Name: Thomas Erhart
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Nationality: German

Thomas has a rather athletic build and measures about 1.79m.
Thomas is a confident person who knows what he is capable of and what he isn't, and then thinks he can do a little better than that. He is open and friendly, even though slightly unlikeable due to his overconfidenct arrogance. That aside he has an idealistic mindset but a really realistic way of looking at things, which at times creates conlifct within the privacy of his own skull, nevermind amongst those around him. He also has a bit of a macho attitude, and has the need to stand in the limelight and make his presence known. He does have a softer side though, but that is one he doesn't show all that often. Deep down somewhere he is very protective over those he cares about.
Thomas was born as the son of a common working class man, Wilhelm Erhart. He was the eldest of six, four boys and two girls who all grew up together as a thightly-knit band of youthlings. Their parents had little time for them because of work, so they could sustain themselves, so most of the time the children were on their own, patrolling the streets for a coin to earn or fun to be had. They formed their own little gang. Thomas, being the eldest, often functioned as leader, and his stubborn arrogance backed up by the eagerness of his siblings to back that up often got them intop trouble with other groups of kids. Street fights were a rather frequent occurence, without many repercussions for either side, due to their age and their battle-born rivarlous friendship. It was a good time to be young, and as they grew, so did their bond together. They all stood up for eachother if something happened, no matter the odds, and hurting even one of the siblings would result in an action of vengeance soon enough. Yes, they were quite a terror, but a good-natured one. Larger criminal gangs noticed this, and tried to harness the group for their purposes, without any succes due to Thomas' leadership, but that was also where the trouble began.
Peter, the second eldest brother of the group, was easily influenced into secretly aiding the criminal gangs, and got them all into trouble. At first things went unnoticed, but one day, everything changed. Military Police knocked at their door and confiscated forbidden goods, creating a large fine for their parents, which they could never pay in their collective lifetimes. Quickly it was discovered that Peter had been the cause of it, who tried to work with the criminals to earn enough money to help their parents, which worked. In the short term. The criminal gang helped sustain their parents' position, and life seemed to become normal again.
Thomas had in the meantime joined the military and was in the second year of his training when disaster struck. He received the news that Ralph, the youngest of the children, had been found with his throat slit. Byt the time he had deserted and arrived back home, the situation seemed stable. His entire family seemed to act as if Ralph had never existed, but he could tell from their faces that fear reigned over them. And he soon found out why. A gang war had broken out, and Peter's gang had been annihalated a few days ago. Now he was being pressured into joining the new one, his sibling's lives being held in the hands of the gang. Thomas, being the incorrigable person he was, stood up to help his siblings however, no matter their mistakes, and led a retaliation effort against the gang, using his newly aqcuired skills to murder the head of the criminal syndicate. The price had been high however. Eline had been murdered and Elliot maimed, who and died to his injuries not much later. Despite that, they achieved great succes; the criminal gang had been dispersed with their aid, and collectively hung by the Military Police, but he found himself trialed with murder by the same police, and he was offered a few choices. All of them resulted in the strong bond of friendship amongst the siblings to fragmentate. It seemed like it was a lost world, but eventually, he moved on.
He chose to return to the military, and would never forget how Peter's selfish decisions caused the death of half of the siblings and the crippling of one of them.
He has an absolute hate of bullies, and will bully them into submission.
He is really protective over those he cares about, and will go as far as to desert the military and murder gang leaders to save those he deems worth of saving.
He believes that