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  • Old Guild Username: maxxorlord
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Erm. Yeah. Sorry, Did. Been busy.
Dinh AaronMk said
About damn time.Anyways, the skinny:Spain has declared war on Ethiopia and is fighting for the Suez Canal in order to get into the Red Sea and have a more direct landing to Addis. Ethiopians are trying to stop or slow them down. At the same time Australia is interested and simply wants to watch so should have sent a submarine that way to play observer, or something silly like that. Also Argentina is involved on the side of Spain.Veo posted once and I need to tell him to come back again.In Asia, Chinese are invading the Republic again and there's some Metal Gear-tier activity from the Mafiya. And when I say Metal Gear tier I mean really show-offy stuff like

When the Ethiopian-Spanish War Documentary comes out with full color, uncensored action, and becomes the most popular documentary in Asia, you're the one who's going to feel silly for not documenting this stuff.

Enalais said
"Best believe i'm in my zone to be from my Ying to my yang to my Yang tze." Funny i thought that was an American song.

Pretty sure it is. Tis a song for the ages, though.
I'll probably post Anguish's introduction post tomorrow.
Messiah watched with a mixture of disappointment and excitement as Sumato finished off the last goblin. He felt as if he had been completely useless in that fight: actually, if he really thought about it, he really hadn't done anything that could have helped his team. At all. With that in mind, Messiah shouldered his crossbow and moved over towards the bodies of the goblin creatures. Looking over at the two magicians and the rogue looting two of the enemies’ corpses. Following their example, Messiah bent down next to the archer and looked through the creature’s pockets. There wasn't much anything of note besides the money it carried in a small pouch. Deciding that junk loot was still better than no loot, Messiah took the money as well as the tiny arrows and whatever they were carried in. Upon further thought, he took the bow as well; perhaps he could sell it.”Nice work, guys. You did fantastic. Uh, if it wouldn't be any trouble, I’ll take any loot you guys don’t want.” Yeshua had always been like this, no matter what game he was playing: if there was any chance that something could have value, he’d keep it. This meant that he usually spent his time watching around with a full inventory, spending too much time wondering if he should replace X junk loot with Z junk loot.
Alexander Hercules Jaegers jogged down the hallways and through the passageways of the space station Independence. He made his way to the armory where his gear was stored, along with the gear of the rest of his squad. He was running a few minutes behind from the rest of them due to his slow pace he set earlier. Now that they had a significant head start, Jaegers decided to pick up the pace so as to not be too late to the hangar. He was always the last one into the hanger; it was a sort of tradition that Jaegers make sure that everyone was prepared before he was. The First Lieutenant rounded the corner to the hallway where the armory was located. Sure enough, there it was: a large metal door, currently propped open to allow for easier entry. On any normal day, one would have to use the hand scanner on the left of the door’s frame to open the armory. But during the time between a combat drop being announced and the actual drop, they left it open. Inside, a number of commissioned officers serving as mech pilots were putting on their individual sets of gear given to them by their respective countries’ militaries. Alexander found his specific locker, halfway between the door and the back wall, on the left most side of the room. He put his hand against the locker’s print scanner. The device beeped after a few moments, and the locker opened. Alexander quickly stripped out of his flight simulator gear and into his TAP suit. Slipping his helmet on last, Jaegers synced up the helmet’s HUD with the rest of the armor. He then reached his hand inside the locker and removed his primary firearm, an MP series Personal Defense Weapon. Alex flipped a switch under the sights on the weapon, and they retracted into a position where they wouldn’t get in the way. After that, he clicked on the wireless connector between his helmet and his gun. Once that was finished, Alexander did the same for his silenced fully automatic pistol.

Finally, after attaching his knife to his belt, First Lieutenant Jaeger was ready to get a move on. He left the armory with haste, moving toward the mech bay to meet up with the rest of his platoon. It was maybe a ten to twenty minute jog towards the hangar his team was operating out of. Alex entered the hangar, the large double doors leading inside retracting out of the way to allow Alexander entry. Other people who had been traveling down the same hall into the same hangar as Alex began to split off towards their various platoon clusters. Upon reaching his team, Alexander shouted: “Attention!” The five pilots snapped into an attention position, arms at their sides and feet together.”We’ve been assigned to Bravo company. We will be providing danger close support for infantry, while also working with other mechanized units to engage the enemy. Reports say that we’ll be combating a mostly Russian force, so you’ll need to all be on top of your game; these aren’t amateurs we’ll be fighting. The Russian paratroopers won’t hesitate, so neither should you. We’ll be hitting ‘em hard and fast, to allow Polish troops time to regroup at Warsaw. That’s all I know, currently. Get into your mechs and start ‘em up, boys. We’ve got work to do. Dismissed!” The ethnically diverse group split off and headed for their various mechanized combat vehicles. Alexander made his way to the Liberator, which was currently equipped with digital urban camo, as were the rest of the platoon’s mechs. The Canadian pilot climbed up the ladder to the platform his mech was attached to, and from there stooped into the mech’s cockpit from the heavily reinforced door on the back of the mech. From there he initiated the startup. As the suit powered up, Alexander prepared himself for combat the way he always did.

“I've got the reach and the teeth of a killin’ machine, with a need to bleed you when the light goes green..” Jaegers began to mumble as he did his pre-drop exercises. He tested his weapons, systems, and hydraulics. Once he was sure that his Liberator was in working order, Jaegers stepped away from his platform and into the center of the hangar. The rest of his platoon soon followed. The six mechs began to move in formation at marching pace towards the end of the hangar. The mechs entered a large depressurized area, walled off from the rest of the hangar, meant specifically for air dropping mechanized armored units into combat zones. The room’s airlock opened up, and the mechs began to run out of it one by one. Jaegers was the first one out.”Banzi!” He cried with a laugh as he found himself hurtling out of the space station and being shot down towards the planet, the Mattis’ Temporary Entry Pack allowing it to leave the vacuum of space and enter the atmosphere of the planet.

While Alex may appear, on the outside, as completely together, he most certainly was not. There was a single thought that resonated through his mind as he fell out of the sky:

I’m going to kill a man today.
I'll post some time tomorrow, Btdubs.
So far it seems the recon teams are working on the down low. I can imagine there'll be plenty to shoot at when the full on fight starts, however. It'd make sense for drophips to be helping evac civvies, drop humanitarian supplies, and maybe even helping the troops out a bit. I'd say take it light with the fire support and helping the military in general; NATO isn't technically involved in the conflict.
TheBigJon said
Just reread Maxxorlord's post (great btw. M. Night Shamalamadingdong worthy) and saw he said 63th. Sixty Thirth. Just thought it was funny.

Oh. Lol. Total fail on my part.
Would it be safe to assume Anguish is accepted?
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