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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChaoticLaw
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Peace never comes easy, but this seems to be especially true for the people of Alfanta. After nearly 25 years of constant war between the races that inhabit the grand continent, an uneasy peace has seemed to finally be reached with the death of the dreadful warlord, Vane. Citizens, at last, feel as though they can, if not rest particularly easy, at least sleep without keeping one eye open. And for 15 years, they do just that. Pacts are signed between races, the dead are put to rest, and inhabitants of Alfanta try bring new life into the world. But a darkness is spreading, one far worse than that of Vane.

Graves all across the land are being found empty, the ground around them collapsed and broken as if the inhabitants bellow have crawled their way out. Rumors of a new threat have begun to circulate about an army of undead ravaging the borderlands. Its ranks are commanded by a necromancer, one more powerful and terrifying than the world has witnessed in over 1000 years. The army of undead has become known as the Black Scourge, and with each town the army raze its strength grows, the newly dead quickly joining the ranks of their murderers.

The Black Scourge threatens to tear the world apart, but the great uneasiness that exists among the races of Alfanta makes the major nations of the world slow to react. Border disputes and unwillingness to cooperate makes it nearly impossible for any sort of real defense to be developed, much less acted upon. This, my dear reader, is where you enter.

A strange scroll has appeared amongst your belongings. Where it came from you have no idea, your quite sure you’ve never seen it before in your life. Inside the scroll are a map and a note that reads;

Alfanta is falling.
Should something not be done soon your way of life and all you hold dear will be lost.
It is too dangerous to explain in writing, but I believe that you will play a vital role in the war to come
Please, come to the location marked on the map I have provided, Alfanta’s future may depend upon it.
- S

The fate of the world is in your hands, and the hands of the other chosen. You may be young or old, strong or weak, elf, orc, human, or one of the other countless races that inhabit the land. Your past has made you who you are today, but the deeds you perform now will shape the future of all of Alfanta. Danger, death and adventure await you. Are you ready to heed the call?

So there is the basic premise. The world is going to be conquered by an ever growing army of undead unless something is done quickly. The decisions you and your companions make will shape how the story goes, and failure is completely possible. In order to survive you will have to be cunning, and able to depend on those who in the past you have fought against.

Now for some vital information:

Alfanta: Alfanta is a massive continent, split amongst numerous races and groups. Most of who have just recently finished fighting amongst each other. Its land rich in history and magic, as well as death and war. While there are many small nations, villages, and tribes that inhabit the world, there are 5 major nations that, for the most part, rule a majority of the land.

Valinfor: A nation predominantly ruled and inhabited by humans. It’s borders are large and encompass the center of the continent. Its capital of Drale is believed to be the largest in the world, with hundreds of thousands of people from every race seeking to make a living behinds its massive walls.

Elfanir: The home land of the elves. A Predominantly forested area whose cities are hidden amongst the great trees that make up most of the landscape. The royal city of Elalond is where the Elven royalty resides, and although it is not as large as Drale, it is a far more stunning and mystical place.

Thalfaldihr: The land of the dwarves, which mostly consists of a large mountain range along the southern border of Alfanta. The capital of Vanduahr is a massive city carved into the side of the great Thorned Mountain.

Low: Not so much a nation as it is a collective of orcish tribes. While the orcs don’t truly have a king or queen the strongest and wisest of the orc chieftains will often meet the town of Paahruir, the closest thing the orcs have to a capital. While not as grand or stunning as the other great capitals, it is still a sight to behold.

Drestin:The land of darkness. It is a land where little sunlight ever seems to reach, and as such home to most of the creatures of the night. The capital of Shallow Point is a city ruled by murder and deceit, but it is also the best place to find some of the more…forbidden items one might want.

These are just rough outlines of the major cities, I’ll be adding much more later on.

The (hopefully) fun thing about this Rp is that how you make your character is pretty much open in every way you can imagine. Just about every race exists somewhere on Alfanta, although some may be rarer than others. And any type of character class you can imagine is available. Each person’s actions will play a major role in the stories development so I want you to think about your character very carefully. About the only restrictions I have on characters are no gods (for what I hope are obvious reason) And (probably) no dragons, because they have almost been entirely whipped out. (although if you give me a really good character sheet for the second one I might reconsider) Other than that feel free to go crazy with your character. Just remember your character may indeed die. And although I will let you make another one if you so wish, we are fighting a necromancer. Former friends and allies could very easily become powerful undead enemies.

Your character:

Your character will be extremely important in this RP as each action you make will have an effect on the story to come. I have ideas of course about how things will progress, but each of your actions can play a major role in the turnout. Success and survival are far from guaranteed. Sense your character can be very open ended I will include some ideas for races, however, these are just basic suggestions and just about anything you can imagine is allowed.


The most common and arguably most organized races are

Some of the less common race may include:

Again these are just a few quick suggestions of what is possible. However, you can feel free to play as just about any race.

Character Sheet:

You can feel free to add anything else to the character sheet that you like. I will be allowing everyone 2 characters. A main character and a minor character. The main character will be the main protagonist of your story, the one who received the summons. Your minor character can be just about anything, a pet, a servant, a lover, whatever you want it to be. You dont have to have a minor character but you are free to make one if you so choose.

Thats it for now. I just wanted to throw this up so that people can get their character sheet up. Ill be adding a timeline, a map, and some more information relatively soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maxwell
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Maxwell Dumber than Advertised

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'm considering a dwarven veteran of the last war, but I have some questions. How powerful can physical warriors become in this setting? How powerful can mages be? You say demons and angels could be overpowered, but there are no guidelines anywhere as to how powerful you want characters to be. I'm thinking ghosts, elementals, homebrew races etc could easily become problematic as well - it's freeform, after all, so abusing your freedom is as easy as having a bit of imagination.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChaoticLaw
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ok, let my try to set some general guidelines really quickly then. I still have quite a bit of information I need to add but hopefully this will give you a general idea.

My main worry is that each character needs to have a balance. A powerful warrior might be able to take on 5-10 enemies at once, but not 100. Mages or wizards have basically the same restrictions . While they can cast powerful magic, if they go beyond their means it can kill them in the process. Magic is also rather unstable and can backfire if someone does not know what they are doing. I'm hesitant about angels and demons because for the most part they are immortal, but if they have limits, perhaps on how much power they can use within the mortal realm, than something like that would be fine. Obviously I don't want anyone to be able to strike down an entire army by blinking.

I have added a strength and weakness section to the CS, so that should help. My main concern is that no character can be immortal. I try to leave most of a characters skill up to the player, but If something is obviously overpowered I will step in and discuss it with them. I hope this answers your questions, but if not I plan on having a section about magic and combat added sometime soon. .
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maxwell
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Maxwell Dumber than Advertised

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yes, that helps a lot. Thank you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NewSun
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago


Major Character


The Scholar, Austen Redtail, Scourer of Knowledge and Curator of the Valinfor Library on the subject of Eidolon, the Half-Phantom said "Eidolon? Oh goodness, no! I can't imagine that is his real name. Not by a long shot. To even presume that such a creature is even capable of remembering something as simple and fundamental as its own identity is a preposterous notion at best! I would scoff at the notion that he even retains his personality, let alone his humanity. The creature you wish to study is no longer the man he once was; he is a new creature entirely.”

Planewalker, Half-Phantom, Returned.

Rikkard the Storyteller, on the Legend of the Planewalkers said
"There have been many references to creatures such as this throughout the ages, though sightings and evidence that their existence is more than a mere myth have been... less than abundant. They have been referred to as many things: Planewalkers, Half-Phantoms and Returned, but they all ultimately point to the same, unusual creature we're discussing at this very moment. And what are they, you ask? Well... They're a kind of undead, but not the kind you're used to. The story goes that if an individual is killed in a way that is not in accordance with their fate, then their soul will find a way to cling to its body. They will become locked in a state of existing both in our mortal world, and that of the realm of death. These 'Planewalkers' can become astounding creatures if the soul can latch to its body permanently; though they lose almost everything that made them... well, them. Their memories? Gone. Hopes and dreams? Gone. Replaced with a constant search for identity and meaning. Though they are said to reawaken to the world with no clear purpose, as if it a dream to them. A puzzled and shadowy world is all they can see - a macabre combination of both the world of the living and the dead. While of course this presents the Planewalker with many unusual abilities and skills, such as the ability to move short distances faster than the eye can follow, or install the greatest of fears into the hearts of their enemies and expose weaknesses that are known to few, there are obvious downsides to such a position. But this is all obviously speculation. Everybody knows that they are simply creatures constructed in our own heads. Imagine if it were true! Ha! What a horrible fate it would be to endure!"


Historian Aldrek, when interviewed about recent sightings of a Planewalker said
"I would not care to estimate the lifespan of those things. They could have come from a time long ago. They could have come from recent days. When they reawaken is not necessarily in accordance with when they die. So yes, he could be thirty, he could be three hundred. Now can you stop asking, I don't want to talk about it anymore!"


The Scholar, Austen Redtail, Scourer of Knowledge and Curator of the Valinfor Library on the subject of Planewalkers said
"Oh, goodness no. They aren't like your typical undead. Their flesh doesn't rot from their bones, they aren't shambling and decaying frames of what they once were. They just look like you or I - just regular people. They don't often act like it, but thats what they look like. They're hard to tell apart from regular people if you don't know what you're looking for, and there are things to look for: subtle differences, mostly. The eyes are a dead giveaway. Don't stare into them for too long, because the reflection you can see in their inky blackness is only one of the world of the dead. They say you can see your fate if you gaze too long, you can see the representation of your own mortality, your own face being flayed from your skull. Other than that, though, you have to get pretty lucky to spot the signs. You can sometimes see the deathly visage of the spirit that surrounds the body in the right light, and under the right circumstances. Ghostly white, it is, misty and bright. Other than that, you probably won't know unless they wanted you to know."


Doctor Rashald Veilin of Valinfor, after a supposed encounter with Eidolon the Planewalker said
"Yes, that is correct. The Planewalker came to me in the night. He came into my home seeking some sort of answers. I panicked, obviously. This man was, from the outset, obviously not Human; he was not entirely inhuman, ether. He seemed to be more lost than angry - though I cannot tell you for what he was searching. He pleaded for me to banish the spirits that clouded his vision... Now i'm no expert on matters such as these, but it seemed to me that this particular individual was recently awakened. His face fluttered between sheer terror, to rage, to calm. Like a soul that was lost between worlds, he was not sure what he should feel. Of course this is simply my take on what I saw, for obviously I could not see into his mind. But I have heard stories, you know, the ones about them being trapped in a foul amalgamation of worlds, where terror and death reigns alongside life and light, so I can imagine, if true, why he acted the way he did. He vanished into the night after only moments, and I can only speculate as to how this 'man' will develop as he comes to terms with what he has become. I only hope that he finds peace."

Assassin / Hit and Run Attacker

Combat Specialist, Sir Talken, on the theoretical combat applications of a Planewalker said ”Hmm.. That is a good question. How would a Planewalker fare as a part of a larger unit? Well, I don’t know why you’re asking, but one may speculate. First of all, it would be fair to say that they would be especially deadly in singling out targets. I would wager that they could do this from any applicable distance - you know how the stories go; that they can flit from one place to another with minimal effort. Other than that, I think they would serve you well as a momentum-based hit-and-run attacker. I have no doubt in my mind that they would have reactions like lightning and strength to match; so bearing all this in mind, you, son, have yourself one highly adept killer. I wouldn’t recommend actually trying to fight one if your little search turns up more than empty handed, eh?”


Footsoldier Arkan Ilias, the only surviving member of a patrol that was supposedly the target of a Planewalker said ”Oh god. You don’t even realise, do you? It was fast. Too fucking fast. I didn’t even realise what was happening until Bones and Tomas were cut down out of nowhere. It just… it just appeared. It appeared and sliced them damn near in two. It didn’t even break a sweat. I saw Rekiel lunge, and then I saw the thing deflect his sword with such ease that I realised it can’t have been Human. No chance. I mean this thing fought with more grace than even an Elf or an Aasimar. But… I don’t know, it never made any sort of expression. It never made any sounds. And it’s eyes had nothing within. Just darkness.
It was then that Rekiel died. I blinked and then Torshul died. Then Arkile and Remus. It just bounced between them, suddenly appearing where it was not before. It placed it’s blade between armour points as if it knew exactly where to strike. It even knew about the three archers camped up in the trees. They died next, but not before the finest Valinfor steel arrows found their mark through its heart and head. I thought that was the end, but it never even flinched. It was then upon me - I thrust my blade through it’s belly before it simply yanked it back out, tossing the weapon aside. It lifted me by my neck, high above it’s head and I immediately blacked out. I guessed I was dead for sure, as the last thing I saw and heard was the unbearable howling of the world as it must have seen it.
And then… I was here. I have the scars to prove it; but for whatever reason, he didn’t choose for me to die.”

Planewalker section from the Tome of Mythical Beasts and Entities said "It is necessary for men and their ilk to understand the Planewalkers; they are entirely unlike any other creature that walks the land, which is demonstrated in their myriad of unusual traits and abilities.

1: Planewalkers are spirits linked to a dead corporeal form. Their mind and soul exists in a perverse amalgamation of the world of the living and the dead. This, while having its obvious complications, allows the Planewalkers to associate, communicate with, and influence with the spirits that share their world. But the benefits of their situation do not stop there; Planewalkers can peer past mortal veils, seeing fears and vulnerabilities, past both obscurities and mortal uncertainty - they can identify objects and people of importance with a certain grace that others could not.

2: Worryingly, a deceased physical form cannot be impeded by physical means. For many years men have attempted to hunt these creatures with iron and steel, and have been met by an entirely unflinching spectre of death upon them, unharmed by mundane weaponry.

3: Planewalkers have a tendency to ‘ghostwalk’ from place to place. This means that obstacles that may be a hindrance to you or I may not be such an obstacle for a Planewalker. As they exist in the afterlife at the same time as the mortal world, distances for them differ to our perception. Some objects can be passed through entirely, and some distances are minuscule to them. It is common during Planewalker encounters to hear accounts of these mysterious creatures simply 'appearing' in places they were not only moments before. A Planewalker with intent to kill could certainly use this ability to get the drop on a potential target, with lethal consequences."


Planewalker section from the Tome of Mythical Beasts and Entities said ”After learning the specific strengths of the Planewalkers, we are better able to understand how to repel them.

1: Note that Planewalkers exist in both our world and the afterlife simultaneously. They are capable of seeing things that mortals simply cannot. However, this can be as much of a hindrance to them as an advantage. They can be distracted and even attacked by spirits from beyond the veil of life, where any normal creature would be undetectable. They must deal with threats from both worlds if they are to reap the benefits of such. They are often tormented by spirits as much as they are aided by them.

2: While regular weaponry will do little to harm them, Silver, Enchanted weaponry and Magical attacks can lacerate the spirit that hold the Planewalker in existence. While the creature will likely recognise threats such and escape (or neutralise) them as they become apparent, if you wish to hunt these creatures, do so via these methods. They are highly vulnerable to such.

3: Thankfully, it is possible for our kind to alter the afterlife in subtle ways in order to impeded the ghost walking abilities of a Planewalker. Magical wards and divine protection may impede a charging Planewalker momentarily, buying you precious seconds with which to escape with your life should your quest go awry. Signs of faith and demonstrative power of divine energy are consistently uncomfortable to a Planewalker, and utterly unbearable with enough applied power."

Current Location
Shallow Point

Dhal'kul, Drestinnian Assassin said "Yeah, I know somebody like that. Last I heard, he was at Shallow Point, causing a bit of a ruckus in the criminal underworld. Want more information? Ten gold pieces. Want him dead? A thousand."


Unnamed Elven War Historian said "Now, from what you have told me, and from the evidence you have provided, we can assume a few things about your Planewalker quarry. Your description of his apparel is almost perfectly concurrent with accounts of Valinforian War-Scout outfits; specifically the tailoring and hem you would see in the sets produced before and within the first months of the last great war. I am confident that this individual was from Valinfor, most likely a new recruit into the armed forces, specifically within the scouting division. It can't have been long into the conflict that he must have died, and I can't imagine it was a pretty death. A noble end in battle does not produce a creature such as this. He was most likely assassinated through a most unholy of means, though it is difficult to say for sure exactly what transpired. His armaments sounds like your typical Valinforian weapons, seemingly with alterations performed by the conspicuous smiths of Shallow Point..? How odd. And.. and you say that he seemed to covet an encrusted locket? Most interesting indeed. Maybe that is the object through which his soul latches to his body - an object of great sentimental value to the man he once was, maybe? He likely does not remember its value, but perhaps he knows it is significant somehow. I couldn't tell you why it was significant, not without further study into the matter. Maybe an heirloom? Maybe he has a family. Somewhere."


Minor Character

Ûur Lesâêde | "Warden of the Burning Sword"




Ûur Lesâêde, which translates directly from ancient Spiritongue as: "Warden of the Burning Sword," is a spirit... A revenant. A ghost. He, or it, exists entirely within the realm of spirits and of the dead, separate from our own; only those sensitive to the spirits could perceive this creature, and those that do would see this ethereal, tattered creature standing tall within his world, a beacon and guide to those that are dead. If he has a face, it is obscured behind a ghostly helm and an unnatural shadow; the rest of his apparel follows this style. It is battle worn, broken, shredded. Dilapidated remnants of fabric flap in the bitter, howling wind of the spirit realm and a dull, spectral glow just barely staves off the darkness that surrounds him.
He must have once been a proud creature, a majestic warrior who was built like the mightiest of oaks - lean and strong. An incorporeal and wraithlike blade hangs at his side, but it is eroded and ancient, all intricacies lost to the inconceivable pattern of time beyond the veil of life. Yet this sword is eternally aflame, a conflagration of ghostly fire that matches the hue of his own bodily glow. But for some reason that even he has forgotten, holding the blade causes him the utmost pain - the fire does not just burn his spirit, it burns the entirety of his being as if it were some metaphor for his bane in life.


An inexplicable sadness permeates the very nature of this spirit. Something from the past continually haunts this soul, and redemption cannot be achieved in his eternal prison of death. He has long been known among the newly dead as a shepherd and guide, a proverbial boatman that leads lost and confused spirits to peace in their afterlife - a sad notion indeed, given that he himself is tormented relentlessly and is incapable of achieving the peace which he so fervently works to provide his fellow spirits.
Few living creatures will have ever, or will ever be subjected to this spirit and his musings, but it is clear that he was noble in life. He maintains a well spoken tone that inspires chivalry and a deep sense of calm in those he makes his acquaintances; he is soothing in all aspects of his personality, and is generally regarded as a humble and noble soul... if you can overlook his ferocious contempt of those who willingly intrude upon the world of the dead. He devoutly believes that those who are dead deserve to remain undisturbed, and that death is a hallowed and sacred state, not to be forced upon others, but those that are taken into the afterlife should be given their due in peace. This often means that he actively resists and combats the magical efforts of necromancers in the mortal plane, doing all he can to cause their magic to backfire - the same is true of particular mages who attempt to bind 'innocent' spirits to their will, where no communication channels are opened, and the sacred dead are all but enslaved.
He has found himself drawn to Eidolon the Planewalker for a reason he does not yet understand, but he hopes that the strings of fate will reveal themselves yet.



The Warden of the Burning Sword is beyond the mortal world. A spirit, imperceivable to most, who is older than most would care to imagine. He maintains a veritable wealth of experience and wisdom, and his advice is of the highest calibre. He is immersed in ancient language, and can speak in the powerful tongues that give power unto magic. His knowledge of times past is staggering, and has something intellectual to contribute to almost every situation.
His link with Eidolon draws him to the Planewalker; the two are, for whatever reason, inseparable. They complement each other well, offering different perspectives to one another to handle almost anything the world can throw at them with skill and determination.
It is also worth noting that The Warden can be extremely hostile towards those who attempt to manipulate the spirits. Such individuals, when channels are opened to the spirit world, leave themselves vulnerable to the onslaughts of dangerous spirits, and The Warden is often the one who commits such assaults. When an individual leaves themselves open to manipulation by the spirits, he becomes lethal. In addition to this, he is highly sensitive to magic and the magical ebb and flow of the world, and can detect and identify its use far sooner than most mortals are capable of.


The Warden of the Burning Sword is a spirit in every sense. He does not exist in the mortal world, and cannot influence it in any way. He can only speak to those who are capable of hearing him, and can only truly affect a mortal who creates a bridge between their soul and the spirit world. In the case of there being no spiritual manipulation, he is completely helpless to make a difference in any situation. His influence is unseeable and intangible to almost every mortal, meaning that the only way he can make a difference is through another - the Planewalker, in this case. If the Planewalker were to die, it is doubtless that he would once again fade into the raging, chaotic currents of the spirit world and be unable to return for some time.

Current Location
Shadow of Shallow Point
Spirit Realm


The Warden can only remember the pain of dying. No sights or sounds remain in his memory. To him, it is like a dream that one cannot quite recall upon awakening, the details of which are on the tip of your tongue, yet unattainable from the recesses of your mind. Every day they drift further from him, becoming more lost in his ancient mind; and with every passing hour he grows more dejected at this revelation. He awoke within the spirit world within a tower of shadows of ash, where the wind blew so cold and frigid and with such force that it had dissipated to nothing within moments. Between him and a tree that was half dead and half in blossom lay a burning blade embedded in an opulent bed of flowers that would have made the royal groundskeeper fall to his knees with admiration. Only by freeing the mysterious weapon from its rest did the true spirit world reveal itself to him - a macabre shadow of the real world manifested before him, populated by wandering and lonely shades of the recently dead, murmuring to themselves a myriad of lamentations and ceaseless prayers that filled the empty, black sky with the echoes of the sorrowful dead. There seemed to him that no purpose existed within this world of darkness, so he sought to make whatever difference he could by guiding the lost to their destinations: to the river, to the crypts, the mountains and the endless plains. It was a journey without end, a never-ending tide of souls would come to him each day seeking his vigil among the shadows.

Until a very bright spirit descended from the living world. One that was not entirely dead, but his soul did shine like an incandescent sun that The Warden had sorely missed. A Planewalker, perhaps?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maxwell
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Maxwell Dumber than Advertised

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Not to usurp the position of the game creator, but as a prospective player I have some serious concerns about this character. It seems to me that what you're essentially saying is "my character will be super duper powerful, but it's okay - in return, he doesn't have a personality", which - to me, at least - would be the exact opposite of what I'd want out of a fellow character.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NewSun
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NewSun ᛏᚨᚲᛖ ᛗᛖ ᛏᛟ ᚦᛖ ᛋᚢᚾ ᚨᚾᛞ ᚠᚨᚱ ᛒᛖᛃᛟᚾᛞ ᚦᛖ ᚲᛚᛟᚢᛞᛋ

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Maxwell said
Not to usurp the position of the game creator, but as a prospective player I have some serious concerns about this character. It seems to me that what you're essentially saying "my character will be super duper powerful, but it's okay - in return, he doesn't have a personality", which - to me, at least - would be the exact opposite of what I'd want out of a fellow character.

I can see where your concern would lie, but I am going to have to assure you that I like to think of myself as a better RPer than to simply play the system like that in order to power-fantasy a character. This lack of personality you express concern about is something you need not; i've never said he lacks personality, rather that he does not retain personality. He finds a new one as he lives in this new state, and new goals and motives will pervade his mind.
Also, note the specific style I have done the sheet (at least so far). I've done that because it allows me to detail the character, but not give away too much about him in terms of him. All information presented here is only through speculative means. Plus, what's not to like about the idea of a character such as this searching for their old identity?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hank
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Hank Dionysian Mystery

Moderator Seen 5 days ago

What's not to like is him being too powerful while not having enough meaningful or lasting interactions with the other party members because he changes identity and motivations all the time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NewSun
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Hank said
What's not to like is him being too powerful while not having enough meaningful or lasting interactions with the other party members because he changes identity and motivations all the time.

All the time?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maxwell
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Maxwell Dumber than Advertised

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I didn't read all of it, but I get the impression that NewSun means that he doesn't retain his personality from before he became undead.

Still not a fan, however. I'll see how the thread proceeds.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NewSun
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NewSun ᛏᚨᚲᛖ ᛗᛖ ᛏᛟ ᚦᛖ ᛋᚢᚾ ᚨᚾᛞ ᚠᚨᚱ ᛒᛖᛃᛟᚾᛞ ᚦᛖ ᚲᛚᛟᚢᛞᛋ

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Maxwell said
I didn't read all of it, but I get the impression that NewSun means that he doesn't retain his personality from before he became undead.Still not a fan, however. I'll see how the thread proceeds.

That is correct. This probably means that the sheet is, currently, unclear. I'll do some edits and such to make certain aspects of the character more clear.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hank
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Hank Dionysian Mystery

Moderator Seen 5 days ago

NewSun said
All the time?

Oh, my bad. I misunderstood what you said earlier.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noxious
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Noxious ᴅ ᴇ ᴀ ᴅ ish

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I'm still in, I am just a little torn about which character to create. I'm debating on an insecure tiefling unaware of her worth or ability to be good, or perhaps an orc with a penchant for drink that lacks intelligence but craves a group to protect, or a quiet, gentle elf with strong religious bias. I'm going to see what holes we end up with and try to fill them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by frostheart121


Member Offline since relaunch

I'm really interested in joining, and will most likely create a character, but this is my first roleplay on this current site { despite the fact I have been on previous roleplaying sites }. I will try my hand, but if you believe my sheet is not advanced enough, please feel free to decline it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by frostheart121


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Name: Levanne ' Shot ' Ambadelle
" Levanne is my great-grandmother's name. Usually young elves are named after famous relations - for, as you know, we are quite proud of our heritage, and do take a birthing as a chance to boast. For several years of my youth-hood, I did believe that Levanne was one of the great elves - You know, the ones that fought in the early days of the Alfanta war, when the enemies were thick and penetrated the defense barriers as if they were made of spider silk. I used to lie in my cot for hours, awaiting sleep to overcome my hyper-active mind, and imagine her. It was of my thought that the elf was a mage of some sort, with abilities of greatness, and would cut down enemies like logs of wood.
To my deep disappointment, my fantasies were far from the truth.
In fact, Levanne was one of the elf nurses. She did have magic, but only that of the healing properties. She worked in the higher wards of the Elfanir Palace medicinal areas, and only earned a name that would be recognised, if faintly, by using her gift for the healing of one of the injured captains. Apparently, he was a daft one anyway, and only got where he was because of a wealthy father, and a debt long overdue. "

Race: Elf
" My race is of the Elves, and I do take great pride in calling myself one of the Elf community. We are very distinguishable between other races - after all, I don't believe we look quite as gruesome as the goblins or orcs - but we do happen to look alike each other, and it is of every elf's life that they tap one on the shoulder, only to find it is not whom they are hoping to greet. If one is truly unlucky, they would instead find they had tapped someone they rather do not like, and be trapped in a conversation.
And you know how chatty elves can be... "

Age: 30 Years
" I know - I'm young for one who is to be wishing to go up against enemies as soon as possible. But my father did fight at a much younger age than I, and he still has a leg and three fingers. I'm sure I can defend myself, you need not worry. I have been training for years, and do swear I will come out alive.
... I do hope. "

Appearance: (picture or text are both fine)

Personality: (A short description of your characters likes, dislikes, etc.)

Class:(Warrior, Mage, Paladin, Assassin, Witch etc. If its an uncommon class give a quick description of it)

Strengths: (What your character excels at, what makes them uniquely suited to take on this threat)

Weaknesses: (What are your characters downfalls, whether it be personality or physically. In other words, what is most likely to get your character killed)

Current Location: (If you character is not in one of the capitals you can make up a town and I'll add it to the map)

History: (how did your character get to where they are today)

Other: (Anything else)

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Reaper
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Reaper Slayer of Dreams

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Raven "Gravewalker" Blackburn




At first glance, Raven may look like a man, her long hair hidden behind her mask and cloak. Once the mask is removed, however, it is very apparent she is a woman. She uses this fact to trick people at first glance into thinking she's a man by lowering her tone and adopting the mannerisms of a man.

Raven is a cynic, and shows it with a large helping of sarcasm. Her motto is to never assume someone is trustworthy until they prove otherwise, and it's a trait that has kept her alive until now. That isn't to say she's self-centered or cold, however. Raven does render assistance where it is needed and those who earn her trust will find she is the reliable person to have at their backs in a fight. It also makes her brutally honest and frank. She can be abrasive and seem to be going out of her way to be offensive, but her belief is to always speak the truth even if it's unpleasant.

When put under pressure, Raven maintains a calm, level head and does her best not to let emotion cloud her judgment. She is willing to walk away from death threats, and insults, but she has a long memory. Her revenge always comes later, at opportune moments and often when little effort is required on her part to cause the greatest amount of humiliation for her foe.

Warrior - Wraith Knight
Wraith Knights are more commonly known as Gravewalkers or Pale Riders. They are warriors attuned to the spirit world and uses its power to fight. They are largely bloodlines, as the ability to see the spirit realm and interact with the dead is usually passed down from parent to child rather than taught.

Raven's left eye has a brand that allows her to see spirits and activate her spirit powers. It glows with a bluish white light when she activates it. She can bend spirits and lesser beings to her will, and with a combination of eye contact and touch, force her way into the mind of others, though this is a double-edged sword - a door once opened may be stepped through in either direction.

Raven's power grows as she 'consumes' spirits of those she defeats. Their power heals her wounds, allows her to move faster, strike harder and endure greater strain on her body.

Raven is also a capable warrior and knowledgeable about cults and dealing with spirits. This includes what some refer to as "ancient knowledge", such as speaking ancient tongues or being able read ancient runes and writings.

Raven's character in combat is very much a Black Knight mentality - she never backs down from a fight and although she tries her best to pick her battles wisely, no plan survives contact with the enemy. The mentality that she would rather be the one taking hits than others is a noble idea, but the dead don't care for such distinctions.

The ability to empower herself with the spirits of the fallen is also a double-edged sword. She has to keep her emotions in check and maintain strict mental discipline or else her power will consume her from the inside out - fighting fire with fire is only an effective strategy if one can keep themselves from getting burnt. Strong, malicious and/or ancient spirits are likely to be able to control her to turn her power against herself if she tries to 'consume' them.

Current Location:
Raven is a wanderer, as most Gravewalkers are - where there are cults or rumours of evil spirits, you will find her. She currently resides in the human capital gathering intelligence.


Life is for the living.
Death is for the dead.
Let life be like music.
And death a note unsaid.

Raven was raised well aware of her powers and the fine line that separates the living from the dead. It is not easy for a child to grow up seeing spirits everywhere she goes, but in time seeing a spirit in the street was no different from spotting someone in a peculiar dress on the street. Her training was strict and demanding, but Raven knew no other life other than the one she was born into.

Report to the village chief by the guard captain said

The wind was howling even though we were in the middle of the forest, sheltered by trees, and there was no gathering of storm clouds. The horses were becoming so unruly we had to tether them at the edge of the river before we proceeded on foot. We were certain all those slain merchants were the work of brigands, nothing more, and the so called evil spirits were just the ramblings of common folk who let fear rot their brains.

I'm no superstitious man, sir, but the moment we arrived at the Bone Pit, we knew why it was so named. We had torches and the cave was well lit, but a wind blew and they went out... but for a moment. The light returned and by the time we got over our shock, we were quite ready to leave. Where the cave was nothing but dirt and rock before, now lay the bones of all the dead it had claimed. There was a loud rattling as the bones gathered and formed a single great white beast, the work of something sinister not of this world.

Some of us drew swords while the rest ran for the exit - but whatever we did, we knew that was our end. There was no way this beast was letting us leave without paying the toll of blood. It advanced, with a speed and fury unlike any beast known to man, and just as I was certain the screams of my dying man were soon to follow, the great beast stopped. Its gaze was drawn to something behind us.

There, stood a man in black armor, wielding a sword of gold and white. He was silent, his footsteps speaking for him as he strode past my men and put himself between the beast and us. "Steel cannot kill what is already dead." He said, before beckoning for us to leave. My men hastened to obey, but I didn't. I was too confounded - who was this madman who came in alone, aware of what lay ahead of him?

There was a blue glow around his blade as he attacked the beast, slicing through the joints between the bones and breaking through its many claws and spears and spines. "Go back to the land of the dead where you belong!" He roared before plunging his blade deep in the creature's skull, and with a dying wail that nearly made my ears bleed, the creature shuddered and fell apart. Not before it slashed with a long, sharp bone and broke the stranger's mask.

It was then I knew I had met one of these fabled Gravewalkers, and when he turned, surprise claimed me again, for very different reasons. The Gravewalker that saved my men and I was a woman, fair and untouched. She sighed and picked up the pieces of her mask before leaving the cave, walking right up to me and inquiring if there was a smith in town who could repair her mask. I nodded, dumb with shock, and only had enough sense to ask her name.

"Raven the Gravewalker." She replied quietly. "And the name of the blade that saved you is Waldeburg."

Waldeburg - "salvation of the slain in battle". Even their blades are named after death itself. Sir, I recommend we seal off the Bone Pit for good. Whatever evil may still reside there, I assure you that only the knights of death itself can defeat it.

Spirits are usually aware that Raven can see them, as such when she "talks to herself" she is actually communing with a spirit.[/center]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChaoticLaw
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@ NewSun Since me and you discussed your character already I'm good with your character and trust that more will be revealed as time goes. Accepted

@ Noxious All of those sound like great ideas, although I have to say the tiefling, to me at least, would be a very interesting character. But I may be a little biased towards misunderstood creatures XD.

@ frostheart121 Im sure you will do great and I quite like your character so far.

@ Reaper Looks good to me. Accepted.

My own characters should be up tonight, if a bit late because of work, along with some history on the last war.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Esper


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Name: "Cecilia"
Race: Succubus (Disguised as Human)
Age: Unknown
Personality: Most might find her playful and a tease, but under the welcoming exterior she is rather calculating in her actions. She does feel deeply and strongly, but most of the time ignores the feelings when she believes it is the wrong time for them to show. On the other hand she isn't afraid to use her emotions to sway others one way or another. Whatever gets the job short of harming innocents maliciously is fine by her.
Class: White Mage/Rogue
Life Magic
Rune Magic

She must feed every so often in order to power runic magic. She also is unable to wear armors weighing more than leather otherwise her movements are hindered significantly. She also must exercise self control due to her nature.
Current Location: Shallow Point
History: "Cecilia" was not brought to this land willingly by any means, in fact she was summoned by a wizard seeking company for the long nights spent in his guild library. Cecilia embraced this role for a while, him providing her a constant source of energy to feed on and access to rare tomes. That is of course until she was referred to as a pet. She was angered and slowly poisoned his tea, replacing some of the leaves with more toxic, flavorless ones. Such was the nature of the pact she made, mutual gain and no subservience. He has forgotten and would pay the price.

She kept him alive, suppressing the poison until she had found the tomes she desired. After that she served him one last cup of tea and as he fell into a painless death she slipped away into the night. Having the books and having studied them she was eager to test what she learned. She spent many days in the wood with the wild animals, wounding hunter and healing animal, until she drew attention and left.

It then occurred to her she would need a better place to learn the subtleties of manipulation of life energy, a place few would care if a random body turned up. She wandered two years nearly until coming across Shallow Point. It was rife with corruption and had no shortage of men willing to freely give of their souls for pleasure, profit, and power. She was content in providing this until the day the letter came. It was too good of a chance to pass up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Meth Quokka
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Meth Quokka This Was Nutter's Idea

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

If you're still taking more, I've got a few ideas running through my head for a character. I'll work on it and see what takes my fancy.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BingTheWing
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BingTheWing menace to society

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Reserving a spot!
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