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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Turtles


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Connor - Outskirts of New Orleans - Nathan

The flashbacks were beginning to come back. Dad turning into a lurker, Thomas being bitten, mom getting gunned down by the soldiers. These flashbacks were becoming more and more frequent, and they were difficult to ignore. Ok, Connor. Focus.[i/i]
Connor had been stalking the man for about an hour, and was beginning to grow bored. Suddenly, he witnessed a lurker's head get knocked clean off of its neck. With his attention quickly grabbed, he watched the man sit down and rest. As he stood up, Connor decided to make his move. With his revolver in hand, he stood up from behind the wrecked car. "Lovely afternoon, isn't it?"
Nathan - Outskirts of New Orleans - Connor

Nathan nearly had a heart attack when the kid spoke. He immediatly drew his shotgun, and pointed it at whoever spoke. [i]Damn... It's just a kid
. The boy made no effort to hide the revolver in his hand, and appeared to want Nathan to notice it.
After realizing that the boy meant no harm, Nathan lowered the shotgun. Suddenly, the kid raised the revolver and fired. However, Nathan was not his target. "I ain't done nothing to you!" Nathan yelled, as he jumped behind a crate, not noticing the freshly killed creature behind him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by wolverbells
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Scarlett - Baton Rouge

Scarlett smiled slightly as Tyler tried to reason with Katie. It had been nearly the same conversation that her own father had had with her. Samantha was a natural with guns; Scarlett, not so much. It had taken her a while to get rid of her fear and an even longer time getting used to shooting it without dropping the weapon of flinching.

Tyler had gestured for them to go back to the rest of the group and Scarlett nodded, waiting for the two to go out before she did. Jace's voice made her stop in her tracks and she nearly groaned out loud at the sound of his words. "I can't find him outside either."

Apparently Jacob had gone missing. Scarlett frowned at the news and sighed. "Poor guy. He seemed like a trustworthy ally.... friend even." Her voice was soft, talking to herself more than the others. When George began talking, Scarlett shook her head in disagreement. "You just met him yesterday. Just like myself. You've got to take different things into consideration here..." She looked at everyone before speaking, hoping they'd be understanding. "We have yet to prove ourselves trustworthy to anyone here. And by we, I mean the ones that have just met each other. We've literally risked a lot by letting someone else watch our back. And even if he is trustworthy, he obviously left for a reason. If it were to have been me, I wouldn't want anyone to come looking." She took a deep and calming breath. Scarlett didn't like making speeches. She wasn't shy, but she still didn't like it.

In a calmer, more quiet voice she finished what she had to say, "You wanted votes. I vote we let him go."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rithas
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Rithas Professional Screamer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Magnus Elea-Tremblay

Sitting there, slow thoughts boggling his mind. A almost blank stare on his face. Silently humming, somehow you could almost feel it. Kerry came through, scruff and dirty. Like they always were, but he had to pay no mind. "I hear there's someone knew, Tremblay did him a favour, now's he's going to help us? Is this true?" Magnus tilted his head, not even bothering to fully look at the man. Yet his eyes, not even gazing at the man. still sunk through kerry's heart.

"Ah, Yes...Though I don't really see how he's going to help us-" Kerry realized his mistake almost immediately. Magnus frowned as he spoke, something about manners he was always talking about. Kerry wanted to tell him to piss off, but...they all knew to keep to his little self rules. "I see" Magnus put his two hands to his mouth. A moment of silence swept through the room, "You see this..." Magnus looked up at Kerry, "Matt"

"Matt, does he look like he can....help us?" Magnus eyes widened to express his question.

"I wouldn't know, looks like a smug one alright" Kerry avoided looking at him. For being in a shithole of a world he seemed completely spotless. How he did that was a miracle, little tuffs of grey hairs came from his hair and beard. Those eyes, blank and pale. Pupils looking as if stale. Small thin-rimmed glasses. Kerry didn't like the guy, but you couldn't help but feel like shitting your pants near him.

If Kerery wasn't hoping to run away as soon as possible he would of heard the smallest of sighs from the man. "Well...goodbye" Magus went back to a old dusty book. Kerry didn't care, he walked briskly as you could say.

"To use....."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Enrique noticed one of the men in front of him raise his rifle, Enrique began walking back to the truck and grabbed the assault rifle, he aimed it back at them then watched as one of the scouts tackled the other boy. He smiled and lowered his weapon, he turned to the hostages and waved his men off. He walked around them his rifle on his shoulder, staring each in the eyes.

"We're leaving you, before we leave I will be cutting you all loose, I'll toss some food to you lot. I am sorry for all this, but at least you didnt end up like Sylar," Enrique spoke to Danny especially, he took a knee in front of him, "You are a good man, and I hope you take good care of these people, its been fun."

Enrique stood and cut each of them loose. He walked to the hood of the truck where his possessions were, he fastened his axe to his belt then stuffed his pistol in his beltline and the knife in its sheath. He set down the rifle and pulled on his coat, he readjusted it and then grabbed the rifle. He shouted to his boys to mount up and told them to keep an eye on the scouts carefully. They all mounted up and Colton got into the same truck he had before, Enrique grabbed a satchel bag and filled it with some canned goods and a water bottle. He closed the trunk and tossed it down in front of the hostages, he climbed in the truck and watched the rear view as they bailed out of the area. He watched the scouts carefully, his mind raced thinking back towards the fight. Sylars last gurgles, what he might have been trying to say, it was a thought that had never left his mind after any time he had made such a personal kill. He slammed his fists on the dashboard making Colton jump, Enrique kept checking the rearview, if he spotted any scouts he was gonna have them turn around and fuck em up.

"Colton," Enrique said with a broad smile, "I feel like rolling down to Baton Rouge, I remember a nice little place down there called the Jumbalaya Shoppe, it had a painting on the wall outside with a crocodile playing an accordion and a crayfish stirring something in a big pot. Fantastic beef brisket, maybe we get down there and snag the left overs, if there are any."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rithas
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Rithas Professional Screamer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Liam was quietly waiting, he paused as they held a vote. "I.....think we should go after him....t-there's a group of....raiders is there not....He could be in danger....or something" Liam mumbled something inaudible near the end as he looked back down. He hoped they did go to find him, didn't want him to die.

Matt-Baton Rogue-Micheal

Sure being tied up wasn't very nice, but at no point since then was he afraid, just waiting. He hummed to himself in his head as he waited.

When he was untied he grinned, "Hello~" He paused as he got up. "Funny enough was nothing to do with me. just a fire.....True shame, but....then racist people, and a crazy person looking for his daughter. and a serial murderer...Spanish guy...an attack on a bigger sized place...but alas... " He looked away for a second, he waited as Tremblay spoke. "Ah, Yes...Scratching backs....I'll...scratch yours.....yeah. Scratching..." Matt coughed. "So?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SheriffLlama
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SheriffLlama In Trench I'm Not Alone

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Emma - Trucks - The Pack/Enrique

When Emma woke, finding herself unable to move her hands or feet, her instincts took over and she found herself in a panic. The girl tried to open her mouth and scream, but she a rag had been tied around her head, preventing her from speaking more than a grunt or mumble. She looked around and found that she was in the trunk of an SUV, and voices came from the seats in front of her. A black man poked his head over the seat, looking down at her. "Ay, she's up!" He said, seeming to be slightly amused by her state of panic. "Whoah, calm down, kid. We're gonna hurt you 'less you give us a reason." He said.

This did nothing to settle Emma's fear, only slightly and temporarily dulling it. What took her aback was when the guy reached down and pulled the cloth from her mouth. "Sorry we had to keep you like that..."

"Hey, look at that! Trey's got a soft spot for little girls, don't he?" A faceless voice said, warranting several other laughs. She could see the back of the other two men in the back seat, but not their faces. The man called Trey gave whoever had made the remark an amused glance. His attention turned back to Emma, and he produced a half-empty water bottle.

"Here, take a drink." Trey said, and lowered the bottle, tilting it at her lips. When she finished, he took the bottle back and capped it. Emma looked at him, silently pleading for his help; he obviously wasn't heartless. He shook his head, giving her an apologetic look.

"What'a you think Enrique wants us to do with her?" The man on the right side of the backseat asked. "Cause- uh- I know what I would do..." He turned his head to reveal an ugly, mustache and beard framed face. "Whatcha say, kid, care for a good time?"

"Shut the hell up, Berkley, that's just wrong, dude." Trey responded.

"Relax, Nanny McPhee, I'm just messing with her."

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Enrique-Trucks-The Pack/Emma

Enrique looked up from the map in his hands and pointed to a dirt road that was coming up, he had the map sprawled out over the passenger side and folded it up quickly. The road they were going to take would lead to a little bed and breakfast where the boys could spend the night. He recalled the little girl in the Yukon, he didnt like Berkley being around her, that guy was a fucking lunatic. When they got to the Bed and Breakfast, Enrique would put the girl in her own room, where she could be watched but not interfered with. He watched as the place rolled into view, it had two stories, both made of brick. He saw several windows and one large wooden door, he spotted a shack out about 10 yards away from the main building. It looks like a tool shed but he couldnt he sure, the vehicle pulled up so that they were out of view from the road. He dismounted the vehicle and walked to the Yukon.

"Trey, take the girl inside, get her some food, and watch her carefully," He put emphasis on the last few words and grabbed Berkley out of the vehicle, "You come with me we're checking that shed, the rest of you boys clear that house and do a quick sweep of the woods around here. We meet back here in 15 minutes."

The pair walked to the shed guns in hand and noticed a lock on the shed. Berkley brought the butt of his 12 gauge down on the lock once, jarring the lock, then again snapping it off. The doors burst open and a corpse fell out onto Berkley, Enrique tossed his rifle in the air and caught the barrel in his hands so that it was aimed like a bat. He swung in a golf club motion on the zombies head knocking it off of Berkley and jarring its jaw. Enrique put his boot down on the creatures chest and held it there as it clawed at his jeans and snarled at him. He looked to Berkley and motioned for him to check the shed, Berkley pushed himself up and dusted himself off. He walked inside and tossed out some garden equipment, Enrique watched the corpse struggle under his foot, he looked into its eyes as it growled. He looked to Berkley as he came out of the shed tossing a pickaxe on the ground, Enrique saw a perfect opportunity in the moment.

"Tell Trey to bring that girl out here, she's about to earn her meal." Enrique said nodding towards the corpse, "I want to see how she does against a rotter."

Berkley jogged off towards the house and went inside and found Trey.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SheriffLlama
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SheriffLlama In Trench I'm Not Alone

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Emma - Bed & Breakfast - The Pack/Enrique

Trey opened the trunk when the cars stopped outside of a bed and breakfast. Emma lifted her legs out of the trunk and he slit the cord that bound her ankles, allowing her to stand up. "Do us both a favor and don't be stupid." He commanded. "I'll have to shoot you." Emma looked for teasing in his eyes, but she found that he was dead serious. What had she expected? This guy might not have been a total jerk, but he was definitely not her friend. When they entered the building, Trey and Emma waited in the foyer while everyone cleared the house.

A few minutes later, Berkley came inside. "Enrique wants her out back." He said plainly, leaving like he came. Emma looked up at the large man waiting beside her, a question in her eyes. "Let's go." He said, and nudged her forward slightly. He led her outside through the back door, into a big lot. Enrique and some of his boys were standing by a shed, and Enrique's boot rested on the chest of a snarling walker. Hesitation filled Emma's steps as Enrique commanded Trey to cut her loose.

As Enrique let off of the walker and redirected it towards her, another man tossed a large knife at her feet. As the walker rushed towards her, Emma jumped down to pick up the knife. As she gripped the handle of the weapon, the walker lunged, and Emma jumped backwards. She scrambled to her feet, just as the corpse did. She backed up to give herself enough room, but the walker still shambled towards, hungrily. She backed up a little more, but one of the men behind her pushed her towards the walker. She couldn't avoid engaging it...

Emma let the walker come close, taking a deadly lunge towards her. She dodged his arms, throwing her right foot into his knee as hard as she could. The sound of the easily broken bound sent a quick cringe down her spine. This time, she gave the rotter no time to recuperate, as she stabbed it in the head. She breathed hard, her heart beginning to return to it's normal rate. One of Enrique's men chuckled. "Well damn..." He spread his arms and faced the other men. "Are you not entertained?"

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Shannon - Cabin Aftermath

Dazed; Beaten; Demoralized, the shared group of both the scouts and Shannon's friends sought shelter in one of the other Outpost cabins. There, Danny learned of the fate of both his friend Myriah and what had happened in Outpost since his departure. It sounded like chaos to Shannon, and she was harshly reminded of the day Robert's men attacked their former comrades in Haywood. She knew Danny was shaken about the news, but he refused to talk to her about. She had asked him, "Are you going to back?"

"I don't know," was all he would allow himself to say. He and the rest of scouts had much interest in pursuing Enrique any more after that display of brutality, and for that Shannon was thankful. Still, she had to ask them to help in finding James and Emma, who had managed to escape Enrique's grasp. They said they could, but that they would have to return to Outpost before the sun had set.

But that plan was cut short by the arrival of James and two others. They showed up at the doorstep, and Danny looked about ready to jump out of his skin at the sight of them. "Elliot, what the hell?" he asked, practically pushing James aside. The boy ran to hug Shannon, but she couldn't keep her eyes off Danny as his hands moved through the air. Sign language. She had no idea her best friend knew sign language. The commotion brought everyone to the front room to witness Elliot sign something back at Danny. "Jesus--" Danny exclaimed. "Richard, you could have gotten fucking killed."

The man evidently named Richard looked over Danny's shoulder and toward the crowd that had gathered. "It's... really complicated. We--"

"Wait!" James interrupted. "Stop talking about that! They have Emma!" James looked around the room, his eyes on the verge of tears. "When we were running away, they grabbed her. They didn't release her like they did all of you... They took her!"

Danny turned around, his eye's meeting Shannon's. She could see his face falling. Another one gone, he seemed to be thinking. Shannon shook her head at this. "No. No! Ugh--" She made a vexed noise and rubbed at her eyes. "We have to go after them." Danny stepped toward her. She could see the look on his face, the look already telling her that Emma was a lost cause now. She wanted to slap him. "Dan! Don't say it! Don't... even say it! Her brother saved her once, but he's not here any more, so it's up to me now."

"Oh my god," Danny muttered. "And you tell me I put myself in danger."

She was wound up now and not going to stop now. "I'm sick and tired of all of this. You're stupid stupid scouts took that girl's brother away and then you took her away. Fuck that, every single one of you owe her. You owe us. You've done nothing but cultivate monsters and sick them all of us."

The room was silent now. Danny looked the most perturbed, having known Shannon once as someone who rarely swore at all. She didn't know over half the people in the room now, but she hoped her words had gotten to some of them at least. In any case, all she really needed was Danny on her side. She didn't want him to go back to Outpost. She hated that place with all her heart now, even if she had never been there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Roran Hawkins
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Roran Hawkins

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alex Clark - Cabin Aftermath

Cody gave him a dirty look and shoved him out of the way as soon as he realized what Alex had done. The Pack was packing up and the opportunity to shoot Enrique was gone. Cody looked for a moment as if he wanted to say something, but then seemed to calm down and threw his rifle on the ground. He swore a lot before he leaned against a nearby tree. The present scouts shared the infuriated mood with Cody, but also all seemed to realize that fighting them would be futile. Not even all of them had firearms anymore. Alex walked over to the small group of hostages amongst which he at least recognized Danny and the woman he apparently knew. The one from Haywood. It seemed that she kept bearing the brunt of the Outpost's worst. He pitied them, being made into victims of the Outpost's scheming once again after everything from the past few days.They went inside the cabin to escape the sight of Sylar's brutalized remains, and most of the present scouts, now demoralized, followed them inside. Alex grunted and grabbed his pitchfork. At least he didn't bring the damn thing for nothing.

Entering the cabin together with Cody and two others who had helped bury the remains of Sylar, Alex sighed audibly. Today sucked. All of the tension of yesterday, the night before and this morning was starting to weigh on him, and he knew that if he sat down and closed his eyes he'd fall asleep. Then again, he still had something to do. Walking over to where Danny was arguing with Shannon, he barged into their conversation, taking a seat nearby. He wouldn't usually have done something that blunt, but not now. He was exhausted, and something had to be done. "How'd you guys get involved in this bloody crap?" He asked as he noticed that the pitchfork he had placed against the wall fell on the ground with a loud clattering noise. He sighed and decided it was too much effort to pick it up, awaiting an answer from Danny or the woman instead.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Roran Hawkins
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Roran Hawkins

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alex Clark - Cabin Aftermath

Cody gave him a dirty look and shoved him out of the way as soon as he realized what Alex had done. The Pack was packing up and the opportunity to shoot Enrique was gone. Cody looked for a moment as if he wanted to say something, but then seemed to calm down and threw his rifle on the ground. He swore a lot before he leaned against a nearby tree. The present scouts shared the infuriated mood with Cody, but also all seemed to realize that fighting them would be futile. Not even all of them had firearms anymore. Alex walked over to the small group of hostages amongst which he at least recognized Danny and the woman he apparently knew. The one from Haywood. It seemed that she kept bearing the brunt of the Outpost's worst. He pitied them, being made into victims of the Outpost's scheming once again after everything from the past few days.They went inside the cabin to escape the sight of Sylar's brutalized remains, and most of the present scouts, now demoralized, followed them inside. Alex grunted and grabbed his pitchfork. At least he didn't bring the damn thing for nothing.

Entering the cabin together with Cody and two others who had helped bury the remains of Sylar, Alex sighed audibly. Today sucked. All of the tension of yesterday, the night before and this morning was starting to weigh on him, and he knew that if he sat down and closed his eyes he'd fall asleep. Then again, he still had something to do. Walking over to where Danny was arguing with Shannon, he barged into their conversation, taking a seat nearby. He wouldn't usually have done something that blunt, but not now. He was exhausted, and something had to be done. "How'd you guys get involved in this bloody crap?" He asked as he noticed that the pitchfork he had placed against the wall fell on the ground with a loud clattering noise. He sighed and decided it was too much effort to pick it up, awaiting an answer from Danny or the woman instead.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Danny - Cabin - Alex

"I don't goddamn know," Danny answered, sighing. He rubbed his hands against his face, eventually lowering them to look at Shannon through his fingers. "No matter what I do, everything just manages to get worse."

Shannon stared at him. James stopped hugging her to go sit down, so Shannon crossed her arms. "Is that what you're trying to tell me? That going after her will just make things worse?"

Danny groaned. "No! I'm just-- Jesus, I don't know, okay? I don't even know why he would have taken Emma. He said he was going to release us all, to keep her is just..." Weird. Creepy. Danny was worried Enrique's motives were on the depraved side of things. "... Maybe he thought we wouldn't find out, but that still doesn't explain much. You said you'd met him before?"

Shannon shook her head. "James and I did. Not Emma. She wasn't with us then."

"Then I guess he just wanted to fuck with us!" That he was swearing in front of James was the last concern on Danny's mind at this point. "You're right, okay? We owe it to her to try and get her back, but you can't ask everyone here to do that, Shannon!" He pointed to Elliot and Richard, who were still standing awkwardly in the room. "First of all, you two are going back--"

Elliot shook his head, and Richard said, "We can't." When Danny asked why not, Richard had to take a moment to answer. "... We don't want to."

Danny glared at them, eventually settling on rolling his eyes. Turning, to Alex, he asked, "Okay, what do you think, then?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Enrique-The B&B- Pack/Emma

Enrique smiled as the little girl stabbed the corpse in the head, he let out a chuckle when Buck quoted Gladiator. He walked into the circle that had formed and looked around at his men, he kept the girl in his sight and spoke to all of them that had gathered.

"This little girl," Enrique said in a tone that could have been mistaken for anger, but quickly turned to happiness, "She's proven she has what it takes, even if it takes a shove to push it out of her. But she fucked this corpse right up, and she did it smart too, she didnt rush at it like one of us would've. She baited it, got her distance and crippled it, then went for the kill. She still has one more thing to prove"

He looked to the little girl and held out his left hand, he nodded towards the knife, "I'll be taking that back chiquita, we dont know if we can trust you so naturally we aint giving you no weapons."

He was prepared for her to try and attack, if she did he would simply grab her wrist and wrench the knife from her hands and sweep her feet so that she fell. He didnt want to but he certainly wouldnt think twice if he needed to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SheriffLlama
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SheriffLlama In Trench I'm Not Alone

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Emma - The B&B - The Pack/Enrique

Emma glared at Enrique as he appraised her. She thought about her chances; almost wanting to make move. She knew, however, that it would be completely futile to try and kill Enrique. His men were armed to the teeth and she had a knife - Her chances were little to zero... She met Enrique's eyes, and she feigned defiance. The courage in her eyes was not mutual to her feelings inside. She yelled at herself to run and never stop; she could survive on her own. Anything as long as she didn't have to stay with these people.

Every movement that Enrique made caused her nerves to explode in warning. She couldn't shake the feeling of fear that she received when she faced him. The last person that had scared her that bad was Tyler...

Emma reared her arm back, causing some of the men to jump towards her, and she threw the knife to the ground. "Screw you." Showing her fear wouldn't get her anywhere... Enrique was the kind of man that appreciated courage and guts: so that was what she would give him. Whatever it took to stay alive...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 1 yr ago

DeSean and Others - The Road

The first vehicle had stopped and the others did too. DeSean was leading at this point and could see a figure in the distance, standing there, looking at them. He couldn't make anything out of whoever it was, male or female, alone or not. There was a widespread of forest like landscaping that could be used to keep any other people hidden from sight. There was also a vehicle next to the figure on the rode, a vehicle capable of providing transportation for more than one person.

DeSean turned to his right towards his wife. There was two options before the group. One was to contact the being on the rode, the other was to turn left and head down the other rode. Jennifer just looked at him as though to tell him that whatever decision he made was the right one. She didn't want to argue anymore, it tore her apart. So DeSean took the walkie-talkie and spoke to the others. "There's someone up ahead. I can't tell if he's armed or not, but he has a vehicle. He's also near the trees, so I'm not sure if there's others. I say we head left here, take a different route. We can't risk it right now" he stated, then letting the speaker button go.

Everyone in the other vehicles heard the talkies. Hank had one and so did Aiden. Hank turned towards Floyd. "What do you think?" he asked the man. "We don't know what he's capable of" was all Floyd said with his low tone. So with that, and one peak at Heather in the back seat, Hank picked up the talkie and agreed to turn left rather than head down the road.

The three vehicles one by one started to turn left, evading the interaction with the unknown soldier. It seemed that slowly and slowly they were becoming somewhat of a group again. This one 'group decision' would hopefully break that separation between everyone. It had been Heather's event that made everyone go uneasy, though it wasn't her fault it happened and nobody blamed her - though it seemed she felt differently. The reason everyone was broken was because they had lost their main leader - Hank. He had become distant and wasn't really interacting much with the others. Instead, he was in his own world - still.

So now the group would go around to the next road and take a right up there to head to the outskirts of Baton Rogue. From there they will have to return back to the main road to hit the highway which would lead them north.

"Do you think they'll be alright? I mean, alright as they were?" Jennifer asked DeSean as they drove. "I don't know. To be honest, he hasn't even told me exactly what happened. I try to get him to talk to me, but he refuses to bring it up. Guess we just have to let him get through it on his own"

"What about Heather? I mean, she doesn't seem okay either" Jennifer added. "She's shaken up. I think she just needs some time. We all need some time to just relax. Maybe Baton Rogue will be the answer, who knows?"

"Yeah. I'll see if we can take a break up in the next town" DeSean responded.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SheriffLlama
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SheriffLlama In Trench I'm Not Alone

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Abram - The Road

Abram resorted to setting his rifle against the side of Turisa's car. The last thing he wanted was for the on-comers to think he was going to shoot at them. Abram watched as the cars diverted their path and left, a small sigh escaping his mouth. "Come on out, girls. We're good to go!" He called. As the three of them came up the embankment, he made sure Leah didn't fall.

They were on the road again in about fifteen minutes, headed towards Baton Rouge as planned. He talked Turisa into letting him drive the half hour left between them and the city. As they were driving, Abram looked back at Leah. "Leah, am I correct in assuming you know how to fire that gun."

"Yes, sir." She responded. He confirmed the same with Samantha, and began pondering several things. First of all, where would be the best place to camp out? He wanted to try a high up building like he had bunkered down with in New Orleans, but the height of the building also took away the quickness of an escape route. If they had a ground level building, They'd have to worry about blocking the entrance to rid the chance of walkers wandering in.

Benjamin's crying would also be something to worry about, but that was something that they couldn't avoid. The one thing that worried him the most was Ben... He was so little, so helpless.... They needed medical supplies; more than they had right now. If he got even a scrape, it could be infected almost instantly.

Abram did his best to push the worries away for the moment and focus on the road.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Roran Hawkins
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Roran Hawkins

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alex Clark - Cabin - Danny

"Wait, what?" Alex said incomprehensively. "They ... took a woman with them as they left?" His shocked expression quickly was exchanged for an angry frown and he slammed his closed fist into the table. "Bloody hell!" Nothing seemed to work out the last few days apparently. In his mind he quickly figured out where the conversation was going, and he gave the group a surprised look, which was quickly exchanged for one filled with a tingue of compassion, the most anyone could muster these days. "You want to chase them down and get her back, don't you?" He asked.

"I don't know. Enrique is not in a reasonable state, and you never know what they took her for. Thereby, they have loads of guns, ammo and cars with fuel." He said apologetically as he raised his shoulders. "I mean, ... I'm just saying that the odds don't look too healthy for you guys." He shrugged and then sighed. I don't know guys. You could ask the scouts here to help, but I don't think that that'd help much, and thereby, they're needed back at the Outpost. The damn place is pretty much defenceless right now."
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Aaliyah, Imogen and Others - The Road.

It was not long from after the rest stop that the group was once again on the move, It felt strange but the group was somewhat still held together by something, maybe survival but it had been quite since all of the commotion, the issues, the abandoning and the horrific horrors the scout group went through... It had put the group to the ultimate test since becoming together as a little community, A family.. Weather or not they'll be back at that is anyone one of them's guess. Aaliyah had since awoke when they were stopped, She had a bit of water from a bottle and swapped to driving duties from Aiden so he could rest while Seth was still on cloud nine, She felt helpess not being able to help him, Hank and most importantly of all Heather. She felt close the that woman and let her down when it came to the young woman helping her.

Imogen did try to speak to Heather when she noticed Hank turn away from her attempts to talk to him, She tried being reassuring and talk to the woman herself but the stop was not long enough to get anywhere and Imogen only wished she could of had the chance to speak to the nurse, Imogen did let Heather know that she was there if the Nurse needed her for a shoulder to cry or talk. Since then the the three car convoy was on the move, Being lead by DeSean and his wife their destination was Baton Rouge. Hopefully a place for a chance of respite and recuperate before planning on what to do next. Imogen was in the Second vehicle of the convoy while Aaliyah was driving the third vehicle in it.

The group had momentarily stopped at a turning in the road, It was not clear why until DeSean spoke on the walkie-talkie that there was a individual ahead on the road with a vehicle. For the first time the group decided something together.. Well at least DeSean and Hank and of course the opinion of Floyd. They decided on the safer option, Imogen could not agree more with it even though not saying a word on the subject as she was never asked and simply watched the little chat between Hank and Floyd as the vehicles moved of to the left. Imogen momentarily looking before to see if the third vehicle in the group was still there. Of course Aaliyah simply followed the vehicles in front although the walkie-talkie made her jump, there was no need to reply. One side of her wondered if the person ahead was okay or if they just simply avoided a trap. As they continued on the road to Baton rouge Aaliyah couldn't help but grab the Walkie-Talkie. "DeSean." She spoke before releasing the button. "Is Heather okay? How is she doing?". She awaited the response.

Turisa, Abram and Others - The Road.

Well what a day it had turned out to be, Turisa was now helping a group which consisted of possibly the luckiest man in the world right now being surrounded by woman. It was certainly a twisted sense of humour from fate or god knows what to do that but it seemed they all did need each other it was all tense at first trying to calm and persuade the Latin officer to allow them to get a lift in her truck to keep warm for one and to get to a place they called Baton rouge, unfortunately she was not familiar with the place as of yet but it seemed to be a place of importance and it was the least she could do.

However fate of also being cruel to her, Jess the officer believed she was called and a newborn, This made Turi tripped like no tomorrow and it took all of Abram's effort to peacefully get the woman to still take them, Sure the woman did not explain why she went mad or almost broke down completely in front of them or her initial hostility towards Jess and the child but she did not take any action against the pair just agreed they could come and keep it quiet, She didn't mean to act the way she did but they did not know. Of course that was easier said then done but Turisa took it on the chin the little one after all was a baby and nothing she could do about that but much of the journey was quiet other than learning names. The officer often looked at Jess in the mirror every time the baby made a little bit to much noise and simply looked down at the speed dial dash where she had the picture of her own finding it hard to dislodge the horrible memories and thoughts from her head of her own child's demise.

Eventually this caused her to stop and that was when Abram took the time to chat a little not that he got much out of her at all, she didn't trust them enough yet, but if there was one funny thing out of it all was when he tried to persuade the young officer to let him drive her truck, god that was a debate that could of gone on for hours on end and they sounded like a married couple, It probably looked funny but stressful at one time. eventually he one though pointing out some facts of knowing where he was going and she needed to rest, it ended in silence and then 'Fine you have a point, This once you can drive' From her and let him drive so she could rest a bit as they drove on in her truck with what limited supplies they had.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by wolverbells
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Samantha - The road - Abram and the others

With much hesitation, after making her introduction to the police officer, Samantha had reluctantly gone into the cover of the trees as Abram instructed them. Only because of Jess and her baby. If Abram and the police officer named Turissa were going to watch out for the incoming trucks, someone had to watch over Leah, along with Jess and her baby. The woods were filled with biters and she wasn't going to let anyone die so far. She needed these people for her own survival so she could find her sister.

Once Abram gave them the all clear, Sam walked out behind the girls. She was slightly relieved that the trucks ended up going a different path but at the same time she wished they would have came their way. 'What if they could have helped? Offered more, maybe?' She pushed the thought away as she recalled the images of being tied up and thrown into a truck full of men with nothing but greed, lust, and violence in their eyes. "We'll be riding with her?" The question was more for herself than for everyone but she still couldn't help but ask out loud.

Once again, with much reluctance, Sam climbed into the truck and fell quiet as she heard the others talk. Abram asked questions about their weapons and their familiarization with them. She didn't bother answering him out loud, giving him a simple nod. Years going to the range with her father helped her out in times like these.

"Are we going to find shelter in Baton Rouge?"

Sam finally spoke up after being quiet for several minutes. She hadn't noticed that Abram was speaking with Turissa, being engulfed by her own thoughts. Still, she didn't bother to stop and apologize. Instead, she looked up and looked out the front window. "We have a baby with us.... So it wouldn't be wise to stay on lower ground. I suggest we find a good two story house. We can stay in the attic. This way we're not too high up from the ground like a building. If not, we can just get a one story house and stay in that attic. The doors usually come down with a sliding staircase so biters won't be able to get to us." With that being said, she settled back into her seat and then looked at both Turissa and towards Abram, although he was paying attention to the road. "And if we get there with enough sun light, either you and I or Turissa and I can go on a supply run. Someone has to stay with Jess and Leah." Samantha turned towards the other girls and smiled, then looked down at the baby. "And baby Ben, of course."

She spoke as if it were just another day and she had known these strangers for days now, rather than hours. It was her experience of being with a group that kicked in. "I'll be the one going on a supply run either way. I'm pretty fast." Sam looked back at the two in the front and smiled, hoping they'd approve of their plan. It wasn't exactly well thought of, but if things popped up, she could always improvise. Lately, she had become rather good at improvising.
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