Yeah, closed for now.
Yeah, closed for now.
Lucius Cypher said
How so?
Lucius Cypher said
Eh, we'll be gentlemanly and all that. If nothing else, Gren isn't exactly one to succumb to teenage willies. Usually.
Asura said
*Three Months Later*
Lucius Cypher said
Eh, we'll be gentlemanly and all that. If nothing else, Gren isn't exactly one to succumb to teenage willies. Usually.
Galgarion said
3 guys, and one girl?
Guess Who said
Team PRGT and team BBIG also have 3 guys and 1 girl. I think I feel more sympathy for Monsterhand's character though, considering he's the only guy on a team with Trico. $5 bucks says he doesn't last the night.
Asura said
You know, if the abridged version is anything like the real version then I have to agree; Kirito is a twat.
Jangel13 said
now that I have to disagree with guess, honestly I think twilight can go and screw themselves I watched the first one and it made me want to cry in regret of all the bull I saw. SAO is better by a longshot and while he acts like a douche in the beginning he learns later on and you just want to root for him to make it. the abridged just takes what they saw in the beginning and puts it on steroids with how much of a douche he is portrayed
Guess Who said
I thought the concept for the show was cool, everyone is stuck inside a video game and if you die in the game you die IRL. The problem was that the characters weren't all that interesting, and then as soon as they switched to that fairy game I lost all interest. Anyway, that's just my opinion and I have several friends who like the show so I'm not going to shit all over your opinion.