Loki, , please stop bitching. FFS, this is isn't my gun's bigger than yours, it's a fucking roleplay. Now who cares? Especially Loki- it's fucking arrogant, I'm sorry, I am not the GM but I would say right now you should shut the fuck up from what I just saw, it's damn rude to condesend like that, and I'll be damned if this RP is going to be nothing but dickwaving of superiority
LokiLeo789 said
OK you may have military experience but my meahc would destroy yours in a fight.Edit: you know what, I can't prove that, let's leave at that...
Exactly that. Sorry, dickwaving again. So I'll post up my CS as an infantry reconaissance team, perhaps with a attached fireteam. I don't fancy this RP lasting long if this is the general trend gents- and you can call me arrogant, but I know that from experience and time after time, this sort of thing will eventually make this RP very uncomfortable for all of us. Already so, I can tell we've got a definitive split- those who want a mech-based conflict to be the sole focus, and those who want infantry to be such- I do lean towards the latter, primarily due to the time setting and the relation of such a deployment in this context. Playing it carefully here may be worthwhile- because I know that myself, alongside many other RPers who would enjoy a thoroughly warfare, not mech focused RP wouldn't want to stick around if we are suddenly all thrust into Mechs. The inverse does apply, I understand- it's a fine line to play, but I want to be crystal clear about where I think I stand and I am sure a few others may also agree with this. NOTE- This has been resolved, but even still...please, don't repeat it, I will happily walk away if I even hear a whiff of it in IC unprovoked.
Also, as a Pole of sorts, I feel that a Polish character would be an important get-between in the area- hence his recon specialty. So imagine laser designating targets for mechs to fire on from miles away, and so on.
Also, one thing of note- everyone's a bit highly ranked. I assume that they're leaders of these teams- just wondering, it's a bit frantic and all.
Name: Jan Adamczyk
Age: 34
Gender: Male

Badassly moustached, or moutached badassly. Jan is about 6"1 tall, and is fairly well kept, not skinny but not chubby either, though he leans more towards the former. He is highly athletic, even for his age, and has a few scars on his arms. A tattoo of a white Eagle lines his back, something personal to his fatherland. He seems like he's seen action, enough of it to tell stories that he can't be bothered to go through entirely.
Born in Bialystok, Poland, Jan was brought up in an age of tension with the newly formed Russian forces threatened the wider CIS region, and himself, found himself compelled to join the Polish Airborne. Jan wanted to fight, and knew that to protect his two sisters, his extended family and his fatherland, he'd have to join the Army. Despite having a Degree in Geological Studies from the Jagiellonian University of Krakow, it was what he wanted, and the role got him into a Warrant Officer position fairly quickly. He was quickly put through into Blyskawica- or "Lightening", a airborne company specializing in reconaissance that was second in line to units such as GROM and FORMOZA, SF units in short. Blyskawica in itself was an experiment- with exoskeletons recently procured for many Special Forces infantry in the west brought into service in Blyskawica, with alterations that make Polish reconnaissance exoskeletons some of the most hardened through experience and border work against the CSTO in the south-western corner of Poland's frontier with CSTO, in the Tatra Mountains. He leads Squad One- one of four within one of the two platoons that Blyskawica has. He's seen occasional engagements with CSTO forces on the border flare up, and been occasionally assigned with the team to deep internal reconnaissance within the border regions on the other side of the fence, to probe for weaknesses and faults, often in a place where SF wouldn't even go. This ambitious and pragmatic approach to testing Blyskawica was why it was assigned to TF Aegis, with Jan being a part of the first responders unit- to get eyes on the ground where even satellites can't see, designate for the Mechanized units, and act as a shock unit once all the laser pointing and callouts have been completed. The Wilk 1A2 in particular augments the soldiers of the company- and while Jan knows it's weaknesses, it gives the company a disproportionate strength.
Rank: Warrant Officer
Unit: Drop Infantry
1st Squad, Polish "Blyskawica" Reconnaissance Company attached to Task Force Aegis
Role: Recon Team Leader
Polish Radon MSBS Assault Rifle (Bullpup Grenadier 6.5mm Cartridge)
-Holographic Optic/Magnifier
-40mm 3GL Launcher
-IR Laser Designate
-Glock G17
-5th Gen
-Rustic Surefire Silencer
-Becker BK3 Knife
-2x RPG-76 Komar AMW (Anti-Mech Weapon- Warhead designed to bypass Mech CIWS/Trophy Systems/Countermeasures, significantly modernized warhead/targeting from older disposable AT launcher as a viable Anti-Mech weapon that can in a pinch, do serious damage of correctly aimed)
-Digital Camoflage Scheme BDU
-UV/Laser Designator
Combat Exoskeleton- "Wilk (Wolf) 1A2" (Squad Standard)
This is an exoskeleton that takes from the new developments made in the western NATO nations, and has been one of the most important features of R&D in Poland's military at this time. From the first "Wilk", implemented as a prototype with Blyskawica, a borrowed piece of equipment from the UK, the Wilk 1A2 is a massively innovative new design, home-grown and being combat tested and effective. It's jump capability allows an operator to literally leap over some cover and flank enemies, allowing for hugely maneuverable combat, though this drains the fuel cell quickly. It also gives the user enhanced strength- allowing a recon team to carry far more kit and ammunition, alongside CQC becoming far more simpler with the ability to charge and go far more brutal head on into enemies. While energy and it's effects to an EMP could be a problem, it is tactile enough to be a piece of kit worn even on insertion, not being obtrusive or in the way. Prototypes of the Wilk 1A3 could potentially weave optical cloaking into this mixture- and while not ready in the immediate outbreak, could become standard issue to the Company's arsenal. Carbon fibre, Titanium, as well as advanced composites are used as armor, and can protect from dated small arms fire to an extent, though modern weaponry is still likely to have it's intended effect, the Exo taking maybe one or two rounds. The digital camouflage of the BDU usually transfers onto it, to join the Exoskeleton's coloring.
Fusion of all (first for armor/parts of helmet):
AND (for visor system/front)

AND (for back/general layout)

(Helmet has a Polish, rather than US flag. May be replaced by red beret.)
-Recon Built- Jump/Bounding Capability (can leap up to 80 feet long, or four storeys high.)
-Dragonskin/Composite Weave- offers protection against 5.56, 7.62 rounds, though don't count on it against AP for long.
-Enhances User Strength (able to lift roughly 300kg)
-NV/IR Visor System
-Battery lasts 12 Hours, easily rechargeable via Hydrogen Cell/Renewable Source
Mech: No Mech