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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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"Greetings, I'm Trafalgar Hurris" he responded back to the half-orc and extended his hand for a handshake. "So what brings an orc to a town like Estermere?" was what Trafalgar planned to ask the man before another orc came introducing himself, Shork..."oh so you are the famous Shork huh? Corinne said some good things about you" he said and directed his attention to the other orc. "I'm Trafalgar, I arrived to this village yesterday, seeking the Astronomer's Guild and I met Corinne who acquainted me with some of the townsfolk but I didn't expect a gnoll attacking the inn I was going to spent the night at...tough luck huh?" he said jokingly.

"Well yes, It is indeed not that common for half-breeds to live in big towns like Estermere. I can tell from experience and presume you two as well, that most of us generally don't like socializing much. It's become pretty hard to find fellow kinfolk." Trafalgar said and sighed.

On the mentioning of scholars by Shork, Trafalgar turned his head towards Rovtar; "You're a scholar? That means you are with the Astronomer's Guild right?" you could clearly see that Trafalgar was genuinely intrigued by what he had just heard. "So that means those papers are research materials right? Hey say, do you know of any scholars specializing in the arcane arts? I heard that the Guild houses magic classes for those gifted with the aptitude" Trafalgar eyes were now locked at Rovtar, waiting, hoping the rumors were true.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Feigling


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The man's loud voice brought Liesel back down to earth. She had just summoned a ghost in the middle of the street, causing general panic and fear. She could see it all now - being dragged into church once again, getting another slap on the wrist by the gravekeepers, probably having to 'avoid' Harkness Street for a while. Heck, maybe they'll bring the mayor in again.
Calmly as she could, Liesel turned to face the yelling lumberjack. She had seen his face before, but she didn't know his name. She had a feeling, however, that they were about to become very well aquainted.
"What beast am I?" the Kasai began, sounding more irritated than angry or upset "What beast are you, spitting on a girl's dress? Or yelling at her for standing up for herself?"
"What beasts stand back and let a lone girl get bullied by people three years older?" she was no longer just addressing Jeoffry, but the crowd in general. She didn't raise her voice, but somehow sounded more authorative and mature. "You all saw her. You all heard the things she said. And not one of you tried to help or call her out."
To Liesel, the townspeople's inaction just served to prove their selfish, tribal attitude. If one of their own does something cruel and mean, they'll just ignore it, as long as it's someone else who's getting the abuse. But the second the poor sod stands her ground, then she's sub-human, or evil. What Liesel didn't understand was this big fear of necromancy most towns seemed to nurture. It had always been natural for her, even as a child. The less people knew, the stronger their opinions.
Turning back to the lumberjack, Liesel continued "You've ruined my dress. Ruined it!" Well, it was already dirty, torn and ill-fitting, but that was beside the point. "I'm going to need another one."
She took a few steps towards Jeoffry, then stopped. For the first time, she noticed his axe.
"Are you planning to chop me up or something?" She sighed, shaking her head like a teacher to a child who asked her if two add two was five. This town was hopeless.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BingTheWing
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BingTheWing
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BingTheWing menace to society

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(Goddamn double posssst D:)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shisa
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Anya waved goodbye to Remington as he left, and continued playing until he got back. She ended up spilling what she was certain was some very rotten juice from a cabinet with a lot of bottles, and thought maybe mister Elric was sick because he drank some.

"Mister Elric's Friend," Anya called out as Remington returned, "I found some rotten juice! Maybe that's why mister Elric is sick. Nothing like the milk I spilled earlier and had to use another book to clean up."

Anya looked around the study, marveling at the mess, "Is what you need to do help me clean up? Because you were playing in here too, and I could really use the help. Or do you need to get medicine? Or a present? Is it more fingerpaints? Mister Elric's Friend? Can I help?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

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If that book had Surgical Method #198... Remington thought to himself. "Yes, yes you can help me dear. Now then, exactly what book did you use for cleaning up the mess." He inquired.
And so as they headed over towards the smithy, they received a few friendly greetings and a couple of waves. They didn't encounter much else on the way. At the smithy, underneath a building which had no door, and the barest of roofing, which people knew as the extension of the Smith family and their place of business, there was a man working. It was not Benjamin, but his father Rowan. He was a man who stood at six feet and seven inches, and had hair that was almost fully grey. He wore a large black smithy apron, and a pair of black gloves. He was holding a large pair of tongs as he pulled out ignot which was heated up to be an incredibly bright orange color, and of course rather malleable. He placed it on the anvil, as he returned his tongs to a small work bench as he pulled out his hammer and began slamming upon the metal, shaping it into a horseshoe.

Rowan glanced over, and spotted the two, "Ah hullo." He slammed his hammer again, "Son isn't back at the shop yet. Though he'd be here soon." He continued slamming his hammer and shaping the metal.
Tirarian just stared at James, rather incredulously at him. She couldn't comprehend how a man could be so callous. "But it was still a person." she stated. "Don't you feel a twinge of guilt?"
He smiled when Trafalgar brought up his research, but before he had a chance to discuss it the Elf brought up the guild and its methods of teaching. Nodding at Trafalgar, "Yes, the guild does teach those who can learn the ways of magic. Do you happen to be so inclined in those ways? I do need to turn in my research, and my mentor Ashera, does teach the new initiates. If that is what you were implying and asking about." He glanced at Shork, "If you'd like to come as well, feel free."
The remaining crowd there had mixed emotions, it looked like a few felt sympathy because the monster was a kid. However the others realized, the kid was a monster. Jeoffry stared with hate in his eyes at Liesel as he swung his axe upwards without a word and, found himself interrupted by a woman in the crowd. "Wait! Would killing her make you better than what you perceive the thing to be?! Are we not civilized people, this is clearly a matter for the Clergy to investigate and have a tribunal for." Jeoffry paused, "..." He gave a sigh as he lowered his axe, "Y-you're right. I need to make sure they can call me for testimony regarding these events." He stared at everyone in the crowd, "And same for you all."
The Dwarf chuckled as the Gnoll talked about how an Elven Archer caused the hyena to gain the limp. "Well ya haven't seen a Dwarven Bowman. Far better than those pinkos." He glanced up towards the humans, "Well, that clearly isn't the Gnoll's Hyena." The Human female nodded, "Not at all sir." The Dwarf grumbled as he pulled at his beard, "Well, I have no further questions for the Beast Master."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BKburke
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Beast master and Ark'kruy'ek chuckled at the dwarfs remark. "Dwarves and elves hate one another." Ark'kruy'ek smirked. "Gnolls no like elves either. They think all forests belong to them." Ark'kruy'ek looked around for a bit and waved his arm at the beast master. The beast master nodded at Ark'kruy'ek and led the hyena back to the tent. Ark'kruy'ek looked hesitant for a second before speaking up. "That all? We like our privacy. Hope you respect that." Ark'kruy'ek thought for a second. "You talk to elves? They in same village. They break the rules. We tell others before you but they no listen. We know we not liked but we like all deserve chance.....right?" Ark'kruy'ek said while looking the dwarf straight in the eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

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The Dwarf paused, "Describe the Elf and the situation of the rule breaking." He said with a rather serious tone. The human male looked flabbergasted, "B-but sir they a-" The Dwarf raised up his right hand, "If the Elves were in fact actually breaking protocol and rules, they must be held accountable. Even if they do it to Gnolls." The human backed down as he hunched over, "Y-yes sir." He was tugging on his beard, as the human female continued analyzing her surroundings, mentally taking note of them.

The Dwarf glanced at Ark'kruy'ek, "But as for the Beast Master, if that was the only hyena that your village had. Then yes, we are done with that series of questions. But onto the matter of the Elves... Then back to the Green-furred Gnoll."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IncredibleBee
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"Hmm..." James considered briefly, staring at the sky. "Not anymore. If you do it long enough, you learn to suppress such things. There are always more important things to worry about than the life of some street thug. In war, for example, you dehumanize the enemy. They are less than human. They're scum, the enemy, and they don't deserve your sympathy. Thoughts like this are what keep men from giving up on the battlefield."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

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Tirarian blinked at James, "Well I suppose there is that. But why did you have to kill the man in that manner?" She asked, "Why kill the Street Thug when you could have just easily roughed him up, and leave the final judgement to the authority of the guards?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shisa
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Anya thought about this question for a minute, and then shrugged.

"I don't remember, but it's OK. I put it back right where I found it; In the area you were looking at earlier."

Anya's eyes widened a little as she remembered Remington taking one of the books form over there, and she gasped.

"Mister Elric didn't need that book, did he? Oh, I hope he can still read it. I was so concerned with cleaning up the mess that I forgot it might be important. Though the pictures weren't very pretty, so it probably wasn't a very fun book."

Anya looked around the room, worried. She knew that if someone just went into her house and soaked one of her books in milk, she wouldn't be very happy. She needed to help mister Elric more so that he wouldn't think she was a bad girl.

"W-what else can I do to help? I want to get mister Elric better as soon as possible!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

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Remington perked up as he searched the same bookshelf, where he found the one earlier, and began searching through the shelves. "Back there you say..." He pulled out some books and looked at the spines of them, as he heard the child gasp. "Oh no, Elric didn't need that book." he stated. Where is it!? Where are the documents with Surgical Method #198!? Remington angrily thought as he continued searching.

Well I can exploit and use this child to my advantage. ...If they fail, and the book they used to clean up the mess did entail the last collectible piece... Well. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. He thought to himself. "Well, I need to find another book, one that could possibly help him yes. It should have a lot of pictures in it. If you find something with 'Surgery' written in it, followed by a set of numbers, please tell me would you? Elric would really appreciate you helping me find that. And I'm sure once we find it, it'll be easier for Elric to get better."

Mimsy, I swear if you make a mistake getting to the rendezvous point with Elric... No, no, think of the success and the reward that you will make Remington. He thought to himself as he continued his search.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Feigling


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Liesel had to admit, when the mad lumberjack raised his axe, fury in his eyes and blood on his mind, she panicked a little. She might have been a necromancer, but she was partial to living.
But instead of bringing the axe down on her head, as expected, the lumberjack stopped. A woman in the crowd was berating him. She said they were civilised people (yeah, right) and that it was a matter for the Clergy to deal with. Oh great, Liesel thought, another dealing with the Clergy. Why did they not realise that the more they dragged her there and forced her to pray to some god or another, the less she wanted to believe? Didn't they get that churches genuinely made her feel dizzy and sick? No, she wanted to avoid the priests as much as possible.
"Hey, now, let's not make any rash decisions" the grave-girl said hastily "We can find a way to resolve this without needing to involve the church, right? Why don't we just forget any of this ever happened?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BingTheWing
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IncredibleBee
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"Because firstly, I felt like it." James retorted with a scowl.
"Secondly, the manner in which he was killed will serve as an excellent warning to others of his kind. Criminals are a superstitious and cowardly lot; they'll give their actions a second thought if they fear dying like stuck pigs in an alley. If he was part of a gang, his death will also spur violence towards rivals. Thinning each others' numbers will weaken them, making the guards' work easier." the knight explained.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MyCatGinger
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The walk through the town seemed a leisurely one on first glance, though Corinne's eyes made the occasional rounds and checked the surroundings again and again. The invasion from the night before had left a sour taste in her mouth, and she'd rely on every last hunter instinct to be able to predict if another one was upon them. Apart from that, whatever little damage was done seemed not to have come to this part of town, where she walked into with her uncle and half-elf. The blacksmith's forge seemed undisturbed, and she found herself biting her lip and breathing a word of gratitude under her lips.
...she didn't know what she'd do if...

"Julia...I see. Welcome to our hometown, Julia. Welcome, welcome. We don't often expect a half to pass by or even stay a spell. But they do, and they're rather interesting, and unique in personality, beyond the stereotypes I remembered growing up with at one point in time. They're rather much more than that." Corinne smiled a waning smile as she looked over at her uncle fondly. He was a half. But she didn't hate him, not in the slightest. Her mother didn't either, but some members of her father's family couldn't stand the thought and noses were upturned at how unholy it was to send their elven daughter to live with a half.
It was a good decision...for the majority of the time. "The pleasure is all ours."

"A beautiful name for a beautiful lass." grinned the half-elf walking steady with the horse's strides, throwing glances towards the red-haired maiden time and again, and it made Corinne roll her eyes rather exaggeratedly. Good old uncle Seb. "Welcome to Estermere, and a drinking partner, my luck be damned! As for my favourite... As adventurous as I might be prodded into being, nothing ever does the same for me as a good ale. I'd breathe the stuff, 'f I could."
Corinne's eyebrow rose, and she threw her gaze over to Julia, shaking her head rather sorrowfully though no words came out, and she hoped she'd pick up on the implication. Though, of course, when something is that vague...

"Morning, evening, any time is ale time." the man chuckled now, "But a traveller treating me to a drink? By the name of Vaudrey-" he paused abruptly here, though only for a handful of seconds, as if hesitating, though he continued same as usual in the next instant "By the name of my father, I, Sebastian Vaudrey, swear not to let a traveller spend on good liquor. I must treat you to a drink, my lady. It would only be fair. You should spend your coin wisely, the roads can be rather harsh mistresses."

And Corinne watched him, and he seemed happy, like he always does when socialising. The man was a social butterfly above anything else, that came to life when a good conversational partner made themselves apparent. She'd only just wondered though...like she had time and time again before, why he still lived all by himself. Why he himself never found a woman and started his own family. It wasn't like he was ridiculously old, or senile, and wouldn't be for a long time. Compared to her estimated 18 years of age in human years, her uncle surpassed her at being in his mid-late 40s. His blood made him age differently than she did, though a couple of white hairs did spring from his chocolate mess, and it didn't particularly bother her until she really thought about it.
Whenever she'd asked, he'd always say that it was to keep his little Corinne the most important girl in his life. And though he had his moments, he really loved his niece.
That much was very, very true.
She was about to add a comment about her own preferences, hinting at how she much preferred finer fruit wines, before the topic of the blacksmith was raised. Corinne took the opportunity to really look at the girl's sword, and she was right. A smithy's touch was all it needed.
And the slight flush at her cheeks brought out the colour of her hair.
The blacksmith's forge approached, and in hardly any time, they had made their way there. Corinne felt a little regretful she hadn't insisted the girl's baggage come with Lysander, though she seemed just fine keeping it with herself, and the last thing Corinne wanted to do was invade anyone's privacy and overstay her welcome, so to speak.

"Kindness is kindness' own reward, as strange as it may seem." and here she laughed, a soft, lilting sound, "Gods above, if ever a fateful day comes when our assistance is required of you, my lady, I believe you would do the same. No physical reward needed at all, really."
She shot a look at her uncle, who held his hands up in front of him innocently, which made her sigh heavily and continue "...though if you do ever take my uncle drinking, please, for the love of every last god, make sure he knows when to stop. Thank...you."
She bit her lip a little when the horse was brought to a stop near the forge, and a familiar location too.
Lysander whinnied, which brought on some soft cooing from her.

"Cherry, I know...I know."

"...but we're here, ah. And a fine destination, too, the forge."

Corinne had just noticed the man inside, Rowan, and she raised her hand in an attempt to give him a half-wave. It wasn't like she was expecting to see Benjamin or anything...hmph.
Her uncle however excused himself from the two and stepped closer to the man with the greying hair, beaming and exchanging pleasantries, that might have distracted him from his work for just a little bit, but Sebastian meant no harm. "Rowan, working on the finest, newest project ever I see. How have you been? Corinne might have come to see Benny, but it's always nice to see you around too."

At this time, as the elf was dismounting, a bright flash struck the sky in plain daylight, and she almost lost her footing with one foot being this close to catching in the stirrups. Though she landed just fine, fortunately, if a bit shaky, and did up the stallion at the nearest post. She then walked over to the girl with the bright red hair, extending a hand and giving her a proper smile. It was different looking at her from eye-level. Somehow she just seemed...bigger than Corinne. But she was beautiful, and she had to give her that. Halfs really did tend to get the best of both parents. Careful blue eyes took in the girl from the closer angle now.
"Finally, a proper introduction, Julia. I plan on sitting here a spell, waiting for someone, but the tavern should be..." her gaze left the girl to search out the surroundings, and as always, as unmissable as possible by being the most ordinary seeming building in the area.
"...ah yes. There." her eyes lit up. "The Den, for short. I cannot think if I've called it anything but that...but if I am not mistaken, it is properly known as 'The Hunters' Den'. I...would advise for you to watch yourself there. The crowd mayhaps might...be a little bothersome."

Her eyes fell to Rowan. Squinted. Then eyebrows raised in that way they do. "Rowan, you don't seem to be working with anything like that but...did you see that flash of light just now? I'd think it rather strange!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BKburke
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Ark'kruy'ek turned around and walked into a tent after the dwarf asked him to describe the Elf. Screaming could be heard from the tent. "Stop! Stop!" The source became obvious when Ark'kruy'ek walked out of the tent dragging an Elf. Ark'kruy'ek tossed him on the ground and several gnolls I'm the background could be heard growling. "He got left behind." Ark'kruy'ek said the the dwarf. Ark'kruy'ek then looked to the elf. "Talk." The elf then spit in his face. Ark'kruy'ek smirked. "No use of you." He opened his jaws wide and snarled and made the movement the bite the Elfs throat out but the elf screamed he would talk. Ark'kruy'ek stopped and smirked. He knew the elf would talk if he did that. The elf looked at the dwarf. "We were at the inn and Gnolls came up in the conversation. We talked about how we hated them and then we were approached by a dark elf. He told us he wouldn't let us get caught. Gave us some good stuff too. He had most of his face covered. That's all I know. No one knows him. He just a gives us stuff and he said he would hide our tracks, said no one would listen to Gnolls."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

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The Dwarf paused a moment, before he quickly looked at the Elf as he was being intimidated by the Gnoll. The Dwarf let out a chuckle, because it did amuse him to see Elves get terrified of things. "Aye, that was a good growl. Not nearly as good as me Granmum's." He stopped as he listened to what the Elf said. "Dark Elf... good stuff. Well, Gnolls tend to be hunted, but... why would someone offer to cover your tracks?" The human female glanced to him, "To avoid the wrath of a Gnoll tribe?" The Dwarf stroked his beard, "It is a possibility. But why did the Elf hide his identity? And what did he offer to them to get them to attack the Gnolls?"

He snapped his right fingers, "Search the Elf for whatever interesting he received." The human male on his side gave a nod and approached the Elf, and began searching him.

"Well let us see what this Elf has." The Dwarf commented, as the human quickly approached the Dwarf, and handed him the first item that was scavenged, a small coin-purse, with a partial tear on a symbol that was on it. "Sir he has two coin-purses on him, this one is the more ornate of the two." The man said, as he handed it over to the Dwarf as it jingled a bit.

The Dwarf stared at it for a long time with his good eye, examining it. "...Well, I'll be." He began stroking his beard.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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Professor_Wyvern said
He smiled when Trafalgar brought up his research, but before he had a chance to discuss it the Elf brought up the guild and its methods of teaching. Nodding at Trafalgar, "Yes, the guild does teach those who can learn the ways of magic. Do you happen to be so inclined in those ways? I do need to turn in my research, and my mentor Ashera, does teach the new initiates. If that is what you were implying and asking about." He glanced at Shork, "If you'd like to come as well, feel free."

"What if I told you that you just made my day? Would be believe me? Because that is exactly what you just did!" Trafalgar said with an excited look on his face. He was finally going to learn more about magic, he would be able to continue from where his magic training had stopped before he left his home and further evolve and refine his powers in order to protect himself and those around him. "One step at a time Trafalgar, one step at a time..." he thought. An image of Corinne briefly passed through his mind but he quickly brushed it off; "Well, I would love to meet that mentor of yours...Ashera? Is there anything I ne-" a bright light flashed in the sky and the sudden burst of light prompted him to wince in pain and cover his eyes with his hands to protect them but it was over in an instant. "WHAT was that!?" he yelled surprised.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BKburke
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Ark'kruy'ek grabbed the elf and threw him back into the tent. He then walked back to the dwarf. "What now? The elf in trouble?" Ark'kruy'ek wasn't sure of what to do. He had never had to go deal with dark elves before and the sound of how elaborate it was getting was rather confusing. "Why someone make effort to hide act of hunting us? Many people would cheer for it even if it against rules." Ark'kruy'ek thought for a second and then looked at dwarf. "Maybe dark elf and green gnoll connected? What we supposed to do if I can't hunt for elf in your village?" Ark'kruy'ek was hating every bit of the moment. He couldn't go hunt the elf because he was protected by the hatred of the village. If Ark'kruy'ek so much got near the village then the people would panic and try to kill him. He couldn't go after the one making his pack suffer and that was what he hated most.
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