I will be posting tomorrow, but I'm heading to bed right now.
Redwing said
You know you're a martial arts instructor when... You analyze everybody's fighting and correct all their mistakes. Even when its in writing.Not that anybody has done anything wrong for fantasy fighting. But if they were fighting for real they would probably be dead or injured. Its just fun to see what they get right and what they don't in TV shows and stuff.
Redwing said
Am I crazy? Yeah I probably am.
Heat said
This slowed down. o.o
Redwing said
I can't wait until we have a break in the action. Lucio is going to pester the crap out of Sipley. And I am going to have so much fun writing that.
Apokalipse said
Sipley is gonna stab a bitch tonight. XD
Redwing said
Only is she can catch him. :D
Midori said
Pirouette, Wildflower, and JJ_Max haven't had any activity at all in the past five days it seems...