"Dear Roslyn,
I wish to meet in the park regarding matters of our arrangement, the map and so-forth. I'll be at a public table, it will not be hard to spot me.
With care, Trypano."
A spartan letter, sparing in much but the strictly necessary and delivered via the post to be sent over to the captain of her own vessel, Roslyn. While the construction had taken a pretty penny out of her coffers she was not one to go back on her word. History painted a bloody truth in testament to that.
Alas, just as was described a tall black cloaked figure was sat at a public picnic table out in the park. A stark contrast to her surroundings, like a raven sat upon a cherry blossom. While it wasn't very subtle it was a slight less eye-catching that what laid below: Deep crimson spider silk underpants and bra spun by her own claws. Meager and scant but ultimately the bare minimum she could wear without dampening her anklet's effects. A cloak was easy to cast off in comparison to so much attire as what fashion would demand of her. All else that was clad upon her was a sleeve on her left arm, one woven not of silk but of skin, designed to blend into her own. Below, encased in the secret sheath was The Nail. It was something she never let escape far from her grasp these days, for her enemies were many and death not long on the horizon, or at least as far as she could see. At least with The Nail she can guarantee her own death be on her own terms. A small mercy.
Her work was growing ever harder to conceal, many already knowing and only the public wide still sheltered from her true work. These hands she wore, fake meat gloves to convince the humans she was like them. Her flat teeth, calcium sleeves to shelter their eyes from the draconic fangs what lay below. At this rate she was simply wearing her skin, the organism below a work of her own design though still utterly imperfect, incorrect, wrong.
Upon the sash fastening her robe was a scroll case. Within it was the map that was the subject of their meeting. Though sealed so it could only be unfastened with magic or extended use of tools she felt no need to ward it nor leave traps to secure it for if anyone were so determined to steal it she would rather the secrets be discovered over it remaining lost. A forked tongue far longer than it had the right to be mixed about in her mouth, idly turning about with boredom as she stared ahead, her magical senses keeping her apprised of her surroundings more than her mundane senses were doing as of this moment. She could only wonder if Roslyn would even deign to show up. What little they've interacted for has done little but out her work to yet another. Though this one had yet to turn on her like so many others she could only wonder not if but when.
Nonetheless, knowledge was meant to be shared, even if circumstances bade her to hide it. At the very least she would see this discovery through. Perhaps it would at the very least etch some faint figment of good in this disgusting excuse of a life.
She smirked at her own joke.
"Will ya stop lookin' over my shoulder?" Roslyn snapped in Eskandish, lowering the letter. She twisted to glare at her first mate.
The towering titan blood leaned back as he crossed his thick arms over his chest. His head tilted down with a frown, silent judgement in his eyes. Roslyn's voice became angier. "Well, say it. I know you're dying to."
"Who is she?" He grumbled.
"One of a few students investing in the ship." She stepped around him and headed toward the exit.
"Not another Revidian, is it? He refused to let her off that easy, trailing after her.
With a huff of breath, she growled back. "What if she is? It's none of your business!"
"How many times must I say it? You can't trust a Revidian."
"Yes, I've heard your opinion on all the big countries already. Perrench are throat slicing nationalists. Revidians are selfish snakes. Torragonese are manipulative backstabbers. Need I go on?" When she reached the end of the deck, she hopped up onto the plank. Careful to mind the incline, she continued with her small rant. "If I listened to even half of it, I might as well live on an island."
Noticing he wasn't stopping, she flipped about in the middle of the plank as she tossed her hands up. "Don't follow me! I don't need someone to watch me. I'll be back soon, just trust me on that."
Eike stopped at the deck's edge before he gestured to Hrafn. The black eyed raven cocked his head then glanced at her direction. Without hesitation, the creature dipped from his shoulder and glided after her. "At least let Hrafn come with you."
"Ugh, very well!" She cried and wished she hadn't told him what happened in Viiqii.
When Roslyn arrived, her eyes scanned the park and quickly located Trypano. For a few moments, she stood there petting Hrafn. Her thumb rotated the beggar king's band on her finger as she recalled the blood paint sample. If she taken a risk with any other painter, she dreaded to think what might've happened. She had heard rumors about church investigations and reputation loss.
Her common sense urged her to turn back, but... Xiuyang's words to give the woman a chance lingered in the back of her mind.
Pushing the darker thoughts aside, Roslyn straightened out her skirt and walked over. She took a seat across from Trypano at the picnic table. Hrafn tilted his head toward the pale woman and gave a rattling croak, his curiosity obvious.
"Sorry about the raven. He's not tamed, but he was sent to keep an eye on me." Roslyn began as she tossed up a sound bubble. She didn't want anyone eavesdropping on their private conversation, "Before we begin, I do have a question. I took the small amount of paint you gave me to a painter. He recognized it was made by blood magic. Did you know?"
Her eyes followed Roslyn as soon as she arrived into view. The girl seemed to have been occupied since last they met. Alas, it seemed little had progressed in terms of truth, of understanding. Didn't they already have this conversation? Or was she simply imagining it? It felt like so long ago they had even spoken face to face. Her face was unemotive whilst she heard out Roslyn's question. The raven was of little to no matter. The only movement born of her at this very moment was her finger which was carving a circle in the face of the wood.
"First, it's binding. Repairing and extending upon something that already exists is standard practice for binders, as is repair and material manipulation. The application of the paint is not circumventing nor diminishing existing markets for the existing material. I've done this before with no issue, most recently at the site of the white thresher's attack. No such issues were raised with such work."
The finger stopped, jumping from one side of the circle to a section somewhat ahead in a sharp line.
"Secondly, if you're worried about the ramifications of working with me then go. Flee."
The finger sharply sliced along the wood once more, forming a right angle against the previous line, the edges of which were slightly outside the boundaries of the circle.
"If my part in the continued instatement of elder sanguinaires in Rettan or the deaths of their trials team from last year hasn't already provoked their hand it's probably only because they have larger issues to pursue. Nevertheless I am of no intention to break my contract and rescind my support of the ship's construction lest you insist we terminate my support."
Another line in the wood, crossing the threshold of the circle once more.
"This brings me to the topic I wrote to you of. I do insist if the map is to be explored that I have a hand in the missing land mass's discovery. Else, it will remain in my possession until such a time as I find a vessel willing to facilitate the journey."
One last line, sealing the square just beyond the limits of the circle. An ill-fitting geometry, one shape marring the perfection of the other so that neither looks right. A square which doesn't fit within the circle. Her red looked up from the wood to Roslyn once more, keeping the individual within the frame of her sight.
"I simply want confirmation from you if you still intend to follow through. It is better in the long term for both of us to know with certainty on this."
Her tone was unemotive but never any less severe, clinical in nature. Such was the nature of her business, carving away any need for subtlety or ambiguity in the discussion. She had no intent to wax poetic or paint her efforts as something other than what it is.
Though not seen through her poker face it still annoyed her to have to keep justifying things which just made basic, pragmatic sense. This need for moral clarity for something as basic as paint whilst painting in another's blood was as welcome as the falling grains in an upturned hourglass. It was just something to be expected, every art tuned and honed for such purposes. The idea of old Matthew's irradiated bones still boiling at the bottom of the waters holding less weight than the consistency of some out-of-date paint was galling to some remote degree to this tired alien's weather-worn sense of justice.
Roslyn continued to sit there, waiting to hear Trypano's response. The question was basic as the woman seemed to lecture her. Her words dismissed the effects it might've had on Roslyn and her family, even seeming to chide her for it. It was easy for people to forget their affects upon others until it whip lashed back upon them. A part of her wondered what Trypano might've said if things had turned out for the worse...
She dismissed the thought. Based on her reaction now, it didn't feel hard to take a guess. Xiuyang was right after all.
Her eyes took note of the finger carving along the table and the hairs along the back of her neck bristled. She considered the reason for it as her paranoia flared. Hrafn hopped up onto her shoulder and nuzzled her, his beak picking at her hair a bit. She raised a finger to stroke his feathery chin.
Once Trypano finished, Roslyn spoke. "I assumed you would be coming along with the map. Even if you didn't, I'd insist you or someone representing you came along. Mainly to build trust."
She moved on, seeing little point on addressing the first issue or possibly the second. At least not until after this voyage. " I still aim on taking you to the place on the map and back. We won't know what we'll find there or how long the trip will be. After that... I'm not sure."
Truthfully, she had found herself questioning a lot lately.
Her snow pale hands laced fingers with one another, bridged just in front of her lower face as she heard out Roslyn's reply. In all truth she had almost expected that she would've declined, sailed for safer shores instead. Hers was a sensitive soul, not well cut for working with blood mages, rogues or quite frankly anyone who'd she'd met at the school thus far. Wretches, the lot of them. Trypano herself knew she was no better, just aligned to ambitions of a greater good.
"Good. We just need to settle on a date then. I have everything I need on my person as I travel light."
She knew Roslyn's stance on her was still of great uncertainty, her less than ambiguous wording towards the end there all but spelled it out. She could address the concerns here and now but what good would that serve? Would she be wrong to tell Roslyn she's better off not working with her in a continued capacity? Knowing well the work she's done and the eyes that would settle upon any who'd be known to work with her it would be better for the young woman in the long run to make use of her talents only as long as was necessary then part ways.
Nay. Best to let her broach that topic on her own terms. Trypano was here to yield her services, little else. If Roslyn couldn't trust that, there was naught she could do to talk her into it.
Roslyn visibly relaxed while listening. He eyes shifted right in thought, considering something. Gradually she dropped the sound bubble spell. It was exhausting keeping up indefinitely especially when it was no longer needed. The dangerous topic had passed some time ago. "I agree and it depends on how far we're traveling. Longer voyages require more supplies and I rather we didn't run out of food. I've heard of horrifying tales of men eating each other when food ran out."
Hranf picked at her dress neck a bit then hopped back onto the table. His eyes sized up the pale woman before he bounced closer, his hard beak gently poked Trypano's cloak. He paused and waited to see what she might do.
"Hranf! Staph that." She sighed, turning to the pale woman. "I'm sorry about him. I swear, he likes to poke things or people he shouldn't."
Her reaction to the bird was less surprising by what it was and moreso by what it wasn't. She didn't even so much as flinch as the bird pecked about at her robe. Her eyes were as passive to the bird as she was to the very air surrounding them. Her body was very still normally, her movements very mechanical, just start and then stop. 'Twas simply the habit of one who spent as much time as herself monitoring every motion with obsessive regularity.
"Indeed. I wouldn't allow it to come to that however. Unless, you would stay my hand and keep me from offering food unto the hungry?" Another question, innocuous enough from a listener's perspective but with knowledge of what was spoken of before it's context was much more direct.
"Playing the devil's advocate however I will concur that fallback plans have their place, useful should other functions cease and require a backup." Mentally she was calculating matters of routing and distance to determine the overall travel time, taking into account how much food an individual would need so that it could be multiplied across the number of crew members that join her. Given what she'd seen of the map there were possibilities of places to stop and restock along the route but the ocean separating the two would offer little chance for reprieve. Only with fair weather and currents in their favor would such a gap ease it's fairly fixed grasp on the resources needed to cross it.
Of course, there was plenty matter for a binder like herself to work into more usable forms. But, that was wrong, wasn't it?
What wickedness indeed.
Hranf tilted his narrow head then gave a low, gurgling croak. He clicked his beak once, then twice to get Trypano's attention. This strange, pale woman chose to continue to ignore him. That was enough to annoy the small avian causing him to flutter onto her shoulder.
"Hranf, come here." Roslyn tapped her shoulder. She subtly reached into her pocket and pulled out a small chunk of hardtack. Within the holes, small white maggots wriggled drawing the raven's attention. He wasted no time hopping back onto her arm and plucking it from her fingers.
While he showered her with crumbles and worm remains, her attention turned back to Trypano. "No, I won't. I am not sure how Agnarsson will feel about it, but starving men can't be picky.
Hranf turned then croaked in her ear causing her to offer another hardtack biscuit to him. "And yes, I understand that. However, some unsavory things have happened since we last met and I rather have one than nothing at all. I'm learning it is better to prepare for the worse and hope for the best, rather than expect it. After saying that, is any other business I might've forgotten?"
With a lot of things on her mind, Roslyn wouldn't have been surprised if she had.
The bird did perch upon her shoulder, like a crow upon an old yet firm branch, before turning it's attention to it's handler. She was unmoved. From the outside it seemed there was little that could really phase her. After all, with what's been done to her what is one more little stimuli popping up?
After listening to her words a cold, unsettling raspy breath of a chuckle echoed it's way from her throat.
"... Hope? A precious thing to still hold." She remarked, her expression still a blank mask of nothing. Her eyes blinked ever so slowly it looked almost like she'd slip into slumber where she sat before opening again.
"I'm sure you've got inventory for your crew handled. If there was any other business to resolve, I no longer recall it." The dark ringed eyes started to turn with her face as she pivoted to stand. A shadow cast it's way across the table, her form standing tall over those around her in her ominous cloak which blocked the sun at her back.
Roslyn remained seated as the woman stood. The reply had been cold, but she didn't found herself surprised. She never recalled Trypano showing any warmth in her demeanor. Some people were like that. Her thumb rotated the ring on her finger as she replied.
"It is indeed, even if it's fragile." She began to lift up, giving Hranf the last of the wormy hard tack. He gobbled it up eagerly causing her to smile. "I shall see you on the agreed upon date then. Good luck until then and stay safe."
With that, Roslyn departed.
The two split ways, until they would next meet.