Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HeySeuss
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Member Seen 6 mos ago


Uruk-Hai, Lord of the Rings trilogy

- Post only character sheets here. All other talk goes to the OOC.

Character Sheet

(This isn't meant insultingly, but please, no wall of text. Put spaces between paragraphs, try to format your character sheet for some sort of readability. I consider knowing how to space paragraphs part and parcel with Advanced RP. ;) Most of you won't have this issue.)

Age: Orcs are fully mature by 14, and die at around 50-ish. 70 is considered ancient.



- Please list with most potent skills first.


- Typical company equipment includes half-plate, heavy, and chainmail with a helmet, either open-faced with a nasal or visored, a falchion and/or an axe (one or two handed) and some sort of dagger. The plate may involve spikes, fur, skulls and other 'decoration' keeping in with the orcish tradition and the helmets are often also embellished. Your characters, however, are elites within the organization, so the standards are different and they have a lot of discretion about what they carry/wear into battle.


(You can invent a tribe, name regions and countries and cities and so forth to pull this one off, but most important is how they came to Nar Mat Kordh-Ishi and where they served in the unit.)

Relationships and Acquaintances: Perhaps some of the characters know one another, list those acquaintances here. Talk to each other in the OOC about it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Deja
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Deja Yeet me like one of your billionaires

Member Seen 13 days ago

Name: Captain Lontok 'Snaketung'
Age: 21

Appearance: Lontok's frame is of average height for an orc, leaning more to the leaner side. Lontok contributes this to a malnourished upbringing under his former masters. He has very sharp eyesight and gaze, along with longer ears than most orcs. His most notable physical attribute is a serpentine forked tongue he was blessed/cursed with. Lontok can usually be seen licking his lips and face with it to ward off insects, or catch them. If it wasn't for his more brutish features one might mistake him for a large goblin, but his skin is too green, and his tusks too long for that. His long dreaded mane is kept at bay at his nape in a small bundle also. A series of Drow characters are branded down his neck in gnarled pale scar-tissue, and his back bears many scars of lashings.He wears a trademark sleeveless leather tunic and what can only be called a tattered robe dragging at his ankles, torn and dirty but barely distinguished as a once black Drow flag(a trophy of a personal victory of his when he escaped.)


    - Linguist. Lontok knows several dialects of orcish, human, goblin, and eleven. He is more fluent in the formers than the latters.
    - Bowman. Lontok picked up archery during his days under the Drow slavers. He considers himself one of the best shots in the company. He's also a fletcher if he were to have a trade.
    - Fleetfoot. Lontok considers himself very fast and agile, and leans toward these traits when in battle over common themes of brute force of his brothers. He's also sneaky for an orc, clandestine acts coming natural to him during his years as a reluctant slave to dark elves.
    - Diplomat. Due to his knack of languages and talkative nature, Lontok is very diplomatic for an orc, even an outcast such as the company consists of.


    - For a helm, a leather cap suffices, small plates of steel and chainmail sewn into it. His red sash covers everything below the eyes.
    - A crimson fabric of some kind(looks to be eleven in weave if one were to look at it closely) wrapped and draped around his neck and shoulders .
    - Heavy iron plates sewn into a leather sleeveless tunic, leather arm and shin braces with iron bars sewn in, chainmail tunic with plate kilt. Accents and linings of fur around the tunic and kilt provide warmth when needed
    - A heavy dark elf warbow, restrung on steel pegs for high-tensile pull. His quiver is strapped at an angle across the small of his back, black leather and containing about a score of various stocky arrows. Lontok keeps a large dagger tucked between the plates of his chest armor also.

Personality: Lontok is very talkative, never afraid to speak his mind(he's gotten the snot beat out of him throughout his orcish life for that trait). He has a strong knack for learning for an orc, and for whatever reason does not share any xenophobic leanings that the tribes usually harbor. Unfortunately he is also quick to anger like the orcish stereotype holds, but usually lashes out verbally rather than physical. He is more prone to cooperation, having lived through many situations that required it between not only his fellow orcs but also other races. He also has a severe dislike for dark elves as a whole, though a individual could win him over if they proved their loyalty.

History: Lontok began his life a runt in a small clan of Orcs. Unfortunately this tribe warred with another tribe and lost, becoming indentured servants of the victors. Eventually this tribe either bit off more than they could chew, or a some other instance happened, but Lontok and his original tribe were sold into slavery to Dark Elves. Lontok was very young at this age but his early years consisted of labor befitting a little orc. He ran messages to and from the mines his larger kin slaved at, he did stable duties with slave humans, he even was a dockhand for some elvish sailors at one point. Being sold in and out of elvish, human, and occasionally orcish hands was not the kindest upbringing but by the time he reached fifteen winters he knew he would prefer to be his own master.

It only took a few elvish throats slit in the middle of a bandit raid to accomplish his freedom. The human bandits would not accept him, but they did have a rather brutish orc among them that told him of a group of orc sellswords far off to the south he'd heard about. That was all Lontok needed to hear, not really knowing how outcasts functioned in this word being a former slave. It took him about two years to track down, but eventually he found the Nar Mat Kordh-Ishi. Radush Eyedrinker quickly found out about his elvish relations in his past and used his insight to better both Lontok's archery and the company as a whole. He's been with them for about four years now, and is considered an valued member of the group. His skills with the bow were quickly noticed(he is now a captain among the Spikes) and his diplomatic nature has managed to train nearly twice as many archers to the company assets since his arrival. During his time in the pike line he got stuck with the name Snaketung, and those Fresh off the Warg love to refer to him as that, they being very unsure about a slick talking orc.

Relationships and Acquaintances:
Radush Eyedrinker--- Lontok considers him one of the few supporting figures in his short life so far, and certainly the one that most enabled his current successful track of life by allowing him to realize his full potential to himself and his ork-kin.

Vibrasse the Elder---- One of a few quartermasters of the company, Vibrasse the Elder has shown the former slave many traditional orc values and customs Lontok was not aware of, and more importantly, ways of war Lontok had never dreamed of.

Ushgar No-Trukk---- Lontok likes to talk, Ushgar doesn't seem to mind listening. Usually Lontok likes to bounce ideas off of the giants stoic visage. See has how Lontok not so secretly harbors a very un-orklike urge for teaching and learning, philosophy, opinions, languages and knowledge from his small collection of books gets ranted. Most everyone else just hears good ole regular complaining from the motormouth but Ushgar is a valued confidant for the archer. As far as Lontok can tell the big fella could and would squish him like a bug if he was too annoying for his own good, so he considers it a profitable relationship.

Perhaps some of the characters know one another, list those acquaintances here. Talk to each other in the OOC about it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HeySeuss
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Character Sheet

Name: 'Drillmaster' Koloch (Also known as "Rosie.")
Age: 25 - Half-Orcs have a slightly longer lifespan.

Drillmaster Koloch is actually a half orc, but he still stands as tall as an average sized orc and then some, at about 6'5", which is well above most humans, and he is built with wide shoulders and the typical mesomorphic muscle of Orc-kind. He wears his hair -- it is long and a burnished brown, a very humanish shade -- \in a topknot at the back that exposes his knife-point ears. His features are not quite as coarse as an orc's, but he still has a heavy brow, a flat nose and sharper-than-human teeth. His eyes, however, are blue, which is another trait associated with humans. His skin is a lighter shade of green, but it's still definitely green. He typically wears a suit of plate mail armor, full plate and forged exquisitely, that is engraved with roses, leaves and thorns. His is enameled up to his stomach in red, but otherwise is painted black. on the rest of it, making him stand out all the more. In keeping with the traditions of the company, he wears a cloak of bearskins. If out of armor, he wears a simple brown tunic, sleeveless and belted at the waist with a very thick belt that has a medusa-head shaped buckle (think like a rodeo buckle) that is his favorite bit of jewelry, because it's scary.

- Trained as a human man at arms/knight - Koloch was trained as a human would be in arms. That means he uses his armor differently from the orcs -- he angles it in combat to deflect blows is very cold and methodical in the fight. He is, in many ways, more technician than his brethren. He even, gods help Orc-kind, uses breathing exercises to keep air in his lungs during a fight.
- Halberd specialist -- It's Koloch's influence that brought the weapon into the ranks of Nar Mat Kordh-Ishi. He is an absolute expert with one.
- An eye for weakness -- Koloch might not impress some orcs, but he knows how to find the weak spot and exploit it.
- Tactician - Koloch is a cool head in a fight, and while he is unorthodox compared to other orcs in the unit, Radush Eyedrinker, the commander, keeps Koloch as a reinforcement commander. When the fighting gets truly rough, he'll send Koloch and some of the Chosen to bolster the fighters and start a counterattack.
- Reputation among the Human Scum - Before joining the company, Koloch was a tournament fighter of some renown, when he wasn't serving in free companies. He specialized in the melee, where he took out the indignity of his adolescence on humans stupid enough to face him. Humans don't like him, but they fear him.
- A loud voice. Koloch is known for his lungs.

- Koloch's armor - his pride, his joy, a gift from his human adoptive mother. It's steel made to fit a man of his size and strength, the plates thick and hard to penetrate, but also exquisitely forged and fitted. The suit was expensive and he's worn it his entire adult career. It is steel overlapping steel with surprisingly few points of actual vulnerability. But Koloch's demonstrated that he can fight quite well without it, in the company steel if he has to, and has, in order to make a point to some headstrong recruit with a bad attitude about being drilled by a pampered half-bunny.
- A halberd - extra large, and made by the company smith at his request. It is a black and fell thing with a thicker than usual shaft and a heavy head bristling with barbs and hooks, as well as a spike on the front. Koloch is especially adept with such weapons.
- Falchion - Koloch was trained on straight swords in the human mold, but adapted to the traditional orcish weapon; reverse curved with a thick cross-section and a double bevel on the edge, the thing is designed to smash past the enemy's defenses -- orcs are power fighters, not finesse types.

Koloch is no berserker, but he takes especial joy in fighting and, particularly, winning. He didn't come to die gloriously to appease the orcish gods, he helped form the company with the intent of making money and proving a point. Every time some human or elven commander is tricked into acting out of a sense of their own superiority, Koloch considers himself a winner. Granted, the Company has not, truly, seen real battle, just a bunch of garrison jobs, rebellions and mopup duty. He wants that to change and he wants a real fight to prove that the machine he helped build is indeed a force to be reckoned with. Other orcs think he's touched in the head, but there's no denying his mad genius for organization and war, a twisted black thing in his soul that cackles every time one of the 'fair' races gets knocked off their pedestal of superiority.

Nonetheless, Koloch fights with a high degree of emotion -- adrenaline and reflexes, but his are trained and he knows how to work with them to his advantage. He gets angry like any other orc, he's a fierce one as well, but one might never quite realize it because he makes his killing look like a mechanic's work. The cold economy of motion in his fighting style would set him apart from every other orc in the company if he were to dress just like them. Koloch knows that he does not always relate well to other Orcs, and that he is no leader. He is too introverted, too isolated, to be inspiring to other orcs. He is strange, but his strangeness is his strength.

Koloch had a human name, but he discarded it; he was abandoned by his real birth family, but taken as a 'pet' by a young noble lady of Vendish heritage and raised within that highly feudal environment. As he grew quickly, it was his adoptive mother's will that he be trained at arms after it was revealed that some young squires were bullying him. The relationship between the two was close, but Koloch found no other respite in his childhood as the castle freak.

But he grew quickly and strong, and his armsmaster, "Red" Harry Connell was one of the most fearsome warriors of his time. When mocked by some others for being told to train a beast to war, he shouted at them, "I'll train him and then I'll set him loose on your squeaking, milk-fed castle rats that you're all so sweetly sodomizing!" By the time Koloch was fourteen, he was at his full adult size and quite capable of tearing the other squires apart, and seemed destined to find service as a castle knight were his adoptive mother not struck down by an affliction.

When she died, he was cast out, though given the armor she was saving for his knighting and found his way into tourneys and wars alike to make money and stay fed. He did this for some years, excelling in the field and making a reputation for himself as a warrior but also as an odd duck, never at home in one company, never to stay in one place because of his savage orcish heritage. He was, however, not accepted by other orcs for being 'too squishy.' Too much like a human.

Radush Eyedrinker changed that -- he was looking for outcasts and fell warriors that knew warfare in the outside world as he did, but Koloch was an even odder duck -- he'd been exquisitely trained to arms in a formal sense, given an almost priceless, for an orc, knowledge of warfare as the enemy plied the trade. Using Koloch's brain, he helped devise the organization of Nar Mat Kordh-Ishi. With the Company, Koloch took a new name and learned his native language, some of the traditions as related to him by outcasts, and became, for the first time in his life, respected. He was put to drilling the first recruits of the company in the discipline of pike warfare, where he proved to be quite adept. In their first fights, albeit very easy fights and since, the Company has prevailed in combat, and Koloch has served as a right fist of Radush Eyedrinker, as well as eyes and ears.

Relationships and Acquaintances:
Radush Eyedrinker -- the Old Warmaster thinks very highly of Koloch, enough so that he had Koloch training his son, Zharkus. As one of the founding members of the unit, Koloch is accorded a strong degree of respect from the other officers, though Koloch eschews a formal leadership role, pointing out that 'fighting is fun.
Kharkus the Butcher - The leader of the Blades, their company commander, Kharkus was actually Koloch's 'squire' for some time. The younger orc would happily step aside for his old teacher to take the Blades, but Koloch isn't interested in leadership. Kharkus, as Radush Eyedrinker's son, stands very high in the organization, and stands to inherit the company from his aging father.'
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sini
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

“Knife-work is a red business, maggots. With the knife you cut meat, slice it up close, lay it to the bone and swim in whatever comes out. The screams are in your ear, in your head. The hurting trembles through your sharp and quick blade. You’re not just a butcher, slugs,… you’re an artist that paints in red.”
– Orthaug’s speech to recruits to slap off the green

Name: ‘Red’ Orthaug, TBD

Age: 23

Many may not look their part: a foolish smile might hide wisdom, crying eyes might cloak bravery. Orthaug though, is a pure-blooded orc. Sharp and blunt features are meshed together amidst the puckering of old scar tissue. Dark, small eyes flicker with an impersonal malice and cunning from under a thick, bony brow. Black hair bristles across the thickest of skulls containing a violent mind occupied with thoughts of opportunity and gain.

Orthaug is not a particularly large orc. That is of course not to say he resembles the smaller versions of greenskins like goblins or the even tinier maggots. Muscles lay thick like ropes on his bones, rippling under a leathery green skin, scarred and weathered in most places.


Please list with most potent skills first.

- Up close and personal! Orthaug is not bad with conventional weaponry, but his true skill lies in the wielding of short-hafted axes, dirks and knives. Few would live to tell a tale about a one on one fight with this brawler.

- Where’s the chink? Orthaug knows armour and is able to get to those hard to reach spots with surprising swiftness and accuracy. His hands are quick and clever, and his fingers nimble.

- Quick on his feet: Being smaller than most of Orc-kind, has forced Orthaug to adopt a more agile and fleetfooted style of fighting. While still packing quite a punch, especially compared to pathetic humies, Orthaug has learned the hard way that he’d better dodge blows in a fight.

- Did you hear that? Possessing excellent senses, Orthaug is a specialist in laying ambushes for enemies, preferring backstabbing tactics in spite of being able to hold his own in a pitched battle. Shadows are his friends, as is the cloak of night.

- Opportunist: Orthaug’s opportunism spans further than simply the battlefield. He is known to quickly discover and assess chances, followed by a determined and calculated action. While he has no great mind for strategy, he is an apt tactician, able to quickly adapt to situations.

- might add?


- Brigandine. It is a rather unconventional garment for orcs, generally crafted with canvas or leather, lined with small oblong steel plates riveted to the fabric. In Orthaug’s case heavy leather and metal were the materials used. The brigandine is sleeveless, not hampering him in movements while still providing ample protection. Should a pitched battle take place with the entire company in the field, the brigandine is replaced by a cuirass. Reinforced leather faulds and culets are attached to either, protecting the haunches and lower back. Underneath, he wears a padded arming doublet.

- Reinforced leather gorget for neck and throat protection. Orthaug is good at finding chinks in armour, and therefore tries to have few of his own. A vital thing for survival, the part of your body attaching your head to the thorax, is something Orthaug would not leave unprotected.

-For a helmet Orthaug wears a sallet usually worn by archers, evident from the lack of a frontal piece or visor. Being quick means Orthaug needs a good and wide vision of the field of battle. Additionally, the sallet has a neckguard, protecting him from sneaky slashes or stabbings from the back.

- Additional protection comes from vambraces of splinted armour and armour to protect the joints such as cowters for the elbows and a modified poleyn for the knees. These latter are the few pieces of armour made out of steel plates. Orthaug’s left shoulder is encased in a steel pauldron, while the right is only protected by a chainmail and leather spaulder.

- Orthaug uses a variety of weapons, while having access to the company steel and armoury, his personal choices are a duo of stilettos for stabbing purposes should he need to get through or under armour, and a single-edged knife fitted for long thrusting, carving and cutting.

- Larger personal weapons include a war hammer with a pick on one side for piercing plate, and a heavier hatchet which never leaves his belt.

Orthaug is reliable and will get the job done. Turning his smaller size to his advantage, he profits from potential underestimations among friends and foes alike, biding his time. Deadly in a quiet moment, Orthaug leaves –whenever possible-, little time between a mistake and retaliation. He is able to harbour and nurture a grudge for a long, long time. He is surprisingly patient for an orc, as he has learned to think in longer terms than his brethren.

When in battle, Orthaug possesses a clarity that both terrifies and lays waste. Though in all else he is confused by his own contradictions. First of all he has a survival instinct, yet the need to be loyal to an ideal. Secondly, his urge for survival also conflicts with his inherent fatalism. There are bouts when some sort of insanity takes over, Orthaug speaking in riddles or starting to giggle incessantly. Some orcs claim he is not right in the head, while in fact it is merely his morbid sense of humour.

The lands Orthaug called home are landlocked consist of rocky hills whose flanks are covered by dark, glum pine with the occasional stretches of inhospitable bedrock higher up the slopes towards where the land grows mountainous. As a scion of one of the orc clans scraping a living together, carving out life from the Eldjokr Highlands, Orthaug was taught how to track, set snares, fish, build quarters and live off nature. Additionally, Orthaug learned how to fight from his immediate male relatives so as to make a contribution to the war-packs every Spring.

With Spring came thaw and thaw meant blood, for the clans were consumed by inveterate and ancient hatreds towards one another. Orthaug killed his first enemy at the age of 13, with a rock. He doesn’t even remember how things exactly transpired, losing coherence in the heat of battle.

However, as the years progressed and he reached adulthood, Orthaug started to realise the futility of the feuds that gripped the Eldjokr Highlands. After a disastrous skirmish, in which Orthaug’s mate was killed, he set out into the world.

For a few years he travelled the highways and roads, poached and robbed to stay alive before becoming ‘affiliated’ with a gang of orc bodyguards -a small pack of sell-swords who offered their services as caravan guards or personal security details. Not feeling at home, he even had a short spin in the gladiator rings of the Eastern Freeholds, but got out before he lost his head.

Eventually he signed up with the Nar Mat Kordh-Ishi company. By then, the company had been around for a few years, making a name for itself. Orthaug recognised a chance when he saw one, and after hearing they were taking in new recruits turned his back on playing glorified bouncer for pinks or point-ears.

Like any other recruit, Orthaug started out in the pikes, adjusting with difficulty to the strict discipline and new style of fighting. Operating as part of a bigger unit was something strange to him, and only through a high amount of smacks against the head, lashings and subsequent change of mind did he learn to become an effective element.

His true genius however lay in keeping his wits about him when things went south. On top of a good mind for tactics and a slowly built up reputation of being solid, Orthaug had an artist’s soul when it came to close combat. After making the rank of sergeant he was put in charge of teaching the raw recruits, the green worms, how to grapple, throttle, slash and stick if the lines should fail or the situation dictate. The skills he picked up in his early and robbing years also came in handy for patrol and scouting duty.

Relationships and Acquaintances: Perhaps some of the characters know one another, list those acquaintances here. Talk to each other in the OOC about it.

Open to suggestions!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Peik
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Member Seen 13 days ago

Name: Sknad Lat-Denall (Sknad the Headrisker)

Age: 17

Appearance: Sknad can be described easily with one word - abominable. He is tall for an Orc, standing near 6 feet 5 inches, though he is somewhat hunched, but it doesn't take away the impression one bit. His body is nearly entirely covered with scars, his greyish skin covered by hastily stitched cuts and scabs that he often rips off during battle, which makes his condition worse. His arms, contrasting with his stout torso, are long, almost doll-like, often dangling as he walks. However, none of this is as bad as his face. His one, marble-like eye is perhaps the only thing on his head that has not been damaged, aside from his beard. His receding hair has plenty of gaps on it, caused by smashes onto his skull - and he also completely lacks a nose, with leather, colored with red stripes, sewn on top of the gap (and the entire right side of his head) instead. His neck is pierced by a tube that allows him to breathe with filters on it to keep him from breathing dirt and dust inside. Sknad's teeth are exposed, with his lips having turned into split flaps of flesh that he has, on one occasion, bitten off.

Sknad's attire is just as interesting (if not repulsive) as his body, with furs of multiple animals and feathers covering most of his armor. He wears a tigerskin tunic underneath his cuirass with wings sewn onto his right shoulder, with a short, red hyena cape covering his left arm most of the time. On top of his head, he wears a fur, feather-adorned tuque also dyed red. His pants are made of bear skin with most of it being tucked into his knee-high boots. He often wears a red sash over his tunic in which he hides various sorts of items.


- Deranged: As his nickname suggests, he really is a Headrisker, often performing dangerous maneuvers such as jumping from his Warg onto a shield wall (ended up with a broken arm and lost teeth).

- Endurance: Sknad is exceptionally durable. He can survive (and has survived) wounds that have slain other Orcs.

- Terrifying: His description of exceptionally ugly can easily change into exceptionally fearsome when he starts charging.

- Warg Rider: Sknad rides into battle on top of a Warg that's covered in boiled leather, essentially acting as light cavalry.

- Blades up His Sleeve: He is almost never disarmed, having edged weapons tucked in his boots, sash, and in one occassion, beard.


- Sknad is rather lightly armored compared to his comrades, with just a haubergeon underneath his tunic and a breastplate over it. The breastplate has an upwards pointing plate that covers the neck against thrusts that are aimed at the area.

- He has a reverse-curved sword that he uses to great effect in battle. It's tied to his arm in case he drops it.

- Kept in case he's disarmed, Sknad has a shortsword, a few daggers and sharp pieces of metal hidden all over his clothing.

- He has a Warg that he's named Whistle. He's quite fond of it, and Whistle's fond of Sknad.

-Carries bolas for disarming enemy cavalry.

Personality: Sknad is an Orc worthy of his title. His recklessness often borders insanity, to a degree that his comrades are cautious when following him. Despite what one might expect of him, Sknad actually doesn't have much of a temper - he merely enjoys the thrill and believes that he's going to die when God wants him to die, so he might as well enjoy it as much as he can before his time comes. This fatalistic mindset is the primary reason for his carefree, reckless demeanor (And considering the wounds he has sustained, he might be right). A scholar could define Sknad as a true Dionysian - despite his time in the Pikes, he's still chaotic, enjoys the worldly pleasures and tries to lead a simple, ''good'' life. This is a great contrast from his time in battle, as he often ends up being part of the vanguard, enjoying the carnage. It can be easily explained, however, as his way of reaffirming that he is alive.

History: Sknad was born into a rough life - he was wounded the moment he got out of his mother's womb, lacking an eye, without even an eye socket. This was thought to be an ill omen for his settlement, and it showed - winter seemed to never pass when it came, and those who tried to hunt never returned. Wanting to get rid of their son, but being too guilt-conscious to kill him or leave him in the woods, the parents were stuck with Sknad. Their time of happiness soon came, however, when a half-orc decided to 'adopt' him for a few coins. And that's where Sknad's life actually began. The fellow intended to sell him to an underground fighting ring to pay his debts, but it did not work out, since they did not accept payment in Orc. Stuck with Sknad, who seemed to follow him wherever he went, the man decided to 'lose' him in a freakshow. Taken in by an Orc called Boogeyman for having a cleft so large it nearly split his head in two, Sknad was, at first, employed as Boogeyman's lackey during shows, and laborer. His time to shine came when a bull used in a show escaped its cage in a frenzy and gored Boogeyman. Sknad, full of anger, appeared out of nowhere with a cleaver in his hand and engaged the animal in battle. He won, though there were consequences.

During the battle, Sknad received a stomp to the right side of his head by the dying bull which crushed half his face in along with his nose - if not for immediate attention by the people around, Sknad would have either bled or suffocated to death. For him there wasn't much of a loss, since he never had an eye there anyway - in fact, his increased ugliness meant he attracted more attention, and as part of a freakshow, that was quite a good thing to have. He was soon promoted from laborer to companion, and eventually grew up to be one of the freakshow's spearheads as an animal fighting abomination. It was during these times that he took up wearing furs and feathers, as it attracted the crowd's attention, to a point he was hailed as the Were-Orc at times. The Were-Orc attracted a lot of attention eventually, and after voluntarily fighting in the arena of a warlord and winning against multiple boars, he was awarded his tigerskin tunic.

This life eventually came to an end, however. The freakshow visited a lord, and were paid to entertain his guests in a feast. During their performance, however, the lord's child was so afraid of Sknad's face that he started running away from him, right into the flamebreather's performance. Thinking that the burning child was part of the display, the people started clapping until they realized it was real. It was too late by then, however. The child died soon after, and most of the freakshow, the ones that weren't savvy enough to run away the moment of the accident, were put to the sword by the grieving lord's guards. Amongst the ones that ran away was Sknad, realizing that he would have had the most painful of deaths if he had stuck around for a second longer. He ran for as long as he could, and eventually found himself in a slimy inn far away from those lands. After running out of coin, he asked the innkeeper for work, and was told of the Nar Mat Kordh-Ishi. Leaving to join the mercenary group, he eventually found himself in, serving in the Pikes as the ire of the Drillmaster. Eventually, after a lot of training, he was able to become part of the Wargs as an able, but reckless member.

Relationships and Acquaintances: Ygdri the Doctor- Much to the chagrin of Ygdri, Sknad often has to spend time alongside her thanks to his demeanor. Be it breaking bones after falling from his Warg, or be it getting speared in the gut, he's got plenty of reasons to be around. Due to the reason that she's the only one able to take care of his neck, Sknad tries not to piss Ygdri off. Still, over time they have formed quite close.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Noxious
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Member Seen 3 mos ago


Name: Sharhn’Rak “Mutt”
Age: 14

She was small for an Orc, 5’4”, with a lithe form congruent with consistent cardio. Most definitely a runt. She normally stood extremely straight when on two legs because it required focus to not fall into an animalistic stance. Her skin is a dark green crossed with scars; it varied from the average Orc warrior in that there were many visible warg induced scratches and bites, and she had a multitude of healed scars inconsistent for her age. Both ears were stitched with thin strips of leather hugging like many snug earrings, accented with small metal spikes. Dread locked pitch black hair hung past her hips. It was usually tied up, revealing the right side where her head was shaved and painted the red of her new pack. The coloring thinned and focused across her jaw into a design of a warg like teeth. Her own teeth were sharper than average, still exhibiting Orc canines, both lower and upper, that were significantly larger than the surrounding teeth. Her eyes looked like a stagnant death, pale from lack of exposure to sunlight with an odd range of dilation that changed their appearance in different conditions; allowing glimpses at a hallow darkness.

    Warg Communication; ability seeming entirely unnatural, yet completely natural for her. Full communication through audible, visual and pheromone.
    Heightened Senses; conditioning, environment and upbringing. Night vision, quick reaction to movement. hearing, smell and instincts all above average.
    Blood Craze; when the pack spills blood she becomes over taken with frenzy and falls into a haze of destruction alongside the pack.
    Complete Loyalty; to those that earn it her loyalty is not corruptible.
    Weapon’s Training; average training with both a Bow and Katar, increased effectiveness due to well maintained physical condition.

She was born the runt of a wealthy warg keeper that lived tucked into the bowels of a large mountain; their land and the warg’s entrapment steadily seeping into the forest surrounding. She had a name when she was born, one she should recall because it fell from the lips of her father as he died, but she didn’t. Her father hated her size, all her perceived weakness and precognition told failures, and he could barely stand the sight of her. That’s all she remembered of them as a family. She was two when the ever growing brittleness that defined Mutt’s infestation in the household ceased. She was tossed out with the bones and scraps to the immense warg pack. While this was a kindness in comparison to the repelling life offered in the house, it was surely not intended that the child would survive. She survived.

She had no interaction with people for another 4 years. The land afforded to the wargs was large enough for her to duck in and out of catacombs and deny her slovenly origins. The choice wasn’t difficult on her end, though many have pondered as to why the wargs would have accepted her. The most believable say it is because she was useful in a way that tiny tools can be useful to large things. The deep, yet not demobilizing wounds that licked across her skin where proof enough that they had accepted her as one of their own, for she retained no ability above any other orc in defending herself against a warg intent on dinner. She had somehow learned to barter and survive on their playing field and while she may have become limited in social graces, most expected this of an orc anyways.

She was sold, beaten for disobedience, burdened with surviving in the core of debased orc filth, demonized by outside races and coerced by the orcs, all alongside the wargs. Then one day an orc came to purchase a couple of battle tested wargs for assistance on the field. Her present company was delighted; fortunately she had been rather disobedient as of late and they had been grumbling about her influence for weeks, and this orc, he looked like he could break her. And if not, no loss to them. After some harsh negotiations Kharkus walked away with a handful of wargs and an 8 year old Mutt.

2 years later Mutt and Nar Mat Kordh-Ishi’s small pack of wargs and growing company of orcs was beginning to take a semblance of stability. While their official title was purchased, for the first time Mutt no longer felt enslaved. Her old masters haunted her dreams and brought forth whimpers of torment and rage from the huddled mass of sleeping wargs. Strangely the orcish concept of revenge alluded her conscious and she thought only of their beastly brethren that resided in the soul crippling claws of others. It was a mournful and sad song that her pack called out to. One day, they had disappeared. Some whispered of Mutts dissent, some of her fearful nature. Then one day the camp awoke and there were no longer 5 wargs that nestled with Mutt in slumber, there were 45, and they seemed content to sleep off their fat bellies for days. New wargs arrived from time to time and it was accepted now. There was no point in asking Mutt questions, she rarely spoke anyways, and no answers had been given as of yet.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Imagination

The Imagination

Member Offline since relaunch

"Don't get me wrong, lad, it's not that I hate every living, breathing thing. Not anymore. I've overcome that sense of hopelessness. Nay, as I walk this path with my own kin, I see a change stirring in me. These are my brothers, and we've become thicker than any orc steel can get. You've just gotta understand, I've lost everything I loved to the Dvergr the day I turned mature, and I lost it all again aboard a burning plank on the Verdant Gulf. It's not that I hate your life, or dwarven life, or human life, it's that I justly hate life." - Derthag to Radush, swapping philosophies in their old age.

"I've found if I don't kill a man on occasion, the inner green in me likes to jump out. You feed me sorry souls on the wrong end of my blades, and I'll provide you a company of orcs well learned. - Derthag to Radush, on having Derthag become a mentor and trainer as well as a warrior-capable mercenary.

Name: General Instructor/Commandant Derthag Ragihr "Tarlung, Halfling, Teach"
Age: 31 (As a sort of unexpected genetic flaw of sorts, the Half-Dwarf breeds in his tribe lived to about sixty.)

Appearance: Being the fourth generation(in Orcish years) of his kind born in Icerock, Derthag is rather pale, in fact, it'd be hard for the keenest of orcs to spot any verdant tint on him, save his exceptionally bright, colorfully green irises. Also being the byproduct of a Dvergr bloodline mixed into his family, he has a stunted growth not akin to orcs, as well as an exceptional amount of both body and facial hair. Standing roughly a little above 5'9, the majority of pure-bred orcs look down upon him. What is to be admired from other orcs, however, is his traditionally exotic and intricately braided goatee which extends about six inches from his chin, woven and held together by various golden rings and other jewelries. His hair is a darkened brown, and has grown to an exceptional length, tied together in a low ponytail stretching down his back.

His facial structure is rather different from most orcs, with thicker yet stout tusks, protruding to a lesser degree than usual. His chin and jaw are rather broad, extending outwards in a way usually seen in dwarves. Nonetheless, he still holds notable orcish features, the curvy noses, extended foreheads and protruding brow, and the rough and patchy skin. More often than nought, people will spot the orc in him above all else.

Skills and Abilities;

- Pathfinder/Cartographer, Derthag was born into a nomadic lifestyle, and beyond that had traveled an exceptionally vast distance from his home in Icerock, all the way to the Verdant Gulf. He has climbed notable mountain ranges, waded through several feet of snow, scanned many a horizon, and essentially has "been everywhere, man." Realistically, he could tell you roughly where an area is just by it's vague description. He is often sent out alone by the commander when venturing into unknown territory, or additionally asked to chart out a rough map of a location in order to give a more strategic approach to a situation. He has additionally picked up how to tell weather patterns, foreshadowing clues to what weather lies ahead, and can even help find his way via the constellations.

- Tear them asunder!, Raised among the hundreds of dwarven fortifications burrowed into the mountains of Icerock, Derthag grew up witnessing many of them fall. During a time of dwarven feudalism, families warred against families. It was in this time, that the nomadic orcs grew to understand a variety of besieging tactics. Lobbing grappling hooks over walls, using battering rams to soften the wall up, and pulling on the hooks to watch debris and dozens of dwarves go tumbling down the mountain. Ladders were seen with additional supports to keep them from being pushed over, and the angle and distance of catapults were studied. Additionally general "storm the keep!" tactics and units were seen by the tribe, and at times, also studied. With a good grip of fort-defense concepts, Derthag knows the weak points in walls, locations more heavily fortified than others, as well as a variety of approaches on how to bring those structured walls to a pile of rubble, and who exactly to send in to mop up the place inside.

- Axman, knowing how to use an ax comes in handy quite often. While the knowledge of how to cut up logs and sharpen them into spikes meant for oncoming cavalry, or perhaps how to construct a quick wooden palisade helps, so too does the art of battle with such a device. Studying the dwarves for nearly half his life has taught him these aspects, essentially the shield-busting capabilities as well as their fear-inspiring aspects in war. While using a morningstar as his main weapon, axes are his prioritized specialty.

- Instructor, teaching came naturally to Derthag, something he picked up from many wise, old captains he served on the seas. After proving his worth in the company, and even teaching Radush a few things when it came to the lay of the land and mapping out areas, he was put in charge of training a handful of orcs just fresh off pike-service, in order to find a good placement for them in the blades, and teaching both blades, warg riders and bowmen about the many different landscapes he'd traveled, survival and scouting techniques, and how to read maps. Quite a few orcs look up to him, whether it be for words of wisdom or to learn a few new moves or techniques. While not teaching as much as he used to, many orcs in the company still see him as their instructor. He has taken a serious role to being a mentor both on and off the field.

- Appear as the devil, and all ye' will submit. While it's no place of Derthag's to say whom is the most frightening orc of all, he certainly makes a show of it during battle. At times he will cut himself, painting his weapons and armor with his own blood. At one occasion he was seen lighting his own extremely thick and bushy beard ablaze, writhing and inhaling with some sadistic pleasure. His raggedy, smoke-scorched tone of voice has frightened even a few orc recruits. He was said to have achieved a signature maniacal laughter when boarding enemy ships, pissing the pants off many a sailor.


- Derthag's Armor; While out scouting or taking time off to instruct other orcs in a variety of melee techniques, he usually wears his dire-wolf fur garment with leather-reinforced straps and such. In battle, guard duty, or any other contract that requires it, however, he is rather heavily enforced. With plate armor, backed by his fur-stitched cloth,reinforced with steel greaves, and topped off with a steel helm and visor, he is an intimidating sight to behold. Standardized company chainmail droops from the base of the neck down to a few inches below his plate cuirass, and covers his entire arms, hands and fingers with padded gloves protecting his hands and fingers from the chains as he clenches onto his weapons. Every so often he tears out the fur-stitching and goes out to hunt another direwolf, in order to replace the packed fur in his armor, of which covers any viable openings to the skin and provides padding as a substitute for a lack of leather.

- Carries upwards of four Francisca throwing axes.

- Two broader axes for close and personal melees.

- An intimidating morningstar often dual-wielded by one of his broader axes, or used with both hands for greater momentum.

- At times, Derthag will requisition for a warg-drawn cart carrying bundles of Francisca throwing axes for any unit on the job properly trained with them. If not possible, he'll be contempt with lugging a hefty sack full of them for his fellow comrades.

- His fur and leather stitched satchel, which contains various paper parchments for cartographic purposes, different pouches with inkwells to prevent leaking, quills of all sorts, a spyglass, a whetstone for sharpening blades, a separate pouch for various intoxicating herbs, and his families pipe tomahawk of which has been passed down for generations.

Personality: Exceptionally wise, even for an orc, Derthag learned to channel his rage and focus his anger towards something productive. As he felt hopeless to control anything in his life as a younger, more brash orc, he spent many years brandishing an uncontrollable hatred towards everything living. Essentially desensitized to all forms of life, he had slaughtered and mutilated just about anything he could reasonably get his hands on. After years of sadistic mammal torture, he seemingly soothed himself into a meditative state, where he decided to travel. It's unknown exactly how, but he managed to subdue his anger and become more of a transcendent being than an orc, except on the battlefield of course.

Calm, cool, and collected. When fights break out in the company and comrades are cheering on for spilt blood, Derthag is usually on top of it, attempting to persuade his brothers to stand together and resolve their differences via some other means than violence. He is not known to talk much, and usually has to really form an attachment to his kin in order for him to open up. Some suspect a certain degree of mental illness, as at times he is seen focusing into blank spaces and talking to his family, all of whom have died when he was only fourteen.

Ragihr...the name carried a cumbersome weight upon Derthag. It's origins from the Ghûl-Bhazä tribe of the mainlands, twisted into what the majority of this mortal plane deemed "an abomination in the eyes of all gods." Nearly two hundred years prior to Derthag's ascension into maturity, a dwarven noble held the title of Prince Ygvir Ragihr. Set out from the northernmost confines of Icerock, he sought fame and fortune with half of his clan, to embark upon an expedition the likes most dwarves were unaccustomed to. It would be the Ghûl-Bhazä tribe to become their first encounter with foreign culture, and the same would go for those primitive orcs as well.

Seeing such an awe-inspiring sight of gilded armor and gleaming weapons of steel and iron, the orcs immediately began worshipping the stout figures, ignoring their stumpy height. It wouldn't be long before Ygvir and his men found an exotic interest in the orcish females, effectively winning a duel challenged by the orc war-chief, spiking his head upon a pike and claiming the title of the tribes leader. So began a decade of interbreeding, of which the male orcs found an immensely hateful bout of jealousy overcome their senses. Both sides suffered heavy casualties overnight in a bloody bath of conflict ill-met towards claiming the females as their own.

With Ygvir having barely survived, he retreated back to Icerock half starved and fully bloodied alongside what few dwarves were left. The male orcs of the tribe promised to slaughter every female that did not dispose of their abominable half bred children, and so those that weren't massacred made haste, trailing behind the path of the endangered Clan Ragihr. For nearly five years, they faced an immense amount of hardships. Traveling to and fro lands they had never before witnessed, at times experiencing culture shock.

As the remnants of Clan Ragihr and the Ghûl-Bahzâ tribe reached the bone-chilling borders of Icerock, a grim and bleak future was all that awaited. Within the span of a decade, Clan Ragihr was condemned for their actions, and so began a clash of various clans throughout Icerock. During this time, many purebred orcish females had died out from the harshness of the cold, or had starved from the lack of any animals to hunt. The halfbreds, now fully mature, began a systematic breeding order in a vain attempt at purifying their bloodline. And so, following the next hundred and fifty years, the events of Icerock unfolded.

Around roughly the fourth generation of mixed-race orcs had Derthag been born. Nothing of importance was to note until the day he turned fourteen, now a full fledged adult, soon to witness the merciless slaughter of his entire tribe. Indeed, it was Ygvir Ragihr and what little remained of his clan. Upon suffering a major loss in the Ragihr Keep, broken and defeated, they sought a negotiation from the Dvergr King of Icerock. To 'correct' their mistakes and systematically wipe out the orcish invaders in order to be allowed back into society. It was a solemn night, much of Derthag's family having slept with bellies full of Caribou, a lucky catch from the morning before. He awoke to freezing water creeping up on his spine and the smell of charred wood, fur and flesh in his nostrils. The screams of his fellow friends, brothers and sisters, and his own mother had momentarily deafened him in his hasty escape to the outskirts of camp. One of the only survivors, he soon found himself alone, with barely any clothes to shelter him from the cold and no tools to hunt what little life existed out in the deadwoods.

One might say adrenaline kicked in, as it couldn't have been pure emotion driving him to such an act. Creeping up on the now drunken, celebrating dwarves warming up by the fires of burning tents and orcs, he yanked a throwing ax straight from a clansman's clutch and automatically thrust it into his fellow brother's groin. Intoxicated, and now writhing in pain, the afflicted dwarf called to arms with what gurgled words he managed to spew out. Through the sound of cackling fires and boisterous laughter, his cries for help rang unheard. Now, the dwarf whose ax was stolen soon found himself toppled over, his wrinkled face on the wrong end of Derthag's heel. Enough pressure was applied for the blooming orc to hear a satisfying crack. Blood began to seep it's way through the melting snow. Casually walking up to the next stumpy, still wrestling about in an attempt to reconfigure his genitals, the pale orc swiftly thrust the ax into a deeper cut before tearing it out with some effort and lodging it in his victim's throat. Two down, another twenty to go.

Luckily, bags full of dwarven throwing axes lay not too far by. Even luckier, five of Derthag's fellow tribesmen survived and rendezvoused with him just around the corner of the celebrating dwarves. Having studied their short and stout neighbors use such weapons, the four orcs lobbed and heaved at least thirty axes upon the marauders. Unfortunately, many of them missed, only killing six dwarves and wounding three. The battle that ensued was a tightly packed conflict of spewing blood, spilling entrails and gut-wrenching cries of agony. Already deafened to a point of psychotic rage, Derthag was oblivious to nearly three lethal cuts and a burning left foot as he hacked his way into the center of the pool of sloshy, crimson-drenched snow. Both him and Ygvir were left gasping for breath and clenching their teeth, toppling on top of each other as they tried terribly to wound one another with splintered axes and broken fists. Neither one gaining the upper hand, and both men realizing now that they'd no one left alive on either side, collapsed next to a roasting pile of orcs.

Ygvir, in his old age, accepted death with ease. His final words shared with Derthag are unknown to anyone but Derthag himself. What was known, is that he relinquished an ancestral heirloom to the Ghûl-Bahzâ tribe, a pipe tomahawk with the old tribe's quarter moon symbol embedded on the blade, in addition to asking one favor of Derthag, to carry on his clan's name in lieu of him being the last surviving connection to it. As a promise to restore the lost honor bestowed upon the Ragihr name, the brash young orc accepted it. And so began his life.

From the Savage Frontier to the Verdant Gulf, Derthag spread his name far and wide. Many locals questioned such a thing. "Is it true?" They'd ask a barkeep. "That they say he's part dwarf? No mercenary band or pirate captain would accept the likes of such an abomination!"

Oh, but they did. From roaming mercenary, killing his fair share of wildmen and bandits across the plains, to menacing pirate, boarding ships with a combination of arrow volleys, devastating rams and greek fire. He was known to be as collected and calm in solitude as he was bold and reckless in battle. He finally made a name for himself aboard a dwarven captain's boat, Redbeard, taking part in the sinking and raiding of over twenty merchant ships. Regretfully, he had never learned from his past nearly eight years ago. One night, participating in a celebratory drinking contest of spirits and ale, a navy ship rammed into Redbeard's, spewing greek fire over the deck. The familiar stench of burning flesh and wood overcame Derthag, and he could do nothing but watch his colleagues die a wretched death as he was knocked off the boat. Floating ashore on a lone, charred plank in the Verdant Gulf, he once again found himself with nothing.

As he washed aboard the muddy sands that following morning, he stumbled his way to a tavern laying just abroad the horizon. Hungover, with splintered wood in just about every shadowed orifice of his body, he ordered a bottle of rum and honeyed ale with no intention of paying for it. As he downed the last drop, he made way for the door, only to be stopped by two fellow orcs, one dressed rather plainly and another adorned in plate armor decorated with symbolic, red-painted markings. "Ya gonna' pay fa' ya drinks, or will ya' be payin' it wit' ya' bloodied tusks?" The armored orc inquired with his tusks showing, his eyes glaring and his fists raised. The plainly dressed orc raised his hand to his predecessor.

"That wont be necessary, Grob. Excuse my friend here, he's got a thing for that lizard-lookin' barkeep over there. Name's Frohm, you's Derthag da Tarlung, ain't ya?"

"Maybe, depends on ye' askin', and what for."

"Ah, bleedin' great. Me an' a few acquaintances are running a new mercenary company down the road a ways. We ain't doin' good on numbers, an' I've heard enough about ya' to know we could use you. Ya' might meet some ovva' recognizable faces, ya' ever heard of ol' Radush Eyedrinka'?"

A low, humming grumble sounded from Derthag. "Not interested, i'd like to just lie down and die, thank ye'."

"Well the way I see it, ya've got one a two ways a payin' fa' those drinks. My friend Grob here's gonna tear out yer' tusks, an' make ya' choke on 'em, or ya' can join Nar Mat Kordh-Ishi and hopefully die a more honorable death. Eitha' way, mate, ya won't be dying layin' down."

With a smirk grimmer than death itself, and not quite in the mood for ending his day with his own throat torn open by his own tusks, Derthag set out with his kin to soon join the pikes, and inevitably, the Chosen.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hank
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Hank Dionysian Mystery

Moderator Seen 23 days ago

A work in progress.

Name: Khat-ar-urdesh, known as "Thorn".
Age: 26.

Appearance: Thorn is pretty unremarkable for an orc, standing a little over six feet. His skin is the typical dark mottled green-brown of his race and the same goes for his eyes, which are deep-set in his face and difficult to see beneath his strong, prominent brow. He wears his long black hair braided down his back. Thorn's face is permanently set in a fierce, disapproving scowl, even by orc standards, matching his prickly personality -- the namesake of his nickname. Instead of painting uniform parts of his armor red, swirls and strokes cover his breastplate, greaves and right shoulderguard. His full-faced, visored helmet, wreathed in the shape of a shrieking ghoul, is unpainted, leaving the black iron bare.


- Swordsmaster: Thorn is supremely skilled with falchions, dual-wielding them in battle, eschewing the use of a shield and relying on his skill to parry and disarm his opponents. He possesses unusual finesse for an orc and takes pride in this, but it is the greater strength and speed that his orc frame gives him that allows his blades to punch through armor and rend his opponent's head asunder.
- Indomitable Duelist: Having a habit of seeking out the enemy's most capable soldier or commander in battle and fighting them one-on-one if a battle descends into disorganized chaos, Thorn is driven by the desire to prove himself superior to the best warrior he can find among the enemy ranks. He doesn't back down from a challenge and his determination spurs on the orcs by his side to greater feats of fearlessness and bloodlust.
- A Sliver of Quicksilver: Unusually fast and agile for an orc, Thorn often leaves his enemies dismembered before they even know what happened to them and can almost match an elf blow-for-blow. His reflexes and ability to think fast on his feet contribute to his skill as a swordsman.


- Thorn's most prized possession is his pair of matching rhyming falchions. The blades are perfectly balanced and were forged specifically to fit his tastes years ago, and he has treated them well. In orcish runes, a phrase has been etched into the blades. On one falchion it reads: "To live is to fight, to fight is to live, to die fighting is to live," which continues with: "Orc of this world, curse only peaceful death," on the other blade.
- His armor, which is fairly standard by Nar Mat Kordh-Ishi standards aside from its custom paintjob (see Appearance section).
- Thorn's helmet, however, is special. It is fully-visored and crafted in such a way that the face of the helmet looks like a shrieking ghoul, inspiring dread and fear in Thorn's enemies.


(You can invent a tribe, name regions and countries and cities and so forth to pull this one off, but most important is how they came to Nar Mat Kordh-Ishi and where they served in the unit.)

Relationships and Acquaintances: Perhaps some of the characters know one another, list those acquaintances here. Talk to each other in the OOC about it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LimeyPanda


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: ‘Doctor’ Ygdri Gro-Roc
Age: 20

Appearance: A mighty creature in appearance, Ygdri provides no doubt as to her Orcish heritage. Her facial features are sharp and pronounced, with sharp fangs and bird-like eyes that seem to pierce with an opal hue. Her hair is a shoulder-length mess of raven black and she bares a number of piercings on her face, including a ring that pierces the Septum of her nose and several that pierce through the ear. Her skin is as green as the grass and she prides herself on a body toned by training and temperance. She stands at roughly 6 foot flat.


- I LOVE ZIS DOCTOR!: Ygdri is not nicknamed ‘Doc’ without merit. A skilful warrior she may be, but a better doctor, you will be hard pressed to find. Ygdri can set broken bones, amputate limbs, clear infected wounds or nullify toxins better than any orc in the company; hell, better than any other orc wouldn’t be an unfair estimate.

- Shieldmaiden: The Doc is known for her skills with Shield and blade on the battlefield, and the Orcish healer is known for the constant companionship of her shield; a remodelled Targe. Two unique additions make Ygdri’s shield what it is: a rather brutal looking spike on the front, and a small amount of storage on the inner side for medical substances. She stores a few concoctions inside the Targe, most of which can be used for her craft; but a few that might burn flesh or blind eyes, if placed in the right way.

-Biology-cal warfare: Ygdri combines both her warrior instincts and her healer’s talents in a rather dangerous way: for you cannot be a healer without knowing what can break a body the best. Ygdri can pick out the softest targets on a person and is unashamed in bringing her full force down upon the weakness. If she gets enough time to examine an opponent, she will often be able to pick out old wounds and thus will abuse those.

- Chemical warfare: While she wouldn’t call herself an Alchemist, Ygdri is skilled with making concoctions out of what would otherwise be useless ingredients and herbs. Her speciality of course, lies in the craft of Poultices and disinfecting ointments, but she is well aware of what herbs will cause affliction upon a person

-Slashing Specialist: You don’t get far amongst Nar Mat Kordh-Ishi without being able to kill a person, and Ygdri is no exception. The Shield bearing doctor is more often than not accompanied by a slashing weapon of some type: either a Falchion or a Single headed Axe. Ygdri can swing these weapons better than the average grunt, and while she is capable with a Spear or a pike, her skills with them are outshone by her skills with a blade.


-Main Weapon, Falchion: Ygdri’s blade of choice is the Falchion. It’s weight combined with the brutal cutting edge and the ability to at least pull off a half-decent thrusting attack allows Ygdri to deal significant damage with the blade. Thankfully, since the Falchion is shorter than design that most blades, it does not affect her ability to effectively use her Shield.

- Secondary Weapon, Single-headed Axe: Closer to a large hatchet than to a Warrior’s blade, this crude axe may not be pretty, but it fits its purpose to perfection. As a side note, the edge is kept particularly keen in case the Doctor needs to make a rapid amputation.

- Tertiary weapon, Dagger: Ygdri always carries with her a small dagger, mostly used as a Scalpel. If she is forced to use this weapon in battle, she is probably in a lot of trouble. Thankfully, she hasn’t had to use it yet as anything other than a surgical instrument.

- Off-Hand, Shield: Ygdri’s shield is a constant companion, and she named the shield ‘Frontline’. It is a rounded Targe which covers a large portion of her body if hidden behind. Frontline was modified to match Ygdri’s purposes. As such: it has a large spike on the front, used mainly for bashing in skulls; and a modified inner side that houses a few pouches and a few straps that allow the Medical warrior to access her medical supplies mid battle.

- Armour: Ygdri’s armour is a bit of a mishmash of repurposed items of armour. She wears a plate chest piece and greaves, yet chooses to wear hardened leather gauntlets in order to give her fingers enough movement, should she be called upon to act as healer on the battlefield. Her shoulders are adorned in Plate-Pauldrons that are strapped to her by leather bands. The design is made so that she can remove the pieces of armour if she needs to perform surgery.

-Healer’s equipment: As is expected of a healer, Ygdri carries around with her a few herbs and a number of ointments inside ‘Frontline’s’ storage space. She also carries with her a Pestle and mortar, should the need arise; her other equipment is left off of the battlefield.

Personality: Ygdri is characterised by her passion: be that in battle, in drink or in her doctor’s craft. Ygdri will give her all in whatever endeavour she undertakes because she doesn’t know any other way. An orc woman has to work harder than any man, lest she be devoured by the Patriarchal society and made into some Warchief’s fourth wife or some bullshit.

Ygdri’s passionate attitude gives her a certain charisma amongst the Orcish troops, and she has won a few admirers in her time amongst Nar Mat Kordh-Ishi: nearly all of whom have ended up flat on their ass after attempting to do something stupid in order to ‘win her heart’ or her hand or her soul or whatever other sugar coated term they use to say ‘I wanna fuck you.’

Despite her passion, Ygdri is a faithful member of Nar Mat Kordh-Ishi and is proud of her place amongst its inner circle. She doesn’t aspire to lead the group, as many before have: all she desires is the respect she deserves. Any individual who gives it will earn a stalwart friend and a shield-mate who can save a life with much more precision than most. Any who deny it learn to fear the fury of an Orc woman.

History: Ygdri was born to the Stoneback clan as the first and only child of the clan’s shaman. According to certain superstitions, Ygdri was born under good omens. Something about the sixth star of the seventh god of fertility: or some other bullcrap that didn’t actually matter to true orc.

Growing up, Ygdri had expectations placed upon her: all of which she surpassed and exceeded. Whether it was the call of the blade or the grind of the pestle, Ygdri excelled in whatever she put her mind to. The orcish woman was, in the eyes of her clan at least, flawless in every regard: except for the most important…


The Stoneback clan was a mid-level clan in all: noted for producing fine orcs but never really producing leaders. The clan had hoped that the union of their shaman and a paticularily strong orc woman would spawn a son that break the cycle of second-places and right-hand men: instead, he produced a female orc. The Stonebacks were patriarchal, as was most Orcish society and as such Ygdri was never expected to lead.

Despite the flaw of her gender, the Shaman was doting upon Ygdri; for an Orc, at least. He gave her no mercies but he also made sure not to hold back her potential. By the age of ten, Ygdri was a considerable force with an axe or a sword and she could already remove barbed arrowheads from squirming, bawling warriors three times her age.

It was around this time that Ygdri’s gender was first being considered as a possible boon.

The Stoneback clans began organising potential Warlords into meetings with Ygdri; attempting to orchestrate a marriage between the Stoneback clans ‘Orcish maiden’ with a strong Warlord of the future: in the hopes of elevating the clan’s status further.

For the most part, Ygdri was kept out of the loop. She was merely told of meetings and visits being organised: never that they were meetings and visits so centrally revolving around her. She would meet with the Warlord-candidates and more often than not leave disappointed. Often times the meeting would end in a one-sided spar: in which Ygdri battered the representatives around who were far too used to winning.

After a particularly one-sided beating of a Warchief candidate, Ygdri was brought before the Stoneback clan’s elders; in order to be told of the situation involving the meetings and their attempt to marry her off. She was as furious as any Orc to hear the news that people were trying to steal her freedom: but a sense of clan pride kept her from rebelling instantly. She was told of the importance of the next meeting, and she agreed to keep in mind the value it could have for the clan.

The meeting with the potential partner was disastrous. The orc brought forward was a milk-sop: elevated only by his father’s position. Ygdri was furious at the poor match found for her and, just like the others; she beat the man into the dirt. The difference was that this time, she ripped off her clan’s Sigel: An act of open rebellion, if ever there was one. She was given a choice, either marry the man she’d just crushed in battle, or be exiled from the clan. Her answer was a swift stomp to the back of the man’s neck: and she stormed out of the clan’s halls forever.

Relationships and Acquaintances: Sknad-Ygdri spends more of her free time than she'd like fixing up Sknad's body after whatever stupidity bravery he'd thrown himself into. The pair share a reasonably close relationship, and the pair share a dark sense of humor; generally revolving around banter and jests.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Malan


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Merahk the Warder (Also known as Merahk the Lame)
Age: 56

Appearance: Merahk's skin is wrinkled, his eyes pale and his skin a dark green. He has braided hair that went white years ago. Merahk is probably best identified by his beard, his pride and joy, carefully maintained and going down to his chest. It is characterized by being always neat; a hair is never out of place. He has a hunch back that comes from naturally aging. He wears a chain mail undershirt and pants, with hooded brown robes covering the rest of his body. Merahk can also be distinguished because he walks with a cane.


- Warding Magic: Merahk's primary ability is the skill with throwing up protective barriers around soldiers and shielding infantry from the barrages of arrows. He does this by manipulating energy and creating force fields out of matter in the air.
- Force Magic: Merahk can use these force fields as an offensive tactic, as well. The wards created are solid matter, and can be pushed with the force and speed of a charging bull. He can also box in a person with a force field, which cuts off their air and kills them. He can also close the prison and crush them.
- Force Blades: Merahk can create wards in any surface. For example, he can create a flat ward in a person's waist, splitting them in half. Creating a ward where solid matter already exists requires additional effort.
- Ruthlessness: Merahk has grown a hard skin over the years. He is not afraid to take lives and let people die. He might not have the strength of a typical Orc, but he does have the personality of one.
- Cynicism: Merahk tends to believe that the worst possible outcome is the most likely. This leads to him taking either less or more calculated risks. He never rushes headfirst into anything. He will sacrifice nothing for a greater cause, preferring to keep his life above all else.


As a Wizard, Merahk does not carry any weapons besides a dagger.

Personality: Merahk is a naturally bitter and cynical person. He is selfish and often cruel. On the surface these traits appear to be born out of simple hatred, but deep inside decades of discrimination and shame has hardened his skin until he lets nothing in and doesn't risk trying to make friendships. He is a very clever and cunning person, which leads to him enjoying mind games and riddles. He tends to try to be smartest person in the room, and dislikes those that are smarter than him. He holds nothing sacred except for his own life: he has no family, he does not believe in any god, and he sees the Nar Mat Kordh-Ishi as tools for his greatness. He has a mild obsession with trying to show others his strength and would rather die than ask for help and show any weakness. He is a very proud Orc and holds his dignity above his health. Because Merahk feels that he was cheated out of the life of a warrior, he is jealous of the others in the war band.

History: Merahk was born in a small tribe, to an Orc chieftain. He was a good warrior as a child, and expected to effortlessly become a great chief in his own right... until the accident when he was 10. His Warg tripped when riding at full speed, and he was tangled up in a terrible fall that mangled his leg beyond help. The Shaman healed the rest of his injuries, but from that day on he could only walk with the help of a cane. His father shunned him, as did the rest of the clan, for what use was an Orc if he couldn't fight? Merahk stayed with the tribe until he reached adulthood, but he left immediately after, but before murdering his father as a result of years of emotional abuse.

Merahk began to wander the world, mostly to prove to himself that his leg wasn't holding him back. He traveled through human cities, Elven encampments and Dwarven outposts. He found that other Orc tribes were often even more discriminatory towards him than the other races. Merahk always dreamed of fighting with other Orcs, but didn't know how to realize those dreams. When he reached the independent City-State of Olland, a Human city, he found his answer, for Olland is known for its school of magic. Merahk trained there alongside humans, where he was always on the brink of flunking out. He found that the more intricate workings of magic eluded him. The elementals, illusion, and summoning magic was beyond his grasp. But one of the most simple magics taught as the college, protective wards, Merahk could learn. So he embraced it. He mastered it. He sought to become the best Wardsman in the entire world.

After graduating the college, Merahk continued to train in warding magic over the years. He never stopped wandering. Six years ago he heard of the band of Orcish exiles starting a mercenary company - he thought that it was the perfect opportunity to show the world that Merahk the Warder was not useless because of his bum leg, but just as required in battle as the fiercest warrior.

He now serves Nar Mat Kordh-Ishi mainly as their protector in combat. He will shield them from incoming arrows or try to protect the wounded from farther harm. When worst comes to worst Merahk joins the battle, but that doesn't always happen. He also helps when dealing with humans as he spent years learning under them.

Relationships and Acquaintances:
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skrakar


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Ushgar No-Trukk
Age: 19

Ushgar is a veritable behemoth even among his fellow orcs, being as tall as 7' 8" when fully upright and nearly as broad as a nobleman's wardrobe. His skin is more grey than green and has a very dark hue when compared to that of other pureblooded orcs. His hair is black and very greasy, reaching the length of just under his shoulder blades. Ushgar is fairly average in terms of orcish beauty standards: blackbearded, flat-nosed, with tusks that are halfway up to his nose height and prominent cheekbones - the only things that could catch an orc lass's attention would be three parallel scars that are from his right eyebrow to his hairline which he paints white. His eyes are piss-yellow and inexpressive, which makes him a very poor choice for light-hearted smalltalk and any kind of diplomacy as most non-orcs interpret his gaze for one of calm murderous intent.


- Shieldbanger: Ushgar is one of the rare orcs that use shields in combat and he does it in ways that baffle even the elves. He launches his opponents off their feet with his tower shield nearly as effectively as with his maul.

- Juggernaught: You cannot stop the juggernaught. Once Ushgar starts going, he keeps going. He spearheads infantry charges and breaks through enemy formations with the force of a knight on an armoured horse. Move or get trampled.

- Battering Ram: In some cases, Ushgar can act as a living battering ram, especially indoors.

- Prime Target: Due to his size and attire, enemy champions and soldiers will often mistake Ushgar for the leader of Nar Mat Kordh-Ishi and prioritise him as the main target or challenge him to a duel, falsely believing that his injury of death would scatter the mercenaries.

- Proficient with Rocks: Everyone laughs when Ushgar chooses rock for a dueling weapon. None laugh for long. Mostly because they're crushed under it.

- Son of a Shep...Smith: Ushgar has some skill as both weapon- and armoursmith, though he is better at fixing than making things.


- Main Weapon, Maul: For a maul of orcish make, the one that Ushgar wields looks oddly plain with the lack of spikes, charms and ornaments. It is also bigger and heavier than normal, even by greenskin standards.

- Secondary Weapon, Misericorde: Ushgar picked up the habit of carrying a misericorde with him from humans as he learned that it's sometimes better to take a noble hostage than kill him...but you have to check if someone is a noble first and a maul won't really cut it in that situation. Plus, he likes the pun when he explains why he carries a misericorde.

- Off-hand, Tower Shield: What Ushgar hauls with him is a tower shield only in name. It's far bigger than any tower shield one has ever laid eyes on to provide cover for the goliath that uses it. As it is made of hard wood and only reinforced by steel, Ushgar must replace it after each engagement as the amount of weaponry stuck in it reduces its structural integrity.

- Armour, Complete Set of Full Plate: Ushgar's full plate differs little from that of other orcs - slabs of steel on the outside and nets of steel on the inside. But what makes this armour his is what Ushgar added to it. The pauldron on his shield arm has four thick spikes along its width that resemble wyvern claws. He prefers rivet gauntlets to the standard ones and has a spike rack welded to his back plate to display trophies collected in battle. On his right tasset is a meat hook for the freshly decapitated heads. For his helmet, he chose a horned one with a crest to divert attention to him. As the last touch to his armour serve various tribal amulets of teeth, wood and bone that hang from his pauldrons and tassets.

Most orcs of Nar Mat Kordh-Ishi would describe Ushgar as a cold and distant individual who is as arrogant as he is fanatical and unwilling to associate himself with lesser orcs. The word that would better describe him is "shy". Some would call him the bravest among them. He'd rather define himself as craven, afraid of punishments for failing to fulfill the orders given to him. While many say that he is strangely modest for an orc, Ushgar deems that he has nothing to be modest about as he did only what he was told to do.

While there are those who think that Ushgar is highly ambitious and that he only bides his time to take over the mercenary band, those who placed him among the elites know the truth that this orc is a follower, not a leader, and a very useful follower indeed.

Though he lacks the boastfulness and bloodlust of a typical orc, Ushgar is by no means an apathetic individual that is swept by the currents. He is loyal to his superiors and comrades in arms, and devoted to the tasks given to him, even if he does not agree with them. And despite not being very talkative, he likes when others talk AT him for whatever reason. Sometimes, Ushgar enjoys to eavesdrop, though this is often interpreted as him spying for the higher-ups. Secretly, he prefers creating things to destroying them.

Ushgar was born into Storm Cleaver tribe as a first and only son of a blacksmith who was until then cursed to spawn only daughters. As such, he immediately became the heir of the trade, tending to his father's workshop before he even learned where it's okay to shit. As he was growing up, he listened to the legends of his tribe which described better times when the tribe was stronger, more numerous and more feared among its enemies. What intrigued him most were the stories of Storm Cleavers being giants, compared to what they were now. And when he displayed gigantic growth when he was eleven by overgrowing his father significantly, the shaman declared a new age for the Storm Cleavers and that in a few generations, they will again be the masters of Rosheni Mountains when they drive dwarves and humans out.

Unfortunately, that never came to be. On his fourteenth birthday, Ushgar returned to his village from the hunt to witness the end of a massacre conducted by a half-orc known as Sir Derrin Orcslayer, who was one of those halfbreeds who desperately wanted to prove their loyalty to their human ancestry in blood of whelps. The encounter was nothing glorious, nothing of which the bards would sing. Orcslayer never saw his killer, the last thing before his eyes was a boulder flying towards him. Ushgar did not even know who he killed until he recognised the armour from the stories the elders told about a menace to orckind in the mountains. The young orc wasn't proud of his triumph over the slayer of his kin just as Sir Derrin probably wasn't too thrilled over a death caused by an oversized pebble. Uncertain of what to do, Ushgar removed the crushed armour from the half-orc's corpse and headed in no particular direction with only said armour on his back.

After several days of walking without pause, with no food or drink, he stumbled upon Nar Mat Kordh-Ishi host by accident and with no strength left in him at the foot of the mountain. There he met Radush Eyedrinker who recognised the armour Ushgar was carrying and demanded to know how he came into possession of the suit. The old orc burst into laughter upon hearing the cause of Orcslayer's demise and commanded the young rock-tosser to join his mercenaries. Ushgar had no will to refuse. He was tended to and sent to the pikes.

After some years with Nar Mat Kordh-Ishi, Ushgar was molded into a disciplined line-breaker and became one of the unofficial champions of the Company. For a time, he was with the Blades until he proved that a maul and shield are a better fit for him during a drunken brawl between his tusker comrades and some dwarven mercenaries. Since they were off duty and with no protection, Ushgar used a table for a shield and a bench for a weapon to defend himself from the stumpies who came with knives to a fist fight. It is enough to say that the whole Company is banned for life from that tavern. As his skill grew with sword-and-board kind of fighting, Radush decided to transfer Ushgar to The Chosen where his size and way of combat did not clash as much and to serve as a decoy for those who wished to behead the serpent that is Nar Mat Kordh-Ishi before schedule.

Relationships and Acquaintances:
Radush Eyedrinker -- Ushgar respects and obeys Radush, but further from that, he has no relationship with him worth mentioning. He occasionally serves as the Warmaster's enforcer and scarecrow.

Captain Lontok 'Snaketung' -- Ushgar knows of the Company's resident blabbermouth and enjoys his noise, realising that even if he tires of attentively listening to his speeches, Lontok only requires another person for his lectures to hide the fact that he loves the sound of his own voice. A good thing too, as Ushgar does not understand half the things Lontok motors on about half the time and if he ever stopped to ask the giant for a more detailed opinion on his orations than "yeah, makes sense", he'd be disappointed. Despite that, Ushgar values Snaketung's companionship, no matter how one-sided it is.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Bhazur "The Grey" Ergoth
Age: 22
Appearance: For an orc, Bhazur stands at an unimposing 5' 9", just under six feet, much to his dismay. His relatively lean frame beguiles the slabs of powerful muscle underneath his skin. Rather than a dark greenish tone common of his kind, his flesh is a flint-grey color, earning him the nickname his comrades have taken to calling him by. His facial structure is very square, with defined brows and cheekbones. Bhazur's eyes shimmer with a bright orange, the color of goldfish scales. He keeps his head shaven close to his scalp, while his facial hair can be described as "manchu" style. His ears are pierced for ornamentation; a pair of vicious canine teeth adorn his cartilage, taken from some predatory mammal.


- Polearms: Bhazur's weapon of choice is the pollaxe, and he is well-versed in the use of similar two-handed weaponry, be it a halberd, bill, voulge or glaive. As such, he is a skilled grappler and is adept at exploiting his weapon's armor-breaking capability.

- Voice of Reason: Somehow escaping the rigid "all or nothing" mentality so common among orcs, Bhazur knows when a situation is disadvantageous or not and is vocal of his concerns, even if no one may share them. This can also be applied to social encounters.

- Lead by Example: The younger pikes that Bhazur frequently interacts with look to him as a paragon of sorts, and he strives to conduct himself in a way that teaches them responsibility, sacrifice and honor, among other not-so-orcish things.

- Bon Appétit: Perhaps what many within the company know Bhazur for is his cooking. Once in a while, he'll sneak into the mess tents and work with the cooks to produce meals that are reknowned for "that touch of Grey" flavor. Many have tried - and failed - to replicate his style, which he keeps a close secret.

- "Hey! Listen!": Bhazur the Grey's sense of hearing is another of his trademarks, rumored to be able to pick up whispers at the other edge of camp. Bhazur's acute sense has helped his fellows in a bind on a few occasions, ever-vigilant for the sound of charging hooves, war drums or the clanking armor of an army on the march to assail the company. It also helps identify the favored topics of discussion around camp; gossip, rivalries and insults, in particular.

- Bhazur owns a full set of plate armor, closely resembling medieval plate armor of the 14th century. The helmet is of the "pig-faced" bascinet style. In true orcish fashion, it sprouts a single horn from the forehead, curving upwards to the sky (perhaps to make him seem taller). The armor is lacquered in a black finish, giving it a rather sinister appearance. Over the chestplate he wears a red tabard with the insignia of the company. If asked how he came to possess such a specimen, he'll shrug and say "The knightly ones earn good ransom."

- As a primary weapon, he carries a polleaxe (as seen at the top of the picture), a weapon similar to a halberd. His features a hammer as the main face of the weapon. The reverse side mounts an axe for piercing armor, and the ensemble is topped with a spike. A round handguard is affixed to the haft, should a weapon slide down its side.

- A hand-and-a-half sword and dagger hang from his belt as sidearms, should he need to use them.

-At his belt, Bhazur keeps pouches for a multitude of collectibles. Herbs and spices used in his cooking, coinage, trophies taken from fallen enemies, and other baubles can be found in his possession.


(You can invent a tribe, name regions and countries and cities and so forth to pull this one off, but most important is how they came to Nar Mat Kordh-Ishi and where they served in the unit.)

Relationships and Acquaintances: Perhaps some of the characters know one another, list those acquaintances here. Talk to each other in the OOC about it.
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