Kaspaan Mustaven
Day 1
◈ Time: Night
◈ Weather: Moderate Rain
◈ Location: Harold's Academy, Main Ballroom
◈ Participants: Kaspaan Mustaven, Anastasia Arslan
@Ti ◈ Mentioned: Tessa Vellhart
@Mirandae, Raffaella Struna,
@Emeth,Walter Ozwyrd
@A Lowly Wretch,
Who keeps a Gupoo anyway? "Cigar doesn't make me sn"AHEeeigtCHOOO!" Kasp spun around in a tiny blizzard of snowflakes as Pooka beelined to their mentors head. By the time he had stifled he's sinuses, he was well above the scene below but below to precipice of the ballrooms architecture; mid-dance floor that was wetter than it had been earlier. The storm must have picked up. At least thats what Kas thought, if he were to do much thinking,. He was preoccupied by trying to enjoy the night somehow. Least his stomach wasn't complaining to him anymore. The little rascal saw all sorts of homeroom faces congregating down below.
After the nasal assault, Kaspaan glare floated back down trying to find Raffaelle but to no avail. He saw Anastasia however, and if there were any a night to have an interrogation perhaps the presence of their mentor would alleviate any misdoings. She was leaning against a pillar looking rather exhausted but cheerful still. See, during his first year Kasp had been beaten up rather badly after refusing to give up a special piece of jewelry his father gave him. A feud that had been solved mostly save for the fact when he went for treatment at the infirmary; he had met the vinesse of a fiery heart on his cold skin. One that had drained his essence down to deathly lows it felt like, never before had Kasp tasted the tickling tendrils of mortality. Her healing powers required both users to use their vinesse, and heat sapped his to begin with; this was a fact Kasp was going to find out if he was brave enough.
So, he hovered down to the ground beside someone that made his very bones shiver. Perhaps he would find his answers. He needed to know, and had put it of for nearly a whole semester now. he almost wished he was dealing with a psychiccer so as to expedite his thoughts. But how to introduce himself? A splash of water landed beside him; looking up it was the hustler from his homeroom, Ozz. He rolled his eyes, he should have brought a hat too thinking on how the weather was and oblivious to the concerning absence. The small fountain blew his cover though as he stammered
"No that, my bad, wasn't, ok so..uh Hi! We know each other sorta, Kaspaan Mustaven! and your Anastasia, of Arslan of course." He bowed but rose with his own inquiry, cold vapors edging out of his teeth.
"Wanna dance? Or we gonna play burn me again?" Kas bit his lip wondering if he'd said too much again. He made instant amends and bowed again
"If an Illumnaire would so ever grace us? You've been busy all night let Tessa take over, or at least Myrion they love that stuff." he winked and motioned over to the homeroom that had assembled, even throwing a laughing glare at Arthur as he fumbled a pastry upon the seat of power.