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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The Story:

In the earliest stages of the Digital World, the Digimon that lived there were much simpler and not as intelligent or powerful as the ones that exist today. They were more feral, cruder in design, and there was a lot less variety in their forms and abilities. Furthermore, the attributes of 'Virus' and 'Vaccine' did not exist, all Digimon were simply 'Data'. The Digital World itself was simple as well, only made up of a single layer of programming and resembling a barren, desert-like wasteland.

Then, one day, the event known as "First Connection" occurred, when the Digital World first received contact from outside the digital network in the form of Thanatos, a viral program created by the humans of the real world. Sensing the massive amounts of energy radiating from the Digimon, Thanatos began parasitically bonding with various Digimon and feeding off of them, devouring Digimon after Digimon. It gained so much power from doing this that it was able to use this excess energy to begin replicating itself, creating multiple Thanatos programs which lay siege to the Digital World and killed many in the process. However, not all the Digimon were destroyed during event as, like real creatures, some were able to adapt and not only were able to live with the virus inside them, but even to process the virus into their own digital code, transforming them into the new breed Virus-type Digimon. Unfortunately, this transformation had negative side-effects, as the Virus Digimon were much more hostile and destructive. They were also more powerful and begun attacking other Digimon and loading their data into themselves to become stronger and stronger, an ability no Digimon before them had had. They were a problem, so Ge, the host computer and "God" of the Digital World, created a new breed of Digimon to combat them in the form of Vaccine types, who were just as powerful and were able to withstand the attacks of the Virus types. She also gave every digimon three new abilities:
- She gave every digimon, not just the Virus types, the ability to load the data of Digimon they destroyed and absorb this data so they could get stronger, which then lead to...
- Digivolution. When Digimon gained enough data to the point where their current forms couldn't contain all the energy, their bodies would undergo a transformation to bigger and stronger forms.
- Lastly, She gave them the ability to reform. If Digimon's physical form is destroyed but their data is not loaded by another, they will reform into a Digiegg.

With these new abilities, the Digimon thrived and adapted to becoming much stronger. However, Ge also realised that even with Her new adaptations, the Digital World was still very rough and, after First Connection, She had begun to wonder if Her creation was good enough to withstand threats from outside.

So created the Olympos XIII, thirteen incredibly powerful Digimon to serve as the guardians for the Digital World, both from threats inside and outside the network. They were Jupitermon, Junomon, Neptunemon, Ceresmon, Bacchusmon, Apollomon, Dianamon, Marsmon, Merukimon, Minervamon, Venusmon, Vulcanusmon and Plutomon, and Ge created a special place just for them, the Olympos Server, a new layer of the Digital World placed on top of the old one. From here, She planned that they would take over the Digital World and rule in Her place as benevolent gods who would keep the Digital World safe and lead them to an era of peace.

This didn't turn out the way She hoped, however.

While the Olympos XIII were powerful and incredibly intelligent, they had the mind of children and were to selfish to share their rule of DIgital World. Several fights broke out and may have even resulted in war had not Jupitermon, the most powerful of XIII, rose took every single one of the XIII down until they admitted defeat and accepted him as their king. He took his place as rule of the Olympos Server and told his brethren that they would each rule their own realms of the Digital World. They agreed and new layers were added to the Digital World. At the end of this process, the Digital World now consisted of thirteen separate layers with portals placed in each of them to connect them together.

Jupitermon would rule the Olympos Server, the top layer of the Digital World, which would allow him to oversee events in other Servers and allow him to interfere if need be. It served as the primary home for Dragon Digimon.

Junomon would rule the Primary Server, the second layer, where Digimon would end up being reborn if their data wasn't loaded. It was her duty to look after these young Digimon until they were old enough to fend themselves. She was also given the ability to create and form new Digimon as she wished.

Minervamon was given the third layer, the Witchelny Server, a place for Digimon, such as those of the Wizardmon family, who considered worthy enough to benefit from her knowledge and magic power.

Apollomon was given the fourth layer, the Aether server, a place of eternal daylight which was home to Holy Digimon.

Dianamon was given the fifth layer, the Nox server, a place of eternal night which was home to Beast Digimon.

Ceresmon was given the sixth layer, the Green Server, a plentiful forest which was home to Plant Digimon.

Neptunemon was given the seventh layer, the Blue Server, a giant ocean which home to Fish Digimon.

Bacchusmon was given the eighth layer, the Jungle Server, a huge jungle which was home to Bug Digimon.

Merukimon was given the ninth layer, the Breeze Server, a windy valley which was home to Bird Digimon.

Marsmon was given the tenth layer, the Distopian Server, a large but incredibly ruined city home to Human Digimon.

Venusmon was given the eleventh layer, the Beauty Server. As Venusmon loved every digimon, a multitude of Digimon of different types lived here.

Vulcanusmon was given the twelve layer, the Smith Server, a volcanic area which home to Mutant and Machine Digimon.

Last but not least, Plutomon was given the bottom layer, the Tartarus Server, a hellish and dark place home to both Demon Digimon and the disembodied data of Digimon who were considered so evil that their data would not reform into eggs nor could be loaded by other Digimon.

They ruled the Digital World for a long time and, under their rule, the Digimon became stronger and stronger. If a Digimon were to come along who tried to upset the balance, the Olympos XIII would band together to destroy the enemy and send their data to Tartarus where they would suffer eternal punishment.

However, putting all that data in one place turn out to be not such a good idea, for, after a large amount of data had been gathered in Tartarus, all the hatred and anger and evil of all those destroyed Digimon began to come together and eventually, fused together to form Titamon, a Digimon with a single purpose: to destroy the Olympos XIII.

He broke out of Tartarus, destroyed Plutomon in the process, and lay siege to several corners of the Digital World, defeating and capturing as many of the XIII as he could. In the end, only Jupitermon and Junomon were left, and Jupitermon did this best to fight off Titamon. He lost. But, he used the last of his energy to seal of the portal to Junomon's Server so Titamon couldn't harm her or the baby Digimon with her. Then he faded into nothingness...

Distraught, Junomon was desperate to find a solution to stopping Titamon, but without the necessary energy from the other Servers, the baby digimon could not evolve. They had to find an alternative source of energy.

That is where YOU come in.

You are a normal human child who has recently been receiving mysterious and encrypted emails from an unknown source. You have no idea what they mean, but they trouble you. You're the only one getting these messages, though. Several of your classmates are also receiving these messages and one day, at school, an earthquake occurs and you and your fellow classmates and transported into the Digital World. There, you meet Junomon, who will give each of you a Digimon partner. Together, you must find a way to rescue to the remaining Olympos XIII, defeat Titamon and save the Digital World.

Their fate rests in your hands.
The Rules:

1. For now, the group of humans is only going to be seven, so, with addition of my Tamer character, I'll only be accepting six people into this roleplay, at least for now.
2. Those who do join his RP will have to play multiple roles. They will play their tamer character and the kid's Digimon, but will also be expected to play minor villains and NPCs at times as well. I myself am going to be playing as Junomon as well as my human character. I'm not sure who's going to be playing as Titamon, but I'll play him if no one else wants to.
3. Fan-made Digimon are allowed. You don't even have to have a picture of your Fan-Digimon, though it would be nice. Just make sure to include a detailed description of their attacks, forms, appearance ect. in your character sheet.
4. Your Digimon are allowed to have a Digimon that is either a Royal Knight, Demon Lord or any of those groups other than the Olympos XIII as their mega-form. Just keep in mind that those Digimon are not considered 'special' in this version of the Digital World.
5. Don't kill another person's characters without their permission.
6. Try and stay as active as possible during the RP but if you either wish to leave the RP or can't RP for a certain amount of time, let me know. In the case of the latter, me and you should talk as to figure out what your character will be doing during this period that you're gone. In the case of the former, please tell me whether you would like me (or someone else, if you like) to continue playing as your characters or whether you just want that character to be killed off.
7. If you have any ideas for later events or story arcs you would like to add to the RPs plot, I would love to hear them. The story as we have it now is fairly simple and if I can find ways to improve it, I would be quite pleased.
8. Let's try and keep this PG13, please. That means: no smut and mild violence. Swearing? Eh, I don't mind it too much. If your character is the kind of person to swear a lot, go ahead XD
9. Above all, have fun! I really hope we can work together to make this an enjoyable story.
Character Sheet:

Tamer Character:
Age: (can be between 14 and 18)
Appearance: (if you have a picture, put it here)
Digivice Colour: (can be two colours)
Brief History:

Digimon Partner
Appearance: (picture here if you have one)
Attribute: (VIrus, Data, Vaccine etc)
Type: (beast, dragon, bird etc)
Evolution Line:
Katie Morisson and Kotemon - XxFellsingxX
Hideaki "Hide" Saitou and Agumon - Digizel
Ryu Pearson and Gaomon - Digizel
Dimitri Thomas and Floramon - Pacifista
??????? - Rin(?)
Haruka Suzuki and Candlemon X - RBYDark
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Tamer Character:
Name: Katie Morisson

Gender: Female

Age: 14 year old


Digivice Colour: Pink and Lilac

Personality: Due to a sheltered upbringing, Katie doesn't have the same amount of life experience as others age and, because of this, hasn't really seemed to have matured much in the past fews years. She acts like someone much younger, very innocent, very gentle, always desiring to see the good in people and considers everyone, even strangers, to be her friends. The minutes you see her, she'll automatically be very warm and accepting towards you, no matter how you act in return. She'll always be very caring towards you, feeling upset when you're upset and happy when you're happy and always willing to help you if you need it. However, this has two disadvantages for her: for one, she can incredibly clingy. When she has made a 'new friend', she'll constantly hang around them, often sticking her nose in problems she has no business with, has no sense of personal space of boundaries, and rarely getting the hint when someone wants to be left alone. Second of all, it also means she's extremely gullible. Her great trust in others and her desire to please her 'friends' means she is leaving herself open to persuasion and manipulation and, due to her naiveté, she has no idea that others will try to take advantage of this.

Brief History: Katie has grown up as a well-loved but also lonely child. During her early years when her parents were still together, her father was rarely at home as he spent a lot of time at work, leaving Katie alone with her mother who, while she did care about her daughter, was... well, eccentric. Her mother suffered from manic-depression and this could make her very unpredictable, often switching from cheerful to sad in a matter of minutes, getting obsessed with various fads and tending to treat her daughter the same way someone may treat a doll or a cute pet rather than a child. With her father not around so much and her mother being such an air-head, Katie didn't really have anyone to talk to. She didn't have many friends at school as her father, being a bit of the protective sort, wouldn't let her have friends round to the house all that often and this caused her to lose a few points socially. It started to get worse around age ten when her mother started leaving her in the house alone, going off and often coming back drunk. At first, this didn't seem too bad, but as a year or so passed, Katie's parents began to argue a lot, though Katie wasn't entirely sure what they were arguing about. Then, one day, her father and mother just decided they couldn't live together anymore and split up, which greatly upset and confused Katie. Didn't they love each other? What had gone wrong? There was then a custody battle between the parents and Katie found herself going between her parents' houses from week to week until, after her mother got arrested for being drunk and disorderly, her mother considered an unfit parent and Katie came to stay at her father's permanently. Since then, her father started to become a lot more protective, purposively keeping things that he fear might upset Katie and doing his best to shelter her from things he felt were inappropriate for her to know about, meaning Katie is ignorant of a lot of things.

Digimon Partner
Name: Kotemon

Gender: Male


Attribute: Data

Type: Reptile

Personality: Kotemon is a very timid and clumsy little Digimon. Being often picked on by other Digimon from the Primary Server, he has gained a very low self-esteem and believes himself to be as weak, pathetic, ugly etc as the others say. While on the surface this may make him seem very different from Katie, he actually suffers from similar problems to his tamer, in that he desperately wants people to like him and therefore can be a people-pleaser and, therefore, very gullible and easy to manipulate. If someone even compliments him once, he'll immediately become attached to that person and want to do all in his power to keep them as a friend. He doesn't seem to have any strong opinions of his own and basically a doormat, doing all he can to fulfil wishes of others and please as many people as possible. In situations where he can't please everyone, it can cause him to get a little upset, knowing that he's letting others who depend on him down. He takes these things to heart and desperately desires to be as useful to people as he can.

Evolution Line: MetalKoromon -> Kapurimon -> Kotemon -> Dinohyumon -> Knightmon -> LordKnightmon
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago

So this might take a little while to get up because I have taken the whole "fan-Digimon are allowed" thing as a personal challenge and thus am drawing up my whole line (well, rookie to mega anyways; will just pick some generic baby Digimon that fit), so... Yeah. ^^;

...I am such a dork.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rin said
So this might take a little while to get up because I have taken the whole "fan-Digimon are allowed" thing as a personal challenge and thus am drawing up my whole line (well, rookie to mega anyways; will just pick some generic baby Digimon that fit), so... Yeah. ^^;...I am such a dork.

Nah, that's cool. Seeing cool fan-made digimon, as well as people drawing their own pictures, is totally awesome.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Digizel
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Digizel The Knight of Bui / Challenge me if you dare! >3

Member Seen 2 mos ago

So...I know that this is quite old by now, but I just wanted to see if I could spur some renewed interest if I popped in. xD

If this still has a possibility of going somewhere, I've got a couple characters I'd be interested in throwing in...with one of them being kind of new~ I'll post them as soon as Rin oes her thing or if we get another person involved~
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

ill add my hat into the ring as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago

I... Had kind of given up hope for this since no-one was posting interest, honestly. ^^; And I only got the Rookie, Champion and Ultimate drawn up (although I have ideas for what the Mega would be like, just need to actually get to work on that one ^^;). Um, but hmmm...

Also, um, kind of nitpicky but um... Charak, could you maybe change the embedded Youtube in your sig to a link or put it in a hider or something? Sorry, but it just really slows things down for me when there's lots of them on a page, and being in a sig means there'll be lots of them so um sorry. ^^;
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

their u go rin is that better?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Thank you. ^^; And sorry for having to ask.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Digizel
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Digizel The Knight of Bui / Challenge me if you dare! >3

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Oh, that's cool. xD I understand what you mean, though. but unfortunately, the problem is that when people don't post, the topic gets thrown into the back pages and it gets out of sight, out of mind.

Also...wow. xD That is not quite what I was expecting, Rin. xP Not sure what I was thinking of, but it wasn't that. chillmon looks rather...interesting to say the least. She could be a lot of fun~

Here's what I've got for my characters then:

Name: Hideaki Saitou (But he just goes by "Hide (Hee-day)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Digivice Color: Yellow and white
Personality: Hideaki is a calm, cool and collected type of person. Due to his upbringing in a home full of expectations and parents pushing him to be his best, he has learned how to cope with stressful situations extraordinarily well. He is a very gifted tactician and has always enjoyed to use his free time playing strategy games such as Chess. However, because he has been buried in his private school work by his parents, he has never had the time to actually go out and make any friends to play with, so he has settled for destroying Chess AI's on his computer and his occasional game against his father. Due to limited online social interaction, however, he has very little experience talking to other people and he is unsure what others would think of him. He never longed for the freedom, though. He never longed for friendship. He simply wishes to fulfill the role that his parents had selected for him. The only thing he cares about is living up to his parents' expectations.
History: Hideaki grew up as the son of two successful attorneys. His father was a renowned defense attorney while his mother was a locally famous prosecuting attorney. And so, it was only natural that they would begin pressuring their only son into becoming an attorney in his life. In order to steer Hide toward this future that they planned for him, they never once allowed him to attend a public school until this year. Instead, they hired private tutors to teach him from the house. He spent very little time outside of his not-so-humble home where he was usually buried in books of some kind. He decided that, for his final year, he wanted to see what normal kids did in public school...and after some pleading and only on a stipulation that he would not be distracted by the other students, he was finally able to attend a normal school as a senior. The only problem he had was that his parents each wanted him to pursue their view of the legal life. His father wanted him to become a lawyer while his mother a prosecutor. This was the only difficult decision he had ever actually had to face by himself. His one escape had been his computer. Due to parental restrictions, he had been limited on access to other online users, but he could always pass the time with some of his favorite games, so long as they weren't "mind-numbing" or "ridiculous wastes of time" in his parents' words.

But it was okay with him...it was all he needed to get by and excel in his studies. By all rights and reasons, he was classified as a genius, already coming up to graduation from high school-level education. His parents already had him looking at colleges that would lead to Law School...but one day, an earthquake occurred that will change his life forever.

Name: Agumon
Gender: Male
Attribute: Vaccine
Type: Reptile
Personality: Agumon is a self-proclaimed warrior. His answer to every problem is to somehow find a way to fight it out. He loves to fight and will very often pick fights with any Digimon at any given time...especially if that Digimon is relatively on his level. Fighting a challenging rival in which there is no telling who the winner will be is virtually his idea of paradise. It's just too bad that he's not all that physically strong. He is actually surprisingly weak for somebody who boasts about his skill as much as he does. He loses roughly ninety percent of the play fights he partakes in.This is mostly due to the fact that he has sworn to himself that he would never destroy and upload another Digimon if he could help it. He has been made fun of for this constantly...but that has not stopped him. He will always pride himself on his strength...because it was formed from hard work and traditional training, rather than from a shortcut method that relies on the destruction of other Digimon.
Evolution Line: I have a question about this one that I'll need to run by everybody first, to make sure that it's okay: I usually play Agumon as having access to both of his anime-based Digivolution lines: WarGreymon and ShineGreymon. However, he will have no control over which line he Digivolves into for a long time in the RP. Probably not until near the end, tbh.

Tamer 2
Name: Ryu Pearson
Gender: Male
Age: 14

Digivice Color: Blue and white
Personality: Ryu is a very excitable person. He finds it very difficult to sit still for extended periods of time and likes to be doing...something at all times if he's not sleeping. This can range from pacing to simply tapping his foot or a finger. He is also known for rushing into things without thinking first. Because of this, he requires an absurd amount of attention to keep him from getting into trouble. He even tends to wander off on his own if an eye isn't kept on him. He comes off as a bit selfish at times, but he's mostly just an innocent young boy. He tends to avoid his problems and will find any way he can to relieve any stress he might begin to feel or distract himself from them. He is also somewhat spoiled, due to his family giving him so much attention.
Brief History: Ryu grew up in a very normal household. A slightly higher-than-average family income, both parents were loving and were well off financially...he grew up with very few problems. He had an older brother who was almost always in charge of babysitting him, something the brother constantly had to point out to him. Now and again, he would feel bad for making his brother sacrifice some of his personal life, but he would quickly get over it and turn to his favorite activity: Internet browsing. There is not a lot to say other than the fact that he has lived a relatively normal life, apart from the amount of babysitting that had to be done for his sake.

Name: Gaomon
Gender: Male
Attribute: Data
Type: Beast
Personality: Gaomon is a very loyal companion. If he befriends another, he will never leave them hanging if he can help it. He enjoys peace and tranquility and prefers to avoid conflict if possible, but he secretly enjoys the thrill of battle. This is reflected in his fighting style, where he tries to simply throw his opponent's aggression away from him by deflecting blows and will only counter when there is no other alternative, or if it is a sparring match. When he does fight back, though, his punches are thrown hard. He is a talented fighter. His physical strength leaves something to be desired, but his skill and finesse in battle is virtually unrivaled by other Rookie Digimon. He is also a very subservient Digimon, who views himself only as a humble servant that lives to bolster and protect others. He cares not for his own personal interests...only in the well-being and preservation of others. This causes him to more or less play the role of babysitter for his future tamer.

...He also has the weaknesses of a puppy. He humiliatingly loves being scratched behind the ears or on the stomach, he loves being patted and will instinctively lean into it without thinking. However, if you try to get him to play fetch, he will be annoyed and find it rather insulting.
Evolution Line: Dodomon > Wanyamon > Gaomon > Gaogamon > MachGaogamon > MirageGaogamon

These are my two characters and their Digimon. What do you think? Sorry for the lack of detail on Ryu. He's new and I haven't had a chance to come up with much for him. xD

Disclaimer: None of the images posted are mine. Just found them off of Google Images.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

So heeey, everyone, I rechecked this after a while of giving up on it and found people here. (Hello, Digi, I seeeee you.)

So, yeah, if anyone is still interested in this, I'd be totally happy to continue on with it.

Also, cool Digimon, Rin... (Heh, cool... see what I did there? ... yeah, I'll shut up now)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Digizel
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Digizel The Knight of Bui / Challenge me if you dare! >3

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Heheh. Hey there. xD

But yeah, I'd be interested in taking part if the other two are. I would love for a Digimon RP to go somewhere for once~
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

XxFellsingxX said
So heeey, everyone, I rechecked this after a while of giving up on it and found people here. (Hello, Digi, I seeeee you.)So, yeah, if anyone is still interested in this, I'd be totally happy to continue on with it.Also, cool Digimon, Rin... (Heh, cool... see what I did there? ... yeah, I'll shut up now)

ill get to work on my CS
finally get to use this one digimon armed with a assuasslt rifle :_/
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Digizel said
But yeah, I'd be interested in taking part if the other two are. I would love for a Digimon RP to go somewhere for once~

1Charak2 said
ill get to work on my CSfinally get to use this one digimon armed with a assuasslt rifle :_/

Alright then, I won't give up hope on this one if that's the case. After all, we don't need a huge group for a Digimon RP.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

i would like 4 digimon as partners (but they all require the power of one digivice so at the power requried to go mega all 4 can only go champion. :)
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