Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jessikka


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Val had to be last on. She watched the arrogant, white haired man - whom she liked to relate to a pompous fox - strutt around for a bit and heard the list on names dealt out to the crew. Somehow the insult mustn't have been too good considering she couldn't tell what one belonged to her, though this lingered on her mind very shortly as she realised everyone was getting on without her. She took a few more moments to admire the ship before knocking off her boots to get some of the mud off and heading into the ship. Now she wished she'd made a harder effort knocking off her shoes, she carried her trunk in with her and knocked her shoes again before actually going in properly.

For a moment she was at a loss to where she'd put her trunk, she was satisfied to put it down by the door until she could figure out where she'd sleep-and-stuff. She turned around and drank it all in, the metallic smell of, well, metal, rang strong and clear in her nose, she blinked and coughed a little to relieve it. She glanced to the group around the table and sighed a little, already getting settled. She was jealous of how easily they settled in, for now Valerie couldn't quite figure out what to do. She hovered around for a bit before looking around for the rest of the crew. She spotted the medic and the other girl she didn't quite catch the name of disappear into the cargo bay and decided not to follow, instead she leant against the wall, slung her satchel into her hands and looked through it, hopefully looking busy enough.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

A young woman stepped out of a black car which had brought her to the military base. Honestly, it was lucky she was even arriving here today, considering the distance she had traveled to come here. She was well dressed, certainly, though she seemed to also understand at least the general idea of what this mission might encompass. What she wore allowed her freedom of movement, while also remaining modest and elegant. The driver of the vehicle stepped out and brought the woman her single item of luggage, from the rear of the car.

"Thank you, Simon. Give Father my best."

The driver gives her a bow and stands by the vehicle, watching as Serenity takes her bag and proceeds into the military base. When the woman disappears within, he remains, watching and waiting. He didn't really want to see her go, but... it was nothing he could do.

Serenity hurried through the halls, walking with the quickness in her stride. She knew she was late, and for all she knew, they were getting ready to take off. She makes her way to the hangar and, to her relief, she found the ship still in place. At least, she hoped it was the right ship. She approaches the person who seemed to be in charge - Caelum - and presented an ID. It floats next to her, while her hands sit, clasped politely in front of her.

"Uhm... this is the Medusa?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Biscuits
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Thomas took his time in preparing his coffee, he was far too devoted into readying the perfect brew for his morning then to give Scott’s rude name calling any care. Slowly pouring an exact amount of coffee grains into his mug, he then eventually filled it up with steamy water from the kettle and, finally, added an explicit amount of milk before beginning to stir it with a small silver spoon. Coffee had been an important part of Thomas’s morning, afternoon, and night for as long as he could remember. It wasn't the taste he enjoyed however, but more so the feeling of liveliness he always felt rushing through him with each intake. It was an almost zealous impression he had towards it. Adding the final necessary ingredient that he had access to, sugar, he picked up his rucksack and made his way towards the exit of the cafeteria.

Taking his first sip from the steaming mug he stood still allowing complete euphoria to overcome him, he then let out a sigh of relief before continuing to wander off towards where the Medusa would be. Passing by the secretary he offered her a bow of his head and a smile, with a friendly as possible, “Have a pleasant day ma’am.”

Stepping out into the open to the spot where the Medusa would be, he stopped in his tracks and mid-sip. Staring at the Medusa he wondered what it’s durability would be like. In his past experience he had seen plenty of so-called “Indestructible” ships destroyed, only bringing him to wonder how this one would fare under fire. He shot a quick glance at his by now light brown colored drink before muttering, “My coffee had warned me about this”.

He began his trudge through the muddy earth towards where a few of the crew members were still outside the ship. To abstain from getting dirt on anything but his shoes he slung his rucksack over one shoulder and continued his firm yet careful plod across the bleak terrain. As he approached the remaining members he took notice of a newcomer, a woman he hadn't seen earlier at the cafeteria table. Glancing over her appearance he made himself a few mental notes: Possibly wealthy, placid, and a remarkable dress sense that still allowed practicality. Overhearing her question as he approached her and Caelum he decided to chime in with a “Yes, I believe that would be the Medusa, but like any elderly lady I’m sure it’s as adequate on the inside.” After commenting he moved next to Caelum to allow her to clarify any further questions while he took another sip from his coffee.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Caelum looked up at the new arrival, completely unsurprised at what looked to be a respectable girl -- at least when comparing her to Risty or Tide. The mission seemed to be attracting all sorts of folks from all walks of life; deep colonists and UNES natives alike.

At least she was a normal Psyche with normal social interactions, save the floating I.D. Before she could answer her, however, the captain wandered up and took over.

And then Caelum's brain fizzled out as she tried to process the last part, '...like any elderly lady I'm sure it's as adequate on the inside.' Elderly lady. Adequate on the inside. Her nose wrinkled involuntarily until she pulled herself together enough to respond, "Yeah, what he said. I'm Caelum, the pilot, and that fellow there is your Captain. Glad to have you with us."

The pilot tried to beckon the First Officer over with a wave, but she figured the girl would catch on soon enough. Turning towards Thomas, she mused, "I think we're ready to go. Ten people, the entire crew." Without giving either of them a chance to reply, she stepped up the ramp into the cargo bay -- staring bemusedly at the attempt at a poker game starting -- and wandered towards the security door that led to the rest of the ship. Typing in a password to the ancient electronic locking system on the side, it slowly opened with a theatrical groan.

"Right folks! I'll tell you all about what we're going to do once we're in the Black. Until then if you'd kindly put any of your hand-luggage in your rooms and wait for take off to... acquaint yourself with the ship." Pausing for a second, she hastily added on. "Through this door and up the ladder to the next floor to get to the rooms. Four ladies and four menfolk to a room, save the cap'n and First Officer. I'm sure you can judge for yourself which is which. I'll be at the helm if you need me, but if I need you I'll just use the tannoy."

Caelum promptly turned on her heel and started up the aforementioned ladder, feeling the strange case of deja vu returning.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jessikka


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

She glanced up at the movement of others and the pilot, she blinked and approached. She listened to the short speech, somewhat intrigued by the typing, she wanted to ask how old this ship was but a wrong move could get her on the bad side of people. She decided it was just as good to keep her mouth tightly shut. She glanced to the door, creaking open and then turned back.

"So the First officer and Captain get a different room?" she asked and vaguely hoped her room would at least contain a comfortable bed and a desk on which she can work on. Though as she'd finished her speech the pilot had already turned away, she glanced to the Captain in hopes that she'd be guided by him in some ways, even though she was sure that he is just as new to this ship as her "I wish I had a map..." she muttered to herself and quickly got her large trunk "If there isn't a desk there, this massive trunk will suffice!" she joked, followed by a brief laugh. She scoops the large trunk into her arms and waits by the doors, watching the captain, waiting for him to lead her to the right place, somehow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dipper
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Risty glanced over as Pascal, and frowned, realizing that a game of cards had started before she had the chance to join in. "Is it too late to join?" She asked him, her eyes still taking in the Cargobay. "Could use a few turrets, just in case we get pushed back..." She muttered, before sighing and grabbing a chair. "Nevermind - I'll just watch, if you don't mind." She said, before taking a Datapad from her jacket, and attempted to connect to the Datanet - Before Caelum and the Captain entered the Cargo-Bay. She nodded what Caelum said, and walked over to where her brother's men had deposited her gear - She left her suit of Combat Armor - That was too bulky to get up the ladder - But she grabbed her weapons and Toolkit, as well as a bag filed with her personal belongings. She started strapping her weapons to the various holsters on her outfit, then grabbed her Kit, before following Caelum up the Ladder - She wanted - no, needed, to see the FTL drive.

First, however, she would need to see her Quarters. She followed Caelum up the ladder, and then headed towards the room marked 'women'. When she entered it, she looked about for a few moments, her lips pursed as she inwardly screamed in frustration at the state of the room. "Well. This certainly is lovely. And a room just to us women? How fortunate." "God fucking damn it, the Glycon had quarters that were better than this and weren't fucking gender separated. I swear if anyone - ANYONE, asks if I want to help paint their nails, I'll blow their head off. Don't care who it is."

With only the slightest of twitches at her eye, she claimed her bed - By dumping her belongings on it. She sat on the bed, and took out her Datapad again, and silently began writing her first journal entry.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stitches
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Looking for bleach...

Nicki more-or-less ignored the rest of the crew as she meticulously went through every crate, every box, every bag that belonged to her - either personally, or indirectly due to her status as medic - and counted every supply twice until she was certain that everything she had expected to be on board, was on board. In fact, she would've gone right past Serenity if it wasn't for some knee-jerk reaction that caused her to stand up and cast her eyes over the cargo bay.

Over there were the men - and Risty - toying around with the idea of playing cards. By the door, Valerie stood out of place and uncomfortable help her settle in when you've got the time, having the co-captain on your side could be handy and just outside were three people, the captain, Caelum seriously hope you get space-sicknessHOLDONWHOISTHAT- and...a woman with a floating sheet of paper.

"Psyche number three..." murmured Nicki, eyeing Serenity with an almost predatory gaze for half a second. It went by un-noticed by the rest of the crew, as Nicki adjusted her face into a look of politely hostile curiosity into what Caelum I hate you so much was up to. Nicki's eyes settled on the security pad that opened the doors, and stayed there, staring very intensely at it as Caelum punched the numbers in. Remember that. REMEMBER THAT. YOU'RE GOING TO NEED THAT CODE.

Nicki made a mental note of the code to the security door.

Instead of drifting with the crowd towards the rooms, Nicki made a detour. She felt her way around the corridors, peering around curiously. Over there, were the bowels of the ship, Risty's place of work...and up there, the helm, where Nicki could bug Caelum hit your head on the steering wheel and don't get up, the mess hall, the rooms again, and...aha, there it was, the medbay.

A large first aid cross was spray-painted in red across the door, with some hostile white font that imposed the word "MEDICAL STATION" into Nicki's eyeballs. Next to it, an old console which required a password to gain entry, but Nicki had a feeling that she could probably find a similar looking panel on the other side of the door with the option to keep this particular door open just in case someone's managed to accidentally remove their arms from their body and can't type a password with their nose whilst suffering blood loss and panic attacks. With a shrug, Nicki put in the same passcode Caelum Get your arms ripped off please used on the door to the cargo bay, and smirked as the door opened up.

"SWEET MOTHER OF MARS!" shrieked Nicki, stumbling back and hitting the wall behind her with a loud THUD.

Horrifying was an understatement. The medbay looked like a torture chamber, and smelt like one too - the smell of ancient urine and rotting blood was seeping out of the doors like a wall of stench. Every surface - EVERY surface - had these strange, nail-like grooves scraped across them. There was at least an inch of dust covering every bottle, medical tool and book in the room, and the hospital bed...still covered in blood, unclean surgical equipment strewn across the little cart beside it, thick metal restraints for the wrists, ankles and neck...It was no wonder Nicki screamed. She stands there, pressed against the wall opposite the entrance, chest heaving as she tried to figure out what kind of psychopath would perform surgery in this room, and tried to ignore that constant thought that replied to the question, the thought that said probably someone who used too much Psyche, just like me...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heat
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"I come from a similar place, some shitty rock in the deep colonies. Glad to be out here where it's a lot nicer. Hell, even a ship beats it." Erik said with a smile, then looked at his cards and slid them to the middle of the table, unsatisfied with what he had been dealt, signaling that he was folding his hand.

"Shitty. Guess I'm not that lucky with cards." He said, leaning back in his seat and folding his arms across his chest. He rose from his seat right after the pilot spoke, ready to go claim his living quarters. He noticed his familiar weapon and tool cases sitting by a wall, at least they delivered his stuff like they said they would. He picked up his jacket and bag once again, then approached the gear which were in heavy metal cases. He slide those into the bag, then headed towards the ladder, grasping the steel bars as he went up. Shortly after Risty and Caelum had, though he went in a different direction, one that took him to the men's quarters.

As he entered the men's quarters he figured out that he was the first one there, which of course meant choice claim on which bunk to take, not that it meant anything, they were all the same boring setup, he picked the one in te farthest right corner from the door, and dropped his bag on the floor in front of the bed. Erik then knelt down and popped it open, first pulling out the clothing, including his jacket, all of which he put in the dresser. Then he popped open the weapons case, checking his familiar submachine gun and pistol, the pistol which he clipped to his belt with the safety on of course.

He then locked the case containing his SMG, sliding it right under his bed. Finally he pulled a chair over, seating himself in it and examining his tool case, which he opened, going through all of his essential items. When he was satisified with that he moved to the bed, popping open the window, then laid down on the bed on top of the covers, stared at the ceiling for a moment, then closed his eyes, deciding to power nap while he had a spare moment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

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Serenity looked to face the voice answering her question. She reflexively recoiled as he finished his statement, not caring to think about why he would choose to say it that way. "Uuh... Right." Her gold eyes turned back to Caelum, and she could feel her heart sink just slightly when she hears that this weird guy was the Captain. Well, she'd just... have to give him another chance to make a better impression.

She hoped he made a better one.

The feel of an intense gaze on her caused her to look, and Serenity barely caught that woman staring at her. It made the hairs on the back of her neck stand.

Well, she'd gotten herself into something, alright... She should have stayed home. Oh well.

Since it seemed that they could go in and claim their own space now, she decided that would probably be the best course of action. She should make herself at home on the ship as soon as possible, and so she began to make her way in. As she approached the ladder into the ship, her identification put itself away in her bag before she plucked the luggage from the ground and climbed up with one hand. She ended up going one rung at a time, not being used to ladders and also carrying something.

Once through the ladder, the young lady made her way to the lady's bunk, claiming one of the empty beds for herself. She started to unpack some things from her bag. The zipper undid itself and smaller objects float out while she picks out larger, heavier things. After a moment, she had a seat as a custom-built data pad floated out of her pocket and into her hand. She fiddled with it for a moment, getting it to connect to the local network before she turned her attention to Risty. She should probably say something, right? Try to make friends?

"Hello, ah... I'm Serenity. I suppose we'll be seeing a lot of each other from now on, huh?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MercuryHg34
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Scott studied the others around the table, getting a sense of the hands they had. Then he looked at his own, decent at best. But luck is only half of the game, subterfuge and persuasion made up the other half. Just then Pascal spoke, asking about everyone's hometown. "He's got a poor hand, the first to speak always does," Scott thought to himself. As for the others, he'd have to make use of his... talents. He eyed Tide as he answered Pascal's question. Apparently he came from one of the outer rim colonies. Studying him, Scott's eyes began to change color ever so slightly, from the ordinary blue he was born with to more of an indigo/violet color. Tide's body began to split apart before him, moving around in various ways in his seat in a very wispy and illusory way, like the multiple versions of him were ghosts. Eventually, they became less sporadic and all of the "Tides" slowly fused back together, until there was just one copy left. It was leaning over the table slightly, as if studying something on it's surface. He then placed his own cards on the table and leaned back, before disappearing and leaving the real Tide behind. Tide was still speaking at this point, not much time had passed at all. Scott's eyes returned to their usual blue hue, and as he tried to make sense of his precognition he rubbed his forehead with his free hand.

"If Tide saw someone else's hand on the table, and then placed his hand down as well... If that person has a good hand then he probably folded, if the other hand was a fold then there's no way to tell the strength of Tide's hand." Erik then began to speak, and shortly afterward he placed his cards face-down on the table. He had folded, which lined up with Scott's second prediction. That was one hand out, and assuming Pascal's hand was less than spectacular the only unknown left was Tide's hand. Scott thought he heard the pilot saying something aloud to the whole crew, but he was far too invested in the game to pay attention. His forehead began to feel swollen, and he continued to rub the pain away. "Let's see how you play, big man."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wildtide
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Tide picked up his cards with a sigh, and dropped them onto the deck of cards in the middle of the crate. "Looks like we'll have to finish this another time," he said, "Our pilot seems keen to get going." Grabbing the straps of his pack in one hand, he stood up from the deck chair and walked over to the security door. Through the door, a ladder reached up into the rest of the ship. He swung his pack and threw it up through the hatch at the top, quickly following it up, climbing the metal rungs with practiced ease.

He made his way to the men's quarters, and poked his head through the open doorway. Erik was already laid on one of the bunks in the far corner, apparently asleep. Tide threw his pack onto the bunk closest to the door, and then ducked back out of the room, wanting to get a feel for the layout of the ship before they left. He worked his way forward, until he found himself outside the ship's bridge.

He stepped through into the bridge, which also apparently doubled as Caelum's living quarters. "Hey," he said, calling over to the harassed looking pilot. "Mind if I grab a seat in here until we're off world? Never did enjoy lying on a bunk while a ship's taking off."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Caelum stared for a moment in complete surprise at the man – Tide, if she recalled correctly – and somewhat belatedly realised she hadn't sealed the door behind her. Running a hand tiredly through her hair, she shrugged. “Sure. Not much in the way of seating around here but that bench's cleared.”

The bench she was pointing to wasn't cleared, not entirely. It still had several empty notebooks and a scribbled-on pilot's manual resting on top of it, but Caelum didn't particularly care.

Fingers running of the antiquated knobs and dials no longer connected to the running of the ship as they had been nine years ago, she pressed against the slider to begin the first preparations for checking that The Medusa was airtight and space-worthy. The ship shuddered with the strain of all essential systems activating all at once and the sound of metal clattering against metal resonated throughout it. “There's that rattle,” she mused. “Jason never did fix it...”

The pilot surveyed the screens which flickered on one by one, blinding blue lines etched across her vision. She was determined to change the language ASAP because even if most of her job involved symbols and pictures, it was her own choice to use Arabic – mostly as a secret code. It would take a lot of trial and error to steal the ship from her now.

She stopped at the display of star-maps... well, those were useless – she knew Sycamore and her sister planets like the back of her hand... Swish. She flicked the offending information away. Brand spanking new touch screen interfaces. How... modern.

Caelum carefully observed the screen with the life signs on it and, after ensuring that nobody was standing on or outside the cargo bay doors, she typed in the code to raise it out of muscle memory. Nicki F. Sharpe had made a beeline for the med bay (of course she had) and she was going to find a nasty surprise when she entered–

Ah. Caelum slammed on the tannoy system that ran throughout the ship, directing it exclusively to the crackly one that connected to the med bay. She was sure the mechanics and cleaners who had serviced the ship hours before they all boarded said something about refusing to take care of that room, mostly because... well, of the blood. And the history. “F. Sharpe? Aaah – sorry about the mess in there. Cleaners refused to do it, 'cos it wasn't in their job description. Blood and bodily fluids, y'know.” Had to be nonchalant. Had to be.

Finally, Caelum turned back to Tide with an ever-so-slightly false grin. “So! Ever flown in one of these babies before?” She patted the top of the defunct console.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MercuryHg34
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MercuryHg34 Likes long walks on the beach

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Let's see how you play, big man."

Suddenly, Tide stood up, folding his hand. Scott felt a rushing sensation as he returned to reality. His expertly calculated hand would not get to see the light of day. No sense in continuing with only two players, and he'd be damned if he didn't get a top bunk before Tide and Erik did. Slapping his hand down on the table, he stood as well. "Well that was pointless," he said, the frustration he felt evident in the tone of his voice. Scooping up his briefcase from the floor, he made his way over to the ship and climbed up the ladder. As he grabbed the first rung he managed to grab the case by the handle with his teeth in order to free up his other hand for the task.

His first step into the ship's interior wasn't exactly as he expected it to be; in fact, it was somehow worse. The ship hardly looked capable of flight, let alone carry out a mission. But hey, what did he know? Scott had never operated any vehicle in his life, so who was he to judge the working condition of a ship he'd never flown in before? Mumbling this under his breath, he slowly sulked over to the men's quarters where he found Erik sleeping and Tide's belongings near the closest bed. Luckily, the top bunk above Erik was still open. "Dibs!" he called out loud, tossing his case onto the bed to signify his newly found ownership. "Don't touch my shit, got it?" he said in passing to Erik before leaving the room, already forgetting he was trying to sleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Polyphemus
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Polyphemus They/ Them

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Pascal shrugged as the other men quickly folded as the ship prepared for departure. Perhaps poker had been an ill-founded idea. All of his ideas were terrible. As last man standing, Pascal supposed that he had technically won the game, not that anyone was keeping score or anything. He quickly cleared the table, absently shuffling the cards back into a cohesive deck, which he slipped into his pocket. A tidy man, he refolded the chairs and placed them back on their rack along the wall, making sure to carefully stack them so they would not fall over in flight. After all, that was just courteous.

With nothing left to do and no further reason to be in the hold, Pascal grabbed up his old duffel and the hard rifle case, climbed the ladder to tiptoe into the men's quarters. Again, trying to be courteous. Some people preferred to sleep through takeoff, it eased the sudden transition from terrestrial life to the vast inky emptiness that was space. Scott, however, didn't seem to care if anyone was trying to sleep, loudly announcing his presence and tossing his gear around as he slammed the door on the way out. Pascal pressed himself to the bulkhead to let the man pass through the corridor, then peeked inside. Sure enough, Erik lay curled up on one of the bunks.

Pascal sighed, quietly shut the door. Still carrying his bags, he walked lightly after Scott. "Mon ami," he said quietly after Scott. "Do not forget, you're sharing space with others. There's a man trying to sleep in there, but I doubt he's going to get much rest after your performance." He smiled in an effort to remove some of the offense from his words. No sense making an enemy out of Scott, but the man could use a friendly reminder.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The ship rose with creaks and groans not unexpected of a huge ton of metal about to escape into the great blackness of the universe, an unsettling shaking occuring in the lower levels of the ships were the dormitories were – prompting the pilot's voice to chime, "Sorry about the discomfort!" through the intercom even if there wasn't anything she could do about it.

As if there were ever any doubt, The Medusa made it. It ripped up through the air, past the various levels of atmosphere that Caelum ought to know the name of but didn't, and everything settled down in a flash once she was safely powering through the void.

Well, 'powering through' was subjective – they were cruising, a leisurely lap around Sycamore's designated safe zone before the pilot would read them the mission statement. She wasn't at all surprised at the Defective Alliance holding it off for her to do it, not now after she'd skimmed it. Nobody would join otherwise. Even so, she'd wait for an hour or so for everyone to settle in before calling them all together. Bad news tended to be somewhat disorienting, she knew.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jessikka


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Valerie had headed to her room and examined it. She nodded admiringly "Nice." she decided and dumped her trunk down in the centre of the room. There was no time to unpack yet, though, she had to socialise and try and make some friends. When you're on a relatively small moving vehicle in a vacuum it's either be at -least- neutral with everyone or find yourself floating out in the vast reaches of space. She stood up as the ship started moving - she'd learnt to balance when on a flying craft, however unnatural it may seem for the most part - when it accelerated however, she found herself losing her footing and falling on her butt. By now she knew that if she wasn't going to balance she had to get to a seat or something so she doesn't hit her head if she fell. She decided to crawl onto the sheets and lay there until the ship settled.

She got up and dusted herself off "Okay!" she announced to.. No one.. She strode out confidently and saw that pretty much - well, no, everyone had vacated the cargo hold and had gone to their dorms. She looked around and sighed, a few seconds doesn't feel like a long time when people are around but it's just -so- much longer in an empty room. Totally revved up for socialising she decided the best of her choices was to sit and wait for people to arrive. She found herself a space against the wall and sat herself there, ready to 'ambush' the next person to walk through with a "Hi! What's going on?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

The conversation didn't last long, with Serenity being the shy girl she was. Well, her unpacking was done for the time being and- oh. The ship was moving. Serenity steadies herself on her bed for a moment before standing and letting herself find her balance. She should really familiarize herself with the interior of the vessel. She should start where she came in. That was the cargo bay, probably? She left the room and ventured down to the cargo bay, hopping off the ladder at the end and looking around briefly. After a cursory examination, she begins to walk through the cargo hold, examining things more closely.

She stops at the wall of mounted guns, looking at them with some mix of fear and fascination. She hesitantly reaches up to touch one... and then someone greeted her suddenly from behind! She gives a little jolt, retracting her hand suddenly and spinning about. "Hello! Uh, m, hello." She glances over her shoulder briefly before returning her attention to the woman in front of her. Oh! She'd been asked a question. "I dunno, uh... these guns are old. And poorly kept. We probably... shouldn't use them." She wanted to disassemble them, since they really served no good other purpose... "How about you, what're you doin'?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jessikka


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

She smiled at the girl who walked in, watching her approach the guns, deciding this was a good part to say : "Hi, what's going on?". The girls reaction made her laugh a little and she smiled at her. "Yes, yes, hello, again." she said and then tilted her head as she hesitated to answer. She glanced to the guns and shrugged "Maybe not.. But if our own personal weapons break down and are useless we can use those to some extent, if not to shoot then to just.. Aheh, swing wildly." she said light heartedly. She blinked as the girl looked at the guns one last time then listened to her speak, absorbing the question for a moment or two.

She pushed herself against the wall and pulled her knees up, leaning forward so her head rested on them, her goggles sat squint on her pale blonde hair. "I'm sitting, I didn't get a chance to introduce myself very well due to the lack of breath." she explained and stood up, taking a few steps towards her, and extending a hand "I'm Valerie, I'm the first officer on this ship." she said and smiled "Its nice to be up off the floor again." she commented before saying "And you? What's your name?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

"S-Swing wildly..." Serenity repeated that answer softly to herself. Right, 'cause that was a good way to use a gun. The other girl rose to her feet, after giving her answer of what she was doing. Which wasn't a good answer, in Serenity's opinion. She looks as the hand offered too her and smiles softly, accepting it and shaking. "Serenity. I'm one of the Psyches on board. You should stand more often, if you enjoy it so much. What were you doing on the floor, anyway?"

After giving Valerie a chance to answer, Serenity took a look around. "Aah... Perhaps we should leave the cargo bay? There must be somewhere more pleasant we can have our conversation. C'mon." The young woman leads the way back to the ladder, waiting for Valerie before she'd start climbing. She looked around, after climbing to the top, before turning and waiting for her... new friend? "Erm... Do you know the ship any better than I do? I don't know where we should go."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jessikka


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Valerie nodded "Better than nothing," she said and laughed, she smiled at her "Serenity.." she repeated and then smiled "Nice to meet you - a psyche user, hm? Nice." she commented and dusted herself off before looking around before her gaze snapped back to the girl, she let out a loud laugh "I meant the ship - being in the sky again." she said warmly "But standing is good too." she said then blinked at the question "Hm? Well I've yet to meet everyone - if I sat around here it'd be likely I'd meet someone - and I wasn't wrong." she pointed out with a knowing nod. She followed after her before letting her climb the ladder, just as she were to begin climbing the voice of Serenity sounded from above her.

"Nope!" she announced and laughed "We can go give the people a visit in the living quarters - if that's what you mean." she said and smirked, leading the way.

She burst through the doors, standing between the two doors, one leading to hers, the other leading to the captain, facing a wall with two doors too - the women and men quarters. She patted Serenity's shoulder "Afternoon, ladies! Gents!" she called at the doors then patiently awaited an answer, she turned to Serenity and watched over her in the mean time - something to do, at least!
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