very important tasks in order to assist in finding whatever it is you must need."

Tannus nods, furrowing his brow, “A fair request, you will have it.”

"Excellent... now you were looking for a... apprentice, does age matter, gender, what do you look for?"

Tannus steeples his fingers as he considers it, “Neither too old to prove useless, set in their ways or too young that their true potential has not manifested. Gender does not matter to me, nor does race. I simply desire that they have had true potential in the force known, rather than simply being sensitive to it.” In the back of his mind, he adds a grumbling, 'Unlike the last we picked up.'

"I will be right back, please sit and enjoy the meal." Rikyos stood up, bowed and left.

He was gone for quite a while and the loremaster was already halfway through the enormous bowl of icecream when he finally returned, a young female Bpfasshi following him with cast down eyes. "This is Aria Rethana, she is one of our strongest who have a connection to the force, she will serve you well."

She bowed and presented herself to Tannus. "I will look forward to whatever you deem prudent to instruct me, master.

Tannus furrows his brow, looking over the woman with apparent interest before nodding as he checks over her force presence. “I see... Aria, have you any capability with a lightsabre? Any particular skills in the force? Skills of stealth, diplomacy, command, piloting? Anything you feel is particularly worth noting, do share.”

She blinked, staring back at Rikyos who gestured to Tannus with a look that basically said, 'answer the question girl'. "I... I can move things with my mind? Push or pull things when I concentrate... I... my potential has only been recently unlocked, my training was supposed to soon commence but the grand master told me that a sith wanted to take me in as his apprentice and make me learn more than I ever could have imagined or capable off with what the cult here could teach me."

Tannus furrows his brow, “Then indeed you are my blank slate.” He sighs, rubbing over his brow. It was a step up from his last attempt, of course. And even the Echani proved useful in some way given time. This woman would surpass her greatly in potential, at least. “Very well, do come with me... Rikyos, I will make contact to the Kubaz as soon as possible to know of the arrangements... And do take good care of my friend here... Try not to let him grow too fat on your cuisine.”

Rikyos smiles, "I think he will be able to resist the food once he sees how much we charge for the food... or sees the poison collection we have." He turned to Aria and spoek a few words in their native tongue and then left, no doubt overseeing other matters of importance.

Tannus gives a quick gesture and the Chosen raise in unison, quickly readying themselves to leave. The sith however, runs his hand at an angle, signaling that half would need to stay. Following that, Tannus offers out his arm for the Bpfasshi woman to loop her arm through. “Come along. We will begin your schooling as quickly as I can manage. We need rejoin the Lady Azazel immediately, though. She will like to look you over, I'm sure.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Andrea


Member Offline since relaunch

Invasion Aftermath Intermission

She was humming a pleasant tune to herself as the elevator descended into the depths of her alchemical laboratories, as the doors opened and she stepped out, wrinkling her nose when she caught the scent of blood and various... fluids released from bodies upon death or extreme cases of stress. She coughed and cursed, becoming a sith Pureblood came with all sorts of new discoveries, some of her senses were improved, her sense of smell for certain as she grabbed a piece of cloth and pressed it over her mouth and nose as she walked ahead.

A pair of Sun Guard saw her approach and at first seemed intent to block her, they seemed to recognize her body language however and stepped aside, saluting as their mistress strode past them. More sun guard were present, but these were otherwise occupied, dragging corpses and tossing them in a surface that was present, specifically meant to incinerate large amounts of bodies. She paused and watched as she saw a pile of corpses in the uniforms of the captured ship's crew went up in flames. She chuckled, shaking her head as she resumed her journey, "Khanna has been busy..." She murmured to herself, trailing off when she came to the cell area and saw that only a few were filled still, in the middle of the chamber where she normally had one or several test subjects strapped to the medical tables was Khanna with a number of droids and sun guard around some of the prisoners.

At her approach, being notified by one of the guards who was approaching her disciple, Darth Khanna turned and bowed, "Mistress, you received my message, my apologies if I interrupted anything between you and lady Azazel."

She let out a snort and removed the piece of cloth and decided to just bear the stench now, "Nothing at the moment, we both are occupied with our own matters at the moment, though if you have learned anything useful then we shall let her know of course." Turning to Khanna she raised her eyebrow ridge, "Assuming you did learn something useful."

Khanna cleaned her hands, which Andrea noted were stained with blood, once they were clean she answered Andrea, "Most of the prisoners, simple deck ratings or maintenance staff, no information of note." She gestured to one of the tables, where a clearly dead prisoner was secured on, clearly dead because from the way a pair of Tuk'ata were gnawing and tearing at it's flesh would clearly have triggered some vocal responses. "That one was a officer and gave us some security codes and clearances to make sure that ship we obtained remained ours, again, nothing stellar. But..." She trailed off and gestured for Andrea to follow, one of the tables was set apart from the others, on it was a Falleen female, the servant uniform was shredded but it was once of high grade quality.

She was also still alive and was whimpering, her eyes shut, trembling. "Teams found her after the ship was deemed lifeless actually, the quarters of that one force adept you killed on the bridge. A personal servant so I imagined she might have some interesting information, it took me some time, Falleens are quite stubborn and have impressive willpower but her mind broke after my repeated attempts to break through her barriers with force fear and horror and she revealed some very interesting information.

Unfortunately nothing about the whereabouts of this Traiserus person, or what his total forces are but..." She snapped her fingers and a nearby droid, that seemed to have been present to record anything trivial the prisoners shouted during interrogation sessions, produced a datapad and handed it to Andrea. While she began to read Khanna simply said out loud what was said on the screen. "Traiserus has three children, Marcus is his commander, his general. A second son named Tobus, who is apparently a steward or... groundskeeper? The words of the Falleen servant not mine, not sure what she meant by that. The third, the youngest daughter is called Calypso... and all she said about that one was that she was the 'Hidden One'. If I have to guess, the firstborn is his heir and general, the second son is his steward of whatever holdings or home base he has while the third child is his token assassin and secret agent."

"Well." Andrea started and then smiled, "We have learned that Traiserus has no talent for naming things." She chuckled and stored the datapad in a pocket, "I jest, this is some good information Khanna, you have done well, I will let Azazel know about what you have uncovered, knowing that Traiserus has two more brats hiding in the shadows is good to know about, if you kill a powerful individual, always kill all extended family, or in twenty years some sniveling brat comes along, shouting you killed their father, mother or both parents and has since that time been on a righteous quest to hones his or her skills to take you down. I mean I like theatrics and drama but some things are just a bit too much, when I want enemies killed, I want to make sure they will not come back to haunt me in some way by way of their relatives."

"I suppose that makes sense mistress." Khanna said slowly and then glanced back at her remaining prisoners. "I doubt any of the others have any relevant information remaining, what is to be done with them?"

She followed her disciple's gaze, looking over the wretched faces of misery gathered in the filled cells that remained. "Send them to the surface, have the sun guard use them for target practice." Came Andrea's simple command before she turned around, "I have some lessons to attend."

Korriban Academy,

Lessons learned...


Hadzuska had done well from what Andrea observed, the twins had been practicing with training sabers aboard the facilities of the Dagger, but here on Korriban there was certainly more room and means to educate. With the invasion crisis passed training regiments were once again undertaken, a fact which the sith instructor in Andrea's service quickly took advantage of to march her twin students down here and see if they could be ready to build and wield their own blades.

"Teresa, you seem to enjoy the fierce strikes you may deliver with two blades but be wary, while rage can fuel one's strikes, it does leave you vulnerable, I wield two blades as well so do take it from me that-" Hadzuska froze and quickly brought her blades to her hands, igniting as she turned to slash at what her eyes told her was empty space, but clearly her eyes were lying as her blades struck another ignited lightsaber and she looked at the grinning face of Andrea, she shuddered, she still needed to get used to the transformation of her mistress. She did however took a step back and lowered her blades, "Apprentices, meet the lady Andrea, the one who can teach both of you all kinds of knowledge about the force and how to seek your place in life."

The twins looked at Andrea and then at each other, some silent communication passing between them, with Clare looking worried but before she could speak or prevent her sister from speaking Teresa took a bold step forwards, staring at Andrea, pointing at her. "What are you?" She asked, with not hint of respect, reverence. Simply a bold move and question.

At first both Hadzuska and Andrea blinked, the former opened her mouth, narrowing her eyes in irritation but stopped herself when she heard laughter, coming from her mistress.

Andrea calmed down, chocking back another laugh before she merely chuckled and looked at the twin holding a training saber in each hand. "I am many things, but to you it is Mistress Andrea, one of your teachers on the road of what both of you can achieve with your lives. Though if you were asking of race... until a few days ago, human. But now." She rubbed her two red palms together and then spread her hands, smiling still. "A Sith pureblood, the original sith, the origin of the powers I will instruct both of you in."

Hadzuska coughed and a still smiling Andrea turned to her curiously, the Twi'lek instructor grinned, "Teaching them the powers of the sith is all truly fine and well, but I prefer them to have some basic understanding of a actual lightsaber blade before you do that, they both show promise. In fact..." She turned to the two apprentices, "I suspect those two are actually using a twin linked forcebond to help each other, because both of them seem to be equally skilled with the training blades." At that both of them looked at each other and another seemingly silent communication passed between them, a force bond or 'normal' twin communications, it could be both or either.

"Truly? Well then." Andrea said and went to a training mat, using the force to summon a training saber from a niche in the wall to her hand and twirled it in her hand. "Let both of them show their progress by attempting to land a hit on me." She grinned and bowed, entering a combat stance as she glanced from one twin sister to the other.

As one they readied their training sabers... and looked at Hadzuska for permission, the Twi'lek bit back a laugh and gestured, "Go ahead, see if one of you gets lucky." As soon as the last word left her lips both of them leaped in for the strike. Teresa striking with both her blades openly and with a strong swing, clearly trying to keep Andrea's attention so her sister with her single blade could strike from the side.

It was well coordinated but they were still beginners and Andrea saw the feint from Teresa for what it was, jumping back to escape her blades while quickly bringing her training blade to block the true attack coming from Clare. "Nice try." She purred and then with a shout delivered a quick kicks to Clare while using the force to push Teresa, putting her off-balance as she turned a wide arc with her own blade extended.

Teresa should not have seen it coming and yet she did the one thing to escape the stinging shock from the training weapon and that was to just let herself drop and fall to the ground. Glancing back Andrea saw Clare looking at her with a intense gaze, "Smart." She said, admitting they were somewhat capable at least, but she had more tricks up her sleeve, her physical capabilities were not close to Azazel, Gra'tua or Jacoiba, her strength lay with other powers. They continued exchanging blows, feints and attacks but no hits were claimed, thinking it had gone long enough Andrea decided to change tactics.

She dropped her training saber, noticing the surprise on the faces of the twins, they did not seem to know what to make of that, that changed when they saw her make grabbing motions with her hands and both of them were suddenly lifted in the air, held up by the force. She smiled, "Both of you show promise, I will allow Hadzuska to instruct both of you on how to build your own sabers and how to wield them, then later, she and I both will being instructing you in ways of the force, and the true power it will bring you both."

She let go of her power and the twins fell down with a yelp, Teresa looking irritated while Clare bowed reverently. "Thank you for the practice, my lady, we both learned from it." Teresa huffed but nodded after her sisters words.

Andrea showed a feral smile at that, "And that is just the beginning on the greater road to understanding little ones." She nodded to Hadzuska who bowed and took her leave. THe day had been long and she had information to share with Azazel...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gat


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lord Narthais
Vivacious Strength Lightsabre Practise Chamber

Narthais cycled through stances and strikes with a rhythmic pattern in the lightsabre practice chamber of the Vivacious Strength. He was the sole occupant of the room, the lights were low and Harbin-re opera played in the background as a distinct counterpoint to the hum of his sabre pikes blade. Part training, part meditation, the intricate dance across the practise floor and around obstacles was a sight to see for someone that looked as old as Narthais did, had anyone been watching at least.

But someone had been watching, observing and when it seemed the sith lord was completely focussed and concentrated on his practice with the blade, the observer did admit her target seemed to have some skill but clearly he and his people needed to learn to pay more attention to their surroundings.

Reaching the end of his routine Narthais suddenly could feel a presence 'pop' into existence, a presence that was right behind him, a voice quickly followed this sudden realization. "I come in peace, requesting a audience on behalf of my master." Came the soft-spoken feminine voice, belonging to the small figure in black and blue stealth gear with a mask covering most of her face except for her eyes, which had different irises, one red with gold, dark side corruption while the other was a crystal blue hue.

"Ror'jahn" Narthais said in an equally quiet tone as he turned around and faced the woman, restraining the impulse to run the potential assassin through. He stood in silence for a moment as he looked the figure over, noting her eyes and equipment while leaning almost lazily on his sabrepike. "I take it anyone who noticed you on the way in was not up to the task of alerting anyone else, if for that demonstration of capability alone I shall grant you a moment to speak your piece." he added after a time.

The figure bowed and reached inside the folds of her outfit, coming out with a small disc which she settled on the ground between herself and Narthais. Tapping it once she stepped back and the device suddenly extended to three times it size, forming a large disc and it began to hum softly as it became active.

A moment later the hologram of a human male appeared, looking to be in his late forties, what stood out most however, was the fact half of his face was heavily bandaged. "My greetings to you lord Narthais, my apologies I could not arrange this in person but... I am somewhat otherwise occupied." Besides his bandaged face it was also obvious there were hints of tubes of some kind attached to his back and arms. "I am lord Traiserus and I was hoping we could talk, since this device is activated I assume my emissary is alive still."

The female spoke a word and Traiserus merely nodded, "Ah good, my apologies again, assuming she had not gotten lax she managed to find you alone and without raising a alarm."

"Not an unimpressive feat aboard my personal dreadnought." Narthais acknowledged with a slight nod, he would need to have words with Ginn about shipboard security later of course. "Evidently you know something of myself already, not many of the sith I have encountered over the years would stand for such an intrusion." Narthais replied mildly as he glanced about almost absently. This did not last long however before his eyes focused and he looked directly at the image of the sith lord. "What do you want?"

"First let me ask you a question, I have been observing you, by chance I found out about you, you do not seem to have any interest in the Tapani sector, is this correct?" Traiserus asked before suddenly entering into a coughing fit at which some one in what seemed to be a medical outfit approached and quickly dabbed away something form Traiserus's mouth before stepping out of view.

Narthais raised an eyebrow and blinked casually once or twice at the question before he answered. "It would be accurate to say I have no present interests in the Tapani sector. Merely asking such a question makes me wonder if there is something there that should be of interest of course."

He laughed and coughed again, this time when the orderly came he angrily waved him back as he answered Narthais. "Only nobles, sith and my claim on the sector." He narrowed his one good eye at the older sith lord. "I have run into some... competition for my claim however, another sith whose arrogance knows no bounds." He gestured at his bandages and the general state he was in, "She is responsible for what happened to me and I want revenge, my own chosen agent for the task failed me."

The female figure let out a sound of amusement after hearing that, but otherwise remained quiet. Traiserus continued, "So I decided to approach you, I do not make allies, that is impossible for people like us... temporary partners, that works for me however. I am wealthy, I could reward you with much if you could assist me in removing this pest that hurt me and my operations. Assuming you are interested or not of course."

Narthais smiled slowly, "You seek to hire me like a common mercenary?" He replied as the smile turned to a soft chuckle. "I admit objective wealth can be a strong tool and an effective motivator for most people. I am however not most people."

"The wealth I speak off is also information, that intrigues most of our kind." Came the reply, interlaced with a angry hiss of pain. "If you assist me in destroying the pests that plague me, I will reveal the location of Korriban to you, the sith tombworld, you can have that rock, all I want is to see the bitch who burned me dead."

Narthais considered the offer for a moment before he spoke again, the relative silence stretching out long enough to test many peoples patience. "Tell me about your adversary." he simply stated after a time.

Traiserus smiled and then grimaced once more in pain before he replied, "She is a sith, who has intruded upon several of my plans now in the Tapani Sector. She goes by several identities but her true name is Azazel, my agent has a file with some of the names known to me as well as her appearance. She also works with at least one other sith, her name and appearance are unknown to me, my worthless agent send to deal with them failed to retrieve that kind of information. Ah and I almost forgot... Azazel appears to be pregnant, with twins... I want those children, but they are a secondary objective really, if taking them alive interferes with killing her I do not give a care in the galaxy if the children die with her."

He paused, to let an orderly change some of the tubes that were attached to him, "Azazel also has a number of disciples and other high ranking people that serve her. Her powers are not that impressive... but the conjuring and moulding of fire were a surprise." He growled.

"Evidently." Narthais commented mildly.

"Laugh if you want, I assume my agent is quietly snickering as well." If she did Narthais could not tell, she did straighten somewhat upon hearing that but otherwise remained motionless and quiet. "So, will you accept this temporary partnership, or not. This is hardly a task which I can ask independent agents or mercenaries, secrecy is paramount in this task, I want to resolve my crisis in the Tapani sector not increase the troubles plaguing me."

"Your offer is intriging," Narthais replied, "Give me everything you have on this Azazel, and we can see what might be done to resolve your crisis."

"Cal." At that word or name the female figured stirred and once again reached inside the folds of her clothing, this time coming out with a data crystal of some kind and walked past the hologram to hand it over to Narthais. Her master speaking once she handed the object over, "On it you will also find contact details with which you can reach me at the end of each month."

Narthais took the crystal and without so much as a glance at it tucked it away within the folds of his own clothing. "Your... agent... will remain with me for the duration of this partnership." Narthais stated, afterall so far this Traiserus has set all the terms, now it was his turn.

The agent stiffened and glanced back at the hologram, Traiserus frowned and winced before speaking. "No she will not, she will return to me, I have other purposes for her." Upon hearing that she started stepping back, away from Narthais, keeping her eyes on him.

"You misunderstand, this is not a negotiation." Narthais replied without changing his tone or making any overt moves. "I assume she is familiar with the majority of your operations, for instance which ones this Azazel may cross next. I do not care to know the full details of such operations, enough to track the quarry you have set is sufficient. However I also assume you would prefer these operations suffered no additional setbacks, keeping your agent here would allow me to avoid stepping on your own toes while chasing the hare so to speak. She would be an advisor, not a hostage." he concluded.

"If you need a representative of mine, then that can be arranged but this particular one I need at my side... now." At that the figure bowed, took another step back and then, her presence vanished from Narthais's senses and then she just... vanished in front of his eyes.

Traiserus coughed and laughed, "She is quite skilled at disappearing from sight."

"Quite attached to your pet I see." Narthais replied as he momentarily considered ordering a shipwide lockdown, he dismissed the thought however as such action would likely just result in unnecessary damage to his ship and the loss of some of the crew, not that that last one was particularly bothersome. "Not a particularly healthy mindset to have by those like us." Narthais finished before he used the force to shut off the holo comm and left the practice chamber ignoring the reluctant agent who was likely observing still from the shadows. She had found her way aboard without detection, chances were she could leave the same way. If she happened to be detected and caught, well maybe she would make a useful hostage afterall. In the mean time, Amourus should have finished extracting the information about the auction from the smuggler they had brought back a week ago.

Annika Sevage
Vivacious Strength, Torture Chambers

Annika had been taking her time with extracting information from their prisoner, teaching her apprentice, Tayma, the art of information gathering via torture. The little one seemed a bit unrefined and had failed to grasp the finer points that she had demonstrated on Mr Reyce, perhaps the young one was a little too eager to inflict pain for the pleasure of it rather than for the purpose Annika had been endeavouring to teach. Still, Tayma showed a creative approach to pain that Annika couldn't help but smile at even if it was not achieving the desired response this time.

Of course Annika had already obtained the information Narthais required hours previously so Tayma's not so productive efforts were not an obstruction. Still it was a teaching session now and Tayma was failing to achieve the target set, as a result Annika had applied a few of the techniques to Tayma herself on the past hour as both encouragement to get it right and demonstrative purpose. Tayma was not being overly receptive to such measures and rather than grasp the subtle differences between her technique and Annika's she appeared to take out her frustration on the smuggler instead, a viscous circle that reached its end moments after Narthais entered the room for a status update.

Narthais observed as the smuggler let go of life rather than suffer further under Tayma's increasingly aggressive ministrations. "Tell me young one, can a corpse answer questions?" He asked as he approached the two women, walking with his sabrestaff as a walking stick and appearing every inch the wise old grandfather. Tayma did not even need to look to know it was Narthais that had spoken, none aboard the Vivacious Strength could mistake his voice, and her reaction was immediate, she spun to face him and dropped to her knees with her head bowed in one smooth motion.

"They can not my lord." Tayma answered as she kept her head bowed.
Narthais came to stand before the apprentice while Annika stood to the side and watched.
"Essentially correct, However the Force can still show us many things if one is trained for it." Narthais stated as he looked to Annika. "Tell me young one, have you learned to read the history on an object through the force?"
"I can not my lord." Tayma said not hesitating at all with her answer in the negative, though she was aware that her teacher, Annika, was capable of such a thing.
"And yet the subject lies dead, beyond the reach of your questions and quite unable to give you answers." Narthais said as he raised a hand and delivered a fierce if brief blast of lightning into Tayma. The apprentice showed fortitude however as she refused to buckle under the assault even as Narthais delivered several more bursts. Still kneeling after Nathais delivered a seventh and final burst the sith lord had to admit that where Tayma lacked the refined edge he had come to appreciate from Annika's skills, Tayma would still make a formidable sith one day.

With his own lesson to the apprentice administered Narthais put thoughts of the apprentice out of his mind and turned to Annika. "You have the information." He stated simply with his expression and Annika's past experience with the sith lord, she knew any answer other than an affirmative would see her suffer the same 'lesson' just delt to Tayma, though likely far harsher.
"The auction will be held on Gromas, I have the location of the specific venue recorded and the password required for entry is 'Deadliest Sin'." Annika replied as she kept her calm. "Mr Reyce knew nothing more."
Narthais stared impassively for a few moments before he spoke again, his expression and tone one of obvious command. "Very well, prepare your ship, you will be travelling to the Tapani sector, there is someone there I wish you to seek out, if not the person directly then their operations, this is a scouting assignment, you are not to engage."
"When do I leave?" Annika asked.
"Just prepare your ship, I will have further instructions for you soon." Narthais replied before turning on his heel and leaving the chamber with as much ceremony as he had entered.

Tayma was now visibly shaking as she tried to maintain her kneeling position, she had done well not to do so before Narthais had left. Of course Annika was not about to let the apprentice take it easy yet. "Get up." she commanded. "Report to the hanger and have Ash start preflight checks, then gather your equipment for a potentially long and varied assignment." Annika continued before gifting Tayma with a smile that held more cruelty than warmth. "Once you have done that you may collapse in your quarters aboard the Abandoned Shadow." She concluded before leaving the chamber herself to attend to her own supplies for the mission.

Lord Narthais
Command and Control, Vivacious Strength

Narthais strode into the cnc a short time later and immediately ordered the comms crew to contact all agents in the Tapani sector as well as the archaeologist Narthais employed as a lorekeeper. The request was simple when communication was established with a contact, any information on events in the Tapani sector, particularly events that may involve powerful darkside wielders.
His Spies in the Kubaz network had little to offer at the time and so Narthais gave them instructions to look deeper into the movements and operations of this Traiserus, while he was for now perhaps working with the other sith lord he still wanted to know all he could about the man.
Of his lorekeeper there was no contact, simply a message from the museum that was currently sponsoring his research that he was off on some jungle planet looking for a golden head idol of some long past civilisation. Narthais suspected the lorekeeper was not exactly following traditional methods in his search based on the museums vagueness.
A cult of the darkside in the neighbouring sector reported rumours that there may be strong sith working with a cult that went by the name Mecrossa Order operating in Tapani, Narthais wished his lorekeeper had been contactable at hearing that as this 'order' did not sound like some simple secretive cult as many o those groups devoted to the darkside tended to be.
There was however some interesting information from his smuggler contacts about rare and powerful weapon parts being delivered to the Tallaan along with a reportedly fully operational cloaking device. Connected to Taiserus, Azazel or entirely unrelated that piece of information intrigued Narthais, an operational cloaking device was worth much both in wealth and stratigic value, at the very least he wanted to know who presently had it in their possession.

As Narthais reviewed the last few details that had been gleaned from his contacts one of the crew on sensors spoke up.
"My lord, I believe a stealth vessel just disengaged from one of the secondary airlocks."
Narthais did not reply directly and instead turned to Ginn. "I want a complete review of our security measures, they are apparently ineffective as they are." He said to Ginn.
"My lord?" Ginn replied not entirely sure what Narthais was getting at.
"The next time an uninvited guest manages to board the ship, hold a 20 minute conversation with myself and leave an hour later while only making a blip on our sensors when departing..." Narthais started saying before he stopped and just watched Ginns reaction at the news for a moment. "It will not happen again." He concluded finally before ordering the helm to set a course for Gromas, authorising the launch of the Abandoned Shadow along with additional orders for Darth Amourus and then leaving the cnc with a stunned Ginn to try and fully grasp the implications of what Narthais had said. The security crews were drilling a short time later as Ginn tried to find where the 'guest' had bypassed their procedures so thoroughly.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarzu


Member Offline since relaunch

In the life of the Friends of a Jedi...

"Diggy, diggy hole on a asteroid..." Thrall hummed under his breath and then shook his head, silently cursing. Why did some of the crew keep listening to that bloody song. He sighed and rubbed his forehead, would take him days to get that song out of his system now. "Report?" He asked the piloting section of the bridge.

A commander looked up and nodded, "We just dropped out of hyperspace, only one jump away from Kessel, per your instructions."

"Thank you, please be ready for further orders." He cracked his fingers and started tapping the screen, sending word to the bothan spies, smugglers and some law enforcement contacts they had established together with Tohkran. He preferred to do this without violence and hoped that any of these contacts might have a way to do so. Once the communication requests had been send for updates on his queries he leaned back and began the waiting game, after a few minutes he tapped his fingers impatiently on the armrest and activated the intercom. "Mess hall... prepare some footlong subs and bring them to the bridge please, we all could use a bite to eat.... and if you tell me we are out then I am sorry to say that we have to expect a mutiny."

There was silence for a moment and then a laugh, "Luckily we have plenty sir, bringing them right up, forgot you were back in charge."

The sluissi snorts, "I am always in command, even if beard face thinks otherwise, now bring me a sandwich!"

The regional contact in the Bothan network sends a quick reply to Thrall that no operatives are in the vicinity to lend assistance, they also inform thrall that the mess is out of prosciutto.

He slams his fist on the armrest, "Curses! And the nearest store that has it in supply is 5 systems away!" He blinked, glancing at the questioning looks the rest of the crew is giving him but he shook his head, "Nothing, never mind, has anyone else contacted us?"

A short time later a small light freighter drops out of hyperspace near the Illusion of Grace and hails the bridge on an encrypted channel. "This is Londred aboard the Intimidator, my peers know me as The Artist though." A female voice is heard over the comm when the message is decrypted using one of Tohkrans ciphers. "Was in the area and got your message about a possible job, so tell me, whats it pay?" Londred asked.

Thrall chuckled, "The Artist, huh? Well I am not the type to say what the payment is before explaining what the job is. Associate of beard face wants one of his people out of jail, jail in question is Kessel. Prefer a non-violent option and were hoping you could help out with that, thoughts?"

"Maybe I can, I know some folks that have done the Kessel run before, doesn't sound so hard to me. Question is, whats it worth to you?" Londred replied as a voice in the background outside the scope of the holoimager asked if it was a sluissi that Londred was talking to, followed by a barely heard comment that they eat their own young and that only 1 in 100 actually survive after birth.

"Yeah that's true, meaning I am a tough son of a bitch and I ate my own daddy." Thrall said with his most serious face, barely keeping it together. "I also won the most beautiful baby reptilian award in five sectors. Anyway, how much it is worth to me? Well you might risk trouble yourself getting our man out... unless you also happen to pick up a shipment of spice while you are down there to earn a profit from. So just tell me what you need for expenses."

"Excuse my companion, apparently she learned everything she knows from the holonet... and not the most reliable of sources either..." Londred said with a sigh. "You planning to send anyone with us or just expect the two of us to pull all this off on our lonesome?" She then asked with something of a pout.

"Well, if you don't feel that safe can come along with you along with another associate... is your freighter large enough to allow a Herglic aboard? Tall humanoid species, can reach sizes of 3 meters." Thrall replied, chuckling.

"We've had plenty of big fellas in here before... on the ship too." Londred replied with a sly smile.

Thrall let out a burst of laughter ,chuckling. "I see, well then please dock and be ready to accept two visitors, commander you have the bridge. Miss Artist, I see you and your companion in the hangar." With a flourish bow he ended the call and began slithering to the lift, contacting Marack to join him in the hangar section.

A moment later as Thrall and Marack entered the hanger they could see The Intimidator settling on the hanger deck, the freighter looked almost like a conical atmospheric craft with wings that looked like they were used for airbreaking more than anything else and the engines appeared to be primitive fossil fuel combustion designs from the outside.

"Well... it's a classic at least?" Thrall ventured, looking at Marack, who actually looked impressed and fascinated with the design. "Let's meet our new guests." Thrall continued, slithering towards the craft once it had finished it's landing procedures.

A pressure hatch opened in the forward side of the vessel just behind the cockpit windows and a boarding ladder extended rather quickly while a young woman appeared in the doorway studying a datapad and all but ignored Thrall and Marack, from the cockpit window however an older woman waved the two aboard the ship. assuming the younger woman looked up from her datapad long enough to notice the two and let them pass.

Thrall looked up the ladder, sighed and turned to Marack. "Hey big guy I need a bo-" Thrall began and did not finish as the herglic picked up the sluissi without apparent effort and threw him up towards the hatch. With a yelp Thrall was thrown inside, past the younger woman, who didn't seem to notice as Marack climbed up the ladder and got on the edge just as Thrall collected himself and silently cursed as he checked his bruises.

The young woman glances up for a moment as Marack climbs into view and she starts backwards in surprise for a moment, obviously not expecting someone quite so big to appear as if from nowhere in front of her. She nearly backed into thrall who she obviously had not seen sail past her a moment before and upon realizing that she all but ran for the cockpit.

"Oh come on they're not that scary." Londreds voice could be heard saying from the cockpit as the two heard the engines fire up again, apparently the smuggler was wasting no time with beginning the job. "Come on in boys," Londred called from the cockpit,"We've got some extra seats in here... not sure if you'll fit of course."

Marack glanced around and rumbled from the back of his throat, "I'll stand."

Thrall slithered up to one and lifted himself up in it and coiled his lower body up in it. "A interesting ship you got yourself, well then, let's see how things go on Kessel, I do hope you got the contacts there that can help make this job done smoothly?"

"Contacts?" Londred asked as the ship left the hangar deck and headed for space. "I've never even been to kessel myself before don't know a soul there." She added as she turned around to face Thrall. "But hey this job sounded like fun."

Thrall looked at Londred.... rolled his eyes before closing them and hiding his face in his hands. "I see... well... this will be fun."

Londreds companion watched the two warily as Londred herself put in the coordinates for Kessel and launched the ship into hyperspace. with that done the smuggler turned back to thrall and tilted her head slightly in a questioning manner. "You don't seem like a particularly optimistic chap you know." She stated, "If you have no faith in those you decided to hire for the job why get on the ship in the first place?"

"Oh no I am a optimist on the inside but a very vocal pessimist on the outside, it is very conflicting I know but it seems to work for me. Besides I joined up with a jedi so my sanity is not so much in question as it is non-existent.... say don't suppose you have any stores of prosciutto?" Thrall replied.

"The galley might have some, might want to check the expiry though, pretty sure something was living in the cooler last time I looked in there, its surprisingly roomy in there." Londred said as she turned back to the controls, they were after all not far from Kessel in the first place it would only take maybe 20 minutes to get there from there they had entered hyperspace.

Marack grunted and went to investigate the galley, coming back a few minutes later looking rather amused, "The science experiment tasted rather nice actually, needed some peppers though."

The young woman who Londred had still not identified by name looked almost horrified at the herglics statement before rushing past the two guests and heading for the galley at a flat run. Londred looked over her shoulder and shrugged at the actions of her companion before fishing a pair of magnacuffs from under the console and holding them up as she turned to face Thrall and Marack again. "So which of you wants to play the good cop, and which the bad?" she said with another grin-like smile.

In reply Marack removed his heavy vibro-ax from his back and thumped it heavily on the deck, making a light dent in the metal. Thrall looked at his companion, "I think he will be the bad cop... so I suppose I will be the good cop, I assume we can go by a cover story that we are travelling incognito because of possible pirates targeting prison transports to break out their buddies."

Londred frowned at the deck for a moment as the axe dented the floor plating. "I'm honestly not fussed what story you use." Londred said as the ship dropped from hyperspace near kessel, thankfully outside the recently placed minefield perimeter. Londred may not have had any contacts on kessel itself but she apparently did know something of the place from talking with fellow smugglers. "All you need to do is get me into a cell near the buddy you want to break out." Londred replied with the same smile as she slipped the cuffs over her wrists.

Thrall raised a brow, looking at the now cuffed smuggler, "Might I ask what your plan is?"

"I mentioned my peers call me 'The Artist' right?" Londred replied as the com started beeping that they were being contacted by Kessel control. "You want to take that?" She asked Thrall before she went to the comm and switched it on, one hand now free of the cuffs somehow.

Thrall looked at her hands, "I see... and yes let me take that." He slithered to the controls and accepted the hail. "This is the Intimidator, carrying a prisoner, copy."

"Some species don't understand the concept of a safe word." Londred said quietly to Marack with a wink as Kessel control checked their records.

"Intimidator, we have no record of any scheduled prisoner delivery by your vessel today.... or ever actually..."

Marack let out a quiet laugh while Thrall was replying to the voice, "Well with a war on I can imagine when messages about what prisoners are delivered on what date are delayed or simply lost in the void. As for why this unconventional method of transportation, well last time some pirates decided to ambush the prison transport and retrieve their buddies, so we are attempting a new approach... apparently travelling in a rust bucket does not make you stand out as someone with a worthwhile cargo to even bother with."

Londred whipped her head around to look at Thrall with a hot look in her eyes at his reply to Kessel Control before promptly standing on the end of his tail.

There was silence on the other end of the line for a while before a reply came back. "You are Cleared to Land at auxiliary platform 3, Intimidator. Do not deviate from your assigned flightplan. Control out." The voice at the other end said finally in a tone that was more bored than anything else as a datapacket was received by the navcomputer showing a route to the designated landing platform.

He stifled a cry, glaring over his shoulder at Londred with a warning gaze, thanking for the hospitality, knowing the control officer probably did not even register that as he put in the flightplan in the automatic pilot before turning to the smuggler. "Ever heard off acting? If I seem bored or annoyed with this task instead of eager then they won't suspect a thing."

"My ship is NOT a Rust Bucket." Londred replied, tempted to bring her foot down on Thralls tail a second time. Instead she closed her eyes for a moment, took a deep breath and slipped her free hand back into the magnacuffs. "Don't suppose you have any details on the guy you're breaking out? this trick is unlikely to work a second time you know, I'd rather not break the wrong guy out and need to go back in."

Thrall smirked, smugglers and their ships, "Of course your ship isn't one, but hey my ship isn't a illusion either." He winked and then proceeded to inform her about the details he had gathered from Hoddo about the associate they needed to spring free from prison, as well as the details of a bounty hunter that was on-site, which Thrall was going to contact and see if he could cause a disturbance that would distract the guards so she could get their target out of there.

By the time thrall finished going over the details the Intimidator had landed on the designated pad and a squad of Sun Guard were approaching the vessel from the main facility. At the head of the squad was a man in a repubilic uniform in his middle years, he appeared bored and not particularly happy to be out in kessels thinner than average atmopshere.

"Well, Looks like that's our escort." Londred said as she feinted a beaten and defeated look for the benefit of the guards and republic officer. "How do you plan to get off the ship anyway?" She asked Thrall while turning her back on the guards and climbing down the entry ladder.

Thrall snorts and waits as Marack went first, placing a hand on Londred as if to tell her she had nowhere to run and then turned back and held his arms out, giving Thrall the cue to slither forwards and drop down into the Herglic's waiting arms and then was, thankfully, gently put down to the ground. He gave a republic salute and greeting to the bored officer, eyeing the strange guards, he had never seen those before, at first he thought Mandalorians but their armour seemed different. "Thank you, you are here to take my prisoner, jolly good."

The republic officer waved a couple of the guards forward to take custody of Londred before looking at Thrall with a somewhat glazed look. "Papers please." He stated simply

"My friend, does this look like a ordinary transport? Listen, this here gall annoyed some top brass bigwigs and they wanted her to be put away but they don't want to see her to die, well at least not that soon, so put her with the brokers or something, the middlemen so she can toil in the mines and think back on the mistakes that brought her here." He gave Marack a signal who pushed her forwards to the guards who approached while Thrall continued. "Anyhow, is Dex Jaeger still here? I need to see him on some urgent business."

"That scum..." The officer replied, "Probably at the miners bar near the shipping docks." The guards had taken Londred in hand now but were otherwise not making a move to take her into the prison, evidently waiting for the officer to give the order. "I'm still going to need transfer papers." The officer then said.

Thrall rolled his eyes, "Great there goes my 'bonus' fee I got to take her here, but I suppose I have to share it." He muttered as he reached out, shaking the officer's hand, leaving credits chits with a value of 10'000 credits in his hand. "As I said, she annoyed some big brass... and they don't want her to be found in the system."

The officer smiled as he palmed the credit chits. “I suppose an extra prisoner in the mines won't hurt production any, though looking at her other uses might be found...” He replied with his smile turning into more of a grin.

“Does that mean I can get a proper matress, a clean one even.” Londred said as she caught the Officers look. The officer just sneered at her comment and waved the Sun Guards to take her to the cells where the prisoners with more value outside of the mines were kept.

“If you would accompany me to my office we can finalise an official reason for your visit here to keep up appearances, I suggest you leave your muscle here however.” The officer then said as he turned to Thrall.

Thrall nodded and turned to Marack, "Right, guard the ship and remember where we are parked."

The herglic tilted his head questioningly. "We parked right here?"

"Exactly and don't you forget it!" Thrall replied gesturing with a finger to the sky as he slithered forward to follow the republic officer.

Londred didn't even look back as the guards took her into the prison proper, seeming having accepted her predicament to those that did not know it was a setup. The officer simply lead Thrall through the administration levels of the prison... well the lower levels at least... until they reached his office, upon entering the first thing the officer did was to walk to the far side of the room and took out two tumblers and a decanter from a wall cabinet. He poured two glasses and offered one to Thrall. “Sullustan Gin, I have a trader friend that brings me in a bottle of the good vintages everynow and then.”

"Got a good setup here then, commendable." Thrall replied friendly, taking the glass and toasting the officer. "Curious guards though, had expected clone troopers to be honest." He didn't want to blow off the officer rudely, he didn't knew what Londred was up to but he figured if he could contact Dex Jaeger to create a distraction it would only increase the odds.

“Indeed,” Te officer said as he took a sip himself. “So we need to explain why your vessel has landed and dropped a prisoner while still keeping her out of the records then, how do you propose we do this?” He asked “Afterall you're the one that insists she not be on the official record.”

"Well, smuggler freighter arrive and go at infrequent itnervals don't they? So that shoudl easily be logged as just a spice shipment take-off. As for my prisoner..." He showed a grin, "How many prisoners die in week? Should be easy to neglect one death and have her listed under the name of someone who has recently deceased in the mines." He half seriously, half joking added, "If you give me access I can input it myself in the system."

"You want me to give you access to our systems... I may be willing to take in an unlisted prisoner for some compensation, but that could cost me my position, serving on the front lines is not something I would rather be doing." The officer replied.

Thrall chuckled, "I was joking good sir. But since you did not mention any problem with my proposal of handling the prisoner and my arrival then that is settled? If so I would like to see Dex before I must be off."

“Birds of a feather I suppose.” The officer replied before leaning over his desk and pressing a button. A few moments later a guard opened the door and stepped inside.

Thrall finished his drink and saluted the officer with the empty glass before setting it down, "A good day to you officer, perhaps we will see each other again." He turned to the guard and nodded, "Care to guide me to the miners bar?"

The guard looked to the Officer and waited for a signal from him, all he received was a lazy wave indicating he should at the very least escort Thrall from the prison grounds. “Be aware, you will need to leave in the next four hours or any story I cook up will come under more scrutiny than it could likely stand up to.” The officer advised Thrall as the guard gestured for Thrall to precede him out the door.

Thrall nodded thankfully to the officer and then proceeding to leave the office.

Meanwhile back at the Intimidator Marack stared at his hand and grumbled, putting the cards down that looked tiny in his big palm. "You won again." He said with a snort, shoving a pile of credit chits towards her, "Think your boss and mine will be back in one piece?"

“Londred will be back, no one can keep her penned for long.” Londreds companion replied. After it had become apparent that Marack was not just some big brute, the girl had stopped trying to keep her distance and had wound up playing Sabbac with him. What the Herglic didn't know was how much time the girl spent on the holonet playing sabbac while she looked for information about the galaxy in general.

He looked at the cards and nodded, "She must be quite good at what she does then, didn't catch your name actually." He pushed a small stack of credits forward. "Name's Marack, or big guy according to Thrall."

“Piper.” The Girl replied as she dealt out another hand of cards. “Londred has been doing her thing for many years now, she didn't become known as 'The Artist' through luck.” She then added.

He grinned and laid out the cards, "Pure Sabacc. Well then I trust they'll be back shortly... say think your larder got more scientific experiments gone wrong?"


The Miners Bar was as is to be expected a pretty rough looking place. afterall not all the miners on kessel were actually prisoners, some were actually paid for their work or were supervisors brought in to oversee the prisoners work and make sure they didn't screw up. As it was Thrall would soon find Dex in a back corner booth after making some inquiries.

Slithering towards the table he nodded a greeting and quickly spope up before he could be dismissed or send away, "Hoddo sends his greetings."

“Hoddo can stick his greetings up his fat arse.” Dex replied harshly. “Slimy Hutt still owes me for the last job I did for him. I'm stuck here until I can pay for the overpriced repairs, damn backwater.” Dex replied as he downed a beer in one swig.

"Excellent you hate the fat slug too, so I don't have to kiss his arse by praising him to you." Thrall replied wit ha grin, "Right, well then I will be quick, I need a distraction so I can get off this rock... with a resident who no longer wants to use the local facilities if you get my meaning. Tell me how much you need to get off this rock and I will wire the funds to you, right now, right here." He finished saying and brought up his personal computer.

"What kinda of distraction are you after, getting arrested by the prison guards won't really help me get out of here even if my ship is repaired." Dex replied

"You know this place better than me, reckon you know what attracts the guards? And if you don't know anything, know of any terminals you can give me access to with which I can mess around and set off alarms... on the other side of the complex, away from what I am trying to pull off?"

"Any alarm in the prison is liable to send the whole facility into lockdown, I imagine that'll make getting the guy out more difficult than it already is right?" Dex asked as he leaned back and took another drink while he considered.

"Eh I was considering a fake sensor alarm of CIS ships arriving in system to distract them..." He paused and looked around and then back at Dex, "Question, what is the prison guards reaction to a out of control bar fight?"

“They would more than likely ignore a bar fight, and a fake CIS invasion would just lock down the entire system, or did you not see the warships in orbit on your approach, let alone the minefield.” Dex said with a shrug. “A problem in the mines might cause a satisfactory result though, there's no immediate threat and at least a portion of the guards would likely be deployed to make sure the prisoners out there don't try to take advantage of it.”

"Yeah well... don't want to mess with the mines... don't know what certain... ah spice merchants might think if production falters... probably thank me to be honest they can increase prices, look listen all I want is a distraction, if you can pull it off without getting imprisoned yourself or causing casualties, then just name your price and you got it."

"Seventy thousand, that should get my ship hypercapable again so i can at least fly somewhere with cheaper repairs for the rest of it." Dex replied as he leaned back and tipped back a fresh mug of beer.

"Done, and adding a twenty thousand bonus for the trouble I might put you through." Thrall added and showed the hunter he was wiring ninenty thousand credits total.

As the credits started transferring Thralls comm link began beeping at him, id registered it as coming from the Intimidator.

Thrall activated his commlink, "Yes?"

“You finished getting drunk yet scaly?” Londreds voice asked over the comm. “We're all waiting on you to get back here so we can leave you know.”

He blinked, widening his eyes, staring for a moment at his comm device, thinking for a second Marack ahd somehow found a way to do a practical joke on him but then he recalled he had no skill for it. "I... well... you are back already... with the package?"

“A nice bottle of Sullustan Gin to boot, I needed to restock on that, haven't had all the ingredients to make a Sonic Sevodriver in a few months now.” Londred replied casually. “We really should be leaving before the Guards realize what's happened however.”

Thrall was beat for a moment before he finally found his voice again. "I see... ready the ship I am on my way." He turned back to Dex, "Seems my problem is already solved, you enjoy your credits, perhaps we can keep in touch if you are the sort who wants debts repaid, otherwise, have another drink on me." With that he quickly slid a crystal with contact information on the table and then started to scurry to the exit. He needed to get back to the ship...

When Thrall arrived back at the pad the Intimidators engines were already winding up and Marack was waiting to 'help' Thrall aboard.

"Now be care- ack!" Thrall managed to utter as Marack simply lifted him up and threw him aboard, quickly climbing the ladder himself. "-ful... I was going to say." Thrall muttered.

Marack just chuckled and pressed the controls to close the hatch. "Londred came back without raising a alarm boss, you need to be faster than that."

Thrall muttered something under his breath and headed to the cockpit section.

“Have fun waiting?” Londred asked as Thrall entered, not bothering to turn around while her hands lew over the controls to get her ship back into orbit and away from Kessel before some canny guard decided to do a prisoner check.

"You know I should have done this as a job interview, we could use someone like you... probably a trade secret but still going to ask, how in the hells did you got him out without raising a alarm?" Thrall blurted out, still a bit in shock from the surprise of how it all had gone down so far.

“Discretion and not getting caught go hand in hand with being a smuggler you know, some of us are actually quite good at our chosen profession.” Londred replied as they left the atmosphere and started back-tracing the course they had taken in earlier.

"So I see... ok I might have been kidding when I just said that, but now seriously, are you actually interested in being hired to work with us, me?" Not many people could conduct a prison breakout, least of all Kessel... and much less on their own, to say he was impressed was almost a understatement.

"Hey now slow down there slick and slimy." Londred said with a chuckle. "You haven't even paid me for this job yet... speaking of we never did discuss amounts, what AM I getting paid for this?"

"Well since you basically did everything... I was going to transfer the entire amount Hoddo was going to pay me to you honestly..." Thrall muttered.

"Generous of you." She said with a hint of surprise, Suppose that means I'll need to stick around till you drop that guy off then." The navcomputer registered that they were at the edge of the minefield and Londred reached for the hyperspace lever. "Piper and I can kick back our heels and enjoy all the emenities your ship has to offer in the mean time." She added as she turned back to face thrall as the ship jumped to hyperspace.

"The facilities of the Illusion of Grace are at your, and your companions, service." He chuckled, "Perhaps it will make you interested in my semi-serious proposal to hire you."

"Maybe it will. Shouldn't such an offer come from your boss though. Afterall you just spent the last several hours drinking and wasting your time, are you sure you have the authority to offer me a job?" Londred said with a teasing grin.

He let out a snort and then laughed, "Boss left me in charge while he is off being a freedom fighter, now in all seriousness. He trusts me and my judgement and I believe you and your companion would make a fine addition to our group. Like I mentioned on the way in though, he is a jedi and we got a couple of others, if you knew some of the other smugglers we often do business with then you knew that already. If you want to know my story, I was a former indentured slave he set free and he is my friend... who put me in charge of my own ship and a small fleet, so hey I can't complain with the direction he is taken me."

He paused and chuckled, "Also, he lets me get away with teasing and making fun of him." He smirked at that.

"He always did strike me as a softy." Londred replied. "Guess he hasn't changed in the last decade or two."

Thrall blinked and looked curiously at the smuggler, "Eh? You have known about him for 20 years?" He looked her over, "Did your folks do business with him or something?"

"Something like that." She replied with a shrug. "Why don't you go in the back and make sure I did indeed pull the right guy out of that place." She suggested, deliberately changing the subject.

Thrall kept looking at her and then shrugged, 'Will do, oh and Londred. Nice job, my thanks for that." With that he slithered out to get to see if they indeed had the right guy... now that would be something if they had gotten this far and they had got the wrong broker. Luckily it proved to be the right one and all he had to do was relax while they were to rejoin with the Illusion of Grace and make haste to Hoddo's palace.
Thrall recruits the assistance of a smuggler to help in the breakout of Hoddo's associate incarcerated on Kessel. Spending 10SP worth of credits to bribe his way on the planetoid and acquire the services of a local bounty hunter in a attempt to start a diversion for the smuggler to safely extract and retreat with the prisoner... only to discover said smuggler, Londred, had already extracted the prisoner without raising alarms or notice of the guards and was waiting on the lazy, slow as ass Thrall to rejoin them so they could get off the rock...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Selvi


Member Offline since relaunch

Collab Intermission.

Kwenn System,
Nova Retreat.

"Are these reports accurate?" Neia asked, incredulous if the results mentioned in these reports were indeed true. Her two companions in her office, Jantor and Kiyla just smirked. Well Kiyla was smirking, Jantor's expression was unreadable behind those cybernetic implants of his.

Kiyla tapped the datapad with the reports, "It's for real boss, you seem to be the proud owner of some very resource rich asteroids. According to the boys they just need the funds to hire work crews, prospectors and miners to get the operation going." She winced, "Granted a lot of credits are required but it would be worth it and according to the books we can. You just need to sign the release of those funds. On... gah where did we leave it, you really need to clean up your desk more boss, here it is!" After rummaging through some of various datapads and other files on her desk she came with the releases and contracts that required Neia's signature.

Nodding her thanks she looked at what she was required to pay and widened her eyes, spluttering for a moment. "This... will cost us almost 10 million... to open up two mines?"

Kiyla winced again and nods. "Yeah... but it will be two very profitable mines, according to the survey reports. So well worth the investment. According to the projections at least."

She sighed, closing her eyes and rubbing her forehead, thinking and then just shrugged. "Ah what the hell, wouldn't be the first risky investment I made and we already went through a load of trouble to get access to the Sarka system." She signed the documents with her personal code and provided a thumbprint in addition. "Permission granted, let the Kahleesi Mining consortium make it's name known." She said with a smile... then her smile faltered and groaned, looking at the nervous Kiyla. This time she could tell Jantor was amused by something because he was chuckling and shaking his head. "Right I know that look... spit it out Kiyla, what do you want."

"Well... since you are in a mood to spend credits... there were some upgraded I have been meaning to have done to the Free Trade Gambit and I was hoping you would also allow those to be performed, now they are costly but not as expensive as the cost for the mines and..." She stopped talking, seeing the look on her employer's face. "Ah I suppose it can wait." She mumbled and looked down.

Neia looked at Jantor who just shrugged, sighing she grabbed the datapad Kiyla just put down, skimmed it, looking back at Kiyla with a questioning look but then just entered her personal code and a thumbprint. "Call it temporary insanity but your upgrades are improved, but I gather it will mean the Free Trade Gambit will be locked in place her for some time. Make the crew run through some exercies and rotate the troops aboard for some R&R on the station."

Kiyal blinked and then clapped her hands excitingly. "Thanks boss! You won't regret it! I'll go get Mochi and get right on those upgrades! You won't regret approving of this boss!" She jumped up, gathered some of the datapads and quickly scrambled out of the office, probably thinking to get the upgrades under way as fast as possible before Neia could reconsider her decision of allowing them to happen.

She shook her head watching her go and turned to Jantor, "Well, I just signed away millions of credits in a matter of minutes, let's hope it will be sound investments."

The Kel-Dor let out a amused snort, "The investment for the mines, certainly, the upgraded to the ship, time will tell. With that dealt with... Tohkran's lad, the Rodian Goddor wanted to see you." He gestured to the door. "Got him waiting outside, if you want to see him, unless you want to see another jedi more."

She blinked and smiled, "Huh... so does everyone on my staff know I am seeing Ba'al?"

"Pretty much, don't mind, she seems good for ya." Jantor replied with a chuckle, "Anyway want to see Goddor?"

She waved ahead, "Sure, sure, let him in. Are you needed elsewhere, I assume?" Jantor shook his head, indicating he would stick around as he went to the door and let their Rodian guest in. She stood up and walked around her desk, still smiling. "Goddor, good to see you, how are you? Enjoying your stay I hope?"

Goddor nervously nodded, "The accommodations are more than luxurious but I am not here to relax as you are aware. I was hoping you had news about Cyphor's arrival? Will he be here soon?" He blurted out, speaking quickly. His master had stayed on Antar IV and charged him with finding aid for the plight of the people there, of the entire system. It was taking too long for those he wished to talk about it however, though he suppose the force was with him that apparently Ba'al, Cyphor and Neia would all three be present on Neia's station anyway. Still the waiting was making restless so he had considered it at length and come to the conclusion to already talk to Neia about what master Tohkran was doing and why he needed the assistance.

Neia blinked and looked from Jantor back at Goddor, "I understand from Cha'alla he can arrive at any moment, today, tomorrow, the day after. Soon, is what you wanted to discuss urgent?" She had to admit she was curious, from the moment he arrived the Rodian jedi had wanted to talk to all of them about something, that Tohkran wasn't here to ask himself was the most surprising aspect of it all."

He took a deep breath, his master had entrusted him and he was a jedi knight now, granted he had not been given the status of knight for very long but he now had to act like it. "It could be a matter of life and death, and not just the life of my master, Tohkran. But of the entire population of a world and system." He paused, waiting to see what kind of reaction Neia might have for those words.

Her answer was silence, at least for a few moments as she realized her guest was serious, she turned around and walked to her desk, gesturing to one of the seats i nfront of it. "I have a feeling this is the type of conversation that benefits from us sitting down, so take a seat and begin at the start. What by the black stars has your master gotten himself into?"

Well he wasn't dismissed so that was something at least, he took the seat and pondered ,where to begin. "I... ah, well... I suppose I should start with how my master received word of a force user leading a resistance force on a world known as Antar IV..." He explained how they had entered the CIS occupied system to launch a craft to the surface in a attempt to identify and make contact with the resistance force. He told them they had succeeded, albeit a bit differently than they had hoped with the whole crashing bit and being captured by said resistance. Meeting a force user, if not jedi he then explained what they had learned of the abysmal living conditions the CIS were imposing on the population. "They are turning a beautiful world into a polluted wasteland, to strip-mine it to build machines and droids for warfare... enslaving the population to make their factories produce these objects of destruction. My master was asked to stay and he did... along with almost every soldier and vehicle we had on our ship. To help the resistance in their fight... but they need much more if they have a chance to... remove the CIS from the system." He finally took that moment to take a breath and look at Neia.

"Well..." She said after a moment. "So... if I get this right... you basically want to ask, on behalf of Tohkran, to have us all... organize a, in what is best described, invasion force to liberate that system from the CIS?" She let out a soft laugh, not to mock Goddor as she chuckled, "You don't ask for much, do ya?"

"I know what Tohkran asks of you.. of Ba'al and Cyphor... is a lot but... this is a cause worth fighting for and these people need it, I have the sensor and scan results, pictures of the slave labour they put these people through, here look." He produced the datapads with the sensor and scanning results the ship had made.

She glanced at the offered pads and instead leaned back in her chair, looking intently at Goddor. "Look... I am a businesswoman Goddor... I am not the one to fight for a cause or liberate worlds." She said with Jantor nodding slowly.

He sighed, "I suppose it was too much to ask of you... I do hope Cyphor and Ba'al will be able to help." He said, he had to admit convincing the non-jedi to help Tohkran would be difficult, perhaps during the meeting together with Cyphor and Ba'al also present she could still be convinced. "I suppose with no profit in it you are not interested." He managed to slip out before he realized what he said. "I, ah, I am sorry I did not mean to say that I am just... trying to help my master and the innocent lives."

Neia let out a snort, "I know what you were saying... and you ought to let me finish. Like I said I am not the one to fight for a cause... but as it happens I have a sour taste for slavers of any kind... which includes the CIS if the image you paint of what they are doing to civilians of a world they conquered. Look I don't know much about battles, but what resources I have... and I will look to my staff for volunteers." She looked at Jantor, "If any of them are willing to fight."

The Kel-Dor stepped forwards and nods, "I would volunteer, if what Goddor here says is true, and I doubt he would be lying about it, then it is something worth fighting for, even if it isn't the worth of credits in this case."

Chuckling Neia nodded with her erstwhile bodyguard and now right hand man. "Well said, Goddor, you and Tohkran can count on whatever support me and my own can give. Don't you worry, I think the other jedi will offer assistance as well. Your master won;t be alone for long I wager." She smiled, "But I still have a station to run, and you look like you could use some sleep, some real sleep, without worrying about anything, clear your mind or whatever it is you jedi do and focus on the here and now. Get some rest."

Goddor stood up went aroudn her desk and took one of her hands in his and bowed, "Thank you! Thank you, Tohkran values his friendship with you, Cyphor and Ba'al, with everyone and he knows it would be a lot to ask but it is good to see that his friends, or at least one of them so far, will help in this matter of need."

She chuckled, shaking his hand and then let go, "Don't you fret, only doing this so he owes me one." She smirks, letting Goddor decide on his own if she was joking or not. "Jantor please escort Goddor back to his quarters... and make sure he goes to sleep." With that they said their goodbyes leaving Neia to run her station and businesses once more... making her wonder if she would do the right thing, helping with a possible war effort... she decided that time would tell.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gat


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Cyphor Fey'lar
Nova Retreat Docking Bay

The Nightclouds Reward was cleared to land with very little fuss compared to many places Hayle had put her ship down. She supposed that was the advantage of being recognised as friendly and being expected. She had notified Cha'alla who had in turn notified the stations medical staff that they had several wounded aboard that would benefit from proper medical treatment. Of the three of them Cyphor was as usual the most stubborn of them, refusing to simply sit or lay down and rest during the trip. Hayle figured he must be tapping the Force and all those strange Jedi techniques just to keep himself mobile and conscious, Kathlyn and their newest member the Kel'dor Jedi Hal had at least not resisted when they were given the same advice. Not that Kathlyn had much of a choice, her wound was stable but even light activity could reopen it until proper treatment in a bacta tank could be done.

As a result of calling ahead there was a medsled and a few orderlies waiting behind Cha'alla and Nikan when the crew disembarked from the Reward while Hal and Cyphor could move under their own power, Kathlyn was still aboard the vessel and so Kalmi beaconed the orderlies with the medsled over to board and retrieve her young Cathar padawan. Two more orderlies moved to intercept Cyphor and Hal as they approached only for Cyphor to brush off the one headed towards him. "I will make my own way to the med bay in time thank you, My injuries are not that severe." he said to the orderly, though the way he winced as the fabric of his tunic rubbed against unseen burns belied the truth.

"You should get those wounds seen too before we go about other business, Cyphor." Cha'alla said with a smile "I've known you longer than anyone else still with you and I don't need that experience to see that you are in pain." She added gently.
"You mentioned one of Tokrans students had arrived not long ago, if there are so many of us here I can only imagine something dire is afoot. Has a reason come to light yet?" Cyphor asked as he summarily ignored Cha'alla's counsel to seek medical treatment first.
"Goddor comes with a request of the Masters from Tohkran, what that request is I do not know yet. I believe we were waiting for you to arrive so we could all be told at once." Cha'alla replied, at this point the orderlies had emerged from the Reward with a drugged Kathlyn on the medsled. they headed out of the hanger bay with Hal and the other orderlies following and Cha'alla turned to follow them as well. Without even considering it Cyphor followed her to continue the conversation.
"Do you know where Tohkran himself is? Why would he send his student if the request is of the sort of magnitude you imply." Cyphor said, mostly to himself.
"Goddor did not say, he did seem rather nervous and on edge however." Cha'alla replied.
“Then what he asks will likely not be small, Mara is due to return soon yes? I want you to contact our forces, double check who is where and what they are doing. Military action seems the most logical option for this request, that or monetary, but a monetary matter could be asked over comms more easily. Either way contracts are coming due and an accounting of our forces is called for before we take our nex...” Cyphor paused for a moment realising they were now standing outside the medbay. He gave Cha'alla a sidelong look before sighing, his fur rippling with resignation. “Alright I'll let them apply a salve to the burns, when did you become so adept with the mind trick?” He said with a small laugh at the end.
Cha'alla smiled back confidently before replying “Someone needs to make sure you look after yourself. Is there anything else you'd like me to cover while you get treated?”
Cyphor shook his head for a moment, she really did know him too well. “You had Too with you on the Risk vs Reward, we ran across a large republic minefield on our way to Kashyyyk, Have him pull the sensor logs from the Nightclouds Reward and compile them in an encrypted file, then have him send the data to Colonel Hosh is the CIS. Then see if you can gather everyone to meet, the sooner Goddor can get this request off his chest the sooner the young rodian can relax.” He said before turning to the medbay doors.
“I'll see too it.” Cha'alla replied simply before turning to carry out the instructions. As the medbay doors opened and Cyphor stepped inside he turned and called over his shoulder.
“Cha'alla... Thankyou.” To which Cha'alla just smiled and nodded before continuing on her way.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarzu


Member Offline since relaunch

In the life of a Jedi Knight on his own,
Jedi Meeting, Nova Retreat.

Goddor nervously paced back and forth in the conference room Neia provided, the station owner sitting at one end of the table with her feet prepped up on the side looking at him. He stopped and swallowed, looking at her, "What?"

"Relax, it will be fine. Cyphor, Ba'al and whatever entourage will be here shortly. Just be calm and remember to breathe." The Nautolan said leaning back in her chair.

Goddor blinked and took a deep breath, some of the anxiety leaving ihm, "I suppose it will be fine, they are fellow jedi after all... heh, I should trust in the force and my instincts as master Tohkran would say."

She was about to reply when the door buzzed, removing her legs from the table. "That would be Jantor leading them in." She said, right before the doors opened and the Kel Dor enter, followed by Kiyla and her jedi guests. She grinned when she saw Ba'al and winked, patting her lap and then turned her eyes to the empty chair next to her if the jedi was a bit emberassed to follow Neia's invitation.

Cyphor entered with Cha'alla and Zane with him, he wanted to keep those with him to a relatively low number for the moment in the hopes Goddor wouldn't feel too intimidated. Cha'alla was the clossest he had to a second in command these days, thought hayle certainly ranked high in that respect, but if his suspicious were correct Zane was the best option out of the rest of his inner circle to include on the meeting.

"Hello everybody." Cyphor said as he moved to the table and took a seat about midway along one side. "It is good to see you all again."

Ba'al flushes behind her face-mask at Neia's invitation and offers a stiff nod. If it were not a business meeting of the jedi, she would gladly take up the position... As it were, though... She slips over and takes up the seat beside her as Allysandri follows and takes a seat further away, closing her eyes for a moment. "Indeed it is, Cyphor. I dare say, it has been since... Well, the last meeting of the Jedi, I think, that many of the faces here have last been in the same room," she looks about the room before nodding slowly, "Leonis will be joining shortly, his ship is docking now."

The Cathar male grunts as he comes through the door, "No need to wait, I'm here now" He crosses his arms and removes his helmet, flickering his ears. "I trust Tohkran is well?" He bows his head to Neia and Cyphor respectfully. "Thank you for hosting us, Neia. And a pleasure to meet once again, Jedi."

"And you friend," Cyphor replied to Leonis, "My condolances for your sister, Im sorry I have been unable to help in your search since the incident."

Leonis' ears fold back as he nods slowly, "I... yes. Indeed. But perhaps you might join in the hunt for the Sith yet. I have found some leads quite recently on their activity." He reaches in his armour and draws out a tightly sealed cannister offering it out to the jedi in the room. "Perhaps one of you have the talents to investigate this little article I have found, in fact." He offers the sealed lightsaber out to whoever would dare take it.

"Well we are gathered here now." She smiles standing up, "I am but the host, Goddor here, on behalf of his master wished this meeting to happen, so please, Goddor you have the attention of those gathered here."

"I may be able to help with that." Cha'all said as she reached for the cylinder.

She coughed and grinned, "Perhaps that can wait, poor Goddor here has been all but nerves since his arrival here." She looked at the Rodian and chuckled, "I'm afraid if we keep him from speaking he'll faint."

Goddor gulped and took a deep breath, nodding to each person that was gathered here, "I, forgive me if this will a bit of a lengthy tale but I suppose it will need some explanation..." He was stuttering at first but as he began telling the tale he grew more confident. Explaining about the rumours that had reached Tohkran of a jedi leading a resistance movement on antar IV, home of the old Antarian Rangers, who were allies of the jedi of old.

Reaching the system with their cloaked ship to find the CIS blockading the system and having the planets within it under their control. He proceeded to tell about their crash... and meeting with the resistance, and the force user named Quinlan Vos who was leading them. The desperation the resistance forces were forced under... suicide bombers, aggression meeting aggression. But then explained the reasons for it, providing datapads with the data collected and distributing them to those gathered in the conference room so they could see for themselves how the CIS were stripmining the place ,forcing the population as slaves in factories to produce droids and weapons for war.

He started to wrap it up, "My master, decided to help them... and perhaps help turn them from the dark path they had turned into by giving them hope once more. We undertook a mission to give the resistance access to a weather station which they can manipulate for their smuggler fleet to keep supplies coming. The mission was a success but at a cost... Tohkran decided to stay behind, along with a large force of troops we had on our ship, his last request, was me to speak to you all... and ask for your help. My master wishes to.. .while he helps Quinlan Vos and the resistance in that capacity, he wishes us... if we could, build up a... liberation force to free the system from the CIS and drive them out." He took a deep breath and sat back down in his chair, trembling a little, waiting for the reactions.

Ba'al sits forward and nods her head, "I will lend myself to the efforts in order to drive out the CIS. This is a valiant effort put out by Tohkran and a worthy cause of the Jedi to lend themselves to. I will dedicate myself and my people towards it in whatever way is necessary."

Leonis furrows his brow and shakes his head, obvious contempt in his eyes that she would so easily be persuaded to this effort when it was the duty of the Jedi to combat the Sith, especially when one of their own had already been struck down at their hands. If they still would not help, so be it. He would continue his crusade against the dark side alone.

"I am not sure how much asistance I can provide." Cyphor said hesitantly. "I know many of you side with the Republic in this war, but while iI do not condone slavery or the actions taken by the CIS on Antar I do support the CIS in general." He said trying to keep his tone level and calm. "I have contacts within the CIS that also disaprove of the rampant slavery and other less savory actiong the CIS have taken in this war, I may be able to have them apply preasure to the leaders of the Antar occupation."

Neia shrugged, "I loathe slavery in any form so the kid and his master got my support." She already had agreed to support him after all since she had already been confided into.

Letting out a sigh of relief he nodded his thanks to them all, "I thank you for your support, master Cyphor. Anything you can do to apply pressure on the CIS there would be helpful." He paused, "I... actually if that doesn't help, perhaps you can also convince them that... if it requires us to liberate the system to drive the CIS out, you can convince your contacts that it isn;t a Republic operation but a independant, neutral faction who just wants to see that system liberated and the conditions the CIS placed on those people to be removed. I imagine in return for being silent on a galactic scale of the horrors they inflicted on that world and it's population they might not retaliate?"

"I may be able to provide more... demanding... assistance, as you are likely aware i have a squadron of arquitens class frigates in my forces and a number of clones as well." Cyphor said as he gestured to Zane for emphasis."On the surface they would appear to be a republic strike force thought that might do more harm than good in your proposed scenario."

She coughed, "Well I got contacts in the republic, high grade even. If you can't convince the CIS to back down, maybe I can convince the Republic to offer some covert help? If they want to... that or, from the sound of it, if we do liberate it, make them recognize the system as a neutral system, so neither the CIS or Republic can lay claim to it."

Goddor nodded, "Any assistance, if either support in the form of weapons, ships, troops... or the CIS and Republic recognizing the Antar system as a neutral party once it is liberated would be more than welcome." He then turned to Ba'al and the Cathar Leonis, fro mthe way they had appeared seperately and how they were acting, it was not so much as convincing Ba'al to join him as it was convincing Leonis as well. "Uhm, Leonis, what are your thoughts on the matter?"

Leonis shakes his head, "My fight is not with the Republic or the CIS." He looks about the room, "I am still on the hunt for the Sith who killed Theodis... I've no intentions to rest til the debt is settled. I may not be a jedi, but there is a blood debt to pay for this and it seems you are all other occupied with the war going on."

"The war does not stop for the death of one, Leonis." Cha'alla said, "Many die everyday in this war and the dead can not be brought back."

"Well, I don't know from personal experience, so forgive me if what I am about to say is a bit cold Leonis." Neia began, speaking slowly, carefully. "Your hunt... is it to carry out justice or revenge? Justice I can understand, revenge... revenge usually doesn't satisfy you in the end from what I gather... and who is to say it will stop when you find the one responsible for her murder." She gestured to Cha'alla. "What she said, the dead cannot be returned, have you looked at the images Tohkran and hisp eople found? The CIS are using civilians, children, in forced slave labour, what would your sister do if she were here?"

Leonis tenses and lets his ears fold back as he looses a low growl, "I do not need your lessons and advice. I have heard it time and time again. I know full well the path I tread." He raises his head defiantly, "You think the CIS and Republic are the only enemies here? The Sith do not sit idly by, I am certain. Even now, I am certain they are exploiting the situations the wartime has created. They are no better than these murderers and slavers presented in the CIS, but you would have them go free. I will not."

"Never said anything about letting these sith, the one's responsible for your sisters death, go free. Merely stating that it seems you don't have any leads, well apart from that lightsaber you handed over." She shrugs, "If that proves to be a lead I said nothing, but if it doesn't, are you going to keep hunting at phantoms for clues or try and help out with something actually tangible?"

"Please, I, my master, he would have wanted the support of everyone, but he would understand if other matters take precedence. And this request he asks would take a long time regardless so there would be time to reconsider joining... or abandoning the task."

Leonis tenses and hesitates before slowly nodding his head, "I can lend a hand in the resistance while I keep an ear out for Sith activity. But as soon as I have a real lead, I must be off. I know they are near. They were not far from Mandalore space within this last month. A Bimm, heading for your station, actually, confirmed it."

Neia blinked, "A Bimm you say?" She turned to Jantor, "Didn't we had reports of a Bimm pickpocket and... adulterer? On my station these last two days?" Jantor nodded slowly, "Yeah thought so... is he and that Bimm of yours one and the same?"

Leonis picks at the scruff of his mane and considers the circumstances under which he had met Casae Novae. "Considering this fellow... In all likelihood."

He squirmed in his seat, "I Uhm, well I had my say and relayed my master's message... I actually don't know where to go from there... perhaps we, uhm need to cotnact each other after a month? Or contact when someone has made a breakthrough, say by contacting the CIS or Republic and see what aid they can give? I have been, well Tohkran has given Thrall, liberties to go as far as hire mercenaries if a battle to liberate the system would have to take place." Goddor said, his nervousness returning.

Ba'al nods and leans back in her chair, relaxing now that Leonis seemed to have calmed down. "It seems like a fair enough plan. It would do well that we keep in closer contact than we have in the last year and coordinate our efforts." She furrows her brow in thought, "Before I attend the efforts to liberate the system, I might see to checking out the Vergesso Asteroids. There is supposed to be some Jedi's sanctuary there I wish to seek."

"I agree with the part it might require more than our usual contact." She shrugs, "Got some business ventures but can spare time... actually have some designs for a new class of ship I might be producing, might be useful if there is a battle." She looked at Kiyal with a raised eyebrow who just shrugged. "But that would take some months to even start, but also have my regular ships and troops at the ready, don't you worry Goddor, we'll help your master." She grinned and winked at the young jedi knight in a comradely fashion.

"I will see what I can do about lending assistance," Cyphor replied, "I do not know how much clout my contacts have but I believe they will support an ending of the forced labour on antar at the least. If more direct action is required I have manpower its just a question of being able to ue it without jepardising my alliances in the CIS."

"Well in that case." She looks around and banged her cup she had brought with her on the table, "Meeting adjourned then, seems Leonis has his clue, Goddor get some sleep... and can someone please deal with that Bim because I just got a report that he slept with all four wives and three mistresses of one of my high rollers. In just two hours." She waved the datapad with the the information of the report scrolling down.

"Must have some impressive stamina" Zane commented with a chuckle.

Ba'al rubs over her eyes and stands up from the table, "Something tells me... I know this Bimm... I'll deal with him."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genais


Member Offline since relaunch

Orbit of Nar'Shadaa

As Jacoibas ship arrived at the destination set out for her meeting (orbit of nar'shaddaa) she could see the heavy cruiser in the distance, This syndicate under boss she was meeting with she was hoping would give her some extra information about the auction she was hoping to attend, and possibly the holocron she was after.

"Open a comm link and request to board, I will be taking Eltarr, Rikai, Admin and Yeonara. Fahl and Helana will handle things here"

The Response from the cruiser was prompt, they were cleared to land in the primary hanger bay where they would be met by one of Sekar Pyke's aides who would then lead them to Sekar himself.

The shuttle landed in the hanger shortly afterward, Jacoiba and her entourage were greeted by the aides. "We appreciate the hospitality, if you could take us to your commander please"

Jacoiba took in her surroundings and the people who were showing her to the under boss She took only a small few with her as she did want to look threatening, but still be somewhat protected.

It was not just an aide of course that was waiting when the group emerged from the shuttle, but a full security team of eight, Sekar Pyke was evidently not one to take chances. Still they make no threatening actions beyond their presence and seemed to be there as much as for show as for purpose.

The aide that looked to have some seniority, owing to the gold ornamentation he wore, stepped forward and made a slight bow.
"My Employer is curious about you Lady, it is not everyday one of the Sith come out of hiding and request an audience, does he bounty now worry you or do you think what you wish to discuss with my employer holds more value than your hide is worth?" the aide said in the calm and almost drugged was his species had of talking.

Jacoiba smiled "I believe your employer and I can come to an.. agreement of sorts.. I see no sense in hiding what I am, if he wished to claim the bounty on my head he could have trapped me as I exited my ship, and so therefore, I believe he may think what I have to offer may be worth it"

Meanwhile Admin was keeping a close eye on everyone around them, he had been instructed by his mistress to pick up on any information he could gather while there, but to keep it subtle.

"We shall see what Sekar has to say about your offer, as I said, he is curious." The aide said before turning around and leading the way out of the hanger, four of the security formed up behind him while the other four waited for Jacoiba's group to follow and then fell in behind them. They were lead through the ship to a rather ostentatious throne room of sorts with a number of young pykes both male and female were relaxing with various substances and pleasure slaves of a dozen different species. at the far end of the room on a raised dais covered in push cushions lay Sekar Pyke himself, on a step below him where Sekar could pet her like a favoured animal lay a particularly attractive young twi-lek woman who left very little to the imagination. Evidently Sekar was one to indulge in his pleasures even when business was at hand.

Jacoiba and her entourage made a slight bow toward the under boss as they entered his throne room. Jacoiba motioned toward the Twi-lek woman and smiled "You have good taste I see, she's a beautiful specimen"

Jacoiba took a seat on some cushions a suitable distance from the under boss "I am Darth Jacoiba" She motions to her companions "We have Darth Yeonara, Darth Eltarr, My most trusted lieutenant Rikai and Admin"

Admin greeted the under boss but otherwise remained silent, carefully keeping watch around them, Eltarr Yeonara and Rikai all bowed and took a seat by their mistress.

"Three million walking credits." Sekar mused in a voice load enough to reach everyone in the room while he absently stroked the lekku of the twi'lek before him. "When you first requested an audience of course I was not aware of that. Imagine my surprise when I learned of what you are." He continues with a sly smile. Several of the others in the room laughed softly at that. "Tell me then were you counting on my information not being accurate or do you have something to offer worth more than the bounties I could get on the three of you.?"

Jacoiba smirked. "Sekar Pyke, not an overly influential member of the pyke syndicate, but you do own a strong slaving business, pleasure slaves clearly. You have relations among the higher end of the syndicate which assists you in your wealth. And clearly.. you have expensive taste in your slaves" Jacoiba said in a tone which meant to disrespect to the under boss, she clearly wished to make it known that she too had her ways of gathering information. and wished to gauge the reaction.

Sekar laughed at that, clearly this Sith woman was not afraid of him. "It is true I do not stand as high as I would like among my peers." He replied. "Obviously you did some homework before this meeting. However you have still not told me why you are here or why I should allow you to leave afterwards."

"I am after some information, there are some things my people cannot tell me, I have received word of an particular.. auction of sorts.. it holds an item I am very interested in, and I believe you may know of its whereabouts and how I may be able to attend such an auction. As for allowing me and my companions to leave.. unharmed.. It is also in my interest to have an.. acquaintance of sorts among the syndicate.. I may be able to help you rise among the ranks of your peers, I have certain troops who can assist you in your.. advances.. if it pleases you to do so"

“I believe I know of the auction you speak. I am something of a collector myself and was planning to attend. It is a highly secretive affair and many of the item on offer are extremely rare or illegal in the republic." Sekar said as he reclined a little further and reached for a pipe on a low table behind him. "As for your offer, It always pleases one in my position to rise higher, how can I be sure you could deliver however. You have no ties to the Pyke Syndicate or the larger Galactic Syndicate either."

Jacoiba nodded her head. "This is true, I do however have other means of getting the things I want. Admin?"

The droid looked over to his mistress and nodded his head, turning toward Sekar he began to tell him of what he had observed in the short time they had been there.
"A. the walls are blue. they're probably a particularly rare pigmentation of blue that is quite difficult to obtain.
B. there is an abundance of wealth on display in ornamentation, illicit substances and slaves.
C. the drapes do not match the carpets
D. one of the pyke females relaxing in the left corner is being blackmailed by another under boss of the pyke syndicate to feed them information on Sekars operations.
E. the security systems in the room are of a recently updated design which has several exploitable flaws the company does not wish to tell its buyers about.
F. the cushions Sekar is laying on are made from wookiee pelts.
Is this sufficient mistress?"

Jacoiba simply smiled at the droid and nodded her head.

"Alot of useless information there that anyone with eyes could see." Sekar said before he took a puff of his pipe. "Interesting information about the security system however, the company that produces it is quite respected, what makes you think they have released a flawed product?"

Admin took the initiative and replied directly to Sekar. "Cross referencing recent claims against the company that were settled out of court with the update schedules of the company and labour disputes on the planet that manufactures the systems and consequent outsourcing to sub-par facilities. Each individual occurrence could be taken as a coincidence but viewed together the results are undeniable. " The droid stated.

"Impressive..." Sekar said to Jacoiba a few moments later. Do you always take an espionage droid with you to meetings?"

Jacoiba laughed. "Espionage? no, hes an in-tell droid. I see no reason to fool you. He is very good at what he does, and if I were to ask him to look out for possible.. exploits within the ranks of the syndicate.. he could do that too. I do however, have one more thing that could possibly help you raise status within the syndicate. A special troop that is my own, none but the closest to me know of them, a good lot of my own people do not even know of their existence"

Jacoiba relaxed and sat back on her cushions. "Is a refreshment available?"

Sekar snapped his fingers twice and a couple of slaves entered from a side door, one baring a tray of drinks and the other a tray of 'finger food' snacks. "Perhaps you can be of some use to my ambition. you wish a certain item at the auction then, tell me, what is it." he then replied

Jacoiba picked at the food before answering. "I am after a particular jedi holocron, for reasons that are my own"

"A holocron you say, I can see how that may hold value to your kind." Sekar said languidly. "Perhaps I can find a use for you. other than the bounty. Of course that takes care of why I let you walk out of here, now we can discuss how much the details of this auction is worth to you."

Jacoiba nodded "Indeed, I believe we can take this further than the auction however, as I mentioned earlier it would be helpful to me to have an acquaintance of sorts among the syndicate"

"If you can truly help me as you claim then that will come in time, the Auction however is near and if you wish to attend you will need the details, without a proven demonstration of your help' I'm afraid you will need more... 'liquid assets' to convince me to part with the auction information." Sekar replied as he popped one of the snacks into his mouth.

Jacoiba nodded her head, she expected as much. "and in regards to 'liquid assets', what is it you would be interested in?"

Sekar smiled lazily, "Credits, precious stones, hardware I can find a use for." He replied before popping another snack into his mouth. "The usual quickly movable and valuable assets." he added without fully finishing his mouthful.

"Credits I can do, how much am I looking at?" Jacoiba took a piece of food off the plate in front of her and sat back on her cushions.

Sekar seemed to think it over for a little while before he replied. "I could tell you the location and passkey to get inside for oh, 130,000 credits." He then leaned forward and lowered his voice a little and added with a grin, "Of course there is more to the auction than just getting there."

"There always is more, and I’m assuming you know what that 'more' is" Jacoiba was expecting it too be more pricey, but there was always a catch.

"Why don't you make me an offer to entice me little sith, if I like your figure I may tell you more." Sekar said with a smirk

Jacoiba smiled. "Well, you want a demonstration of the help you can receive from me? what about a loan of one of my infiltrators? you can do with them what you will, other than kill them of course.. they are very good at what they do. And I can throw in an extra 200,000 credits"

'An extra 200,000 hmm," Sekar replied, "This holocron must mean alot to you." He snapped his fingers and another young Pyke came forward with a dataslate. [/b]"I assume your droid is capable of transferring the funds, as I assume you'd rather not wait for the information."[/b] He passed the dataslate forward to Jacoiba and smiled. " This is the account details where you can deposit the 330,000 credits."

Jacoiba passed the dataslate to admin. "I shall leave this in your capable hands Admin"

As the droid made the transfer jacoiba smiled at Sekar as she took a bite out of the food in front of her. "You assume correctly"

Sekar glanced over his shoulder until the young pyke that had brought the slate nodded to him. “Very well, this auction is being held on the planet Gromas in a rather exclusive location, the password they will require to let you in is 'Deadliest Sin'.” He said simply before grinning again. “Now of course this auction is a place of business, the overseers will be checking for and confiscating weapons, their scanners however have difficulty with smaller types, knives and holdout blasters and the like, I do not know if those laser swords you kind use would register of course.”

Jacoiba nodded "I don't think I’d much like the risk a room full of.. business men such as yourself discovering a small fortune in bounty just walked into their auction.. but it is good to know that some weapons may pass through"

"Oh if the reputation of the sith is anything close to reality I imagine you will have little issue without weapons." Sekar said with a soft laugh. "Now, this 'Infiltrator' You will send them over before you depart, beyond that I believe our business is concluded for now. Unless there is something more you want from me?" He then asked, though his tone was more of a dismissal.

"not at this stage, I do hope to hear from you again once you see the value of my infiltrator. I thank you for your hospitality" Jacoiba and her entourage gave a short bow before making their way back toward the hanger, escorted once again by Sekars troops.

As Jacoiba arrived at the hanger her infiltrator was being escorted out of her shuttle and delivered to Sekar. He had strict orders to report anything Sekar had him do to her first, along with anything he learnt. He was after-all, her troop.
Jacoibas Quarters shortly afterwards

Jacoiba had received word that Andrea wished to contact her shortly after arriving back aboard Tempest, She made herself comfortable and ordered for the call to be made.

Andrea was pacing back and forth and snarled at the engineers, [b]"Had I given permission to take apart the transmitter at this time?"

"N-n-no mistress, but the maintenance was required and-"

"Oh just shut up and fix it already." She snarled, looking at her crimson hands, she still needed to get used to her new appearance, she wondered how Jacoiba would react... assuming the engineers got a move on to fixing her means of contacting her! Finally after an hour they were ready and she send forth a call on a coded frequency she used before to contact Jacoiba and waited patiently, tracing over some of the jewellery she had taken on to accent her new facial features.

Jacoiba giggled as Andreas image appeared before her, least she had something to laugh at after being made to wait for her to make this call. "My, look at you, ever the old hag you always were my dear"

She blinked and then snorts, "Glad to see my new appearance doesn't phase you, as you can see I have changed somewhat. I have become a sith pure-blood, reviving the sith race... but that is not the sole reason I called, Korriban has under attack. By another sith, who Azazel has a feud with as it happens. We drove them off, naturally... still... my precious sith tombworld might have its location compromised."

"Your appearance is of no concern of mine Andrea, revive all you like, you still look like a hag to me" She blew a kiss to her at the end of that sentence, her informant among Andreas men had already told her of the pure blood transformation that Andrea had made. But this news of korriban.. this was new. "Well, this could propose a problem then.. what have the others to say about this?"

She rolled her eyes, despite their partnership they still bickered like this. "Well you are still a harpy Jacoiba. Azazel wants to cut out the heart of the sith lord responsible. Gra'tua and Lena are on their way to Korriban as well, the first rushing to his precious wife, partner, whatever Mandalorians call it." She couldn't help but make a gagging noise, thinking of Gra'tua in that regard. "Lena... is Lena. Can't get a read of her, we were planning a talk about it all and see what can be done, it is short notice to call you back but I wanted you to be included, so perhaps you can attend as a hologram and still have a voice in the matter."

Jacoiba nodded her head. "Yes that would be appropriate, It is too short notice for me to make a physical appearance, as I have my own matters to attend too, but send me word of when the meeting is and I shall make myself available from here"

"Good, it will be done then." She paused for a moment and then continued, "I think Azazel has it handled, but I now have a personal grudge against this sith who tried to take my crown jewel away from me. If we require assistance, can we, I, call on you?"

"You may call upon me Andrea" Jacoiba made a point of the word you, her side alliance with Andrea meant little, but enough, the lapdog and his.. whatever she is.. were really no concern of hers.

She nodded, "I know our kind are not saying this often to each other. But, you have my thanks Jacoiba. We shall talk again soon. May fortune smile upon you." She smirked, "And give you a jedi to hunt and kill."

Jacoiba grinned "There is always a jedi for me to hunt and kill" unfortunately Cyphor still had not been located since their... run in on The Wheel. "Be well Andrea" Jacoiba cut the line with those words.

Jacoiba relaxed in her seat, it had been a productive day, not only had she the information she needed, she had also received word a new asset had successfully integrated themselves. With a smirk Jacoiba ordered for a few of her Zeltron to join her, and settled back as she began her journey to the auction.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Andrea


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Korriban Intermission,
Andrea's Sanctum

She was sitting in the middle of her sanctum, to be specific the holocron vault of her personal and private retreat of the academy. Her eyes closed as she listened to the whispers of long dead voices that belonged to practitioners of the force of a age long past. She could not focus however, she willed herself to listen, to seek out hints of force techniques the voices whispered about she could take as her own but the concentration she required for that task was simply not there.

At first she thought it was because of the rancid smell that still lingered upon them, that swamp planet really had made the holocrons reek and no amount of scrubbing seemed to remove the smell. That or it was due of the stink of jedi, the one who had brought them to that world had been a jedi after all. Or at least that is what she had guessed. She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, rubbing her eyes as she got out of her meditation trance, irritated and annoyed with her lack of results.

She took a deep breath and then froze, now that she was no longer meditating or focusing her efforts on the holocrons she felt.... danger.

With a curse she ducked and rolled, just in time for the makeshift cudgel, that for the fleeting image she got belonged to the leg of a chair originally. Getting on her feet she snarled as she glanced around, filthy, dressed in rags and some suffering from various injured, some fresh and some years old. The one thing all these creatures that were surrounding her had in common was the hate in their eyes when they looked at her. "So..." She said slowly, surveying the scene, from a quick headcount it seems they were all out, all her prisoners... her test subjects. "Return to your cells and I will show mercy." She said casually and snapped her fingers, a spark of lightning dancing between her fingertips. "Persist in this foolish escape and revolt. And you all will die."

She saw of them falter, looking fearfully at each other, but she was inwardly cursing when she saw on of her favourite test subjects, a Wookiee whose pelt had almost entirely been burned off and one of its arms replaced with a diseased and boiled covered tentacle, let out a roar of defiance and charged her, which in turn seemed to embolden the others. "Fine! Then you all will perish!" She snarled and reached out her hands, summoning her rage at this intrusion at this audacity of her test subjects and let loose a barrage of lightning. The first target of her wrath, the wookiee faltered in his charge as she cooked the remaining flesh of his bones, leaving only a twitching pile of muscle and bones. She started to turn, unleashing blast after blast at the charging prisoners, she cut dozens of them down but it seemed a endless tide. Her earlier assumption was correction they indeed had all escaped, how was this possible!

With a curse she cut the flow of power to her hands, drawing and igniting her blade, cutting down a pair of humans she had fused together at the hip, next she decapitated a devaronian whose horns had mutated to antlers. She send a blast of lightning into a Twi'lek who got too close but it slammed into her as it was being cooked and brought her to the ground. She cursed as a angry mob of bodies jumped on top of her. She was vaguely aware of shouting and the sound of combat close by, if it was assistance it was coming too late.

She let out a howl of pain as one of the prisoners stabbed her with something, the pain flooding her senses, her emotions until all that remained was her will to survive, to live.

With a scream of rage and defiance she felt the force building up inside her and despite the press of bodies on top of her she stood up and flung bodies far and wide, tossing them away from her violently with waves of force telekinesis spreading outwards from her body. She watched them hit the walls, ceiling and other prisoners, hearing bones break and snap from the force of impact.

Panting from the effort it had taken her she went to one knee, taking deep breaths, watching as some of the prisoners started to stir and slowly get up but before they could get to their feet the sound of armoured boots got near and blasters were fired, along with the Sun Guard came a Twi'lek wielding two sabers twirling them around hear as she leaped and neatly bisected the last of the surviving prisoners. Making sure it was the last before she deactivated her sabers Hadzuska turned to her mistress, "Somehow I don't think you arranged to see me to deal with escaped prisoners, it seems it was fortunate I was early." Darth Hadzuska stated, a slight smirk on her lips, the smirk turning into a frown when she noticed Andrea clutching her side, blood on her hands. "You are wounded."

Grunting Andrea allowed the Sun Guard who was reaching for a medical kit upon hearing that to approach her. "A flesh wound. You came through the holding area to reach me, how did my prisoners escape?"

"No clue mistress, I came down to see several of them rushing towards me. I alerted the guards on the surface outside your chambers to come at once and proceeded to fight for my life." She blinked seeing her Mistress walk briskly away when the wound at her side was bandaged, "Mistress?"

She did not answer and just snarled, motioning for her disciple to follow her as she headed for the holding cell area. Cursing noting that indeed every cell was empty. All her test subjects and the surviving prisoners of the invasion force had all escaped and tried to kill her. Among the bodies she noticed a number of white robed figures, her acolytes, lab assistants. She went to them, the first three looked like they had been torn apart by the prisoners. The fourth she went to however, there was not a mark on him, nothing and his keys were gone. "Hadzuska, use your psychometry on this one. I want to know his last moments."

Her disciple had been following her, curious what her mistress was up to, snapping to attention when she gave her the command and went to the body, already molding the force to relive and see the last moments of the corpses past. She closed her eyes and shuddered as she touched the head and saw a set of blurry images, all random and spread over. "I See... his induction as one of your acolytes... your instructions to all of them... the handing of the keys to the cells. Feeding the prisoners.. arg!" She suddenly shouted reeling back, clutching at her throat and started coughing. "Frakking stars, he choked on the end, falling near the cell, the prisoner grabbing his keys." She wheezed out, remembering to breathe.

Her mistress had narrowed her eyes upon hearing how the lab assistant had died, looking at the corpse once more. "Choking huh... a perfectly healthy assistant, choked to death. Quite curious."

Hadzuska had gotten her breath back, looking at her mistress, noting the accusing tone in her voice. "A attempt on your life?" She glanced at the elevator and the ceiling as if to seek out a particular presence. "We currently have only one outside influence visiting, do you believe she-"

In response Andrea snorted and shook her head, "No, I don't think Azazel is responsible, and you won't tell her this happened. The main reason I do not believe it is her is simple, if she wanted me dead then she wouldn't have failed." She stated the simple fact. "No... if this was a assassination attempt and not a freak accident... then this was internal." She dusted her hands off and snorted. "Get some droids here to clean this mess, all the bodies to the incinerators." She said to the Sun Guard and then turned to Hadzuska, "Well this is not what I had in mind for meeting you but it can't be helped."

"I take it you have a new assignment for me?" The Twi'lek responded, eagerness evident in her voice.

"As much as I prefer you to stay close during these events, I think Azazel can handle what is to come, she will have support if she requires it and not only from me from the sound of it, even so I must attend to my own projects and plans after the sith meeting. You however, your find of the twins, are exquisite, I look forward to instruct them and mold them. I have a other task, I have need of a new operative, a bodyguard, someone who, perhaps sensitive to the force if you can find one but otherwise has no and will receive no further training. Trizz is a fine medic and soldier, but I also require the services of a operative who is... shall we say able to work alone or with a squad of stealth specialists in the field."

"I see... am I to leave at once?"

"Yes, is that a problem?" Andrea asked, her eyes narrowing.

"No, not at all mistress. Just.. .your transformation... this... accident or intention of harm towards you, does not sit well with me." Hadzuska stated honestly.

Andrea blinked and chuckled, "Well then, fear not I will keep my trusted disciples closer to my side from now on." She stretched and crooked her fingers. "And if someone tried to kill me, then I will find the fool and make sure their end is slow... and painful..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Selvi


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Collab Intermission

Shadows Regret, Lena & Ko'Chul

Opening her eyes Lena looked around confused and then at guard, something woke her up and it took her a moment to realize it was the beeping noise of some equipment on her desk, approaching it she waved her hand and a small hologram appeared of the officer on duty on the bridge. The hologram bowed its head, "My lady. Apologies for the late hour but a priority call from home base, for your eyes only. Can I patch you through?"

Lena nodded slowly and a moment later the holographic image became blurry and was replaced by the image of a very familiar individual. She smiled as she saw the figure get on her knees and present herself towards Lena, even though she was lightyears away. "Ko'Chul, so good to see you. Rise, please. My congratulations to you and your team, your efforts on Thyferra have not gone unnoticed and you performed your task with excellence. My sympathies for the Noghri lost on the mission. They did their clans and me proud with their service."

Ko'Chul remained kneeling. "They served faithfully and with service, their sacrifice not forgotten."

"Indeed it will not... add their names to the scrolls and they will be honoured." Lena said solemnly, letting silence remain between the two of them for a moment before she continued. "You are wondering why I bid you contact me the moment you returned to Phindar Moon. I find it... difficult to send you on another mission, while your latest is still so fresh in your mind but I have need of you Ko'Chul, you and your talents." Ever since she saw Ko'Chul her mind had become fully awake and she recalled why she needed to see her Noghri friend and operative. "I received a report that apparently some members, or at least one particular member, of the Syndicat on Phindar do not wish to honour our business transaction that made the moon my property and they no longer have any stake or interest in anything that goes on the surface. My Kubaz agents as well as one of the brokers in my service has given me intelligence that apparently someone in the Syndicat Hierachy is plotting a series of schemes and operations to undermine and wrest control of holdings in my possession.

You are to go to the surface of Phindar, find out the identity of this Syndicat member and make sure that this scheme does not get carried out. Killing their members who refused to leave the moon and try to take back what was mine after they sold it to me should have been their warning. This behaviour indicates that at least one of the members of their ruling hierarchy has not understood the warning." She said coldly. "Make a example of this person to make sure the Syndicat stays on Phindar and leave me and my moon alone." She stretched, "The resources on Phindar Moon are at your disposal, I do not want to go to war over this however, so keep it small. Use the Shadow Commandos."

Ko'Chul looked up and nodded, "It will be done my lady, my apologies for waking you."

Smiling Lena shook her head, "No need to worry, noticing the time I would have been up shortly regardless. Hunt well Ko'Chul. We will speak soon." They both ended the link and Lena rubbed her eyes, lost in thought. She was satisfied that Ko'Chul would handle the matter close to home, no the matter away from home, at Korriban would be the more interesting thing to handle. According to her navigators they would be arriving at Korriban shortly. Knowing she would not be able to fall back to sleep she dressed and left her chambers, walking the corridors of her vessel to the training areas, she felt like getting into a sweat. She had been practicing with her force powers as of late and wished to see if her trials and experimentation's to crush objects with the force would finally pay off.
Dedicated Training Session,

Lena & Gra'tua

Slowly the melon lifted up from the floor and then stopped, hovering at eye-height. Lena stood a few meters away, tilting her head, studying it with keen interest and then focused the force and at the same time clenched her hand in a fist, the immediate result of the action being the melon going 'splat' mid-air as she crushed it to pulp with the force. Clenching and unclenching her hand she studied it curiously, hearing heavy footsteps behind. "I have always wondered... people like us, who can wield the power of the force. It is mostly done with our minds and yet, for most displays of power, like pushing or pulling a object, choking someone or flinging a hand out to send forth lightning or other destructive forces. It requires a gesture of some kind, I wonder why."

Gra'tua let out a snort, "I am not well versed with force powers, I always liked the more... martial lore and techniques of a sith warrior. But if I am to guess, while it is true we can concentrate and will the force in some kind of manifestation or another. The hand gesture is like a conduit, a means to channel and let loose the energies." He shrugged, "But I am no force scholar, that's merely how I always looked at it when I bothered to think about it."

Nodding she decided to experiment, she still had a number of melons left, willing to move one with her mind and keeping her arms and hands to her side, the melon wobbled and then moved. Doing it again but this time with a wave of her hand was much smoother, flexing her fingers she chuckled and stared at them. "So curious, to rely on gestures for proper control over our powers." She turned to regard Gra'tua noting he had brought his coterie of people with him and they were sparring elsewhere. "We will soon arrive at Korriban, know of what we can expect?"

He was tracing the outline of the blaster at his waist, he had disliked the weapon at first but gradually, over time with Gorans training it had become an all too familiar part of his outfit, he no longer needed to think deliberately of adding the holster, he did so naturally by custom now. "No clue, Azazel better be fine... if she isn't and Andrea just let something happen to her... then I will end her." He spat out, anger or worry pouring out of him in tangible waves.

"I see." Lena replied dryly, raising her eyebrows. "End her with just the people you brought with you while she would be at the center of her power. And no I would not assist you in such mad folly, I very much doubt Andrea would let anything happen to Azazel, not to mention that Azazel would let anything happen to herself."

"Oh I trust Azazel, but she is pregnant with my children Lena." He glared at the other sith, "And any children of my blood I will protect with whatever means I have at my disposal. Be it my sabers, power or ships and troops. I will defend them... and crush whoever tries to harm them."

Lena chuckled and ignited her blade, lazily swinging it around in a en garde position, motioning for Gra'tua to engage her. "Even if it is their mother?"

He frowned behind his mask but he had retrieved both his sabers and ignited them, saluting Lena before swiftly strike out towards her as he replied. "What do you mean."

She jumped back, narrowly missing the blades and parried a second stroke as she twisted her upper body out of the way of the other, striking low with her own blade. "What if the mother of your children seeks to harm your kin?"

He growled blocking her strike and tried to kick at her head, "I doubt Azazel would harm her own children... Andrea is a different matter... was a different matter." When his kick failed to connect he lunged, one strike at her head while the other would try to block her saber.

She jumped back, smiling as she twirled around and leaped back as she saw her sparring partners momentum carry him, trying to use that vulnerability. "Perhaps, perhaps not. Still I would loathe to see this alliance get ruined due to a matter of who has custody over a pair of children." She blinked when Gra'tua suddenly seemed to reverse his movements as if he was rewinding time, so fast did he move, blocking her saber with both of his, pushing her back. Straining against his strength she tried to push back, looking for a opening.

He growled again, menacingly. "If you are trying to make me angry Lena, it is working. I refuse to listen to this... even if this alliance... I assume you are speaking of our private arrangement between the two of us. If I were to be in danger you would come to my aid, wouldn't you?" He tried both to concentrate on beating her in this duel and listen to her answer, whatever she said next would determine the trust he would place in Lena.

Chuckling she suddenly pulled back, feeling Gra'tua put more strength into pushing against her blade, hoping he'd fall over and deliver a quick jab with her blade over his chest plate. "I am sith Gra'tua. I would come to the aid of the one who seems to be the more promising one that can give me power, any kind of power. That or I remain at the sidelines, watching, observing to see who comes out victorious." She was saying while moving and then froze, Gra'tua had dropped both his blades and had reached for his blaster and was aiming the barrel between her eyes, mere inches from her face. She remained calm however, her eyes looking at the eye-slit of his helmet.

He tightened the hold on his blaster, looking at her, studying her. Lowering the blaster and putting it back in its holster, "A honest answer, not something I am used to hear coming from the lips of a fellow sith." He summoned his fallen sabers to his hand and clipped them to his belt. "If it ensured your own survival or prestige you would let me die?"

She smiled, deactivating her own blade and locking it back in place to her cane, leaning upon it. "Only if you were unaware of my part in letting you die or if I was sure whoever sought to kill you would succeed. However as it stands, I feel allying myself with you is only beneficial to myself, to those under my command and my plans. And will defend you as I expect you will me if something sought to annihilate me, even if it is a fellow sith. Naturally if for some reason Azazel wants me dead for some reason I expect you to talk her away from it. I will not force you to fight your own.,.. I believe the Mandalorian term is 'riduur'?"

"That is the word, yes. Again my thanks for your honesty. And for the duel it was refreshing." He said the last bit louder, knowing eyes were watching them.

"Too bad you lost." Gra'tua blinked and growled about to hurl curses at whoever said that when he noticed it was Goran who stepped forwards.

"Excuse me? What do you mean, I won." He snarled, his hand resting on his saber hilt once more.

"Perhaps in practice but if it was a real fight you would have lost." He gestured to the blaster at the waist of his host warleader. "You forgot to put a fresh powerclip in it."

Letting out a snort he crossed his arms, "Oh really? What makes you say that? It would have had enough juice in it still."

Stifling a chuckle and suppressing a smirk Lena just watched back and forth, the past few days of travel she had become quite fond of watching Gra'tua interact with his blaster instructor, it was quite amusing to watch.

The Mandalorian warrior and sharpshooter was clearly smirking. "I have been counting how many times you have shot that thing during our training and at what power levels, you are running dry, right now if you tried to shoot me it would refuse to fire and I could easily take you out, if you didn;t had those fancy swords of yours, then again maybe even with those swords."

"Are you really expecting me to keep a count of how many shots I have fired to know when my blaster is about to run dry? Some of these models can last for indefinite time!" Gra'tua replied with scorn.

Goran shrugged, "Thinking like that is what gets you killed on the field of battle with a empty blaster. I always slot in a fresh power pack after a major battle. They last long ,it is true but that only is of use to the lazy and I thought you claimed to be a warrior and not a lazy individual, or was I wrong?" He clapped his hands together. "If both of you... sith, would excuse me, I need to borrow one of you to drill some practices outside of firing a blaster but how to properly maintain it so it won't fail you in times when you need to fire said weapon."

Smirking now Lena turned to Gra'tua, "You are excused, your master needs you, apprentice."

Gra'tua froze and glared, "Don't you start too... or encourage him."

She just kept smirking and bowed towards Goran, "He is all yours warrior, lets see if old dogs can learn new tricks."

"I can end you." He snarled.

"I have no doubt, but can you with a blaster? Better go with Goran to make sure that you can." She laughed now, shaking her head as she walked away after bowing to Gra'tua.

He watched her go and let out a snort, getting out his blaster, aiming at her back and pulled the trigger, all he got was a warning bleep that he needed a new powerpack. "Huh, guess you were right Goran."
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