Name: Genesis Rain.
[hider=nurse flawless]
Age: 290
Height: (optional)
Weight: (optional)
Hair Colour: light brown with a blue strand in front
Eye Colour: reddish brown.
Race: shinigami
Rank: pending (probably still unseated)
Spiritual Energy Colour: white
Personality: beautiful and blunt. A woman of class and carnage. As a nurse she is usually quiet and sweet (except to Gio) but off hours she tends to be a bit more candid and rude.
History: Genesis was your run of the mill girl in terms of menial qualities. Growing up in the 30th West district wasnt exactly hard but she was always beautiful. She always drew attention, turned heads but often wished that people would let her be. Boys young and old always tried to woo her, one way or another, to the point where news of her beauty became almost a claim to fame. Men and occasionally women would come from the richer districts with aspirations of sweeping her off her feet. But none ever did. She never flirted back, never lead anyone on. In fact she put most people down immediately. She may not have been the smartest girl in her district but she refused to be anyones trophy. Not once did she meet a suitor who cared truly for more than her beauty.
in the dead of a seemingly random night she took off. Most would probably think she had finally ran off with a suitor however instead she ran to the shinso academy. she enrolled not with the hopes of becoming great and powerful, but in hopes of being treated with some semblance of equality. She hoped it to be a place where she was judged on her actual skills and not her looks. And it was, so it kinda sucked for her that she wasnt good at anything. Even so she pushed herself. She hated wielding a sword despite it pretty much being law that she learn to use it. Hakuda was not as horrible but still she barely passed. the only thing she did with any kind of fineness was Hoho. Shunpo may have been the only thing she was good at in the academy. But no one gave her a pass because she was pretty, for that she was grateful. That way when she graduated she knew that through blood sweat and occasional tears, she had made it on her own.
But what then? She wasnt fit for combat at all nor was she smart enough for squad 12. So she applied, hesitantly, to squad 4 to be a nurse. and again she found herself subject to the mental whims of far to many fantasies as she had to wear a nurses outfit. it was here that she spent her time bandaging wounds and ignoring the cat calls and advances of the patients. She Probably would not have moved on from there ever had a certain man not taken a genuine interest in her. He encouraged her, believed in her and occasionally pushed her to do better. He was perhaps the first person she could remember that wanted her do better for herself. Slowly she advanced, learning to use kaido and honing the skill. While at that time she was still far from amazing she had advance more than she thought she could. it was thanks to this amazing man, this wonderful teacher...her captain, captain Viole. He told her that everybody had a place, and helped her to realize that squad 4 was hers.
a few years later, her Captain died and as much as she wanted to sit down and cry like a lot of people around her she couldnt. Instead of going into a fit of hysteria
she threw herself into her job. Trying to avoid her emotions. however one of her more accident prone/persistent patients slowly thawed the Ice. Despite his clear and blunt interest in her they developed a bond. It didnt seem to bother this particular idiot that she had completely friendzoned him. For years he called her beautiful and it took her just as long to realize that it might have only been a compliment. She got the opportunity to watch this young upstart rise from a nobody up to a newly appointed Lieutenant. She couldnt count the amount of Times she had put him back together but it had been so many times that she was very familiar with his body and spiritual energy. So much so that when he began to suffer from blocks in the flow of his spirit energy she was the only one able to help him. The procedure required one of two things, an intimate knowledge of the patients spiritual energy (which she had) or a masterful control of healing kido (which she did not have)
Now this same idiot Liutenant was dragging her away from her squad off on some training trip with just the two of them. it sounded sketchy as hell...untill he urged her to bring her Zanpakuto...
despite having Shikai...she has not aactivated it since shortly after her graduation which was years ago. since then her level of control has grown but she doesnt know how that will carry over into her zanpakuto abilities.
Zanpakuto name: Hinotori
Type: fire
Zanpakuto Shikai Release command: “kill it with fire”
Spirit Appearance

[bird form]

Inner world:

Sealed appearance: regular Katana
Shikai appearance:
not on fire

on fire.
Bankai appearance:
Shikai skills:
(Start off with no Shikai or 4 to 5 Shikai skills)
1. Fire: Hinotori grants her the power of fire. the blade lights on fire at will. she can fire off blasts of fire (1 post duration. 3 post cool down) This is all she knows for now since she hasn't actually used her shikai in years.
Bankai skills:
6. (Ultimate Skill)
Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills:
Zanjutsu: shit poor, she doesn’t like holding her sword
Kido: good at kaido and healing kido, pretty good at regular kido.
unseated level hado and bakudo
Hakuda: meh.
Hoho: efficient at shunpo for her position.
Points gained from missions:
Mission log:
Points spent and skills gained: