Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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The world of fairly tales is a pretty quiet. Everyone knows how their stories will end. But what happens when key elements of those stories go missing? Essental pieces are disappearing and no one seems to know how or why. Now the stairs that have been the same are becoming unraveled. Can the characters of these stories step out of their comfortable stories to find the missing pieces? Will doing so change the world as they know it? Do they really have any choice with their world disappearing one piece at a time?

Fairy tale character:
Bio: (what happened after the traditional story)

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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CS coming up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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I will get my CS up in the morning, or sometime tomorrow, typing on my I-pad sucks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BrodZ11711
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Fairy tale character:
Bio: (what happened after the traditional story)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Fairy tale character: Young King Arthur
Age: 22
Bio: Young King Arthur has been on a long quest to try and find the lady in the lake to gain the mysterious weapon that she possesses. He was told this by the wizard Merlin, who is a old friend of Arthur that helped him gain his reputation as a great warrior.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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How much of the original story should we keep intact for the bio? And are alternative interpretations allowed, or should we keep them to one of the well known representations (often published/retold versions)?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Dmessenger said
Fairy tale character: Young King ArthurAge: 22Appearance: Bio: Young King Arthur has been on a long quest to try and find the lady in the lake to gain the mysterious weapon that she possesses. He was told this by the wizard Merlin, who is a old friend of Arthur that helped him gain his reputation as a great warrior.

Technically Arthur isn't a fairytale but I have several idea approved.
YamiCuoreLaroux said
Question! How much of the original story should we keep intact for the bio? And are alternative interpretations allowed, or should we keep them to one of the well known representations (often published/retold versions)?

Alternative interpretation are allowed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Fairy tale character: Tinkerbell (YES I WANT TO BE TINKERBELL! DEAL WITH IT!)
Age: Unknown

Bio: Was traveling with Peter Pan but woke up one morning and he was gone
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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booksmusicanime said
Fairy tale character: Tinkerbell (YES I WANT TO BE TINKERBELL! DEAL WITH IT!)Age: UnknownBio: I only know the Disney version of Tinkerbell. I'm just going to say this will come later while I try to think up something for this.

NICE! I can work with that approved.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShiningHisLight


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Fairy Tale Character: Sleeping Beauty or Aurora
Age: 18
Bio: (what happened after the traditional story) Her prince came and woke her up with a kiss, but then he left her! (Couldn't think of anything else)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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ShiningHisLight said
Fairy Tale Character: Sleeping Beauty or AuroraAge: 18Appearance: Bio: (what happened after the traditional story) Her prince came and woke her up with a kiss, but then he left her! (Couldn't think of anything else)

LOL kissed and abandoned! Approved
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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KatherinWinter said
Alternative interpretation are allowed.

Yay! I have a fun version of one story I'd like to try. I'll post that for approval first.

Edit: Oh maple! I forgot that I lost the version I had! Sorry, I can retype it, it's just going to take a while. It's for the story of The Princess and the Pea, though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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YamiCuoreLaroux said
Yay! I have a fun version of one story I'd like to try. I'll post that for approval first. Edit: Oh maple! I forgot that I lost the version I had! Sorry, I can retype it, it's just going to take a while. It's for the story of The Princess and the Pea, though.

Sounds interesting. Take your time
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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it's good to hear i'm approved, I kinda wanted to push it with Arthur because I have a funny story to start him off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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Okay, here's the basic story.

In a land somewhere, there once was a warrior prince known for leagues for his great battle prowess and tactical ability. Due to his many successes, unfortunately, he eventually became very arrogant. Though he was still greatly respected for his abilities throughout the land, those who came close to him often found him difficult to deal with due to his egotistical behavior.

It was only a matter of time, but at some point, he ended up disrespecting the wrong person. This person happened to be a powerful practitioner of magic, and cursed him in the hope of teaching the prince a lesson. Instead of the strong, powerful warrior male he was known to be, the prideful youth was transformed into a very frail girl with some very difficult physical hindrances. The prince could hardly even lift a sword anymore, much less cut someone up with one.
Shortly after, the troops he was on a campaign with were ambushed, and the prince barely escaped with her life.
Once upon a time, there was a prince of a distant kingdom. He was hunting in the woods with his men one day when the weather threatened to turn foul, so the group turned for home. Long before they got back, though, they came upon a young girl, terribly injured and unconscious in the woods. Concerned at her critical condition and the oncoming storm, the prince decided to bring the girl back to the castle, where he made sure that she was carefully cared for.
When the girl awoke, he was delighted, and upon questioning, she told him that she was the offspring of another kingdom's ruler. After a while, the prince found himself quite taken with the girl, but the queen of this kingdom remained suspicious of the oddly unladylike mannerisms and clothing she had displayed upon showing up at the castle. Eventually, she devised a plan to see whether the strange girl really was royalty or not. When the girl was eventually able to leave the room for a while, the queen had a single pea placed under the many mattresses of the bed.

That night, perhaps because of her newly oversensitive skin that she was still getting used to, the girl found herself having quite a bit of trouble sleeping. In the morning, forgetting her manners for a minute, she complained about the difficult night she'd had during conversation with the queen and blamed the mattress for being uncomfortable. Instead of the rebukes she had expected, the girl was quite confused and pleasantly surprised when the queen actually praised her. At least, until the queen told her that she wanted the girl to marry her son. The girl panicked and refused, but the queen would have none of it, insisting that, for some reason, that test had proved her to be the perfect candidate for the woman's daughter-in-law.

The wedding was arranged between the prince and the unfortunate girl, but merely three days before the ceremony, the girl suddenly vanished.

The prince, still somehow very attached to the idea of marrying her, is said to still search for the girl. Where exactly she went to, though, nobody is certain.

...But that curse needed a cure.

So, the character I wanted to use is based on that. Um...yeah.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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YamiCuoreLaroux said
Okay, here's the basic story. So, the character I wanted to use is based on that. Um...yeah.

I like the story. It has a lot I can work with. would you be playing the prince/princess or the prince?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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KatherinWinter said
I like the story. It has a lot I can work with. would you be playing the prince/princess or the prince?

The character I have in mind is the prince/princess, but I could probably come up with a character for the prince if that fits better.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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YamiCuoreLaroux said
The character I have in mind is the prince/princess, but I could probably come up with a character for the prince if that fits better.

No the prince/princess is fine.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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Okay, I'll try to have the CS up later today.
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