Avatar of MonsieurShade
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    1. MonsieurShade 11 yrs ago
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8 yrs ago
Current Tfw you want to go to the gym and get your stronk on but you've busted your shoulder and need let it rest.
8 yrs ago
Holy fuck. Ok, shit. Insane hiatus. Fuck. I'm still around folks, just been beyond extremely busy. Will try (heavy emphasis on try) to be more active in the coming months.
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9 yrs ago
God forbid I be one of the lucky bastards that doesn't have their wisdom teeth grow in. Nah, just fuck my shit up fam.
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9 yrs ago
As someone who works for a pet store I both love and hate pixar. The next person that tries to ask me if we have "a dory fish" for their goldfish bowl is getting straight up clubbed like a baby seal


I'm just a simple college student working his way through life while simultaneously testing the limits of how much caffeine and alcohol the human body can subsist on before it gives out. Just call me Shade.

Most Recent Posts

@Mercenary Lord Not really, but thanks for asking. As much as I'm loathe to admit it, I may have to drop rps altogether for a while. In addition to time constraints (or perhaps because of them) I've begun to lose the spark I had going into the hobby.
Sorry for the lackluster post, I'm not really in the greatest of places right now.
Gods be praised, the others were actually useful. Even the gimp at the wheel was pulling his weight by continuing not to kill everyone with his driving much to Jak-jak's surprise. Momentarily he glanced up to Ashe who looked all the world as though she was having the time of her life cart surfing and feathering the oncoming enemy. She must have either been high as a kite or suicidally brave. Whatever the case she was being useful and would hear no complaints from him for the moment. It wasn't like he'd have the chance to fuss at her anyway- the violent lurching of the cart damned near flung him from the vehicle entirely, and it was all he could do not to get thrown out and crushed beneath the wheels of friend and foe alike. As he srabbled and scraped at the chassis of the vehicle with his legs now being dragged along the aisle floor Jak-jak felt a sharp pained fill one of his ears as Thresher dug his claws into the hood and used his jaws to clamp down onto one of the only things in reach to guard against being thrown free himself. He cursed loudly, understanding the reasoning behind the action, but getting annoyed by it all the same.

A shout resonated from within the cart. Pitch weight to the right? Why the hell would he want that? The aisles were already getting uncomfortablly close enough for the hunter's liking as is, and now he was expected to risk getting squashed entirely? With a strained grunt he pulled himself half back into the cart with his free arm and immediately crinkled his nose in further aggravation as he realized a dead guy was taking up half his seat. Poor bastard that he was, Jak-jak never got a chance to ask what the hell that was about before the cart pitched even more violently than it had before. Being that he was on the passenger side and therefore the right (praise be to the Wal and their Americanness), he didn't really have to do much to direct his weight to help. He did however have to sacrifice his spear to keep a grip on the cart. It was for the best though; losing his spear served to fuel the fire that was Jak-jak's salty little soul just enough for him to maintain a decent his grip despite the burning that filled his muscles as he silently prayed to whatever gods that could be bothered to listen that he survived this. Not out of any sense of self preservation, mind, but for the simple fact that he didn't want to die sober.
@ClocktowerEchosstill around, just been hella busy. Should have a post up tomorrow.
Clusterfuck (noun); A term of military origin used to describe a disastrously mishandled situation or undertaking.
If used in a sentence, it would go a little bit like this: Jak-jak's situation had rapidly turned into a huge and confusing clusterfuck. This Lewis guy had to be one of the craziest motherfuckers this side of that Dog-forsaken smile cult, his testament to this fact being the very obviously crippled man now driving the vehicle like a bat out of hell. Jak-jak was at a bit of a loss really; two seconds after peeling out he'd been fully prepared to simply lean out of the window and punch a few holes in the masked guy's side to get him off, now here he was holding on for dear life as the topdweller preformed what could only be described as a wonderful impersonation of Helen Keller as a race car driver. Wait, what was that Lewis said about-

An pair of arrows glancing off of the cart door tore Jackson from his thoughts as a warrior on a mutated beast pulled up beside the passenger side door. "Goddamnit!" He barked as he ducked low, clumsily pushing down Leroy's head a bit as well to ensure the driver didn't bite it in the middle of a high speed chase. Out of his periphery Jak-jak could see one of the warriors try to take aim again. Right, time to sort that out. With a heavy kick of his boot the cart's door flung open, followed quickly by a wooden spear as the hunter lunged out at the steed's leg. A curse tore itself free of the warrior's lips as he was forced to weave away to avoid meeting a similar fate that his comrade had met. The other however had managed to notch and loose another arrow at Jackson while he was unawares, a resounding clang of metal and a spark as it struck the chassis just a bit too close to Jackson's throat for comfort. A whiffed shot, but goddamn if it didn't make him nearly shit himself in fear.

The horsemen were starting to line up with the door again. Once more he lunged outwards to keep them at bay, his gaze shooting to the other occupants of the vehicle for a brief moment. "If one of you has something to shoot with, the help would be really freaking appreciated right about now!".
@ClocktowerEchos I just realized that the way you posted our character names in the CS section allows the first letter of each name to combine to come out sounding like "Jackal". Was this intentional? If so then that's pretty fuckin' sweet. If not then I cast my vote for that as a later name for our merry bargain hunters due to aforementioned sweetness.
I can confirm that sleep deprivation is a motherfucker. One of the worst parts about it is that it fucks with your ability to regulate emotions as much as it fucks with your physical health in the long term. Shit you'd find slightly annoying can suddenly cause you to get into full on brawls, you can become either completely apathetic or severely depressed in the span of maybe an hour, and then there's the fucking giddiness that never seems to go away which causes even more stress based on how it clashes with your emotional state. Then again, it's supposedly different from each person.
Chaos. The tavern had descended into utter chaos after Lewis' stunt. In a way it was kind of like a miniature, more civil version of the dreaded Black Friday. Jackson clucked his tongue and bolted up from his seat with spear in hand, his intention to house it in the flesh of any that drew too close made clear as he brandished it and jabbed it at the patrons of the establishment. His boss had a pissed someone off something fierce it seemed. Unfortunate, but perhaps he could cash in on Lewis' hide if he tried to fuck everyone over. So wrapped up in his thoughts was Jackson that he'd failed to realize that one of the Vikings (or meat beaters as he liked to call them) had been tailing after him, under the assumption that he was a friend of Lewis. Or maybe it was because the big bastard just wanted to hit something, who really knew these days with meat beaters?

The sharp tug at he back of his hood elicited a soft choke from Jackson, though as he'd begun to turn and retaliate it quickly became apparent that no action was needed on his part. The Viking, while accustomed to pain, was probably unaccustomed to surprise attacks on his fingers by angry geckos. Thresher's head followed after the large man's hand as he drew back sans some small chunks of flesh from two knuckles. As the man stumbled back with a surprised help the reptile opened its mouth wide in a threat display, its inky black throat a stark contrast to the bright pink tongue and white needle teeth. It was pretty damned adorable if Jackson said so himself. He'd gush later though, now was the time to run.

With the Viking in hot pursuit once more Jackson shoved his pet back down and turned to run, ducking and weaving through the crowd before gracelessly stumbling through the door. He could see Lewis and hear in the car honking like a mad man. Jackson made a beeline for that as he heard he heavy foot steps draw nearer. A few more steps, damnit. He just needed to make it to the car. A little more and...NOW! Jackson spun on his heels and brought his spear to bear before he came to a violent halt against the passenger and used it to prop up his spear. The Viking, poor bastard that he was, failed to stop in time to prevent the weapon from penetrating his abdomen. Jackson found himself treated to a face full of spit flecks and a long and loud cry of pain as the larger man sunk deeper onto his shaft. Gross.

With a grunt of effort he threw the Viking to his side to let the man bleed out away from him. A damned waste of loot, but again, time was short. Maybe after he took a hit from the gas tank he'd get over it. With that bit of business sorted, the hunter took his seat and adjusted his hood for the sake of his companion before shooting a glare a Lewis "How did you manage to piss off a Wallord? Fuck one of his wives?" he asked dryly.
@Paradoxial@ClocktowerEchos Gonna go ahead and pop in again since I'm a nosy son of a bitch wanna see more people in this rp. The setting of the RP, while full of silly stuff, is still a gritty and dystopian landscape full of amoral assholes and murderbots. Think of it as the result of Fallout, Mad Max, WH40k, and Terminator making vicious love behind a Walmart dumpster and then afterwards all of them opted for throwing the result into the store to forget the shame of night before.

Long story short, mistrust is the default mentality. people aren't likely to trust anyone they haven't known or worked with for a while. Not even the player party is above this. As far as I (and by extension my character) am concerned we're just a merry band of assholes that can only hope that A: the guy that hired us isn't out to screw us over, and B: one of the others isn't going to kidney shank and rob everyone else in their sleep.

From what I've read of your bio the character you've made is pretty much a "ends justify the means" kind of guy. He wants his potion done no matter the cost, even if it's lives. I'm not going to say that he should go full on mad doc/Mengele on random people since that's pretty cliche, but I can definitely see a guy like that occasionally using anyone that tries to tango with the party and ends up incapacitated rather than dead as a guinea pig to work out kinks in potions or just to brush up on his medical skills with rather than do the "merciful" thing by putting down the poor bastard. I guess amoral or disconnected would be an apt term to use to describe such a person if you want to make a point of him being a bit beyond the standard distrusting and antisocial.
I'd like to implemented some homebrew lore: The Hunting and Sporting Goods department is a dangerous land full of bloodthirsty carnivores.

As a sub-idea, it would be cool if it was overgrown with flora, perhaps due in part because apocalypse and maybe the Garden Department is next door, so the plant life has spilled over and basically over run the Hunting and Sporting Goods department.

If permitted I'll write an actual piece on it and submit it to our benevolent overlord to check and add to the lore. (Probably after I write my IC post).

If I might jump in for a second, it think that he whole garden section overlap and land full of dangerous carnivores thing would probably fit better into the pet department if we were to go by the wiki. I'd venture to say perhaps these two departments could likely be on really good terms with the sports depo and allow for a lot of border crossing between tribes for the sake of training up youngins to survive in the big bad wal-world. Over all though I imagine the sports section to be more of an urban jungle over an actual jungle. Think lots of bars and heavy weights and machines lying about and hanging overhead like the worlds largest obstacle course. Something only the natives and the truly /fit/ could ever hope to navigate unscathed. Ultimately though the decision is @ClocktowerEchos' to make.
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