"If you're going in there, then so am I."
Name: Damien Varrot
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Rank: PFC
Class: Scout
Weapons and Equipment:

Grenade bandoleer with space for three B-Type M1 grenades
Small Ragnaid canister and first aid pouch
Father's knife which doubles as a bayonet
Personality: In times of peace, Damien is a real calming presence, kind and care free, he makes an effort to be encouraging and reassuring to his squad mates. Deep down there's a fire in him, one that wants to bring out the best in his fellow soldiers. Damien brandishes a certain brand of eager confidence that teeters on the line of cockiness. He mainly does it to bring out the camaraderie between his squad mates, especially his fellow scouts, since they're usually the first into the fray. Part of him does it to forget about the horror that war has brought to him and his home, about what he's endured so far. In battle, he is reckless, throwing himself into the fray so nobody else has to. If it's risky and dangerous, he's the first to volunteer. This has given the young scout a secret thirst for glory he tries hard to hide, reminding himself that war is no glorious competition, and that he has others to look for, although his seemingly natural ability and family's military history can't help but bring it out of him, especially in moments of victory.
Bio: For as long as he's been alive, Damien Varrot has been taught to live by a code: Protect your home, protect those close to you and always give everything you got. Damien was born and raised in the city of Vasel, where his father worked for the Town Guard and his mother helped run a clothing store. Damien's father Edward, who was brother to Captain Eleanor Varrot, was also a career Gallian military man. Lined up to follow in his father's footsteps and join the military, Edward Varrot enlisted Damien in the Vasel Junior Military Academy, where Damien would begin to hone his skills as a soldier. This was just as the drums of war began to echo in the distance, and murmurs of war muddled throughout Vasel. When the Empire approached Gallia's border, Damien's father received orders to deploy after 5 days. Immediately Damien tried to enlist in the army, but without graduating first, he wouldn't be able to enlist. His father refused to try and help Damien enlist, saying it would be best to finish school and allow things to blow over with the Empire. Little did he know of the wave of conflict that would rush across the country side and into Gallia's cities, Vasel being one of them.
"Stay in Vasel, Damien, take care of our home."
As the Empire approached, the people of Vasel scrambled to assemble a large enough Town Guard to defend Vasel whilst it's population evacuated. As volunteers trickled in, Vasel stood out as a natural leader, helping Town Guard leaders plant strategic defense posts and how best to use the city's geography to their advantage. Given a gun and his own part of Vasel to defend, Damien would get his first taste at war protecting his home like his father told him. Sadly, the town's forces got rolled over and as East Vasel fell to the Empire, Damien was forced from the fight, his comrades making him retreat and abandon his home. Giving up the Vasel bridge in the process, Damien took the loss of his hometown to heart as he and his mother fled to Randgriz, where he would be offered a position into the Gallian Militia, appointed to be a scout due to having more experience in battle than some of his peers, albeit just a little, and appointed to PFC thanks to his family's military history and participation in the Vasel Junior Military Academy. Damien declined, deciding to head out towards the border and help those who needed to get to Randgriz and hopefully find his father, it's there that his story truly begins.
RP Sample: The tank shells and grenade blasts sent gentle tremors through the cobblestone streets of Vasel, the panicked pitter patter of boots were trickling through like raindrops on a window. East Vasel was lost, the only thing left to do was to leave with your life while you still could. Damien tripped over an empty apple crate that had been left in the street, dropping his rifle in the process. Picking himself up, shouts of Empirical soldiers could be heard echoing through the alleyways. Damien scrambled to his weapon, cocking it and pressing up against the nearest wall. As pops and bangs rang blocks away, it was footsteps and murmurs he tried to listen for. More voices, shouting orders, they were coming his way. Walking quietly along the wall, Damien's route was cut off as three Empirical scouts popped out of the alleyway intended for his escape. He immediately crouched down, gripping his weapon as he tried his best to shrink behind a table that had lost a leg and leaned over. As the scouts snooped around, peering inside empty shop windows and abandoned wagons and the like, they had slowly but surely made their way towards the cornered Damien, who would surely be found. Outnumbered and outgunned, picking up a rock and throwing it in some random direction was the only chance he had, so he would go for it. Tossing it into the air for what seemed like forever, the sound of a window breaking drew the scouts attention long enough for Damien to escape, but instead, he aimed his Gallian and opened fire.
He promised himself he would come back for his home, and he would never lose another battle again.
The Gallain countryside was beautiful, like a canvas painting in motion, but it was no place for a city boy like Damien. He was used to cobblestone streets and alleyway shortcuts to and from his favorite places, out there, there was only one road to follow. Damien secured his cap to a snug fit before the wind would blow it off, he had been on the road for almost a half a day, but he was much closer to the border now. Soon he'd find his dad and figure out a way to help out again. The Empire's advance halted as soon as Vasel fell so taking it back was first priority to Damien. The truck driver honked twice and Damien peered over the cab to see a Darcsen family walking with their things, prompting him to tap on the cab twice, signaling the driver to pull over. The guy agreed to take him as far as Rinneheim, and that was all he needed. The truck's brakes screeched as it came to a halt, Damien standing to his feet and giving the family a friendly nod.
"You folks need a ride? This guy's taking me to the next town."
"That'd be great, Empire just raided our farmland, we've just lost our home."
"That's okay, I lost mine a few days ago. Hop on, I'll help with your things."
"Thank you sir, not many would lend a helping hand to Darcsen folk like us."
"Darcsen never bothered me, plus they'll be plenty in Rinneheim, you'll see."
Damien finished helping the family onto the truck, giving the driver the signal to take off again. It was only another hour to Rinneheim, and there would surely be someone over there that would help him find his dad. He'd find more than he'd bargain for in Rinneheim, the start of something that would change his life and homeland forever, and as the wind began to compromise the secure fit of his cap, Damien had no idea that he would be a part of history and that he would have his chance to shape it himself. Luckily, that Gallian Militia offer was still on the table. The Principality of Gallia was home, and he would protect it to the bitter end.
Haven't played in a while, but Ted Ustinov never let me down.