Name: Santana Volkova
Birthday: June 9, 2041

Youth is still evident in Santana's face, as well as a certain hardness. Her deep hazel-brown eyes are relatively expressive, which makes her both a great and a terrible liar. Her lightly tanned skin has a pretty healthy glow to it, but her arms and shoulders sport some scars from her training. She has a particularly nasty wound right below her naval from a bullet. As for the rest of her body, she is toned and fit, with good definition. She has the accent of one whom has spent their lives in New Orleans, Louisiana and loves where she is from.
Occupation: Police officer/SWAT team member
Biography: Santana was born in a rough time, as her mother and elder brother were struggling to make a living. Her father left before she was born to find work as a soldier, her brother took up engineering and her mother became a seamstress for the soldier's uniforms. Santana helped her mother as best as she could, but the girl was a terrible seamstress. So rather, she devoted herself to her studies from her well taught mother. Her lack of a job allowed her the time to devote to A's and high B's. Being so near the military base though, the young girl eventually found herself drawn to the soldiers, and often watched and mimicked them when they ran through drills after she'd deliver her brother his lunches. She'd also taken to scavenging and rummaging through discarded supplies, rather than attend home school. Some careless soldier had thrown his unloaded pistol away, which the opportunistic girl quickly swiped. When gun drills came around again, she was on the other side of the fence, listening to the drill instructor and disassembling it carefully. As the days turned into weeks and then into months, the girl grew adept at disassembling and reassembling the gun and spent her free time there when she wasn't studying or with her mother or friend.
It didn't take long for the idealistic girl to learn what it meant to be curious. Her mother was attacked by the very men she idolized, and was accused of being a spy due to her international status and Santana's careful watching of the soldiers. Santana, being the ten year old she was, elbowed the crotch of her captor and ran to her mother. She was caught by another soldier, but managed to catch him unawares with a smart elbow to the nose. Years of watching, learning and mimicking, along with the relaxed soldiers led to Santana holding a gun straight at the man whom held her mother. Everything was still few a few seconds before the girl ejected the magazine and chambered round then dropped the gun to the ground within seconds. The captain watched in surprise before he allowed the girl to explain where she learned that. She answered truthfully and told him that her mother was a humble seamstress, her brother an engineer while her father fought alongside them. Her passionate pleas of their loyalty didn't stop the soldiers from searching their home, but did allow for her mother to embrace the girl.
Years later, Santana formally applied to the police academy after she finished basic training. Due to the war ending, Santana was never able to get deployed with the army, but her high marks earned her a position in the Police Academy. Less than a year later, she was in a uniform and patrolling the streets. More time would pass before she earned her way onto the SWAT team, after putting an application in alongside a recommendation with her captain. Despite her job, she still manages to make time for Dust as a way to earn some extra money to send to her ailing mother and elder brother. She'd been largely spared from the mental horrors of most kids, as her mother sheltered her for years. As such, she is a rather naive young woman, which led to her bullet wound. She still has her innocent moments, and can be gullible, but she is loyal to her teammates, both on the force and in Dust.
Dust Persona
Alias: Grey
Style of Play: Grey is a rather deadly warlock. Not due to her ability to call meteors on her enemies nor to make people bend to her will, but because she is one of the few summoners. Her power lay within her teammates just as they do in Santana's life. She can summon a total of six different creatures, all corresponding to an element of some sort. Grey has no other offensive capabilities outside of her summons, with a few trapping spells mostly used to run away or to set up opponents for her summons.
This is Grey's summon of fire. A cross between a wolf, man, and elemental, Balor is the fire elemental that heeded Grey's call. He doesn't talk much, and acts as Grey's primary offensive summon. His main ability, "Inferno" calls an eruption of fire to shoot skyward from the ground. He stands a few inches above Grey. He is normally her mount and is usually at her side out of battle.
A dragon and chaos elemental hybrid. Tiamat stands at 8'10" and serves as Santana's debuff summon. Her non-elemental attack, "Chaotic Burst" manifests as a beam attack that razes enemies in a delayed explosion. She has a high chance of inflicting two to three different status ailments upon hit.
Leviathan is Grey's summon of water and sky. A "storm" elemental, this small, flying wyrm can usually be found wrapped around her left arm if she isn't summoned to fight. In a fight, this is Grey's primary trapping and tracking summon. Her ultimate ability, "Storm's Call" summons a typhoon used to entrap enemies.
Thor serves his summoned as her sword and shield. He is loyal to her as he was the first elemental to heed her call. He is the elemental of Darkness and Lightning. His ability "Judgment" allows him to dual wield that weapon of his to slice his way through enemies. He stands at 7'2".
By far, Requiem is her largest summon. He has a mind of his own, and has only recently accepted Grey as his summoner. Despite his size, this elemental of earth, is quite weak due to his inability to fully accept Grey as his summon. She has only just recently finished his personal quest, so their relationship is much less personal than with her other summons. His main attack is not yet unlocked. He stands over 15' tall.
The elemental of Holiness, Hail serves as her summoner's impenetrable wall and healer. She was Grey's second summon, and the first to put her through trials to test her resolve. Hail is the second largest summon, and stands at 12' tall. Her ability "Creation" restores health and adds a random buff to party members.
Grey stands at 5'6" and currently has a capacity to summon no more than one summon at a time. While she is quick to be able to summon, she is unable to do much more than dodge and give commands. The power of her summons are derived from the strength of her relationship with them. While Grey has lately been soloing as she has looked for quests to gain more summons, she feels comfortable enough with her current roster of summons to look for parties. She makes an excellent crowd controller and DPS character, and is good for short tanking unless Hail or Thor is summoned. If those two are on the field, she fills in as an excellent tank.