Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maxxorlord


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Messiah watched with a mixture of disappointment and excitement as Sumato finished off the last goblin. He felt as if he had been completely useless in that fight: actually, if he really thought about it, he really hadn't done anything that could have helped his team. At all. With that in mind, Messiah shouldered his crossbow and moved over towards the bodies of the goblin creatures. Looking over at the two magicians and the rogue looting two of the enemies’ corpses. Following their example, Messiah bent down next to the archer and looked through the creature’s pockets. There wasn't much anything of note besides the money it carried in a small pouch. Deciding that junk loot was still better than no loot, Messiah took the money as well as the tiny arrows and whatever they were carried in. Upon further thought, he took the bow as well; perhaps he could sell it.”Nice work, guys. You did fantastic. Uh, if it wouldn't be any trouble, I’ll take any loot you guys don’t want.” Yeshua had always been like this, no matter what game he was playing: if there was any chance that something could have value, he’d keep it. This meant that he usually spent his time watching around with a full inventory, spending too much time wondering if he should replace X junk loot with Z junk loot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaito Kuze

Kaito Kuze

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

As the last goblin got finished off, I am full of happiness because of our victory."Yahoo! nice work everyone!" I complimented everyone." I am sure there must be items on this corpse" I said to myself and started searching in the corpses for loot.After searching. I found 8,000 sens on each of the corpses except for the other one which is already searched.Wow, that is a lot of money,I can't just have this money for myself.I must share this everyone because of their hardwork defeating those goblins.So 8,000 x 3 is equal to 36,000 and divided by 5 is equal to arghhh.... my brain hurst.Ummm... 36,000 divided by 5 is.... 6,800.Wooh, my brain almost exploded there."Hey guys! I found some money we can share!" I called them and approached them."I found 36,000 sens if we are gonna divide that by 5 it would be 6800 sens" I said "[/b]So, each of us will get 6,800 sens![/b]" I added then gave them the 6,800 sens.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 4 mos ago

“Thanks,” he murmured as he exchanged items with her, scanning through the opened scroll briefly. Nodding, he could see both spells being useful, although he was leaning towards [Magic Shield] at the moment. Given he already had an attack spell and how much damage Elik had taken from just one enemy, Mushi felt a defensive spell was in order. Still, he’d leave the decision up to Sumato in the end he supposed. He’d been the one to ask for the chance to see her drop, so it was only fair she chose which one to take between the two. “So which one do you want?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by a00000000000
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"Magic Shield." she said as she handed him her scroll, re-reading it. She wanted to be able to use the scroll as a skill rather than an item. She picked up the bag of Sens that was on the robed goblin's corpse and looked through it, again. 2,000 Sens were in there. She took 1,000 of them and put them in her bag, leaving the other 1,000 to Mushi. She felt that the mage-esc goblin's money should be split among the mages. That's just what she thought, if the others decided differently she'd do it their way instead.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Nodding, he returned the Scroll for his own, and began to examine it in detail. He was fairly certain the group wouldn’t be moving on for at least a few minutes to give people a chance to regenerate whatever HP and MP they had spent. Rather than stand around for those, he figured he’d try and learn the skill [Flame Hands]. While he did notice Sumato pocket about half of the dropped Sens, he made no move to pick up whatever she had left behind. He couldn’t really, not without stopping the, frankly more important, task at hand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renose
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Mushi began to pour over the scroll in detail now, hoping to gain the knowledge of the Flame Hands Spell. The scroll was quite detailed, and for some reason Mushi was just able to understand it. It felt as though his character's abilities really were his own. What his character could do, he could do. What qualities his character had was what he had. Instead of most games were you just went around as a character, instead it literally felt like Mushi and his character were one person, there being no difference between the two. It was quite a surreal sensation, one that all the players of this game would feel, the fact that there is no differentiation between them and their characters in this game.

It only took him a few minutes, but as he examined the scroll and went over the procedures for absorbing its knowledge and power, the scroll would begin to glow. It began to turn ethereal, its knowledge starting to flow into him as he was able to comprehend and understand it. The knowledge and power of the Fire Cantrip <Flame Hands> would begin to surface within him. After a few moments, the scroll, previously bathed in a soft, yellow light that flowed into him, was gone, and after that a window would appear before Mushi, followed by one more.

If Sumato was doing the same thing, she would feel the same things that Mushi was feeling. The scroll that she was pouring over glowing as the knowledge of the defensive arcane cantrip, <Magic Shield> was flowing into her. It was a bit different then the fiery spell of Flame Hands, not that she would know what that felt like. This was a magic of defense, of protection of self and possibly allies. When she was done literally absorbing power and knowledge from the scroll, it faded out of existence, two new windows appearing before her showing her the newly acquired Spell.

After the Mage's had learned their two new spells and whatever money there was divided up however the party wanted to divide it up, it would be time to move onward to the next room, there being nothing else here of interest besides the dead corpses of the enemies, which also had nothing else of interest upon them except for the Bombs, Money, and Scrolls.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Omnial
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Oz, seeing as no one had complained or told him otherwise, pocketed the bombs. placing them safely into his inventory. he then took the time to make a mockery out of the dead goblin, moving its finger to its nose and shoving it up a nostril. Stepping back, he had a chuckle, proud of his handy work. He then looked to the others who had also been dividing the spoils. "Well, with that taken care of," He spoke loudly, as he took his share of the sen, "Shall we move on?" He swiftly changed the direction he was facing and pointed to the next door.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renose
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

After the loot was split however it was being split, the group would have no choice but to move on lest they just wanted to sit there, which was a stupid idea. After this room was another hallway, but soon enough they reached the next room. Once all of them were inside the second room, the door closed behind them. Instead of enemies though, when the room lit up there were four stone stands in the middle of the room, each of them having a button upon it. It was clear that this was a puzzle room of some kind. A voice, like the one that gave them this quest, rang out to them.

"The previous room was a trial of skill. This room shall test thine aptitude. Press the switches before you in any combination, but be careful... only one will let you through while others may spell your doom..."

This was clearly a puzzle room, so while they could try pressing any button, or combination of buttons, they could also try and look around for a hint of some kind. Either way, just aimlessly pressing a button, or combination of buttons, would probably be a very stupid idea.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Mushi couldn’t help but grin when the Scroll vanished in a show of light and the information within flowed into him. Sighing as the dots just seemed to connect in his mind, he quickly realized he had an understanding of how to utilize the spell [Flame Hands], and it was frankly amazing. The sensation wasn’t really explainable, but he’d probably describe it as an epiphany of some sort as he simply realized how he could use his Mana in another way.

With that done, he picked up the 1,000 Sens Sumato had left for him before turning to the rest of the party. He wasn’t sure if they were done splitting whatever loot had been dropped, but he felt that the several minutes he’d spent pouring over the Scroll had been enough to recover most if not all the MP he had expended in the previous encounter. Voicing his idea, he asked the others, “Shall we continue?” to which most seemed to agree.

Walking into the adjoining hallway, Mushi was at the front of the group with the torch to light their way ahead. Soon enough they reached another room, where the door slammed shut just like the first. Instead of enemies though, four stone stands stood in the center of the room. Realizing what it was on sight, before the voice could even ring out, Mushi was already saying, “Don’t. Touch. Anything.” After the voice had said its part, Mushi turned to the others and said, “Well. let’s start looking around. Someone else take the torch though, I have a spell that I can use for light.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by a00000000000
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sumato sat down and leaned on the wall and held the [Magic Shield] scroll in her hands. She focused, and began studying the scroll. As she had expected, like everything else in this game, the feeling was surreal. She suddenly 'clicked' in her head and she realized exactly how she could cast this spell with her Tome. She smiled to herself, this game was the most reallistic game she'd ever played.

She got up and put her bag on her back, holding her Tome beside her as she followed the party out of the room. Unsuprisingly, but still making her jump, the door closed behind them when they entered the room. She nodded apon Mushi saying not to touch anything, and began inspecting around the room for any ort of clues to what the puzzle's answer was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renose
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sumato and Mushi were the first to start the search, searching around the room for any hints or clues as to what buttons should be pressed. Mushi, through his searching, didn't really find much of anything. Sumato, on the other hand, seemed to be much better at spotting things than Mushi did. As she looked around, she would spot something incredibly hard to see. A tiny button on the base of the wall, something that one would have to be looking at quite closely to see, yet with her keen eyes and sharp mind, she was able to see it and spot it as a button that could be pressed since it blended into the room quite well.

Whether or not she chose to press it is up to her, but it could reveal a clue. It could also be dangerous and be part of a trap as well, so whether or not it should be pressed would be up to her, or the rest of the party if she told them about it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by a00000000000
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Sumato continued to inspect the room, until she ended up finding a small button on the base of the wall. She immediately got up and walked over to it, crouching up next to it and thinking. Upon ifnishing her thinking, she turned and motioned for the others to come to the button. She would let them decide what to do, but she thought they should wait to see if there were other clues, and push it if they couldn't find anything else.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Having handed over the torch to Sumato so she could use it to search the other side of the room, Mushi stepped into the shadows created as she moved away. Covering the tip of his wand with a hand to stop it from blinding him, he muttered, “Flash.” Some of the light still managed to escape between the cracks of his fingers and he instinctively winced from the brightness, but the feeling quickly faded as his eyes adjusted. With his own personal light source now, he slowly surveyed his side of the room, though he was disappointed when he didn’t manage to find any clues after a few minutes.

Sumato on the other hand seemed to have more success with her side of the room, and Mushi moved over when she motioned. Letting the spell faded away as he stepped into the torchlight, he knelt down to examine the button she’d discovered.
“Nice work,” he muttered as he opened his sack, and drew out a single Sen from the money pouch to use as a marker. “You take over the other side? We might pick up on something the other missed,” he suggested before stepping away from the now-marked clue.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaito Kuze

Kaito Kuze

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

(Just trying some random things and sorry for the short post xD)
Midori looked at the marked clue. If they are gonna find clues, well i'm gonna do that too but I don't have any skills to find clues around here unless I used my talents. So I opened my Talent Window to see what possible talent I could use to solve this puzzle. "Talent Window" I muttered then my talents appeared. Lemme see umm, I have Acrobatics,Animal Handling,Appraisal,Climbing,Crafting,First Aid,Melee Weaponry,Negotiation,Observation,Performance,and Stealth. Among these talents, I think the Observation talent might do something,somehow. So I used my Observation talent by looking at the 4 stone stands repeatedly. My observation talent is low but It could do something.

Finding nothing, I returned to the coin mark. I removed the coin mark and looked at the small button that Sumato found. Wait, I can't press it now! I must decide first. What if that this is a trap?. We will fail the quest then it's gameover. Should I? or Should I not?. However, I don't wanna take risk on this one but we have no choice. So I pressed the button recklessly without everyone's decision.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Omnial
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Oz just stood in the room. To the other it may have looked like he was doing nothing, sort of like how in an mmo, players who go afk just stand there, but this was different, in that Oz was technically still there, he was just taking what Mushi said a little too literally. He would only touch the spots on the floor where he had stepped prior to being told not to touch anything. He just stood in place, like a statue, and looked around, watching the others actually do the work of scouring the room for clues. Silly allies, little do they know, they have touched things, and by searching they will continue to touch things. Actually...it even looked like they might have found things...Maybe next time he would actually help, instead of changing statue poses while trying to remain balanced so as to not touch anything. "Well, did we beat the room?"
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