Should have read his introduction, or when he killed those two guys who tried killing Ayashi 

Expllo said
I'dunno xDYou gotta o.o
Phobos said
He's too young and immature, I already have great plans for him >:DAnd more like true form of fabunessAnd I honestly lost it Hatake xD luckily I have the basic outline in my pMs but the detailed one Is gone ;-;
hatakekuro said
By the way, where the hell is Mukei's profile?
Phobos said
He's too young and immature, I already have great plans for him >:D
And more like true form of fabuness
Expllo said
I'dunno xDYou gotta o.o
Expllo said
I think David and Abi will like that Kenta post....Or more so who's the Kenta post
Phobos said
Wooot, Expllo you saved me a lot if time of redoing his CS xD my savior
Well shit xD Lelouch man, he's brutal even for Mukei
samreaper said just so image of ulq will never be the same
AbigailTenshi said
Woooooooooooooooooooooooooow Lelouch <.< Just WOW!!! Asshole! XD Was wondering where he disappeared off to!!
Expllo said
Oh don't thank me, thank google -Bows-Pfft, that was hardly brutal!I'll give you some Cifer x Mayuri xDAtleast he didn't do anything weird this time xD like...Lock Kenta up and slowly break his testicles....Tempting, but Lelouch can be nice...This once xD
Kurisa said
Waited that long for such a quick chapter. Damn man >.> well at least something interesting looks like it's about to happen
Expllo said
Expllo said
I'dunno xDYou gotta o.o