The Red Zephyr said
You guys must have missed this. I swear I'm not slacking off, I'm just the only one who doesn't fuck around all day at my job. I had to go in for a short while, then go to my parents' to do laundry because our dryer is dead. While I was there, I was basically forced to eat dinner. Then, when I returned, I was told that my landlord will be here tomorrow morning, which meant I had to help clean the house and my own room. It also means that I won't be sleeping: She'll be here at 10:30am, which is two hours after I normally go to sleep.
I'm going to struggle to post for the next few weeks anyhow, so any delay is good for me; definitely not saying you should hold it back for me though.
And what do you mean you were forced to eat dinner? The main reason I go to my hell of a home is to mooch and eat dinner that I neither cooked nor paid for, I be like: