Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little Alice

Little Alice

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mika sat down at an empty table. Sighing, she looked at her plate. Picking up her spoon to begin at the stew, she thought of the past days. So far everything was going decently as she wanted. She had made some acquainted 'friends'. But mostly she had been watching carefully and asking those 'friends', who were just people who thought she was nice, on tips. So far she was doing good, but Mika wanted to become better. Starting on the stew, she thought briefly about her goal.

She would only need to have it hold it out till the right time was there. Of course, she shouldn't become one of the best. Not that she thought it was possible, but to be recruited by the Military Police would only keep her within the walls. A displeased look briefly slide over her face. She wouldn't let herself be contained and put away in a box like the others. They could serve and die for a king all they want for. Ants, nothing better than ants in her opinion.

Continue to eat, Mika thought further about what she would do. For now she had people that thought her as a friend or ally. Hopefully she could get some connection with people that had more influence. Not that she wished to have those desperately, but it could provide some crucial aid in the times to come.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChromeHound


Member Offline since relaunch

Samuel Drake

Entering the training field for their hand-to-hand combat exercises, Samuel had to resist the urge to sigh. He had never been much of a fighter. When he was younger, Samuel's knack for sensing when danger was near had allowed him to avoid most of the situations where he would have had to fight. In the few instances where conflict had been unavoidable, Samuel had relied on a more defensive style of fighting. Observing his opponents carefully while they attacked, he would try and discover their weaknesses and then take advantage of those weaknesses with ruthless efficiency.

Moving into his spot, Samuel turned and looked around at the other recruits as they trained. It was quite clear that some of them were going to need a lot of work while others seemed to excel at the exercise. So far Samuel had done a good job of keeping himself unnoticed, or, at least he thought he was doing a good job.

Glancing over as he caught sight of his partner walking towards him out of the corner of his eye, Samuel turned back to face the boy. He was about the same height and build as Samuel, maybe a little stockier but all in all it was a fairly even match. "Hanzel." The boy said with a slight smile, holding out his hand. Samuel looked down at the hand and then back up towards the other boy. There was no need for him to take part in the formalities and so he simply stared at Hanzel blankly.

"Uhh... I guess we could start then?" Hanzel muttered, embarrassed. Shuffling awkwardly he glanced towards the wooden knife that lay on the small table beside them. Seeing that Samuel was making no move towards it, Hanzel shrugged and walked over. Picking the knife up from the table, he was surprised by its realistic weight. Turning back to face Samuel, Hanzel readied himself. Though the instructors had taught them the basic moves, Hanzel wasn't sure he would be able to execute them as well as he was supposed to. Taking a breath, he adjusted his grip on the knife and charged.

Samuel watched the boy carefully as he moved. It was clear that Hanzel wasn't overly experienced with the techniques, but the boy did an admirable job of trying to follow them to the letter. That was his mistake. Samuel was also familiar with the techniques, meaning that he could predict Hanzel's moves. Waiting for the boy to get closer, Samuel watched as the first strike came towards his head. Ducking under it, he threw a swift, vicious punch to Hanzel's sternum, causing the boy to lose his breath and keel over. Continuing his movement, Samuel grabbed Hanzel's arm, wrapping his other hand the back of the boy's neck. Pivoting, he thrust his hip out and threw Hanzel to the ground with force. The shock of the impact caused Hanzel to drop the knife, which went skidding a few feet away. Samuel made no attempt to move towards it however, he simply stepped back and waited.

Kicking himself backwards, Hanzel tried to regain his breath, staring with nervous apprehension towards Samuel. His eyes traveled hesitantly to the knife laying on the ground, and then back up to Samuel. Suddenly Hanzel darted towards the wooden knife, grasping it and whipping back around, expecting his opponent to already be attacking. A slight sense of alarm filled him as he saw that Samuel was still simply standing with his arms crossed, no emotion on his face. Getting to his feet slowly, Hanzel hesitated. Rushing into an attack got him nowhere, so he'd have to be more careful this time.

Watching the other boy preparing for another attack, Samuel did not move from his position. Hanzel moved towards him, more slowly this time. The knife was held out in front of him in a more cautious, defensive position. Stepping towards Samuel, Hanzel's focused intently on his opponent, not wanting to get caught like last time. Reaching out, Hanzel swung the knife upwards, attempting to hit Samuel in the chest. His attention was so focused on Samuel blocking the attack, that he didn't notice the vicious kick his opponent threw at his knee.

Hanzel's eyes widened in surprise as his right knee buckled under the force of the kick. It put him off balance enough that he began stumbling forwards. Shifting to the side, Samuel reached out, one hand grabbing Hanzel's knife hand, and the other came around in a flat palmed strike to the other boy's elbow. The blow wasn't strong enough to break Hanzel's arm, but it did cause him to drop the knife. Pushing the boy further off balance, Samuel managed to catch the knife before it hit the ground.

He stood still, waiting for the other boy to pick himself up off the ground. As Hanzel stood, Samuel surged forwards, keeping the knife at his side. Hanzel brought his arms up to defend himself, but Samuel suddenly deked to the side, whipping his free arm around in a sharp elbow to the boy's midsection. Dropping an arm to block the blow, Hanzel tried to bring his other arm around to grab Samuel. Seeing the attempt, Samuel spun back around, avoiding Hanzel's grasp.

The boy was now left in an awkward spot, and Samuel took full advantage of that by leaping forwards, straight at him. Seeing the panic in Hanzel's eyes, the memory of his father's death popped into Samuel's head, sending a surge of rage through his body. His eyes growing darker was the only visible sign that anything was wrong as he tackled the boy and raised the knife, ready to strike.

As the knife swung down, Samuel briefly caught a glimpse of one of the trainers watching him intently. Cursing inwardly, he adjusted the path of his strike so that it hit the ground beside Hanzel's head. So much for remaining completely anonymous...
Clinging to the rock face, Samuel felt quite relaxed, unlike a lot of the other recruits that he could see. Climbing was second nature to him and, although climbing the buildings was a different beast than climbing a rock face, the principle was the same. Pulling himself along from handhold to handhold, Samuel made sure to stay about midway through the pack. He paced himself, continuing his climb nearly effortlessly. Samuel looked up, trying to spot his next handhold. The nearest spot for him to climb to was going to require a bit of a leap as his arms were not long enough to reach it.

Preparing to make his leap, Samuel straightened his arms, leaning back so that he could push off with more force. Just before he could push off however, Samuel felt something strange. Glancing up quickly, Samuel watched as the rope that had tied him to the mountain plummeted down past him. Did they just cut the line? He thought to himself, wondering what to do. Reaching down with one hand, Samuel untied the rope from his waist, allowing it to fall completely. He didn't want the extra weight to pull him down. Setting his sights on the handhold above him once again, Samuel made his leap.

Gripping onto the rock face tightly, he waited for his momentum to settle before reaching up to grab the next hold. Samuel pulled himself up, bit by bit, ignoring the fact that if he fell now he would end up dead. Looking up briefly, he could see the top of the cliff not far above him. Keeping his focus, Samuel continued to climb.
Moving through the forest with more ease than he first had, Samuel was excited to be back in the 3DMG. He was still working on being able to move around as quickly and as smoothly as some of the other recruits, but Samuel had a knack for being able to manoeuver through difficult spaces with relative ease. This made the obstacle course a very fun place to experiment for him, as he had to react quickly in order to avoid the moving dummies. Holding himself back a little, Samuel watched as several of the recruits ahead of him made their ways through the course.

Two of the trainees were travelling with too much speed, most likely trying to race each other to the finish. Their eagerness to get ahead of each other caused their attention to slip, and they were both caught by surprise as a large dummy swung out into their path. Neither of the recruits had time to manoeveur out of the way, and they smacked into the padded dummy with some force.

Making his way around the new obstacle, Samuel made sure to keep a close eye on his surroundings. He didn't want to get caught like those last two...
Arriving to the cafeteria, Samuel followed the same routine he always did. Grabbing his food and heading to the corner, he sat down on the floor and ate with his back against both walls. He gained a little comfort out of knowing that his back was covered and that he could see everything going on around him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CoyoteKisses


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The group of trainees entered the field for some hand-to-hand combat, something that Jay looked forward to. In a matter of minutes, everyone had already paired up, leaving the two siblings standing there. Jay couldn't help but just sigh. Him against his baby sister? No way. It wouldn't be fun at all. He scanned the area once more, almost tempted to tap Joseph on the shoulder and ask to switch with him. During this time, Noelle just stared at her brother, knowing full well that Jay wasn't at all pleased to be paired with her.

Her lips pursed into a thin line as she grabbed the boy's shoulder, forcing him to face her as she brought down her other hand to jab at his face. Jay gasped at the sudden motion, suddenly staring at fierce eyes and a deadly hand chop. "W-wha!" He quickly darted out of the way, flabbergasted. "What are yo-" Noelle didn't let him finish. She quickly stepped in, closing the distance between them as she threw a rather weak punch towards him again. Jay dodged that move too, and the other, before he realized that Noelle wasn't really trying at all.

During their little game of hit and run, Noelle and Jay's eyes locked into each other a couple of times. As if the two had shared a mental conversation in a millisecond; the two began to spar each other more seriously. Soon, punches became more brutal, and they started adding some kicks, swipes, and feints. Noelle's face flickered with amusement, finding herself overwhelmed by her brother in a few minutes. Well, at least he seemed pleased with himself.

"Don't you dare!"

Jay bit back another string of curses as he struggled to find his balance. As much as he enjoyed 'flying' with 3DMG, he just hated this...rock climbing thing. He felt his muscles scream his pain as he made another movement to go up. "This f-" Cold sweaty fingers grasped his ankle, pulling back a little which made Jay shriek. Tears prickling in his eyes, Jay looked down to see Noelle's grin. "Keep going." Was all she said. Sniffling, the brother continued on as he tried to escape from his sister's love.


"Finally!" Jay screamed as he whipped through the forest. He ignored the pain of branches coming in contact with his skin. This, this was freedom. The obstacles weren't that hard to maneuver around, so he went charging at full speed. Noelle moved at a more slower pace, taking her sweet time as she delicately made her way through. Much to his disappointment, the trainees were placed into classes after they had all finished the obstacle course. Jay took the time to take a short nap (and was awakened when Noelle pinched him) whilst Noelle paid close attention to the instructor's lesson. Of course, there just had to be that one know-it-all. However, the two siblings could care less.
Noelle took a seat next to Mika, a huge smile on her face. "It's good to see you," she said. "I didn't see you at all today." Ah, well, she was mostly to blame for that. After all, she was focused on herself and Jay's well-being. Her stomach grumbling with hunger, Noelle dipped the spoon into the stew and began to eat. "Did you make any new friends?"

He watched his sister make her way towards another girl before taking a seat in an almost-empty table. Jay sighed, his back aching as he began to dig in. He couldn't help but moan at the richness of the stew. Goodness, this cook was... He looked up, catching sight of another familiar-looking boy. Ah, the boy Joseph was sparring with earlier. "Hey, I'm Jay," he greeted, stretching out his hand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Roran Hawkins
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Roran Hawkins

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Thomas Erhart

He looked down at the guy who had seated next to him and accepted his hand after emptying his mouth. "The name's Thomas. Nice to meet you." He said to the younger guy, apparently called Jay. He could recall his face, and he remembered the guy being not too shabby during the 3DMG excercises and climbing excercises, despite his moaning. He had noticed however how he didn't seem to take the 'human' combat classes didn't quite achieve to generate a similar level of interest, as he seemed to play more than he actually fought.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A collab between Sketcher, Little Alice and CoyoteKisses

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by snoringserpent
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Terry laid down out on the ground behind the cabin just before lights out. Trying to clear her head and come up with a battle plan for the next few days, she decided to recount what had happened the previous days. < The head instructor not the nicest; I have no clue how he expects to gain any type of loyalty from us. Hum he probably doesn’t need it though, it’s not like were following him into battle. I guess he just wants us to follow orders and not be a problem. It’d be a fair enough reasoning. I’ll just keep on my best behavior and hope everything works out well…. Still one of these days some hot headed trainee is going to start a fight with him. Oh well, at least the 3DMG instructors and the teachers are nice enough.>

Distracted, she tried to name all the constellations she could, but eventually she reached her limit, sat up, and opened her journal. She flipped through the pages which were illegible to anyone else and paused every once in a while at a trainee she found interesting. <You know the first day was pretty fun. I got to meet all sorts of new people and there’s all sorts of things to learn about. That food fight could of ruined the day though, and the incident in the showers the next day could of gone better.> She had moved her hand up to her forehead to feel the welt left from being hit by a bar of soap <Ah, I hope that doesn’t happen again. I know I don’t look terribly feminine but come on.>

Returning back to reviewing her book, Terry turned it over and went to the back. This later section was filled with crude sketches. The older ones were mostly of plants and animals she had seen during her travels but the newer ones were of the equipment used in the training corps. < That first aptitude test, I suppose I can call it that, wasn’t really that hard. All you had to do was relax and balance. Maybe it was just like that because I was one of the last to go and had seen everyone else go already…> Starting to nod off the girl decided it was time to go to bed and went back inside the girls barracks.
Terry watched the training field quietly as the trainees fought. She analyzed how and when they moved, their position and their build. Standing behind her with a bored looks was a slightly muscular male of average height. “Hey, uh, Terry. We should probably start practicing before the instructor notices us.” He said meekly. Terry twitched as if caught off guard and turned to him, an embarrassed smile plastered on her face. “Ah, yeah you’re right. You’re playing the attacker right? Give me a moment.” She said as she hurried to position herself. “Ready. Don’t hold back.”

With that the boy lunged with the knife held out in front of him. She moved to get out of the way, planning to use the boy’s momentum against him but flinched when images of the night she was attacked came up in her mind. This brief pause gave enough time for a wooden knife to hit her in the chest and send her on her butt with an off. “Are you alright!?! I’m sorry I thought you would have moved by then.” They boy apologized quickly as he moved to see if she was alright. “I’m fine, really! Ouch. Don’t worry it’s not your fault.” Terry quickly reassured him, with small tears in her eyes. “But you’re crying. Are you sure you’re fine.” “Yes!! I’m sure! Let’s just retry this.” She felt bad for the somewhat mean reply but she didn’t want the conversation to continue.

Once again the girl readied herself for attack. <Just stay calm. It’s not real, just play. He’s not going to hurt you… again.> “Round two.” She signaled and with some hesitation, the boy charged. This time Terry did not pause as she moved out of the way. Quickly changing directions she launched herself at the boy staggering, tackling him to the ground. Once they’d hit the floor, Terry moved her knee on top of the arm holding the knife and yanked the knife out of stunned boy’s hand. Getting off of him, she lodged the knife in the ground between them.

The boy got up slowly and Terry flinched seeing how the boy was in a bit of pain. “Sorry.” She said meekly. “Don’t worry about it. You did pretty well. Where did you learn how to do that? “

Terry smiled softly “A friend taught me.”
Learning to Fly
The small girl looked around at her surroundings with a bit of fear in her eyes. She’d been doing fairly well for her first time, partially due to the fact that her goggles prevented the wind from blinding her like it did some of the other trainees. She didn’t know exactly how to use the 3DMG that the training session focused on, but she’d grasped the concepts well enough to get by. She’d only hit a few branches, of which she was sure each one would leave yet another bruise on her body. <I guess it did sort of payoff to stay in the back. I got to see where everyone failed. > She attempted to speed up a little but was met with yet another branch.
Zooming past the trees Terry kept her spot in the middle of the group. It wasn’t because she couldn’t go faster but because she kept experimenting with new things. Turning left she set her hooks into the two sides of a forked trees. Aligning herself to where she would go into the center, she released her hooks when she figured she had enough momentum. Once she got through it she launched her wires at the nearest tree and pushed off to join the main group. Speeding up she grinned at a group of friends before speeding up to reclaim her place.
Surveying the rock above, Terry figured out her next few hand and footholds. She had been finding this exercise particularly exhausting do her height making it harder to reach certain spots. <Oh well, just jump at the count of three. One… two….. Did they just cut the rope?> She looked down with a look of utter despair as her fears were confirmed. <Well no helping that.> quickly recovering the girl removed the dangling rope from around her waist, fearing that it would get tangled in her legs. Looking back up she hopped up and grabbed her next handholds before readjusting her feet. <Just a bit more to go. I’ll be fine. I hope.>
Completely and utterly exhausted Terry trudged into the mess hall and followed a few of the other trainees through the line. Not even thinking she plopped herself down at the edge of a near-empty table and silently ate her meal. Once she finished, she pushed the tray forward and rested her head in her arms.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Next Morning

Zachary Smith, the beloved and adored chief of the trainee camp took the stand to explain the long awaited exercise of the month. The trainees all saluted their chief, the pose beaten into them in the early days of the training as well as the discipline of a soldier. Many a sole were printed into the mud over the first few weeks as a result of insubordination. The training had been harsher on some more than others, forcing some people out of the corps. Though there was always that one activity they had each month which was at least somewhat amusing for the trainees as well as the officers.
"Alright, maggots, listen up!" boomed the chief's voice, a smirk of satisfaction appearing on his lips. "Today is going to be the first day of a three day and night activity. I will only explain how this is going to work, so you brats better listen close!" He paused and looked over the trainees, looking for an abnormality. Unable to find anyone doing anything wrong, he continued. "You will be split up into squads of three and be sent outside of camp. Your objective will be to reach all of the objectives by the last night and obtain one of the flags from the point; which will be given to you by a commanding officer. There will be obstacles in your way, so take care not to dislocate your shoulder," he said, amused at the specific thought. "Each team will be given a map, horses, 3DMG and flares. How you will use them effectively is up to you. Beside these items, you can bring anything you deem useful with you. When your name's called out, go and get ready. If all of your members are not at the stables by 9 AM, you runts will be doing the trek without horses or gear!"

One of the veteran scouts stepped forward, reading out loud from a sheet of paper at the top of his lungs. "Squad 1: Mikael Daeryn! Susan Borne! Erin Fulbart!" The time went on and on, several rows now having gone to get ready. "Squad 17: Terry Yates! Samuel Drake! Joseph Dumoulin! Squad 18: Jay Ahn! Mika Smyth! Peter Sakes! Squad 19: Noelle Ahn! Thomas Erhart! Jean-Paul Martin!"
Hearing his voice get called out, Joseph flinched. Both of them were people he'd never met before. Then again, that wasn't all that bad. Meeting new people... The boy left his line, moving towards the storage to get his 3-Dimensional Maneuver Gear, as well as the flares. Putting the spotless gear he had done the maintenance for on, he grabbed a bag of flares designed to be attached to the horse's saddle and walked out.
Peter Sakes, the tall, blond boy from Shiganshina. Most people knew him for his expertise in unarmed combat. He was a well built and toned young boy with high hopes, aiming for the Military Police. He also had quite a bit of talent for 3DMG, but he was too lax to get better.
Jean-Paul Martin was the pompous brat from the Ehrmich District. He also aimed for the Military Police but his reasons were unknown to his fellow students. Not because he hid them. Rather because nobody wanted to approach such an unsociable person. However disliked he was, he was still capable of passing most of his fellow trainees during the 3DMG exercises.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Roran Hawkins
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Roran Hawkins

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Thomas Erhart - Squad 19

Saluting once more before running off Thomas tried remembering who the people on his team were as soon as his name was called off along with those of two others. Noelle Ahn... She was that Oriental girl right? Pretty rare nowadays considering everything. He didn't know anything about how the world looked before the titans came over a hundred years ago, but he did know that most people living here were locals, broadly speaking. Other 'races' of humans caught inside quickly assimilated into the blob of the ruling one, but in rare case you'd find someone like Noelle. The other guy, Jean-Paul Martin was a guy he did know. A rather arrogant and antisocial brat who happened to have some talent for moving around. Sadly it seemed that he intended to waste that skill in the MP.

Rushing into his 3DMG he grabbed his gear as fast as possible. 9AM was in 15 minutes, so they had less than a little time, considering how much of a hassle it was to put on one's 3DMG. Luckily his experienced hands quickly fastened all belts so he could grab some stuff he found specifically useful to bring along. He grabbed his knife, a flint&steel, and then started packing those in the small backpacks upon which he strapped his sleeping bag. He always wanted to carry his knife with him if he went on a 'real' mission. It was a decent tool, but an even better weapon. Little did his teammates know that the blood of three different persons already had stained it before. Rushing towards the stables he realized he was there at about 8:57AM. Just in time. Searching in the growing crowd for Noelle and Jean-Paul, who he was planning to name JP Martin, he awaited further instructions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChromeHound


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Samuel Drake - Squad 17

A team exercise...? Samuel narrowed his eyes slightly. As if that weren't bad enough, they were going to have to complete the mission on horses. May as well get this over with, he thought, making his way back to the dorms. Keeping track of the time, Samuel collected what little he had that would be of use on the mission. Stuffing his canteen, a box of matches, along with a knife and some crackers he had stolen from the cafeteria into the pack that carried his sleeping bag, Samuel set about putting on his 3DMG. Once his gear was prepped, and his bag fully packed, Samuel quickly made his way to the stables.

He wasn't looking forward to what would come next, but he would suffer through it in silence. Maybe he would get lucky and his team would be the type that didn't talk much. Samuel doubted that idea very much, but he stood in line with the other recruits, waiting to be given the rest of the supplies they'd been promised. The names of the two people he was supposed to be partners with were not ones he was familiar with, nor did he have any intention of getting familiar with them. Keeping his expression neutral, Samuel hoped that the instructors would put them together so that he didn't have to go around looking. This is gonna be a long three days...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by snoringserpent
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ready and chipper, Terry was genuinely excited for this assignment. We don’t know what’s going to happen, we’ll most likely be spending the majority of the day on horseback, and we’ll be camping wherever we can. This’ll definitely be interesting. It’ll probably be a huge pain too, though. When her name was called she left the group and went to go get her gear from the warehouse, but not before taking note of the two other people whose names were called after hers. Moving quickly the girl grabbed her 3DMG from its place along with the promised equipment before leaving. As she headed out, she passed by Joseph, “Hey, I’m Terry. You’re Joseph right? I look forward to working with you! See you at the stables.” She said without waiting for a response as she jogged off to the girls’ barracks.

Climbing up to her bunk, the girl quickly fastened her 3DMG on before pulling the raggedy old duffle bag from the foot of her mattress closer to her. Unzipping it she pulled out her backpack and filled it with the following. Her cloak for rainy weather and, her “medkit” which was really just a canvas pouch that held a small thing of alcohol and some cloth bandages, a pocket knife which was serrated closer to the handle, and her journal. After that she just grabbed her sleeping bag with intentions of strapping it down to the saddle, and left for the stables with equipment in tow.

Ah, what luck! The other one’s here already. Smiling she approached her next victim the boy. “Hey you're Samuel right? Nice to meet ya. My name is Terry, I’m in your squad.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little Alice

Little Alice

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mika Smyth

She wasn't pleased, at all. The people she was teamed up were unknown to her. Not that she was craving to be all the time with others that saw her as a friendly person, but it would be more to her advantage if she was with them. Calming herself mentally down, Mika quickly went through her options, what she should do and act. Heading to where her squad would gather, Mika decided to keep up her act. Maybe she could try to gain the trust of the other people that were in her squad. Or use them in order to pass the given objective.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CoyoteKisses


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jay Ahn [ Squad 18]

Peter Sakes was the only name Jay recognized in his squad. Peter also lived in the same district as him, except Jay had never talked to the other since the two surprisingly never crossed path. Well, he had Noelle to thank for that ever since he got into a rather nasty fight with a couple of town bullies. ON the other hand, Mika Smyth was a complete stranger. Jay listened to his beloved instructor bark out a few more names before grabbing the given equipment. Once he doubled checked everything, he headed back to grab a few more things.

He went back to the barracks and grabbed his bag as he stuffed a sleeping bag, a small knife, and a canteen into it. Jay then fastened on his 3DMG, fumbling a bit here and there (he blamed his nervousness!) before walking out to meet his other squad members. As he approached the stables, he spotted a girl already there.

“Hi there,” he brightly greeted. “Are you Mika?”
Noelle Ahn [Squad 19]

Unfortunately, Noelle was not familiar with the names in her squad. Her eyes lifted to the sky before closing them, taking a few shallow breaths. Wonderful, it was time to make some new friends. She had honestly hoped she would be in the same squad as Mika, but her brother already took that spot. Actually, she would have preferred to be in the same squad as Jay, just so she could make sure he wasn't making any…reckless decisions.

Should she warn Mika about her brother’s…erratic thinking? Well, Mika would figure it out soon enough. A sigh escaped her lips as she grabbed the given equipment before wandering into the barracks. She quickly equipped her 3DMG after packing a sleeping bag with a small journal and a pencil tucked into it. It would be nice if she sent a letter to her father after this training exercise. If only Jay would just sit down for a few minutes and write.

She walked back out of the barracks, her head in the clouds as she headed towards the stables. It was around 8:58 AM when Noelle reached the designated location. There was already a growing crowd around the building, leaving the girl hopelessly lost. She didn’t know what her squad members looked like… So she just went up to random people, poking them to get their attention.

“Thomas Erhart? Jean-Paul Martin?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Roran Hawkins
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Roran Hawkins

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Thomas Erhart - Squad 19

Turning around after hearing his name he saw the Oriental girl look for him and this JP-guy. "I'm here, Noelle!" He said, waving at her to avoid her from sowing more confusion by poking random trainees. There were only a few minutes left and it was about time JP showed up. "So, ready for three days of adventure?" He asked, remembering the days when he did this training mission for the first time. It had been quite the adventure, yes, but everything had worked out just fine. Involuntarily he smiled as he remembered Keith, one of his best palls back then. That guy... He wondered where he'd ended up. The MP? No, even Keith was realistic enough to know he wouldn't make that. The garrisson? Most likely. In fact, the chance that he'd joined the Survey Corps was smaller than the chance of Thomas failing at this mission.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Joseph Dumoulin - Squad 17
Joseph started packing his bag in the barracks as the others were leaving. He was put in the same team as two people who he had never met. While that could be fun, it could also be detrimental to their performance. The other boy, Terry, seemed rather enthusiastic. Joseph would probably get along well with him. The other kid... The fact that he never heard of him bothered him. Being in the same camp, he hoped he'd at least know something about him. Shaking the thoughts away, he concentrated on getting his effects. He stuffed a canteen, a kit of flint and steel he'd brought to the camp with him and a carving knife along with the several flares he'd taken in the bag. Once having put on his 3DMG, he made his way to the stables. He saw Terry talking to their other teammate, whose name, if he could remember it correctly, was Samuel. He approached the two. "Hey! You guys ready to go?"
Peter Sakes - Squad 18

Peter had his bag ready, filled with whatever he’d need to survive. The bored boy made his way to the stables, where he would meet his teammates. He hadn’t listened to their names since he only paid attention when his was called out.
Jean-Paul Martin - Squad 19

Jean-Paul was hovering over the rest of the trainees, his height allowing him to look down at everyone around him, quite literally. Of course, he was too good to look for his teammates. He stood with his back on the stables.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChromeHound


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Samuel Drake - Squad 17

Hearing the first voice calling out to him, Samuel sighed inwardly once again. It sounded like such a cheerful voice... And that was going to be a drag, he could already tell. Turning, Samuel was about to reluctantly make his reply to the-- narrowing his eyes ever so slightly, he was briefly confused. The voice had sounded so feminine, and yet the person standing before him appeared like a boy his age. Giving the person a curious once-over, Samuel was confident that he had not seen them in the boy's cabin, meaning his first suspicion must have been correct. Quickly shifting his eyes back up to the...girl's... face, Samuel locked eyes with her and simply nodded as a response. The expression on his face remained entirely neutral, and he only hoped that Terry didn't decide to start asking him more questions.

The second voice saved him, at least for the moment, as Joseph appeared. Nodding again when Joseph asked if they were ready, Samuel turned his attention towards the instructors, awaiting their next orders. He was already dreading the thought of getting onto the horses, and only hoped that most of the route they'd be able to go without... If only he were that lucky.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by snoringserpent
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Choosing to ignore the fact that the boy had looked her over, Terry responded with a cheerful “Alrighty then.” He’s a bit quiet… Maybe he’s shy? Probably just reserved. Oh well. When Joseph came up she smiled “Yep! This’ll be an interesting trip. I bet they have all sorts of things planned for us. ” Her smile disappeared for a moment as she contemplated all that could go wrong, but it came back soon enough. “Eh, we’ll probably be able to get through whatever they throw at us. Anyways, we should probably get to know each other seeing we’ll have to rely on each other for the next few days. So, um, what branch are you guys planning on joining? I’m aiming for the scouting legion myself, I want to be of some use before I die.” The girl looked down at her feet, a bit embarrassed. They'll probably think it's a childish ideal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Exactly at 09:00, Zachary's voice echoed throughout the stables. "SILENCE!" The one word was enough to steal the attention of every single trainee and officer around the area. "Alright, maggots! Time for our fun little exercise to start!" The man waited for a few seconds with his hands behind him, standing upon a box to rise above the others, looking down at the trainees. "Each of you find a horse, check the contents of your saddle and get the hell out of my camp! I don't want to see any of you until the exercise is over!"
"We should probably get going," Joseph suggested. "We'll have tons of time to talk later, probably. Let's not give Chief Zachary an excuse to take our horses away." With a quick large steps, he got to his favourite mount, a dark brown, large horse. After a moment, he quickly hopped over the saddle. He noticed some large pockets next to his legs, dangling from his seat, strapped just tight enough that it wouldn't spin. Checking the contents, he noticed six flares; two red, two green and two black, as well as a map.
It wasn't really too precise. It wasn't even scaled properly. It just had some areas marked with flags indicating the location of the objectives on the paper. There were numerals next to the drapes, as well as a note on the bottom right corner. Important landmarks are smaller than they look. Well, this isn't helpful... Joseph stuffed it back in. He hung his bag on the lighter side and turned to his teammates. "Let's quickly head out and choose where to go first."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Roran Hawkins
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Roran Hawkins

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Thomas Erhart - Squad 19

Running towards the stables and capturing a horse that looked as if it could run long distances with ease, which meant every horse in the stables, but he was picky nevertheless. He mounted the beast and awaited his squadmembers outside of the stables, wishing to run over the map and plans before bursting off recklessly and aimlessly as some others seemed to be doing already.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by snoringserpent
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Terry simply nodded in response and went to go find her preferred mount. When she found the sturdy grey mare she mounted it and secured her bag onto the side and her sleeping bag onto the back of the saddle using the straps. Only after she checked that everything was secured did she check the pouches that were already there. A few flares and a map, hmm. Not the best work of cartography but it’ll have to do. Is seven a plateau or a dense forest though? I’ll assume it’s a forest for now. The girl kicked her horse to a slow trot to catch up with Joseph. “I think we should find that stream north of here, it’ll lead us in general direction of flag five. From there we can head east to six and then northwest to seven. If all goes well we can camp at the stream at the end of seven and go counter-clockwise to the other points from there. That is assuming were not required to follow the numbers in order.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little Alice

Little Alice

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mika Smyth

Mika was inspecting her gear and stuff. It would be a huge pain in the rear if she was missing something she could use or would miss later. After she was done with checking, she heard somebody approaching her. Turning fully towards the boy, she couldn't remember meeting him, but he had something familiar to him. Smiling, Mika replied to Jay. ''Yes, that is me. Pleasure to meet you... euhm?'' Waiting, she hoped that he would give his name.

But with the arrival of Peter, Mika's smile briefly vanished away. The boy said nothing to either her or Jay and had this 'I-am-superior' air and attitude. It really didn't bother Mika that much as she couldn't care about him, but she was wondering how she would be able to ace this if the boy wouldn't be of any use to her. Or even looking like he would want to co-operate with her. Luckily, there was still the unknown boy. Then realization dawned upon Mika as she snapped with the fingers of her right hand, pointing them afterwards to Jay. ''Oh wait. Jay Ahn? Family of Noelle?'' It was a lucky guess and Mika could remember that Noelle had talked before about her brother. That would be rather convenient.
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