Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apollo
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

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If there are already 8 Players, excluding myself, please ask if slots are available prior to submitting a CS for approval.

Kirah is the designated Mod for this RP.

A Player named AnnaBeth introduced me to Chatzy. Click on the link to access our very own chat room. I will try to be on as much as possible, even while doing my homework and studying for my test, to answer any questions you may have.

Interest Check

Liquid Memories

In a large quiet space station, people of all types and ages awake in strange rooms with no memory of how they got there - or who they are. A strange voice, a cross between a man and a machine, addresses the lost souls aboard the station. The hallways are empty, there are rooms with nothing in them, and through the many large windows and the atrium, where one can stroll through a makeshift park, a planet that might or might not be Earth is visible. There are no ships docking or making passes. The space around them is completely devoid of life or movement other than the celestial motions of the universe. Everyone and then, bright lights come into existence on the planet, like explosions on a mass scale, only to fade away.

Survive the "games" or die, is the voice's decree. Each and everyday, the Sleepless, as the voice calls them, must participate in a different game designed by the voice. Each game is different, from political intrigue, to post-apocalyptic nightmares. Die in the game. Die in real life.

Beat the never-ending games, or find a way out before you run out of lives.


Your character's name can be found on a teddy bear in their room. The bear can be creepy or cute to incorporate horror elements.

Aprox Age Range: As you likely do not know your exact age because of lack of memories, please include an approximate age range that your character thinks they are.

Describe up to 5 items in your room and the histories that they suggest. These are vague histories, not fully fleshed out. As we learn more about ourselves we can fill out the Personal Profile. Things that happen during the story will trigger your memories, but the triggers have to make sense. For example: buttered toast might trigger a memory of your mom making you toast and a conversation you had with her at the table which will reveal more things about you. Our histories will be dynamic, and your character might assume something from a memory, only to have it corrected in a later memory that clarifies things.

Self Assessment: This are the traits that your character notices about themselves. Prone to anger? Calm and level headed?

Journal: Your character may keep a journal, which everyone can find in their respective rooms. It is up to you whether your character will update this journal with their thoughts and feelings and observations about other characters. Try to indent any journal entries if you can in order to make the entries easier to spot.

Approval: All Character Sheets must receive approval prior to posting in the IC, to be created after we have enough players.

Please do not hesitate to ask me any questions or to make suggestions as they are always welcome. Also, let me know if you would like me to post more backstory or description. I want to leave it as open as possible for you to develop your own theories for your character.

Posting Requirement: I can be very scatter brained and so ask you to please include your characters name in each of your posts to make it easy to remember who's story we are reading. It might be an odd request, but it really does help me to stay focused and know who I'm reading about.

Character Sheet:

Apox Age Range:

Room Items: (Up to 5)

Self Assessment:

Personal Profile (Under Development):



Appearance: (Photograph Strongly Preferred - No Anime)

My Character Sheet

Milo Heartworth

Apox Age Range:

Room Items: (Up to 5)

  • A photograph of Milo and another boy that looks exactly like him, both smiling at the camera.

  • A worn and bent birthday card that reads: Forgive me, Mom.

  • An acceptance letter addressed to him from a French university welcoming him as a Freshmen.

  • There is a mirror with cracked glass. There are some barely visible scars on his knuckles.

  • A pair of dark rimmed glasses. The prescription doesn't seem to work for him.

Self Assessment:
Milo feels very calm, but he can feel a hidden anger inside him. He has barely visible scars on his knuckles, suggesting that he is the one who cracked the mirror. Thus, he believes that he isn't superstitious. He feels strong, suggesting that he works out a lot, or did at least. He thinks long before acting, as evidenced by his analysis of his room before even getting out of the bed he found himself in. He also notes that he tends to get too focused on small details and it's hard to tear himself away from a thought.

Personal Profile (Under Development):
If the photograph is anything to go on, Milo strongly believes that he has a twin brother, unless the photo was manipulated in some fashion. He's not sure if he'd be happy to find that his brother is also in this place. Where is he? The cracked glass and the scars on his knuckles suggest that, while he is calm most of the time, he can have dangerous quick bursts of anger and maybe hatred. Maybe it was due to the note his mother left on his birthday card. He isn't sure, but perhaps the first day that he finds himself in this place is his birthday, but it could be an old card. He was likely going to attend a French University, farther emphasized by his ability to speak French. He isn't sure what the glasses represent, but they are not his since they don't work for him and he can see just fine without them and in fact has really good vision.

A soft blue bear with a round on its face. It is placed inside an open casket made of mahogany.

A brown leather book with a black ribbon and thick paper with no lines.


Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

Name: Tessa Green

Apox Age Range: 17-20

Room Items:
1. An ace of spades card, the design is of a raven, it has a diamond shaped hole punched into it.
2. A booklet of matchsticks, over half them are used.
3. A small zippered hard case with a needle and a mostly used bottle of clear liquid. On the outside of the bottle is a chemical structure pasted on it.

4. A bag with several different types of dice in it.
5. A picture of what appears to be a very young Tessa sitting on a woman's lap, the woman's face is burned off.

Self Assessment: Tessa is super patient, and she keeps a level head in most situations, except those involving deep water. Tessa flinches if someone looks as if they are going to hit her. Tessa feels like she was at some point in a abusive relationship. She has several scars, that there was no way she could have done to herself. Her right shoulder doesn't move quite right and if she puts it behind her back it hurts. She can barely touch the tips of her fingers together (that over one shoulder and under with the other test). Tessa acts quickly, sometimes before she thinks the process through. Even though she flinches when a punch is thrown at her, she is surprisingly capable at defending herself. She is also extremely limber.

Personal Profile (Under Development): At first Tessa thought the hard case was insulin, but she hasn't felt as if she has needed it. She assumes the picture of the blonde child is of her and likely her mother. She thinks she might have burned the top part of the picture off. Tessa hasn't gone through any withdraws, so she assumes she was not smoking. She has felt the desire to burn one of the matches, but hasn't yet feeling that she has to save them for something important. The dice do not seem weighted, and are a standard full set.

Bear: An old bear, easily older than Tessa. Upon squeezing it Tessa felt something solid in it. She opened the bear and found what looks like a small bone, possibly an infant's rib bone.

Journal: A school composition book, the black and white cover type, with the first page torn out.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Cricket Westley

Apox Age Range: She believes she looks 25, but could be off by a few years

Room Items: (Up to 5)

1. Dresser with mirror (all drawers are empty), with lipstick smeared on the mirror with the words “I refuse to give up!!!” (picture)
2. A picture of a baby boy in a frame wearing a santa hat (picture)
3. A camera without any pictures on it, or SD card (picture)
4. A postcard without any addresses on it that reads “The sunsets I’ve seen since being here can’t compare to your beauty. I miss you. Xoxo”(picture)
5. A slightly smashed tube of pink lipstick (picture)

Self Assessment: Cricket feels she has a determination inside her, as upon waking to her surroundings, she feels anger. But channeled anger into wanting to do something about what’s happening, not an uncontrolled anger to throw things and what not. She believes herself to be open minded with an innocence in order to believe in something supernatural like a God, as she feels she is religious. She finds herself to be a quick thinker, although possibly jumping to conclusions by the way she quickly left her bed when waking and began analyzing everything in the room, even looking for other people’s hairs left behind and taking out all the dresser drawers to find more. She feels a bit lethargic, as if she wasn’t used to getting such a deep sleep or being very strong, though her mind seems sharp and her body doesn’t feel weak. Perhaps mentally and emotionally run down from everyday life prior to this. She also finds herself impatient, wanting to find the next thing, the next motivation, seemingly needing stimulation every second like she’s used to keeping busy.

Personal Profile (Under Development): Judging by the bear, Cricket believes she might be religious in some fashion. When it comes to the baby in the frame, she has to assume it’s her son. Not to mention her stomach is a maze of various white and pink stretch marks and scars. The postcard suggests someone cares about her. Or at least did. Do they miss her because they are no longer together? Or because they are simply not where she is? She’s not sure. As there is no picture of a significant other in the room like the baby. She sees nothing regarding parents, which leads her to believe they aren’t a big part of her life for some reason. Estranged or dead, she assumes. The camera makes her wonder if she wasn’t an amateur photographer. The camera doesn’t look professional, but good enough. And appears to store a few pictures without needing a memory card. The lipstick suggests to her that she cares at least a little about her appearance, although the neutral hue makes her think she didn’t like to overdo it.


Says the prayer “Now I lay me down to sleep” when pressed.


Yellow tinted pages, all blank


Approx. 5’6”, 130lbs (give or take 5)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaito Kuze

Kaito Kuze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Character Sheet:
Name: Jake Colton

Apox Age Range: 11-13

Room Items:
- a music box,seems to be expensive.As you play it, a whole family will appear.It composed of a mother,father,2 sons,and 1 daughter.It plays a beautiful melody.

- a tarot card,Lovers Arcana to be specific and there are names written on the back Matt,Amy,Jake,Luke,Mary.

- a folder full of music sheets.The music sheets aren't from classics and it is unknown who composed them.

- a paper saying: "Goodbye! Jake!"

-an old grand piano.He is able to play it very well


Self Assessment:
Due to the items inside his room, He knew that he is family-oriented.Since that almost of the objects are music related, he knew that he was good at music,playing piano to be specific and observing himself.He knew that he is very timid but friendly because he is just too shy to approach people.Either way, since that he lost his memories,Jake's personality might change depending on the surroundings.

Personal Profile (Under Development):
Looking at the music box reveals that he has a mother,a father,a brother,and a sister and they are named Matt,Amy,Luke,Mary based on the tarot card symbolizing love and it might mean that their family's love will never go away.He knew he was the one who composed the musics in the folder full of music sheet so that makes him an amateur composer and musician.He knew because the handwriting on the titles are his.Looking at the message saying "Goodbye! Jake!" makes him think that he left somewhere but where?.He discovered that he is musical talented due to that he can play very well on the old grand piano on his room,he didn't know that he can play but he discovered it.



Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apollo
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

All character sheets accepted! I'll wait to see if we get anymore applicants before we start.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Theresa de Podina

Approx Age Range: 36-41

Room Items:
  • A small copper pin with the flags of Cuba and the United States crossed over each other, "XO " is crudely carved into the back.

  • A simple snow globe from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

  • A bright yellow digital watch-- probably off by several hours. It seems to have very sophisticated timer and lap functions, it is capable of storing several previous lap times, three are currently saved (0:15:12, 0:21:56, 0:23:27).

  • A white tuxedo shirt for men, it has 4 holes with edges that appear burned. A tag on the inside has the name "Ernesto" scrawled lightly and, upon closer inspection seems to have been very recently washed.

  • Self Assessment: Theresa seems more than calm-- possibly content? She doesn't find herself alarmed at the loss of her memory, or at her peculiar situation in the slightest. She seems to have an easy time adapting to new and strange situations, perhaps even joking about them. She immediately noticed that she has a hard time grasping her own emotions, internalizing events and thinking critically about them come naturally, but her own feelings are something of a mystery to her. When not devoting her energy to a single task, she seems prone to distraction, external and internal, as she has already caught herself wondering about the philosophical implications of where she is several times. Physically she seems to be in good shape, having both the body and strength of an athlete-- she has the build of a free runner. Along with this, however, are also a few cramps and gray hairs, she is either already in mid-age, or just entering and simply suffers from stress. Her body has several light scars in the torso region, and there is discoloration on her feet and ankles, she also has a slight tan. Theresa has also retained some knowledge of the Spanish language.

    Personal Profile (Under Development): Theresa's knowledge of Spanish and the Cuba/US pin confirms that she is of at least some Hispanic heritage, most likely Cuban. The "XO" on the back of the pin seem to indicate it was a gift, she can't tell whether it was given to her as a romantic or platonic gesture. The snow globe indicates some tie to Myrtle Beach, either as a resident, a tourist, or a mere recipient of a souvenir. If she was a resident, it would explain the watch, the model is one she immediately associates with beach joggers-- her own physical condition only furthers this theory. The tuxedo that belonged to "Ernesto" evokes feelings of regret, it is much larger than what Theresa could wear and the ample space the tuxedo accommodates for a beer belly may imply it belonged to a father/grandfather, this possibility increases the feeling of regret and grief. Looking at her face face in the teddy bear mirror makes her feel a tinge of resentment, even as she smiles, this suggests insecurity and self-doubt. Smelling the teddy bear makes her think of some vague idea of "home."

    Bear: A simple brown teddy bear, possibly handmade. It is about half as big as a pillow, smells of cinnamon and chocolate, and has a small circular mirror sewn into where it's face should be.

    Journal: --Barely. It's a stack of about 15 sheets of college ruled lined paper held together by a paperclip and backed by a brown schoolroom clipboard. (At least it came with a nice pen!)

    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gogojakeo


    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    Character Sheet:
    Name: Stíofán (Stephen) ó Conaill (O'Connell)

    Aprox Age Range: 18-25

    Room Items:

    1. An Irish flag, at least 4 foot wide and 2 foot from top to bottom. It has many signatures on it, and goodbye messages, all written in Irish, they are unreadable, as his vision is too blurry.

    2. A framed picture of Stíofán with a man who also has pale skin and ginger hair, but stands a couple of feet taller. It has the man's autograph in it, but he cannot see, as his vision is too blurry. The man is holding a large belt, akin to the one a professional wrestler would win.

    3. An award for a wrestling competition. It has a picture of Stíofán with a gold medal in his hand.

    4. A black pocket watch. On the inside, there is a picture of two boys, however, due to his blurry vision, Stíofán can not work out who they are, but he has a feeling that the taller of the two is himself.

    5. A book, entitled "Freak The Mighty", by Rodman Philbrick. Stíofán has to look at it from afar to be able to read the words, and therefore cannot read the blurb. The book is in English.

    Self Assessment: From what he can see in the pictures, and form looking at himself, Stíofán works out that he has pale skin, and ginger hair. He also seems quite tall, with everything in the room being slightly lower down than one would expect. He is angry about not knowing what has happened. The wrestling also suggests to him that he partakes in wrestling to vent his anger. Seeing the wrestling award makes Stíofán smile. The man in the picture on the table with him looks like he has the build of a wrestler. He examines his body, and sees that he has quite a bit of muscle, for someone of his age. This confirms the wrestling, and that he may work out. He seems to be able to understand both the Irish texts and the English, however only to a certain extent due to not having his glasses, although he think that they may be somewhere he has not looked.

    Personal Profile (Under Development): The Irish flag, his name, his skin tone, and hair colour suggest that Stíofán is from Ireland. This would also explain his knowledge of the Irish language. His muscle growth, leather on the journal, and pocket watch may suggest that he worked on a farm, perhaps his own family's. The messages, and picture on the inside of the pocket watch also suggest that he left his home to go somewhere else. This would explain his knowledge of a second language, perhaps he learnt English because his family moved to an English speaking country. The wrestling could perhaps be a way to vent his anger, and the picture of him with he man who appears to be a professional wrestler suggests that he is an avid fan of wrestling. He is angry about the current situation, not knowing who he is, not knowing why he doesn't know anything.


    There is a medium sized, leather bound journal, with a pen next to it.

    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apollo
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    Member Seen 4 yrs ago

    Accepted :) I'll write up an IC post to start is off today, hopefully. I'm working on homework and studying for three exams so I'll do it on one of my breaks.

    I'm excited to start!
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gogojakeo


    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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    Kirah Dragonbunny

    Member Seen 1 day ago

    Because of the site crash things are taking a bit longer to get started.
    We are sorry for the delay.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gogojakeo


    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    Oh, don't worry! I just wanted to confirm this is still happening!
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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    Kirah Dragonbunny

    Member Seen 1 day ago

    Yes it is. I'll be putting up the first IC post

    As a reminder when everyone posts please put your character's name at the top of the post for ease of reading. If you want to have fun with design feel free, I am lazy and just put it in bold. Thank you! :)
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apollo
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    Member Seen 4 yrs ago

    The IC post is up! So sorry for the delay guys! As Kirah mentioned, there were site issues. That, combined with my hectic school schedule and exam week, posting seemed to be an impossibility. Luckily, the amazing Kirah was available to start us off as I wasn't going to be able to write a post. I luckily found time somehow! Mostly by not doing what I supposed to be doing like homework, but no one needs to know haha :)

    I hope you guys like the post. I haven't the time to edit it, so I hope it is legible. I am looking forward to reading your posts! Please allow for two others to post before you post again as a general rule. If it is imperative that you post sooner to respond to something, then go right ahead as I will trust your judgment.

    Can you guys give me an idea of what types of scenarios you would be interested? Zombies? World War? Political Assassination? That way I have a better feel for the kinds of things we should do in the story.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gogojakeo


    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    I've posted my first post in the Ic. I'm sorry if there are are grammatical or spelling errors, i'm currently on my phone, and don't have much time to do it. I'll chwck in the morning, and update if necessary.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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    Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    Apollo said
    Can you guys give me an idea of what types of scenarios you would be interested? Zombies? World War? Political Assassination? That way I have a better feel for the kinds of things we should do in the story.

    Something post apocalyptic feeling for sure I think.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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    Kirah Dragonbunny

    Member Seen 1 day ago

    I like post apocalyptic.
    I also think something urban.
    Or maybe a "crime drama" of sorts.

    Honestly this set up could work really well with just about anything. Makes me think of the episode of Supernatural where Gabriel puts Sam and Dean in a bunch of tv shows.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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    Darcs Madama Witch

    Member Seen 2 mos ago

    Halloween party came out of nowhere!-- Will post later tonight.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gogojakeo


    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    I agree with the crime drama idea, personally, I think that it would be good if it was kind of like 'Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva'. Look it up if you don;t know about it. I mainly mean about the things on the ship, not about on the beach and in the castle, but possibly stuff like that too.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
    Avatar of Whirlwind

    Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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    Kirah Dragonbunny

    Member Seen 1 day ago

    I haven't spoken to Apollo I don't know what is going on yet. Two people haven't made their original post.
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