Nimda said
Have you ever read "Discord Writes a Fanfic?"
Yes. Yes I have. It's hilarious.
Nimda said
Have you ever read "Discord Writes a Fanfic?"
The_J said
*Drowns in the feels*MAKE IT STOP!
Balance said
Apparently we're going to a Thanksgiving party. My dad doesn't have his phone for his hotspot.
Nimda said
Awkay. Laters. I guess I'll explain the thing.
Balance said
Ooh, I don't have to go yet. Although when I do go I'll only be able to get on the internet in emergencies (unless I steal my dad's phone).
The_J said
Can someone just explain to me what Misty and Nova are on about?
The_J said
Right, so that's what they were on about?
Balance said
Yeah. They were trying to figure out how to search the mindscape better.
Nimda said
I love how you have one of the youngest pictures of Asuna out there XD
Balance said
-Nova- *sits down in the grass, thinking again. Suddenly, she spins around, freezing bullets in place from a group of mercenaries who are stronger than the last group* Great. Great, great, great. Absolutely wonderful!-Anna- So, David, how do we celebrate Thanksgiving?
Balance said
I liked it the most. I have no idea what she's supposed to look like! I don't watch anime.
Balance said
Even though I'm sure he has a way out, of course Ma'at's not going to kill Accelerator if she had the chance.
Nimda said
You should give it a shot.Same for Accelerator.
Balance said
Hey, what rank is Baphumet?
Nimda said
Balance said
Is she the only S? Or are there others?
Nimda said
She's the only S, currently. Accelerator and Ma'at are the only A's I know of.How did she reverse that? He broke the chemical bonds of the molecules, rebonding them as toxic compunds.
Balance said
Mmkay.Unbond them (with a reactant if needed) and then bond them again in the right ways (with a reactant if needed). It takes a lot of calculation though.