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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 4 mos ago

“Alucard, Alucard” Sinai called after the dog as it bound off away from her, with her zanpaukto. He led her towards what they had both sensed. “come back Alucard” she cried as she got closer to the location. Then She tripped and Alucard dashed away. Sinai curled up in ball on the ground and started crying. “Alucard…come back” she repeated over and over again until her heard something. When she looked up she genuinely screamed. A hollow like mask was right in her face. It took everything in her not to swing. Instead she tried to back away but backed into something else. “no!” she screamed trying to get away while one grabbed her arms, attempting to force her to be still. It wasn’t until a blade was put to her throat that she shut up. With wide teary fearful eyes she looked at her would be assailants. 6 figures, souls, in Large hollow like masks and cloaks. “please no” she wimpered. To them she looked like a harmless girl, they probably thought she was one of the residents of the town. They thought she was easy prey.
They circled her, seeming enthralled by her fear, until one of them screamed out in pain. All of the masks turned in unison to see the furthest soul Trying to shake Alucard off of his/her arm. Everything went according to plan, with all eyes off of her, she made her first move. Grabbing the arm that held a hatchet to her throat with one arm and pushing it down she elbowed the soul in the throat. She then moved behind him taking his arm with her and bending it painfully as she dragged him head first into the floor. It was right about now that the would be predators figured out they were actually the prey. One of them broke off running away as she opened a fresh can of Whoopass. But that was ok, one of her butterflies had already been attached to that one. She could track it for a couple miles. But first she had some light work to handle
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

hatakekuro said
Zheng turned to see that his friend had arrived here during the chaos of the spar, or at least long enough to see that he was promoted. He chuckled and rubbed the back of his head with a wide grin. "One step at a time. It's only moving up from here on in." To become a captain he still had a very long way to go. The gap between a sixth seat and a captain was still vast and he knew that all too well. Still he couldn't let that get him down. It actually excited him that he could become so much stronger than he is already. "Thank you Mukei. Zheng was the one who dressed me up." The Mod Soul said with little emotion. It was odd, but during the spar he felt something inside him. An intense sensation that made his heart beat like a metal drummer thrashing his drums. Nodding, Zheng said, "I expected that. Care to lead the way?"

"Well good luck, I'm sure there'll be a lot more challenges ahead of you as of now. Especially since you run your Squad now" He turned to Kamon, his expression rather cold. "Ah, I see. Well don't impreginate too many ladies" He said with a chuckle as he turned away "Sure thing, follow me. Kamon, you come as well." Mukei walked away from the barracks and towards his own. Once they had finally reached his barracks, Mukei stopped and turned. He pulled out a needle "I have to knock you out before you can continue, it's against policies to allow anyone except for Squad 12 shinigamis to see the inside of the SRDI. Is that fine with you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Phobos said
"Well good luck, I'm sure there'll be a lot more challenges ahead of you as of now. Especially since you run your Squad now" He turned to Kamon, his expression rather cold. "Ah, I see. Well don't impreginate too many ladies" He said with a chuckle as he turned away "Sure thing, follow me. Kamon, you come as well." Mukei walked away from the barracks and towards his own. Once they had finally reached his barracks, Mukei stopped and turned. He pulled out a needle "I have to knock you out before you can continue, it's against policies to allow anyone except for Squad 12 shinigamis to see the inside of the SRDI. Is that fine with you?"

Kamon arched his brow in curiosity with his creator's statement. "I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean. Why would I impregnate any women?" Oh there was so much that this guy has to learn about emotions and desires. That will happen over time, but as of now statements such as those will go completely over his head. The two of them nodded and followed Mukei to Squad 12 Barracks.

"I don't mind if that's what you need of me." It didn't matter how he would get him in there as long he met his own end of the deal. They made a deal and he'll be damned if he let it be broken just because he didn't want to be sedated for a short period of time. He trusted that Mukei wouldn't pull anything stupid and give him a dose of something that could possibly kill him or do something stupid. "I hope you don't take advantage of me when I'm out of it." Zheng chuckled and held his arm out for the shot. He could only hope that Mukei valued their friendship enough to not do anything more than making him pass out. Squad 12 members aren't very...trust worthy in that regard.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Several minutes later Sinai and Alucard stood over top of 4 unconscious souls and one genuinely terrified one. She held a hatchet to his throat just as he had done to her not too long ago. For a group of bandits they weren’t all that great. It was clear they were using the fear they invoked to do their job without resistance. “I am going to ask you this once, if I don’t like the answer” she raised her arm and brought the hatchet down right next to his ear with a loud thud “I move to my left.” She didn’t bother to ask if he understood. If for some reason he didn’t understand, he soon would. “what do you do to the children?” Sinai asked
“uh um uh” the man stuttered which only caused Sinai to raise her hatched arm “no no no no! boss like them. Boss likes them” he answered frantically but her arm continued to rise “no no its not like that. Not like that he doesn’t like them like that. He keeps them…most of them “
“what do you mean most of them?” Sinai asked leaving her arm raised
“h-h-h-he. S-s-sold a c-c-couple. To rowdey... I swear we never kilt one. “
“how many have you taken”
“uh 16!” he yelled as Sinai swung the axe down half way to scare him.
“is this boss of yours the one who told the townsfolk to start sacrifices?”
“I don’t know nothing b-b-bout that. Swear. “
Unfortunately she was inclined to believe his ignorance. She swung on him anyway, the hatchet skinning his ear. She took a step back “your boss, is he The Evil One?” she asked him in a dark quiet tone. He nodded as a light wafted over them. Some men from the town. She looked at them as they held their torches “do you recognize any of these men?”
“no” they all answered
“good. These are the ones that have been stealing your children.” She said as she turned and started walking away
“where are you going?”
“to put an end to this.” She retrieved her Zanpakuo from Alucard before they both Shunpo’d off in pursuit of the one that got away
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Rio's smile grew a tiny bit, but more sinister than anything else. "I see~ Well, I did try taking two pills once to see if it'd help, but my medicine was stronger than silly little me assumed, hence why I fainted outside your office~ I wonder what would of happened if you didn't find me~" Rio took a couple steps forward, softly placing both hands on top of Kaizo's desk while leaning forward a little, her smile worsening into a subtle, devious grin. "Well, I can't say I'm surprised, you are indeed a powerful man~ However, that begs the question of how powerful exactly? Do you consider yourself to rival other Captains such as the Kenpachi of Squad Eleven? You have some history with Shiro, don't you?~" Rio asked before chuckling breathlessly and pushing herself off of Kaizo's desk, covering her mouth as she chuckled before looking at Kaizo, still with that same red glint in her eye. "I do wonder how much you've improved since I'm so very proud of you Kaizo. Even after how much my heart ached during your disappearance, how much I feared that you had died due to hearing absolutely nothing from you heh heh~... Even after all of that anguish, I care so much about you, I love you so deeply and honestly don't understand what makes you so different from everyone else~ But I guess my heart sees something in you that my mind doesn't understand~" Rio spoke while chuckling, a cheerful expression on her face as if what she was saying was causal small-talk. "And I see, well, I'm glad to here everything has been running smoothly, I could say the same for training here also~ And now now, a simple headache is no excuse for time off. I am a Lieutenant, it'd be ridiculous of me to let a headache get in the way of my work, wouldn't it Captain?~" Rio looked at Kaizo with a half-lidded eye and simple smile, almost smirking.

Kaizo continued to look at Rio, growing more and more suspicious of how she was acting...in fact the way she was right now he wouldn't say she was anything like Rio...even the expression she carried was far different to any Rio would have. Hearing her mention Shiro and question how strong he was caused him to chuckle "Shiro and myself haven't fought in a long while...I wouldn't know who is stronger..." Kaizo looked at Rio, looking at her without breaking eye contact "Well...that's interesting isn't it. You missed me so much and yet you can't understand why your heart ached while I was gone? So you are telling me that as you stand here right now you do not understand why your heart feels the way it does for me?...I must say...that sounds worrying Rio. It's so different to what you say sometimes, where you know why you love me and yet now you don't? it's as if you are two different people in the same body" Kaizo then sat back in his chair and rubbed the back of his head with his right hand and closed his eyes "It's truly confusing yet I've noticed this sort of behaviour for awhile now...it seems it came on when these headache's came to you and as the headache's got worse" Kaizo then opened his eyes "this odd behaviour has gotten worse and more noticeable...perhaps I have been looking into it to much...or did you think I'd just overlook that fact and think I wouldn't notice? Because you know...right now...I don't feel as if Rio is standing infront of me...this feeling is uncomfortable and I'd even go as far as to say you are an entirely different person...So how about we quit the games here and you get right to the point? how about telling me what the hell is going on?" Kaizo then narrowed his eyes at Rio the look growing serious and cold
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Zane620 said
Inside Nene's room which was filled with various parts, she sat at a desk tinkering with a small circular device while frowning. "Finish my work will you. Well how about I one up your lazy ass and take control of Gillians with ease, granted this would be my fifty third time trying, to tame a Gillian..." Nene mumbled to herself, her hair having reverted back to its original color a long time ago, from her previous encounter with Kagiko. After a few minutes she picked up the small device and smiled. "Okay lets try this again. And because i took every precaution possible, it should succeed for sure this time. So why don't I go rub it in Kagiko's face." Nene said triumphantly, as she picked up a small pill first as she made her way to the captains office after hearing what happened with Zero. she knockd on the door and when she heard nothing as a response, she snapped the pill and opened the door slightly as she tossed the capsule in the room, shortly afterwords smoke would fill up the room.

Kagiko had gone out for a nice calm walk to just relax a bit, he hadn't even started to move his stuff into what would be his new office so that would have to wait a little, However feeling refreshed Kagiko made his way back to the Squad 12 barracks and towards his new office and the second he got there he saw Nene open the door then throw something in, this caused Kagiko to rub the back of his head as he then walked up behind Nene and tapped her on the shoulder, smiling as he did "What do you think you're doing?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Nene smirked mischievously, as she waited for him to burst out. Yet upon feeling someone touch her shoulder she practically jumped through the door, she turned around looking at Kagiko, and stared at him for a few seconds before pulling out a square box and held up a finger signaling she needed a minute. She opened the door closing it behind her and exactly as she signaled she came out a minute later coughing a bit. "Absolutely nothing, and you have no video evidence that I did do something..... Anyway." She said putting the square device in her sleeve, as she then pulled out a circular device and beamed proudly. "I believe I have came up with an invention to tame Gillians, you may have beat me to hollows, but I will take this round! So Kagiko, or Captain. You up for a game?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 4 mos ago

After taking a minute to gather 11 of her butterflies Sinai and Alucard were off in hot pursuit. The coward who ran away had gotten pretty far, but he was still within range. Normally she wouldn’t be able to sense him but because she had planted a butterfly on him when Alucard bit him, it was like had a honing signal to follow. It lead them to a cave behind a waterfall, how cliché. Somewhere in there was the boss of the bandits. She had no idea how many could be in that Cave, or how far it went but she had to go in now. Crouching low she entered the cave with Alucard right on her heels. Slowly they ventured into the depths of the cave. Around a corner she could see a flickering light from a flame. She moved to a rock to hide behind as the holder passed by. She jumped on him. Butting him in a sleeper-hold with practiced perfection. Alucard even caught the torch before it fell to the ground. She took it from him and set it on the rock so it would continue to burn. The continued onward into the darkness.

Sinai peeked around the next corner and found several souls gathered together. At first glance she counted four, but then another joined them from an area beyond.
“boss is Pissed,” the new comer explained to the other four. “and Clint is saying some little girl and her dog jumped them. We knew he wasn’t going to last long.”
As the others talked quietly amongst themselves Sinai had to come up with a plan. She had been quiet up until now but there was no way she could get past all five of them quietly. Even if she managed to sneak past them, they would be blocking her exit on her way out. So she had to deal with them now. After coming up with a plan she reached into her shikhakusho and touched her butterflies. She kept them in there so the wouldn’t be seen. She could only shift to at a time, but one was on the otherside of this crowd already.
The butterfly shifted into a small ball in her hand, as did the one attached to the coward that ran away. Sinai chucked the one she was holding around the corner and two small explosions went off. The weren’t enough to kill anyone, but it could create mass panic.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Gio spent the rest of the day lazing around. He felt bad for Kurisa's kid but the kuchiki clan had a strong legacy so he figured he'd be fine. It was his own squad that occupied his thoughts. He knew that he would trust and follow moks training regiment so there wasn't much to worry about. If juki called him in to be a captain he must know what juki expects from the shinigami. In truth he really couldn't do anything until that got sorted out. Technically he had asked for a couple days but it seemed evident that 1 was all he was going to get
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

hatakekuro said
Kamon arched his brow in curiosity with his creator's statement. "I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean. Why would I impregnate any women?" Oh there was so much that this guy has to learn about emotions and desires. That will happen over time, but as of now statements such as those will go completely over his head. The two of them nodded and followed Mukei to Squad 12 Barracks. "I don't mind if that's what you need of me." It didn't matter how he would get him in there as long he met his own end of the deal. They made a deal and he'll be damned if he let it be broken just because he didn't want to be sedated for a short period of time. He trusted that Mukei wouldn't pull anything stupid and give him a dose of something that could possibly kill him or do something stupid. "I hope you don't take advantage of me when I'm out of it." Zheng chuckled and held his arm out for the shot. He could only hope that Mukei valued their friendship enough to not do anything more than making him pass out. Squad 12 members aren't very...trust worthy in that regard.

Mukei scratched his cheek "Oh thats right, I forgot to upload a sense of humor. I'll explain it later Kamon, so don't worry about it" He said waving his hand at him. Once at Squad 12, hee chuckled at what Zheng said "Don't worry, there'll be plenty of time for that. " He walked up to Zheng and stabbed the needle in his arm, injecting the fluid into his veins. Zheng would begin to feel a slight tingling, then his body would begin to feel numb. His head would feel as if it was spinning while everything was a blur. Then, he would pass out shortly after. Before he fell, Mukei turned to Kamon "Catch him before he falls, wouldn't want my subject to get injured before the experiment starts" He chuckled as he walked into the SRDI with Kamon behind him.

Zheng would wake up to find himself on a lab table, his shirt removed and his zanpakuto on his stomach. The room was mostly dark and plain except for a few tables with various tools. There was also a high tech computer with multiple numbers coming down the screen with various other complicated variables. Above him were multiple bright lights shining on him and a red laser which went up and down his body, as if scanning him. Mukei was in a white lab coat with a mask over his face, similar to a surgeons. Kamon was dressed in similar attire except he didn't wear the mask. Mukei took his off and looked over at Zheng."Ah you're awake. Well for this next part to work, I'm gonna need you to use your shikai Zheng"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Zane620 said
Nene smirked mischievously, as she waited for him to burst out. Yet upon feeling someone touch her shoulder she practically jumped through the door, she turned around looking at Kagiko, and stared at him for a few seconds before pulling out a square box and held up a finger signaling she needed a minute. She opened the door closing it behind her and exactly as she signaled she came out a minute later coughing a bit. "Absolutely nothing, and you have no video evidence that I did do something..... Anyway." She said putting the square device in her sleeve, as she then pulled out a circular device and beamed proudly. "I believe I have came up with an invention to tame Gillians, you may have beat me to hollows, but I will take this round! So Kagiko, or Captain. You up for a game?"

Kagiko looked at Nene as she quickly ran into his office, this caused him to rub the back of his head with his right hand and sigh as she clearly did something to try mess with him, as she emerged from the room she began coughing then spoke "Well it seems like you did do something...and well actually I do but that can wait" Kagiko looked at the device Nene pulled out her sleeve, Kagiko then nodded and spoke "I see...well that's great, I'm glad you are inventing things yet a device such as that is prone to faults and so on...and did you think I hadn't done anything like that Nene?" Kagiko reached into his new Haori and then pulled out a book then opened it up and then turned it to Nene and began speaking "You are looking at the data for former Lieutenant of this division Ryuu Shinda, his Zanpakuto allows him to basically control what he kills...he has taken down many Gillian and added them to his Arsenal to use against us. Now...do you think I'd face something like that so recklessly? I came up with something long ago to control gillian, and using the data in my possession came up with something to counter this mans Zanpakuto rendering him useless...since after all, I planned for his other weapons." Kagiko then closed the book and put it into his Haori "But...by all means do not take this in a bad way. I am still very impressed with what you have done and I'd like you to show me how well this device performs...after all it's not always about inventing things in Squad 12, it's often improving things also..." Kagiko then reached into his Haori once more and pulled out a small red pill "This is what I use to control gillian, developed on the same basis as Hollow bait it goes airborne and of course then there is no way to escape it...the Gillian will be under by control in a matter of moments" Kagiko placed the pill back into his Haori then continued to speak "So I don't want to play a game but more for you to show me what this device can do, perhaps you can build upon it to give it another feature that my pill cannot do..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kurisa said
Kagiko looked at Nene as she quickly ran into his office, this caused him to rub the back of his head with his right hand and sigh as she clearly did something to try mess with him, as she emerged from the room she began coughing then spoke "Well it seems like you did do something...and well actually I do but that can wait" Kagiko looked at the device Nene pulled out her sleeve, Kagiko then nodded and spoke "I see...well that's great, I'm glad you are inventing things yet a device such as that is prone to faults and so on...and did you think I hadn't done anything like that Nene?" Kagiko reached into his new Haori and then pulled out a book then opened it up and then turned it to Nene and began speaking "You are looking at the data for former Lieutenant of this division Ryuu Shinda, his Zanpakuto allows him to basically control what he kills...he has taken down many Gillian and added them to his Arsenal to use against us. Now...do you think I'd face something like that so recklessly? I came up with something long ago to control gillian, and using the data in my possession came up with something to counter this mans Zanpakuto rendering him useless...since after all, I planned for his other weapons." Kagiko then closed the book and put it into his Haori "But...by all means do not take this in a bad way. I am still very impressed with what you have done and I'd like you to show me how well this device performs...after all it's not always about inventing things in Squad 12, it's often improving things also..." Kagiko then reached into his Haori once more and pulled out a small red pill "This is what I use to control gillian, developed on the same basis as Hollow bait it goes airborne and of course then there is no way to escape it...the Gillian will be under by control in a matter of moments" Kagiko placed the pill back into his Haori then continued to speak "So I don't want to play a game but more for you to show me what this device can do, perhaps you can build upon it to give it another feature that my pill cannot do..."

"Meh it was just smoke to bother your lungs so you would wake up, I was assuming you were sleeping, yet found out you were up and moving. When she showed him the device he gave her a compliment yet a critique as well, and when he said those last few words her eyes widened a bit, as he pulled out a book and showed her former lieutenants Ryuu's data. She saw where eh was going with this, which made her look at her device and sigh in defeat. her device only allowed her to take control of Gillians, not counter a mans zanpakuto. he tried to make it seem like her device wasn't bad, but he was just being kind about it. he pulled out a red pill and explained that's what he used to control Gillians, it was indeed much smaller than her own device, and hers could only work on one at a time. Yet she wasn't so upset, this did make her realize how faulty her device was, in fact he himself gave her an idea. "Well I wont waste your time with showing the device off, not many features or better ones than countering a man zanpakuto, but that did give me an idea. I guess that the red pill can make Ryuu lose control of the hollows he previously took control of. Yet what if we could somehow make it so that when you spread it among the hollows, and with a simple switch they could explode, with the power of the explosion being greater the more powerful the hollow is? That way he might get injured anytime he chooses to use his zanpakuto's ability."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 4 mos ago

The 5 In Sinai and Alucards way were caught off guard. The most recent arrival wnt back to chck on the boss as one explosion had went off in there. Sinai Shunpo’d into the center of the four of the bandits that were still disoriented from the blast. The First strike she made was to a womans throat, kept the noise level down, second was a kick to a mans jewels, kept the noise down. Alucard Jumped on one that was about to attack Sinai giving her enough time punch the last one into the stone wall. The loud thump didn’t even shake the cave but her follow up round house kick laid him out cold. With Tessho to the one Alucard was occupying Sinai had two down and two to go. The woman barely caught her breath yet before Sinai back fisted her out of consciousness. The last man laid on the floor in agony. She almost didn’t have the heat to deal with him so she but him in a sleep hold and moved on.

Sinai moved quickly forward in the darkness. She could hear voices, loud voices and scared voices. There were children up ahead. She readied two more concussive Shift constructs as she went. Her body was alive with adrenaline as if she missed the days when this was normal. Her blood was hot with anticipation yet sour because she had yet to kill anyone. She didn’t want to kill anyone tonight, they all should answer for their crimes. That’s what she told herself as she went on. She moved towards the light, and when it was blocked by a large figure she threw her two ‘shifts’ at it and the force knocked the man clear across the room into the wall of the cave.
Sinai stepped out of the darkness like a demon on the hunt, half covered in the darkest shadows. Her pray was frozen in the middle of the room, as the everything went quiet. Even the children silenced themselves at her appearance from the dark. Alucard did not yet appear.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Zane620 said
Takara looked at him confused again. "Never heard of him, to be fair my memories there have always been a foggy thing. I wonder why?" Takara said smiling before her head thumped on Kentas chest followed by snoring then a jolt as she woke up. "It really is confusing, maybe he tampered with our minds so we forgot about him? And I was right by the way, you are sweet, even though you do some half assed hugs."

Kenta opened his mouth to reply but stopped once feeling Takara's head fall against his chest. He sighed looking down at her as she snored, his eyebrows popping up once she jolted awake. She really was something....Lazy. He listened to what she said then shrugged, "I wouldn't put it past people to tamper with minds. Trust me." Just as he said that he felt her arms wrap around the part of his torso Takara wasn't holding. His eyes narrowed slightly as The Woman stuck her head over his shoulder and looked down at Takara. Kenta's eyes returned to normal as he tried ignoring the woman despite her hands making their way to his abs. Kenta knew Takara couldn't see her, probably wouldn't be able to feel her either.

"Half asses hugs? How's this for half assed?" He asked as he put his arms around her fully and pulled her close. He held that pose for about a minute before feeling lips leave the back of his neck, next hearing The Woman giggle as she took a few steps back, leaving the purple stain of her lips on the spot she kissed. Kenta grabbed Takara's hips picking her up before placing her a few feet away from him, "That didn't just happen!" He said seriously as he crossed his arms glaring at her, though his face a bit red.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Kurisa said
Kaizo continued to look at Rio, growing more and more suspicious of how she was acting...in fact the way she was right now he wouldn't say she was anything like Rio...even the expression she carried was far different to any Rio would have. Hearing her mention Shiro and question how strong he was caused him to chuckle "Shiro and myself haven't fought in a long while...I wouldn't know who is stronger..." Kaizo looked at Rio, looking at her without breaking eye contact "Well...that's interesting isn't it. You missed me so much and yet you can't understand why your heart ached while I was gone? So you are telling me that as you stand here right now you do not understand why your heart feels the way it does for me?...I must say...that sounds worrying . It's so different to what you say sometimes, where you know why you love me and yet now you don't? it's as if you are two different people in the same body" Kaizo then sat back in his chair and rubbed the back of his head with his right hand and closed his eyes "It's truly confusing yet I've noticed this sort of behaviour for awhile now...it seems it came on when these headache's came to you and as the headache's got worse" Kaizo then opened his eyes "this odd behaviour has gotten worse and more noticeable...perhaps I have been looking into it to much...or did you think I'd just overlook that fact and think I wouldn't notice? Because you know...right now...I don't feel as if Rio is standing infront of me...this feeling is uncomfortable and I'd even go as far as to say you are an entirely different person...So how about we quit the games here and you get right to the point? how about telling me what the hell is going on?" Kaizo then narrowed his eyes at Rio the look growing serious and cold

Rio chuckled a little, her smirk stretching. "Oh such a shame. At least we could say that Captain Kuchiki was stronger than you though, I've trained with him many times during my time at Squad Six~ He will always be the better one out of the two of you, despite this unfortu....-nate event..." Rio's smirk suddenly dropped as she looked down with a frown. "... I still can't believe that he's gone... Dammit, I mustn't... be ruled by my emotions... anymore..." She clenched her shaking hands into fists after her arms fell to her sides, still looking down as she spoke in a softer tone of voice. Taking a deep breath, she looked up with slight shock when her eye reached Kaizo. "Kaizo... Is everything Okay?" She asked, blinking at his expression. "What are you talking about?... What makes you say that?... Two people?..." Rio cocked an eyebrow, unable to understand why Kaizo was saying this... "... I'd prefer not to talk about how I felt when you left... All that matters is now, the past is no longer relevant... However, I have no idea of what you're talking about Kaizo.... If anything you're worrying me... " Rio looked away, biting her lip in confusion before her eye slid back to Kaizo, the red glint growing stronger while a slight smirk jumped across her lips and her voice gained an amused tone. "Besides, I was thinking more along the lines of why do I care so much for a lowly piece of trash such as yourself, Hmhm~" Rio chuckled. "Oh you've noticed something about me have you? Hm? Headaches? Gee Kaizo, a headache is nothing more than a headache. It cannot alter a person's personality now so stop being silly~ I think you've been fighting far too much, someone's finally knocked a screw loose in your head it seems~" The more Rio spoke, the more sinister her smirk became, twisting back into a grin as her voice darkened. "If I'm not Rio then who am I Kaizo? Just look at me properly for a moment~" Rio stood back before doing a little slow twirl, posing a little each time she moved while still grinning and stopping to look at him. "I'm Rio idiot. But I'm not playing games~ Oh no, this is just a side of me that you've never had the privilege to see~ I try to repress this side, but throughout all of this mess, it's done nothing but grow stronger due to my bad decisions~ Getting involved with you is one of those decisions~ Giving a damn about that weak boy Kenta was another~ Caring about Captain Kuchiki only for him to die so suddenly and therefore impacting me strongly, was yet another~ Hmhmhm~" She chuckled once more before turning towards the door and looking back over her shoulder to Kaizo. "The past is relevant, very relevant~ I guess a certain part of me smashed when my mother died in my arms... She was a wonderful mother... who too made bad decisions... But that is irrelevant. Now if you'll excuse me, this office is making me feel claustrophobic so I think I'll take a stroll through the part of the woods we love so much~ You know, the part I unfortunately found you in~ If I don't come back well... that will be your issue to deal with~ No longer mine~" Rio then shunpo'ed out of the office.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Expllo said
Kenta opened his mouth to reply but stopped once feeling Takara's head fall against his chest. He sighed looking down at her as she snored, his eyebrows popping up once she jolted awake. She really was something....Lazy. He listened to what she said then shrugged, "I wouldn't put it past people to tamper with minds. Trust me." Just as he said that he felt her arms wrap around the part of his torso Takara wasn't holding. His eyes narrowed slightly as The Woman stuck her head over his shoulder and looked down at Takara. Kenta's eyes returned to normal as he tried ignoring the woman despite her hands making their way to his abs. Kenta knew Takara couldn't see her, probably wouldn't be able to feel her either."Half asses hugs? How's this for half assed?" He asked as he put his arms around her fully and pulled her close. He held that pose for about a minute before feeling lips leave the back of his neck, next hearing The Woman giggle as she took a few steps back, leaving the purple stain of her lips on the spot she kissed. Kenta grabbed Takara's hips picking her up before placing her a few feet away from him, "That didn't just happen!" He said seriously as he crossed his arms glaring at her, though his face a bit red.

"And since these tattoos contain little tricks, who's to say he doesn't have one that can tamper with memories." Takara said as she watched his eyes widen a bit causing her to tilt her head in confusion as they returned to normal. She wasn't quite sure what she said to shock him so, but he seemed fine for the most part. he then began speaking about his half assed hug which made her giggle as she nodded her head, her little taunt seeming to work in getting him perform a much better one, little did he know, he was providing material in which she would use to tease him with. When he moved her a few feet away from him and told her that didn't happen, she only smirked evilly at him. "Of course, I so didn't just get you to perform such a sweet hug and then get all flustered about it, yep tots didn't happen." While she obviously sarcastically said that, the look on her face seemed to say, that she was going to tell everyone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Sinai’s remaining 8 butterflies fluttered around her now before floating to the cages that held the children. “shift” Sinai whispered cause two more butterflies to explode. This time the explosion was much smaller, strong enough to break the locks on the cages to free the children.
“NO!” the Evil One Yelled reaching for and attempting to through a chair but a small cero from the darkness destroyed it and knocked him back.
“children, meet Alucard, he is going to bring you home.”
Growling the dog stepped out of the shadows just like Sinai had, which gave him a much more menacing appearance than he really had. Sinai stepped forward, completely out of the shadows toward the man with a slightly glowing aura Quickly the children piled out of the room following Alucard while Sinai cracked her knuckles.

Suddenly the man was infront of her, he was fast, very fast, swinging a left hay maker. Sinai brought her right arm up to block but the force shook her. He was strong too. His right jab was an obvious follow up so she parried it with an inward-to-outward block. Now that she was under his guard she slid her right foot slightly forward and sung a heavy punch to his chest. Had she aimed for his face he would have been able to dodge it but this close his chest was a sure hit. The hit connected with a surge of energy that send the man flying back with a violet light. Normally her Butterfly Dragon Fang technique needed a bit more time to prepare but all things considered it was an effective attack. At least that’s what she thought at first.
But the man got back up. “not bad. Little girl. But let me show you a mans punch.” He charged her with a flurry of punches that each had a ton of bricks behind them. Her small size gave her an evasive advantage that she tried to exploit but he managed to catch her in the stomach. The force was enough to knock her off her feet. She held her stomach tightly as she forced herself back to her feet.
“where are the other children?”she asked to buy some time but he didn’t answer. He came at her again. She took a step back and raised her arms in preparation. He cocked back his right arm and shot out jab that shattered the stone behind her. Sinai had ducked, entirely out of the way. That punch would have killed her, this was life or death. And if she wanted to win, she would have to kill.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Zane620 said
"And since these tattoos contain little tricks, who's to say he doesn't have one that can tamper with memories." Takara said as she watched his eyes widen a bit causing her to tilt her head in confusion as they returned to normal. She wasn't quite sure what she said to shock him so, but he seemed fine for the most part. he then began speaking about his half assed hug which made her giggle as she nodded her head, her little taunt seeming to work in getting him perform a much better one, little did he know, he was providing material in which she would use to tease him with. When he moved her a few feet away from him and told her that didn't happen, she only smirked evilly at him. "Of course, I so didn't just get you to perform such a sweet hug and then get all flustered about it, yep tots didn't happen." While she obviously sarcastically said that, the look on her face seemed to say, that she was going to tell everyone.

"You didn't get me to do anything, alright? And I'm not flustered, just....Not flustered alright?" Kenta said before reading her I'm going to tell everyone face. His eyes narrowed again before he grabbed her and tossed her over his right shoulder, putting his left hand over the kiss mark he knew was left on his neck. He began walking. "You're not gonna tell anyone about this. If you are gonna tell someone," Kenta pushed her off his shoulder and into the water crossing his arms, "Tell it to the fishies."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Rio chuckled a little, her smirk stretching. "Oh such a shame. At least we could say that Captain Kuchiki was stronger than you though, I've trained with him many times during my time at Squad Six~ He will always be the better one out of the two of you, despite this unfortu....-nate event..." Rio's smirk suddenly dropped as she looked down with a frown. "... I still can't believe that he's gone... Dammit, I mustn't... be ruled by my emotions... anymore..." She clenched her shaking hands into fists after her arms fell to her sides, still looking down as she spoke in a softer tone of voice. Taking a deep breath, she looked up with slight shock when her eyes reached Kaizo. "Kaizo... Is everything Okay?" She asked, blinking at his expression. "What are you talking about?... What makes you say that?... Two people?..." Rio cocked an eyebrow, unable to understand why Kaizo was saying this... "... I'd prefer not to talk about how I felt when you left... All that matters is now, the past is no longer relevant... However, I have no idea of what you're talking about Kaizo.... If anything you're worrying me... " Rio looked away, biting her lip in confusion before her eye slid back to Kaizo, the red glint growing stronger while a slight smirk jumped across her lips and her voice gained an amused tone. "Besides, I was thinking more along the lines of why do I care so much for a lowly piece of trash such as yourself, Hmhm~" Rio chuckled. "Oh you've noticed something about me have you? Hm? Headaches? Gee Kaizo, a headache is nothing more than a headache. It cannot alter a person's personality now so stop being silly~ I think you've been fighting far too much, someone's finally knocked a screw loose in your head it seems~" The more Rio spoke, the more sinister her smirk became, twisting back into a grin as her voice darkened. "If I'm not Rio then who am I Kaizo? Just look at me properly for a moment~" Rio stood back before doing a little slow twirl, posing a little each time she moved while still grinning and stopping to look at him. "I'm Rio idiot. But I'm not playing games~ Oh no, this is just a side of me that you've never had the privilege to see~ I try to repress this side, but throughout all of this mess, it's done nothing but grow stronger due to my bad decisions~ Getting involved with you is one of those decisions~ Giving a damn about that weak boy Kenta was another~ Caring about Captain Kuchiki only for him to die so suddenly and therefore impacting me strongly, was yet another~ Hmhmhm~" She chuckled once more before turning towards the door and looking back over her shoulder to Kaizo. "The past is relevant, very relevant~ I guess a certain part of me smashed when my mother died in my arms... She was a wonderful mother... who too made bad decisions... But that is irrelevant. Now if you'll excuse me, this office is making me feel claustrophobic so I think I'll take a stroll through the part of the woods we love so much~ You know, the part I unfortunately found you in~ If I don't come back well... that will be your issue to deal with~ No longer mine~" Rio then shunpo'ed out of the office.

Kaizo listened to Rio speak, she once again seemingly changed which caused his eyes to narrow. The way she spoke ended up causing a grin to form on his face as he then spoke "Well now, I don't care what you think of me and what you say about me behind my back but at the end of the day I'm still your Captain. I got to say....this side of you is pretty disrespectful..." Kaizo watched as Rio then shunpoed out of his office, Kaizo let out a sigh and rubbed the back of his head with his right hand as he then stood up "Well now...I guess there is only one way to settle this..." Kaizo looked down to his Zanpakuto then narrowed his eyes "I don't want to use you at all...let alone Shikai, and certainly not Bankai...especially that side of you..." Kaizo took off his Haori throwing it behind him as he then clenched his right hand into a fist then opened it again "I promise I'll sort this out...it's what you'd do isn't it Kurisa?" Kaizo then let his right arm fall to his side as he looked up at his office door then suddenly he turned and slammed his right fist through the wall behind him blowing a massive hole in it as he then stepped out the hole "Get someone to fix that! I've got something to attend to!" Kaizo then shunpoed off as a few Squad 2 members looked at eachother with confusion. Kaizo proceeded to chase after Rio, heading for the forest he first met her in
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Zane620 said
"Meh it was just smoke to bother your lungs so you would wake up, I was assuming you were sleeping, yet found out you were up and moving. When she showed him the device he gave her a compliment yet a critique as well, and when he said those last few words her eyes widened a bit, as he pulled out a book and showed her former lieutenants Ryuu's data. She saw where eh was going with this, which made her look at her device and sigh in defeat. her device only allowed her to take control of Gillians, not counter a mans zanpakuto. he tried to make it seem like her device wasn't bad, but he was just being kind about it. he pulled out a red pill and explained that's what he used to control Gillians, it was indeed much smaller than her own device, and hers could only work on one at a time. Yet she wasn't so upset, this did make her realize how faulty her device was, in fact he himself gave her an idea. "Well I wont waste your time with showing the device off, not many features or better ones than countering a man zanpakuto, but that did give me an idea. I guess that the red pill can make Ryuu lose control of the hollows he previously took control of. Yet what if we could somehow make it so that when you spread it among the hollows, and with a simple switch they could explode, with the power of the explosion being greater the more powerful the hollow is? That way he might get injured anytime he chooses to use his zanpakuto's ability."

Kagiko listened to Nene speak then listened to her idea which he listened to then nodded "It sounds like an alright idea...however I'm going to work on something that'd make that a little more devastating whilst keeping our comrades safe from harm...After all, we don't want to be catching other Shinigami in the explosion now do we?" Kagiko then rubbed the back of his head with his right hand "I'd have the Head Captain on my case then and I'd rather keep his eyes away from us so we have more freedom to move freely and create things as we wish, within reason of course..."
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