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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Y-You've gotta be shitting me..." Haruka blinked at the baby spiders while Alucard began to--"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK, ALUCARD?"

The dog looked up at his master, still gnawing on a spider leg. A sickening crunch sounded as he snapped it and caught another spider in his jaws. He ripped off half of its body and tucked in, not a care in the world. "Ew EW EW EW EW EW EW! You are never licking me again!" Haruka landed nearby, grossed out. Alucard made a huffing sound then began to sound like he was about to vomit. "See! This is why you don't eat random things! It's like going to a gloryhole, you never know what is on the other side." she admonished the dog.

The dog barked before he began to grow. Haruka took a step back in worry and to give him some room. Horns sprung from the sides of his head and his tail split into two. The dog grew until he was much taller than Haruka. A pair of black colored wings folded over them both, at the same time the other spiders began to crash over them. The wings protected the two until the passed. The dog huffed again and shook out his fur and wings. "A...Alucard?"

Alucard: (to scale)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Sinai jumped onto the tree that was flying at her. If she were stronger she would have punched it but for now it served as an easy way to get some distance. jumping off of it again before it crashed and into another tree she was far enough away by the time the giant spider launched its eggs. Even more perplexing was the appearance of Hikari and his subsequent disappearance. He had saved hakura but....that was it. then alucard.... further adding to her confusion began transforming. With a horde of eggs flying at her she sent an arch blast from her zanpakuto. unfortunately since she didnt know the name of the attack it was weaker than normal. It was equivalent in power to a Shakaho. which meant it wasnt effective against the sheer number of eggs. another one of those lightning bolts would be amazing right about now. Sinai kneeled down and took off her sandals. it was about to be a Super harisen Slipper barrage. the spiders would stand no chance against the might sandal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Rio had taken the pill bottle out of her inside pocket, staring at it before stopping just around the corner from Squad Twelve. 'Is this really a good idea?.... Because I'm starting to doubt it is...' She looked at the plain white bottle, there was nothing but a sticker that said 'For Huerona' on it.... Either her mother stuck the sticker over the top of the original label or she didn't buy these, she made them... Gripping the bottle a little tighter, Rio put it back inside her inner pocket. 'This is getting ridiculous... I need to stop worrying, I can combat th-' Her eye suddenly widen as she gasped... A tall, familiar ginger woman was spotted in Rio's sight, heading towards Squad Twelve. Peaking around the corner, Rio saw the ginger be greeted by a member; a woman with brown hair, glasses and green eyes, smiling warmly. As she watched, Rio noticed the ginger woman following the other woman inside.

Taking a few steps back, Rio was utterly shocked... After a moment, she turned around and began walking off, thinking to herself while her eye kept wide. 'H-how... b-but I thought.... How is she still... alive?....' Stopping, Rio closed her eye and took a deep breath. 'What should I do now?... I'm so confused.. Dammit, I need to train through this, away from everyone else...' Rio then shunpo'ed, making her way out of the Seireitei to find a Hollow-infested area.

Once in the forestry area's, Rio started walking and looking around her as she kept her senses sharp. The first thing she sensed was Souta since she was near the Hari Clan grounds. 'Wow, Souta's gotten so much more stronger now, wonderful' A faint smile dusted across Rio's lips as she walked further away from the grounds, finding a small ruin that seemingly used to be a village but must of been torn down by a mass of Hollow. 'Perfect...' Taking another breath, Rio drew both of her Zanpakutos before running into the centre of the area, shunpo'ing up into the air. It didn't take much longer for the Hollows to spot her, jumping at her from every angle. Rio then suddenly grinned. "Planning on eating me? Give it your best shot." Her grin dropped as the Hollows closed in. Rio turned her body and began spinning with both blades held out parallel, slicing through the masks of the first five that closed in. Shunpo'ing, she moved closer to the next Hollows in line, slicing through them one by one, causing them to dissolve. Hollow blood coated her blades as she shunpo'ed again and again and again, slicing through and killing more Hollows. As she fought, Rio began chuckling darkly, a grin returning slowly across her lips. "Is that all you weaklings have got? Pitiful." As she spoke, she shunpo'ed higher.

More than needed spiritual energy burst out of her body, attracting more Hollows within a wider radius, and this time some stronger ones. A red glint twinkled behind her eye, her grin toothy. "Heheheh... Now now, no need to all attack at once~ This is supposed to be fun and take my mind off of things~" Her voice sounded more playful than usual, quite odd coming from Rio. She then jumped and slowly turned in the air at a downward angle as she pointed both blades towards the Hollows she was currently targeting before darting down like an arrow which pierced through the masks of around six, or was it nine, lined up Hollows. Rio hit the floor at the end with a bang, a crater beneath her while dust swirl swirl around her in the air. She then shunpo'ed up, hovering above the crater, still grinning. "It's no fun if you all die off so easily~" Shunpo'ing to the floor near the crater, a few more Hollows once again dived for her, in which Rio's grin instantly dropped, replaced with a bored look whilst the glint faded. With a few more strikes, the Hollows that dived for her had dissolved. Rio then sighed. "This isn't helping..." Walking forward a little, Rio sheathed her Zanpakutos, dropping her arms to her sides as she watched one of the stronger Hollows move towards her. It was pretty close, it's mouth open as it howled a Hollow's scream while looking up before Rio smirked. Lifting both of her hands up, Rio punched her fingers into the Hollow's chest, raising her energy as she slowly pulled the Hollow apart using the Hakudo technique Kagamibiraki, effectively tearing the hollow in two, causing it to dissolve after letting out a screech. As the Hollow disappeared, Rio's smirk stretched into another grin. "Now that's more like it~" Looking up to the rest of the group of Hollows, Rio chuckled, the red glint returning. "Now to dispose of the rest~" Rio's eye grew wide with her maddening smirk whilst she chuckled. Shunpo'ing into the air one more, Rio extended her right arm before swiping it fast across her body, firing off a purple oblong blast of energy that head for the current strongest Hollow. The second the blast hit the Hollow, they were completely incinerated, which is what happens when you fire Hadō #54. Haien. After that Hollow had been incinerated, Rio fired off more Haien's, maybe too much as the area beneath her had erupted into a fiery mess. Despite this, she continued to fire off more of the attack, watching the inferno grow with her twisted grin growing along with it. The fire made the glint her eye more noticeable as she watched the Hollows be completely erased from existence.

After a short while, Rio had enough and just watched as the fire die down after a while, leaving nothing but ash, no traces of Hollow anywhere. Shunpo'ing back to that ground, Rio's grin suddenly dropped as her face turned serious, scanning the area. "Nothing left... Good." She took a few steps before abruptly stopping and howling in laughter. "Now THAT was fun! I should go fight something else next! Something, or more someone who'll actually put up a fight!" Rio looked straight as her grin returned with a vengeance, along with that red glint. "Hmmm, now who should I kill? Scarlett is on my list, that thing did such a poor job in crushing me but I'll make them regret not killing me when I gave them the chance. But no, that'd be too boring, I want someone stronger, maybe Keisa? No, still not fucking good enough, she's too damn clingy and wouldn't put up any fight worth noting. I'd kill her in an instant. Hmm... Think Rio, think" Rio crossed her arms, tapping her chin in thought. Suddenly her expression turned mischievous. "What about that piece of shit Kenta? He's not needed in this world, or in any. Disposing of him once and for all would be best. Might as well take out that poor excuse for a Squad Two member Takara also, she's nothing but a fucking annoyance, I shouldn't of wasted any time training her for her to be a coward and run away with Kenta. She wouldn't be missed anyway. Neither of them are worth my fucking time though, especially if Kenta still thinks he can take advantage of my fucking feelings for him. I cared, when he was here, when he left countless times, I still cared like the idiot I am and now he's back, expecting me to still care and think about him? He's got another think coming. I refuse to let this go on for longer, besides Kazuhiko and Souta actually cares about me and how I feel, I should be focusing on them, what an idiot I am." Rio hit the side of her head rather hard but continued to grin, unaffected by how much her head was hurting now. "But I can deal with those two wastes of flesh later, there is only one person that can hinder my progress... The person I care about the most, Kaizo~ Heheheh" Rio chuckled darkly once more. "I love you, so you need to die Kaizo. Heh, you're the only one in my way of getting what I want, but I must tip my hat to you, you've wiggled your way in deeper than you think, but it's starting to become a problem, so you need to be exterminated. Hmhmhm~ I just have to take care of you then the others will be easy to pick off~" Rio then began walking, chuckling as she walked away from the area towards the Seireitei, her grin dropping as the glint disappeared once she had gotten closer to the Seireitei gates.

Once she had gotten back into the Seireitei, Rio walked to Squad Two. 'I need to inform Kaizo... I've made up my mind, he needs to know that there's something going on with me...." Sighing, Rio made her way up the steps. 'I just hope I can do something about it... these pills won't work forever.... I just don't want to be a danger to or hurt anyone.... I mustn't forget to mention Scarlett either... Hmm....' Stopping outside of Kaizo's office, Rio knocked and waited while completing her routine as she'd normally would of straightening her clothes and hair, being sure to look professional at all times.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

As Kaizo stood in the Onmitsukido courtyard he sealed his Bankai as he looked around at the Onmitsukido members laying on the ground around him "Not bad...but you all need to improve a lot more, I wasn't even scratched...I suggest you work on everything a lot more, there will be no more relaxing...you will be training everyday until we go to war...I've got to return to my barracks, so get yourselves sorted out" Kaizo sheathed his Zanpakuto then shunpoed off. Within a few minutes he arrived at the Squad 2 barracks and entered them, he then walked through the barracks towards his office, as he turned the corner to walk towards his office he saw Rio standing outside it, this caused Kaizo to speak out "Rio? Sorry...I was off training, what can I do for you?" Kaizo said stopping not to far from her
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Rio turned towards Kaizo's voice. "Captain, I was wondering if I could speak to you for a moment?" She bowed in respect as she spoke before raising, giving Kaizo a small, soft smile. "I've also been keeping an eye on Squad Two's training and progress, there is much to be done, but I promise I'll apply myself more and solely work on the members to ensure they are up to your standard sir. Also, we have a new recruit, whom I have to speak to you about. There is... also something else... May we step inside your office and talk? Or do you wish to return to the Onmitsukido? I'll return later if you choose the latter, I don't mind waiting Captain." Rio's voice was still as professional as ever, however her eye and lips showed a hint of a smile, making her seem a little less cold than she usual would do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hype watched as he saw Hikari appear and cut the log in half, only to run away again when the spider hollow did what he dared hope it wouldn't do. It began having its children by sending them flying at Hyperion and Keina along with the other two. Hype was about to shunpo out of the way when Keina dropped down on him sending him falling to the ground while she booked it, which made Hype frown as he saw what was in front of him, and with an aggravated sigh he ripped the top half of his uniform off and used it as a shield from the horrible annoyance, and when he tossed the ruined top to the ground, he looked at Haruka who's pet dog had a giant as hell growth spurt, and the other one who was beating away spider children with sandals.It was at this point that his right eye started twitching and electricity started flowing around himself quite rapidly as he shunpoed over by the spider hollow grabbing it with his left hand as he arced his right arm back. "For fucks sake, will you die already!"He shouted as electricity amplified on his right arm, making the spikes on his gauntlet grow in size of about and inch or two, as he then swung his right arm directly towards its face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kaizo rubbed the back of his head as Rio spoke then shrugged "Sure, I don't need to train them till tomorrow so I got some time to spare" Kaizo opened his office door then stepped in and walked around to his desk then sat down on the chair behind his desk "So what is it you want to tell me? is something wrong?" Kaizo looked at Rio, wondering what the other reason she came here for was...it seemed serious so Kaizo prepared himself...maybe she needed to get some more emotions out? he didn't expect her to be over what happened so soon so it was only natural she'd be upset
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
Avatar of AbigailTenshi

AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Rio nodded before following Kaizo into his office, closing the door behind her. Walking into the middle of the room, Rio stopped and looked at Kaizo, waiting for him to take a seat and finish speaking. "I'll start with the new recruit. Their name is Scarlett, however their gender is hard to tell, but I do remember saying a few words to them for them to respond as though they didn't know what a 'boy' or 'girl' was. With that aside, I tested them, choosing to test them personally without allowing another member to spar with them this time since the last time that happen, there was the incident between Nohime and Eiichi... Since then, I've decided to test all new recruits myself to insure no one gets hurt. Scarlett's Zanpakuto seems to be based on torture methods for gaining information, or more that is what I've witnessed so far. I was told by Scarlett that it was an illusion type, but the illusion was indeed quite realistic so it wouldn't surprise me if it was real. I did accept them into the Squad afterwards, much for the same reasons I chose to accept Nohime; mainly for safety of other Shinigami, not to mention Scarlett could also be a rather worthy member, as long as she doesn't use her Zanpakuto's Shikai on allies. Anyway, I did inform them that I was going to report to you and that if you chose against my decision then your word is final, so they understand that." Rio paused for a moment, taking a few breaths.

She then looked down. "With that said, there's something else...." Rio thought carefully about her words before speaking up. "There seems to be something... wrong with me... While testing Scarlett... I-My headaches had seem to of worsened. I believe the attack had agitated my state, causing my headache to get worse but not for too long. After a while, it vanished~" Rio's tone of voice seemed to of changed as she spoke, including her aura. At first she seemed nervous, but now she was calm, just fine. Lifting her head up, she smiled, her eye squinting. "I think something must of happened along the line which had trigger headaches since I've been getting them for quiet a while now. Do you have any thoughts on what to do for a headache? Silly me, I simply don't know how to handle them since they've been out of control, especially recently~ I have been given some medicine from someone I trust, but it doesn't seem to be working anymore... I was wondering if you had any headache remedies that I could try?~" Her smiled dropped a little but was still present on her face, however that wasn't the only thing present, the red glint had found it's way back, glimmering behind Rio's eye. "So Kaizo~ How's work been? Have there been any injuries during training? And just how are the Onmitsukido doing?~"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 28 days ago

Zane620 said
Hype watched as he saw Hikari appear and cut the log in half, only to run away again when the spider hollow did what he dared hope it wouldn't do. It began having its children by sending them flying at Hyperion and Keina along with the other two. Hype was about to shunpo out of the way when Keina dropped down on him sending him falling to the ground while she booked it, which made Hype frown as he saw what was in front of him, and with an aggravated sigh he ripped the top half of his uniform off and used it as a shield from the horrible annoyance, and when he tossed the ruined top to the ground, he looked at Haruka who's pet dog had a giant as hell growth spurt, and the other one who was beating away spider children with sandals.It was at this point that his right eye started twitching and electricity started flowing around himself quite rapidly as he shunpoed over by the spider hollow grabbing it with his left hand as he arced his right arm back. "For fucks sake, will you die already!"He shouted as electricity amplified on his right arm, making the spikes on his gauntlet grow in size of about and inch or two, as he then swung his right arm directly towards its face.

The punch connected causing the face of the spider hollow to push in and electricity to flow through it causing it to jolt. It laid still for a second seemingly dead before a back leg shot up and shot towards Hype. Keina then jumped out of nowhere yelling, "Break it's legs!" before catching herself on the leg and yanking downwards causing green gunk to ooze everywhere, once hitting the ground dissolving into it. Keina shunpo'ed behind Hype and reached forward grabbing both of it's legs and yanking forward. The hollow shot forward slamming into Hype's gut, but atleast she managed to rip it's front legs off. She jumped up landing on Hype's head then front flipped off landing on the hollow, piercing one leg into it's torso and slicing the other leg off causing it to fall onto the ground. Keina pierced the other leg into it's torso then grabbed onto both legs then began pulling apart, muscles popping out of her arms no one would ever expect was there. The spider hollow then ripped apart. Keina jumped and landed beside Hype patting him on the head. "You tried your best and that's all that counts in the end. Don't take it as a failure, but as expirence," she said before giggling and jumping away before he could hit her. A large red beam shot from the bushes that wiped out the rest of the children that came from the eggs, which were fewer due to them being fought against. Tabo then stepped out the bushes smirking as he twirled his cane. "Well you guys almost died there," he said with a laugh before getting serious....By his standards, a stern look on his face as he looked at everyone, "Keina, good work, you're the MVP." That caused Keina to smile. "Hype, you should have tried harder. Haruka and Sinai, good deducing to get to this point. I expected no less from someone of Squad two, and someone of my own Squad. Alucard, baby boy! Lookin' good! Keep up the work dawg! You'll reach Captain position in no time!"

The ground then rumbled as a much larger spider hollow appeared, making the one they were just fighting seem like a child. It walked over to the dead spider and pushed it's split body back together....Then began doing things that caused Keina's eyes to widen. "So...That's how it had so many babies..."

"OH NO CHILDREN COVER YOUR EYES!" Tabo yelled as he tackled Hype, grabbing his hands and putting them to his face. He looked up at Keina who had already done so before his eyes reverted back to the spider hollows in which the mother had regenerated. "Huh, so that's how you kept coming back....Wow, no respect for the children! Looks like I'm just going to have to kill you myself!"

Tabo stood up and held his cane out towards the spider hollow. Tabo raised his energy which caused the ground to shake a bit, and causing the wind to pick up. His hair blew back and forth as his eyes darkened, his left hand on top of his right hand which held the cane. With a low and chilling voice he spoke, "Pōkā!"


Nothing happened. Tabo blinked as he lowered his energy, the wind suddenly letting down. He looked down at his cane before stomping his foot, "GODDAMMIT POKA! YOU IDIOT! THIS WAS MY BIG MOMENT!" Tabo began slamming his cane on the grown rapidly, "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! POKA YOU GODDAMN IDIOT GIVE ME MY SHIKAI SO I CAN BE LIKE THE COOL KIDS!" A body sized roulette then appeared which Tabo didn't expect causing him to fall over knocking the roulette over. He quickly stood up and pulled the roulette up, fixing his hat and dusting himself off before spinning the spinner that was on his roulette.

"That's more like it," Tabo said as he held his hands out. During his little moment both spider hollow began charging him, and now they were directly in his face, "Red light!" both hollows stopped with a skid. "Ah, too bad, you still moved!" A pillar of fire then erupted from the ground completely covering both hollow. "Green light!" Tabo called out in which the hollow didn't move. The pillar of fire then turned into a green pillar seemingly made from Kido, the others could see the hollow inside the green pillar. "End game!" The hollow inside then blew up, their bits soon turning to ash and disintegrating. The pillar disappeared and the roulette turned back into a cane in which Tabo grabbed.

"Advice for next time, focus more on teamwork and improvisation. Hype flex party masta you did great on that one, well, anyways I'll be taking my leave!" Tabo said as he turned around waving, beginning to skip away, "Sandwich here I come!"

(It shit, sorry, I'm sick >.< )
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

With everything presumably dead for good Sinai breathed a sigh of relief and wiped her sandals off on a nearby tree. the squad 10 captain had taken care of pretty much everything in under 5 minutes. Thats what you would expect from a captain. With this hollow infestation dealt with Sinai had never gotten her answer to her question. 'what about the bandits' she was willing to buy that a giant spider like hollow could be called an Evil One. them shits are evil. But the had also mentioned bandits and so far Sinai had seen no evidence of them, in relation to these abominable hollows. Sinai Shupo'd over to Haruka " so about these bandits"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Haruka sighed happily when Tabo killed the spiders. Alucard laid down on his paws and nosed Haruka's back for a pet. The Shinigami laughed as she fell over before she stood up quickly. "Ara, you're gigantic now!" she said as she rubbed her snout. She jumped ontop of Alucard's snout and sat down. The dog let her and huffed happily at the praise from Tabo and Haruka.

When Sinai joined her on the dog's snout, she opened her left eye. "It could have just been a very unlucky raid. Bandits are known for that after all. Maybe they found an easy mark in that village and the timing just lined up. We can go back and tell them the Hollow is dead, then see how they react." She scratched Alucard's snout lightly. "I think someone pulled the strings, but do I think it was the villagers? No. No one in there has near enough power to control a Hollow, let alone two of them."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

"But Dont you think there were too many fancy things left behind. And very little damage. That's large a hollow wouldn't have been able to fit in the homes to steal or devour children. Seems like the hollow and what ever else was going on there were separate events. " sinai offered her opinion. There were too many unknowns still. Too many loose ends. All they could do now was go back and see what happened. Hopefully this spider was the hollow plaguing them and they had fixed one of the villages problems. But there were other matters that concerned her. Like what the truth of the entire situation was. Haruka probably thought sinai was thinking to much about it but she was just being thorough
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Would you relax?" Haruka raised an eyebrow, "You think I don't wonder those same things? At this point, going in with accusations and probing questions will only get and keep us locked out. Let your Captain know and offer to keep an eye on the village in the coming weeks and months. I just said that SOMEONE is pulling the strings around here." her eyes narrowed since she wondered if Sinai had even been listening to her.

"But until we learn what or whom the mastermind is behind this, drop it. If you really want to follow through on this like a maverick, feel free to ask about that traveler that came through a while ago. Get a physical description, what direction he or she wandered off in. If I am remembering correctly, that traveler was the one that got them to draw attention to the problem by leaving dead bodies on display. Who's to say that traveler didn't supply them with the bandits in the first place?" she shrugged.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

how the hell is dropping it going to help figure anything out? Sinai asked herself. Presumably their mission was over with the death of the hollow. thinking back on the entire event the mission had required the intervention of both the lieutenant and the captain to complete so perhaps Sinai should just be happy to have survived. But she wasnt. earlier Haruka had found a bloody scene and suggested the culprit was either a messy eater, or had a lot of teeth.

instead of arguing with Haruka Sinai just nodded "and i agree, someone is pulling strings. I'd just like to make sure they aren't our strings ma'am. I'm going to go back to the village and at least make sure they weren't raided in our absence. I'll let you know what i find out." she began walking back toward the village but stopped "and i promise i'll be nice this time" she told Haruka before continuing
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Haruka hummed in agreement. As far as she was concerned, that was Squad 2 territory. She felt the need to follow at a distance to make sure Sinai would be fine, but she knew this would boost her reputation. "Alucard. Go be her second. Watch her back, yeah?" she asked before she dropped to the ground. She landed quietly then winked at the dog. He hopped off as he shrunk to a more normal size. "Let's hope you don't lose patience hn?" she hummed after Sinai. She made her way back to the Squad 10 barracks for a meal.

Alucard barked as he came up to Sinai and ran by her side.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Sinai looked down Alucard. who had shrunk again. there were far to many questions going on in her head to even begin to address but so help her god if he started talking. It would be good to have the canine with her though, her tracking skills weren't half bad but nothing beat the nose of a dog when dealing with regular souls. The two of them made their way back to the village " ok Alucard, here's the plan, im going to spread my butterflies around the village, they can act as sensors but since the souls around here dont have much spiritual pressure they will only be so effective. but you got a nose and ears that work 100 times better than mine. so let me know if you smell or hear anything out of the ordinary"

once they arrived the village was dead quiet. Sinai took out her Zankaputo "spread your wings. Cho-Seji" a dozen pink butterflies fluttered out from the light and scattered across the village. Sinai would be able to know if they found anything, but wouldnt know what it was until she checked for herself. There were no signs of a hollow attack so Sinai returned to the building where they had first encountered the residence. instead of checking the hidden door they had dissapeared behind she silently checked the 'sanctuary' where the body of the sacrificed still laid, impaled multiple times with blades of different sizes. She knelt beside the body looking closely at the knives without removing them. she wasnt sure if she should be relieved or troubled by what she found.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 28 days ago

Zane620 said
Stopping her shaking she watched him go behind her and push her hair back and squeezing the water out, which was a kind gesture, making up for his little sour moment he had. He took her hand, pulling her around towards him. She stared up at him and smiled at him, giving him a hug. "For a sour person, you are really sweet to me. But it does mean a lot, even though it might not work. People dont tend to shrug off attempted murder, mostly when its one of their own allies."

As Takara stared up at him, Kenta stared down at her wondering why they were staring at each other. He saw her smile, soon finding her arms around around his torso. He raised an eyebrow, he wasn't really one to be close to people in a physical or emotional way. He was warming up to it though, it was a process. His hands found their way around her back but not going further than that, it was still considered a hug though. His mind wondered back to that night that they had slept together beside that tree, his opinion on that wasn't clear, he didn't like nor dislike that moment. He just didn't know. "I wouldn't describe myself as sweet, just...Slightly nicer than what I used to be, alright?" Kenta replied as he looked away and removed one hand from her back, using it to rub the back of his neck. His attention was brought back to her, looking down at her as his hand found it's way around her back again. "It might work, it might not. As I've learned it's always worth a shot...I'm not gonna go on an inspirational speech or some shit like that, that ain't me, but you know where I'd be going with it if I did so....Also another thing," Kenta looked behind him then looked back at Takara, "I think your clan leader was here, that's what I got from him. Tall guy, muscular, mask, tattoos..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 28 days ago

Phobos said
"Eggs?" Was Hirakos first response when she stated that he smelled like eggs. He raised his right arm and smelled his armpit, his face showing displeasure and slight anger. He smelled the rest of his clothes, noticing the smell of eggs now. He sighed "I swear, I'm gonna fucking kill those bastards when I get back" He removed his shirt, which was the source of the smell. He took another whiff, no longer smelling eggs from his body. He rummaged through his shirt, pulling out 2 rotten eggs from an inside pocket "Is this any better?" He said as he tossed the eggs to the side.

"Eggs?" Scarlett heard Hirako ask, next seeing him sniff his armpits as his facial expression turned into one of displeasure and seemingly anger. Scarlett heard him speak about killing some bastards which they themselves were planning to do. Scarlett titled their head once Hirako took off his shirt, watching as he rummaged through his shirt soon pulling out two rotten eggs from their pocket. Scarlett's eyes slightly widened from the sight, wondering why he was saving eggs. Was he trying to make breakfast? "Is this any better?" Hirako asked before tossing the eggs away. Scarlett lifted up and smelled Hirako, "Much better!" Scarlett said before jumping back, "Well, show me what you've got!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Expllo said
As Takara stared up at him, Kenta stared down at her wondering why they were staring at each other. He saw her smile, soon finding her arms around around his torso. He raised an eyebrow, he wasn't really one to be close to people in a physical or emotional way. He was warming up to it though, it was a process. His hands found their way around her back but not going further than that, it was still considered a hug though. His mind wondered back to that night that they had slept together beside that tree, his opinion on that wasn't clear, he didn't like nor dislike that moment. He just didn't know. "I wouldn't describe myself as sweet, just...Slightly nicer than what I used to be, alright?" Kenta replied as he looked away and removed one hand from her back, using it to rub the back of his neck. His attention was brought back to her, looking down at her as his hand found it's way around her back again. "It might work, it might not. As I've learned it's always worth a shot...I'm not gonna go on an inspirational speech or some shit like that, that ain't me, but you know where I'd be going with it if I did so....Also another thing," Kenta looked behind him then looked back at Takara, "I think your clan leader was here, that's what I got from him. Tall guy, muscular, mask, tattoos..."

" So nice then, if you are nicer than you once were, then you are much sweeter." Takara said showing off a winning smile, as she listened to him speak and then tilted her head. "Well you can try, but I don't know if it will work. Besides you don't really come off at the motivational speaker person. More so the punch them until they just agree with you type." Takara said with a smile, which soon changed to confusion, with a laugh that sounded almost like one that one would give when they fuck up. "About that... I never really meet him, we were always given orders from his trusted friend. So I wouldn't know, but I heard he wears a mask, so he might be the person. Why what did they do? Did they say anything?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 28 days ago

Zane620 said
"So nice then, if you are nicer than you once were, then you are much sweeter." Takara said showing off a winning smile, as she listened to him speak and then tilted her head. "Well you can try, but I don't know if it will work. Besides you don't really come off at the motivational speaker person. More so the punch them until they just agree with you type." Takara said with a smile, which soon changed to confusion, with a laugh that sounded almost like one that one would give when they fuck up. "About that... I never really meet him, we were always given orders from his trusted friend. So I wouldn't know, but I heard he wears a mask, so he might be the person. Why what did they do? Did they say anything?"

"So nice then, if you are nicer than you once were, then you are much sweeter." There was no use arguing against it, Kenta knew better than to do so. If he were to argue it then it'd just go on forever, and half of it would just be teasing. Any other day maybe, but not this day. Though he couldn't help but smile once she did even if it did last just a few seconds. Kenta nodded in agreement to the next part, there wasn't much to say about it, that was pretty much him. Or atleast the closest someone could guess. "Said his name was Touzo. He didn't do much, just watched you from what I could tell. Said he could have killed you many times over due to that one mistake, I assume for sleeping. Also said he wouldn't let the clan be tarnished by you lazy bastards," Kenta shrugged, being as blunt as ever even when the him killing her part, "You are a bit lazy though, not Leon lazy, but pretty lazy."
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