More Info on Number 0
Has a positive, negative, and neutral form and rune, you must touch all of them to beat her
Name: Unknown
Age: Unknown, but appears 11 in negative, 24 in positive, and 17 in neutral
Location of rune: one is on her neck, one is on her left wrist, and the one that goes with the form she is currently in is on her back
Magic: Can steal away a numbers power just by touching them, doesn't need to touch the rune also Positive: Can create D.N.A strands to add features to people, Negative: Can destroy D.N.A strands, Neutral: Can alter D.N.A strands to change things like hair, eye, or skin color, as well as physical structure, she can also mimic a numbers power as long as they are within eye-sight while in any form. Can touch a non-dominant rune to make it dominant and switch forms.
Weapon: Have you read this, she doesn't need one
Personality: Lawful, protective of order, but completely emotionless
Backstory: When the original 20, positive 1-10 and negative 1-10, now known as number 101-120 where created, number zero was created as an accident, and due to her powers all of 101-120 decided to team up on her and lost within 10 minutes