@Imperium: Random tip of the day: Look out for chains...

Bigger Version.
White: Traversable tile.
Black: Non-traversable tile, man-made. (Ex: Walls.)
Brown: Non-traversable tile, nature. (Ex: Cliffs, cavern walls.)
Green: Doors, open-able or lockpick-able or destroy-able.
Grey Dots: Corpses.
Flor = Florence.
Trom = Trom
Murd = Murderok
Gryff = Gryff
Gre = Gremlock
Aslo = #5 IS ALIVE
E1 = Entrance/Exit 1. Go here and you'll leave the dungeon.
@Rheinfeld:"but he couldn't shake the feeling that it would be far too obvious for a tiefling to be the bad guy at a gathering of Crusaders,"
You cheeky bugger, leaning on the fourth wall like that.
Bigger Image.
White: Traversable tile.
Black: Non-traversable tile, man-made. (Ex: Walls.)
Brown: Non-traversable tile, nature. (Ex: Cliffs, cavern walls.)
Red: Extremely heavy and resilient doors, cannot be opened without magical aid or a lever.
NOTE: Elrbetrt Westfeld's man servant isn't shown on the map as he is not relevant to combat and his presence would only prove to be needless clutter. For the sake of uniformity since everyone is tightly packed, your name is below your circle, always, until y'all break up a bit from that clump.
Elr_2=Elrbetrt Westfeld
Mila=Mila... Duh?
POR=Possessed Orc.
ORC_A1 = First Archer.
ORC_A2 = Second Archer.
Orc_LEAD = Leader.
Orc_C = Champion.
??? = Smaller green creatures, possible goblins, possible half-breed orcs. Definitely Half-Breed Orcs.
HO1 = Half-Orc 1.
HO2 = Half-Orc 2.
DC = Dead Champion. (To differentiate him from the boulders better, as gray dots are corpses.)
Anyway, I'll likely throw out a map for y'all soon, likely with the dance, so Aëyr can get a general idea of where all the attention is being focused on her assassination attempt. Keep in mind that if Aëyr feels she can't get close enough to kill Deimos, Mikan will be guided with escorts to his chambers, and you'll have a second chance there, assuming his aura doesn't overpower one/all of you.
You may also want to ask for mini-collabs, though you do have permission to interact with NPC's in the area obviously. Just try not to draw too much attention to yourselves, or they'll know something is up and, well, you'll be in trouble...
@Amazon: Pushing your mission ahead. You're having a pacing problem that is my fault, really. So let me resolve that for you by hitting the skip button on the cassette player here to a point where you won't have pacing problems anymore.