Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

An hour past and Toby followed by Keith and a wagon filled with diamonds and amethysts started there journey towards Rondorio.
"Are there any more materials like blue and purple Keith?" Toby asked thinking of a plan in his mind.
"Yes. Why do you ask?" Keith replied.
"I was thinking about selling the pickaxes in bundles to speed up wealth in are country."
"Wow , I'd never thought I hear you speak so kingly about your kingdom." Keith laughed.
"......And maybe have the.pickaxes lined up in my room like a rainbow." Toby smirked just thinking about what he would do with a pick axe of every color.
"Why am I not surprised." Keith says dropping his head down. The horses continued towards Randorio , reaching its land in another hour or two.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laggia
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Hod just nod humble as he spoke in old Celtic to his guards to stand at ease since they would be staying for a few days in this capital. " I would be very pleased if me and my men could stay in your mavilous capital for a few days to recover the long jouny here to." He requested looking around the throne room before looking back at her. " And I must say quite the collection of these good looking painting. And to the node of your future trades, make sure they have warm clothes as the winters can be quite harsh on open sea."

This sheet of paper gives the right to trade with the kingdom of Valhashika in the terms of ore and everything the holder of this paper desires to trade. ish the holder to complain of anything written into this contract may the ruler write a message or come to the kingdom of Valhashika themselves to the court of High king Olaf Hamsen the second. Sighned High king Olaf Hamsen the second. A little note could be seen under the sinecure. This is also a proposal of marriage to ensure the support of military, resources and financial support. High king Olaf.

This stood in the contract of the paper.
"Yes Ribbe is doing very well as some miners has hit a ravine of iron ore plus a little revive of coal a little further down the mine shaft." Jarl Hodor said as he stood before the steps of the throne with the hands around his back and happily smiling, giving the feeling lke he was shining of how proud he must be feeling right now. " Why that is quite great news. I want the ore to be shipped Mecca , of course Ribbe gets a cut on the sales the ore will get so that you can expand Ribbe even more than you have under your watch " Olaf said as he looked to Kurt that yawned as he had been standing there all quiet for at least a while. " Kurt why don't you go and play around the Palace." Kurt nodded as he ran off to god knows where while olaf focused towards Hodor again. " So Jarl jogen has visits you My lord how is the old white wolf doing?" Olaf stood up from the throne room and walked over to hodor.

" Quite well he still has the will to stand up against me in words i kid you not which is quite brave of an old wolf like him. Now please follow me to a feast." He asked as Hodor nod. Walking into the carved dinner table that was out of wood for a change, same with the royally chairs they were sitting on An servant walked into the same room they were sitting and asked for what they would desire to eat, which Olaf wanted a good piece of chicken and a lovely hot potato with butter. Hodor took the same and the servant nod.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Zhen Ji had finally arrived to the capital, Kimlaska Lanvandear, or better know just as Kimlaska after a long ride from Heshira.
"Welcome back, my lady!" All the guards at the gate said, Zhen just nodded as a way of greeting.
"How did the...bussines...Go?" The economy minister, who was casually walking around the gate, asked.
"I don't fel like talking about it...The girl just made me feel pitty"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Opposition
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Opposition 𝕋𝕖𝕔𝕙𝕟𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕘𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕝 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Katelyn finished reading the paper and did not understand most of it. She figured he just wanted to trade like the rest of her visitors. Before she signed the paper she was hesitant. "Thank you for worrying of my caravan, that tells me much about your concern for the safety of Mandisans and the Gods. Normally I would have my advisors read through any contracts for me, if that is okay." She seemed kind of embarrassed that she had to explain that she couldn't handle it on her own. Katelyn averted her eyes as she spoke, still holding the contract. A few of the advisors stood by in the room, none had come up to her yet, waiting for her permission to do so.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laggia
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Hod nod as he slowly went his way out of the throne room for them to do what the hell they would like to do. Ordering his men to follow him again in old Celtic he walked out of the throne room and went to walk around the palace for him to see how it looked like, surely it couldn't be as mavilous as the capital palace as his own ruler that is being cut and carved out of a mountain that has been going on for at leat sixty years and only half finished. He was also wondering what stood on the piece of paper that he had been given by High king olaf since he did have his mind on why his Hines would give I'm the task of delivering this paper to a newly crowned royal.

Hod then found a garden that he did quite find attractive compared to the dull snowy field in the north. Sitting himself down he looked up to the sun as he quickly felt the heat increase or at least his own which was a strange feeling to have compared to the north where one has to be clothed like a bear to even survive in the winter, while summer is quite pleasant up in the north. Not to hot nor to cold just right. Sighing as he saw down himself, the five point four fat man with blonde hair and brown eyes stroke his blonde beard.
Olaf and hodor was enjoying their roasted chicken with a lovely barral of mead that they had opened for the honor of hodor being in the capital." Tell me Milord why did you send Hod to the south anyway, if you don't mind me asking that is?" Hod asked as he chewed some meat that he had picked from the bone of the chicken while chewing like a pig that was getting feed like always. Taking his mug and draining the liquid wonder as he swallowed the meat he looked over to olaf.

" Well i send Hod to first build a trade line to the south since I really don't want to trade with our northern brethren, and second of all to try and see how they react to a bold proposal of me wanting to marry the newly crowned brat." Olaf said as he started again to pick his chicken for meat to eat, while Hodor just cuffed as he heard the second reason why, getting some food in the wrong end of the throat while looking at olaf. As he had stabilized himself he just looked at olaf with a strange look towards him with eyes raised and his mouth a little open." What!?!?. That is totally unheard of to even do, you know better than to do foolish political moves like this. . . " Hodor shouted as olaf just sat there, totally calm as had put some chicken meat into his mouth and chewing now. " Ya know I'm tha king and ah don't need the jarls to agree with me all tha time" He said as he swallowed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Zhen!!!!!!!!" Toby shouted as he and Keith reached the gates." Where's your big bro we need to talk business about blue and purple!?!" He seemed overly exited for business.Keith horse galloped behind Toby's.
"Nice to meet you mistress." Keith bowed towards Zhen. " What Toby meant was could you tell your brother to forge these materials we have into swords?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Zhen Ji got goose bumps when she heard Toby shout
"That voice...Don't tell me.." She told herself and slowly turned back and looked at the boy.
"My...You have grown, Toby..." She said with a fake smile. She had met Toby several times in the past and it always happened the same, Zhen almost going crazy due to Toby's permanent..excitment...
"You need help with sords, you say? Yes i guess we can help you, she said and looked at the guards, they nodded and opened the gate.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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booksmusicanime Photo Spam Queen

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Aurora called for one of the guards to fetch her armor and another one to hall the man to the capital square and one last one to tell the people of the capital to come to the square. Once Aurora had gotten her armor and had changed out her dress for the armor and her princess crown she hopped onto her horses back and rode down the the square. People bowed and curtsied to her as she rode. She would make this killer feel pain, for her parents and for anyone else he had killed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Thanks!.......So while blue and purple are being forged into swords , can I past the time following you around?"
"No Toby we have to prepare for Solstice's yearly renaissance." Keith interrupted Toby.
"No all I have to do is sign documents and make appearances. You go back to Catalyst and tell them I'll be back soon that's a order." Toby smiled knowing Keith wouldn't deny a direct order from the king.
"Yes my lord." Keith groaned turning his horse around and exiting the kingdom.
"As I was saying you don't mind if I follow you around while blue and purple are being forged?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Opposition
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Opposition 𝕋𝕖𝕔𝕙𝕟𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕘𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕝 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Soon after Hod leaves the room with his men, Katelyn's advisors begin explaining to her. "Glorious Pharaoh Katelyn, we wish to extend the offer of a high king to court you. This man wishes for you to be in a relationship with him. His military can protect you and with his help ruling over Mandisa, you will have more time for the gods!" Katelyn was confused at first but soon replied.
"Why would I be in a relationship?" She asked. She had a puzzled look on her face as she spoke. "I am fine on my own, I don't like all the older guys that keep coming ever since my coronation! I want to meet some other people my age." Katelyn spoke still with confusion but also with irritation. She did not know what was often going on with all the people that visited her throughout her short life as Pharaoh.
"A beautiful goddess such as yourself deserves more broad horizons. Perhaps if you accepted this man's offer to court you, you could meet new friends along the way as well as have many opportunities to travel." Her main advisor spoke in a tone as though to convince her.
"I guess I will try it, but only if you say the gods will be pleased."
"We will fetch the courier at once Great Pharaoh."

A few members of the Royal Guard of Mandisa go around the palace until they find Hod. They bow to him as they speak. "The Butterfly has come up with a verdict. She and her advisors wish to speak with you at once!" They offer to take Hod back to the throne room where he can see Katelyn on her throne still debating with some advisors. As the guards and Hod enter her main advisor pipes up. "Alright Pharaoh it is time for your rapier practice. You are excused of your duties for your class. We will take care of everything." She is quickly taken out of the throne room with a few escorts. "By your request, Sir, we have prepared rooms in the palace for your stay. Please stay with us as long as you like. As for the Pharaoh's answer, she wishes to meet the man who wishes to court her. We wish to have him either come here at his nearest convenience, or for you to escort the Pharaoh back to your lands and meet him. This would avoid having your king have to travel all the way to Mandisa. What do you say?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laggia
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Hod just sat on a bench within the garden, lirftening to the calmness that he could find within this space, it was good for him also to finally be able to rest after such a long jounry down to the south, passing the naboring country of Coledonii to finally be able to travel to Mandisa. He was wondering what his wife and children were doing back up in the north as he did miss them but he knew that his duties for the High king come first before everything else. Closing his eyes he could slowly make out footsteps interrupting the silence, opening his eyes he could see that soldiers had come for him for some odd reason.

Raising himself up from the bench he looked at the soldiers while they spoke, requesting him back at the throne room but what did borther him was what verdict was they talking about. . . He didn't know they had a vote or something. "Very well lead me to the throne room. " He reply as he looked back towards his own guards and ordered them to follow after them in Old Celtic again. After a few minutes of walking with the knowing guards of the palace they arrived at the throne room a Hod saw the Pharaoh sitting on the throne still debating over something . Hod followed the young Pharaoh as she was exiting but soon focused his energy towards the advisors. " I thank you for room you have granted me while I'm staying here " He bowed to them as he took his head up again as they started to talk about courtship. . " I am sure the Great High king olaf the second will be pleased to have the Pharaoh visit him in the north. We could depart in one or two days, though it will be a long journey ahead of us."
Olaf and hodor was laughing over a silly joke that hodor had told olaf but the both of them soon quiet as olaf shifted his view towards the door and saw Kurt walk in and take seat. " Ah little Kurt how has it been little man?" Hodor asked, his cheeks were red as he was already quite drunk but olaf had hold a little back on drinking so his mindset was still clean despite also havening had a few mugs. " I have been quite good uncle Hodor." Kurt said as he saw the servant come in to ask what he wanted to eat. Kurt just wanted a piece some potatoes and a good piece cooked pork. The sevent nod and soon went into the kitchen again " Eh Olaf my boy why did you again write a proposal of marriage to the new Pharaoh." Hodor asked as he afterwards took a mighty drain down his throat, the mead flew downwards and into his stomach. " I did it because I want more land my abition to rebuild the empire that once stood proud."
Hodor nod as he just laughs at his idea "Ya know boy i'm with ya despite the other jarls might say I'm with ya boy."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Slendy said
"Thanks!.......So while blue and purple are being forged into swords , can I past the time following you around?" "No Toby we have to prepare for Solstice's yearly renaissance." Keith interrupted Toby."No all I have to do is sign documents and make appearances. You go back to Catalyst and tell them I'll be back soon that's a order." Toby smiled knowing Keith wouldn't deny a direct order from the king."Yes my lord." Keith groaned turning his horse around and exiting the kingdom."As I was saying you don't mind if I follow you around while blue and purple are being forged?"

"Fine by me" Zhen Ji said but what she wanted to say was "I'll cut your head off".
The Queen jumped off her horse and gave it to one of the guards, another guard guided the wagon to the closest blacksmith.
Zhen walked to the steet market zone where her humble house was
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Opposition 𝕋𝕖𝕔𝕙𝕟𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕘𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕝 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪

Member Seen 4 mos ago

The guards take Hod and show him some of the palace's guest rooms. They are ornate with gold, silk sheets, and beautiful oil paintings of Katelyn's gods. All of his men get separate rooms due to all the room in the massive palace. All of the rooms were filled with decorations resembling Mandisan deities. The people were obviously very religious.
"Please, if there is anything you and your men may need, do not hesitate to ask. Mandisa is glad to serve those who are guests in our land." The head of the Royal Guard then exits, leaving him to settle in. "You always know where to find The Butterfly when she is free." He motions towards the throne room, walking down the hall.

Katelyn soon finishes her classes and heads back to the throne room where she is required to stay when she is needed. She still didn't understand what her advisors meant when the said she was required to take a vacation up North. She didn't like the cold, living in the desert was to blame for that. She didn't really have a say in it though. They told her it was fated by the gods. She knew that her one goal was to appease her beloved lords, therefore she went along with it. Katelyn didn't mind learning about new places anyway.
(We can timeskip if you guys are okay with it)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laggia
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Hod just smiled as he and his guards walked away a the guards lead them to what hod had thought first his room, but turned out that all the guards also got their own separate room. Entering the room the northern jarl could clearly see that the people here were very religious with their own gods, or so he could guess with all the strange figures that were on the walls plus the highly golden decorated rooms mixed with the silk and oil painting was like they had struck a gold mine. " Again tell the young Pharaoh she has my thanks for hosting us with such wonderful rooms." He turned around with a nod and a bow " And I will surely call upon you if me and my men are in need of anything requiting your assistance my good sir" Hod said as he walked out of the room again and saw where he was pointing at to show the way to the throne room if they didn't have marked it yet. " Again I thank you for the gentle and warm help." Hod soon after closed the door and laid himself on the bed before just smiling to himself.

Hod just jumpped up again as he started to walk out of the palace grounds, passing guards. He was heading down towards the market for him to buy food and water with the last gold coins he had on him so that they wouldn't be starving as they would travel the long path back to the north.
Hod and his men stood at the outer city limits, fully clothed and armed. Hod had of course reequipped his little convoy with food and fresh water to eat and drink and now just waiting to see if the little Pharaoh would show herself with her convoy to the north or if they would be required to boat a ship and sail to the north
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Opposition 𝕋𝕖𝕔𝕙𝕟𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕘𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕝 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Soon enough, the advisors had packed her some supplies in a small satchel. She would have been with her new colleagues sooner, but she wished to pray one last time in Mandisa since she wouldn't be back for a while. After she finished, she excitedly took her bag from her main advisor. He quickly explained what would happen to Mandisa while she was gone and she started her walk to the Helion city limits. She was very excited and happy to meet her 'suitor', whatever he was.

Within a few minutes, Katelyn reached the city gate. She saw the group she was going to travelling with and skipped happily towards them. "Hello friends, excuse my lateness. I hope I am not a hindrance to your travelling group." She smiled up at Hod as she adjusts her pack. "I am ready for the journey as long as you are!" She looks back at Mandisa, waving happily to the three main buildings. Her school, her temple, and her palace. "I have always wanted to ride on a boat. The Sun God rides them to bring up the sun in the morning and down in the evening!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laggia
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hod had his group had been waiting a little while now as one of the guards saw that the young Pharaoh was slowly coming closer and closer toward their convoy. Hod turned around to face towards the young girl. The jarl had spoken to his guards that the young Pharaoh had to be defended at all costs if they were ambushed by bandits, or wild animals that had marked them as prey for it or it's offspring. If they took the route by sea and they meat pirates meant the same, defend the young Pharaoh with their lives since she had to come to the north without being hurtled or near deaths bed.

" It is of no problem that you have just arrived Young Pharaoh. We're simply checking everything before we are departing from Mandisa." He said as he turned around to his men to see them line up to sign they were ready to leave anytime now. Turning back he just repaid the smile she gave him " Oh you're not an hindrance to our travels, your the reason we are traveling in the first place. I just like to inform you that you may have to take other clothes on when we reach the north," He aid as he shouted to his men to get ready to walk out " I'm sorry but the winter wind isn't something good to be sailing in and we don't have the right clothes to be on open sea. So if you don't have anything against it would walk up to the north thus we have clothes for you when we arrive at the north." He said as two men walked up to the ox cart and manned them.
Hod sat his ass on the front cart as he made sure the was space for the young Pharaoh if she desired to sit beside him under their travels.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Opposition
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Opposition 𝕋𝕖𝕔𝕙𝕟𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕘𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕝 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Katelyn walks up with him. She then goes to sit next to him on the cart. "Oh, do not worry about my clothes. My advisors had made sure I was prepared and I have a few things to wear if I were to get cold." She rubs her hand on her bag that was over her shoulder. It had a few hieroglyphs made of leather sewn on to remind her of home. One of her advisors soon came up to Hod. He had another bag of Katelyn's.
"I ask that if you have the space on your caravan that you take some of her extra supplies. Just in case she needs them. Items for her prayers and more regla clothes for when they arrive. Please only do so if you have extra space." The advisors soon walk off, waving to the Pharaoh who had no other family to wish her off. She seemed very excited as they traveled yet she remained patient throughout the days. The journey interested her a lot considering she had never left Mandisa.
Katelyn had been patient the entire time, containing her excitement. She did not want to look weird in front of her new friends. She had a really fun time on the boat, going on and on to herself about something religious. They had finally made it into the capital town of Valhashika. She was wearing a robe-like cloak now, the cold had been getting to her ever since they left the desert. "So who is the man that will be my 'suitor', and what does he do? I want to know all about your country!" She seemed adamant about learning as well. This being her first time away, she was very excited on how different and weird people were compared to her norm. The snow had really interested her as well. She played with it a lot as she walked next to the cart. She wanted to talk with the soldiers at times so she walked with them. Now, she was looking all around the city, waving to people as they passed. Katelyn couldn't help but point out the difference in architecture. "Wow where did you guys get the wood to build all that? We don't have very many trees in Mandisa. My advisors say it is an 'import'."

(Since Laggia and I are kinda 1x1ing we are gonna move to pms and paste here when we are finished with just he and I)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Zhen does any of your markets sell booze?" Toby asked following her. He'd usually have some sort of alcoholic beverage around this time to cure the depression inside him ,but he plays it off and acts as if he was an alcoholic.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Zhen Sighed slightly and wakled to the closest alchocol merchant, people looked at Toby and wondered who he was and what was he doing with their Queen.
"Thank you very much, my Queen!" The merchant said happily as he handed over a huge demijohn of wine.
"Here" She handed it to Toby and then payed for the wine with a gold coin that was about 1000 silver coins, the price of the wine was of around 200 silver coins, Zhen was always a generous woman even if she tried to act rude.
After they finished shopping Zhen finally arrived home: a studio apartament ith tatami floors, a small table in the center of the room, some books on a corner, water bottles on another corner. The kitchen had a small oven and the shelves had no more than 10 plates.
Zhen left her sword in the corner together with the books about economy, warfare and other things, then sat on the floor andput her hands over the small table, which had some home-made cookies.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"A little small for a Queen." Toby stated drinking the bottle of wine. He set across Zhen taking another sip of the wine. " Is this some type of joke or are you seriously living here?" Toby asked as his cheeks became red and he became more intoxicated.
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