Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Place to put your character sheets for the roleplay, including my own.

My Character

Name: Alexi Kuroshin

Race: Dragon


Age: 376

Gender: Female

Bio: A member of a powerful black dragon clan, with some roots to ancient Chinese legend, Alexi was raised in a proud household. In the past there have been other Phasing events that her household has been a part of, even at times making pacts with humans so while she had been flung unexpected into the human world there was precedence from before her time about what to do, though the world was a much different place than when her ancestors had visited it. Once The Phasing started in full swing Alexi had been traveling around in the realm of dragons to visit some cousins of hers when a portal ripped her from the dragon realm straight into the human world. Of course she was in her natural form at the time, a black and red Chinese dragon which caused quite a bit of chaos despite the fact there already was so much going on.

She was promptly attacked by both humans and other beings out of fear and so first impressions of the human world were not very high. Still with a little roasting and a transformation into a much more human form, and agreement was quickly reached between her and the humans. After helping them take out some of the worst threats she found herself trapped in the human world with nowhere to go. Having no wish to harm the human population, partly due to some ancestral pacts, she was happy to take up lodging with a kind police officer and learned much about the world and humans during her stay; however as a proud member of a dragon brood she felt horrible that there was little she could do to help as the man refused to let her help in his work and therefore was grateful when the call to go to the Pandora Complex reached her. Finally she would be able to ‘pay her rent’ so to speak.


Human Transformation: After appearing in the human world she realized why some legends had her ancestors, in one case her grandfather, take on human form. The realm of dragons is a very different dimension; full of mana that dragon’s naturally filter into their bodies, enabling many of their more impressive feats. Taking on a human form helps a dragon conserve their mana reserves and makes mana usage more efficient, which is essential in a dimension like the human world where mana is in short supply. In this form Alexi can actually gain excess mana.

Dragon Flight: As a Chinese dragon, Alexi does not use wings but instead rides the currents of mana. In a sense she just floats through the air and can do it outside of her dragon form but not at any great speed, still it can come in useful.

Dragon Strength: Being a dragon, even in human form she is still quite powerful and agile, though more of her agility is seen while as a human. While her strength is vastly reduced she can still overpower most extraordinary species, at least the ones that are not naturally gifted with great strength.

Dragon Fang: The power of her talons and fangs are compacted into a sharp blade, a Chinese Jian and is technically a part of her body. Its sharpness seems unreal as it can slice through solid steel and has the ability of creating a ‘wind slice’ to target far away enemies, though its effective range is only about 100 feet, after that becoming something akin to being hit by a full blast blow dryer. In dragon form the blade naturally fuses back into her body as it is not longer needed.

Dragon’s Breath: Useable in both forms, naturally it is a lot weaker in her new default state. For one thing she is unable to sustain her fiery breath for very long because of her much diminished lung capacity, also because of diminished temperature anything that is flame resistant can pretty much stop the flames in their tracks.

Dragon Form: A dragon naturally uses mana, being adapted to their own dimension, and so Alexi has found that she is unable to maintain this form for more than 5 minutes at a time, at which point she has to revert and wait for her mana reserves to charge.

Other Things of Interest:
- Alexi has been rather bad with technology since she arrived. It’s not that she doesn’t like technology it just doesn’t want to cooperate with her. Alexi considers electricity kind of like a magic source for humans, considering how it operates such large and complex machines.
- Alexi is also somewhat interested in human culture and therefore is usually up for trying some new fashion or human activity, though usually she will dress in a traditional kimono.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Monochromatic
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Monochromatic Manic Episode Full Blast

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nightfall
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Nightfall The Spider of Shadows

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Raymond Arachnos, but goes by 'Slinger' or 'Ray'





Raymond comes from a long line of Arachne royalty. Noble aristocrats, the Arachnos family were known advocators of anti-human relations and the forced subjugation of species they felt to be inferior. Raymond however did not share many of his family’s ideals. He instead chose peaceful co-existence. He soon discovered that it wasn’t for noble reasons though. As someone who liked to torture others and have them bend and break to his will, he couldn’t do that if supernatural creatures were seen as enemies. And he legitimately held no ill will to anyone or anything. Only a deep love and respect for all life, and how it could help better his sadistic urges and knowledge. All that mattered was learning, and pleasure. And lucky for him, the two could co-inside.
He was soon found and forcefully recruited into the Extermination Squad. At first he was unwilling, but when he discovered the free reign he could have and the specimens he would have access to, he soon came around.

~Wall Climbing (self explanatory)
~Swift Movement (capable of quick and silent movement)
~Presence Suppression (The Arachne are naturally light on their feet and adapt predators, allowing them to not be noticed if hiding in shadows)
~Intellect (Having studied many species though…less that savoury means…he has great knowledge on many species)
~String Shooting (Raymond uses this Arachne staple in a number of ways, like trip wires, precision shooting to disable targets, binding, etc)
~Venom (Capable of delivering powerful neuro-toxin into something system by biting into a fleshy part with his sharp teeth, paralyzing their system and leaving them incapable of talk or movement, but alive. Multiple injections will kill most targets.)

Other Things of Interest:
Personality wise, Raymond is very passive and detests confrontation. If a target can be taken down without being killed, he will advocate that option. But just because he doesn't like violence or death doesn't mean he doesn't have a sadistic side. Raymond has been known to play with his victims, torturing them for prolonged amounts of time. Silent most of the time around others, and cold in general. He is far from a people person (read spider) and prefers to keep to himself.

Role wise, he is the scout, interrogator, and the alive-but-silent take-down specialist within the group.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AgentFallenSoul
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AgentFallenSoul The Forsaken

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Lilith Ce'takchs-ni
Name: Lilith Ce'takchs-ni
Race: Demon

Lilith has natural snow white hair and huge red cat like irises that contrast the color. The intensity of her eyes make her seem evil almost, making her almost unapproachable until noticing her Aura. Her eyes are fierce and piercing to the soul, when she looks at you it's almost as if she is trying to look through you into the windows of your very soul. They are an interesting match around her hair, but fit almost perfectly it seems. Her silky hair only makes her crazed and almost sadistic look even more evil. Honestly she could be mistaken for a vampire almost, having the complexion of a ghost if she were to have red eyes, not mention she drain to the sight of blood, not so much she likes it but it interest her.

She smiles constantly and enjoys looking insane, she uses it to her advantage when it comes to fighting. Though inside she doesn't like that she smiles so often, she doesn't stop herself. Almost anything can make her crack a smile. She will laugh as well, almost as the stupidest of things, and showing her pearly whites. Making herself seem insane and radical, when really she tries her best to think things through. Unless she really does lose herself in fighting, which she finds happening more and more often. She doesn't mind it actually, she prefers the others think her insane and mad, better than them trying to make conversation with her, which she doesn't want. She has a weird voice to match, deeper than a lot of other girls and sort of raspy like, but high pitched enough to disprove any thoughts about her not being a girl, other than her body.

She also has a very young looking appearance, almost mistaking her as a young teen and not a 1250 year old. She has and ovalish face that matches her all around weird and freaky eyes that almost make her look like a deranged lunatic, which of course isn't to far off from what she really is deep, deep, deep down. She has a snow white complexion that could almost make her blend in with a pure white wall, all around she has the complexion of casper the ghost, but this comes from a skin condition that she had, hereditary from her mother, that makes it hard for her skin to hold color, meaning she can't tan very well, what so ever truthfully.

Age: 1250

Gender: Female

Lilith has seen the spoils of being a demon, and to her she can no longer stand by and witness a slaughter of others like this. There is however another side that also wanted her to become rogue. She knew no family, no friends to stand by when she thought first of how bad being a demon was, everything, the pain, the mindset, it was all a terrible experience. Damn near broke her mind to the point of no return. She left, but she was cursed, or rather her mentor, cursed her. She is forced to wear an eye patch, what lays behind that eye patch is simply an eye, but it's iris sits in the form of a star. When the eye patch is removed her true demon side is appears over her body, taking control almost. She has lived with cure for the better part of 500 years, and there are many times that she has screwed things up by revealing, this side. For now she has traveled this place, in order to feed the demon within her.

However, this did not go over well with her father, who happens to be an elder demon, or that of a demon who has extreme status within the demon society. When the word of his daughter going rogue was heard, he ended up sending almost half of his force after her. She's fought for the greater part of her life trying to get away from her father and the demon society. Because of this, she has multiple scars on her body, most of them cuts, but she does have the brand of her father on her wrist, forever branding her the daughter of and elder, for this, most other demons on the spot will know who she is and what she is. There is no hiding that she is a demon, she is forever covered in the fact that she is the daughter of an elder, and for this reason, it the reason she continues to fight.

A second being if you will inside Lilith arose when Lilith started to change sides, becoming a rogue. Lilith only calls her Sis, but in truth it is the darker side of her soul, no longer craving to kill other kinds, but instead craving to kill other demons. It is not all blood lusting for all demons, Sis only wants to kill those who have done wrong to both the angels and humans, other rogue demons were always safe around her, but it didn't always seem like that. Now she helps the "good" side fight against other monsters and get's to kill them without raising alarms. But do not mistake Sis, she will not hesitate to kill almost anything if it stands in the way of her killing the target. Sis is something that comes from the darkest pits of Lilith, her true side, that even she fears, and because of this curse, she is constantly tormented by this fact.

*Scythe Wielder- The scythe itself is an enchanted hell metal almost damn near impossible to find anymore. It is fireproof and heat proof as well as extremely hard to break. When light shines upon the weapon, it glows a red purple. The scythe collapses into a ring of a black star that fits on only Lilith's finger. To remove the weapon, you must kill the user, the user being Lilith, and cut from her middle finger on her right hand.

Lilith are able to demonstrate a natural aptitude for the ways of the scythe. She is able to wield a scythe with great proficiency in speed, power, and skill, allowing herself to perform feats such as stopping and deflecting bullets, decimate large objects or areas, cutting through hard materials such as steel, and even hold back her strength to deal damage to their foes without killing them. Lilith is also able to operate with little or no effort, deliver skillful strikes to weak points with great precision and cut only and exactly what they want. This ability also allows her to become naturally skilled with multiple scythes or any bladed weapon regardless of shape or size to suit their needs in combat. Lilith is incredibly fast weapon control may allow them to bypass obstacles in order to cut their intended target. This is only one half of her full ability, second being enhanced condition, being already put at a huge disadvantage when it came to using a scythe for combat. Lilith is at the peak physical and mental condition of her human side. She can achieve great amounts of strength without any super-/unnatural methods. This usually entails that she is are faster, stronger, more intelligent and overall superior to a regular human being without being obviously supernatural. Lilith is capable of running at the speed inhuman, her stamina much like her inhuman speed is extremely increased. Her strength is superhuman, she is able to carry 1500 pounds of weight with her arms. She has increased hearing, better than human trackers, and her sense of smell is also increased. She basically has the ability of a super solider, gained from training with her mentor and being the daughter of an elder demon. She also wears an eye patch over her left eye, this allows her to fight at a huge disadvantage making her even better in the way of the scythe and hand to hand combat. This means when she takes the eye patch off, her combat skills and scythesmanship sky rocket to the levels never seen before.

Other Things of Interest:
Lilith is a very quiet soul, almost rarely does she talk, She hates life and everything about it, the happiness, the joy of feeling the warmth of others, like she did when she was alive. She use to show compassion but now its just simply nothingness, no regret, no anger, no happiness, just a feeling deep down of sorrow. The sorrow of never being able to take back what she did so many many many years ago, the sorrow of leaving the loved ones long dead. Also allows herself to not be the center of attention which she does not favor when not fighting. She likes the quiet in general and nothing more, she will try to end a fight as quick as possible to return to silence. She does however have a much darker side to her that many others do not know about. Her demon side, though she can hide it extremely well, craves violence and the sight of death. She loves fighting no matter how much she tries to hate it, and this side appears on the battle field. What arises is something that little to anyone alive has seen, a second personality within Lilith, a true monster. She appears on the battlefield and this will be someone you wish not to meet, for blood lust resides in this version of her, a person that Lilith calls, Sis. She can be heard sometimes whispering to Sis, arguing with her.

Theme Song
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chenzor
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Eyeless Jack
Race: Unknown
Age: Unknown, appears in his 20s.
Gender: Male (persumed)

Not much is known about "Eyeless Jack", a nickname given to him by the humans who encountered him after the phasing. He wears a mask and what appears to be a simple hoodie with jeans. After the phasing, he was often seen around Edge City, but only in people's shadows. Terrified humans reported it to the authorities, who managed to somehow capture Jack by closing him into a sort of container. Exactly how they managed to capture a being that can move between shadows was a surprise and shock even to the captors.
After capture, he was moved to solitary confinement where he was monitored 24 hours a day to observe his strange "powers". Yet workers quit after seeing him in their nightmares, the eyeless masked face haunting them wherever they went. Some thought the confinement didn't confine him at all, and that he moved between the shadows of the people who monitored him, haunting them on their way home from work or, as stated earlier, in their dreams, yet he always reappeared in his cell. As of yet, he hasn't spoken a single word and instead makes silent, haunting, echoing noises when trying to communicate. In a microphone it comes out as earie static. Neither has he ever been physical or been seen moving at all. He just appears and disappears where he pleases, given the location has a shadow where he can materialize.
Attempts and experiments have been made to remove all shadows in his cell, to see where he goes off to, but he simply vanishes, and reappears again when they turn the shadows back on. His strange abilities are currently being tested, and attempts of communication are being made so that Jack might join this new monster-hunting team.

Jack does indeed have a physical form, yet he can choose not to have it visable when there's no shadows nearby. When there are shadows in a theorized 200 yards around him, he can move to any of them instantly, simply "phasing" out of existance and back on the new location. It is also theorized he can materialize himself in people's nightmares, where it is believed that he goes when he "vanishes" completely. His powers aren't physical. They are powers of the mind and of terror. What sort of creature he is isn't known yet, but he has power over mind and shadow.

He can also shape a shadow and animate it in whatever way he wants. It may not be fast, but it is effective, as it can be made physical. A shadow made into a needle can stick a hole in someone's heart without anyone noticing. Yet he never uses his own body when fighting. He protects it with illusions and shaping shadows, and fights with the same abilities. Can be a tricky opponent to wrap your hands around.

Other Things of Interest
Even though he hasn't spoken yet doesn't mean he cannot speak. Even though he has been "captured" doesn't mean he'd rather be somewhere else.
Does not remember much about before the phasing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IncredibleBee
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Pandora Agent "Jack Smith", Agent #[REDACTED]

Race: Human


Age: 28.

Gender: Male

Bio: Jack is a no nonsense, level headed member of the same Organization that created the Supernatural Extermination Squad. His primary objective is to observe and report on squad members, compiling as much data as possible on their physiology and psychology, regularly engaging members in regular conversation and interviews, and if they consent, physical examinations. His second primary objective is to accompany them in the field, providing support as deemed necessary. Jack is the guy who calls in cleanup crews and scientists to collect the bodies of whatever's dead or crippled. His secondary objective is to keep as much of the team as alive an intact as possible.
Naturally, his primary objective means living at the Pandora Complex in close proximity to beings that may or may not be able to make Jack explode with a casual thought. This does not please Jack.

Skills/Powers: Despite only having physical abilities of an athletic human, Jack is a skilled marksman, demoman, and emergency medic, with notable observational skills.
Additionally, he has a sizable budget and some degree of R&D access. As a human, it's necessary for him to plan fights and use highly specialized gear picked out in advance. Plastic explosives are shipped to the Complex fairly regularly.

Other Things of Interest: Despite the necessity of a wide arsenal, Jack has one constant companion: a handgun resembling a bulkier 1911A1, designed to fire specialized armor piercing, explosive incendiary rounds, capable of punching a hole in a human torso the size of a cantaloupe. Jack's still not entirely sure it's enough to injure the tougher beings.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Maximillian Mu

Born to blacksmiths, his life in a feudal caste society was already determined for the rest of his days in the labyrinthine mines. For the first ten years of his life, he worked and played in the forges with others of his kind, even starting to fall in love with a lovely cow. Unfortunately the same day he crafted her a wedding ring was the day that dwarfs cut through a wall and began the raid for ores the minotaurs kept safe. His would-be-wife gave one dwarf the ore they sought in the form of a three foot blade across its belly, his seven siblings maimed her to a cripple before she sent them to the underworld.
For another ten years the dwarfs and minotaurs would war and hollow the mountain they both called home until the entire spire collapsed under the remaining weight against the brittle and foam-like remains of what was once the heart of the land. Such massive destruction and death tore open a rift in the worlds he literally fell through in order to survive the collapse of everything he knew.

He is a physical powerhouse with muscle and bones twice as dense as a normal humans, his strength is four times what an Olympic power-lifter is capable of. (current world record unassisted bench press is 650 lbs. Max can bench 2500 unassisted. He wears a power suit capable of amplifying his strength through both servo motors and arcane glyphs. (DM's discression as to how much stronger it makes him to start and give him something to reach for later.)

He is the living tank of the group, carrying the heavy weapons to bear be it shoulder mounted cannon or underslung mini-gun, he is trained in heavy weapons and artillery. In melee he is often seen using industrial tools like cutting wheels and chainsaws to tear through the enemy like wood and stone.
Other Things of Interest
During his downtime, he fiddles with modern tech to come to terms with the new world he finds himself in, as well as reading over ancient mythologies about creatures past that has phased through centuries before,
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Nicholas Grey, THE GREATEST RACER OF OUR GENERATION (While not officially part of his name, it is one of many titles he has, and is the primary one he uses.)


*Underneath the mask, Nicholas has rather white skin. He has bright blue eyes, and black hair which goes all the way to the back of his neck. His hair is always combed fairly well (except when he initially takes his mask off). He doesn't have "sharp" facial features, and over-all looks like an average man.*

Race: Human

Age: 41

Gender: Male

Bio: Nicholas Grey lived a normal childhood, in a kind orphanage, for a few years. (Nicholas is rather confused about why so many orphans have tragic stories, but that is besides the point.). He lived in the orphanage until he was adopted by a nice suburban couple. While in their care he learned a lot about racing, as he always watched it with his adopted family whenever a race was on. It was there he decided to train to become a Racer. Once he made it as a driver, he grew arrogant as his wins increased, which happened quite often (ie. most every race, sans a few at the beginning) as he was a true natural at the sport. One day at an unsuspecting casino gig he was attacked by supernatural monsters, such as ghouls, vampires, banshees, etc. (he does not know what set them off, but the casino quickly became infected by those beasts). It was there he learned he had some rare gene which prevented him from being turned into a supernatural creature or supernatural force, and with that push he became a vehement defender of humanity, sworn to protect man from the creatures that go bump in the night. (It really does appeal to his narcissistic view of himself). Which he does in between his job Racing, mingling with other celebrities, and all sorts of corporate gigs. And as a true Bastion of Humanity, he would have been in one of the other agencies, but with such a busy schedule, they wouldn't let him in. But the newer organization Pandora, and the Monster and Supernatural Extermination Squad, was eager to get more people involved. (Especially one who could help promote the message through various media sources.)

Skills and Powers
- Greatest Racer: Nicholas Grey is the single greatest racer of his generation. IF you need a get-away driver who can pilot a vehicle through the streets, while doing trick stunts and avoiding harming anyone. Nicholas Grey is your go-to guy, due to his know-how and his skills as a driving master. After all, he is the GREATEST RACER OF HIS GENERATION! (... But if you are afraid of speed, just know, Nicholas CAN'T DRIVE FIFTY-FIIIIIIIVE....)

-Pure Human: Nicholas Grey is pure human, and nothing can change that. No methods could ever turn Grey into a Supernatural freak. (And as such, he could never gain the 'power benefits' of turning into a supernatural, or any downsides to becoming supernatural.) He's a pure human through and through. CHAMPION OF HUMANITY!

- MacGyvering Mastermind: Nicholas Grey is a natural mechanic and tinkerer, and is able to 'MacGyver' many countless weapons from various scrap-parts. If you need a vehicle repaired with minimal supplies and effort, Nicholas can do it. If you need an improvised weapon, he can easily make it for you. You need breaking into a high security computer system...? Give him some time, and he could surely do it.

-Athleticism: From doing his own stunts in his movies, to being a Semi-Regular Participant on the TV Show, Fear is Reality, (in which contestants fight off against deranged/sociopath supernatural freaks) Nicholas is an athletic human male.

- Corporate Sponsors: Nicholas Grey has a ton of Corporate Sponsors who he loyally does commercials for. As such they give him various things, like his large paychecks, and various weapons to fight off supernatural monsters.

-Winning Smile, (Aka Charismatic Celeb): Nicholas Grey is a master at Press Interviews, and is a well-known Celebrity for his various deeds, mostly Racing, but also his Movies, and really enjoying his fan-base and doing stuff for them. As such he knows the limelight, and can get people to do stuff for him. But being a Celeb does have flaws, besides being busy, Nicholas Grey has a -lot- of rabid stalker fans.

Other Things of Interest
Unlike the others of the agency, he does not stay in the Pandora Complex, instead opting to go to Lavish Hotels all across Edge City.

Nicholas Grey, while in Edge City, is currently filming a Buddy Cop Film, Maltese Falcon Four: Back in Chinatown, where he plays as the Rookie Agent Douglas Cruickshanks, a hot-headed Police Officer who wants vengeance on the gang that killed his father. He is assigned to be partners with Detective Sammy Breckam (Played by the Shapeshifter Actor, Brook Burns , a worn beat-agent who has become cynical over-time in his failings to convict the Black Diamond Triad Leader, Li Bai. Together, they return to China Town to stop the Black Diamonds from fulfilling the heist of the Maltese Falcon.

Nicholas Grey is also suing a Tabloid Paper, Global News Today, for insinuating that he was having relations with a Supernatural being, and for claiming that he in-fact, was a supernatural being for his mutation that allows him to be the PURE BASTION OF HUMANITY.
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