In the year 2045, as diplomacy failed, the world plunged into the third world war. The northern hemisphere of the world formed the North American Trade Federation, Europe subjugated Africa and created the Greater European Empire, while Asia and Russia formed the Empire. Cities were decimated as millions upon millions answered the call to war. Bombs flew the airs indiscriminately killing civilian and soldiers alike. For an ensuing three years, the war raged on. It was only when nuclear bombs filled the sky and scorched the Earth did the three great powers call for a ceasefire.
Leaving a greater part of each continent unfit for life, humanity escaped to the last habitable places. In the years following, many starved while governments were unable to maintain order within their borders. While many citizens all cried out for justice, protection, and revenge, their cries were often left unheeded as the world continued on its path of degradation.
Order finally returned on the third month of 2055 when a group known as the Council — shrouded in mystery — took on the task of doing what the governments could not. The former leaders of each nation having been usurped from power, the Council quickly sunk their roots deeply into each Green zone. Criminals were quickly dispatched of and production of the basic necessities continued once again. The great famine began to decrease as normality soon returned to the world.

With the limited space available, unscathed cities expanded as many took shelter within these bastions of humanity. Buildings were built on top of one another. The poor remained at the bottom with the pollution and abysmal conditions while the the affluent and wealthy clung to the top. Thus marked the period of disparity. While many opted to live in small towns in the country, commerce and technology favored the behemoth-like cities that eventually became city-states under the guidance of the Council.
Not wanting another war to occur, a proposition was set forth by a team of psychologist and scientist. Their proposition, before the war, would’ve been preposterous, but the situation had changed. Hence, the introduction of the virtual reality game, Dust, was instated. With physical money deemed unworthy of materials and labor and advancements in the social structure was considered significant to prevent domestic rioting, the Council turned to this. Giving each person their own logic pad and Immersion Dive headgear, the ability to live, to eat, to thrive was centered in the world of Dust.
The year is 2065. Reality and virtual integrated, humanity continues to survive against the horrors it unleashed.

Set within the world of Evanesa, Dust's setting is a fantastical variant or a medieval era world. The world of Evanesa is split into five major kingdoms: Maras, Plutarnos, Apollinis, Diamorra, and Florinia.