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mmidnight Mhm.

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In no time at all, the restaurant was behind them, and Charlotte didn't feel the slightest bit guilty to leave her friends behind with an excuse. She reasoned that she would see them some other time, and it wasn't every day that she met someone like Noah. Had she walked away and simply gone to brunch, she would have wondered about what could have happened, and the fun she could have had with someone new and so very interesting. This was for her own good, a choice Charlotte had made to benefit herself and no one else. It felt good. Even if she and Noah never talked again after that afternoon, her decision still would have been worth it.

“You caught me,” laughed Charlotte, pushing her long hair away from her face as the breeze blew in from the ocean. “I'm only using you for smoothies and pancakes.” The dark-haired girl was flattered though, and practically giddy to hear that Noah thought she was pretty. Charlotte didn't consider herself a vapid girl, but something about Noah made her that much more susceptible to compliments. She couldn't deny that the attraction was mutual, and those tattoos that she had originally thought to be a bit garish were growing on her.

The way he stumbled over his words was charming, and Charlotte couldn't hold her smile back. “I'm from Beverly,” she explained, “it's a half hour from here; suburban.” Something told her that Noah had never been there, and she couldn't really say that he was missing much. Beverly was quaint, homey, a regular small town with decent enough food, a few places to hang out and nice people. At best, it was an ideal place to grow up, and at worse, it was plain boring. Knowing that, Boston should have excited her a little more.
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"I've been used for worse, I s'pose." A mischievous grin tugged at his lips, wiggling his brows playfully. He wouldn't have thought in a million years that his morning would end up this way, and that he would be so willing to go along with all of it. But Noah had never been one to turn down an 'adventure', and this was turning into quite the journey, simply because of who he was sharing his time with.

As Charlotte admitted where she was from, he nodded a bit. "Yeah, I've heard of it. Can't say I've ever been there." There were plenty of suburbs outside the city - Beverly was one of them, and it had always sounded like a carbon copy of all the other little perfect communities that lined Boston. It had it's stereotypes, but so did the inner city, so Noah knew he couldn't be so quick to judge. After all, Charlotte was taking a chance on him...she deserved the same courtesy from him.

It didn't take long to get to the restaurant; it definitely had a different feel than the brunch spot she was supposed to be meeting her friends at, but it was a relaxed vibe, and that was what Noah was used to. As he opened the door for her, his brows raised. "Now...before we go in, you gotta know I'm paying for you, no arguments." Maybe it was a pride thing, maybe it was an old fashioned thing. Any fool could tell that Charlotte had more money than he did, but Noah wasn't about to let that be a factor in any friendship they might have...or whatever this was.
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mmidnight Mhm.

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It came as no surprise to Charlotte to find out that Noah was unfamiliar with her hometown of Beverly. He didn't seem like the type who frequented any place that could be described as suburban. In fact, he was the opposite of that in every way from the way he styled his hair, to his tattoos and even the way he dressed. Everything about him was new and exciting, and Charlotte couldn't help but be drawn to him, having grown tired of her boring and predictable life outside of the city. This was shaping to be the best mistake Charlotte had ever made, and with brunch completely out of her mind, there would be no turning back.

“You're not missing anything,” she assured him modestly. “It's all boat clubs and backyard parties.” Beverly was only moderately fun in the summer, made much more exciting by the beaches opening. Although, Charlotte had grown up there and at at the age of twenty-three, even the most magical night on the beach with the best of friends could grow a little dull.

When they arrived at the restaurant, Charlotte expected to go right in and find a table, but Noah had stopped her. She listened as he laid down the rules, wanting to pay for her yet again. Perhaps it was the way he had been raised, but the dark-haired girl didn't think it made much sense for him to keep spending his money on her when she was more well off. However, she knew better than to say something like that, and though her intentions were far from rude, she would let Noah do what he pleased. “Fine,” she agreed with a nod, “you can pay if you let me tip.” Placing her hand on the door, she grinned at him, “do we have a deal?”
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"Eh, some people are into that, I hear." Noah shrugged as Charlotte assured him he wasn't missing anything in the suburbs. He could have already told her that, and the few times he'd been out there for various reasons, it had never exactly been an enjoyable experience. Rich men and women with so much money they didn't even know what to do with it. There had been a few times where he'd had to drive out there to pick up a car to take back to the shop, and it was almost like a completely different world, even though it was technically all part of the same city.

When Charlotte argued with him about the tip, Noah finally gave a defeated nod, a slight grin on his lips. "Alright, alright. You get the tip. No more than 20%." That grin widened a bit as he followed her inside. The place was fairly busy with a late breakfast crowd. It was typically a place for an unbeatable hangover meal, and Noah had frequented it more than once for that reason. But when a place had good pancakes, it was a win any time, and it didn't take long for him to find a table with her.

After a waitress had stopped by the table to get their drink orders, Noah let Charlotte get what she wanted, ordering a coffee and orange juice for himself. He glanced over the menu for a moment, though it was all pretty typical breakfast fare, and he was much more interested in the pretty young thing sitting across from him rather than bacon...and that was saying something, for him. "So..Charlotte from Beverly." He leaned in a bit across the table - Noah had never been all that great with personal boundaries, and it was something he'd been 'working on' for years. "What's your story? Daily brunches? Not worried your friends are gonna be pissed you ditched them? Going into marketing? Lay it all on me..."
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mmidnight Mhm.

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“I'll tip what I want,” Charlotte vowed with a grin. Tipping well was something that she got from her father, and whenever she went out, whether it be with her friends, family, or by herself, she always made a point to tip generously. She knew that she could never be a waitress herself, it was too demanding of a job and, so thankless too. Although the brunette had done her fair share of work throughout high school, the marina hadn't actually been all that demanding and there were many perks to working there as well. Often, there were parties after hours, and connections made for the future with some of the more prominent members. Suddenly, Boston was seeming more and more like a foreign country.

The restaurant was busy, but the atmosphere was casual and Charlotte was happy to be there with Noah. After the two of them had found their seats, a waitress came by to get their drink orders. Considering the smoothie that she had already drank, Charlotte opted for a water and then picked up the laminated menu in front of her. She bypassed the lunch and dinner options and looked straight to breakfast, which was a selection of classic items and delicious combinations. Her heart was already set on pancakes, though, and she quickly closed the menu and put it to the side.

As Noah leaned across the table, Charlotte leaned in as well as she fidgeted with her still-wrapped silverware. “No daily brunches,” she corrected, “bi-weekly, is more like it. I don't have much of a story, though. I'm trying to finish my degree and then start looking for a job.” Really, what Noah already knew about her was the majority of her life. Charlotte wished that it wasn't, that she could tell him something exciting about adventures, or some kind of extreme sport, but that wasn't the case. “What about you? You're vastly more interesting than I am, I'm sure,” she smiled, giving his shoulder a poke. “Spill it.”
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Noah found himself enjoying Charlotte's company more and more. He could be forward with her, and she didn't seem to shy away from that. Sure, maybe she didn't get into the gritty details of her life in response to his question, but he should have expected it. First of all, maybe there simply weren't any gritty details. And, he had to keep reminding himself that they had just met. He couldn't expect her to dive right into every detail of her life. Maybe she would be okay with it, when the time came, though he had a feeling if he had to do the same, she wouldn't be as interested.

He'd never been embarrassed of his lifestyle, he simply wasn't that kind of guy. But he did want more for himself, which made him the 'black sheep' of his family and friends. They were all beyond content to stay in the confines of the city, working public jobs, odd jobs, restaurant jobs. There was nothing wrong with it, and they were all hard-working and tough individuals. When Noah did ever express his desires to go farther in life, he was criticized for being 'too good' for everyone, so his intentions were typically quickly dismissed, and he was 'safe' at the body shop.

Blueberry pancakes were always the favorite choice - with an extra side of bacon. After Charlotte had placed her order, his brows raised in piqued interest. It was just another falsity in how he, and probably anyone he knew, would label her. He had assumed from the start that she was 'one of those girls' who hardly ate anything beside a lettuce leaf and worked out for four hours a day to keep her figure. So to see her place an order for pancakes was definitely refreshing. "So the girl eats.." He commented as the waitress walked away, a grin on his lips before shaking his head a bit.

"I don't know about vastly more interesting, doll." He brought a hand up to rub his chin absent mindedly, trying to think of how to answer. "I grew up here, lived here my whole life. My old man opened up the auto shop right when I was born and I was always expected to work there. I don't have any brothers or sisters or anything, so my friends have always been my family. I uh...I don't get enough sleep, I don't get to the gym as much as I should, I drink too much sometimes. But other than that I think I'm an alright guy."
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mmidnight Mhm.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Charlotte quirked an eyebrow in return, “the girl likes blueberry pancakes.” She knew what Noah must have thought of her, and she definitely did look like one of those women who only ate salads when they went out, and then spent the entire next day at the gym to work off the calories. In truth, she wasn't that obsessed with herself, but she did exercise. Every morning, just before the sun came up, and through every season, Charlotte went jogging. It was about calming down for her, quieting her mind and sorting through her issues, a way to organize herself before the day began. The health benefits were an added bonus, but she wasn't picky enough to think that pancakes were going to throw her entire body off.

She continued to fiddle with her silverware as Noah spoke, listening and keeping her hands busy at the same time. It was a habit that she had had for ages, something that was picked up when she was young, and anxious about speaking to people. At first, it was her hair she would fool with, then whatever was near by. As an adult, she was doing her best to break it, but being around Noah brought out that old anxiousness in the best way, and Charlotte couldn't deny that she wanted to keep pushing this with him. It was going to be fun if he was thinking the same thing.

“You don't seem too bad,” Charlotte teased with a smile. Noah sounded like any other guy, he just looked different on the outside and lived in a town that had more to do in it than Beverly. These were simple observations, but the dark-haired young woman often waxed romantic, and anything could be viewed with rose-colored glasses. “That's what you do with your free time then?” she asked, “skip the gym and party?”
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"Skip the gym? Sometimes. Party? Eh, not so much anymore." It was a fair assumption, and one he got more often than not. It was a stereotype of his appearance, the way he spoke, the job he had. And he was a perfect example of how to fit that stereotype not so long ago, until he'd had enough of it, and wanted something more...something bigger. "I go out with my buddies maybe once a week for a beer. Maybe more during baseball season. Most of the time, though, I'm out exploring in the city...I like to find a good spot and sketch some of the buildings, or make up my own designs." He offered with a shrug.

"If I'm not doin' that, I'm usually workin'...my dad owns the shop, so...you'd think it'd be easy." He smirked, taking a sip of the coffee the waitress had brought over. "I'm actually in a little hot water with him right now. I got busted the other night for trespassing. Like I said, I like to 'explore'. A two hundred dollar fine later, and I get the 'This is where your paycheck is going?!' lecture."

After a moment, Noah furrowed his brows, shaking his head a bit. "Sorry, I don't usually talk a lot like this. My family and friends aren't really into hearing about it. And I like talkin' about baseball and booze as much as the next guy, but...anyway. Boat clubs and backyard parties for you, you said? See, that's what people around here all make fun of but secretly they all wish they had the dough to do it. I've delivered a few cars out to your neck of the woods before, it's very...clean." He commented simply, that nearly smug grin taking hold of his expression again. "What else do you do for fun?"
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mmidnight Mhm.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The more he talked, the more normal Noah seemed. Perhaps she romanticized him a bit to begin with, taking his different appearance to mean that he lead some type of exciting life, but from the way he described things—skipping the gym, going to party, getting a lecture from his parents—Charlotte found that they were more similar than she thought. Knowing that didn't mean that the dark-haired young woman was no longer interested in Noah, he still lived in the city and his definition of a party was probably a little more risky than hers, but above all else, he was easy to talk to. Charlotte herself was a people person, but it was rare that she clicked with someone so instantaneously.

“You can tell me whatever you want,” Charlotte shook her head, hoping he wouldn't be discouraged. She would rather hear about his life than how much beer he could drink, or how he thought the Sox were going to do that year. In all honesty, she got enough of that from her other male friends, and there was only so much of Fenway's big green monster and home runs that she could take. Instead, she wanted to hear about his drawings, and whatever other off the wall details he could think up.

Laughing, Charlotte grinned, “clean. Accurate yet unexpected. I think most people would call it snobby.” Boat clubs and backyard parties quickly became boring and Charlotte would have been happy to let anyone from Boston take her place at such functions most days. “Where exactly were you trespassing?” she asked, her tone more curious than judgmental.

She sat back as their food was delivered to the table, and Charlotte laid her napkin across her lap after thanking the server. She poured a generous amount of syrup over the hot, blueberry pancakes on the plate before digging in and taking a bite.
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"Snobby. Yeah...that's a nice way to put it. I won't tell ya what the not so nice things are...I'm not that much of a dick." He almost winced a bit as he spoke the words, though - he wasn't exactly used to biting his tongue, but somehow he felt as though he should be...better, around Charlotte. Maybe that was a foolish thing to think, she hadn't once tried to prove herself any better than he was, even though on paper it was probably no contest. Still, he could only imagine she was used to going out with a very specific type of guy, and Noah didn't exactly fit the bill, even if this wasn't exactly a 'date'. Was it?

The grin returned to Noah's expression, and he didn't hesitate to dig into his own breakfast once the waitress had come by to drop everything off. He sat for a moment, brows raised, watching Charlotte douse her pancakes in syrup and not think twice about starting in on it. He had mentioned it already, but there was a part of him that was surprised she ate that way. It was a stupid stereotype, though, and he quickly shook it from his head.

"Where?" He pushed a piece of bacon around on his plate with his fork, not thinking she'd have much interest in his trespassing whereabouts. "I was uh..down at the old Trinity Church. It's one of my favorite spots in town...but it's such a tourist trap during the day, you can't really stand around and appreciate it the way you're supposed to with a million people walking in and out of it. So, the genius you're having breakfast with decided it'd be no problem to go in the middle of the night. It's a church, right? What are they gonna do? Well...threaten to arrest you and let you off with a fine, apparently." He laughed a bit, shaking his head before taking another sip of coffee. "It's a great place, though. You ever been there? There are a ton of great buildings around here. And...now you know what a big nerd I am with a tough guy exterior, so, cheers." He held his cup toward her a bit, before taking another drink.
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mmidnight Mhm.

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Charlotte shook her head, chewing as she thought of the right words. Whatever Noah had to say couldn't have been anything she hadn't heard before, and admittedly, Beverly was an oddly uppity place. Sure, it was a nice enough town to live in, but it wasn't anything like Marblehead, where the real money was. The fact that many residents of Beverly looked down on those who lived in north or south Boston was laughable at best. “I don't mind,” she finally decided with a soft smirk. One elbow on the table, Charlotte picked up her water glass and took a drink through the straw, waiting for Noah to continue on. He was definitely good conversation, more than a cute guy with a nice beard.

In her own experiences, Charlotte had done her fair share of rule breaking, but she had never done anything that she could have been arrested for. There was the occasional late night at the boat house, or charging something to her credit card when she knew that she didn't have the money to back it up, and the time she had borrowed the family car without permission that one time in high school—maybe that was something that would have warranted reprimand by the police, but for the most part, she was squeaky clean. It was boring, and again, Noah was proving to be the exciting one between the two of them, which made Charlotte more inclined to stick around after breakfast.

“I've heard of it, but I've never been there,” she said. There were a lot of places in Boston that she had never been to, and she lived up to the notion of being a tourist in her own city. The architecture around Boston was beautiful, though, and Charlotte didn't blame Noah for wanting a closer, more intimate look. Picking up her glass, she clinked it against his with a grin. “We should go after we're done here,” she suggested, “even though it's full of tourists.”
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"You've never been there?" Noah's brows raised, though maybe it shouldn't have surprised him. She didn't exactly seem like an experienced Bostonian, and she hadn't tried to hide that. There was no shame in it, really. The city itself wasn't a necessity for those who lived in the suburbs and surrounding areas, more like a place you came to showcase local tourist attractions to out-of-town friends, or to try the trendy new restaurant of the week. The heart and soul of the city itself, though? Well, it was made for people who lived there, and understood the ins and outs of it.

It was her suggestion to go with him that day, though, that threw him off guard a bit. Noah was never one to turn down any kind of adventure, no matter how big or small, especially when it included one of his favorite places in the city. And this girl...well, she was proving to be more intriguing by the minute. He was beginning to think that spending the day with her sounded much better than dirtying his hands on carburetors. It wouldn't go over well with his father, he knew that much, but...

"Yeah, definitely, that'd be fun. And hell, if you think it's boring we can always people watch and make fun of the tourists." He managed a smirk, digging back in on his breakfast. This was the last thing he'd expected to happen today, but it was the most pleasant turn a morning could have taken. On paper, Charlotte was nothing like him. And while they hadn't exactly dove into deeply rooted personality traits, they seemed to be getting along just fine, trying to understand each other, trying to take regard into what made the other person tick. If nothing else, their curiosity for each other seemed to allow conversation to flow freely.

"You're gonna get me into trouble with the old man, you know that?" He smirked, playfully, his joking nature obviously with no intentions to make her feel guilty. "He'll live. How are the pancakes?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mmidnight
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mmidnight Mhm.

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There were quite a few places around Boston that Charlotte had never been. If it wasn't trendy restaurant or a club, she didn't pay much attention to it. In retrospect, that was more than likely a mistake and she was sure that many people would have thought she was crazy to not take advantage of the beautiful, historic city that was her own backyard. Charlotte couldn't bring herself to dwell on it, though and if she was going to finally explore Boston, at least it was with someone interesting and fun. She wanted to see the church with Noah and find out what he found so special about it aside from the architecture that was surely beautiful.

“I'm kind of a tourist,” she pointed out with a soft laugh, “are you going to make fun of me?” She raised her eyebrow at him, but it was plain to see that she was only teasing. Noah was incredibly easy-going and she liked that she could loosen up around him. Her other friends were somewhat uptight and that attitude easily rubbed off on her when she was around them. Charlotte liked being able to relax, and be a little bit more of herself. It didn't matter that Noah was mostly a stranger, he was good company.

Finishing off her water, Charlotte considered Noah's words. She didn't want him to be in trouble with his father, but at the same time, he didn't seem to mind the impending consequences. “I'll make it up to you,” she decided lightly. She didn't know exactly how, but she would.

It wasn't long before the waitress came back with the check and the deal stood that Noah would pay as long as Charlotte could tip. She left the woman something generous, a little more than what was standard before leaving and making her way over to the church with Noah. It wasn't terribly far away, definitely within a comfortable walking distance. The weather was still warm, but Charlotte could hardly say that she minded. Soon, the church came into view, but Charlotte could already see that it was crawling with people. “I see why you had to sneak in,” she chuckled, standing on her toes try and catch a glimpse of the front of the line.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mechanicalman


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Noah was actually pretty excited that Charlotte seemed eager to see the church. It was really just one of the many places in the city he liked to frequent. On paper, it probably looked like he did nothing but go to the bar every night, and maybe that was the case not so long ago, but...everyone had to grow up a little sometime. He wasn't sure he was totally there yet, but the older he got, the more he seemed to appreciate the simple things just as much sober as he ever did when he was under the influence of something.

Getting to the church, though, it looked as though it always did. A line leading out the door, almost instantly letting them know there would be a wait to get inside, and even then, it would be a snails pace getting around. Worse than that, you were limited to certain spaces of the church. On your own, you had the ability to see whatever you wanted, go wherever you wanted.

"Yeah...I mean, there are a lot of cool places in the city, they're just mostly busy during the day. Like I said, tourists." He gave her a playful smirk, nudging her lightly based on her admission earlier that she herself was a tourist. Pretty much anywhere he went, Noah took the opportunity to people-watch, but he found himself very interested in the girl next to him who'd taken a chance on trusting him that day after literally running into each other. Something had to be said for that, especially when he looked like he did, and she looked like she did.

"Would you want to come back here sometime? I mean, at night? You might risk a two hundred dollar fine, but...I have a feeling they'd let you off the hook." He grinned with a slight shrug. "Or we could go anywhere around here. Grab some dinner or a drink or somethin'." His brows raised at his own stupidity, and he shook his head a bit. "I guess I'm asking ya if you want to go out sometime."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mmidnight
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mmidnight Mhm.

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Spending the day with Noah, discovering all of the parts of Boston that she had once overlooked, seemed like a much better option than getting tipsy at brunch with her friends. On any other day, she would have been content to sit with them, talk about upcoming vacations and whatever else, but Noah was much more exciting. Besides, Charlotte was a believer in fate, and there had to be reason that they had run into each other that morning and hit it off so well. This definitely wasn't something that she was used to doing, or had ever done before. She wasn't sure if the same could be said of Noah, but she didn't think this was his normal routine for picking up girls.

“Ouch,” Charlotte chuckled, nudging him back. Noah was a nice distraction from the length of the line, and if she had to be stuck waiting, she was glad it was with him. “This isn't a very good tour so far, I don't think I'll be leaving a good review online.”

All teasing aside, and for being out in the sun standing in line, Charlotte was actually having a good time. When they had first met earlier in the day, Charlotte had judged Noah prematurely, thinking he was some sort of classless, intimidating thug who was going to yell at her for spilling his coffee. Sometimes, it was nice to be wrong about people, and when Noah went on to ask her on an actual date, Charlotte hesitated slightly. If her friends saw her, or if her parents found out that she was hanging around someone like them, their opinions would be loud and frequent. It would be a lot to handle, but... it was only dinner and a drink, maybe some church.

He looked sweet when he asked, something that Charlotte couldn't have turned down even if she wanted to. “I'd love to,” she nodded. “When are you free?” As for herself, she had the whole summer to plan a date and the thought of coming back to Boston wasn't as daunting when she knew that she would get to hang out with Noah again.
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Noah wouldn't consider himself a timid or shy guy by any means. He went on his fair share of dates, and had never had a problem asking a girl to spend time with him before. Then again, he had never dreamed of asking a girl like Charlotte on a date. He wouldn't admit that out loud, of course, because he understood how easy it would be for her to take it the wrong way. In reality, he was intrigued by her, and though he may not have known much about her as of yet, she had surprised him more than once already in a short period of time, and he knew he couldn't judge her. After all, she wasn't judging him.

"Yeah?" His brows raised when she agreed to go out with him, and he couldn't help but smile a little. Somehow, simply standing next to Charlotte made him feel as though he was standing taller. He felt like maybe passers by were looking at him as more than some common, stupid thug, just because he was with her, and she practically exuded class. He wasn't using her by any means, but...he found himself proud just to be there with her. He loved his friends, and family to death - but they were all pure Bostonians through and through, and while Noah would never show anything but pride for the way he grew up, there were times where he wanted something more than the cards he'd been dealt in life. Somehow, even being with Charlotte made him feel like he was a part of something different for a moment.

Noah's life was actually fairly simple, and straight-forward. He worked, spent time with friends, or spent time alone. Maybe that was everyone's agenda in one way or another, but it wasn't hard for him to make himself available at any given time. "How 'bout tomorrow night?" He suggested with a casual shrug. "I can even drive out to pick you up, if ya want. Getting lost in the city is one thing during the day. It's...pretty different for a pretty girl at night."

As the line moved slowly a few paces, he shook his head. "This is bullshit." He managed a slight laugh, just noticing how many people were there, simply not getting anywhere. "I promise it's not this boring."
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mmidnight Mhm.

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In spite of how she liked to portray herself, Charlotte cared a great deal about what other people thought of her. Back home, she knew that she was constantly being judged by her friends, family and even strangers on the street. Her family was somewhat prominent in the area, and the dark-haired girl had always done her best to make her parents look good, and act like she had been raised right—and being raised right meant dating nice boys and acting like a lady. With the exception of her friends who were across town somewhere, probably tipsy and gossiping, there was no one in the city from Beverly who knew her, and Charlotte wasn't worried about what anyone would think of her.

Although she was conscious of social standings, Charlotte didn't think of herself as shallow. If she was, she wouldn't have agreed to see Noah again, or wanted to hang out with him that afternoon. He was fun, different from what she was used to but she had to wonder what he wanted with her when his life in the city was clearly so much more exciting than hers. Even though Noah said otherwise, the tattoos on his arm and his interest in the architecture around Boston said otherwise. He was an interesting guy, and Charlotte went to brunch. It was an unlikely match to say the least.

“You'd come all the way out to Beverly?” she asked, surprised. That was quite the gesture for a first date. “Remind me to give you my address.” Boston was daunting during the day, but Charlotte really didn't want to get lost in the city at night. It would be best to go with Noah. She was already excited to see him again, even though they were already hanging out for the afternoon.

The line into the church was moving slowly, but Charlotte didn't mind as much as Noah. She laughed softly as he complained, and shook her head. “I'm not bored,” she assured him as she stood on her toes once more to see how close they were to the door. “Do you want to leave?” she questioned, shuffling forward as more people entered the church. Soon enough, they were only ten people away from the entrance and Charlotte could just about see inside. She could already tell that it was gorgeous, but she didn't blame Noah for sneaking in when it was less crowded.

“Tell me about the church,” she said, smiling, “since I'm annoying tourist, I need a tour guide.”
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Noah raised his brows at Charlotte's seemingly shocked state that he would travel to pick her up. In his mind, there wasn't much of another option - he may not have been the classiest guy in the world, but the last thing he wanted was for her to take her chances in a city she wasn't familiar with at night. Boston had a lot of stereotypes attached to it, from it's crowds, buildings, nightlife...all the way down to it's people. And most of those reputations, unfortunately, could be a bit rough. As much as he wanted to deny a lot of them, too...sometimes reputations were in place for a reason.

"Yeah, of course. It's no big deal." He offered with a shrug, knowing that he didn't belong in that town for a second. But, it wasn't like they would be staying there. A first date...or, technically a second, wasn't exactly conducive to 'meeting the family', and even thinking about that made Noah realize he was getting ahead of himself. If he was going to go out with Charlotte again, on a more 'traditional' style date, he needed to take things one step at a time. Maybe he was intrigued by her, but the differences between them on the surface would be obvious to anyone.

Still, she seemed to have more patience than he did, and she actually managed to get him to just...breathe. For as laid back as his personality was, Noah hardly ever found contentment in sitting still. He had a job where he was able to work with his hands, he walked most places in the city, and he would have rather been doing something creative than lounging on the couch playing a video game. But, patience was a virtue, and Charlotte seemed to hold it in a way he never really had. "No...I don't." He managed a grin, trying to take a bit of that quality from her.

As the line moved forward, Noah began to ease into it a bit more. They would be in soon enough, and even though he preferred less people and less organized tours of the church, part of him was actually very excited to show her a part of the city, a building - as simple as some may have thought it was. It was something he didn't share with many people. "The church? Well..it was a struggle for it to even get built. The funding, the plans for it...no one thought it would ever come to be. But it finally was finished in 1874...the paintings inside were done in 1877, I think. It's called a 'Gothic Revival' church. Richard Upjohn was the architect, and that was really his style. Only problem was, he was a Brit, not an American." He smirked, jokingly, and as the line shifted forward again, Noah instinctively placed a hand at her lower back, guiding her gently forward with him.

"Alright, you gotta tell me something else about you before I make myself seem any more lame..." He chuckled a bit, shaking his head. "Any nerdy qualities that'll make me feel better about myself?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mmidnight
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mmidnight Mhm.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Charlotte listened closely to what Noah was saying, finding it to be fascinating. She had never been one for the history in her own back yard, and was always drawn to the technical aspects of time periods, rather than what building was erected on what day and by who. There was something about the way Noah spoke, though, so sure and even a little passionate that made Charlotte truly interested. Noah seemed to be a very genuine person, and again, Charlotte had to wonder why he wanted to hang around her. Most people looked at her and assumed she was a stuck up girl from suburbs, a tease with little substance, but Noah already wanted to see her again. She really hoped that she didn't screw this up somehow.

Smiling as she felt his hand on her back, Charlotte continued to move forward toward the church. “You're not lame,” she assured with a soft laugh, naturally gravitating closer to his side. Charlotte didn't think she had any nerdy qualities, aside from maybe wanting to go into the marketing field, oh, and there was, “math. I really like math. I had a statistics class last semester that I absolutely loved.” Again, she more than likely didn't look like someone who could spend hours working out equations and drawing out charts, but it really was something she enjoyed, and even considered fun.

“Math is way more lame than knowing things about church,” she laughed again and finally entered the church with Noah. It was warm inside due to the amount of people passing through the doors, and the day in general, but Charlotte didn't mind much. She fanned herself with her hand before reaching into her purse for an elastic to tie her hair back. Once the long tresses were off her neck, the humid air was much more bearable.

Craning her neck, Charlotte looked around, taking in the high ceilings, and the beautiful paintings—the church really was gorgeous. “We should take pictures,” Charlotte suggested. “I can't be an annoying tourist if I don't leave here with a few memories.” She dug around in her purse once more and took out her cell phone. Being careful not to cut herself on the broken screen, Charlotte unlocked the phone and saw she had a few texts from her friends. They sounded disappointed that she couldn't make it, and she frowned to herself for a moment, feeling guilty. Charlotte quickly pushed the thoughts from her mind and turned back to Noah, the camera app already open.
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