Form of Government: Hereditary Monarchy
Describe the System: Asghard is run by a hereditary Monarchy, where the royal family's most worthy child is gifted the crown and takes the title 'Sensei Overlord' and is the figure of power for the Nation, but is guided by the political figures hidden from the public. They run on two main manufactures: Mining and Farming, where you either grow up to become a Miner or Farmer, or if you're in the royal family, the Sensei Overlord. You work as an adviser for the Sensei Overlord if you are not chosen for the role. People who are gifted, especially in a way that could advance the Nation, are taken to the Capital and tested by the Sensei Overlord and his family.
Location on Map Desired: As North as possible, The people of this Nation enjoy the cold.
Capital: Named 'Dasghard', located North but not too North, more at the central North of the Nation. It is where the Sensei Overlord and Royal Family live in the castle, where the Sensei Overlord commands the Nation and where he/she lives.
Important Settlements:
Asrard- The most Mining-centered settlement in the Nation, where vast tunnels/caves of Mines are layed and where most people go if they become a Miner. The supplies mined by the mines are ran out throughout the Nation to where it's needed.
Nathshard- The most Farming-centered settlement in the Nation, where vast fields of crops are layed and where most people go if they become a Farmer. The crops farmed by the mines are ran throughout the Nation to where it's needed.
Cities- The cities are based on whether it would be a Farming or Mining city when it's built. The Mining cities are usually built where the homes are underground and connect to entrances of mines and also connect to the surface. The Farming cities are usually built where the homes are built on the end of the farms and usually next to medium-sized buildings that hold the farming equipment (such as tractors, mules, tools, etc). The roads are built on the edges of the farms next to the houses.
Currency- The currency is only used for trading with other Nations. Inside Asghard, the only 'currency' they use is work=stuff. if you're a Farmer, you must do your daily tendency of your crops and make sure they are healthy. You would keep 1/3 of your crops and give the 2/3 crops to the capital, so that they can send it out to where it's needed or use it for other-Nation-related purposes. If you're a miner, you are designated an area to mine or continue Mining, and 1/3 of your resources are traded in for food, the other 2/3 are given to the capital, so they can send it out where it's needed or use it for other-Nation-related purposes. The currency used for other-Nation related purposes is named 'Aqad', which starts with S (value of 0.5 American pennies), K (value of 0.3 American pennies), Sd ($1), Kd ($3), Sed ($10), Ked ($30), Seid ($100), Keid ($300), Seiud ($1000), Keiud ($3000).
Religion- They belong to the Religion 'Eer Elugos', which is a religion devoted to three beliefs, "1- Supplies (food, housing, etc) can only be given through equal work. 2- Fighting destroys Nations, ruins lands, and kills. Peacefulness leads to diversity, happiness and paradise. 3- Science is a victory, living in the past leads to Civilizations crumbling." There are no Gods or Goddesses in this religion, only these three beliefs and a few Holidays. The leader of this religion (the one who shares the three beliefs and the one who organizes Holidays and etc) is Sensei Overlord, but all people in this Nation or raised with this religion, so the Sensei Overlord has so far never been recorded to be deceitful with the religion or his or her power.They also in this Religion believe three to be the luckiest number. The most known Holiday and most favored is 'Ahaf Ister', which is celebrated on the thirtieth week of every years. It is a week-long celebration where they celebrate whatever good has come of the year since the last year's Ahaf Ister week.
Language- The most popular and considered the language of the Nation is named 'Yicealon', which isn't similar to any other language, but uses Chinese characters. There is no national song or anthem, but there is plenty of songs made in Asghard, many of them worshiping the Sensei Overlord or relating to Farming or Mining.
Extra Culture- Most names start with the letter 'E' and include 'R' somewhere.
Important CharactersErage Khahule- He was the first Sensei Overlord to abuse their power. This was important because it made Asghard change their leadership and organization system a bit, leading to so far having no abusive leaders since then. Erage was banished from the kingdom afterwards.
Eins Ourl- The first Sensei Overlord to be chosen.
Elger Gose- One of the most influencal into the creation of Eer Elugos.
Never been out of the village: Your men have almost all never been outside their own borders. Other countries lands and environments are almost alien, especially those on another continent. They will suffer from not being able to deal with weather and being unable to forage as well. +1
Conscription: Your army conscripts men from the countryside to fill out it’s forces. You have large numbers of men that can overrun positions however they have next to no training and break very easily. -1
Scared of water: Your nation has never been one for their sea legs. Many naval loses and ship disasters have left your people unsupporting of any venture in which they need to leave the sight of land. +3
Landlubbers: Your sailors don't exactly train on a boat, boarding and marine forces perform slightly worse due to the moving deck. +1
Rotting Hulls: Your nation views ship maintenance as an unneeded cost and so many of your ships have weak wood and the sails are torn and with holes in them. They will not perform well at sea. +2
Strong Industry: Your craftsmen and labourers are good quality and hardworking making some of your nations goods very reliable, sometimes fetching a high price from a market. -2
Fertile Fields: Agriculture is what your nation is known for. Fields of golden wheat and barley run throughout your country. -2
Trading Hub: Your country is a nation of traders and merchants, many coins pass through the fingers of your citizens every day, especially through your own after taxes. -3
Natural Great Men: Great minds and people seem to spring up from your populace every day. The chances of an inventor or great person appearing in your nation are increased. -3
Army: (I will roll this, navy, GDP and stability.)