Hex released a hum of approval as he flew away to prepare to charge at Kido. Once a good enough distance away the wisp began to chirp as if to tell Kido to signal when ready. Aaron at the time was busy putting the final touches on the plans for his project. Okay so let's go over it one more time. The ritual requires a potion of a balanced dosage, a safe place for the body, aaand the spells. Let me just go over them again...looks good, now all I need are the ingredients for the potion, he thought as he got back up from where he was sitting. Before he went off to find the ingredients for the potion a thought entered his head, Alchemy does have a place in restoration, I bet Kido would be interested in it. "Hey Kido!", he called out, "I'm going to get some ingredients for my alchemy, wanna come?"