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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Expllo said
"Eggs?" Scarlett heard Hirako ask, next seeing him sniff his armpits as his facial expression turned into one of displeasure and seemingly anger. Scarlett heard him speak about killing some bastards which they themselves were planning to do. Scarlett titled their head once Hirako took off his shirt, watching as he rummaged through his shirt soon pulling out two rotten eggs from their pocket. Scarlett's eyes slightly widened from the sight, wondering why he was saving eggs. Was he trying to make breakfast? "Is this any better?" Hirako asked before tossing the eggs away. Scarlett lifted up and smelled Hirako, "Much better!" Scarlett said before jumping back, "Well, show me what you've got!"

Hirako circled Scarlett, slowly walking and examining their body First things first, I should find out if he's a boy or a girl, cause I don't want to go all out against a woman. Then again, going all out would be bad. I don't want to kill anyone on my first day, I'd get in major trouble. So first things first, I have to find out their gender Immediatly after, he shunpoed behind her, his body low. He spun his body, aiming to trip her or atleast make her stumble. If it worked, he would aim to send an uppercut at his chest area. If it didn't, well he prepared for the hit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

(Sorry, I really wanted to do a long post, but my medication is making me tired. >.<)
It was hours later, but Zheng and Kamon had arrived back at Squad 7 barracks after giving Kamon a makeover. Don't even ask him how but he was able to get Kamon a full head of hair. The result was surprising; the mod soul that looked so plain before was now an incredibly good looking man that looked like he played the hearts of women without even trying. Heads certainly turned as they made their way back to the barracks. Kamon didn't notice though Zheng certainly caught on and was amused that there were people checking out the Mod Soul.

The two made their way through the barracks until they arrived at the training grounds that were barren of any shinigami. There should be shinigami training, training to be the best that they could be, but the training grounds contained little life. It was a sight that frustrated him to no end. The Seireitei could be attacked any moment and they were slacking off as if they were in a time of peace? Those bastards would've been whipped into shape if Zheng as of higher rank. "At least we have this place to our selves." At this point he could look on the bright side of the situation and make the best of a situation. He walked across from the Mod Soul and stood on the opposite side of the grounds, motioning Kamon to get moving.

Kamon walked to the other side of the grounds, his left hand unsheathing his sword. His emotionless eyes caught Zheng's, the two of them were silent, but knew that they were to fight. He moved at Zheng at high speeds, the sound of water swishing was heard as he made his move. What he just used was a Mod Soul's variation of Shunpo called Liquid, a technique that allows a Mod Soul to reach from point A to point B, which is usually followed by the sound of water swishing. He reappeared at Zheng's right side, his body crouched down slightly and quickly swung his blade up in a vertical slash with the backside of his sword. The intent was to hit his master, not to kill him.

'Such speed!' Mukei truly didn't screw him over their deal. What Zheng got was a training partner that knew how to fight and for that he was glad otherwise it wouldn't be worth fighting him. Still...why would Kamon use the edge of his sword against him. He raised his arm to block the blunt attack and shifting his body weight, he sent a round house kick that slammed the Mod Soul's face. As expected the attack didn't even phase him a bit. Hitting him felt like kicking a stone wall. "I don't appreciate you using the backside of your sword." He leapt back to gain some distance from him.

His cold golden eyes glanced at his sword and them back at his opponent. "I don't wish to kill you, but if it offends you then I shall comply." He turned his sword from its blunt side to its edge. He dashed at him and swung his sword horizontally down at Zheng, who ducked to avoid the slash and sent a quick jab with his right to Kamon's solar plexus who in turn used his free arm to block the jab, barely even taking notice of the attack's damage. Their eyes met again, the intensity between them filled the air. Kamon tried to ram the hilt of his katana against Zheng's head, but Zheng raised his arm to block the strike, feeling the pummel of the weapon beat against his arm. The pain surged through his arm, but he would keep on fighting.

One could say that this fight was unfair; one had a weapon while the other had none, but he really wouldn't had have it any other way. In a real battle no one cares if things are fair or honorable. In a battle there are no rules, no one saying that one side is cheating or using unfair tactics. It's either be skilled and live another day or die. It's as simple as that. That is the way life is on a battlefield and that is even how life is in general. It's unfair and others are given tools that can make them superior over another. However it's how the tools are used that determine who survives in the battlefield called life.

Their battle had raged on for awhile, only until they were both panting and standing around multiple small craters from explosions they created from dead on kido on energy attack action. The battle had drew the attention of many of the squad members who stood at a safe distance to watch the fight. They were impressed that two unseated shinigami could cause so much destruction.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 28 days ago

After that talk with Hikari Himeko decided to head back to the Squad seven barracks to see who would be best in place of her. Her goal joining the Gotei 13 was to find Hikari and help him find the people who sent the hit out on him, now that they had done so she really had no reason to stay with the Gotei 13 but she didn't find it right to just leave the Squad with no one in charge. Walking throughout the barracks she heard something towards the training grounds and decided to go check it out. Opening the door she leaned against the wall seeing Zheng there with some other guy whom she didn't know, but now his face was stuck in his memory. She stayed there and watched the two spar, noticing more and more of the Squad members gathering to watch. Well, they certainly caused unnecessary damage, however this guy seemed good enough. Walking up to Zheng she crossed her arms and stood in front of him. "Hey, this is my last promotion before I retire. You're sixth seat now, meaning the highest person in the Squad currently. Have fun running it." Himeko nodded and turned around, soon leaving the training grounds and heading to leave the barracks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

As Sinai examined the body she noted that some of the knives were not precise punctures. To her that meant some of the people stabbing weren’t used to stabbing. Some of them however were very precise. Every wound had avoided major arteries, which prolonged the suffering. On top of that there were no wounds that didn’t have a knife sticking out of it so bleeding out was slow. It had to have been a slow and painful death, but for what? Why sacrifice the men, if the beast devours children? And the method, the cult like methodology and belief that it works. It didn’t fit together.
Sinai left that building as silent as she had arrived. She kneeled down beside Alucard “do you smell that Spider hollow anywhere around here?” she whispered and the dog started sniffing around. There was no evidence that it was here, no way it could get into any building and not leave damage. Her suspiscion in that regard was confirmed when Aulcard whimpered softly. She took that as a no and stood back up. With that out of the way Sinai moved on to other homes. Likewise they were empty, she figured that all the residents gathered together for safety. Whatever was going on she could believe they were terrified. But nothing explained the bloody scene Haruka had found outside the town.
Suddenly she sensed something, Just the same Alucard’s ears perked up. Something was coming from the south west. It wasn’t a hollow, she could tell that much. She looked down at Alucard with a devilish grin “how good of an actor are you?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

- In the Past -

Fumio and Rio both looked at him with raised eyebrows, wondering what he was up to. Souta only grinned at the two of them before lifting his left arm across his chest, aiming his spikes at the glowing crystal before shooting it, smashing the crystal before the spikes shattered themselves.

A large, blue ring of energy stretched throughout the air, like a visual sonic boom. The rings of energy flew passed the three and continued to spread, however only those who where Hari's would benefit from this since this spread the Head of the Clan's power evenly throughout all of the surviving Hari's within the Soul Society, giving all of them a power boost.

"Huh? D-Danger..." Sango stood inside Henry's room at Squad Six, staring outside a window while the pale-blue butterfly with a pale-red spot on it's wings sat on her shoulder. She could sense a fight, a power struggle, but that was all she knew... Sango had no clue as to who were fighting, what they were fighting about or why she was sensing something so far away. However, something about it screamed home... '... Home?...' Alone in this room, Sango had never felt so away from home in her life... Usually she'd prefer to drift, be nothing but a jellyfish floating through the ocean of existence... but for the first time, she felt there was somewhere... a place out there that she belonged to, but why? Where is this place? Why didn't she know anything about it? All these questions needed answers... Then came a flash of blue light....

"H-Huh?!" A line of blue light head for her unexpectedly, causing Sango to take a few steps back but she wasn't able to stop the light from reaching her, moving past her and....

Sango's eyes widened dramatically as her breath hitched in her throat before she blinked... then blinked a few more time, looking around the suddenly unfamiliar room. "Wh-wh... Where am I? Dr Heigai?!" Sango looked around her frantically, calling for the one man she wished she'd never see again, thankfully there was no answer. Taking a few more steps back, Sango continued to eye the room before running to the closest mirror she could find. Looking into it, Sango placed her hands on her cheeks, pulling the skin before letting go, touching and prodding her face and body. Looking down for a moment, she eyed her body before looking at her hands... her soft, smooth and pale hands. Looking back up into the mirror, her eyes shook along with her voice. "H-How is this p-possible?... H-Heigai.... Lobotomised m-me... Why am I here?! H-How'd I get here?!" She dropped her hands before the butterfly which sat on her shoulder flew off and fluttered to the door. Sango eyes immediately darted to it, watching it sit on the door handle. "I-Is... Is that really you?...." Sango whispered, her voice not as soft and innocent as usual, sounding a little more deeper and mature.

After a moment, Sango straightened up and gulped before walking towards the door handle, placing her hand on it after the butterfly fluttered above it and waited for the woman to open the door. Once she did, the butterfly flew outside and stopped, as if waiting for Sango to step out, which the latter did, watching the insect flutter while following it.

Walking while looking around cautiously and seeming more stern as she eyed everyone in a way to say 'Stay away', Sango continued to follow the butterfly all the way to Squad Eight. It didn't stop there since it continued to lead Sango deeper into the barracks. Sango felt as though she needed to be careful, hiding around corners whenever she heard anyone nearby and wait for them to pass, taking cover in the shadows while simply watching them with her eyes only. None of them bothered to notice the butterfly as it fluttered and waited for Sango to continue following, which was great.

The butterfly had lead Sango to a certain room two doors down from the current Lieutenant's room, which was empty at this moment in time. Entering the room, the butterfly fluttered to a closed, sliding cupboard in the back, however the first thing that caught Sango's eyes was a leather-bound book laid haphazardly on the floor, open to a certain page.

Walking closer, Sango felt drawn to the book so she bent down and picked it up after closing the door behind her. Lifting the book up, she looked at the page, reading it.
'It hurts......
I t h u r t s S o u t a....
S.... S ei.... Sei.... i s g o n e... D... De n s e n....

I... I ca n't s see.... H h e a d h u r t s.... c a n ' t b r e a t... he

W.... wh.... o 's.... s ou t a... ?'

Sango's widened eyes shook slightly as she read. "I remember writing this.... Souta's my brother.... HE'S OUT THERE!" Sango looked up instantly with a gasp at the realisation. "I can't feel Ursula anymore... but Souta... H-he's different.... Stronger but it's dark... What is this power of his?... Wait.. He's not alone either... Kazuhiko, and... Huerona?" Looking down, Sango's lips lifted into a faint smile as she closed the book, calming down. "I'm glad he's Okay atleast..." Sango's eyes then drifted to the butterfly that waited at the cupboard, still fluttering in the same spot. "You're Sei, aren't you?" Sango asked while holding her smile before walking towards the insect, opening the cupboard as the butterfly sat back on her shoulder.

She couldn't believe what she found. "SEI!" Grabbing the blade, Sango smiled and stroked it softly. "I thought I'd never see you again.... I can feel your pull... Thank you for leading me back to you Sei.... I'll find out how to rejoin with you again...." Sango's smile soon faded as she turned to the door, taking the book with her. "... Looks to me that the death of Ursula had somehow saved me... I don't know how or why, but I'm not going to fall into a trap like that again... I got extremely lucky it seems...." Looking at her Clenched fist, Sango turned to the door and walked out, making her way back to Squad Six. '.. Now what do I do... Henry would still think I'm Sango... hmm... So which option do I go with?...'
- Back to the Present -
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Rio nodded before following Kaizo into his office, closing the door behind her. Walking into the middle of the room, Rio stopped and looked at Kaizo, waiting for him to take a seat and finish speaking. "I'll start with the new recruit. Their name is Scarlett, however their gender is hard to tell, but I do remember saying a few words to them for them to respond as though they didn't know what a 'boy' or 'girl' was. With that aside, I tested them, choosing to test them personally without allowing another member to spar with them this time since the last time that happen, there was the incident between Nohime and Eiichi... Since then, I've decided to test all new recruits myself to insure no one gets hurt. Scarlett's Zanpakuto seems to be based on torture methods for gaining information, or more that is what I've witnessed so far. I was told by Scarlett that it was an illusion type, but the illusion was indeed quite realistic so it wouldn't surprise me if it was real. I did accept them into the Squad afterwards, much for the same reasons I chose to accept Nohime; mainly for safety of other Shinigami, not to mention Scarlett could also be a rather worthy member, as long as she doesn't use her Zanpakuto's Shikai on allies. Anyway, I did inform them that I was going to report to you and that if you chose against my decision then your word is final, so they understand that." Rio paused for a moment, taking a few breaths.

She then looked down. "With that said, there's something else...." Rio thought carefully about her words before speaking up. "There seems to be something... wrong with me... While testing Scarlett... I-My headaches had seem to of worsened. I believe the attack had agitated my state, causing my headache to get worse but not for too long. After a while, it vanished~" Rio's tone of voice seemed to of changed as she spoke, including her aura. At first she seemed nervous, but now she was calm, just fine. Lifting her head up, she smiled, her eye squinting. "I think something must of happened along the line which had trigger headaches since I've been getting them for quiet a while now. Do you have any thoughts on what to do for a headache? Silly me, I simply don't know how to handle them since they've been out of control, especially recently~ I have been given some medicine from someone I trust, but it doesn't seem to be working anymore... I was wondering if you had any headache remedies that I could try?~" Her smiled dropped a little but was still present on her face, however that wasn't the only thing present, the red glint had found it's way back, glimmering behind Rio's eye. "So Kaizo~ How's work been? Have there been any injuries during training? And just how are the Onmitsukido doing?~"

Kaizo listened to Rio then nodded as she spoke "I see well that sounds like it's for the best, I trust your judgement. We will have to keep a close eye on them...good job Rio." Kaizo then narrowed his eyes slightly as Rio continued to speak before speaking himself "Hmm...well that does sound worrying..." Kaizo then noticed Rio's sudden change in tone and even the feel she gave off was different, this caused Kaizo to look to her eye as he listened to her speak which in itself was different...then there was that...the red glint again causing Kaizo to begin to take caution with what he'd say...he remembered this look, this aura...the way she spoke...from that time, almost as if she changed personality's for a moment. "Well if the tablets you have aren't working for your headache I'm not sure what to suggest, there are a few obvious methods but those clearly wouldn't work...So I wouldn't know what to suggest, I rarely get headache's and when I do I just power through them..." Kaizo then took a breath before continuing to speak "Everything's been running smoothly...so no worries there and well...I don't really need to say how they're doing." Kaizo placed both his elbows on his desk then clasped his hands together and held them in front his mouth as he then spoke "You know if you're having these headache's perhaps you should take a few hours off till it passes...afterall I don't want the stress of the job getting to you and making it worse..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kurisa said
Kaizo listened to Rio then nodded as she spoke "I see well that sounds like it's for the best, I trust your judgement. We will have to keep a close eye on them...good job Rio." Kaizo then narrowed his eyes slightly as Rio continued to speak before speaking himself "Hmm...well that does sound worrying..." Kaizo then noticed Rio's sudden change in tone and even the feel she gave off was different, this caused Kaizo to look to her eye as he listened to her speak which in itself was different...then there was that...the red glint again causing Kaizo to begin to take caution with what he'd say...he remembered this look, this aura...the way she spoke...from that time, almost as if she changed personality's for a moment. "Well if the tablets you have aren't working for your headache I'm not sure what to suggest, there are a few obvious methods but those clearly wouldn't work...So I wouldn't know what to suggest, I rarely get headache's and when I do I just power through them..." Kaizo then took a breath before continuing to speak "Everything's been running smoothly...so no worries there and well...I don't really need to say how they're doing." Kaizo placed both his elbows on his desk then clasped his hands together and held them in front his mouth as he then spoke "You know if you're having these headache's perhaps you should take a few hours off till it passes...afterall I don't want the stress of the job getting to you and making it worse..."

Rio's smile grew a tiny bit, but more sinister than anything else. "I see~ Well, I did try taking two pills once to see if it'd help, but my medicine was stronger than silly little me assumed, hence why I fainted outside your office~ I wonder what would of happened if you didn't find me~" Rio took a couple steps forward, softly placing both hands on top of Kaizo's desk while leaning forward a little, her smile worsening into a subtle, devious grin. "Well, I can't say I'm surprised, you are indeed a powerful man~ However, that begs the question of how powerful exactly? Do you consider yourself to rival other Captains such as the Kenpachi of Squad Eleven? You have some history with Shiro, don't you?~" Rio asked before chuckling breathlessly and pushing herself off of Kaizo's desk, covering her mouth as she chuckled before looking at Kaizo, still with that same red glint in her eye. "I do wonder how much you've improved since I'm so very proud of you Kaizo. Even after how much my heart ached during your disappearance, how much I feared that you had died due to hearing absolutely nothing from you heh heh~... Even after all of that anguish, I care so much about you, I love you so deeply and honestly don't understand what makes you so different from everyone else~ But I guess my heart sees something in you that my mind doesn't understand~" Rio spoke while chuckling, a cheerful expression on her face as if what she was saying was causal small-talk. "And I see, well, I'm glad to here everything has been running smoothly, I could say the same for training here also~ And now now, a simple headache is no excuse for time off. I am a Lieutenant, it'd be ridiculous of me to let a headache get in the way of my work, wouldn't it Captain?~" Rio looked at Kaizo with a half-lidded eye and simple smile, almost smirking.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Henry leaving Sango a message while she was asleep went outside to open up a senkaimon, where he would soon arrive in the human world somewhere in a forest. He held up this cube like structure that he got from this woman called Nene. She said it can hold in anything, even things that need air, and despite it being such a tiny box it can hold various giant things that are ten times bigger than it. All he had to do was push the green to suck in whatever he wanted and red to release them. Luckily for him he was right where he needed to be, so he began shunpoing all around the forest sucking in Butterflies and some flowers, just in case the butterflies needed something so they didn't die. He wasn't sure how long he had been doing this, but when he got over sixty of the butterflies was when he decided he got enough. So he went back to the soul society and back to his room where he closed any escape routes and then pressed the red button sending all the flowers and butterflies all over his room. However their was a lot more butterflies than he thought he caught, granted he wasn't counting, and assumed he had around sixty, yet with his room fluttering with them he had to assume there was probably over a hundred.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Konome began walking back towards Henry's room at Squad Six, gripping two Zanpakuto's after having another chat with a Squad Twelve member, Ringo. 'Hmm... I wonder how long it will take.... I can't have two Zanpakuto's, can I?... Densen doesn't want to leave me, despite how different I am now... And Sei, I can feel them calling to me, wanting to rejoin with me....' Konome had put up the 'Sango' act for Henry ever since she returned to her normal self, but even as Sango she was distant, not how Sango would usually be. Konome just didn't like acting the way Sango did, clingy and clueless... that wasn't Konome. She had decided that once she'd return to Henry's, she would tell Henry the truth and stop living a lie.

Once she got outside Henry's door, Konome opened it to find a wall of butterflies shoot passed her. Blinking, Konome's eyes had widened a little, shocked. Walking inside the room, she noticed just how many butterflies there were, which surprised her. "U-Um... Henry Tobias?" She asked, her voice higher to sound as she did as Sango. Sighing, Konome looked at Henry before looking down and whispering. "I can't do this anymore... Henry" Looking up, Konome looked at Henry with a serious expression. "I have to tell you something." Butterflies began landing on her shoulders and head which made Konome look at them and smile a little, she loved butterflies.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As Henry sat down waiting for Sango to return from wherever she went, he found himself covered by butterflies. His entire room itself was just covered in butterflies. he probably did get a little too many of them. As the door opened like a herd, a lot of the butterflies rushed out which was sure to piss off Kurisu in some way. He looked at Sango smiling, which changed to a confused expression as she gazed down seemingly whispering something he couldn't quite hear. So when she spoke out loud to him, about needing to tell him something, he scratched the back of his head as he stood up. "Okay then. Are you okay? You werent attacked or anything while I was gone were you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Konome stopped admiring the butterflies once Henry spoke up and looked at him, her smile dropping to a frown as her eyes looked down. "... It's time for me to be honest with you... The Sango you knew is gone." Konome looked back up at Henry with a serious expression. "Sango is me... Konome. I'll try to simplify things for you. My name is Konome Fushimaru Hari, I belong to the Hari Clan, however due to a certain incident, I was captured and experimented on and thus I became experiment number 134; Ōhi Sango. I know you had gotten close to me after I had escaped the facility... I will always be grateful for everything you've done for me... You made me feel truly safe, you were everything to me, my whole world and reason for living... But something happened, a few days ago, which restored my power and my brain, I'm back to my normal self again.... I don't know how or why this has happened, but it happened and I'm glad.... Whether you still want to be with me is all up to you, I am still Sango, just.... Konome...." Konome hugged her right arm to her side with her left hand, looking off to the left as she spoke and tried to summarise things in an easy-to-understand way. Once she was done talking, she looked back at Henry and waited for his response, gulping.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Gone?" Henry mumbled as he looked at her, not quite sure what she meant by gone. Maybe she named a butterfly Sango and it flew away. That is when she went into much further detail. Such detail that indeed the Sango he knew, probably wouldn't ever say this. But the Hari thing did ring in his head a bit, it reminded him of a prick called Fumio, but no way these two could come from the same clan. One was nice and angelic and the other was an asshole. Yet she did tell him everything, including her true name. So when she finished, and looked at him, he didn't seem that fazed really, granted he wasn't expecting this, but he didn't really mind. Instead he just walked closer and gave her a hug. " Hmmm Konome, well I might slip and call you Sango sometimes, but I have been calling you that for a while now, but does that mean you hate the butterfly surprise?"
Takara looked at him confused again. "Never heard of him, to be fair my memories there have always been a foggy thing. I wonder why?" Takara said smiling before her head thumped on Kentas chest followed by snoring then a jolt as she woke up. "It really is confusing, maybe he tampered with our minds so we forgot about him? And I was right by the way, you are sweet, even though you do some half assed hugs."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Konome watching Henry in suspense, half expecting him to walk out the door, the other half expecting him to tell her that she didn't know what she was talking about. Amidst the wait, Henry started to move, which caused Konome's eyes to drift to the floor. But instead of him walking straight passed her, he walked straight to her, hugging her. Konome's eyes widened a touch before immediately returning to normal while listening to him. A smile drifted across her lips as she hugged him back after he finished speaking. "I don't mind a slip here and there, I'll still respond. And actually, I really love the surprise, I love butterflies in fact so I'm actually surprised that you'd do such a thing like this for me... Thank you... Henry Tobias" Konome rested her chin on Henry's shoulder before pulling back, smiling at him. "I'm glad I got that off my chest, I think now would be the best time to finally join this Squad. I do remember everything crystal clear of the attack here and have heard about the recent passing of our Captain... I guess now they'd need more help than ever."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

A swirl of emotions went through Zheng at Himeko's words. Even though he was just a fledgling shinigami that just graduated only a few days ago he was promoted to sixth seat, one of the highest seats one could get out of the over a hundred members who had been apart of the squad longer. It was one step closer to becoming a captain, to achieving his dream. He was walking on air. Then panic. As of now he was the highest ranking member that was currently in Squad 7. He heard that there was another 3rd seat, but his whereabouts are completely unknown at the moment. How could he even run a squad? These guys won't respect him at all! How can a squad be ran by someone that barely has any experience and by someone that they aren't willing to respect? Cold sweat dripped down his head as he looked around at the squad members that had gathered around to watch the spar that had previously taken place. If this squad was going to function he really would have to prove himself as someone who could be seen as a leader.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Henry sighed in relief as he smiled. "Thats good, took me a while to get them, although I could swear there was a lot less than what I did get. Yet Im glad you like it, although Kurisu will probably try and have my head if he sees the ones that escaped." Henry said, and as soon as he mentioned Kurisu, Konome mentioned joining them now, as before she reall despised fighting and the blood, so she might be more calm about it now. Yet truthfully, Henry didn't want Konome to do anything for the shinigami. Yet it was her hoice and he wasn't going to shut it down. "Well, if thats what you want, go right ahead. Just don't fret if hes angry. They always seem to be angry."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Konome continued to smile at Henry, chuckling a little. "You went through all the trouble to catch them for me, how can I not like it? Besides, I'm may not act like Sango but you're still important to me, anything you do I'll like regardless of what it is" Konome chuckled a little, looking around once more at the butterflies that chose to relax inside Henry's room with admiration. Sei, the one she named with pale-blue wings and those distinguishing pale-red spots were amongst the clutter of butterflies, sitting on top of Henry's counter, it's wings slowly fluttering. Konome then looked back at Henry before her smile dropped and she sighed. "You are a part of this Squad still right? And well... I don't know what I want to do.... I don't know if I'm ready to return to... my Clan... Honestly, I don't really want to... not yet atleast... I'm up for doing whatever you're doing though, I still want to stay close to you Henry... But for now, I guess since I'm here, I might aswell help out." Straightening herself up, Konome smiled once more at Henry. "But really Henry... Thank you for everything you've done for me" Leaning forward, Konome gently placed her lips on Henry's, giving him a soft kiss before pulling back and clearing her throat with a blush dusted across her cheeks as she looked away to avoid eye-contact due to her sudden feeling of shyness.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Anything huh? Well Im sure there re many things I can do that you would hate, but I have to admit. I will miss you forgetting that I cant breathe under water. It was adorable watching you shake me while shouting, don't die Henry Tobias." Henry said with a laugh, and listened to her speak, it was hard to imagine the things she was saying to be coming out of her mouth, since he has always known her to be a silly girl. "Yeah, I'm more shocked I still am. Not that I really care though, and what I do isn't really something I want to bring you into." However to his surprise he was thanked and then given a gentle kiss which made him blush a bit. "Well since you want to help, does that mean you are no longer terrified to the extent before? Of blood and fighting anyway?" Henry asked her, since she was now a different person, he was going to have to know what exactly has changed about her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Inside Nene's room which was filled with various parts, she sat at a desk tinkering with a small circular device while frowning. "Finish my work will you. Well how about I one up your lazy ass and take control of Gillians with ease, granted this would be my fifty third time trying, to tame a Gillian..." Nene mumbled to herself, her hair having reverted back to its original color a long time ago, from her previous encounter with Kagiko. After a few minutes she picked up the small device and smiled. "Okay lets try this again. And because i took every precaution possible, it should succeed for sure this time. So why don't I go rub it in Kagiko's face." Nene said triumphantly, as she picked up a small pill first as she made her way to the captains office after hearing what happened with Zero. she knockd on the door and when she heard nothing as a response, she snapped the pill and opened the door slightly as she tossed the capsule in the room, shortly afterwords smoke would fill up the room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Mukei watched as Zheng was suddenly promoted by a random woman, whom soon left right after. He walked over to him, letting out a whistle "Lucky you Zheng, you've already been promoted to the highest rank in your squad. Not that far off from being a captain huh? I'm jealous" He said with a chuckle, looking over at Kamons difference "Didn't know you liked to place dress up Kamon, it looks good on you" He turned back to Zheng "Now to business, I'm here for that favor?" He said with a slight grin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Phobos said
Mukei watched as Zheng was suddenly promoted by a random woman, whom soon left right after. He walked over to him, letting out a whistle "Lucky you Zheng, you've already been promoted to the highest rank in your squad. Not that far off from being a captain huh? I'm jealous" He said with a chuckle, looking over at Kamons difference "Didn't know you liked to place dress up Kamon, it looks good on you" He turned back to Zheng "Now to business, I'm here for that favor?" He said with a slight grin.

Zheng turned to see that his friend had arrived here during the chaos of the spar, or at least long enough to see that he was promoted. He chuckled and rubbed the back of his head with a wide grin. "One step at a time. It's only moving up from here on in." To become a captain he still had a very long way to go. The gap between a sixth seat and a captain was still vast and he knew that all too well. Still he couldn't let that get him down. It actually excited him that he could become so much stronger than he is already.

"Thank you Mukei. Zheng was the one who dressed me up." The Mod Soul said with little emotion. It was odd, but during the spar he felt something inside him. An intense sensation that made his heart beat like a metal drummer thrashing his drums.

Nodding, Zheng said, "I expected that. Care to lead the way?"
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