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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BioHazard
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BioHazard The Plague Master

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Silas von Wainright

While everyone was still discussion, panicking, making murder schedules, Silas had sneaked out of the main hall and headed towards the cafeteria. Now that he had a map of where everything was, it was much easier to navigate around the school. He also saw where his room was, but he didn't feel like going there right now. The main priority was getting something to fill, the now, black hole in his belly.

No one was to be seen in the cafeteria, he should know that because everyone was still in the main hall. But unfortunately there also wasn't a cook at school, so he had to provide the meal himself. He went into the kitchen and grabbed a baguette, cabbage, tomatoes, cheese, cucumber and started cutting it with a large knife. Once he was done he had the perfect healthy sandwich, nice and tasty for him alone. He went back to the cafeteria and took a seat. Then started to dig into his sandwich, not caring about anyone who might enter. He might make some more delicious things and get some snacks and then hide it in his bathroom. The bear couldn't see if he was eating in the bathroom, because that would be a private area. The kitchen was closed at nighttime so he had to. Unless he sneaked out during nighttime and would sneak into the kitchen to get some food. However it is very risky, so he probably would go with option one.

Maria Oathkeeper

Maria looked at the princess running away. She had pity with her. She probably also had been raised as a princess, hence her title, and that made her spoiled and always protected by others. She was now all alone, a tiny fragile girl without her caring parents who would grant her everything if she only asked. Maria herself wasn't materialistic at all. She had a Bible with her, even now she had a mini-Bible in her pocket, and a crucifix, that was all she needed. That she grew up with almost nothing may be the reason why she doesn't need anything, but she could place herself in the situation of Serena, especially with the murdering going on now.

Yes, Maria didn't want to die either, but she knew that if someone already was targeting her, she would have God to help her. One who commits to a sin, should be punished with a punishment of equal weight of the act. And if she were to die, she knew that she at least would end up in Heaven. Maybe it was even her task to purify the souls of everyone, so if they were to be killed, which hopefully wouldn't happen, that they at least would go to Heaven. Maria thought it was best to start with Serena, as it seemed she really needs someone to talk to right now. "I think I am going to check on Serena. I will make my appearance later in the cafeteria, hopefully along with miss Bellerose." she said kind, but also a bit worried.

Maria decided to use the device she was handed by the bear. She had no idea how to use it, but luckily figured out how to see the map. The rooms were all assigned to someone, so she didn't have to look which door was hers. She stood in front of the door of Serena's chamber and knocked. "Can... I come in... miss Bellerose?" Maria asked.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Octavia Arterbury

Octavia swallowed. Edie had a point, yes, but with so much worry and noise, it was hard to compose herself. She stared at the floor, trying to quell her fears. Iris denied involvement. Maybe - maybe no one here was involved. Just because quite a few of them were criminals and liars at a professional level didn't mean any of them couldn't be trusted. She exhaled deeply and looked back up; Karyl had been watching her. Octavia raised an eyebrow, and Karyl quickly looked away. Huh. Well then. She sat up a bit straighter.

Morgan looked at Dieter (or rather, seemed to look through him) before nodding.

"Honestly, I think I'd be the only one who wouldn't mind staying. I won't miss much outside, though I'll do nothing to hinder escape attempts either - not much to keep me here either." He now glanced to Iris, a small smile on his face. "I suppose you're being honest, or you would've tried harder to convince us. You deserve some praise for that." Instead of offering any of his own, he glanced to Octavia and Karyl. Octavia wasn't surprised to see Karyl huff and cross her arms - she seemed uninterested in garnering anyone's respect - so Octavia clapped instead, bow swaying in the air. Right then. She nudged Karyl's foot off of her papers and began collecting them to put them into her case. She was a quick writer in most cases - hopefully sufficient to keep up with everyone else.

Karyl delle Campane

Karyl tensed as Anna spoke up. She was not enjoying this division of power. Why would they trust a fashion designer and a thief? She knew pressure. She worked fine enough in groups. But fine. Whatever. She let out a long breath. All this would do currently would be to cast suspicion on her.

"Well, I suppose that's reasonable. I just thought being open and honest about our goals would help. Let us know who needs the most supervision, but clearly that didn't pan out. As long as we all follow these extra rules, though, maybe it doesn't matter." A little too sweet. But as long as it got suspicion off her, did it matter? She wasn't going to be the first victim, when - if, if it happened. Had to believe it to speak it so effectively.

Which was now handy, as the scientist was crying on the floor. She put on her best expression of empathy and sat down next to him.

"Hey." Her voice was much less cold. "You wanna just stay here until you calm down?" She pulled off her hoodie, revealing the black leotard beneath, and offered it to him. It wasn't uncommon for dancers to break down before a show, and sometimes the hoods helped. She'd deal with Conrad in a minute - he clearly was always upset anyways, and it'd have no impact to try right now.

Morgan Oakley

What a disaster. Sure, m could put on the unconcerned facade - no magician worth their salt broke when the trick went wrong - but there was not much m could do to keep things cool. When the princess ran off, Morgan stared after her mutely before holding m's arms out.

"Voila! I have made a student disappear!" Just a little joke. Morgan glanced around, doing a quick headcount. They were short....three. That didn't seem right. Huh. "Well, I have no objection to making some food vanish either. I'm not a Super High School Level Cook, but I do know my way around a kitchen." M followed Edie to the doorway and noticed Octavia was right behind, carrying her violin case and bow.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Morrigatdoom


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Serena Bellerose

Luckily, Serena had managed to find to find her dorm room with relative ease, for each of the students’ rooms had a nameplate with a cartoon-ish looking picture of them and their name on it. Before Serena entered her room, she looked around the hallway, no one seemed to have followed her at all, thankfully. She quickly went into her room and looked around. It was a rather simple room, a bed, some drawers, a trashcan, and a door to the bathroom.

Serena let out a small sigh, she was stuck here, no matter how much she hated it. There was nothing she could do. That… that Monokuma had trapped them all there, in some diseased game to try and kill each other in order to get out. How come they couldn’t just attend the school like normal!?

Out of what seemed like nowhere, there was a knock on her door and Serena let out a shriek and nearly jumped in the air out of sheer terror. She heard the voice after—that was the… Catholic? Right. She opened the door a slight bit and peered out, looking at Maria.

”N-No! I order that you go away this instant!” she shouted, terror still filled in her voice, before she slammed the door shut and shakily walked over to her bed. Of course, that would do nothing, in reality. There were no locks, so if Maria—or anyone else for that matter—wanted to come in, there was nothing stopping them. Her eyes then widened as she came to a realization: the bathroom! She quickly ran to the bathroom as she could, opening the door and running in, shutting the door and locking it. This was her one chance at safety, and she was going to take it.

Edie Jensen

Edie—along with numerous others from the group—ended up heading to the cafeteria. They’d all have the chance to fill up a bit and calm down, and hopefully that would erase any thoughts about people wanting to murder each other. Maybe they could all think of some plans to start searching for a way out, too!

She walked into the cafeteria with the others, seeing Silas already there and already eating. She put her hands on her hips, frowning, ”You REALLY couldn’t wait to come here with everyone else? You had to go ahead and get food by yourself?” she asked, stamping over to him. ”You know something could’ve happened, right? I really don’t want to say it, but you could’ve been… killed… or something. We really shouldn’t be splitting up like this,” she told him, folding her arms, still frowning.

Edie turned back around to look at everyone else who had come to the cafeteria with her. ”So… everyone’s probably hungry, right? Morgan you said you could cook, right? Think you’d be up for doing that? Anyone have simple things they want? Drinks?” she asked, before quickly whipping out her notepad and pen, a small smile now coming on her face. Despite everything that was happening, at least going into waitress mode would put her in her natural habitat!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Lucas Archwood

The high schooler nobody knew somewhat timidly followed after the group headed towards the cafeteria. He was still a bit on edge, but less so than previously, thankfully. It seemed the 'safety in numbers' mentality applied even in this situation. Hopefully this situation would let them all bond enough not to be thinking about slaughtering each other in cold blood for the sake of going home, at the very least. He allowed himself to smile a little bit, both for his sake and the sake of others. After all it wouldn't do to be all mopey and spread the mope to the rest.

Once Edie addressed everyone for there orders, Lucas put in his own queue. "I'll just have some water and a serving of... anything I guess," the fake super high schooler informed.

Astolfo Garneau

Astolfo skipped on into the cafeteria along with the majority of the others of their class, blissfully in denial of the entire situation. The odd black-and-white bear was kind of a dick, telling them all to kill each other. But Astolfo had faith in the others, nobody would really kill anyone else, right? And even if they did, there was obviously a catch. That's how it was in video games after all. Besides, he figured the others came to this conclusion already, since the rest seemed pretty smart. He took a seat in the cafeteria, and looked around to the first person he saw, which happened to be Octavia. Naturally, the genki Gamer waved over the mute Violinist to take a seat by him before turning to Edie in order to answer her question.

"Hmm... I'd like a PBJ...and stuff with lo~o~ots of caffeine! Oooh, maybe coffee, or maybe Mountain Dew! That's simple 'nough and we have that, right?"

...Needless to say, Astolfo ordering a caffeinated drink didn't seem to be much of a surprise.

Anna Brunhild

Though unlike the rest of Grey's characters, Anna opted out of heading to the cafeteria. It wasn't as if she had made any promise to head off into it anyway, and to be completely honest with herself, she really didn't feel comfortable taking up the spot of leader or adviser for anything that didn't directly deal with her profession of choice. Besides, a noisy cafeteria probably wouldn't be the best place to get her thoughts in order. So right now, she was just pacing the halls. She didn't quite fear being alone, especially since most of the students were gathered with others, meaning there were few who could be stalking the halls for victims. And even then, her finely-honed thief's senses she could probably sense any of these amateurs if they tried to sneak up on her. Maybe not overpower some of them, but running was still a valid option. And Lord knew a thief had to be able to run.

And speaking of the Lord, there was that SHSL Nun girl trying to coax the Princess out of her room. Or bathroom, she supposed. That was really the only place you could hide because of Oreo the Bear over there. "Well you're not gonna get her out like that," Anna deadpanned, having silently watched the little exchange. The blonde Thief walked over, popped open Serena's bedroom door, and waltzed inside before turning to the blonde nun, "honeyed words aren't going to do much, Sister." She then knocked on the locked bathroom door.

"You're lucky I'm talking the time to talk instead of breaking in," Anna began, leaning against the wall beside the bathroom door, "now, you either come out or me and nunsie over there are coming in."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BioHazard
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BioHazard The Plague Master

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Silas von Wainright

When the others entered the cafeteria, Silas looked up for a few seconds and continued eating his giant sandwich. Then Eddie walked over to him and scolded him for leaving all on his own. Silas only shrugged his shoulders and didn't seem to pay any interest in what she said. However that quickly changed when she asked if anyone had something to order, starting with drinks. Silas looked up to Eddie from his seat and said, still with his mouth full, "I could use some ice tea to flush this away!" pointing to his sandwich while chewing on it. "Ow and if you're on it, maybe you can bring some snacks from the kitchen!" he said and gave a 'thank you' nod before continuing.

Maria Oathkeeper

Maria was still standing in front of the door of miss Bellerose when suddenly Anna approached her and commented on the way she handled the situation and wanted to open the door. "B-but miss Brunhild, a room is a place of priv--" Anna had already opened the door and entered the room. "--acy." Maria followed Anna into the room. Of course Maria didn't approve the behavior of Anna, but to be fair she didn't want to have her on the enemy side. A sinner like this thief could be very dangerous if it were to become an enemy.

Maria followed Anna to the door of the bathroom, Serena wasn't in any other place of this room so the bathroom would be the only place she could be. Anna told her to come out before brute force had to be used. Although Anna also mentioned Maria, she didn't have any intention on using violence. "Uhm... yeah. You should come out miss Bellerose." Maria said after Anna. "You are only punishing yourself by staying in there, we will do you no harm. I promise it on behalf of God himself."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jester Acharis
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Jester Acharis Overlord

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Dieter Bauer

Dieter wasn't sure how he felt about the Magician... guy? Girl? ... Person, that had commented how they wouldn't mind staying in the school. Did the person really not have anything to return to in the outside world? No family, friends, job or a pet? It sounded almost sad, and he would have voiced a question regarding it, if the crowd hadn't been quite so noisy. Much like before, a thousand things were happening all at the same time, and few were the people who kept their volume off speech down. Not that the shouting and wailing going on wasn't completely understandable, of course. That was rather natural of teenagers being caught in what as effectively a death trap.

A big part of the group decided that food would be the answer to their confused state, and started to head towards the kitchen. Food was known to replenish energy and help one think clearer, but it was still just a bit astonishing how readily so many people trusted the food they'd been left with. Dieter doubted it was poisoned with anything that would kill, but using drugs to drop people's defenses or affect their natural behaviour - perhaps to the point of making them kill - wouldn't sound out of place at all. Then again, if one wished to eat, it would probably be better to do it now, when none of the other students had had time to tinker with the ingredients. So, with that in mind, Dieter directed his steps towards the cafeteria as well. However, while many of the others seemed to gather in the actual cafeteria area itself, he walked straight past everyone and into the kitchen. He wanted to be there before everyone else. Or, well, most everyone else, as it seemed like at least one person was already eating.

A few more steps, and he disappeared past the corned into the kitchen.
Fyodor "Fedya" Vasnetsov

As much as Fedya graved to interact with the other students, he couldn't bring himself into following after the majority of the students into cafeteria to grab a bite. There were so many people packed into that room that he felt it would just be a repeat of what had went on in the entrance hall earlier, and that was hardly any fun for him. True, it would let him learn more about a select few individuals who spoke the loudest and had their voice stand out from among the noise, but typically, loud and outgoing people were ones you could learn more about anyway, anywhere. No, he wanted to learn more about the quiet ones - which was why part of him urged him to follow the few that had went to try and convince the Princess to come back out from hiding. It sounded like fun, and he was curious to know why she had chosen to hide in the first place. Was she just scared? Or did she have something in particular to hide?

There was only one way to find out.

And so, being in no hurry, Fedya walked after the girls, fingers playing with the map they'd been given, until he finally stopped in front of the correct door - correct, open door. Oh my, rather brash to barge into a girl's room like that - even if you were one yourself.

"Excuse me, coming iiin~" Fedya announced as he stepped past the doorframe and walked further inside. The room looked small but cozy, and he wondered if each of their room was identical. Regardless, it didn't take him long to find the Thief and the Catholic, both standing outside the bathroom door and trying to coax the girl inside to come out. Fedya chuckled.

"Ah, you two are just scarin' the poor thing like that," he commented as he flopped down to sit on the bed, talking loud enough for his voice to be audible even in the bathroom. "If you want her out, y'gotta be nicer and bribe her instead. Mm, somethin' like, promise her money or food, or-" he let his voice drop just a tad: "Or that she won't be the first victim you guys kill and all."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Octavia Arterbury

Of course Octavia sat beside Astolfo. She hadn't been certain of who to 'talk' with first, but she was glad he was interested. He talked a lot, but he seemed so nice about it! He'd mentioned being a gamer - Octavia had played a few and only seemed to excel at the online ones (she could play most Call of Duty songs) but maybe he could recommend a few games for once they escaped. Or a few soundtracks. That seemed more fun and challenging.

She pulled out a napkin from the nearby dispenser and scribbled on her order before holding it up: 'Gravy fries and peppermint tea would be great.' Hey she did ask, and Octavia figured it wasn't that bad. Once Edie got her order, she pulled out a new napkin, wrote, and held it up for Astolfo to read.

'So you play games? Any favorites?' She'd been tempted to add in about game soundtracks but maybe now wasn't the right time. When she could pull out her violin and play.

Morgan Oakley

"Up for it indeed. I'll check the kitchen immediately." M bowed with a flourish, not caring if Edie noticed. Had to keep up showmanship, after all. M kept on the smile, even at Silas' response, up until m passed the doorway into the kitchen.

Morgan sauntered into the kitchen, briefly lost in thought as m surveyed the room. Lighting was good, fairly open, one person, lots of food-


M looked again. "Dieter, was it?" M was certain he was, but it tended to put people at ease by sounding uncertain. Certainty could be frightening. "...well, I suppose poison isn't an effective form of torture, so I doubt you've done anything to the food. Besides eating it, perhaps?" Not that m saw any sign of that.

Whistling, Morgan walked to the fridge and opened it. Interesting selection of drinks. M located the jug of ice tea in the back, pulled it out - and then it was gone. Smiling, Morgan walked back to the kitchen entrance and called loudly, "Sorry, no ice tea." That done, m turned on the coffee maker, opened up several of the cabinets, and began pulling out a few things - biscuit mix, popcorn kernels, and so on - and generally acting as though m had not noticed Dieter at all - Morgan suspected he would prefer that.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Morrigatdoom


Member Offline since relaunch

Serena Bellerose

Although she had thought she would be safe in her bathroom, that quickly fell apart. People started to come into Serena’s room at a rather alarming rate. First was the thief, with the Catholic in tow. ”Y-You better not come in here!” she shouted. ”This is my bathroom! I need my private time you know! Monokuma even said that the girl’s bathrooms were locked for privacy reasons!” she shouted, huddling up closer to the door and looking around her bathroom. She was hoping to find something she could use to wedge under the doorknob, but no such luck, there was nothing in there that could keep her bolted in.

She soon heard someone else enter her room—was it the liar? Why was everyone coming to HER room of all rooms!? Clearly they wanted her out of the way first… right? That had to be it. Her ears perked up when the Liar talked about bribing her with not being killed first.

”H-How about you all not kill me at all and leave my room this instant!” she shouted. ”I-I’m royalty, you know! Y-You can’t kill me!”

Edie Jensen

Edie started to write stuff down on her notepad. Hopefully there WOULD be more notepads somewhere in this school, if they did this for even two meals a day she’d run out of room in no time. ”You really need to let me know what you actually want. I’m a waitress, not a mind reader,” she told him. Although she didn’t mean to sound as mean as she probably did, she was on edge from earlier, much like everyone else probably was. She continued to write things down before looking back up at the group that was there.

Hrm, not everyone was there. Edie wasn’t quite sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Hopefully no one was lurking in a corner hoping to kill someone already… ”So, is that it for now? I can go get the first round of drinks and food going and then come back for more orders,” she suggested. Hopefully by the time she returned with drinks the rest of her classmates would be there. ”Just… if you want something, make sure you ask now. Since we can’t bring any food into our rooms, we should probably eat what we can while we can,” she suggested. ”Anyways, I’m going to head in now. Morgan, mind helping me out?” she asked, looking at the magician and pointing towards what she figured was the entrance to the kitchen with her thumb.

After a few moments, she headed into the kitchen, though not sure if Morgan was behind her (she couldn’t wait forever, after all!) and saw someone else in there. Was that… the torture specialist? She took a few steps forward, ”You know, I could’ve gotten your food for you? I’m a waitress and all,” she said simply.

Iris Bradley

Everyone had either headed to the cafeteria, stayed in the entryway, or ran off to some of the dorm rooms. Iris wasn’t feeling particularly hungry at the moment—she could always eat later, anyways. Instead, she figured it would be best to look around the area for now. The student ID card had a map of the first floor in it, though basic, would definitely suffice for sweeping the first floor. She could always meet up with everyone after and tell them what she found. If she would be able to be useful despite her “talent” then that would be helpful for everyone there.

She headed into the dorm area—what looked like some kind of public bath seemed to be closed off for the time being, for whatever reason. Iris walked through the dorm halls, noticing one of the doors—Serena’s—was open. She peeked inside, seeing Maria, Fedya, and Anna inside, outside the bathroom door. Against her better judgment, she continued walking forward, back into the other area of the first floor.

Of course, there was very little in that area, too. A few empty classrooms, and other locked rooms—including one, elaborate locked red door. She folded her arms. Clearly there was nothing around to look at. For whatever reason, or maybe she was just overthinking it, Monokuma didn’t want all of them exploring much or anything yet. She let out a sigh as she stood outside the gymnasium, looking at the trophy case. Just what was happening? Would someone actually kill?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jester Acharis
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Jester Acharis Overlord

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Dieter Bauer

Dieter spun around with a slight startle as he heard someone address him from behind, the voice soon followed by another that even spoke his name. Upon turning, he found himself staring at two familiar figures, and it didn't take him long to connect their faces with names and talents. After all, one of them was one of the few people he'd actually somewhat interacted with, so far; Morgan, and the other the girl who had spoken rather loudly during the chaos earlier, Edie. The latter sounded rather forceful, and that made Dieter take a step back in reflex. In contrast, the Super High School Level Magician, much like the liar guy he'd talked to earlier, seemed way too chipper considering the situation. It was suspicious and just a bit unsettling. And now he was alone with them both. Crap.

He cast his gaze low, not really sure what to answer to Edie. A simple "Sorry, I was just... looking... around?" Was all he could muster in the end.

What bothered him even more than the awkward situation itself, though, was Morgan's naivety when it came to poisons. The ignorance tugged at something within the boy's mind, urging him to pipe up until he could no longeer help himself.

"Not an effective form of torture?" Dieter repeated out of the blue after Morgan had already moved on to other things, his usually timid voice having taken a somewhat sharp, deep turn somewhere along the line. There was an excited grin-like expression dancing on his face, one normally rather uncharacteristic of someone as meek as he was. But when it came to talking about his job, he couldn't really help it. "You couldn't be further off the mark!"

He crossed his arms and rested his back against the counter behind him. "Getting poisoned is extremely painful, both mentally and physically. Depending on the poison used, your body could be trying to fight off death for hours, all the while gradually breaking down at its core. Breathing will get increasingly difficult, your skin may change colors and swell... oh, and in many a case your heart rate will fluctuate as if you're about to experience a heart attack, only the symptoms will last longer and there's no quick death to save you. There can be changes in behaviour, as well as extreme cases of vomiting, diarrhea and of course, bleeding - both internal and not. Then there's acid..."

He shrugged his shoulders. "And that's just the physical side of it. Mentally, it's arguably just as taxing. You know you've been hit with something deadly, and as the symptoms grow worse, you know where your body is headed. Imagine cases where you can actually see your skin change color as the poison advances. Sometimes, you can feel the poison moving in your veins. You know it's there, you know you're about to die - but you can't do anything about it. Of course, that hasn't stopped some victims from trying; I had one trying to scratch out his skin and muscle to get to his veins. That ended badly."

Dieter chuckled, stopping for a while as if to relive the memory, eyes cast up into the ceiling like he was viewing a movie. And then, as quickly as his change in behaviour had come about, his peculiar voice and expression were gone, returned back to his usual, scaredy-cat self. And he instantly let out a small peep.

"Ah! Um, s-so..." He mumbled, fingers tapping against each other from nervousness. Morgan had acted like he wasn't there, and the other girl hadn't bullied him so far and now... now he had probably grabbed both of their attention again. Great. Wonderful. "Poisons aren't... a-all that ineffective.. um..." He looked up at the other students, nervous. "Right?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by IVIasterJay


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Elend Carrol

The SHSL Scientist about jumped out of his skin when one of the others walked over and sat down next to him. A girl. His mind drew a blank, this time for an entiely different reason. He had no clue how to handle being around others, let alone someone of the opposite sex. What should he do, what should he do? Think! What had she said, yes, that was a good place to start, but what had she said? Hey! She'd said hey! Oh crap, she was still talking. What was she saying now?

"-you calm down?"

What? Was she asking if he had calmed down? No, that wasn't it. Stay here and calm down? Wait, did that mean she was offering to stay with him? How would that help to calm him down!? She started taking off her clothes. What the hell was going on!? El just about passed out right them, barely pulling his brain back into his skull while at the same time shoving his heart back down his throat. Holy crap she was smoking! Elend wasn't sure if he was trapped in hell or some twisted paradise for a second. He picked up his jaw from the floor where he'd dropped it, just as soon as he'd found his eye balls and shoved them back into their rightful sockets. This wasn't how he'd expected to die. The bear had just barely left, and already the school had claimed its first victim!

The scientist stepped off the emotional roller coaster that this girl had unwittingly set into motion. He needed to clear his head. Asprin, he needed asprin. Elend sat up a little too quickly, eyes a little too dry, voice a little too high. "U-u-u-u-mm-m n-no, I'm-m-m f-f-f-ine n-now. U-um th-tha-nk y-you th-though." Jumping to his feet and backing away from the danger slowly, Elend bolted out of the room. He ran down the hall, looking for his room, cursing the lack of locks all the way there. Alone, he needed to be alone, needed to calm down after all that crazy. The scientist's glasses reflected the light from overhead. An he needed to take off his shirt to check for samples.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Anna Brunhild

Anna mentally facepalmed when she heard a fourth voice enter the fray. The foreign Liar, if she recalled the voice correctly. She herself hoped her suspicions were incorrect as to the result of what was about to happen, but unfortunately, she was completely correct. It seemed the Liar made the situation all the more uncomfortable. For all parties involved, it seemed. The blonde took a really, really deep breath to compose herself. Wouldn't be good losing her cool this early... Though that'd only make her the, what, fourth person to have a mental breakdown? Hell, even then, hers wouldn't be caused by fear of getting slaughtered like an animal. No, it would be about how long she could go without getting a brain aneurysm.

"How about you take a goddamn- Err... No offense, 'nun' intended (heh) - minute to actually read the rules of the game before throwing around accusations!" Anna growled rather irritably, despite having taken steps to calm down earlier, something about getting yelled at without reason just got on her nerves. Maybe it was just stress from being stuck here rearing its ugly head. The blonde thief continued on, "For example. Rule number 6: 'a culprit who kills a fellow student will graduate the school. However, they must not let any other student know they are the culprit.' As you can see, there's three of us out here. There's nothing gained in killing you." She left out the word 'now' of course. Didn't want to add to the fright of somebody breaking into your bathroom.

"Oh right, forgot my manners," Anna added before the lock of the bathroom clicked and the door popped open, "Hi."

Astolfo Garneau

Astolfo smiled at the mute violinist as she took the seat he had offered across from himself. She seemed nice enough, and some kind of handicap wasn't going to scare him away from making a new friend. The pink-haired gamer registered Octavia scrawling something down. Was it a message for him? Nope, it was an order for food. Should've expected that, really, but then she started writing again. Maybe this time it'd be something for him. And it was!

The SHSL Gamer took a moment to read over the little note directed to him. Upon finishing the first sentence, Astolfo chirped his answer, "Yup." Then he continued onto the second, taking a few moments to contemplate that particular one. It was a hard question, after all. "Hmm...!" Astolfo sounded, exaggerating his thinking process with a stereotypical thinking pose, complete with beard stroking, "I think I'd say I like the Open World RPG genre the most! I mean, the hours you can engross yourself! But then again, any game with a multiplayer function could say the same... But as a wise man once said: a game can't stand on multiplayer alone! ...or something." He smiled innocently after that. "So what about you? What kinda stuff do you like to play? Err... On the violin. Or games. Either works."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BioHazard
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BioHazard The Plague Master

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Maria was surprised that yet another person entered the room. It was the SHSL Liar, another sinner that now was among her in an enclosed space. However she wasn't afraid of being killed now, as the rules made clear that none would gain anything from it, and one could only kill two persons, no more. However the first rule was repeated by the SHLS Thief in her talk to Serena, while also trying to unlock the door. Maria did get a bit angry when Anna took the name of God in her mouth for negative purposes, but then again, these sinners would all go to hell anyway, so it would not worsen their situation, although she did apologize. Maybe there was some hope left to cure these sinners.

The words of Anna and Fredya didn't seem to motivate Serena to come out in her own opinion. When Anna managed to get the door open she decided to be the one to calm Serena down. "Don't make her worry so much, both of you." Maria said as she walked into the bathroom and faced Serena. "I know things are scary right now, even I am scared at this moment, although I know God protects me. But I know that nothing will happen, I also don't trust these people, I also don't trust you yet. But I'm sure nun' (sorry) of us have the intention to kill anyone." she smiled, hoping Serena would cheer up. "I hope we can be friends." she reached forwards with her hand. "Let's go join the others in the cafeteria, and get some food." Maria really hoped that Serena would come along after hearing this. She tried to leave God out of this conversation as much as she could, as she probably wasn't religious. But Maria herself believed that she was the best person to cheer her up.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Karyl delle Campane

Karyl stared after the scientist as he fled. Yeah. Stuttering and red. Toally fine. "Dick," she said to herself. She was just trying to be nice and what did that get her? Well, then. Looking around, she was the only one left in the entryway with the hysterical Super High School Level Good Luck. Lucky for who, she wasn't sure. Probably not her, though. She squashed the ngative thoughts as she stood up. Her stomach grumbled a little - weird, how long had they been out for? There didn't seem to be any openings to see the sky outside, but she knew a few things.

For one, she had not skipped breakfast. For another, out of a matter of habit, she ate large, filling breakfasts to keep her going through rehearsal. Unless it was already night (and a check of the clock denied that), she shouldn't be hungry already.

Whatever. She had bigger problems. One laying at her feet, actually. Once more, she knelt and offered the hoodie. "Hey. Just us two now. Feeling any better?" Maybe he simply didn't like crowds.

Octavia Arterbury

She beamed. Well, he was patient at least. Maybe they could be friends, even! That sounded nice, especially if they'd be stuck here. She hadn't spent any time looking around yet, but mybe there was an arcade or something they could hang out in. It sounded fun enough. And - oh, right, his own questions. Sure, why not? She began to write as fast as she could, her letters becoming large and loopy with her speed. Still readable, of course; she had practice writing so quickly. She presented the napkin when she was done.

'I'm actually pretty good at multiplayer - no one sees me coming, you know?' To punctuate it, she had even doodled a stick figure smiling with an army helmet and a blocky rifle. 'Though mostly for first-person shooters. Quite a few have some nice violin tracks. Do any open world rpg games do that?' She wasn't sure if she was being redundant, but she also didn't know how to pluralize 'rpg' since she doubted it still stood for 'rocket-propelled grenade'. 'I can play a lot of classical orchestra pieces, but I'm also really good with pop and soundtracks. I'll take requests after we finish eating - don't want to ruin my violin. c:' Her own smile mirrored the drawn one.

Morgan Oakley

Morgan stared in quiet surprise at Dieter, unable to avoid paying attention as he rambled about the effects of poison, before leaning on the closest counter. How to address that... Well, probably by not adding further supicion. It'd be pointless.

"Now, I'm going by movies, but I'd think someone dying during torture is counterproductive. You can't get anything else out of them, nor can torture continue once they're dead. But I've been informed Hollywood lies to me on a lot of topics. I suppose you know better on the matter." M shrugged before continuing to search. "Anyways. Anything you want- ah!" And there was a bag of marshmallows. "Any opinion on popcorn balls? I didn't hear anything you two wanted." After all, Dieter seemed uncomfortable (strange, the topic was his idea and hopefully something he was knowledgeable in) and Edie none too happy. Best to get a new topic going. Poisons aside, food was generally safe to discuss. Everyone ate, everyone had preferences. Admittedly, Morgan was a bit indifferent to their responses - m would make them anyways. Stovetop on, oven preheating, washing hands, oil heating, mixing bowls down - and once Edie offered specifics on what to make, Morgan could get started there.

"I suppose you can get the drinks without me, right?" Probably to Edie, but if Dieter wanted to help, well, up to him. As long as he didn't get in m's way, what was the harm in that? Until then, m could start making the biscuits.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Morrigatdoom


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Serena Bellerose

As the door to the bathroom seemed to pop open with no trouble, Serena’s eyes widened even more. No, this couldn’t happen. She needed somewhere safe from all of these people! How could she even sleep through the night if the one place that was supposed to be safe wouldn’t even be safe!? ”N-No! You can’t do this! Monokuma! M-Monokuma! They… they can’t do this, can they!?” she shrieked, absolutely terrified. The girls’ bathrooms were locked for a reason, right? Wouldn’t that defeat the whole purpose of locks if they could just be broken that easily!?
She stood up, bringing her hands together and close to her body, visibly shaking from fright. They were going to kill her, she knew it. Maybe not one of these people—but someone from their class would kill her, she knew it. She just knew it. She took one step forward towards the actual room. Then another. Then another. Then finally after she exited the bathroom, she sprinted out of the room, a light sniffing and sobbing able to be heard from her. It would definitely be obvious that she was taking the whole situation incredibly rough.

She heard the Catholic talk about the cafeteria, where apparently everyone else was at. She’d go there. Then at night… She’d find somewhere to hide. Her bathroom, or somewhere else. She’d have to. For now she’d be around the others, and, theoretically, she’d be safe. Then she could hide out the rest of the time and only come out to eat when she was starving.

It took quite a bit of running around, mostly due to the fact that she hadn’t yet been the cafeteria, but as she wandered through the halls, she saw a sign that read “Dining Hall” outside of what she figured would be the cafeteria. She ran into the cafeteria, before stopping abruptly, dusting off her skirt, and offering as much a smile as she could, which was pretty weak, admittedly. ”H-Hello, everyone… how is everyone so far?” she asked, before weakly going over to sit at her own table a small distance from everyone else.

Edie Jensen

Edie had her hands on her hips the entire time that Dieter tried to explain his way out of why he was there. Especially after him and Morgan ended up talking about poisons, Edie was none too sure that she trusted Dieter to be in the kitchen. ”Uh… I’ll probably just have a simple sandwich, or something. It’s been a long day; I don’t think we should be making food that takes too long to prep. It’s been an exhausting day so far, and we should stick with simple stuff for now. I’ll just make a PB&J or something,” Edie said with a shrug.

”And, honestly… I’ll bring this up with everyone else, but I really think that we should limit the people who are allowed to go into the kitchen. If too many people are allowed in, who knows what could happen to the food,” she said abruptly, folding her arms now. ”We don’t know how often this stuff is restocked,” she added. ”It’s a case of safety for everyone,” she said with a slight nod in confirmation to herself.

After scribbling down her own order, she gathered up all of the drinks, setting them on a tray, and with surprising strength, lifted the rather full tray up with just one hand, and quickly darted out of the kitchen to deliver the drinks.

She sped between tables, delivering drinks without so much as a drop being lost from any of the cups. After delivering the drinks, she brought the tray to her side, ”Well, food should be ready soon. Morgan is preparing it all now. And then we can… talk about what to do, I guess. And sorry, Silas, but there was no Iced Tea, I brought you water instead,” she said, before finally realizing Serena was there. ”O-Oh, Princess!” she started before turning bright red. Though she was being polite, she realized how dumb she more than likely sounded to the rest of her classmates. ”Anything to drink?” she asked.

”Just water,” Serena said quietly, and Edie nodded, quickly heading back into the kitchen to get a glass of water. She walked back in, seeing Dieter and Morgan still. ”Well, the Super High School Level Princess is in there, but there are still some people missing,” she said, filling up another glass with ice and water, looking at the two. ”None of you did anything suspicious with the food while I was gone, did you?” she asked, eyeing the two of them.

Iris Bradley

After standing outside of the gymnasium for a while, Iris simply let out another sigh and left, deciding to take another sweep around the first floor of the school that they were allowed to explore. She passed by the entryway, noticing two people still in there. She took a few steps in, to see the ballet dancer, Karyl, and the Lucky, Conrad.

”You two are… still here?” she asked, a bit slowly at that. She wasn’t sure why they hadn’t grouped up with everyone else. Especially considering how Conrad seemed to be in the middle of an emotional breakdown, being alone with one other person with the rules in place by their headmaster was a bit of a terrifying thought—and she wasn’t the one with the breakdown. ”Everything ok here?” she asked, before eyeing Karyl up and down. That was definitely different from earlier, at least.

”What’s up with your outfit?” she asked simply. She meant no offense by it, really, but she was just wondering why she was now in a leotard. Then again, thinking on it, Iris was probably one of the nicest dressed students that was there.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Anna Brunhild

The blonde thief sighed upon the hysterical shrieking coming from the drama queen - or would it technically be drama princess? - before them. Tuning out the inane ramblings of a woman who held a groundless fear for her own life, Anna began reprimanding herself mentally. Why the hell would she have assumed that using common sense and rationality would be able get through to this girl anyway? She closed her eyes, leaned her head back, and groaned, making no attempt to hide her disdain of the situation as a whole. Upon the sound of footsteps, she cracked open an eye. Was she seeing reason?

And then Serena ran off into the distance. There went that hypothesis, as did her faith in the girl. Anna composed herself once more - she had been doing a lot of that lately, she noted - this first day was turning out to be much more stressful than initially assumed. Hopefully the rest of the days wouldn't be this mentally taxing, or she'd go crazy. And going crazy was definitely something to be avoided, lest she end up like the princess.

"Well. If there's nothing else important, I'll be making my leave," Anna said matter-of-factly before doing exactly that, exiting the room with her soundless stride. There was a stomach to fill, after all, and like hell she'd leave herself alone with a liar and a zealot. Serena's mental pollution was enough, thank you. She didn't need endless confusion from a masked foreigner or hear about how she was going to burn for the rest of eternity. A few halls later, and she made it to the cafeteria shortly after Serena before taking an empty table to herself.

Astolfo Garneau

The pink-haired french gamer drank from his refreshing beverage as he patiently waited for Octavia to finish up putting her words to paper. Patience is important or however that saying went, and besides, he was rather interested in what other SHSL students liked to play. Who knew, maybe there'd be a pattern or something. That'd be snazzy. Soon enough, she passed him the note. This time the letters were messier - probably because she was writing so fast - but even then, it was still probably better than his. Haha.

Astolfo set down the napkin upon finishing the message, a rather cheery expression on his face. "Oh yeah, there's a lot 'o' games with re~ea~al~ly good soundtracks! There's the Mass Effect trilogy, the Elder Scrolls, Assassin's Creed..." The pinknet continued on with a rather long list of game franchises with consistent OST quality. "...and then there're visual novels, but those aren't really 'games'. More like books. Wait..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bornlucky
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Bornlucky Not so green cyborg ninja dude

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Conrad Miles

"No....no...no...no..." Conrad was still sobbing his throat hurting from all his sobbing, the room became emptier and emptier. Until there was only two people left. He didn't noticed, he was so scared that everything mattered until he calmed down, at least a little, Hopefully.
Finally when he couldn't repeat his fearful mantra any more he stayed silent shaking violently, until he finally felt the presence of someone else. They could've killed right now without much problem but instead the voice ask if he was okay, he wasn't.
He wipe away some tears out of his eyes, moving his shades to show how red his eyes were from his fearful crying. "A-A ittle bit... Thank you..." His voice was raspy, and he was hiccuping and between his words.
The girl who he slightly remembered as the SHSL Ballet dancer, she gave him a sweater, it was little small but it was an okay fit.

He glanced up fast when he heard the voice of a second girl. "H-Hello..." He meekly replied to the second girl, as he finally stood back with weak knees. He was wiping away tears under his shades. "W-where is everyone else...?" He requested to the second girl, "I-if you know..." He added in a weak tone. His throat was hurting when he talks. He wished he was as brave as everyone else.

Rosemary Ivy

Rosemary after leaving the entryway went on her own for a little while, not heeding her own words. She just wanted to be alone for even a moment.
She looked at the map she was by the...INN? She sighed, how long will they be here? Was that demented monochrome bear was telling the truth? No. She will not fall for his terrible lies. She will protects these people even if it cost her, everything. Even if they don't think her of a friend she will protect them until she cane gain their trust.
She huffed harshly and finally left the 'school' She must have wondered the damnable halls for a solid amount of time, nobody were in the halls so she finally decided to go the cafeteria.
She pushed the gates of the door between the school and inn to the lighter side. And she took a hard right. The room was full. The princess was by herself, has she finally calmed down? She better leave her alone, don't want to scare people, so she decided to see their started making some food, so she decided to take a seat, she heard the maid say their will talk soon. She decided to wait and be quiet until then. She hoped it won't take long.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Octavia Arterbury

Octavia raised a hand to her mouth, lips parted and upturned in a silent giggle. Hey, worked better for communicating than trying to write laughter (which invariably came across as phony or sarcastic). She supposed she shouldn't have expected any less from him, though it made her a bit down to realize how many songs she was missing. Ah well. She was still young. She wrote back, 'Maybe later you could hum a few bars and I'll give it a go?' She'd need to improvise, of course, but what kind of SHSL Violinist would she be if she couldn't do that much? A pretty shoddy one.

Edie then came out with the drinks, giving Octavia her peppermint tea. She gave a thumbs up, still clutching her pen, and tasted the tea. Pretty good. She could wait a bit for the food, that was fine. She then noticed the latecomers and waved enthusiastically, sending her pen cap flying. Ah well. She had spares. Now - oh, hm, why not? She added onto her last message:

'You know, I got to keep my violin I brought here. Did you bring any games?' She wondered what games he wanted to keep on him. If they were going to live together for an indefinite amount of time, might as well start sharing their talents and means of entertainment and trying new things.... And also she was curious. Hey, not everyone had to be an altruist.

Karyl delle Campane

Karyl set her jaw. Of course she was. It didn't matter if Morgan trusted her - she sure didn't, and she wasn't leaving anyone alone while Despair wandered the halls. Literally. However, before she could retort, Conrad seemed to have pulled himself together. She leaned back as Conrad stood up shakily, not that she'd hold it against him. Him asking Despair? That, she might.

"I think everyone went to go eat. You were here a while, you and the scientist both." She stood as well, doing her best to sound pleasant. "We should all go too, I suppose. The scientist can join later if he wants."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BioHazard
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BioHazard The Plague Master

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Maria Oathkeeper

Maria was a bit upset that Serena just had ignored her. She was trying so hard to cheer her up, but it didn't seem that the princess would listen. She just needed some time to calm down, Maria guessed. Maybe she would try again later, maybe they also can become friends. She believed she could be friends with everyone, and that no one would kill another. She saw Anna take her leave, after Serena fled the scene. Maria figured she went to the cafeteria, thus followed her.

She turned her head to Fredya, "I'm also heading out. No use in staying in someone else's room." she said and followed Anna, although kept her distance. Only when they reached the cafeteria, she tapped Anna on the shoulder. "Shall we sit together?" Maria asked. She continued by looking around in the cafeteria, scanning the area to look if Serena was here. She saw her sitting on a distance from the group but didn't try to bother her once again.

Silas von Wainright

Silas stood up from the table and slammed both hands on the table and shouted; "I'm hungry again!" almost looking angry the boy walked towards the kitchen. Once he was in the kitchen he opened the fridge and looked inside of it. Ignoring anyone who was in the kitchen. After searching in the big fridge he took out a pie that was inside of it. Well, it wasn't really a pie, it was a flan. But that didn't matter to Silas. Along with a carrot that was lying there. With his hands full of the food he exited the kitchen again and sat down in the cafeteria. "I need to fill my belly with food before I night time begins." he would say to anyone who would question his weird behavior.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Anna Brunhild

There she was, enjoying a nice moment of relaxation in the cafeteria. Both eyes closed and leaning back into the palms behind her head, fingers intertwined. She wasn't sleeping, no, she'd read the rules. She exhaled and smiled a bit. The sounds of the cafeteria weren't really what one could call 'relaxing', but when you were raised in a city without any truly quiet areas, you learned not to really mind the sounds. She wasn't like that for long, since the thief had felt a tap on the shoulder. If it was that stupid bear, she'd give him an earful about how she wasn't really sleeping and how much of a dumbass the bear was.

Anna cracked open an eyelid to check out who wanted to bother her. It was the nun. 'Great. If she starts talking about how I'm going to hell or starts trying to convert me, I swear I'm definitely going to go crazy...' she thought, giving a sigh before answering Maria. "Yeah, sure. Don't matter to me," she said idly, using one hand to gesture to the vacant seat in front of her. The situation would either go smoothly or go horribly, Anna noted, mixing a nun with a unrepentant sinner probably wouldn't be such a good idea. 'Then again, grand larceny isn't a good idea either,' Anna thought before returning to her previous position.

Astolfo Garneau


Astolfo straightened, eyes widening after reading Octavia's most recent message. Did he bring any games along with him? The whole business with the evil bear, the introductions, and the murder school kind of distracted him from thinking of anything like that. But now that he had time... The pink haired gamer frantically searched through his pockets for anything, placing everything and anything he found on the table before him. Like a PS Vita. And charger. A 3DS. And charger. And games. A DSi. No charger. There were games though. And that was just his jacket pockets!

Before the two was an odd assortment of objects. It was almost a miracle how they managed to fit onto a person and a bag, which Astolfo had ran back to his old classroom to look for after noticing he didn't have it on him. Naturally, there was a bunch of stuff he couldn't fit, like a PS3 or Xbox 360. But it basically seemed like he had brought an entire armada of assorted video games. An almost comical amount, really.

"...Yeah!" Astolfo chirped, finally answering Octavia's question as to if he had brought games or not.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Morrigatdoom


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Serena Bellerose

Serena couldn’t help but flinch a bit when she noticed Anna come in. She didn’t trust her most—she broke into her room and the bathroom she was in with no hesitation. She figured if anyone would end up being a killer, it would probably be the thief. Well, in Serena’s mind, everyone besides her was probably poised to kill any of them at any moment. And who better a target than a princess. Monokuma probably planned this all to get rid of an important political figure—herself.

She was relieved that no one—not even the waitress—seemed to come over to her once she was in the cafeteria. If things could continue like this during her whole time at Orion Academy, maybe Serena would be safe! Maybe she would survive and get home! That was all the Super High School Level Princess could ask for: not being killed and hopefully not having many of these people talk to her.

Edie Jensen

As people seemed to come into and out of the kitchen, Edie crossed her arms and furrowed her eyebrows. She was used to a kitchen being very orderly, and everyone coming in and out—especially people who had a lot to gain by tampering with food—after all, if someone poisoned the food and killed one (or even more than one) person, there wouldn’t be an easy way to know what happened… it wouldn’t end well for everyone.

Edie walked out into the cafeteria, arms still folded, looking at everyone. ”Ok, I hate being bossy, but I think we’re really going to have limit who is and isn’t allowed in the cafeteria. We can’t just have people wandering in, doing whatever they want whenever they want,” she said, her gaze looking over towards Silas. ”If we let anyone and everyone go into the cafeteria, there’s no telling what will happen to the food. So I’m saying for now that only Morgan and I should be going into the kitchen,” she said firmly, a slight nod to herself.
”Anyone have any problems with that?” she asked, not accusatorily but out of genuine curiosity.

Iris Bradley

Iris offered a small wave to Conrad, though she still had her solemn as usual look on her face. ”Everyone ended up going to the cafeteria to eat,” she explained simply. She looked between the two: the sobbing boy with the sweater and the Super High School Level ballet dancer who was in her leotard now. It was definitely an odd pairing, and hopefully either one of them wasn’t going to kill the other, or they weren’t going to go and kill each other—last thing that needed to happen was for anyone to give into Despair, whether it was hers or not.

”You two weren’t planning anything, were you?” she asked. Although she figured that if either of them were planning murder they wouldn’t say, it didn’t exactly hurt to ask. ”Are you guys planning on heading to the cafeteria? I explored all that I could of the first floor… there’s not much around here,” Iris said with a small shrug.


Monokuma didn’t exactly expect anyone to murder just yet—they just finished their wonderful opening ceremony and were probably tired after all! Of course, that didn’t mean that Monokuma didn’t expect that someone would kill. Oh, Monokuma was VERY sure someone would kill another, and soon at that. However, that didn’t make everything right, after all, there was definitely some contraband that some of the students somehow managed to sneak in!

From a puff of smoke, much like how he entered before, Monokuma appeared in the cafeteria, in front of the table that Octavia and Astolfo were sitting at. ”Warning! Warning! Illegal materials present! Illegal materials present!” Monokuma shouted, waving his arms, eyes deadest on the miniature mountain of video games and handhelds that Astolfo had. ”Where did you pull these from? Video games are not items to be used on a school campus! Super High School Level Gamer or not! I’ll be taking these!” Monokuma said, quickly scooping up everything that Astolfo had piled on the table into his arms.

”And don’t let me catch you with anymore video games, young man. Or you can expect to be punished! Upupupupu…” Monokuma laughed before disappearing into thin air, all of Astolfo’s handhelds and video games gone as well.
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