Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Brovo


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Status: 20/15 player slots, 25/20 character slots. *We are over-full!* Missions List Here!

Chapter 1: The Rebirth of Conflict.

((World map here!))

Ah, so, we are here again... The world, once chained by tyrannical gods, whom killed and slaughtered any mortals who dared to resist their rule, their power... Are gone. Banished by the Queen of Renalta, Kouri, and those who stood with her against those who would stop mortal men from having true liberty and independence over their own lives.

Now, this dream stands upon the precipice of destruction... For in removing the Heavens, and the Gods, there came a new threat. One that was once repressed significantly, now slowly awakening and spreading out its corrupting tendrils. The Nine Hells have begun to mobilize. Their agents--succubi, cultists, the insane and deranged--now aim to bring the world freed from tyranny into total anarchy and chaos. They aim to kill and destroy every single thing the mortal realm ever was, is, or ever will be.

Yet, before the Queen could return to rebuild her kingdom, already, the world had begun to fall into war. The once proud and united religious nation of Rheinfeld is now split between three factions all vying for control. The Free Holds, once a superpower slave state, now wage war on two fronts against freedom fighters and empire makers. The rest are either too weak, or too isolationist to be able to fight alone or care.

This, this has been the world for ten years... But something has changed. Now, the Queens of Renalta mobilize their forces, their military and their agents both diplomats and spies working around the clock to keep tabs on where corruption lies and how to resolve conflicts and create alliances to strengthen the mortal realm’s defences. There is one such group, however, that stands apart from the rest. One group that actually marshals out and gets the alliances signed, fights the battles, solves the mysteries, and roots out corruption wherever it may stand.

The Queen’s Blades are that group. Men and women from all corners of the world, from all walks of life good or evil, united in one cause: To stop the Nine Hells from consuming the world, whatever the cost. This group was formed by Queen Kouri, and elite members of the King’s Rangers were sent out to recruit men and women, all those that had something special, or unique. Those whose potential was greater than that of the average person.

Someone, such as... You.

Will you join the Renaltan Royalty in their castle? Take upon yourself missions to heal a fractured world?... Or will you turn your back on this world, and leave it to its fate?
Welcome to the Legend of Renalta 2. This story uses a missions-based system to progress the story and advance your character. Between missions, you can spend time in the city of Renalta or its castle, and interact with any NPC’s you’ve met before.

Your every action, however, impacts the status of the story. If your character dies, it’s noticed. If your character fails a mission, it’ll be noticed. Not every mission will be a total success, some are harder than others, and some even give you impossible choices that you must make. Relationships formed with NPC’s will mean something down the line, with honourable actions generally being returned in kind, and so forth. This is the closest thing to a living world I can create, and is a sequel to a four year long RP. Anyone is welcome to join, so long as they fit the advanced section’s qualifications.
In Legend of Renalta 2: Reborn, missions are sequestered into an overarching scenario, which is in turn part of a plot arc, which is in turn part of a mythos arc. If you don’t know what these things are, don’t worry about it.

Missions are objectives within the overarching scenario at hand. For instance, the starting scenario will be in the town of Arian. Here, there will be multiple missions to complete in the same area. Some objectives are harder to accomplish than others, and bonus objectives are often unmentioned and require additional risk in order to accomplish them. Depending on how the scenario ends, it will affect the overall plot arc, and in turn, affect the overall arc of the entire story.

Players in one mission can move their characters to other ongoing missions.

More will be revealed later, as the scenario is unveiled and missions revealed to go along with it.

Chapter 2: Character Sheet.

You can find it here, for easy copy-pasting!

Chapter 3: Traits!

Chapter 4: Rules & Guidelines.

#1: There can only be a maximum of twenty characters at this point in time. This means that up to five people can have two characters. The other ten can only have one character. First come, first serve basis.
#2: Death isn’t permanent--if your character dies and you want to keep playing them, you can always take the option of becoming undead or otherwise. Just let me know and we can work something out. That being said, I reserve the right to just straight up kill your character.
#3: Obey all of RPG’s rules, obviously. I like my RP not being closed.
#4: Try to post at least once a week.
#5: Have fun. Because if you don’t have fun, Cthulhu help you, I will make you have fun.
#6: I may change these rules at any time, and ultimately, my word is the word of a god in this role play. That is: It’s final.

Chapter 5: Character List & Miscellaneous stuff!

--Active: 25.
--Inactive: 1.
--Dead: 3.

Don’t be afraid to ask me any questions about the lore, traits, or otherwise. I’ll be more than happy to answer them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kadaeux


Member Offline since relaunch

Biographical Section

Name: Murderok
Age: 35
Race: Minotaur
Sex: Bull

Homeland: The Free Holds/Wandering Mercenaries
It's a mercenaries life for me. Murderok has worked as a Mercenary since he was 13 his size and power a clearly desirable attribute by employers, and those early years a source of many of the scars he bears today. It was on his 15th year that he met Gryff who was only 12 at the time, but working as a Mercenary in support roles being taught how to patch up sword wounds, carry supplies back and forth. The two became fast friends and soon enough worked on contract basis as a pair, and well paid they were being a couple of large powerful mercenaries as they grew older the amount they were paid increased.
The two formally declared one another as blood brothers with an ancient and bloody ritual and have since that time been practically inseparable sharing pretty much everything from gold, booze and food, to literally the women with enough courage (and need for gold) to try and take them on in bed. Whether whores in brothels, whores not in brothels, women just plain willing to give it a go or not.
It's a yellowish colour and clinks when in a back with other similar objects. Gold. Gold motivates them. Though they do accept favours from whores in exchange as well.

Stats & Traits

General Traits
--Trait 1. Endurance Training: He's a fucking minotaur.
--Trait 2. Heavy Hitter: When you're a minotaur your blows land somewhat... solidly.
--Crushing Blow (Rank 2): You've learned that against enemies who are pained or slowed, you have even more time to swing and aim, hitting them with the maximum potential force possible. (Automatic critical hit against enemies that are stunned, dazed, unaware, or otherwise not expecting the attack. Small chance to crush armour in such a way as to mangle a limb or cause internal damage to a target through armour.)
--Trait 3. Charger: That's a mighty fine red cape the enemy leader is wearing.
--Trait 4. Adrenaline

--Teamwork I: You work well with others, and are growing accustomed to doing so. You have a greater chance of success in any action if you perform it with an ally, rather than alone. (Minor bonus to anything when done with a compatriot, to a reasonable degree.)
--Lucky: You took a guess, and it turned out correct... (Minor bonus to random actions, especially if they take luck.)

Unique Traits
--Trait 1. Minotaur: Damn near ten feet tall, musclebound, no sense of direction, Murderok is a somewhat classical minotaur in the physical sense. Though somewhat more intelligent (so he says) preferring to wear armour and use weapons instead of being stupid enough to get locked in a maze... he hopes.
--Trait 2. Manbreaker is a Crossbow of unusual size built to Murderok's proportions. For most humans this qualified as more of a small sized ballista than a crossbow. The crossbow's name comes from the most commonly demonstrated fact whenever it hits something.
---Upgrade: Manbreaker; Murderok has well and truly ensured that he's learned how to craft the oversized bolts for the Manbreaker and has several custom head designs to affix upon them, such as the gutspiller, a wicked moon-bladed bolt head designed to spill a mans guts into the ground (or just bisect him completely if he's close enough) and a serrated design for biting into stone and wood to affix climbing ropes (or make it REALLY messy to pull out of someone)
--Trait 3. Gore; Murderok uses the heavy horns during a charge to gore his enemies, the sight is messy and hellaciously demoralising to most folk who really do prefer the sight of most people with their insides, well, inside instead of gracing a minotaurs horns like a necklace of sausage meat.

Chainmail Armour
Steel Breastplate
Spear designed for a Minotaur... and used by one
Khopesh designed for Murderok's size.

Flint and Steel
Very Large Tent
Backpack with cooking utensils and basic supplies.

Personal Section

Romance: "Sure, i'll take you fer a ride darlin, if yer willin ta give Gryff a turn too."

Biographical Section

Name: Gryff
Age: 32
Race: Centaur
Sex: Stallion

Homeland: The Free Holds/Wandering Mercenaries
History: Though younger than Murderok you'd never know it the way the two interact. Their histories have next to nothing to differentiate them other than the fact Gryff has kept up on herbs and other battlefield remedies to see to injury the Centaur serving pretty much exclusively as the medic for both himself and Murderok when possible always trying to learn more about healing for their own needs. Though nobody mistakes him for a healer, the plate armour he wears and equipment usually the province of knights remade for his own form.
Motivation: It's a yellowish colour and clinks when in a back with other similar objects. Gold. Gold motivates them. Though they do accept favours from whores in exchange as well.

Stats & Traits

General Traits
--Trait 1. Charger. Centaur. Durr :p
--Smash n' Grab (Rank 2): Atop of charging brutishly like some kind of avalanche of death you've clued in that if you can grapple your opponent, or hit them specifically in a way to daze them or knock away their weapon, you'll then have a much easier time with introducing them to whatever entity they consider divine. Such as your warhammer, or crossbow. (On successfully charging into someone, you have a chance of disarming them, grappling them, pinning them, or stunning them, depending on what their size is and whether or not they're wielding a weapon, and have a greater chance of avoiding harm while charging into someone or something.)
--Trait 2. Heavy Hitter.
--Trait 3. Rapid Blows.
--Trait 4. Endurance Training

--Teamwork I: You work well with others, and are growing accustomed to doing so. You have a greater chance of success in any action if you perform it with an ally, rather than alone. (Minor bonus to anything when done with a compatriot, to a reasonable degree.)
--Lucky: You took a guess, and it turned out correct... (Minor bonus to random actions, especially if they take luck.)

Unique Traits
--Trait 1. Centaur. Human upper torso, arms and head seemingly (and seamlessly) bolted onto a horses body. Is disqualified from entry into jousting tournaments due to inability to be unhorsed. Though the ability to literally trample enemies into the dust is admirable.
--Trait 2. Battlefield Physciian. Gryff is familiar with certain herbs and other basic remedies for battlefield poultices as well as in a pinch, interrogator. (When a Centaur gets out bone saws and asks what your favourite body parts are...)
---Upgrade: Battlefield Physician; Gryff has become more proficient at dealing with battlefield injuries and even some off the battlefield injuries.
--Trait 3. Reverse Physician: Gryffs talent at basic healing and stitching someone up has lead to an increased skill and knowledge of where exactly he can hit to open someone up in the optimum manner with a bow or blade. At least a basic knowledge at it anyway.

Plate Armour/Barding
Steel tipped Lance
Horse Bow + Quiver of Arrows

Flint and Steel
Very Large Tent
Backpack with bandages, basic herbs for poultices, bone saws and basic supplies.

Personal Section

Romance: "Sure, i'll show you what it means to be hung like a horse. If you're willing to give Murderok a turn too, or at the same time i'm not picky."

Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: ...

Signature: Kadaeux.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 1 day ago

Biographical Section

Name: Laenaia
Age: 22
Race: Vampire
Sex: F
Homeland: Wanderer
History: For as long as she remember Laenaia has been living on the road, moving from time to time for one reason or another. Together with her being a vampire, this lead to a hard life and adopting a mostly reserved clothing during the day (like a thick cloak or wide hat, maybe both), although she may wear other clothing during the evening or in-door. She often found patronage in upper class societies wherever she go or whenever she went along with a merchant caravan, given that she manage to keep her status as a vampire initially as the people were usually wary or even downright hostile when they discover it soon after meeting, although they tend to be more...tolerant after awhile.

Things weren't always kind, as several times hunters and Templars had hunted her. Several times she managed to escape, but one time, the Templars had come close to killing her, only for her to be saved by the local crime lord that introduced himself as Alexander Bishop. In return for the help, Laenaia agreed to work for the man, especially since they both shared a common dislike against the Papacy and Templarate, although for a different reason. The work she did in the Underworld served its purpose, as on top of having places she could fall back on and some training on doing dirty work, she had gained a number of 'friends' and contacts that she could rely on during her travel.

Motivation: "Mother's calling my blood."

Traits & Equipment

General Traits
--Sharp (Basics of weakness-finding and lie detecting.)
--Apprentice (Mind)
---Wizened (Rank 2): Having done some study and practice, you can now understand two schools of magic, and understand a greater amount of subtly with your first school of magic. There is now a greater chance of you casting a spell without others noticing, unless the spell is blatant and loud: Like a fire ball. ("Stealth magic" and a second school of magic.) (Shadow)
--Raw Talent (Basics of casting magic power-wise.)
--Awakened Meditation (Basics of increasing your magic limitations, and recovery speed from casting magical spells.)

Unique Traits
--Vampire; Diana's Brood: Laenaia is a member of Diana's Brood.

--Faceless One: Laenaia is able to freely later her appearance, be it coloration of her hair or eyes, skin tone, hair length, height, etc. Limited in that she has to remain humanoid and exactly mimicking someone's appearance is not in her grasp, rough mimic is possible though.
--Underground Contacts: (Bonus to interaction and making contacts with those working/living in the darker side of society. Basic Info gathering network)

--Purple Ribbon:(Minor bonus to dealing with damage, less likely to fall into shock or succumb to injuries.)
--Inspirational Speaker: (Minor bonus to convincing NPC's to do as you wish.)

Equipment List
-More clothes
-Thick cloak
-A stabby knife
-Assortment of various clothes for various events
-Coin purse

Personal Section

Romance: Don't mind.
Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: Apparently

Signature: Alphakoka here agree to the rules and regulations, and agree that the GM may kill off your characters without your consent. (Unless there's absolutely no reason for it)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jorick
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Jorick Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kasim has been remade in the new system. History is basically the same, just took out some references to old system traits and replaced them with stuff to explain these new traits. Also toned down that thing I had about him having a cruel streak he liked to indulge in, because I decided later that that actually didn't fit as it was. Same basics for everything else though.

And here's a new one for a second character.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Herzinth
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Thailen Vicarris, the Red Zealot

Biographical Section

Name: Thailen Vicarris
Age: 28
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Appearance: Link for style (Art by Jason Chan, copyright Wizards of the Coast)
Homeland: Kingdom of Liveria
History: Before the fall of the Third Age, the noble Vicarris family of Renalta gave birth to a girl, with hair as strikingly red as her father's; and his father's before him, back for uncounted generations. She was raised to follow the religious principles of the twin Gods Erri and Inmi. Principles of devotion, duty, and strength in the face of uncertainty. She followed the scripture as diligently as her parents demanded, and then some. Her family ruled with an unmoving sense of responsibility, and combined with a strong intuition for the fiscal, slowly gained in power and influence. That is, until Queen Kouri banished the Gods from the mortal realm and founded the Kingdom of Renalta.

With the prospect of serving under a blasphemous Queen in contrast to their previous freedom, the Vicarris's made for Liveria. With Erri and Inmi now lost, they vowed to keep the scripture and values that they followed alive in the new age, and began to follow them even more strictly than ever before. They were able to instate themselves as nobles once more in Liveria using thier previous fortunes and influence, but were unable to achieve the same level of power that they used to hold. They were mocked for their continued worship, seen as outsiders, and were often accused of being Renalta loyalists.

Angered by the shame and distrust poured onto her family, Thailen began to train in the ways of battle and leadership, seeking an outlet for her frustation. She lashed out at those who denounced the Gods, and distrusted other races, who she saw as mockeries of the images and intentions of Erri and Inmi. So when word reached the family of a band of tiefling bandits on their land, she was the first to draw her sword and lead a group of soldiers to deal with the criminals.

She and her men spent weeks searching for them, until one night Thailen was struck by a strange intuition. A feeling that compelled her to head West. Within hours, she came across the tiefling camp, and waded into battle. Neither she nor her soldiers dealt in mercy that night. Afterwards, she removed the tails from several of the corpses and had them made into a cat o'nine tails, which has been her weapon of choice ever since.
Motivation: Raised from birth to follow the virtues of duty, she believes that those who still follow the path of the Gods should fight in their absence; even if it means serving under the Queen that banished them in the first place.

Stats & Traits

General Traits
--Rapid Blows

Unique Traits
--A Devil's Tail: Her cat o'nine tails is crafted from the tails of recently slain tieflings. The blood of demons imbues the whip, causing it to radiate a ferocious heat that can sear flesh.
--A Fel Heritage: Unbeknowest to Thailen, the blood of demon's and tieflings flows through her veins. It is the source of her red hair and fierce temper, but it also gives her a natural sixth sense for things demonic. Such as sensing when they are close, and tracking them even if no normal tracks are left.

Equipment List
--Leather armour
--A longsword
--A cat o'nine tails crafted from tiefling tails
--Noble's clothing
--Prayer beads

Personal Section

Romance: Opt-in
Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: Exist?

Signature: Herzinth
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Elendra


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Biographical Section

Name: Draza Zorya
Age: 37
Race: Sprite
Sex: Female
Appearance: Standing at a whopping one and (just under) a half feet tall, Draza is petite in most senses, but not all. She’s got a big heart, and a little plumpness from all the party cake she enjoys with others. Her face is freckled and her blue eyes shine with a preternatural joy. She almost has a visible aura of joy and compassion, and her posture when talking to big people screams of spunk. Her hair is blond, and usually braided in an almost formal manner, due to years serving as a courtier and then as nearly a full diplomat in her own right making it a habit by now.

She’s usually dressed in very utilitarian dresses, arranging a party involves movement, and she doesn’t want to be too restricted in her movements. But when she’s not set to work in the kitchen or hanging streamers or arranging flowers, her other set of dresses are more elegant, with light and flowing floral designs. Usually she has a purse book of recipes hanging on a strap either over her shoulder, or around her waist, with one of her many lutes always on hand. While dressed more utilitarian, she has a backpack that keeps a variety of long lasting treats. Just because she has to go on long treks, doesn’t mean she can’t still make sure those around her eat well and are merry.
Homeland: The Rheinfeld Republic (nerts to that kingdom!)

Motivation: To make the world a better place. To see a smile on everyone’s face.

Traits & Equipment

General Traits
--Sharp 2
--Inspirational Speaker
--Bullshit Detector

Unique Traits
--Too Innocent To Kill; Draza, being so small and adorable and just so... harmless looking, is usually not a top priority for people in combat, if she’s one at all. Those who are more ‘omnicidal’ or ‘indiscriminate’ in whom they want to kill or worse are not so won over, however.
--Soothing Aura 2; There’s just something about Draza, that makes it very difficult to be angry when near her. Aggression and malicious intent simmer down to being bothered, or more prankish than destructive. It’s hard to get riled up around her, but definitely not impossible. Short fuses are just made a hell of a lot longer, and people just assume a bit better about motivations; less likely to be offended as well. Keep calm, and carry on. Specially when she's doing music. UPDATE: Amping this baby up.
--Obfuscating Stupidity; Draza knows that she's not really much of a threat in most eyes already, but she's clever enough to use that to her advantage. She's adept at taking action while appearing to have simply innocently or harmlessly stumbled into her success. Really, it's how she survived this long. She has been with roaming mage hunting Templars in the past, and criminal organizations and such.

Equipment List
A backpack full of toys and goodies.
First aid supplies.
A particularly well made toy of an ogre that she has taken to calling ‘Gahrul’.
An assortment of dresses as appropriate for an assortment of cultures.
A sweet lute

Personal Section

Romance: Romance is fine, just remember she’s, like, tiny. You did read her description, right?
Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: Only if you believe.
An edited in second AND third character waiting for a spot to open! I request Alotha be given primacy to Ynari if possible to make that request. Or, y'know, just withdraw Ynari otherwise :p
Biographical Section

Name: Alotha Quirinus (formerly Alotha Iovina)
Age: 39
Race: “Half”-Elf, “Half”-Human. Really far more confusingly mixed than that.
Sex: Female
Appearance: Standing at 5'8'', she was, in her youth, far more lithe and graceful, with a boyish build and small chest, but after the estrogen of a few kids her hips are wider, her top heavier, and her form far more womanly. She doesn’t have any sort of idealized figure, just a more accented form than before. Her ears are pointed, but only slightly, and her eyes are grey-white. Her hair is kept above her shoulders and is light brown. Marking her body are various scars, from where her arena gear broke, a blade or claw dug in too deep, and her nose is a bit wrong from having been broken too many times. She doesn’t have all of her teeth, missing two on her left side from a particularly powerful right hook she took once.
Homeland: Kingdom of Tuleria (formerly), Kingdom of Renalta (presently)
History: A pretty simple history. As a younger girl she took to disguising herself as a male and fighting in the ring against lizards, monsters, and guys with big weapons. She bound her chest and wore a mask that both served to protect her, intimidate, and conceal. However, despite her good track record, she eventually stopped fighting, and settled down with someone (Marino Quirinus) and had kids. Four of them, Groveren (18 M), Sandisa (12 F), Aracalo (8 M), and Minas (5 M).

However, she was unable to stay the mom for her kids after Marino sustained a severe injury in his line of work at the quarry. In order to sustain her family with the help of her eldest son’s job, Alotha had to go back to the one thing she knew how to do, fight. Returning to the ring as a ‘newcomer’, she quickly established herself as a mama badass. However, with the banishment of the gods, and the establishment of the Kingdom of Renalta and the whole ‘wow that place is cool and better to live in’, the Quirinii moved across the continent to Renalta, with any troubles beaten up and punched out by Alotha as necessary. At least, that’s how she claims it happened, Groveren helped fight things off in a more sensible manner (with weapons), and not all the fights that Alotha sometimes claimed happen did happen.

Motivation: Make the fucking world safe for her goddamn kids.

Traits & Equipment

Equipment List
Magical Cestuses

Combat Mask and Headgear

Various bits of normal adventure gear and other bullshit that everyone who’s not Draza probably has on them. Maps, dungeon delving stuff, basic camping supplies. The works. She got most of it after joining the Blades “I’ll probably need it.”

A homestead in Renalta where her family lives now.

Personal Section

Romance: She’s married. But sure, husband can die or if we want it to be super scandalous, she could just cheat on him. Hope you like kids though; she’s keeping them.
Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: Yes

Signature: Your username here. Elendra
Biographical Section

Name: Ynari el-Haddad, formerly Ynari the Nameless
Age: 56
Race: Desert Dwarf, a race of dwarves that reside on the surface around deserts; true in dwarven blood and biology, they are taller and darker skinned than their subterranean cousins.
Sex: Female
Appearance: Standing at 4’10, with stocky build true to her nature, Ynari is a rather average desert dwarf young woman. Her hair is dark brown, although it tends to darken to black if she spends too much time out of sunlight. It is usually kept short, or up in a braided bun if she permits it to grow long in order to not disturb her craft. There’s very little in the way of frills in her garbs, all harty and pragmatic. Light on the skin to combat the heat of the desert and of the forge and nearly flame retardant as well. She has goggles tinted to let her stare into flames or the sun for long stretches, and rags tied around her arms to wipe sweat from her brow.
Homeland: Originally: The Free Holds / Nomadic; Presently: The Goblin Holds

Motivation: While money certainly plays a part in her motivation, she also doesn’t want hell to spill over. That would suck.

Traits & Equipment

General Traits
--Raw Talent: She didn’t realize this until roughly 20 years ago, but she has true talent with magic.
----Raw Talent 2: Actually it's pretty damn good.
--Apprentice: Forgecraft, essentially specialized alchemy. Used in usually one of four ways, bypassing smelting to make usable metal out of ore, or at a greater cost out of stone (such a process is usually done in the field when lacking proper materials); refining and enhancing both the products and the process, speeding it along and increasing the quality of the end good; undoing the work done on other smithed goods, such as tools, weapons, and armours, by rusting them or causing them to fall apart; lastly, channelling other magics into the work. This last manner is the most difficult to do, and the most draining, unless you work with something particularly susceptible to this portion of the craft. In all cases, however, Forgecraft is easier and faster to do than comparable alchemy due to its specialized nature.
--Wells of Power: It is unknown if she found the Vaulted Reliquary because of her connection to the Wells of Power, or if she got connections to the Wells of Power because she found the Vaulted Reliquary. In either case, she’s connected now.
--Awakened Meditation: It wasn't like she was using a lot of magic to begin with.

Unique Traits
--Forged from Blood: While she keeps the exact manner in which she makes steel in this way a secret, Ynari’s weapons and armours of this make are fairly valuable for both their quality, protective qualities against magic, and the strange organic almost wood-like grain to the metal. She refers to the steel as Blood Steel, and it’s assumed that the Blood Sea is involved in the process by which she makes her products. Things made in this way are easier to imbue with further powers, and can even make mundane persons become proper threats so long as they’re neither too stupid or clumsy.
----Finest Steel: Okay, even if they're stupid and clumsy.
--Rapid Mobilization: Normally the creation and refining of goods by Forgecraft is a slow, timely affair. It produces incredibly high quality goods in due order. However, sometimes you need a bunch of spears to shoot out of the ground right now or a shield right now or to make that bad guy’s armour to rust right now. These acts are either far lesser in quality, or more draining to perform. Or both. Can also be used to rapidly arm a militia at the last minute with weapons and armours, or munitions.
--Custom Fit: A far finer touch than Rapid Mobilization, instead of just jutting shit out from things to the ground or at a target, she can quickly arm someone by making the weapons, armours, and tools conform to the person, making works that are perfect for the user.

Equipment List
--Arun’s Gift: An old smith’s hammer. Written in the handle, worn almost to illegible, is “For my daughter, Y”. The rest is scratched out and can’t be read. Ynari says that the rest was just her name.
--Hammer of the Reliquary: Perhaps not that most respectful use of the contents of the tomb; this item was made with those, quality iron, and blood from the Blood Sea. A mighty hammerhead for her own protection, using it instead of Arun’s Gift in combat in those rare times she fights in combat.
--Small Dagger: Sometimes there’s not enough room to swing the hammer, or it’s too noticeable.
--Merchant Robes from the Goblin Holds: Light clothing that minimally impairs movement, meant for merchants of the Goblin Holds. Suitably Arabic in style, and perfect for warm weather.
--Merchant Robes from Tuleria: Not as light as the robes from the Goblin Holds, and a bit more restrictive to wear; these robes do show off a higher status to be worn.
--Expedition Clothes: As light as the Goblin Hold Merchant Robes, but more restrictive in movement, they offer better protection against the elements.
--Finery Clothes: While certainly not as grandiose as as the adornments of true nobility, this dress and garb is flattering to the short frame and curves of Ynari.
--Smithing Gear: An assortment of actual blacksmithing tools, garbs, goggles, and more. Also, an actual anvil, but fuck traveling with that thing in your pack. Shipping it’s a pain, even. Cheaper to just get a new one or pay to use one.
--Map of the Goblin Holds: While the map shows the Goblin Holds and surrounding area, it is littered with notes around the Vaulted Reliquary detailing her searches.
--Maps of the Continent: Not in as great of detail as the Map of the Goblin Holds, Ynari does have maps of the continent and trade routes by which she has earned coin before.
--Smith’s Notes: Her own notes from the Vaulted Reliquary, and from techniques she has tried in both magical and mundane crafting, save Blood Steel.
--Cultured Coins: Money changers may be horrible thieves, but if you are to travel, you are going to need the proper coins more often than not. Ynari has sums of money for a variety of cultures available to her from her time as a merchant mage.
--Basic Survival Gear and Rations: Because it’d certainly suck to go around without these things, right?
--Trinkets and Relics: While not usually carried on her, Ynari does own sequestered away from the Vaulted Reliquary, things she has pilfered from it for herself for study and eventual use.
--Caravan: Based on wagons from her youth, and armed with a variety of employees who each seek apprenticeship, this is her preferred mode of travel. Beats walking.

Personal Section

Romance: Yes yes yes!
Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: Yes.

Signature: Yes! Er, I mean, Elendra.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Herzinth
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Abida Qisaf, the Noble Slave

Biographical Section

Name: Abida Qisaf
Age: 24
Race: Elf
Sex: Female
Appearance: Link for smoothness (Art by Diego Cunha)
Addition Appearance Notes: Tattoo's are now more of a rich blue, and blue sparks can be seen dancing behind her eyes.
Homeland: Free Holds
History: Raised from birth as a slave in the city-state of Saylihold, Abida was treated as a personal project of her master's. She was taught by talented swordsmen how to fight, while also lectured in the ways of propriety and class. She was to be his pinnacle of creation, regarded as a living masterpiece of art.

The burden of slavery nor the temptation of freedom lived within her mind; she accepted her place in the world, and came to see it as a near mythical fate. Not a fate specific to herself, but a fate that dictates the order of the world; those who rule, and those who are ruled. Slavery, as she came to see it, was the natural extension of that universal fate.

So when a party of Goblin Hold soldiers crossed the nearby borders to wage battle with Saylihold, Abida followed the order to fight them off without hesitation, joining alongside the city's soldiers to keep the invaders out and fleeing slaves in. For that was the fate of the world, and she was determined to keep the order intact. As a reward for her obedience, a mage marked the area around her eyes with tattoos into which he wove spells of sight and vision.

Now her master has sent her to join the Queen's Blades, because she of all his slaves will remain loyal despite the easy to attain freedom. As to why he sent her, a hand in every change can mold the world to any vision.
Motivation: "The master commands, a slave complies."

Stats & Traits

General Traits
--Heavy Hitter II
--Acrobatic I
--Slippery I
--Raw Talent I

Unique Traits
--Elvish Strength I: The blood of elves long used to the harsh deserts of the North runs through Abida's veins, making her stronger than most ordinary humans while still keeping a lean physique.
--An Unnatural Vision I: Pale blue tattoos frame Abida's eyes, and are in fact magical in origin. They let her see when vision would normally be obstructed by such things as darkness and weaker illusions.
--An Unnatural Vision II: The tattoos have deepened in colour, and a faint blue hue can be seen flickering behind Abida's irises. Now anything in her field of vision, even at great distances and in her periphery vision, can be seen in remarkable detail at once,without needing to focus on one thing or another.

--Stutter Step I: Abida can shift herself a few feet in any direction. Similar to a teleport, except for the fact that she still traverses the distance between the two points. Just really quickly. And yes this includes up.

--Mighty Cleave I: "With one great swing the King laid dead, and all his kingdom mourned. With a second great swing, so too did Kyria, and that ended any hope, of a land: Forsworn." Like the mighty Archangel Typhon, you have a potent swing, and put a little more strength into it than most do. (Minor bonus to damage output & armour penetration.)
--Teamwork I: You work well with others, and are growing accustomed to doing so. You have a greater chance of success in any action if you perform it with an ally, rather than alone. (Minor bonus to anything when done with a compatriot, to a reasonable degree.)

Equipment List
--A heavy two-handed sword
--Light, non-movement impairing clothing fit for a noble

Personal Section

Romance: Opt-in
Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: Exist?

Signature: Herzinth
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tempest
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Tempest Feminazi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Biographical Section

Name: Rayvon Krayvitch
Age: 22
Race: Aasimar
Sex: Female
Homeland: Kingdom of Liveria
History: Here
To establish angels as secular of the gods, stamp down scourges of the realm and purge the corruption of both unholy and amoral individuals. It may not be her problem, but she's about to make it so.

Traits & Equipment

General Traits
--Defender II: Basics of wielding shields and armour effectively. Damage negated by a small portion
----Protector: Weapon deflection and combo disruption
--Adrenaline I: Basics of “last stand” mechanics
--Fortitude I: Basics of resisting magical spells
--Raw Talent I: Basics of casting magic power-wise

Unique Traits
--Divine Martyr I: Natural resistances to Unholy and Corruption effects. At the expense of exposing herself to a degree of the corruption, she can purify an individual.
----Divine Martyr II: Rayvon now has a cleansing aura. All things within the area are less prone to the effects of corruption. She herself now naturally cleanses corruption of herself over time.
--Orthodoxy Awareness I: Ability to sense corrupt and divine individuals in a range based upon the strength of it. IE) Demons and angels, within 50 metre radius, slight corruption on contact
--The Spellsword I: Rayvon has the talent to imbue raw magic in some form to her equipment. Grants a slight magic property bonus to either attack or defense with the equipment enchanted.

--Purple Ribbon: Minor bonus to dealing with damage, less likely to fall into shock or succumb to injuries.
--Mighty Cleave: Minor bonus to damage output & armour penetration.

None as of yet

Equipment List:
Chainmail and Half-plate Armour, Decorated
Vigilo Numen – Greatsword, High-Quality
Wrist-mounted Buckler
Black Cloak
Cross Necklace
Empty Coinpurse
Steel Polish
Flint and Steel
Angelus Decretum

Biographical Section

Name: Maeven Lucre
Age: 27
Race: Mechanist-Human Half-Breed
Sex: Female
Homeland: The Kingdom of Tuleria
History: Here
There are many interesting things in Tuleria, but there are even more abroad. Maeven knows this and believes the gateway to these things is the Queen's Blades. Even she had heard tale of the Heroes of Renalta. What could be more interesting than that. Well, she is determined to find out.

Traits & Equipment

General Traits
--Heavy Hitter I: Basics of doing more damage with each attack
--Endurance Training I: Basics of taking more damage and resisting pain-related negative effects
--Sharp II: Basics of weakness-finding and lie detecting
----Investigator: Increases chances of finding out of place things and detecting weaknesses. Chance to suddenly realize something they didn't understand before
--Slippery I: Basics of dodging and evasion

Unique Traits
--Mechanist Matron I: Maeven is proficient in binding spirits to make living creations. Need an example? Meet Fafnir, a mechanical dragon construct.
----Mechanist Matron II: Maeven has begun experimenting upon Fafnir in order to make him a better dragon then ever. He now can be customized to better service her needs. Unlocks two customizable slots for him.

--The Only Real Power is Firepower I: While bows and steel are fine, they are inferior to a solid gun. Maevan is a sharpshooter equipped with the best of the best of Mechanist Weaponry (or so she claims), Bloom the Blunderbuster.

--Interchangable Parts I: Maeven has begun to better understand her mechanist talents. She now has the capability to overhaul her creations completely outside of missions. Inside missions, she can do on the fly repairs and alterations outside of combat. This ranges from swapping out soulstones to change the effects in her gear to changing out parts to change the function of her equipment. This talent also applies towards other mechanist items that she comes across, given her cursory knowledge of what makes creations tick.

--Mechanical Apprentice: One free upgrade to Fafnir.
--Playing Possum: Minor bonuses to escaping the attention of enemies.

None as of yet

Equipment List:
Bloom the Blunderbuster – Special
Upper-Class Clothing (Tulerian)
Flintlock Pistol
Powder Horn
Empty Spirit Gem
Control Ring - Fafnir
Journal & Charcoal
Tinker Toolkit

Personal Section

Romance: YES
Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: Yes
Signature: I, Tempest, hereby swear and promise to follow the rules and create the most ridiculous characters I can within their confines for the sake of my own amusement. I pledge to play the party's babysitter as the Paladin player and sow mayhem as I may with my Mechanist monstrosities. Cross my heart and hope the dice aren't douchebags.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gat


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Brovo said -snip- my word is the word of a god in this role play.

But the gods were banished, they hold no sway anymore! :p

also not sure if i'll rework maher or not, but expect a character from me at some point.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Herzinth
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Let it be known that everyone else's characters were edited in after I had finished both of mine
/shallow and meaningless victory

Also, if dibs are a thing, then all five extra character slots are taken. If not, then there are still three left at this point. For those too lazy to count up to five on their own.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

This spot ish mien. I will pu up someting here
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gat


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Brovo specifically said first come first serve, so really dibs is irrelevant.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Herzinth
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Gat said
Brovo specifically said first come first serve, so really dibs is irrelevant.

In the slim chance that dibs count as coming first.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Holmishire

Holmishire Ghost with no home.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Biographical Section

Name: Aëyr.
Age: 19.
Race: Selkie.
Sex: Female.
Appearance: Dark brown hair, slim build, average height. (better description to come, probably draw her when I get the chance)
Homeland: The Free Holds.

Motivation: After years of slavery, Aëyr wants to regain some sense of self-worth. Benevolent at heart, and choosing others over herself, all she wants is a better world where others, perhaps, won't have to suffer as she did. She chose to join the Queen's Blades to help others.

Traits & Equipment

Equipment List
Wears light sleeveless clothing, with some leather sewn in for minor protection of essential parts, but mostly designed to be lightweight and flexible. Carries large canteens filled with water, a large warm cloak, a satchel filled with a variety of medicinal herbs and paraphernalia, and a couple long, sharp daggers. Also her weapon of choice, a sling with a number of small spherical stones.

Personal Section

Romance: It happens if it happens.
Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: I suspect so.
Signature: Holmishire, should you choose to accept me.
I am fully aware that you are giving preferential treatment to the previous players of Renalta, and I in no way wish to subvert that decision. But, if by some fluke of luck, Renalta doesn't fill up with the regulars, I would be honoured to join the pack.

If it doesn't work out, well, I've always got the Last Bastion. ;}
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Maxim


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Reserving a slot.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tempest
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Tempest Feminazi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Holmishire said
I am fully aware that you are giving preferential treatment to the previous players of Renalta, and I in no way wish to subvert that decision. But, if by some fluke of luck, Renalta fill up with the regulars, I would be honoured to join the pack.If it doesn't work out, well, I've always got the Last Bastion. ;}

If it comes down to it... I might try to talk to Brovo and see if... I... *takes a deep breath* If it comes down to it, perhaps putting my secondary onto the backburner until their are inactives or drops.... If. Until that point, I have an iron grip on that secondary slot.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Elendra


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Tempest said
If it comes down to it... I might try to talk to Brovo and see if... I... *takes a deep breath* If it comes down to it, perhaps putting my secondary onto the backburner until their are inactives or drops.... If. Until that point, I have an iron grip on that secondary slot.

I literally cannot decide what to do for my second character. As some can attest, I have a list several dozen ideas long, and I can't pick which to do. So I'll drop my second one so Levi can get in, because he at least has a clear idea :p

Or if that doesn't help, OH WELL, I tried.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Herzinth
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

So... me and Jojo each have a returning character, and a new character.

Jojo's returning character was born a slave in the Free Holds, rejected his place as a slave and fought to free others. My new character was born a slave in the Free Holds, accepted her place as a slave and fought to keep the practice in place.

My returning character was born a noble in Renalta before moving to Liveria, has always been highly religious, and is intolerant of other races and all things 'unholy'. Jojo's new character was born a noble in LIveria before moving to Renalta, has never been that religious, and befriended a vampire before becoming one herself.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gat


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Couldn't have planned it better if you tried.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Andrea


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saving a slot
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