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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Opposition
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Opposition 𝕋𝕖𝕔𝕙𝕟𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕘𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕝 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Katelyn giggles a little at Toby's slightly childish display. She had made a new favorite ally. She watches him as he leaves, calling out as the door opens. "Bye Toby!" She stood in her throne room, the audience slowly diminishing. Katelyn had to start thinking about things other than allies.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Aurora ran quickly to where she had left her horse. She swung herself up onto the paint horse's back. She spurred her horse and her horse darted off across the sand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

-A few hours ago, Kimlaska, capital city of Rondorio-
Zhen Ji was tslking a walka round the street market of Kimlaska when a soldier ran at her.
"Lady Zhen, we have terrible news! We caught a suspicious man who..."
"Who..?" Zhen Ji asked rising an eyebrow.
"Who says killed the King and Queen of Heshira Kingdom!"
"WHAT!!!??" Zhen Ji risied her voice, the street market went silent, the queen ran at the dungeons were she interroged the man and confimed it was true, he killed the King and Queen.
"Prepare Matsukaze" her horse "I''m goign alone to Heshira!"
"Yes, Lady Zhen!" the soldier said and went for the horse
"And you are going with me..." Zhen Ji told the man with a cold voice, her eyes...The poor man felt the queen would kill him just from looking at him with those murderer eyes


Zhen Ji was standing in in the throne room of the Hamshir Kingdom, watching the blood stains, the guards did not dare to look at her.
The killer was on the floor completly tied up
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Aurora arrived at the kingdom and jumped off her horse, Lyra, and she ran into the castle. She froze when she reached the throne room and saw the blood, Zhen, and the killer. Tears instantly came to her eyes. "No..mother, father..." She mumbled her eyes were wide.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Zhen watched did not want to see the girl cry and so trned her face away, now looking at the throne.
The killer looked at the girl with pitty, yet did not regret whathe did.
Zhen cleared her throat while looking at one of the guards, he undterstood she wanted to be introduced
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laggia
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Stepped could be heard as the reselling of armor slowly came closer and closer towards an cheering crowd of people, the air of cold as ever where he could feel the cold assaulting his armor. One would think that wearing armor in the north was not such an good idea but nevertheless. The armor had been a sign of the royal family since the founding of the kingdom, in the times of civil war against the empire a hundred years ago. Arriving at the balcony of the palace, carved out of the mountain that was still ongoing till this day. Only the throne first floor and half of the second floor had been carved finished under the guides of the late High king Bjorn Hamsen. Putting his hands on the stone balcony he looked out to his people as he took his helmet off.

" MY PEOPLE! Our great high king Bjorn has passed away sleeping quietly." He shouted out as he saw his own breath in the cold." It saddens me that the gods has called upon our king to join them in the realm of Valhalla may his legacy life on through out the ages and be remembered of the good deeds he has done to you, my people. I Olaf Hamsen the second hereby announces accept the title of High king to protect my people, to care for my people, and lastly. He looked back at his little brother that stood in the background, with a child smile. " TO BRING OUR GREAT KINGDOM INTO AN NEW AGE!" He faced back to the people as they were cheering before Olaf made hand signs for them to quiet down " As the first action of my rule I hereby declare to set an mighty funeral to our great high king Bjorn. The second announcement is that our monthly great hunt is finally behining !" The people was cheering again as Olaf slowly turned around and walked into the palace again, followed by the royal guard and his little brother. The oak wooden doors, with the carvings of his family creed on split in two on each sides.

" My lord that was just brilliant how you made the public cheer for you " An advisor came up to olaf as he bowed " A people has to have a high king that knows his people thus preventing the king to neglect his people in a chance of rebellion will rise in harsh times." He said as the metal meeting the stone could be heard echoing mixed with the workers that were carving and polishing the new hallways of the palace. Olaf just gave a warm smile as he walked towards the high kings chamber, seeing that hisd father already had been removed and new sheets had already been put on the bed. Prince Kurt entered the chamber as he stormed towards big big brother.

" You looked so cool brother!" He shouted as he hugged him but quickly jumped back on how cold the armor was. " Uhhh cold. " He said as Olaf after some difficulty had the armor off he just sat himself in the bed. " You know Kurt I hope father is looking down upon us from Valhalla" the sound of sadness could be heard in his voice as Kurt just went over to olaf and hugged him, which in turn also hug back Kurt " Me too brother." A few minutes after an knock on the door killed the silence within the room olaf stood up and walked towards the door and saw one of the royal guards. " Milord your present is requested in the throne room. Jarl Jogen has come to be present at the funeral" Olaf nod as he followed the guard as Kurt followed his brother.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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The guard rushed over to the princess. "Princess Aurora, please calm down. You have a visitor." He muttered to the princess who looked up at him with her tear stained face. She slightly nodded and wiped her eyes and re-gathered her composure. She walked towards the woman, but her eyes were locked on the killer with a deadly look to them. "Hello ma'am. I'm Princess Aurora James Millia, heir to this throne." She said looking up at the woman as she said this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vortex
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-- At the Valturian Central Inner Senate --

"You damm fool Dasius!" Shouted one of the senators "This could be seen a act of war! Your houses greed has once again put itself before the republic and now we have to clean up after you once more!"
"I care not if they wish to declare war upon me, I will send my own house guards to resolve the issue, the republic need not worry" said Dasius Ulyes a Co-Consul of the republic. The house of Dasius has always had a reputation of raiding settlements across the border but never before had they gone so deep into foreign territory and it seems that this time further action may need to be taken.
"Senators" announced Rathaeus Xeros the Highest of the Consuls " I know we must let House Ulyes fall upon its own sword but I think this time we must make a exception. I suggest we send the 6th legion as well as a portion of the Slave army and guard the border to ensure the future Security of the republics. Meanwhile we will confiscate the plundered items as well as a portion of personal wealth from house Ulyes"
"I... I think we can agree to that" said the other senator with a sly smile as his house has been planning to move in on House Ulyes territory for years
"No! I will not stand for this!" yelled Dasius furiously "You will regret this! House Uyles will get justice!" He finished as he marched out of the senate
"Goddamit" sighed Rathaeus

-- on the road from Valturian to Mandisa --

A small caravan company with a few house guards from house Xeros was making its way to the capital of Mandisa to make a gesture of friendship to the new Pharaoh. As the High Consul, Rathaeus felt that it was mandatory that he send a gift to the new monarch to ensure that there would be some sort of mutual benefit, like a trade partnership or open borders. However he was unhappy that the senate took so long, in fact they were still deciding, on what gift to send to the monarch, some wanted to almost drown the girl in gifts others didn't even want to send a single coin. So Rathaeus made sure the Diplomats he sent with the caravan would mention to the Pharaoh that it was from his own coffers not the Republics.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Zhen Ji turned her head and the new Queen and genuflected something that people from the same status would not do, and much less if they were queens
"My Lady, please take this" Zhen Ji said with a soft kind voice and handed ofer her favourise handkerchief, a white one with small pink flowers on the endges
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laggia
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Olaf sighed as he slowly came closer and closer towards the throne room as the sound of the workers slowly faded away. He had his normal clothes on while touches and some fires were placed along the hallways, the pillars that had been carved out from the stone had the most beautiful patens of egeals and other animals like bears, wolfs and even giants, that was being told in folklore of the Norse religion. Opening the wooden door that had been placed down to all hallways that lead to the throne room and other halls and rooms. " I present High king Olaf Hamsen the second and the royal prince first in line Kurt hamsen the third" Announce the speaker that was standing in the middle of the room to the side. The throne room has of course a big throne in the middle end, also carved out from the mountain that his father had set fourth to be the royal palace. The sides had of course pillars so that a first floor could see down to the throne and who ever was visiting for an audience. The royal colors were hanging to the sides of the throne while torches were to the side of the throne room. Olaf walked over to the throne room and took his place on it with a confident smile and made a hand gesture for the jarl to come fourth.

" Ah jarl Jogen it's a pleasure seeing you, tell me how is Mecca these days " He asked as the jarl just bowed and rose again after positioning himself right." The habor city of Mecca is as wonderful and magnificent as ever Your Milord but that's not the point I'm here for to ask why you haven't send a form of gift to the new Pharaoh in the south. " He asked as Olaf just stood up from his throne as he just shake his head " I didn't see the need to send anything for a brat like her. Sure if I did send something and be lucky to marry her I would gain land if she I don't know strangely dies. But I heard that jarl Hod has send something down to the south last winter and must be arriving now if everything has went as planned." Olaf said as Kurt just stood at the side of the throne and watched as his brother spoke
Jarl hod had arrived at the gates of Helion with four carts full of iron ore and fine silk clothing that him and the gurads he had brought with him along the way since they couldn't produce silk clothing up north as it wouldn't be that good to begin with in the frozen north. Entering the boasting city Hod could see that the capital of this nation sure was busy. Walking through the gates after being checked like every good transport should for the safety of the kingdom he walked towards the best looking and highest building there was and arrived at the royal palace as he ordered his men to stand guard at the cards and took three men with him for him to meet this newly crowned leader.
" You don't mean that jarl hod really was send to the south to meet this new royal. . Milord i will speak honest it wasn't the wisest idea to send a totally new face to meet a royal ruler" Jorgen sighed as he turned around before turning back again to face Olaf while he just stared at jorgen with a strange expression. " You know Jarl jogen I know that you have guided my father through the hard times of this land but remember I am still the high king of this country and my word is law. You have been a low class merchant in Mecca. Wasn't it my father had had put you the title of jarl with the help of me. . "

Olaf just took his hands into a angry stand while patting his beard " So please Jorgen I don't need every jarls advice what to do sometimes I can also do something on my own." Olaf turned around to take his seat on the throne again " Anything else you like to talk to me about Jarl jogen?" He asked in a questing way, but the jarl shake his head as he left the palace grounds
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Opposition
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Opposition 𝕋𝕖𝕔𝕙𝕟𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕘𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕝 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Katelyn walks around her palace after her coronation. She was bored and had no one to play with. Being Pharaoh was harder than she thought. Katelyn was up for the challenge though. Periodically an advisor of hers would drag her off to judge a court case or make a public appearance. It seemed as though her main advisors did most of the work, not that they wanted her to. She had to sign a lot of papers that she didn't understand, but as long as her advisors felt it necessary, she was happy to do as they asked. Many people around her palace were talking of war and enemies. Katelyn shrugged it off, she thought she was allies with everyone. After all, so many people came to visit her on her coronation and brought her gifts. She was hearing lots of talk about barbarian issues throughout Mandisa, especially in the city of the crocodile god, Petsuchstis. She had just started to read the old book of battle strategies given to her by Toby when she was pulled off to her throne room by her advisors and a few ambassadors.

"Pharaoh Katelyn, I humbly wish to make a request that may help you with your duties throughout time. I have brought many ambassadors and Mandisans that wish to become your suitor. Your other advisors and I all agree that if the glorious Pharaoh were to marry, Mandisa would be very well off and the gods will be pleased."

Katelyn was taken aback at first, not knowing what to say. She never really understood the concept of allies, enemies, or marriage. She didn't want to give up her power, but they told her that it would appease her gods. She didn't want to disrespect her prophets. Katelyn was conflicted. She sat with her advisors going through multiple points on how this could be good or bad.

Hod was soon greeted by a few members of the Royal Guard of Mandisa. The leader had walked up and questioned him. "Hail sir, I can't help but notice that you are headed for The Butterfly's palace. Would you mind if I asked your name and business before I send you to our glorious Pharaoh?" The guards all had their weapons sheathed, keeping a close eye on him. The few of them that greeted Hod had bowed to him as they spoke.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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TheSecret said
Zhen Ji turned her head and the new Queen and genuflected something that people from the same status would not do, and much less if they were queens "My Lady, please take this" Zhen Ji said with a soft kind voice and handed ofer her favourise handkerchief, a white one with small pink flowers on the endges

"I-I...Thank you ma'am." Aurora said softly taking the handkerchief carefully, trying not to accidentally ruin it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Zhen Ji slowly stood up "There is no need to thank me Milady" she said with a warm voice but it soon it changed to the voice of someone who knew hw to give orders and control a kingdom "I am here to make sure this murderer gets the correct punishment!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laggia
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Olaf just looks back to Kurt as he just shrugs as he walked towards his little brother. " You know I envy you that your just a kid still and don't have to do all this political stuff because I tell you that it will ruin your health at some point" Olaf sat again on the throne as he and Kurt just talked until he was disturbed by the sight of jarl Hodor of Ribbe. " I present Jarl Hordor of Ribbe." The announcement guy said out loud with the look of Olaf at him for a few seconds just giving him a face of 'I know' Hodor just knelled before standing up again with a big smile on his face " Greetings Milord it has been quite some time since I have come here" He said with the nodding of Olaf as he keep silent to see if he had more to say " Yes it has been some time since you visit and paid the province tax. . Your two winders behind that and I'm losing the trust in you for that." Olaf moved his fingers against the flat piece of this throne as he just dotted his fingers on it.

" I know the province of Ribbe is behind but I am here today to announce that we have caught up with the loss of the two winders and here to pay up for a change " One of the royal guard, probably a new recruit with the way he walked into the throne room " My lord where should the chests be put " He asked as olaf just grew a smile on his lips while hodor wiped his forehead and a weak nervous smile on his lips too "It seems that we finally are on the right path." Olaf stood up and walked towards Hodor as he put both his hands on his shoulders " I'm glad that we finally have that under control and I would like for you to stay here in the capital with the great hunt just around. And put the chests in the treasury " He faced towards the new recruit guard as he nod and went his way.

" I would be pleased to finally spend time in the capital Milord!" He sounded quite exited about it in Olafs ears but he didn't mind, after all the camital of Cobenstock is the best place after all in the land. Mountains in the way of the winds so it isn't that cold as it normally would be in the flat land with only the tress as defense towards the wind. " Very well then. Guard tell the maids to ready the guest room up and make sure new firewood is placed in the chimney" The one guard he addressed to nod as he went his way. " Now tell me how is Ribbe these days Lord Jogen has already been here " He asked and said as he walked towards his own throne again to hit, patting Kurt on the head as he just smiled embarrassed.
Jarl hod and three of his guards stopped as they were greeted by soldiers by the look of it which was understandable after all. Standing confident with a smile look at the speaking soldier into the eyes " Hail. We are but humble servants of High king Olaf hemsen the second. I am Jarl hod of Mecca send by his lord to congratulating of the crown nation of the new Pharaoh and brought a gift as a sight of the good will from the northern kingdom." Hod said as he wanted to see how this new Pharaoh looked like and if she could be used as a pawn in making the kingdom greater but of course he keep that thought secret.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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-- In Solstice --

Toby reached Catalyst and was immediately escorted to his castle cort yard to examine the new contraption made by science. Toby set next to his elders the advisors of the four major cities.
"What do you have for us today Keith?" Toby asked has the advisor known as Keith stood. He walked in front of Toby and the other three advisors.
"The people of Sirius have discovered two of what we believe to be the strongest gems to be forged in history."
Toby was really interested in hearing what these two gems are , for he knew these gems could make his country wealthy.
"As a prototype we've had a neighboring country to forged the two materials into pickaxes." Keith removes a blanket covering the two pickaxes." I present to you the diamond and the amethyst pickaxe!"
Toby eyes widen with excitement. " A blue and a purple pickaxe! This is perfect!"
" No Toby Diamond and amethyst , if Rondorio agree to forged these gems into swords we could profit from this greatly."
"Hmmm I guess we can go to Rondorio. Men prepare me and Keith a horse and a wagon to carry the blue and purple to Rondorio stat! We leave in one hour!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Opposition
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Opposition 𝕋𝕖𝕔𝕙𝕟𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕘𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕝 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪

Member Seen 4 mos ago

The few Royal guard members smile at Hod as they once again bow. "The Butterfly always welcomes ambassadors from other nations." The guards lead him to the throne room. "Go in when you please!" They bow and walk away. Katelyn can be seen inside the throne room conversing with a few of her advisors. They seem to be arguing but hush up as the new people enter.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

TheSecret said
Zhen Ji slowly stood up "There is no need to thank me Milady" she said with a warm voice but it soon it changed to the voice of someone who knew hw to give orders and control a kingdom "I am here to make sure this murderer gets the correct punishment!"

Aurora turned her eyes down to the murderer. Her eyes filled with hatred and disgust. "I will deal with him." She said glaring at the murderer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laggia
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hod bow his head with a gentle smile on his lips as he and his three bodyguards followed him. After a little while he stopped as the guards also stopped at what appeared as a very highly decorated door that was very least to the eye but he quickly focused at the guard that spoke " Alright I thank you for guiding me to the new Pharaoh " He replied quietly as he opened the doors, walking into the room with his three guards behind him as he could see that he had interrupt something important but he really didn't care that much. Bowing down a little away from the group he slowly got up again and looked towards the Pharaoh. " Greetings great Pharaoh, and congratulation of your coronation it was a shame I couldn't be at the ceomony but my convoy got a little distracted with bandits. " He said as he took his left hand up to sign that a soldier stepped fourth with a piece of paper.

" We bring the gift of a trade proposal and two carts of the finest iron ore and silk clothes, fitting for such a beautiful Pharaoh that would make the gods green in envy" He said with a warming while confident voice as he stared towards the girl. He took the paper and walked up to her for her to take the piece of paper. " My lord Olaf Hemsen the second also gives his deepest apology that he couldn't be here in person but rest assure, the lord has a interest in such a beautifully ruler such as yourself I know for sure." He said as he backed off again to where he stood before
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

booksmusicanime said
Aurora turned her eyes down to the murderer. Her eyes filled with hatred and disgust. "I will deal with him." She said glaring at the murderer.

"Then my duty here is over if you excuse me Milady..." Zhen Ji said and walked outside, before exiting she looked back over her shoulder "If you need something just ask"
the Queen said.
"Iguess i should hurry and return to rondorio as soon as possible" She juped on her horse's back and rided back home, it was a long way but she enjoyed riding
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Opposition
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Opposition 𝕋𝕖𝕔𝕙𝕟𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕘𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕝 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Katelyn opens her eyes widely, surprised at the very generous gift. She smiles and giggles slightly at Hod. "I give you many thanks for your generous offers to the gods and my people. Mandisa welcomes you with open arms. I will have my advisors establish trade immediately." Katelyn stands and walks towards him as he does the same. She grabs her skirt and curtsies before taking the piece of paper and slowly reading it over. "Since he was unable to attend, please send my deepest regards to your lord." Katelyn seemed to be responding well to his flattery, making sure that as an ally, she did what he wanted in order to improve relations. "And of course, if there is anything the Gods and I can help with, please do not hesitate to ask." She then smiles up at the numerous oil paintings around her throne room.
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