Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Theodora_21
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Theodora_21 Theo the Koala

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

paigesweetheart said
Uh. Im confused lol they tell me to wait to see the other head and I dont really see nothing and Im stuckon the cs. Can the family that I belong too be any family?

I posted the head families in the first post. If you have any more questions let me know :)

Kidd said
When Theodora is on again, I'll ask her to link the two family heads in the first post so they're easier to find.

Thank you for that!

Silent Observer said
OMG, McHaggis this is perfect! Our characters will have great synergy... also, their backgrounds are eerily similar. I will post my CS once I find my old one and edit it to fit this RP. Shouldn't have to change too much. :D I'm so excited! Let's make a pact to not let this RP die for a while, okay? I was heartbroken to have to leave Trixy behind before.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Looking forward to it, Silent!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Béatrix de la Croix (Trixy for short, but only if she tells you it’s okay)

Age: 630, turned at around age 18


Personality: Years of being a self-employed hitwoman have taken a toll on Béatrix, and her senses are those of a hardened killer. In the first years of her vampire life, Béatrix made many rash decisions and could hardly keep her emotions in check. These days, a serene calm can be found in her face, the mask of a true actress. Béatrix has her vampiric urges and emotions under complete control, although she does enjoy giving in to her bloodlust – humans could have their vices, why not the supernatural as well? Although Trixy can come off as flirtatious and friendly, she has built an icy wall around herself. If you don’t get too attached to somebody, it doesn’t mean that much when they are ripped away.

Bio: The end of the 14th century in Europe was a time of revolution and crisis… There was the Hundred Years' War between the English and the French for Western France, the Black Death decimating the continent, and famine afflicting the poor. Béatrix de Le Croix was born to a noble French family in the winter of 1367. She lived a life of luxury for a time, as her family was one of wealth and power.

In the year of 1385, Béatrix had reached an age where her marriage was the talk of the entire town, let alone the family. Back in those days, women had little choice in the matters of marriage, especially nobles. Béatrix’ parents had suitors lined up at the door for her, but everyone knew it for the ruse it was, her future husband was already chosen for her. The groom-to-be was the ideal political match, and the complete opposite of a love connection. The man was portly, red-faced and smelled of soured milk… on a good day.

Fortunately for Béatrix (although others at the time may have disagreed with that sentiment) the Black Death had fallen upon her like a war hammer. It was on one of the nights when Béatrix’ sickly coughing had her up late into evening, that a soft rapping came at her window. Recognizing the face of one of the suitors that she had taken quite a fondness for, Béatrix let Francis into her home. Before all else, Francis planted a hungry kiss on her lips. If she hadn’t been so sick, blood would have rushed to her cheeks in waves.

That night, Francis studied her sickly condition and made her an offer: he would cure her of this disease and save her life, if she promised to run away with him and leave this life of nobility and fame behind. Her new life would have to be a secret… and they would have to get the vampiric council’s approval as well. Being young and in love, Béatrix made the decision any flowered girl would make, she chose a life of freedom with this overwhelmingly handsome man. Young love with the promise of beauty and an eternity together was enough to keep any secret. Francis turned her into a vampire that very night and prepared her for a new life to come. First though, they had to stage her death, which of course is an easy thing to do when you no longer have a pulse and the Black Death is already upon you. Believing that their only heir had passed away in her youth, Béatrix’ parents never came looking for her.

Béatrix and Francis were happy together for quite a while, they traveled the world, new and old, and made love in all of the most beautiful places. Béatrix enjoyed her new found strength and powers, and she felt untouchable. Unfortunately for Francis, Béatrix thought wrong… One fateful night, Béatrix awoke alone in their bed. Francis frequently went out of town for meetings that Béatrix asked little questions about, it wasn’t really a woman’s place to pry – even in the vampiric community. But the night before, Francis hadn’t mentioned any meetings. Béatrix did know one thing about her lover’s dealings, and that was that they were very dangerous.

Béatrix scrambled out of bed in fear and ran out into the living area. A scream burst from her chest as she took in the scene of her lover splayed out across the floor. Savage claw marks were raked into Francis’ chest and his heart was absent. Béatrix crumpled to her knees at the realization of what had happened. Francis’ job came with dangers, it came with enemies, enemies like werewolves who would come into your house in the middle of the day and kill you.

From that fateful day and forward, Béatrix picked up where Francis had left off. She would avenge Francis’ death and slay every crooked supernatural being that she came across, especially the wolves. Béatrix knew enough about werewolves to know that she couldn’t beat them in strength, but she could outwit them, deceive them, and catch them by surprise. Over the years, Béatrix honed her skills of mental manipulation, deception, and private investigation. As technologies and weapons changed, so did she, trying to stay one step ahead of the enemy. Rumors and tales spread in the supernatural community of this fearsome self-claimed hitwoman, but few knew the name and face to match the tales… almost none who recognized her for what she was survived it.

Trixy found her way to the New World seeking adventure and new enemies to hunt. She was on a mission in New York City when she met the leader of the Blackmoore clan. Alistair had an authority that she could respect, as their morals aligned just so. Although Trixy had always led a nomadic lifestyle, she felt pulled to join this clan in particular… maybe it was the promise of a family… maybe there would be strength in numbers. Béatrix quickly climbed her way up the ladder of authority, her age alone doing most of the work. It wasn’t long before Alistair asked Béatrix to put her skills to good use as his Head Executioner, a job that promised to give her vengeful heart purpose. She has been a loyal family member and advisor to Alistair ever since.

What family do you belong to: She is on the Blackmoore's Council of Advisors as ‘Head Executioner’

Power: Mental Manipulation/Compulsion. Trixy can completely mind control humans, better than most vampires even as she has fine-tuned her abilities. Béatrix can also alter the thoughts and feelings of other vampires, especially if they are younger than her. She still struggles to get into the heads of vampires older than her, but she will never stop trying.

Side: Humans are food, but they are too inferior to be considered a true enemy.

Weapon: She dual wields glock 22s in combat and almost always has them concealed on her person somewhere, along with a combat knife.

Other Things:

Skills – She is stealthy, believably deceptive, has elder level healing, finely tuned mental control abilities, a precise marksman aim, and a killer smile.

Flaws – She suffers from bloodlust, vengeful behavior, has a slew of supernatural enemies that she has racked up over the years, a lack of trust in others, and a vendetta against Werewolves.

Fears – When you reach a certain age, fears mean less and less… even death doesn’t seem all to unwelcome. One fear, however, remains for Béatrix, the fear of losing a loved one - A fear easily avoided if you choose not to love.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

TIL I can't do maths on my own character's age. 680 not 580. Derp.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Aiight, I edited her story so it doesnt say that she is older then. :p
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Will turn in character sheet tomorrow homework is a terrible beast, please kill me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Is this still accepting new character sheets?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Yep it is, pretty sure we have room. I am going to sleep now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Theodora_21
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Theodora_21 Theo the Koala

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

makarov said
Is this still accepting new character sheets?

We are indeed still accepting. After I post my CS, I am going to start the IC :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Theodora_21
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Theodora_21 Theo the Koala

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Theodora_21 said
We are indeed still accepting. After I post my CS, I am going to start the IC :)

Oh and Silent you CS is accepted :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Theodora_21
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Theodora_21 Theo the Koala

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Age: Looks to be about 20, is actually 102
Appearance: Theodora
Bio: The year was 1912, the date was April 15th. Ring a bell? Well it should. It was the date that the Titanic sunk. Theodora was aboard the "unsinkable" ship, on request of her husband. They boarded the ship, set sail, had a wonderful five days together on the ship and in the middle of the night, WHAM!! They hit an iceberg. Now, here is where things get interesting. When Theodora's husband realized that she wasn't going to make it, he turned to her and said "I can save you." And without hesitation, he grabbed her neck and bit down. Hard. Theodora was in such a state of shock from the boat sinking and her husband's odd behavior, that she fainted. When she woke up she was drifting on a piece of wood. She noticed two things. The first was that she was very thirsty. The second was that her neck was very sore. She drifted on the wood for four days before she washed up on land. In her mind, she had been strong enough to survive the harsh conditions. When she washed up on a beach, no one was around, so she started wondering until she came upon a small town. When she entered the town, a sweet smell wafted in her direction. She followed it until she came to the house of a family. There was a mom, a father, and a little boy. She tried to enter the house, but could not cross the threshold. She called out to the family from the outside. They came running to her aid. As soon as they exited their house Theodora attacked them, drinking all of the mother's and the father's blood. When she had realized what she had done, Theodora ran away, leaving the little boy alone and crying for his parents. Theodora had landed in a small town on the edge of Canada. She traveled for about a week, ripping the throats out of dozens of people before she was caught and brought to trail. It just so happened that it was one of Kingston's vampires that had finally caught her. When she arrived at court to be tried they took one look at her and knew something was different. They listened to her story and decided to spare her life, on the condition that they live by their rules.
Personality: Theodora is a little rough around the edges. She does not follow the rules often. As she is considered a "new" vampire, she acts like a child in some ways and is often treated as one. However, she doesn't take bull shit from people and she will tell you like it is. If she doesn't like you, she will tell you. Always straight forward and blunt, she is not the vampire you want to piss off. She takes revenge very seriously. Just as her late husband.
What family do you belong to: Kingston
Power: Shape-shifting. She can transform into a bat. She gets to decide what kind of bat it is and how big or small it is. (Her husband had the same ability)
Side: Indifferent. (She will sometimes grab a quick bite from a human and erase their memory so as not to get in trouble with her Head)
Weapon: When Theodora doesn't feel like using her fangs, she will use a tiny hand dagger hidden somewhere among her person.
Other: She has a black cat named Hunter that she loves more than anything.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

{Adelisa||turned in her late teens early 20s and is 214||Kingston||With Humans||Healing}
Adelisa doesn't really associate with her past, but she had become an apothecary after her mother, an apothecary, died of disease. She learned all she could and as time went on, her father started wanting her to find a husband. Many suitors tried to catch her eye, but none even got a glance. Finally, her father arranged a marriage with a handsomely rich man that was also a complete chauvinist. Adelisa decided to run away and ended up in a very bad town. It was raining so she decided to locate some shelter, but ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time. She ended up in a tavern where nasty, evil men drank. They saw her and asked her many questions. She was gullible to strange men at that point, seeing as she lived in a fairly small town, and answered them all. They tricked her into going into the alley where they had their way with her and stabbed her in her side. A man found her, bleeding and dying, and decided to save her... with a price of course. She was made into his slave until about 60 years ago when she escaped and ran into the Kingston area, where they took her in.
Adelisa was always one to go against the grain. She is a feirce, determined woman. If she sets her mind to something, she'll get it done. She has a caring, creative heart and doesn't take anything for granted. She is a sarcastic, playful girl that will come back with a snip at anyone's pride. As for flirting and things of that nature, Adelisa is bashful and will blush furiously if someone flirts with her. She is a hopeless romantic and loves when her customers or clients tell her love stories. She's a strong woman, emotionally; and becomes embarrassed if she cries in front of people. Adelisa is terrified of men, but she shows her fear through pushing them away.
Her scars from her past are still evident on her body, so she hides under long sleeves and no one has ever seen her scars. She only drinks from blood bags and she works at an all natural store making medicines out of herbs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Everyone's looking goooood. Can't wait to get this started.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JohnnyBoi

JohnnyBoi ...

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Alexander Stonewall

Age: 250 years old but appears 19


Bio: One day when Alexander was a teen he had fallen in love with a girl but didn't know that she had a big secret, that she was vampire. She was from a rich family and always came to school early and left in the afternoon after school. Alexander kept trying to get closer and closer everyday until one day he confessed to her his love. The she told Alexander what she really was but Alexander didn't really believe her until she showed him her power. But Alexander wasn't scared, he just wanted to be with her and didn't really care what she was. So she decided to give him a chance but she couldn't tell her parents since this would bring Alexander trouble because she wasn't really allowed to tell humans that vampires exist. Until her family promised the girl someone she was supposed to marry so the girl's children could run the family business. But when the man found out that she had another man she loved he couldn't bare it so he chased after Alexander. He told Alexander that he wasn't really going to marry the girl but kill her and her family. He ran towards Alexander and attacked him with great force that Alexander flew and slammed against the wall. Then the girl came and fought the vampire which she suspected that he might be evil and planned something. She fought the vampire but with great struggle until she killed him but she was dying as well. But she crawled to to Alexander and bit him in the neck and tried to turn him into an vampire and Alexander stopped bleeding and healed very quickly but was still unconscious. The girl felt glad now that she knew that Alexander would live but was sad now that he is not human no more. She only did it because she didn't want him to die because she was thinking that the relationship between them might actually work. She thought that her family might worry about her so she hid herself so her family wouldn't notice that she left. Apparently when the girl was fighting the vampire who was supposed to marry the girl chased after Alexander, her whole family was attacked and murdered in their own home but some of the other vampires died fighting so not all of them left alive. The girl died right next to Alexander until he woke up and noticed what she has done for him. Now he lives like a monster only because he didn't listen to the girl he loved and now her whole family was dead and he thought that whoever done this he will avenge everybody who was killed especially the girl he loved dearly.

Personality: He is usually expressionless and very rarely does he get surprised or enthusiastic, and whenever he does, however, it's often at the minimum level. Also Alexander is a very kind and generous person. He is nice, caring, and well-mannered, sometimes polite and sometimes cold.

What family do you belong to?: Blackmoore

Power: Copycat-he has the ability to copy his opponent's power and use it against them but can only control one power a time but for a limited time like 20-30 minutes and if he goes over he would experience great amount of pain and opponent must be 600 years or younger so he could copy the opponent's power.

Side: Indifferent

Weapon: If he can't control the power he copied he would stick to fighting instead.

Other: None
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Team Blackmoore \o/
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: (unknown) goes by Praetor or Abraham Van Helsing

Age: 2114


Bio: Formerly a Roman Praetor who rose through the ranks to command the Legion, appointed by Julius Caesar himself he took his Legions into the wilds past Hadrian's wall. He began to beat back the barbarian tribes, destroying there villages and armies where ever he found them, until the largest horde of monstrously dressed tribal's stood before his army. Raising his sword and shield he lead his troop into battle, cutting down man after man until he met one warrior to match him, as there blades clashed he saw his men slaughtered to the last. As he fought this terrifying brute, he swords ringing out when the man lunged burying his fangs in to the Praetorians neck.

Awakening in the field where his men were slaughtered he screamed, he had become a abomination. Thus he began to hunt and kill vampires through out Europe he would use the alias Abraham Van Helsing later in life. Becoming feared by many Vampire's he would moved to the fledgling continent of America where he eventually serve in the revolution (Many Vampire having in his years of absence having returned to take control Britain and it's Parliament.) He command his men in South holding ground and surviving his way through the war, he then helped found the country allowing and began to work with his own kind. Using this power he would hold to the moral belief that humans were friends and that must be protected from Vampires who would do them harm, recently he has arrived in Modern New York having finished "Business" with another clan of Vampire's in Japan. He is currently serving as the guard and protector to the Kingston family head.

Personality: A kind man tempered with the steel of a Roman hero, he has killed more vampires then any other living vampire and is a expert on the subject. He is dedicated and loyal to Kingston's seeing them and there ways as the best path to co-existence, is often seen reading Dracula which some say he helped write. He is still rather impulsive and very much a soldier.

What family do you belong to: Allied to Kingston's

Power: Army of the dead, he is able to summon the ghostly spirits of his Legions to fight alongside him, however they cannot harm humans instead only being able to attack Vampires and other creatures of that nature. These soldiers must be men he commanded in life. Any weapon can kill them there more like skeleton without the bones.

Side: Believes in co-existence with humans.

Weapon: A sword of pure Silver.

Other: Drink only from blood bags and has never had human blood from the neck. Also tends to get angry if he see's someone trying to take a bite out of a human.

Wars the Praetor has served in and commanded troops.
Roman Skirmishes
The First Crusade (Founded Templar knights to hunt Vampires)
The third through fourth Crusade (End of the forth marked the death of the Templar order.)
The hundreds years war (fighting with the French)
The French and Indian wars (serving with the colonists)
The American Revolutionary War
The French Revolution (Returning to Europe believing Vampires to be among the nobles hoarding food from the poor)
The Napoleonic wars (Fought alongside Napoleon)
The American civil war (Returning to the states after a nearly a century away he joined the North believing in Abraham Lincoln idea that the union must stay together, also did not support slavery.)
Spanish American war (Serving in the rough riders)
The First World War (Fighting with the Allies)
The Second World War (He started the war as pilot in Germany and ended up as a soldier storming Okinawa)
He is also a avid singer and actor and can do accents from around the world very well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Woo, more peoples! :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Theodora_21
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Theodora_21 Theo the Koala

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alright, So I was going to post in the IC first, But I have decided that I will someone else do that. I've got to go for awhile. Y'all have fun :) (Again, no speed posting :))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Apollosarcher said Helsings sheet here

THis is perfect

I feel like KLaus will hate him so MUCH on account of not only being Roman but also being so anti-human drinking
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Theodora_21 said
Alright, So I was going to post in the IC first, But I have decided that I will someone else do that. I've got to go for awhile. Y'all have fun :) (Again, no speed posting :))

Oh I guess I'll work on the opening post, unless someone else would like to take it?
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