Avatar of Prinz
  • Last Seen: 4 mos ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 144 (0.05 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. Prinz 4 mos ago
    2. █████████ 8 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

4 mos ago
Current The more things change, the more they stay the same, eh?
4 mos ago
5 yrs ago
hello it's me again, here to plug my 18+, slow-burn, mystery + horror roleplay 'Blackharbour'; check it out from my profile if you want <3
5 yrs ago
Wanna join a slow-burn, mature horror mystery that definitely doesn't involve Lovecraftian elements? Check out Blackharbour; slots are still available~
5 yrs ago
Hi. There is now a major slot available in Blackharbour. Look it up if you're looking for a dark, horror-themed roleplay that may involve Eldritch Beings and may also not.
1 like


A Beast of Many Names.
+ You can call me whatever you want.
+ The Eldritch Being in my skull won't leave me alone unless I act like a walking meme.
+ Isn't it horrible, that you can forget something, then remember that you've forgotten something?
+ Aren't you exhausted.
+ I feel as if I've become someone else entirely.
I remember how I used to be; what I used to be, and it feels as a dream. I search the cosmos for assurance, yet we find only cold silence.
Hearken the cries of those past selves you've absently abandoned; the bitter sting of nostalgia cuts deep indeed.
May my past self burn, and my new self be born from the Flame. Like a smash burger patty.
I can't be too serious when writing stuff here or people might think I've lost it. Baguette.

I am not the person I used to be. I'm lucky like that.

Active Bamboozles.
+ Nothing. It's been dead and silent here for almost half a decade now.

Planned Bamboozles.
+ Planning isn't my style any more.
+ Blackharbour remake?

+ I am still a habitual liar.

Most Recent Posts

First thing's first, I'm writing this while insomnia beats me senseless, so please forgive me for the tone and quality of this post.

A long, long while ago, I made an Interest Check and roleplay for something called Blackharbour. Unfortunately, it died due to unfortunate circumstances on my behalf. As a result, despite how much fun it would have been, Blackharbour has simply.. stagnated.
After multiple years of dead silence, I'm back, and I'd like to dig up Blackharbour's corpse and bring it back with me.

You can find the old OOC, full of information, here. As much as I'd like to renovate the entire thing in this interest check, I'm not particularly eager to throw a bunch of effort into it with no guarantee that my time won't be wasted. That OOC contains all of the relevant information, though I'll mention here that a minor rework of many things will be on the table if enough interest is gathered. While massive, sprawling changes aren't a likely possibility, I'm honestly dissatisfied with prior my work on Blackharbour. I can't claim to have actually become a better writer since then, but I can claim to believe that I have.

The fundamental story won't be changed, so, in summary;
Blackharbour is a horror-mystery based around the region of Bell's Cove. Our main protagonists are a tightly-knit group of people who joined the Blackmoore College Occult Club. One day, the leader of this club mysteriously vanishes, and for the next week, the Occult Club's members all have an identical, recurring dream featuring him. On the seventh day, the dream apparition of their club leader asks a simple favor; "Find me." Thus begins the Occult Club's search for answers in a region utterly brimming with things that go bump- and worse- in the night. Superstition and beliefs run deep in Bell's Cove. Every inch of the place seems somehow unnatural. In a place like that, who knows what awful fate could've befallen their best of friends?
Big, long, relatively in-depth spooky mystery roleplay with a decently chunky cast, long posts, plenty of fun (not for our characters!), and multiple endings depending on certain factors you'll just have to discover~

While the main cast are the Occult Club members, who've been friends for at least a little while years, there are also other roles available with significant narrative heft.
A Detective from out of town is hired by an anonymous employer to assist in finding the missing club leader via any means necessary.
Local law enforcement are on the prowl as well, intent on rectifying what the local media has called 'a major failing of Blackharbour's younger population'.
Our missing club leader's family are eager for answers, too. Even worse, icy whispers flutter through the streets; the current head of the Bell family has launched a silent, private investigation. Chess pieces are moving. A storm has already begun brewing.

On top of that, players are free to play their own entirely unrelated characters, though with significantly less narrative weight behind them. Someone who plays the Detective will be actively hunting for clues and answers, while a random student who studies at Blackmoore College is much less likely to get involved.
... Or so you might be inclined to think. True safety is quite hard to find in Blackharbour.
However, priority goes to the Occult Club, and the other Set Roles you can find in the OOC.
Set Roles come with certain specific backstories and cemented character information. Additionally, it's very likely that the Leader's Mother, Father and the English Teacher will be handled by me. While I'm willing to give these specific Set Roles away if someone really wants them, they are the lowest on the priority list; unless, of course, you bring an amazing idea forward or just REALLY want them. Additionally, certain Set Roles will have a pseudo-NDA attached; you'll be given important information, but can tell nobody.
This will not affect the major mysteries of the story in a way that ruins them for you.

You can also probably tell plenty about the kind of story from this post's tags. Additionally, I'm hesitant to put the 18+ tag, but the roleplay will deal with mature themes and topics, so there's a high likelihood I'll throw it in.
I'd like to apologise again. I'm dead tired while typing this up.
Please feel free to read the old OOC, or just drop a hi here.
I'll be coming back to this interest check to spruce it up a bit later on, but I wanted to get it up and available to be read while I (hopefully) knock out. If I don't post this now, I'll just keep procrastinating on it until I eventually wind up never doing it.
and it would drop when most people are asleep, probably? time zones do be time zonin'

With all this said, I'll be off to once again attempt to try and sleep, so please don't be surprised if I don't respond right away. I hope you enjoy reading what I had and have for you, and I also hope you have a wonderful coming week. Thank you for your time.
Dividing up the sheets to conserve space.





All characters are WIP as of now.


Private roleplay between Kuroakuma, A Lowly Wretch, and Tanman.

Oh, crap, is it too bright or something? I tried to choose a colour that would've been kinda easy on the eyes..
Is anyone else getting this problem?

How much have I missed & how do I catch up?

If you'll have me, that is...

Hey hey! You haven't missed anything at all. We're still getting character sheets submitted at this point. We'd be happy to have you along for the ride!

You can find the roleplay proper here with the currently approved character sheets, plus a list of available roles and some other stuff there~
also it looks nicer imo but shhh
If you have any other questions, feel free to PM me or ask here~

Edit cuz I'm silly: Are there any roles you'd be specifically interested in? We have some 'main character' slots available~
bump because I forgot people bump these things

we have Occult Club member slots available, feel free to snap 'em up if you want a front-row seat to a literal hellscape the fun and definitely not horrific events to come~
I got a bad post up. Dragonheart-chan is ready for things to go horribly, totally wrong perfectly smoothly and fine.

With everything that'd been going on, Dragonheart had been mostly silent and contemplative. There was a lot of information to parse, and Wu seemed to be handling the energetic Vulpo that was Will-O-Wisp wonderfully.

His weapon was already back in his grip- he wasn't dumb enough to leave it stuck inside that kind of animal. It was likely that the twin swords exiting the beast's body would've sliced up its hind even more.
Good. It'll be dissuaded from hunting them for a while, at least. Until it's healed, if it heals fast.

So, let's recap..
An Operator was gone. That dog was straight up unnatural, and so were these woods. Things weren't good.
At least they didn't have to trek all the way to the crash site of Raven One to find out whether or not the occupants were alive or not anymore. Good.
Dragonheart would've mentioned that they were the only ones to escape Raven Three, but he bit his tongue- not in front of Will-O-Wisp. Poor girl didn't deserve to have her hopes crushed like that. He'd speak to Wu in private later, hopefully, provided they even got the chance to rest. He was doing an awfully good job of not voicing his thoughts aloud, too, which he secretly considered a win for himself. Secrecy, he felt, would assist them during their stay here.
Or, at least, being able to not blurt out every thought that came to your head, at least.

Victory aside however.. the knowledge that an Operator could be whisked away so suddenly only made Dragonheart move closer to his companions. These woods were obviously far from normal, but he didn't need to tell them that. First a freak storm, then the Originium shard that almost engulfed Raven Three..
Dragonheart couldn't help but wonder why nobody else had been taken, though. If these woods could abduct someone so quickly, why hadn't they all been taken? Had whoever was taken known something? For that matter, what had caused Sir Haynek to make those last minute adjustments? Was it related to the strange way that the Originium deposits they'd been sent to investigate?
No way to know now.
At least not yet, anyway.

Dragonheart had been mostly silent for the duration of their admittedly tension-riddled trip to Riventor. He was on edge- everything seemed far too calm, now. Too calm. He'd much rather have that massive dog in front of them. It gave him a tangible threat to focus on. He felt like there was a target on his back, and considering his track record, he'd be surprised if he wasn't attacked in his sleep sometime soon. Riventor itself didn't provide much to look at, either. It was a small, secluded town full of Kuranta. That said, the mansion in the distance did immediately pique his interest, but his attention was dragged back to his fellow Operators when a voice broke through his thoughts.

"Wu? Is that you?"

A pair of Operators that he thought that he vaguely recalled had appeared before them- the Liberi who was currently burying herself into Wu's chest, and an Ursus who, for a moment, he swore he caught the whiff of alcohol from. Considering how far from her he was standing..
That said, he could use a good drink right now. He might have to bother her to share some later. Maybe. Probably not.
Depends how bad things get, he figured.

The sight of Wu and his Liberi companion embracing brought a small smile to Dragonheart's face. It was always good to have something to be happy about in times like this. However..
He shuffled awkwardly, keeping his distance from the others despite the cheerful reunion. More people had vanished, and the tension in the air was palpable. Dragonheart kept his mouth shut as they began to move into the town. There were Kuranta everywhere, some of which weren't exactly giving them the most friendly of stares.
Odd. You'd think that they'd have been inside because of the earlier storm. Or at least be a little concerned about the crashing vehicles near their town. Or, perhaps, to the residents of Riventor, there hadn't been a storm at all.

His instincts were telling him to be suspicious, regardless. He hadn't lived this long by ignoring his gut.

That said, he kept up with the others as they walked into Riventor, though he fell behind them to keep a decent distance between himself and the group. Not too far, but not too close, either. He could whack someone with his weapon from this range if he had to, and that was what mattered.
The wretched stench of whatever dead thing the citizens of Riventor had left out in the sun hit him like a truck, and brought back some unpleasant memories, but it wasn't enough to make him recoil like his fellows were. In fact, unless you looked at him closely, you wouldn't be able to tell at all. He still kept that same stoic look on his face.
Step, step, step, stop.

The voice that called out to the group caught his attention, and the first thing he noticed was that the voice didn't belong to a Kuranta, but to an Archosaur. Odd, but not too unlikely- seemingly the only non-Kuranta in Riventor, but that remained to be confirmed. Then there were the distinct changes to his hands and feet. Originium mutations? Those weren't normal for an Archosaur to have as far as Dragonheart knew. Hopefully he was wrong. Infection was never easy to deal with.

At this point, Dragonheart was more than a little on edge.
Whatever happened, happened, however.
As the others engaged in dialogue, Dragonheart stood back a respectful distance, 'keeping watch' or something like that if anyone asked him. His gaze drifted between the people, the houses, the mansion in the distance, and then back to his companions every now and again. He would respond if called, but until then.. well, he was stepping aside to let the more sociable Operators have a nice chat.
Or a not-so-nice chat.
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