The theme for this challenge will be the Mythic. Create a piece that explores what it means to you to blur the line between the day-to-day and the truly remarkable. Whether you portray a hero entering the dragon's den or perhaps something less traditional, give us a gander into that awe-some world. Having trouble? Think of legends, fables, folk-lore, or even branch out to stories out of popular titles like Mass Effect or Doctor Who. Feel free to explore that place between the reality and the extraordinary! Beyond all else, have fun.
As always, please abide by the following:
Submit the image at a reasonable size, large enough to see but not so large it breaks the page. Under your image, tell us the name of the piece if you've chosen to name it, tell us what medium it is and maybe tell us about what the piece means to you or why you created it the way you did.
Below are images for your inspiring pleasure: