Peace never comes easy, but this seems to be especially true for the people of Alfanta. After nearly 25 years of constant war between the races that inhabit the grand continent, an uneasy peace has seemed to finally be reached with the death of the dreadful warlord, Vane. Citizens, at last, feel as though they can, if not rest particularly easy, at least sleep without keeping one eye open. And for 15 years, they do just that. Pacts are signed between races, the dead are put to rest, and inhabitants of Alfanta try bring new life into the world. But a darkness is spreading, one far worse than that of Vane.
Graves all across the land are being found empty, the ground around them collapsed and broken as if the inhabitants bellow have crawled their way out. Rumors of a new threat have begun to circulate about an army of undead ravaging the borderlands. Its ranks are commanded by a necromancer, one more powerful and terrifying than the world has witnessed in over 1000 years. The army of undead has become known as the Black Scourge, and with each town the army raze its strength grows, the newly dead quickly joining the ranks of their murderers.
The Black Scourge threatens to tear the world apart, but the great uneasiness that exists among the races of Alfanta makes the major nations of the world slow to react. Border disputes and unwillingness to cooperate makes it nearly impossible for any sort of real defense to be developed, much less acted upon. This, my dear reader, is where you enter.
A strange scroll has appeared amongst your belongings. Where it came from you have no idea, your quite sure you’ve never seen it before in your life. Inside the scroll are a map and a note that reads;
Should something not be done soon your way of life and all you hold dear will be lost.
It is too dangerous to explain in writing, but I believe that you will play a vital role in the war to come
Please, come to the location marked on the map I have provided, Alfanta’s future may depend upon it.
- S
The fate of the world is in your hands, and the hands of the other chosen. You may be young or old, strong or weak, elf, orc, human, or one of the other countless races that inhabit the land. Your past has made you who you are today, but the deeds you perform now will shape the future of all of Alfanta. Danger, death and adventure await you. Are you ready to heed the call?
So there is the basic premise. The world is going to be conquered by an ever growing army of undead unless something is done quickly. The decisions you and your companions make will shape how the story goes, and failure is completely possible. In order to survive you will have to be cunning, and able to depend on those who in the past you have fought against.
Now for some vital information:
Alfanta: Alfanta is a massive continent, split amongst numerous races and groups. Most of who have just recently finished fighting amongst each other. Its land rich in history and magic, as well as death and war. While there are many small nations, villages, and tribes that inhabit the world, there are 5 major nations that, for the most part, rule a majority of the land.
Valinfor: A nation predominantly ruled and inhabited by humans. It’s borders are large and encompass the center of the continent. Its capital of Drale is believed to be the largest in the world, with hundreds of thousands of people from every race seeking to make a living behinds its massive walls.
Elfanir: The home land of the elves. A Predominantly forested area whose cities are hidden amongst the great trees that make up most of the landscape. The royal city of Elalond is where the Elven royalty resides, and although it is not as large as Drale, it is a far more stunning and mystical place.
Thalfaldihr: The land of the dwarves, which mostly consists of a large mountain range along the southern border of Alfanta. The capital of Vanduahr is a massive city carved into the side of the great Thorned Mountain.
Low: Not so much a nation as it is a collective of orcish tribes. While the orcs don’t truly have a king or queen the strongest and wisest of the orc chieftains will often meet the town of Paahruir, the closest thing the orcs have to a capital. While not as grand or stunning as the other great capitals, it is still a sight to behold.
Drestin:The land of darkness. It is a land where little sunlight ever seems to reach, and as such home to most of the creatures of the night. The capital of Shallow Point is a city ruled by murder and deceit, but it is also the best place to find some of the more…forbidden items one might want.
These are just rough outlines of the major cities, I’ll be adding much more later on.
The (hopefully) fun thing about this Rp is that how you make your character is pretty much open in every way you can imagine. Just about every race exists somewhere on Alfanta, although some may be rarer than others. And any type of character class you can imagine is available. Each person’s actions will play a major role in the stories development so I want you to think about your character very carefully. About the only restrictions I have on characters are no gods (for what I hope are obvious reason) And (probably) no dragons, because they have almost been entirely whipped out. (although if you give me a really good character sheet for the second one I might reconsider) Other than that feel free to go crazy with your character. Just remember your character may indeed die. And although I will let you make another one if you so wish, we are fighting a necromancer. Former friends and allies could very easily become powerful undead enemies.
Your character:
Your character will be extremely important in this RP as each action you make will have an effect on the story to come. I have ideas of course about how things will progress, but each of your actions can play a major role in the turnout. Success and survival are far from guaranteed. Sense your character can be very open ended I will include some ideas for races, however, these are just basic suggestions and just about anything you can imagine is allowed.
The most common and arguably most organized races are
Some of the less common race may include:
Again these are just a few quick suggestions of what is possible. However, you can feel free to play as just about any race.
Character Sheet:
You can feel free to add anything else to the character sheet that you like. I will be allowing everyone 2 characters. A main character and a minor character. The main character will be the main protagonist of your story, the one who received the summons. Your minor character can be just about anything, a pet, a servant, a lover, whatever you want it to be. You dont have to have a minor character but you are free to make one if you so choose.
Thats it for now. I just wanted to throw this up so that people can get their character sheet up. Ill be adding a timeline, a map, and some more information relatively soon.