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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Prince


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"This is it,"

Amnesia told Marquis while both of them traveled down the damp sidewalk in dark brown trench coats. The dark canvas material was thick and heavy with a two-tone accent of thin leather, making these coats easy to pick out and beyond atrocious. No two looked quite the same either as the leather accents were made of scraps. In any other undercover mission, coats that drew attention like these would have ditched a long time ago, but these coats were made specifically for this purpose. Dozens of these coats were worn by the upper-middle class and sold for an obscenely low price by an Irish retailer only a few blocks away. They hardly made a profit - at least off the coats. These specific coats had another purpose; the only one that could have convinced Amnesia or anyone else to don such a horrid piece of clothing.

The Warm House, a simple, yet large tavern and in that Amnesia had identified and pointed out to Marquis, was also a speakeasy, selling drugs and whoring prostitutes for the real profit. The coats they wore acted as admission tickets to the back room where they could scour through the real inventory. The Irish retailers were just part of one big rink. Ever since Prohibition and the rise of Gangsters, complex setups like this were all too common. Crime was only made worse when what many considered a necessity, booze, was made into contraband. If someone couldn't afford the coats, there was no way they were affording what was in the back rooms. Some lower-class factory workers or immigrants might save up for the coat then to come here weekly, others visited nightly, but places like this were a dime-a-dozen and so competitive murder over a good whore or a better drink weren't uncommon.

"Sybila scoped it out," Amnesia told Marquis. "The Bolt we're after calls himself the Big Dick. According to Sybila and some interviews, he can punch through stone, rip through steel and he dishes out whatever you hit him back even worse. I had Flo and Koshei pose as a set of swingers last night - Mr. Dick is apparently the night bouncer. Since they've seen their faces, you and I will go in, stall as long as we can, then eliminate the target with lethal force. A secondary objective is for you to acquire his abilities to to later document them. Flo and Koshei will provided back-up. I'll go in first, in two minutes, you will as well. Six minutes after that, I'll cause a scene requiring forced removal. I'm hoping by that time I can scope out and shut down most threats. Additionally, these jackets were enforced to stop a few bullets, so under fire, its best to be hit in the torso if at all."

Amnesia spoke without even looking at Marquis. He simply kept his hands in his pockets as a light drizzle fell down on him. This was Marquis first mission on the Alpha Team. This was actually his first week as an Agent of HAND, and his potential earned him a spot right under Amnesia on the most prestigious hunter team HAND had to offer. A few of the others weren't keen on Marquis yet; other teams disliked him for his quick rise through the ranks. Amnesia, however, did his best to give the guy a fair shot. "Sybila is watching from a distance and ready to communicate any emergency to Flo and Koshei, whom are standby in the alleys. Remember, minimal damage and civilian casualties, but this guy has already murdered upwards of two dozen people. A few sacrifices for the greater good are acceptable..." Amnesia trailed off. He let a brief pause fill the air for just a second.

"Are you ready, Marquis? I know a few agents were outright assholes, but the war isn't with them and its not overseas. It's right here on the homeland and the line between ally and enemy gets blurred. You can trust Sybila, Koshei and Flo, and I personally vouched for you to have your spot on this team," Amnesia explained. This was the most nervous moment for anyone, let alone a new recruit. War veterans or not, this was an entirely different ballgame played on an entirely different field with new teams, new rules and a point system so meddled it was rare to ever have a black-and-white victory. Amnesia was tasked with training and overseeing Marquis, but it wasn't just to guide him with his powers. It was an attempt to integrate him into this game.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
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James "Marquis" Blackmore

The codename Marquis...

He didn't know why he choose it, but hell, maybe he felt a little bit like royalty. While the age of kingdoms and champions may be over, another age had risen. What glorious new age? The age of Demi-Godhood of course. The H.A.N.D. was proof of that - they had to try to keep these incredible human beings under control. He was skeptical about how successful they'll be.

Marquis discarded the cigarette he had in his lips less than a few second into a puddle of water.

Now, monologue aside, the deal was that him and his mentor, Amnesia, were looking to bring down a particular mutant who was causing some trouble. A Bolt criminal (Like that's original) that runs by the name of Mr.... Dick? Marquis smirked. He didn't know what was worse; his crimes or his nickname. Apparently a bouncer for a whorehouse. From the info they got, this guy was quite the bruiser. Ripping through steel...? He'd probably be able to take out any members of the group if they let him get close enough. Marquis figured that he could immobilize him using his cyromancery if they pull the plan off right (I.E this guy doesn't have backup). Amnesia told his plan, and Marquis could get behind it. Go in, stall (He had to wonder for what), and take out the target. But with a side-objective of getting this man's power. Hm, he wondered if this would start becoming common-place. Getting the powers of the strongest so the lab-coats can dissect him ("Him" being Marquis).

Either way, this will get the blood rushing, eh?

The plan seems perfect... Except for these god forbidden coats (He at least wished they were black) they had to put on for "stealth" purposes. They have to look like they have money, or else Mr. Little Dick won't even let them in. Problem was that they weren't even well made - hell, they got them from some Irish guy who needed to get his potato fix. Hell, at least he managed to get by with a snazzy hat and a nice shirt underneath them.

Amnesia asked him if he was ready - he is ready as they get. The only minor irritation he had was that he had to work with those other two fools on team. Putting it lightly; they didn't see eye-to-eye. All because Amnesia made him the team's wunderchild. Which was surprising to even him. But the issue came when the rest of Brovo squad decided to handle Marquis's success so childishly. They were rather hostile towards him, but that didn't matter. All that did matter was that they have a functional team that could keep their personal and professional business completely separated. So, minor grievances (If he could call them that) aside, they should make a solid team. Sybila should be useful for predicting if anything will happen, and Flo's animal abilities.

"Ready as I'll ever be," Marquis nodded his head. "Now let's get this over with. The faster we get out of these coats, the better." He waited for Amnesia to go in first as the plan said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dreamingflowers
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Sybila was already waiting inside the tavern, seated at one of the tables with one leg casually folded over the other. The young woman didn't seem at all fazed by the on goings inside the tavern and was perfectly content to sit by herself watching her surroundings with an amused expression. Amnesia had asked her to keep an eye out, to see how things would progress. Koshei and Flo were waiting outside in those hideous coats H.A.N.D made them wear. If the outcome of her vision shifted and they required back up she would warn them. No Katerina wouldn't be caught dead wearing a coat like that. She was used to providing for herself from her teens and spent all the money she earned on herself, buying the finer things. Out of all the team members she had the best spot, sitting comfortably out of the rain. As someone who had gotten used to the best she always made sure she got it.

Waiting by herself and without a drink was eating away at her patience. She grew bored very quickly and was looking for something or better yet someone to entertain her. This prohibition law was ridiculous and in this tavern took it a little bit too serious. Strange considering everything that was going on behind the closed doors of the back rooms. She knew everything there was to know about this place the minute she walked in and touched the table. Images and scenes of the tavern's past flashed before her. It had started out innocent enough, a small family business which grew corrupt very quickly once it began to serve the American underworld. Once you went that down road there really was no turning back.

She propped her head up in her hands and the tip of her black heels tapped the floor impatiently. There had been no need to go undercover in her case since she hadn't visited the tavern before, so nobody recognized her. She went in as a regular patron, yet the way she was dressed seemed to suggest she had business in the back room. She wore a shimmering black beaded dress and her long curly locks flowed down her shoulders and back. The bob styled wig she sometimes had on was only necessary to change up her look for undercover purposes. She scanned the tavern a second time, her mysterious brown eyes passing over everyone inside. Both Amnesia and Marquis hadn't entered yet, she would have known if they did.

Once they're inside, I'm out.
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