Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Name: Godfrey Griffin

Codename: "I am commiting no crime, only criminals hide their faces and names."


Age: 38

Gender: Male

Place of Birth: Burgersdorp, South Africa (Yes, it is in fact a real place.)

Affiliations: Burgersdorp Police Department (Ex police)

Occupation: Retired officer of the law, current vigilante, hobbyist in knitting and sewing.

Appearance: Godfrey is a borderline obese man. Heavyset and imposing in stature, Godfrey's got unhealthy eating habits. Now, he's not morbidly fat, but he's got some clearly defined chub on his gut. Cleanly shaven, everywhere, including his head. He is bald, not by choice, actually, he started going bald early. Real early. Now, about his height. While he's not extraordinary in any regard, he's a bit above average height. At 6'1". His skin is incredibly dark, about as dark as Akon. (Pretty much the best skin color reference I can find.)

Draped over his body is a loose fitting silk poncho, laced with gold trim. The poncho is very simple, just a circle of cloth over his body with a hole cut in the top for his head. On his head is a simple cap made from the same material, it too is laced in gold trim.

Beyond that he wears simple three piece suits and nice dress shoes. This outfit is no costume, this is a professional uniform. Why a uniform? To give an air of professionalism to his vigilantism.

His left hand does not have a pinkie finger, the scar that begins at the pinkie finger runs up his arm up to his elbow. It is a deep and grizzly scar that disfigures his entire arm, it is from a violent struggle with a sword user's blade. Instead of risking his life, he sacrificed his arm and hand to disarm him. The scar is covered mostly by his suit. He wears white silken gloves to cover up his hand, the left glove has three fingers to make it look more natural.

Over the ring finger on his left hand he wears an ornate golden ring. No gems, just a carving of a leopard's head.

Flight: The first of his three powers gifted to him by the Awakening. Like many supers around the world he has the power of flight. He's not the fastest flying being in the world, however, he is quite proficient at omnidirectional navigation. His top speed is about 60 mph.

Enhanced Durability: There's nothing really remarkable about his physical durability, his skin is about as durable as bronze armor. Steel blades, energy blasts, and firearms are still quite deadly to him. Though he is resistant to them now. Particularly sharp blades have proven themselves disfiguring against his flesh, especially when their strikes are enhanced by super strength. Another thing to note, his bones are roughly as strong as iron.

Enhanced Strength: With enhanced flesh and bone, he can lift much more than he could previously. Effectively tripling his strength, able to lift about 600 lbs over his head and throw it a few yards.

Orbital Generation: Godfrey can produce floating orbitals that appear to be, at first glance, Spheres. However, upon closer inspection, they are in fact, 500 sided 3d figures. They are made of a strange semi-transparent crystaline material that is some form of hard energy. These orbs levitate around his body and are controlled by his will. They can travel at the speed of thought. (Roughly 220 mph.)

Innitial production is immediate, and he can form 5 orbitals around his body. Over the course of a minute he can produce another 5 orbitals. The speed of the production is not reliant on his stamina or mental state, as long as the intent to project is there, the orbitals will form. These newly formed orbitals can be moved through the air to any position that he wishes to place them. Allowing for maximum coverage with minimal production.

Projectile Platforms: Each and every orbital that he produces is a platform for high powered concussive kinetic energy bolts. These are effectively bullets made from pure energy. These rounds fire at roughly the same speed as a low caliber bullet. (600mph) This generates enough friction to cause superficial partial thickness second degree burns. With enough force to throw a grown man, roughly 200lbs, around 5 feet backwards. These are nonlethal, however, incredibly painful and effective. These projectiles can be fired at 3 rounds per second.

Police Arms training: Proficient with all manner of standard firearm. Pistols, revolvers, rifles, and shotguns.

Self Taught one handed swordplay: Heavy internet research on the topic of utilizing curved swords with one hand. Unprofessional, yet still quite dangerous when armed.

Police Martial training: A combination of Judo techniques and standard Aikido techniques. Used to take down armed opponents and keep them down without actually harming them.

Vektor Z88 Pistol: A standard firearm, used only in the most dire emergencies. This is his side arm from his police service, he keeps it on his hip in case he cannot subdue his foe without severely wounding or killing them. The holster is on his right hand side.

German Hunting Blade: A kind of german falchion, around three feet long and softly curved. Ever since his encounter with another vigilante who weilded a japanese odachi.(They claimed it was a katana, despite the shape difference.) The frequency of sword using superhumans is staggering, so to defend himself in the event of another encounter with a sword user he carries one on his hip. Opposite his sidearm.

Left Arm: From an encounter with another vigilante with a cruel sense of justice, his left arm is grossly mangled from hand to elbow. His left arm is worthless in combat, though it can still be used for menial tasks.

Psychological Profile: Not what one would consider a standard issue hero, Godfrey is an ex police officer who retired only to serve and protect the innocent more efficiently than he was before. By any means necessary he does his best to police those who would abuse the powers granted to them to befoul the world. Most people in this mindset would take the "Holier than thou" personality type, but Godfrey doesn't see himself above any other. He doesn't see himself above the law, above men, or even criminals. He is a just and kind man with all intention to do the right thing, no matter the cost.

Biography: Born in a small town just off of Burgersdorp, Godfrey was nobody special. He had no great tragedy in his life, no big sad moment that changed him forever. Godfrey's father was a cop, not a special cop, not even a great man. Maurice Griffin was your average every day officer of the law, a good cop through and through. Much like his son would in the future, Maurice hated corrupt cops. And moved on from law enforcement to Internal Affairs.

Following in his father's footsteps, Godfrey went straight to the police academy out of high school. Shot through the academy and was an officer before he was 24. And he served active duty until the awakening of course. Like everyone else here, he was subjected to changes from the Awakening too. However, he didn't notice until a week and a half later.

During a shootout with a pair of bank robbers who had taken the people inside hostage, Godfrey was on the recieving end of a stray bullet. The bullet, however, did not penetrate through his body. It struck him in the shoulder and broke the skin, it caused little more than a superficial wound.

It became clear shortly afterwards that he was a bit tougher than he used to be, the wound was tended to by a doctor. The doctor reported breaking three sutures trying to stich it shut.

The projectile spheres came later, when he was out on a fishing trip. He had just snagged a big fish, at least ten pounds, and was pulling it up onto the boat when the line snapped. In a desperate attempt to catch the fish he ran towards the front of the boat and thrust out his hand, before his hand formed five little shapes of white.

After that strange experience he started experimenting, found out he could move them around with just a thought, could make them fire off shots that put more than a few holes in his apartment. That cost quite a bit of money to repair, and a long explanation to the supervisor.

Two months of practice, about 50 dollars worth of cloth and lace, and a bit of travel expenses. Godfrey left his home to a country where he had heard scarce rumors of other beings who had gained abilities like him.

Upon arrival he was met with a rough skirmish between two rival 'factions' of superbeings. One apparently holding some girl hostage, the other trying to get her back. Godfrey stepped in, assisted in defeating the apparently evil group. And what did he get for his thanks?

The leader began berating him, screaming at him. Apparently infuriated by the fact that this newcomer in a simple outfit with no want for violence had decided to help him. The rest of his group disengaged, took the girl back to what could be called a base.

What followed has left Godfrey paranoid of other Supers, what followed has left Godfrey scarred.

The leader withdrew a blade, calling it a katana, his sword of justice. Or some other quote along those lines. His body wrapped in a black whipping essence, and he unleashed hell upon Godfrey. Swinging his blade madly towards the evidently weaker hero, Godfrey raised his hand and caught the blade. The blade ripped his hand open, but he refused to let go. If he let go he would be run through or cut to ribbons.

With a twist of his arm and a vicious howl he pulled the blade from his hand and struck again, Godfrey raised his already wounded arm up to defend himself once more. Catching the blade again, watching his pinkie fall to the ground. Severed from his hand. His arm was in mangles, and though he did not wish to harm this man he had no choice. Godfrey created all five spheres point blank into the sword weilder's chest.

He fired. A sickening crack boomed as every one of his ribs was shattered by the impact. He was sent flying, his sword shredded Godfrey's arm even further as it was pulled away. Godfrey took off running, leaping into the air and trying to escape as quickly as possible. He was losing a lot of blood.

He passed out a quarter mile away, crashing into the ground in front of a police officer's speed checking post.

When he awoke he was in the hospital, his arm wrapped in gauze. He could barely feel it.

After a long explanation to everyone there, a court case, and a fine for disorderly conduct, Godfrey went on his way once again.

When the gauze was removed he saw just how badly his arm was damaged in the fray, it was grossly twisted. The doctors did what they could to maintain functionality, but in the process they had left it lumpy and uneven. His pinkie was gone, he had left it on the ground when he ran.

He took up odd jobs occasionally, did a bit of bounty hunting, got a good deal of money in a bank account to pay for his expenses.

After everything was paid off, and Godfrey had moved on from the incident, he found a website where he could order a blade. Forged by a modern blacksmith to be as efficient as the blades from olden times. Looking down at his arm he knew that he would need some way to protect himself from other superhumans with twisted senses of justice.

It wasn't until after the League was formed that he heard of it, and when news struck his ears he grinned from ear to ear. A place where he could prove to be useful.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Excellent sheet, accepted
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TJByrum
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TJByrum Jed Connors

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Will probably join this depending on a number of factors. Here is my bio for the time being.

Name: Garret Hanes

Codename: Warlord

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Place of Birth: Georgia, USA

Affiliations: US Marine Corps (formerly), Miranda Stratus

Occupation: Assassin, mercenary, bounty hunter, vigilante.


Powers: None

Skills: Peak human strength, speed, reflexes. Above-average agility. Expert martial artist, marksman, tactician, strategist, and tracker. Skilled at stealth, explosives, and sabotage. With the Warlord-V3 Garret has greatly enhanced speed, strength, and reflexes (above peak-human), as well as being flame-retardant and providing resistance to bullets and blades.

Equipment/Resources: An array of guns, depending on the situation. Warlord has been known to use semi-automatic pistols, submachine guns, assault rifles, and sniper rifles. He also carries combat knives. He almost always wears his Warlord-V3 suit.

Warlord-V3: Before its closure nearly a decade ago, the CRDT (Combat Research and Development Team) developed three prototype suits that would enable the wearer to have above-human capabilities. The V1 was made of metal, was to heavy, and was more or less an exo-suit. The V2 was better developed, but the CRDT never finished its construction. After Miranda Strarus managed to hack CRDT's archives, she was able to order and the necessary components and recreate the V2, only with her own ingenuity - thus the V3 was created. The V3 is made entirely of synthetic material with no traces of metal. the suit itself is flame-retardant, resistance to bullets and blades, and the tight-fitting rotary-enhancers gift the user with above-peak-human strength and speed.

Weaknesses: Tendency to lose control; anger issues; potentially insane; mentally unstable; impulsive.

Psychological Profile: Garret is fueled by hate, rage, and a desire for revenge after being driven nearly insane by the disappearance of his godchild.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maxxorlord


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I bit more bare bones than I would have liked, but there it is.

Name: Harold Webster Martin Smaen

Codename: Anguish

Age: 954 years old (Actual) Twenty six minutes and eight and a half seconds (Since Risen)

Gender: Male

Place of Birth: London, England

Affiliations: Ex-Pope Urban II, Ex-Catholic Church, Ex-Godfrey of B, ex- Baeul The Necromancer; Independent

Occupation: N/A


Anguish stands at nine feet five inches tall (for the moment), and weighs roughly a ton and a half. His armored hide is made of stone, and he has crystals of amber stabbing their way through his elbows. Anguish’s mouth his constantly aflame.

Powers: Anguish is capable is a great many things. First, he is incredibly strong. He can lift fifteen tons maximum, though his strength is ever increasing with his size. Second, Anguish can breathe fire, in a way very similar to an old World War II flamethrower. Third, Anguish can use his mouth as a powerful vacuum to suck up the ash he requires to survive and thrive. Speaking of which, that brings me to Anguish’s next ability: Anguish can absorb ash and fire to grow in power, size, and ability. Taking in ash also restores any sort of injury Anguish has received. A side effect of Anguish’s skin is added durability.

Skills: Anguish lacks any sort of skills, traditional or otherwise. He’s kind of an idiot.

Equipment/Resources: Anguish lacks any sort of equipment or resources.

Weaknesses: When Anguish was summoned, he was brought back with a single purpose: To destroy. This purpose has made Anguish just as weak as it has made him strong. His mind is incredibly simplistic, and could be medically treated as mentally ill. While Anguish is quite capable of causing others pain, he himself is constantly in pain. The body he was summoned in constantly sends waves of excruciating pain throughout his nervous system. This pain grows as Anguish does. Because of this, Anguish is filled with so much rage and hate at his own suffering that his simple mind is further blinded from his actions. Put simply, Anguish doesn’t know what he’s doing or why, he’s just doing it to survive. However, if someone were to clear the monster’s mind of suffering, Anguish would shift into his more docile state: Easily persuaded, unshakably loyal, quite stupid, and far too trusting.

Some more physical weaknesses would come in the form of water or extreme cold. If one were to get Anguish to below zero levels of heat, he’d begin to die very quickly. A brute or Zenith-Class would have an easy enough time of pumbling Anguish into a pulp.

Psychological Profile: Anguish’s mental condition can be easily summed up with a handful of words: insane, angry, and in a pain so completely engulfing that even the most powerful wills would collapse under the pressure. The ancient crusader turned fiery beast has the mind of a man broken by indescribable pain and suffering. It was as if this new body Harold was cursed with was Hell itself. The Englishman believes that perhaps this was suffering for the sins he had committed in his life. Yet, he cannot remember that life; which makes his suffering ever more infuriating. Why would the universe bring this upon him? What had he done as a man that made him deserve this fate?

Angry at God, the universe, nature, whoever did this to him, Anguish decides to take out his rage upon those around him. Blinded by anger, the once morally just man unwittingly murders and destroys everything around him in a fit of rage so great that he’d make the Hulk blush.

Biography: Harold Smaen was born to a large family in London, England, before the Great Crusades of his day. His family was part of the noble class. It was because of this that Harold lived a life where everything was handed to him on a silver platter. His father owned a castle in the countryside, and that’s where the Smaen family usually stayed. Occasionally they would all head into the capitol for a feast or something like that. Like everyone during that time that lived in Europe, Harold was Catholic. He went to mass, listened to the priests read the Bible in Latin, and all of the usual stuff. When he reached the appropriate age, Harold began his training as a page, and afterwards went on to become a squire to a knight who served Harold’s father. Upon becoming an adult, Harold was knighted by the monarch. Not too long afterwards the Pope declared a crusade against the Muslims.

Feeling a great sense of duty, Harold joined nearly hundred thousand other European warriors in an attempt to take control of the Holy Land from the Jews and the Muslims. Blinded by his zeal for the Catholic church, Harold joined the rest of his brothers in their foolish march against the Muslim hordes. He was part of the army that participated in the massacre of Jewish villages on the way towards Jerusalem. One such village was the village was Mainz. While he was there, Harold personally participated in the genocide against the unarmed and innocent Jewish people taking shelter there. After that massacre, Harold and his fellow crusaders moved on to besiege Antioch. After the year long siege of the city, the crusaders broke inside and pillaged the city. The inhabitants were massacred, just as the Jews were earlier. Kerbogha and an army of Muslims besieged Antioch soon after. After sallying forth and defeating Kerbogha, the crusaders and Harold moved upon the holy city of Jerusalem. It was there, during the Siege of Jerusalem during the First Crusade, that Harold died.

Many years later, during December of the year 2017, Harold was brought back to life by Baeul the Necromancer. Baeul was a young man who had recently acquired the power of sorcery. During his summoning, Baeul made a critical mistake: he had messed up a word. A single word, and his creation had been ruined. Harold’s body had been turned into fiery a torture chamber for his soul, and the summoner’s control over his monster had been ruined. In a fit of rage, Anguish turned his great strength against the warlock and pounded his pathetic face into the dirt. From there, Anguish began to burn a trail through the forest he had awoken in towards the nearest source of light: Milwaukee, Wisconsin. There was only a single thought on Anguish’s mind while he marched: He needed to die. This horrifying pain that burned within his disgusting demonic body wasn’t worth living with. He had no idea who he was or where he had come from. Anguish had only fleeting images that he couldn’t understand to remind him of a past that he did not know. Hurt and confused, Anguish’s primal instincts led him towards the lights of the city. Perhaps, somewhere deep inside, he knew those lights meant people. Where there were people, there were weapons; and weapons could end this anguish.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Polyphemus
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Polyphemus They/ Them

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alright, guess I'll put on my co-GM hat for the first time. Hope I'm not overstepping my bounds here.

I really like the character, think he has a ton of potential, especially if he hits downtown Milwaukee. I just have a few questions I'd like cleared up, if that's cool.

Firstly, is there any way of reaching whatever's left of Harold's mind? You mentioned it might be possible to get Anguish into a docile state, taking that one step further, could hypnosis or telepathy or something possibly put him into a lucid state?

Second, is he constantly growing or is it just when he absorbs fire? In either case, what's the rate of growth? Not looking for any hard or fast rules, just, say, how much it would take for him to double his current size. Also, I take it his strength increases exponentially rather than proportionately.

Other than that, excellent sheet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maxxorlord


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

To your first question: Yes. The most obvious way, of course, would be something like telepathy or hypnosis. I was also thinking that a sorcerer could, say, correct the incantation used to bring Anguish back and to fix his current...issue. The broken spell was what caused Anguish to lose all of his memories and his personality from his previous life.

To answer your second question, he only grows when he absorbs fire and such things. I was a bit apprehensive of putting a solid rate of growth in, because I wasn't sure what would be considered too overpowered. To double his size, though? I'd say...Perhaps absorbing a pile of ash about the size of a two story building. Strength wise, I wasn't sure which was a better course. I'd like to say exponentially, but again, I didn't want him to be able to go toe to toe with someone like Zenith too early on in his existence.

Really? I was worried I had skimped out on too many of the details. It's nice to know it wasn't as bad as I perceived.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Polyphemus
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Polyphemus They/ Them

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Exponentially makes sense, as more and more of his strength would go towards supporting his own weight otherwise.

I feel it's pretty detailed as is, enough to know where you're going with it, feel free to add to it as you like. I'll stop just short of saying it's approved, because I'm not sure if that's my job or not, but you definitely have my thumbs up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

how would you guys feel about a minotaur villain with incredible strength and fire powers?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maxxorlord


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Go for it, dude. Supernatural creatures need some love up in here. Actually, magic in general needs some player attention. We have ONE sorcerer, and one creature-demon-person-guy Casmir.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Maxxorlord said
Go for it, dude. Supernatural creatures need some love up in here. Actually, magic in general needs some player attention. We have ONE sorcerer, and one creature-demon-person-guy Casmir.

from what MrD told us, we have a lot of magical heroes, what we don't have a good amount of are energy themed heroes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Polyphemus
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Polyphemus They/ Them

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Raymond Harper Sweeney

Codename: Salieri

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Place of Birth: Town and Country, Missouri

Affiliations: Copernicus Marketing, LLC (a BH subsidiary); The Somnambulist

Occupations: Marketing executive, part-time writer, part-time supervillain

Appearance: Ray Sweeney is a moderately handsome, broad-shouldered Caucasian male with stereotypical Black Irish features (dark hair, blue eyes, fair skin). He frequently finds his appearance compared to actor Sean Maher.

Powers: Ray Sweeney possesses the ability to render substances toxic through contact with his skin. The things he poisons do not change appearance, color, smell, taste, or shape, and are indistinguishable from normal substances. Generally speaking, the longer he is in contact with something the more poisonous it will be. This includes animals and other living beings as well, their entire system going into shock if he hangs on long enough to their bare skin. Theoretically, it would be possible for Salieri to poison someone like Zenith to death with enough uninterrupted contact, though the amount of time he would have to be holding onto Zenith to achieve this is ludicrously impossible.

The poison itself is a paralytic: if someone ingests it or otherwise gets it into their system, the first symptoms are a stiffening of the joints, followed by an inability to move, then shutdown of all bodily systems with a high enough dosage.

This ability is under his control, it can be turned on and off as he wishes.

Skills: Sweeney is a fairly talented marketer, however he thinks of himself first and foremost as a writer. He is very skilled in this area and has independently sold numerous works of fiction, though not enough to support (or satisfy) himself. In addition, he has been studying various martial arts and pistol marksmanship in an effort to round out his combat ability. His skill in this area is nothing exceptional, but it at least gives him a leg up on the untrained. Finally, he has made a serious study of the occult and black magic, though his interest is scholarly- he has never attempted a spell himself.

Equipment/Resources: Working a fairly lucrative job, selling several novels and short stories, and wisely investing the proceeds has made Ray Sweeney comfortably well-off (not incredibly rich, but he's got some money in the bank). Using this money, he has commissioned a state-of-the-art suit of unpowered armor, made from lightweight space-age alloys and ceramics and able to deflect bullets and cushion blows from low-powered superhumans. Despite the modern construction, the suit modeled after those worn in the days of pike and shot, complete with a morion helmet and old-fashioned masquerade mask.

In addition, he packs a Smith and Wesson 5906 in 9mm, the bullets usually poisoned as well.

Weaknesses: Without the armor, Ray has all the weaknesses and mortality of your normal human being. In addition, he is a high-functioning alcoholic. While he's smart enough not to drink on the job or while working on a project, he finds it difficult to sleep or relax without a few drinks.

Psychological Profile: Ray is mildly sociopathic: he lacks empathy for others, thinks nothing of lying, feels very little guilt or responsibility for his actions, and has a grandiose sense of self-worth. He is not necessarily egocentric, nor does he think he is better than everyone, but he does often feel unrecognized and overshadowed by the accomplishments of others. This has led him to feel the need to excel at everything and require everyone to know his genius. He is particularly interested in fiction and opera, given his upbringing (below). However, Ray feels stress easily and has a tendency to self-medicate with alcohol.

Biography: On paper, Ray Sweeney had it made for his entire life. His father Daniel was a wealthy, famous novelist and lecturer, his mother Claudia a beautiful and gifted teacher of singing, with a passion for opera. However, his life as a child wasn't that great. Though neither ever raised a finger to Raymond, any social worker would call their treatment of him abuse. He was constantly berated and punished for failing to live up to the high standards set by his parents, in particular his well-known father.

He discovered a talent for writing, and worked hard to develop his natural gifts in that area despite the ridicule he received from his father. Fresh out of Mizzou and working at a well-paying but soul-crushing job at a St. Louis based marketing firm, he spent weekends and evenings tossing back wine and rum and pouring his frustrations and feelings of inadequacy into his first novel, Mad Scene. The novel was eagerly accepted by a notable publisher, who recognized the brilliance of the work and eagerly planned to promote its release. It was sure to be an instant hit, to make Ray Sweeney a household name in the literary world and finally bring him out from under the shadow of his domineering parents.

The novel was set to be released December 21st, 2012. The day of the Awakening.

Of course, Mad Scene was completely overlooked and forgotten in the general chaos of that fateful day. The book, brilliant as it was, became a mere footnote, usually lumped in with his father's body of work. To Ray, it just wasn't fair. Once again, he was being overshadowed, and he couldn't have that. Over the next few years, he wrote several novels and short stories, but none quite lived up to the standards he had set for himself, none were good enough to grab the public eye or capture the raw emotion of his first novel.

Finally, in late 2015, it hit him. The coming of the supers was to blame. Who wanted fiction when a real-life drama of incredible proportions was taking place every day, in the streets and skies above? Only when they were gone would the truth and beauty of his fiction be recognized.

Ray Sweeney began to research, and to plot. He obsessively studied the major and minor superheroes in St. Louis: Dervish, Red Scorpion, of course the media darling the Spirit of St. Louis. And it was then, without benefit of superpowers and immense resources, that he formed a plan.

Ray approached a dangerous fringe religious group, the Cult of the Somnambulist, dedicated to the worship of a demon who possessed the bodies of the sleeping. Impressing them with his occult knowledge, Ray put a proposal to them. The cultists would invade the limestone caverns beneath the venerable Lemp Mansion, allegedly one of the most haunted buildings in the world, and perform a ritual designed to tap the spiritual energy of the place and give physical form to the Somnambulist, the unstoppable power of a physical demon rather than the filtered form it took through possessing mortals. The cult was charmed by the idea, and agreed to carry it out on New Year's Eve of 2015, the same night Copernicus Marketing celebrated the holiday in the rented hall of the mansion above. They stormed the mansion with an armed force, holding the guests (Ray included) hostage to hold off the police as they worked their rituals in the caves below. Even the Somnambulist had come, occupying the sleeping body of a nine-year-old boy.

Ray's plan was simple. Concealing a gun on his person, he would shoot down whichever hero responded. They would never expect their death to come from one of the hostages they were protecting.

He never got the chance, having underestimated the heroes. He and the other hostages were teleported away by Sonja Simpson before he could even draw his gun. The cultists and the Somnambulist were dealt with in a vicious battle beneath the earth, and Raymond was never connected to the scheme. Yet still, the rage and envy only grew within him. He had once again been brushed aside, as though he was nothing, outdone by freaks with powers.

Raymond Sweeney Awakened on the first day of January, 2016. Or, another theory he has entertained, perhaps the Somnambulist somehow gave him his power. Whichever it was, Ray soon discovered he could wilt flowers in his hands, poison glasses of water with the touch of a fingertip. Ray now had the means to wage his war on the superheroes, those who had taken away his much-deserved recognition. He was patient and careful about becoming a supervillain, however, taking the time to learn as much as he could about his ability and how to use it. Raymond experimented on animals (gradually moving up to the homeless), secretly commissioned a suit of armor from the secretive underworld craftsman known only as Artisan, and learned some basic combat skills. The final test came when he used his powers to murder his own father, the poisoning ruled a stroke by the coroner.

Dressing himself as the harbinger of doom Il Commendatore from the opera Don Giovanni (beat into his head by his abusive mother), Ray has taken the name Salieri, in honor of Antonio Salieri, a 18th century composer. Legend says that Salieri grew so envious of the genius of his contemporary Wolfgang Mozart that he poisoned the other man with arsenic, to make room for the mediocrities of the world to be recognized as well.

And now, Salieri plots his public debut, planning how best to take on the League itself for their unpardonable crimes against his ambition.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Poly, I'm not entirely sure if we can approve characters yet, but I'm gonna slap my seal of approval on this one!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'll be posting my super strong and fire powered villain soon
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Krein
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Please don't tell me this is going to be that Superboy-Prime-esque thing you went on about for days... I mean, sure he can be powerful and super threatening but not THAT strong, you know?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Krein said
Please don't tell me this is going to be that Superboy-Prime-esque thing you went on about for days... I mean, sure he can be powerful and super threatening but not THAT strong, you know?

of course he won't be that powerful, but he will be powerful enough that if some characters want to act rash and rush on ahead without planning or thinking things out with the team then they'll probably get their asses handed to them. It puts lone wolf heroes in their place among a team.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Krein
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Oh, that's cool then. I don't even know why I was complaining, I honestly intend to have Abaddon be one of those types of metas (the type you talked about in your post, not the Superboy-Prime styled one).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'm going to go ahead and say that any of us can approve a sheet unless the other two overrule it for whatever reason.

@Poly, It's a great sheet but I'm thinking there must be some method of detecting the poison. Maybe a chemical trace? Other than that it's great.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Polyphemus
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Polyphemus They/ Them

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Yeah, I'd be fine with a chemical analysis being able to detect it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maxxorlord


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Would it be safe to assume Anguish is accepted?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Polyphemus
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Polyphemus They/ Them

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Now that I have the go-ahead to approve sheets, Anguish is definitely in.
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